Found 36 books

[en] So You Want to Be a Writer Writer's Digest Books

Moorer, Sherri Fulmer

[en] Let's Get Visible Arriba Arriba Books

Gaughran, David

[en] The Dating Itinerary Entangled Publishing, LLC (Lovestruck)

Williams, Brooke

[en] The Rakehell of Roth Entangled Publishing, LLC

[en] [Busy Writer's Guides 06] • Twitter for Authors Tongue Untied Communications

Kennedy, Marcy

[en] The Indie Author Revolution Bookhouse Fulfillment

Beevas, Dara M.

[en] Becoming a Writer J.P. Tarcher

Brande, Dorothea

[en] From Print to Ebooks · a Hybrid Publishing Toolkit for the Arts Institute of Network Cultures

Collective, DPT & Bruijn, Marc de & Castro, Liz & Cramer, Florian & Kircz, Joost & Lorusso, Silvio & Murtaugh, Michael & Pol, Pia & Rasch, Miriam & Riphagen, Margreet

[en] Information architecture for the World Wide Web O'Reilly Media

Morville, Peter & Rosenfeld, Louis