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1-octen-3-ol. See octenol
absolute essences, 154. See also odorant compounds
acacia gum (gum arabic), 63, 95, 100t
acceptable daily intake (ADI), 176–77, 220
acesulfame potassium (acesulfame K), 141
acetic acid: esters containing, 164; molecular structure, 18, 19; natural and synthetic identical, 10; as principal compound of vinegar, 10, 17–18, 127; taste enhanced by, 126; uniqueness lost below the molecular level, 17; using without hesitation, 28
acetals, 162–63
Achatz, Grant, 106t
acidifiers, 126
acids, 28, 117, 121, 126–29, 164. See also amino acids; fatty acids; mineral salts; and specific acids
acrolein, 214
acrylamide, 213–14
acrylicterpenes, 165
ADI. See acceptable daily intake
adragante gum, 95
adulteration: of foods, 219; of wine, 6–8, 14, 124
aerosols, 77, 77t
Aethusacynapium, 206–7
Aframomumangustifolium, 207
Aframomummelegueta, 207
agar-agar, 63, 93, 212; in note-by-note recipes, 229, 231, 234
agarose, 93, 136
Agastachegenus, 207
agriculture, 35, 215–16, 217–19
air, 66. See also foams; gases
alcohol (beverages): additives (accepted and not), 6–8, 21, 124, 125–26, 145, 162; ethanol in, 80, 138–39; taste and smell of food heightened by, 169. See also ethanol; wine
alcohols (compounds), 137–39, 159, 161–62. See also specific alcohols
aldehydes, 162–63
algae, 62, 89, 91, 93, 136, 177. See also alginates
alginates, 62, 64, 91–93, 112. See also sodium alginate
alginic acid, 91, 92
aliphatic compounds, 161–64
alitame, 143
Allais, Alphonse, 167
aluminum and aluminum salts, 124, 125, 180, 181
amaranthe, 177
amino acids, 129–32; flavoring agents derived from, 144; glutamic acid, 80, 117, 131, 131, 144; Maillard reactions, 132, 135, 155; molecular structure, 129–30, 130; named, 131; recovered from milk, wheat, 27; in wine and bouillon, 80
amylopectin, 9, 26–27, 98, 136–37
amylose, 9, 26, 98, 136–37
Anacyclus pyrethrum, 208
Anadenantheragenus, 208
anethole, 167
Angelica sinensis, 208
annatto, 179
Annonasquamosa, 208
anthocyanins, 82, 180–81
antioxidants, 30, 90t, 183, 212
appearance of food, 55, 56–57, 172–74. See also color; shape and form
Apple Pearls, Opalines, and Lemon Granita (dish), 199, 228
apples: cracking and fractionation of, 215; odorant compounds in, 163; pectin content, 61, 96, 182; POP2 derived from, 182; sensations while eating, 59
aqueous solutions: defined, 68; egg white as, 78; formulae for, 77–78; juice and wine as, 80 (see also juices; wine); in mayonnaise, 74; in note-by-note cooking, 83, 86–87, 228, 229, 235–36; potassium hydroxide (lye), 121; saliva as, 68
Arène, Paul, 49
arginine, 4, 131
aroma and aromatic, as terms, 13, 157, 158, 162, 166
aromatic compounds. See odorant compounds
aromatic plants, 145, 150, 166
arsenic, 124
Artemisia umbelliformis, 209
artificial. See natural vs. artificial
artificial fish product. See surimi
artificial meat. See fibré
artificial vegetable tissue. See conglomèle
artistic choice, 185–93
ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), 126, 129, 183
aspartame, 117, 120, 141–42
astringency, 180–81. See also tannins
atoms, defined, 18–19. See also molecules
authenticity and labeling, 8, 89, 221
baking soda. See sodium bicarbonate
basil, 31, 158, 207
bass notes, 168
beef, 9, 80, 108t, 167
beer, 46, 47, 118–19, 145
bees, 134
Beetroot Red (betanin), 180
beets, 83, 180, 230–31
benzaldehyde, 152, 157, 166
benzene, 166, 182
benzopyrene, 24, 31
benzylmercaptan, 21–22
Berchoux, Joseph, 20
Bernardé, Nicolas, 191
beta-carotene, 19, 36, 179
Biffi, Jean-Pierre, 32
bitterness: of beer, 46, 47, 118–19, 145; bitterants, 145–46; extracting bitter compounds, 144–45
blue coloring agents, 177
Bocuse, Paul, 197
borage (Borago officinalis), 209
borax, 126
boric acid, 126
bouillon, 21–22, 80, 91
brain: adaptability of, 202; and contrast recognition, 39; golden brain fable, 49–52; and hardness/softness perception, 104; and imperfection, 45; and music, 189; and taste and odor perception, 68, 119, 120, 172–73; visual perception by, 39, 54, 173–74
bread, 8, 64, 132, 167, 213–14
Brillat-Savarin, Jean-Anthelme, 20, 63, 64
brown coloring agents, 178–79. See also caramel
calcium lactate, 112, 228
Camaroon cardamom, 207
cancer, 30. See also carcinogens
canthaxanthin, 180
capsaicin, 28, 151, 170. See also peppers, hot
caramel, 135–36, 144, 178–79, 228, 233
Caramel and Péligots, 228
carbohydrates, 132–33, 203. See also sugars
carboxylic acids, 164
carcinogens: in plants, 207, 208; in smoked products, 14, 24, 25, 31; in various spices and aromatic plants, 31, 158–59. See also toxicity
Carême, Marie-Antoine, 64, 65, 191–92, 196
carmine and carminic acid, 175
carmoisine (red dye), 175, 176, 177
carob gum, 62, 94
carotenes, 179. See also beta-carotene; carotenoids
carotenoids, 221. See also beta-carotene; carotenes
carrageenans, 62, 91, 93–94; availability of, 64, 212; classification of, 100t; in note-by-note recipes, 231, 234
carrots: color of, 12, 19, 179; cooking with, 39, 89, 104t; cultivated vs. wild, 12; shape and preparation of, 39; sugars in, 12, 92, 133, 134
carvone, 166
cellulose and cellulose derivatives, 97–98, 136, 203–4, 219, 235
chamomile, Spanish, 208
Chantilly Chocolate, 224
cheese, 46, 104t, 127, 164
chemistry: and the analysis of sugars, 133; benefits of, 134–35, 219; “chemical” compounds as misnomer, 9–10, 21; chemical reactions defined, 8, 11; chemist’s world view, 69; childhood experiments in, 127–28; cooking compared to, 1–2, 10–11, 214; cooking informed by, 169; extraction and processing methods, 153–55; fractionation and cracking, 27, 214–15 (see also fractions and fractionation); history of, 121–22, 132–33, 138, 141–43, 152–53, 166, 218 (see also specific individuals); lab safety, 213; language (formulae) for describing reactions, 76–77; molecular gastronomy as, 20; need for, 134–35; note-by-note cooking not chemistry, 8, 11, 21; popular opposition to, 34, 181–82, 219; of sugar molecules, 69–71; synthesizing compounds (see synthetic compounds); and the term “carbohydrate,” 133; vocabulary of, 19. See also fractions and fractionation; molecules; synthetic compounds; and specific compounds and types of compounds
“Chemistry and Physics in the Kitchen” (Kurti and This-Benckhard), 5–7, 20–21
chewing: duration of, 59, 69; and flavor, 59, 68–69; food heated by, 150; hardness/softness perceived by, 71–72, 104t; liquid released by, 63; noise of, 57; odorant compounds released by, 69, 150; of solids, 67–69
chlorophylls, 19, 175, 177–78
chocolate, 24, 72, 79, 115, 160, 224
cinnamaldehyde, 152, 166–67, 191
cinnamon, 152, 160, 166–67, 209
cinnamon apple (plant), 208
cis-4-heptanal, 163
citral, 69, 165
citric acid, 127–28; in foams, 82; recipes using, 228, 229; taste enhanced by, 126; uniqueness lost below molecular level, 17; using without hesitation, 28
Citric Vauquelin, 229
citrus, 4, 145, 160, 163, 166. See also citral; limonene; and specific citrus fruits
Clauss, Karl, 141
cochineal, 175, 176
collagen and collagenic tissue, 26, 60, 80, 89, 130–31
colloids, 66, 75–76. See also gels; specific colloids
color, 172–84; beta-carotene and, 36; coloring agents, 90t, 172, 174–82, 212 (see also specific colors); of mirabelle plums, 47; and taste perception, 55, 172–74; unpredictability when mixing pigments, 28
complexity, introducing, 46. See also dimension; shape and form
compositions, 23, 162, 168–69, 216–17, 221, 235–36
compounds: availability of (selection and supply), 210–17; certifying authenticity of, 221; “chemical” compounds as misnomer, 9–10, 21; colors of, in pure form, 19; defined, 9; determining safety of, 176–77 (see also safety; toxicity); erasing the distinction between traditional foods and, 99–101; learning to cook with, 4–5, 35–36 (see also recipes and suggestions); mirror-image compounds, 128–29; molecules and, 16–19 (see also molecules); natural vs. synthetic compounds, 10–11, 15–16, 21, 34, 156–57 (see also the natural vs. the artificial); nature and purity of, 26–27; number of possible combinations, 29; results unpredictable when combined, 28; storage of, 221. See also regulation; and specific compounds and types of compounds
concavity, and convexity, 43–44. See also convex polyhedrons
concrete essences, 154. See also odorant compounds
cones, 44–45
conglomèle, 83–84, 85–86, 104t, 235
consistency, 54–112; additives and, 89–101 (see also gelling agents; thickening agents); contrasting consistencies, 55, 71–72, 101–12, 10211t; defined, 56; dimension and, 84–87, 101–12, 10211t; and flavor, 59–63; food additives and, 89–101; friability (crumbliness), 69; importance of, 54–59; lightness, 30, 62; research and recreation of, 28–29; softness vs. hardness, 63–64, 70–72, 104t; studies involving, 56–59; vs. texture, 56, 59–60; types and dimensions of, 65–79. See also colloids; dispersed systems; emulsions; gases; gels; liquids; solids
constructivism, culinary, 190–93
contrast: contrasting consistencies, 55, 71–72, 101–12, 10211t (see also consistency); in cooking generally, 190; of heat vs. cold, 107t; perception of, 39, 54–55; of sweet vs. sour/tangy, 126–27
convex polyhedrons, 40–44, 41
cooking. See cooking as art; molecular cooking; note-by-note cooking; traditional cooking
cooking as art, 2, 22; architectural nature of cooking, 64; compared to other arts (see music; painting); constructing flavors, 190–93; cook’s intent, 1, 2–3, 32, 39, 49, 191; exploiting mathematical properties, 42–43; giving voice to one’s spirit, 52–53; joy of creating new dishes, 63; limiting novelty, 46; naming dishes, 193–98; search for novelty, 186–90, 204; shape and structure (see shape and form); substance and form (old vs. new), 186–90, 18788t. See also molecular cooking; note-by-note cooking; traditional cooking
copper pans, 60–61, 178
copper sulfate, 93–94, 124, 178, 219
Le Cordon Bleu. See École Le Cordon Bleu
corn starch, 74–75, 98, 232
costs of note-by-note cooking, 33–34. See also energy consumption
coumarin, 153, 209
cracking (chemical process), 215
crunchiness, 57
crystalline solids, 69–70, 70, 71
cubes, 42, 84, 102t, 104t, 108t. See also polyhedrons
cucumber salad, 197–98
curcumin, 174, 175
“Current Problems of Musical Composition” (Xenakis lecture), 189
cyclamates, 142
cyclamic acid, 142, 144
cyclicterpenes, 165–66
cylinders, 44–45, 103t
cysteine, 130, 131, 132, 213. See also amino acids
dairy products, 61–62, 127, 144, 163; in note-by-note recipes, 231, 234. See also cheese; milk
Dali, Salvador, 187t
Daudet, Alphonse, 49
Dead Leaf (recipe), 229
decanal, 163
Decoret, Jacques, 125
Descartes, René, 76
dilution(s), 159, 211
dimension, 84–87, 101–12, 10211t
dispersed systems, 75–80, 77t, 79. See also colloids; emulsions
dispersion of objects, 101, 1025t. See also dimension
distillations (of odorant compounds), 152, 154, 159
dodecanal, 163
dongquai, 208
d-sorbitol, 140
Dubois, Urbain, 196
Dumas, Jean-Baptiste, 152
dyes. See color: coloring agents
eating. See chewing; flavor; food; neophobia; odor; taste
École Le Cordon Bleu, 32, 107t, 199, 200
Effervescence (recipe), 229
eggs: chocolate mousse without, 224; coloration, 179; cysteine in, 132, 213; and emulsions, 89; molecular cooking and, 224; in note-by-note recipes, 83, 229–30, 232, 234–35; riboflavin derived from, 174; seasoning with salt, 124–25; whites, 9, 64, 78, 82–83, 87; yolks, 47, 62, 64, 75, 81, 89
Einstein, Albert, 81
emotion, evoked by cooking, 191
emulsifiers, 90t, 93–98; polyols as, 139–40; proteins and lecithins as, 89 (see also eggs: yolks; lecithins; proteins); uses, 61–62, 91, 212
emulsions: as dispersed systems, 77t, 78, 80–81; emulsification defined, 27; gelling agents and, 60 (see also gelling agents); gibbs and liebig, 83, 85, 86, 235; satiety after eating, 58–59. See also sauces
energy consumption, 33–34, 222–23
enfleurage, 151–52, 154
environmental concerns, 218–19. See also energy consumption
enzymes, 31, 131, 136, 140, 155, 183
erythrosine, 177
Escoffier, Georges-Auguste, 124–25, 196
essential oils, 152, 154; odorant compounds in, 162, 163, 165, 166, 167; safety and toxicity of, 207–8. See also odorant compounds
esters, 164
estragole, 31, 158–59, 207
ethanol, 28, 138–39; dissolving odorant compounds in, 159; in note-by-note recipes, 229; uniqueness lost below the molecular level, 17; used in making tinctures/infusions, 154; in wine, 80
ethylformate, 164
eugenol, 28, 151, 167, 170
extractions, 154. See also essential oils
“The Fable of the Man with the Golden Brain” (Daudet), 49–52
Fahlberg, Constantin, 142
Faraday, Michael, 166
farmers. See agriculture
fats, 80–81; milk fats, 214; nutritive value of, 24; taste of, 148–49. See also fatty acids; oils
fatty acids, 28, 81, 148, 203, 205
fenchone, 166
fennel, 151, 166, 167, 207
fertilizers, 217, 218
Fetu, Émile, 124
fibers, 104t, 106t, 107t. See also fibré
fibré (note-by-note dish), 86, 86–87, 229–30, 235
firming agents, 90t, 91
first impressions, 55, 172–74
Fischer, Emil, 92
fish, 124, 179. See also surimi
flavor: chewing and, 59, 68–69; consistency and, 59–63; constructing flavors, 190–93; duration of, 192–93; importance studied, 56–59; perception of, 23, 57, 68–69, 114, 117–18, 145; visual perception and, 55, 172–74 (see also color)
flavoring agents, 143–44. See also monosodium glutamate
floral scents, 160, 162
flour: and acrylamide, 213; anticaking agents in, 26; in sauces, 62, 91, 98; starches in, 136–37, 229.See also wheat
foams: as dispersed systems, 77t; emulsified foams, 78; foaming agents, 90t, 91; properties of, 82–83, 169; in a vauquelin, 229–30, 235–36
food: appearance of, 55, 56–57, 172–74 (see also color; shape and form); artificially reproducing existing foods, 29, 186; colloidal nature of all foods, 66; fear of new foods, 24–25; fresh vs. preserved or frozen, 3; “natural” foods not possible, 11–16; safety of (see safety; toxicity); sensory receptors stimulated by, 27–28; surface hardness/softness, 71–72; and trigeminal sensations, 170; water content of, 27. See also consistency; flavor; food additives; food industry; taste; and specific foods and types of food
food additives: acids, 126–29 (see also acids); antioxidants, 90t, 212 (see also antioxidants); approved categories, 90t; coloring agents, 90t, 172, 174–82, 212; and consistency, 89–101, 90t; problems posed by note-by-note cooking for, 211–12; flavoring agents, 90t, 143–44, 145 (see also monosodium glutamate); gelling agents, 60–64, 90t, 100t, 212 (see also gelatin; pectins); health risks feared, 99; legal definitions, 212; mineral salts, 125–26 (see also mineral salts); organic and mineral acids, 126–29; preservatives, 90t, 125, 126, 127, 212; rarely used by cooks, 81; regulation of, 26, 79, 89, 90t, 126, 211 (see also regulation); sweeteners, 30, 90t, 133–37, 139–43 (see also saccharides; sugars; sweeteners); thickening agents, 62–63, 90t, 94–99, 139–40, 212, 214. See also emulsifiers; food industry; odorant compounds; and specific additives
food industry: problems posed by note-by-note cooking for, 211–13; fractionation and cracking by, 27, 214–15; nomenclature used by, 222; odorant compounds used by, 161–69 (see also odorant compounds); OECs as shortcuts for, 23, 216–17; range of compounds manufactured by, 26.See also food additives; regulation; and specific foods and compounds
form. See shape and form; substance and form
fractions and fractionation, 27, 146, 210, 214–16, 218, 221
fresh sensations. See menthol; mint; trigeminal sensations
friability (crumbliness), 69
fructose, 28, 92, 134–35, 136, 139
fruit: browning of, 182–83; colors of, 179–80; cracking and fractionation of, 215; and the evolution of taste perception, 118; fractions more lucrative than, 35; as gel, 63; intense sweeteners in, 143; odorant compounds in and of, 160, 162–64; pectins in, 60, 96, 182; sugars in, 133, 134, 139–40. See also citrus; and specific fruits
Gagnaire, Pierre: Note-by-Note No. 1, 13, 32, 193, 199; other note-by-note dishes by, 85, 101, 108t, 199, 228, 233; publications, 46; traditional cooking by, 188t, 198
galactose, 93–96, 136
gases: in dispersed systems, 77–78, 77t (see also foams); hydrogen sulfide, 132, 213.See also air
gastronomy, 4, 20; molecular gastronomy, 5, 20
gauss, 232–33, 235
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 235
gelatin: amino acids from, 80; and dispersal of objects, 104t; energy costs of, 223; gelatin gels as non-Hookean solids, 68; meat and bones as source of, 60, 62, 89, 223; in note-by-note cooking, 86–87, 107t, 111t, 147, 232, 235, 236, 340; note-by-note cooking not limited to, 88; properties of, 61, 98, 131; purity and molecular content, 26; as S x W liquid, 84; in traditional cooking, 60, 62, 223. See also gels
gellan gum, 96
gelling agents, 60–64, 90t, 100t, 212. See also gelatin; pectins; thickening agents
gels: carrageenans and, 94; coagulation of physical vs. chemical gels, 87–88; defined, 63; as dispersed systems, 77, 77t, 78, 83–87; as non-Hookean solids, 68; objects embedded within, 106t; salt-water gel, 147; starches and, 98; used in molecular cooking, 63–64
Gentili, Bruno, 142
genuineness. See authenticity and labeling
gibbs, 83, 85, 86, 235
Gibbs, Josiah Willard, 235
Gilbert, Philéas, 124
ginseng, female, 208
glucose, 92, 133–34; as additive, 134; and amino acids, 132; as anticrystallant, 70; in bouillon, 80; and caramel, 136; and human energy metabolism, 92, 203; molecular structure, 120; in note-by-note recipes, 33, 228, 229, 232–33; polyols derived from, 139–40; solubility of, 98; taste of, 117; using without hesitation, 28; in various additives, 95, 96
glutamic acid, 80, 117, 131, 131, 144
glycerides, 27, 81. See also triglycerides
glycerol (glycerine), 133
glycine, 130, 131. See also amino acids
glycyrrhizic acid, 117, 120
grapefruit, 145–46, 158, 164
grapes, 27, 129, 180–81, 214, 229. See also wine
green coloring agents, 172, 182
Gringoire, Thomas, 197
guar gum, 62, 94–95
gumarabic (acacia gum), 62, 95, 100t
gums, 169. See also specific gums
Haber, Fritz, 218
hangovers, 138
hardness, 70–72. See also solids
head cold, 170
heat: and aspertame, 141–42; compounds created by, 9, 11; contrasting with cold, 107t; and density and viscosity, 73–74, 73t; energy costs of, 33–34, 222–23; and foams, 83; food heated by chewing, 150; and fruit, 60; and gels, 87, 100t; and meat, 9; over- and under-cooking, 55; and the production of POP2, 183; and storage issues, 221; and sugars, 64, 70, 134, 135–36; toxins released by, 213–14; used in note-by-note cooking, 64 (see also recipes and suggestions); and various compounds, 100t, 154, 169
hemlock, 206–7
heptanone, 46, 234
heterocycles, 167–68
hexenal, 163
Hildegard of Bingen, 208
Hladik, Claude Marcel, 118–19
honey, 8, 72, 117, 133, 134, 164
Hooke, Robert, 67
Hookean solids, 67, 67–68
Horowitz, Robert, 142
Hubel, David, 54
hydrocarbons, 161
hydrochloric acid, 121, 127
hydrogen sulfide, 132, 213
hydrolysis, 131–32
hydroxymethylfurfural, 134
hydroxyproline, 17, 130, 131. See also amino acids
hyssop, Mexican, 207
imperfection, 45–46
inclusion of objects, 101, 1067t. See also dimension
infusions (tinctures), 154
insects, 134, 215
International Workshop on Molecular and Physical Gastronomy, 224
Internet, 206–8
interpenetration of objects, 101, 11011t, 112. See also dimension
ionones, 166
ions, 123. See also mineral salts
isomalt, 139, 140, 231
jams and jellies: additives, 144; as interpenetration of phases, 78, 84; in note-by-note cooking, 88, 100t; pectin in, 60–61, 96, 142; tasting, 68
Jensen, Harald, 141
juices: from fruits and vegetables, 58, 80, 83, 182, 214; from meats, 60, 80 (see also bouillon)
katemfe fruit, 143
ketones, 163
Kuentz, Aline, 32
Kurti, Nicholas, 5–7, 20–21
lactic acid, 126, 127
lactitol, 136, 139, 140
lactose, 93
La Varenne, François Pierre de, 1, 195
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent de, 76–77, 236
lead, 14, 124
lecithins, 81, 89, 232
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 76
lemonade, artificial, 127–28
Lemon Granita, 199, 228
lemon(s), 4, 163, 183. See also citral; citrus; limonene
Lessourd, Frédéric, 232
leucine, 130, 131. See also amino acids liebig, 85, 86, 235
Liebig, Justus von, 152, 235
limonene: cost of, 159; as cyclic compound, 156; in lemon granita, 228; odor of, 4, 46, 129, 156, 191; uniqueness lost below the molecular level, 17
lipids, 203
liquid nitrogen, 31, 60, 112, 126, 220
liquids, 71–72; concavity and, 43; in dispersed systems, 75–78, 77t, 83; inside a pearl, 106t; liquid compounds, 4, 19; Newtonian vs. non-Newtonian liquids, 73–75; properties of, 37, 66, 72–75, 73; satiety after eating, 58–59; viscosity, 60, 72–75, 73; water- vs. oil-based liquids, 76, 77. See also aqueous solutions; bouillon; juices; oils; water
love, as aspect of cooking, 1, 2–3, 52
lutein, 180
lycopene, 180
lye, 121
Maetz, Hubert, 32
Maillard, Louis Camille, 132
Maillard reactions, 132, 135, 155
maltitol, 136, 139, 140
maltose, 136, 139, 140
mannitol, 136, 140
mannose, 94, 95, 96, 136
mayonnaise: beating duration, 60, 81, 192; commercially prepared, 222; viscosity of, 56, 74–77, 81
measurement, 124–25, 234
meat: browning, 9; chewing’s effect on, 63; and contrasts, 55; dimensional formula for, 86, 104t; energy used in cooking, 34; as gel, 63; gelatin extracted from meat/bones, 60, 62, 89, 223; health risks, 24, 99; juices, 60, 80 (see also bouillon); as non-Hookean solid, 68; odors of, 150; proteins in, 87–88, 203; slow cooking, 131; terrines, 88, 89; trace elements in, 124. See also fibré
mendeleev, 235
Mendeleev, Dmitri Ivanovich, 235
menthol: forms of, 166; freshening sensation of, 28, 166, 170; odor, 160, 221; preparation of, 155
metals, 181. See also aluminum and aluminum salts methanol, 97, 139, 139
metric conversions, 234
middle notes, 168–69
milk: challenges of cooking with, 63; flavor and odor masked by, 169; flavoring agents and, 144; in note-by-note recipes, 228, 231, 234; products of fractionation, 27, 214; products of processing, 26
mineral acids, 127
mineral salts, 80, 121–26, 180, 214. See also specific mineral salts
mineral water, 122–23
mint, 22, 46, 47, 166, 221
mirabelle (yellow plum), 47
molecular cooking: critiques of, 63, 179; deconstruction in, 187t, 191; defined, 20; emblematic techniques, 63–64, 112; equipment used, 63–64, 216; evoking emotion through, 191; gels used, 63–64; history of, 20, 224; learning, 35; obtaining ingredients, 212–13; recipes, 224; thickening and gelling additives used, 99 (see also gelling agents; thickening agents); traditional cooking not replaced by, 33
molecular gastronomy, 5, 20
molecules: and compounds, 9, 16–19, 18; defined, 9; “handedness” of, 128–29; oligomers and polymers, 92 (see also polymers); water molecules, 9, 10, 17, 18, 18–19. See also specific compounds and substances
Moles, Abraham, 76
monosaccharides, 92, 93, 94, 132, 136, 137. See also saccharides; and specific sugars
monosodium glutamate, 80, 117, 131–32, 144; in note-by-note cooking, 229, 231
mushrooms: 3-octanol’s odor reminiscent of, 161; mannitol found in, 140; morels, 185; octenol and, 3–4, 139, 162, 191; pigments in, 179; wholesome vs. poisonous, 15; wild vs. fresh, 3
music: innovations in, 22–23, 33, 186–89, 18788t, 204, 216; nature often imitated by, 48; structure and contrast in, 190
myristicin, 31, 156
names of dishes. See nomenclature
“natural” foods, 11–12, 14
natural vs. artificial, 11–16, 156–57; artificial as “good” or “bad,” 15; artificially reproducing existing foods, 29, 186; coloring agents, 181–82; natural not always best/safest, 205; natural vs. synthetic compounds, 10–11, 15–16, 21, 34, 156–57
neohesperidinedihydrochalcone, 142
neophobia, 24–25
Newtonian liquids, 73–74. See also liquids
Nignon, Édouard, 145, 197
nitrate(s), 122, 126, 218. See also potassium nitrate
nitrites, 126
nomenclature (naming dishes), 8, 193–200, 221–22, 235–36
non-Hookean solids, 68–69
non-Newtonian liquids, 74–75. See also liquids
nonpolyhedral solids, 44–49
Note-by-Note Beet Soufflé with an Orange Center, 230–31
note-by-note cooking: as an art, 32–33 (see also cooking as art); attraction of, 32; breadth of possibilities for, 29, 185–86; compared to other arts (see music; painting); by consumers, 21; critiques of, 63; disruptive power of, 211–13, 220; economics of, 33–34, 222–23; first note-by-note dish, 13, 32, 193, 199; health risks of, 30–31 (see also safety; toxicity); history of, 5–8, 20–22, 32, 198–99; learning, 4–5, 35–36; and nomenclature (naming dishes), 198–200; not chemistry, 8, 11, 21; and nutrition, 29–30, 202–4 (see also nutrition); political aspects of, 217–25; precision of, with regard to taste, 147–48; proper use of OECs, 168–69; resistance and social acceptance, 8, 24–25, 33–35, 99, 116, 223–25; technological questions, 26–29; term defined, 1–5. See also recipes and suggestions; and specific topics and compounds
Note-by-Note Mozzarella, 231
Note-by-Note No. 1 (first note-by-note dish), 13, 32, 193, 199
Note-by-Note Pie Crust, 232
Note-by-Yolk, 200, 232–33
novelty, 186–90, 18788t, 204
number(s), 42–43. See also polyhedrons
nutmeg, 31, 156
Nutrasweet, 143
nutrigenics, 30
nutrition, 2–3, 25, 203–4; note-by-note cooking and, 203–4, 220; vitamins and dietary supplements, 30, 204, 218–19 (see also ascorbic acid). See also carcinogens; safety; toxicity
obesity, 29–30, 139, 141, 202
octanal, 163
octenol (1-octen-3-ol), 3–4, 139, 162, 191, 233
odor, 38–39, 150–71; and anticipation, 55; attraction of, 151; combining odors, 150–51; complexity of odors, 46; detected while eating, 59, 150; enhanced by neohesperidinedihydrochalcone, 142; importance of, 57; mechanism of olfaction, 157–58, 158, 173; odorigenic, as descriptor, 162, 166; orthonasal vs. retronasal odors, 150; perception of contrast, 39; and taste perception, 114; vocabulary for, 159–60.See also odorant compounds; olfactory receptors; and specific foods and compounds
odorant compounds: acids and, 126; artificial and synthetic compounds, 88, 155–57; binding with gelatin, 60; classification of, 160–68; cost of, 159; in emulsions, 81; extraction and processing methods, 151–56; and flavor, 36, 59; manipulating, 151–53, 159; OECs, 23, 162, 168–69, 216–17; released by chewing, 59; results unpredictable when combined, 28; salt and, 143–44; volatility and threshold perception, 157–58; in wine and grape juice, 214. See also odor; and specific compounds
odorigenic extracts and compositions (OECs), 23, 162, 168–69, 216–17. See also composition; odorant compounds
oils: defined, 68; in dispersed systems, 75, 77–78, 77t, 80–81; extracting compounds with, 145–46; in foams, 82; forming a paste with, 78; history of, 151; in note-by-note recipes, 230, 232–33, 234; and odors, 151–52, 159; oil gels, 83; overheating, 214; in surimi, 88; and the taste of fatty acids, 148–49; triglycerides in, 9, 80–81, 148; uses, in note-by-note cooking, 107t. See also essential oils; fats
oleoresins, 154
olfactory receptors, 28, 157, 158, 173
oligoelements, 204
oligosaccharides, 92, 136
onion(s): bitterness of browned onions, 145; caramelizing, 213; hint of, in benzyl mercaptan, 22; sugars in, 92, 133, 134, 136
orange (color), 12, 13, 36
oranges (fruit), 4, 58, 142, 163. See also citrus; limonene
organic and mineral acids, 126–29. See also acids; amino acids; and specific acids
organic compounds, 121–22
oxalic acid and oxalates, 209
painting (art): color-mixing, 178; innovations in, 14, 23, 33, 48–49, 186, 18788t; making paints, 78; structure and contrast in, 190
paprika extract, 179
Paracelsus, 25, 206
paraethylphenol, 5–7, 7, 229
Parmentier, Antoine-Augustin, 35, 223–24
pasta, 102t, 104t, 106t, 229
Pasteur, Louis, 128, 128–29
pearls, 101–12; dispersal/superposition formulae and suggested uses, 102t, 104t, 106t, 108t; making, 83–84, 86, 112, 228, 229; in molecular cooking, 102t, 229. See also conglomèle
pectins, 96–97; esterified pectins, 61, 97, 100t; extracted from apple pulp, 182; as food additive, 62; and jams and jellies, 60–61, 96, 142; molecular structure, 61, 97; properties of, 100t; and the sensation of satiety, 58
péligot, 136, 235; péligot disks, 101, 228
Péligot, Eugène-Melchior, 101, 135, 152, 235
pepper, black, 28, 46, 47, 170
pepper, Melegueta (alligator), 207
peppers, hot, 28, 170
peptides, 27, 131, 203
perfumes and perfumery, 23, 155–56, 162, 165, 168–69
phases (types) of matter, 66
phenolic compounds, 167; browning of fruits and vegetables due to, 182–83; POP2 (yellow dye), 182–84; in a sauce, 33; toxic risks, 31; in wine, 80, 214
phloridzin, 182–83
phosphoric acid, 126, 127
Pie Crust, Note-by-Note, 232
piperine, 28, 170. See also pepper, black
place settings, 44
plants: aromatic, 145, 150, 166; safety of, 206–9.See also fruit; vegetables
plate, 37–38
Plato, 14. See also Platonic forms; Platonic solids
Platonic forms, 46–47
Platonic solids, 40–42, 41
polydextrose, 98
polyhedrons, 40–44, 41, 47
polymers, 71–72, 91, 92. See also alginates; specific polymers
polyols, 137, 139–40
Polyphenol Caramel Disk, 199, 233
polysaccharides, 27, 91, 136, 137. See also alginates
POP2 (yellow dye), 182–84
potassium chloride, 121
potassium hydroxide (lye), 121
potassium nitrate (saltpeter), 123, 126
potatoes: health risks, 31; history of, 35, 223–24; shape and preparation of, 39, 41 (see also polyhedrons); starch from, 9, 98; sugars in, 92
Potel & Chabot (catering company), 32, 199–200
preservatives: for food, 90t, 126, 127, 212 (see also preserved foods); in wine, 8, 125
preserved foods, 3, 24–25. See also preservatives; smoked foods
proteins: amino acids and, 130–31; cooking, 131–32; dispersal of, 76–78, 77t; in egg whites, 9; as emulsifiers, 89; insects as potential source of, 215; molecular structure, 133; nutritional need for, 203; recovered from milk, wheat, 27; in saliva, 136–37; on tongue (see sapictive receptors)
pungency, 170. See also pepper, black; peppers, hot; spices; trigeminal sensations
Pure Bisque, 233
pure compounds, 210–14
purity of compounds, 26–27, 211
quicklime, 121
quinine, 144, 145
quinones, 183
rebaudioside A (from stevia), 143
red coloring agents, 175–77, 179–80
regulation: authenticity and labeling, 8, 89, 221; coloring agents (approved), 174–81; defining “natural” foods, 12; and the names of dishes, 221–22; need for, 31, 219–20; use of aroma regulated, 13; of various food additives, 26, 79, 89, 90t, 143, 211; of white alcohols, 138
Remsen, Ira, 142
resinoids, 154. See also odorant compounds
restaurants, 34, 179, 211, 212, 215, 221–24
rheofluidifying liquids, 74. See also mayonnaise
rheothickening liquids, 74–75
riboflavin, 174
rice starch, 9, 26–27, 98
Roasted Flour Cookies, 233–34
Rosier-Labouré, Hélène, 58–59
sabayon, 62
saccharides, 28, 92. See also specific saccharides
saccharine, 142
Sacchi, Bartolomeo, 194–95
safety, 31; adulterated foods, 219; of beneficial compounds, 205–6; of coloring agents, 176, 181–84; of compounds generally, 205; concentration (dosage) and, 206; determining, for various compounds, 176–77, 183–84, 220; of food additives, 99; Internet unreliable regarding, 206–8; kitchen safety, 31, 126, 213, 220 (see also hydrogen sulfide); of natural/wild foods, 205; of plants, 206–9; of smoked foods, 14, 24, 25; synthesizing compounds oneself, 213–14; of traditional foods, 14, 24, 29–31, 99, 207–9. See also carcinogens; toxicity
safrole, 208
saliva, 36, 68, 119, 136, 180. See also chewing
salt (sodium chloride): concentration and taste, 115; forming a paste with, 78; in note-by-note cooking, 147; as preservative, 25; properties of, 36, 143–44; in a sauce, 33; seasoning eggs with, 124–25; structure of, 72, 121, 123; in surimi, 88; uniqueness lost below the molecular level, 17; used in food manufacturing, 26
saltpeter, 123, 126
sapictive receptors, 68, 119; biology of, 28, 119, 120, 173; importance of stimulating, 28; map incorrect, 115–16. See also flavor; taste
sapid compounds, 28, 81, 115, 118–21, 120
satiety, sensation of, 58–59
sauces: collagen and, 60; in note-by-note cooking, 33–34, 233, 236; properties of, 81; sweet-and-sour sauces, 126; thickening agents, 62–63, 91, 98; thickening meat juices for, 60; wine reduction, 33
Saulnier, Louis, 197
Schlatter, James, 141
Schutz, H. G., 56–58
selection and supply of compounds, 210–17
selenium, 124
“Sens dessus dessous” (dish), 71–72
shape and form, 37–49, 52; dispersion and superposition of objects of various dimensions, 10211t; importance of structure, 38–40; nonpolyhedral solids, 44–49; polyhedrons, 40–44, 41; symmetry, 42, 44–46; topology, 47–48
sheets, 103t, 1059t, 111t
siphons, 64, 112
small hemlock, 206–7
smell, sense of. See odor; odorant compounds; olfactory receptors
smoked foods, 14, 24, 25
sodium alginate: derivation and properties, 91, 100t; in note-by-note cooking, 83–84, 87, 100t, 228
sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), 28, 117, 127–28, 178, 180
sodium nitrite, 126
softness, 63–64, 70–72
solids, 66–72; crystalline vs. noncrystalline solids, 69–71, 70; defined, 66; deformation of, 66–68; in dispersed systems, 77, 77t; hardness or softness of, 70–72; Hookean solids, 67, 67–68; non-Hookean solids, 68–69; nonpolyhedral solids, 44–49; polyhedrons, 40–44, 41; sensation of satiety after eating, 58–59. See also shape and form
solubility: water-insoluble compounds, 69; water-soluble compounds, 27, 36, 69, 82
solutions, 145–46
sorbet, 60, 106t
sorbitol, 88, 136, 139, 140
sotolon, 4
soup, 58–59, 195, 233. See also bouillon
sourness, 126–27. See also acids
spheres, 44–45, 47. See also pearls
spices: aromatic plants, 145, 150, 166; healthful properties of, 151; odorant compounds in, 151, 165, 166, 167, 168; pungent spices, 169, 170 (see also pepper, black; peppers, hot); safety and toxicity of, 31, 158, 207; taste-activating compounds in, 4; and trigeminal sensations, 169, 174. See also essential oils; and specific spices
spinach, 172, 178, 209
stabilizers, 96, 139–40
starches: compounds in, 9; corn starch, 74–75, 98, 232; in note-by-note recipes, 232, 233–34; polyols from, 139–40; reticulated starches, 99; rice starch, 9, 26–27, 98; in surimi, 88; as thickening agent, 62, 74–75, 98–99, 100t. See also amylopectin; amylose
stevia, 143
strings, 63–64; creating, 87; dimensional formulae and uses of, 85, 87, 104t, 10810t
structure, 38–49, 190. See also shape and form
substance and form (old vs. new), 186–90, 18788t
sucralose, 142–43
sucrose (sugar): appeal of, 15; and caramel, 135–36, 178–79 (see also caramel); concentration and taste, 115; crystalline vs. noncrystalline structures, 69–71; and dental cavities, 139; effects of heating on, 64 (see also caramel); in foams, 82; forming a paste with, 78; as Hookean solid, 68; in jams and jellies, 60, 68; in note-by-note recipes, 229, 230, 234; nutritive value of, 24; polyols derived from, 139–40; sugar molecule, 17, 133, 135; used in food manufacturing, 26; using without hesitation, 28. See also sugars
sugars, 92, 132–40; and amino acids, 132; in fruits and vegetables, 12, 118; heat and, 64, 70, 134, 135–36; molecular structure, 133, 137; in wine and grape juice, 214. See also fructose; galactose; glucose; sucrose; sweeteners; and other sugars
sulfates, 93–94
sulfides, 125–26
sulfur, 8, 124, 125
sulfur compounds, 22. See also benzyl mercaptan
superposition of objects, 101, 1045t, 107t, 1089t, 11011t, 112. See also dimension
surimi, 88, 232
suspensions, 77, 77t, 78–79
Sveda, Michael, 142
sweeteners: caramelizing artificial sweeteners, 213; food industry’s use of, 30, 90t; intense sweeteners, 140–43; polyols, 139–40. See also saccharides; sugars; and specific sweeteners and saccharides
sweetness, 115–17, 126–27, 144. See also sugars; sweeteners
symmetry, 42, 44–46
syneresis, 98, 100t
synthetic compounds, 155–56; defined, 11; vs. natural compounds, 10–11, 15–16, 21, 34, 156–57; new discoveries inevitable, 210. See also compounds
Taillevent, 193–94
tannins, 80, 96, 180–81, 229. See also phenolic compounds
tara gum, 96
tarragon, 31, 158, 207
tartaric acid, 128–29; in note-by-note recipes, 33–34, 229, 233; taste enhanced with, 126; using without hesitation, 28; in wine, 80, 129
tartrazine, 174
taste, 114–49; acids and, 28, 126–27 (see also acids; specific acids); bitterness, 46, 47, 118–19, 145–46; duration of, 192–93; evolutionary purpose of, 118–19; of fats, 148–49; four-taste theory incorrect, 114, 115–16, 126, 138; individual variance in perception of, 115–16, 117–18; learning to recognize different tastes, 115, 116–17; matrix effects, 146–48; mineral salts and, 122–23, 125; note-by-note cooking’s precision with regard to, 147–48; perception of, 23, 57, 68–69, 114, 117–18, 145, 172–74; sourness, 126–27 (see also acids); sweetness, 115–17, 126–27, 144 (see also sugars; sweeteners; and specific sugars); taste-receptor map incorrect, 115–16; vocabulary for, 114, 117, 118; of water, 122–23; water solubility and, 68, 119. See also flavor; sapictive receptors; sapid compounds; trigeminal receptors; and specific foods and compounds
terpenes, 151, 165–66
terrien, 231, 234
Terrien, Patrick, 231, 234
terrines, 88, 89
terroir, 27
tetrahedrons, 40, 41, 42
texture, 56, 59–60. See also consistency
texturing agents. See gelling agents; thickening agents
thaumatin, 143
thénard, 235
Thénard, Louis-Jacques, 235
thickening agents, 62–63, 90t, 94–99, 139–40, 212, 214. See also specific agents
thymol, 151, 167
tinctures (infusions), 154
Tirel, Guillaume. See Taillevent
titanium, 124
titanium dioxide, 78–79, 176, 181
tomatoes, 31, 180, 231
tongue, taste-receptors on, 115–16, 119. See also sapictive receptors
Les Tontons flingueurs (Crooks in Clover, 1963 film), 88
top notes, 168–69
topology, 47–48, 48
toxicity: of additives and compounds, 14, 30–31, 124, 125–26; adulterated foods, 219; bitterness and, 118, 145; concentration (dosage) and, 206; of copper sulfate, 93–94; determining ADI, 176–77, 220; of hydrogen sulfide, 132, 213; of intense sweeteners, 141; Internet unreliable regarding, 206–8; of methanol, 139; of mineral salts, 123–24; of odorant compounds, 158–59; of plants and essential oils, 206–9; risk of, when synthesizing compounds, 213–14; of spices, 31, 158, 207, 209; of traditional foods, 14, 24, 31, 99, 209. See also carcinogens; safety
trace elements, 124
traditional cooking: creating new dishes, 37, 38–39; defined, 20; dependent on season, land, and regional tradition, 185–86; disappearance feared, 24, 32–33; energy costs of, 33, 222–23; and gelatin, 60; with gels, 63; imparting consistency through, 89 (see also emulsions; gelling agents); innovations in, 188t, 189; with liquid nitrogen, 31; love as aspect of, 1, 2–3; names of dishes, 193–98, 222–23; over- and under-cooking, 55; and the perception of flavor, 23; replacement inevitable, 204; and shape and form, 38–40; technical aspect of, 1–2. See also cooking as art; food; heat; and specific foods and ingredients
tragacanth gum, 95
trans-2-hexanal, 163
tridecanal, 163
trigeminal nerve, 138–39, 160
trigeminal receptors, 28, 169–70
trigeminal sensations, 28, 47, 169–71, 174
triglycerides, 9, 71, 81, 148, 203
tryptophan, 130, 131. See also amino acids
turmeric, 174
tyrosine, 117, 120, 130, 131. See also amino acids
undecanal, 163
valine, 130, 131. See also amino acids
vanilla: adding to unaged alcohols, 21; compounds in, 10, 15–16, 170–71; extracts, 216; manufacturing process, 15; odor of, 46, 153, 160. See also vanillin
vanillin, 167; from lignin, 16, 21, 219; as main compound in vanilla, 10, 15–16; molecular structure, 153; natural and synthetic identical, 10, 16; synthesized, 152–53, 155
vauquelin, 229–30, 235
Vauquelin, Louis-Nicholas, 236
vegetable carbon, 179
vegetables: browning of, 182–83; cellulose in, 97; chlorophylls in, 177–78; colors of, 19, 179–80; dimensional formula for, 85; extracting compounds from, 34; fractions more lucrative than, 35; as gels, 63; as non-Hookean solid, 68; not “natural,” 11–12, 156; resinoids from, 154; safety of wild vegetables, 205; selective breeding and, 12; sugars in, 92, 133, 134, 139–40; toxic risks, 31; vitamins in, 218–19.See also conglomèle; and specific vegetables
vinaigrette, 107t, 194, 197
vinegar: acidity of, 10, 17–18, 126, 127 (see also acetic acid); in traditional cooking, 75, 135–36, 179, 194, 197; uses, in dimensional cooking, 107; uses, in note-by-note cooking, 107t, 135–36, 179, 180, 232. See also vinaigrette
viscosity, 60, 72–74, 73, 222. See also emulsions; gelling agents; gels; mayonnaise; thickening agents
visual perception, 28, 39, 54, 55, 172–74. See also color
vitalism, 122
vitamins, 30, 204, 218. See also ascorbic acid
Wahl, O. L., 56–58
water: aqueous solutions as, 68; as compound, 9, 10; in dispersed systems, 77–78, 77t; diving into, 56; extracting compounds with, 145–46; minerals in, 122–23; molecular structure, 9, 10, 17, 18, 18–19; and odorant compounds, 159; odors released in, 151; and pastis, 167; properties of, 16–17, 66, 72, 74; synthesizing, 10; tasting compounds in, 145; used in food manufacturing, 26; water-based gels, 83–84; water content of food, 27, 30, 62; water-soluble compounds, 27, 36, 69, 82
wheat, 26, 27, 214. See also flour
whipped cream, 72, 95
whiskey, 6, 21
white alcohol, 138
white genepi, 209
wholesomeness, 14, 89, 157, 220. See also nutrition; safety
Wiesel, Torsten, 54
wine: additives, 8, 124, 125–26; adulteration of, 6–8, 14, 124; as aqueous solution, 80; bouquet, 150; color of, 173; compounds used in wine-making, 125, 129, 133; fractionation of, 214; more profitable than grapes, 35; oenological tannins, 181, 229; wine reduction, 33
wintergreen oil, artificial, 152
wöhler (sauce), 233, 236
Wöhler, Friedrich, 121–22, 122, 152, 236
xanthan gum, 62, 91, 95
Xenakis, Iannis, 188t, 189
xylitol, 136, 139, 140, 170
yellow coloring agents, 174–77, 179, 182–84
Young, Thomas, 67