
Page numbers in bold indicate the location of main entries. Page numbers in italics indicate photos.

A-B Aktion (Extraordinary Pacification Operation), 267

Abetz, Otto, 1–2

    antisemitism of, 2

    assigned to “safeguard” art, 1–2

    deportations under, 2

    trial and conviction of, 2

    translator on Hitler’s team during invasion of Poland, 1

Abwehr (military intelligence service), 140, 164, 194, 373

Adenauer, Konrad, 101–102

Aktion Reinhard (plan for the mass murder of Polish Jews in the General Government), 71, 79–80, 103–104, 109–110, 131–133, 153–154, 203, 232–233, 261, 288–289, 305–307, 370. See also Bełżec death camp; Sobibór death camp; Treblinka death camp

Aktion T-4 (Nazi euthanasia program), 16, 47–48, 287, 290, 303–307

    Bernburg euthanasia center, 79–80, 181

    and Brack, Viktor, 52–53

    and Brandt, Karl, 56–58

    and Conti, Leonardo, 65–67

    and eugenics theory, 87–89

    and Franz, Kurt, 91

    Grafeneck euthanasia center, 202–203

    Hadamar euthanasia center, 88, 132, 144–145, 181, 202–203, 306

    Hartheim euthanasia center, 181

    and Hering, Gottlieb, 131–132

    and Irmfried, Eberl, 79–80

    and Lambert, Erwin, 181

    and Lange, Herbert, 182

    and Miete, August, 202–204

    origins of, 47–48

    and Reichleitner, Franz, 232

    Schloss Hartheim euthanasia center, 48, 262–263

    Sonnenstein euthanasia center, 132, 181

    and Stangl, Franz, 262–264

    and Wagner, 303–305

    and Wirth, Christian, 207, 305–307

    See also Disabilities, euthanasia for people with; Sterilization

Aktion 14f13, 47, 48, 57, 80

Aktion 1005, 34, 46, 290

Aktion Erntefest (Harvest Festival), 132–133, 154, 178, 307

Aktion R, 203

Aktion Saybusch, 11

Aktion Sumpffieber (marsh fever), 162

Aktion Zamość, 64, 103, 178, 289

Al-Husseini, Haj Amin, 2–6

    antisemitism of, 3, 3, 5

    and Arab-Axis cooperation, 4–6

    and Arab Revolt, 3–4

    briefed on Final Solution, 4–5

    Croatian Muslim division of Ustashe visited by, 5, 218

    escape of, 6, 249

    Holy Jihad overseen by, 4

    World War I service of, 3

Alexander of Yugoslavia, 218

Allende, Salvador, 231

Amersfoort concentration camp, 126, 256

Anschluss of Austria and Germany, 82, 98, 123, 126, 164, 184, 198, 220, 229, 232, 255, 262, 297, 301, 303, 349, 404

Antonescu, Ion, 6–8

    antisemitism of, 7, 8

    appointed conducator, 7–8

    attempted coup against, 407

    deposed and delivered to Soviets, 8, 411

    early military career of, 6

    Romanization policies of, 8

    trial and execution of, 412

Arab Brigade, 5

Arab Legion, 5

Arab Revolt (1936–1939), 3–4

Arājs, Viktors, 8–10

    Arājs Kommando leader, 8–10

    deaths under, 8

    deportations under, 8

    and Riga massacre, 9–10

    trial of, 10

Arājs Kommando, 8–9, 184

Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp

    Belgian Jews deported to, 408

    children at, 5, 14, 60, 130, 216, 272, 371, 408

    commandants, 5, 40, 105, 131, 150–153, 164, 175–177, 188–189, 272, 395–398

    creation of, 12, 105, 151–152, 406

    Dutch Jews deported to, 256, 408

    evacuation of, 38, 39, 44, 58, 189, 300, 309, 411

    execution statistics, 395–396, 398, 401

    and Final Solution, 396–397, 400–401

    first Auschwitz Trial (Poland’s Supreme National Tribunal), 189

    Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, 39, 59

    French Jews deported to, 2, 14, 50, 73, 186, 190, 216, 371, 408

    Greek Jews deported to, 36, 37, 60, 73, 310

    “Gypsy” (Roman) camp, 59, 152, 195, 196, 197, 200, 411

    guards and officials, 31, 37–40, 44–45, 58, 59, 118, 198–199, 299–300

    Hoess, Rudolf, affidavit regarding extermination at, 395–398

    human experimentation at, 35, 40, 89, 99–100, 142–143, 194–198, 199–202, 210, 308–309, 397

    Hungarian Jews deported to, 82, 152, 176, 298, 396, 401

    interrogation at, 398

    Italian Jews deported to, 73, 245, 246, 313, 409, 410

    Latvian Jews deported to, 236

    liberation of, 411

    medical selection of prisoners, 309, 400

    Norwegian Jews deported to, 282

    Polish Jews deported to, 56, 103, 110, 167, 411

    Polish political prisoners deported to, 406

    Russian prisoners of war deported to, 396

    size of, 151

    Slovak Jews deported to, 23, 67, 292

    Sonderkommando revolt, 411

    standard operations, 152

    women’s camp, 200, 299–300

    Zyklon B gassing used at, 135, 285, 312

Auschwitz II. See Birkenau

Auschwitz III (Monowitz slave labor camp), 152, 189

Babi Yar massacre, 32–33, 33, 34, 162, 229, 407

Bach-Zelewski, Erich von dem, 11–13

    Bandenkampfverbände commander, 12

    deaths under, 12–13

    role in creation of Auschwitz, 12

    on Strauch, Eduard, 265

    testimony of, 13, 399

    trials of (non-war crimes), 13

    and Warsaw Uprising, 12–13

    World War I service of, 11

“Bandits” and “banding fighting,” 11, 12, 75–76, 381–384

Barbie, Klaus, 13–14

    brutality of (“Butcher of Lyon”), 13–14, 159

    capture and trial of, 14

    deaths under, 14

    escape to Bolivia of, 14, 202

    Moulin, Jean, tortured and killed by, 14

    recruited by Western Allies, 14

Barthou, Louis, 218

Battle of Belle Alliance, 292

Battle of Berlin, 184

Battle of Britain, 114, 149, 257

Battle of France, 248

Battle of Kursk, 386

Battle of Posen, 185

Battle of the Bulge, 150

Battle of Ypres, 283

Batz, Rudolf, 15–16

    arrest of, 16

    deaths under, 15

    deportations under, 15

    Einsatzgruppen commander, 15

Bauer, Erich, 16–17

    deaths under, 16–17

    Gasmesiter (Gas Master) at Sobibór death camp, 16

    trial of, 17

Becher, Kurt, 17–20

    Becher Deposit, 19

    and Blood for Goods initiative, 17–19

    and Kasztner Transport, 17, 18–19

    and Manfred Weiss acquisition, 17, 18

    prosecution witness at trial of Echmann, Adolf, 20

Becker, August, 53, 230

Becker-Freyseng, Hermann, 20–21

    deaths under, 20

    human experiments of, 20–21

    named in Operation Paperclip, 21

    trial of, 21

Beckmann, Rudolf, 16

Beer Hall Putsch, 21, 61, 76, 89, 97, 99, 113, 120, 137, 146, 237, 269, 275, 281, 318, 403

Belsen Trial, 45, 119, 300

Bełżec extermination camp, 57, 77, 80, 90–92, 104, 131–132, 153, 182, 288–289, 306–307, 370, 408

Beneš, Edvard, 292

Berger, Gottlob, 21–23

    antisemitism of, 21

    and Dirlewanger, Oskar, 22, 74–75

    knowledge of Final Solution, 22–23

    trial of, 23

Bergstraesser, Arnold, 256

Best, Werner, 23–26

    and escape of Danish Jews, 25

    and ideological training for Gestapo, 24

    and legal justification for Nazi policies, 23–24

    Naumann Circle member, 249

    replaced by Streckenbach, Bruno, 267

Białystok ghetto, 12, 54, 55, 71, 153, 407, 410

Biebow, Hans, 26–27

    deportations under, 27

    exploitation of slave labor by, 26–27

    expropriation of Jewish property by, 26–27

Bierkamp, Walther, 27–28

    deportations and deaths under, 28

    in Einsatzgruppen testimony of Ohlendorf, Otto, 362

    and Kapp Putsch, 27

Bikker, Herbertus, 29–31

    brutality of (“Butcher of Omman”), 29

    trial of, 30–31

Binz, Dorothea, 31–32

    brutality of, 31–32

    as guard trainer, 31, 199, 299

    “malicious pleasure” taught by, 199

    trial of, 32

Birkenau (primary Auschwitz mass-murder site)

    construction of, 105, 152, 407, 408

    destruction of gas chambers, 411

    guards, 39, 59

    infirmary camp, 200–201

    Stammlager (main camp), 299

    women’s orchestra, 198–199

    Zigeunerfamilienlager (Gypsy family camp), 59, 200

    See also Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp

Blobel, Paul, 32–35

    and Babi Yar massacre, 32–33, 33, 34

    Einsatzgruppe Iltis commander, 34

    role in Aktion 1005, 34, 290

    trial of, 34–35, 266

Blomberg, Werner von, 134, 139, 205

Blome, Kurt, 35–36

    hired by Western Allies post-war, 36

    human experiments of, 35

    trial of, 36

Blood and soil myth, 137

Blood for Goods initiative, 17–19, 310

Blood libel myth, 269, 325, 329–330

Blum, Léon, 187

Blume, Walter, 36–37

    deaths and deportations under, 36–37

    Haidari concentration camp set up by, 37

    trial of, 37

Boger, Wilhelm, 37–39

    Boger swing (instrument of torture), 38

    brutality of (“Tiger of Auschwitz”), 37

    trial and release of, 38

Böhme, Franz, 293–294

Bonnet, Georges, 1

Bór-Komorowski, Tadeusz, 12

Bormann, Juana, 39–40

    brutality of (“woman with the dogs”), 39–40

    trial of, 40, 118, 119, 300

Bormann, Martin, 40–43

    and Aid Organization for the Wounded, 65

    condemned to death in absentia, 42

    deaths under, 40–43

    deception of Greiser, Arthur, 117

    Eichmann’s power over the Jews signed by, 42

    and Feme murders, 40–41

    Freikorps member, 40, 151

    Göring, Hermann, accused of treason by, 116

    in Hitler’s “My Political Testament,” 393, 394, 395

    Hitler’s secretary, 42

    and Hoess, Rudolf, 40–41

    on Jewish question, 335

    and Klopfer, Gerhard (Bormann’s assistant), 170–171

    Party Chancellery headed by, 42, 48, 116, 170–171, 243

    remains of discovered in Berlin, 42–43

    son-in-law of Buch, Walter, 61, 62

    and Speer, Albert, 259

Bormann, Martin, Jr., 42–43

Boss, Hugo, 43–44

    denazification trial of, 44

    design and production of Nazi uniforms by, 43–44

Bothe, Herta, 44–45

    brutality of, 45–46

    and evacuation of Auschwitz, 44–45

    trial of, 45

Bothmann, Hans, 45–46

    deaths under, 46

    and liquidation of Łódź ghetto, 46

    Sonderkommando Bothmann death camp, 45, 183

Bouhler, Philipp, 47–48

    and Aktion T-4 (euthanasia) program, 47–48, 53, 56–57, 66

    capture of, 48

    and gassing experiments, 48, 306

Bousquet, René, 48–52

    deportations under, 49–50, 73, 124, 209

    and Oberg-Bousquet accords, 50–51

    trial of, 51–52

    and Vel’ d’Hiv Roundup, 49–50

Brack, Viktor, 52–53

    and Aktion T-4 (euthanasia) program, 52–53

    and gassing experiments, 306

    trial of, 53

Bradfisch, Otto, 54–56

    Einsatzkommando 8 commander, 54–55, 313

    on legality of Minsk massacres, 55

    and Minsk massacres, 54–55

    trial of, 56

Brake, Wilhelm, 272

Brand, Joel, 18–19, 311

Brandenburg euthanasia center, 79, 85, 306

Brandt, Karl, 56–58

    and Aktion T-4 (euthanasia) program, 56–58, 66

    human experiments of, 57

    and Law for the Protection of the Hereditary Health of the German People, 47

    trial of, 58

Braun, Eva, 150, 391, 394, 395

Brazaitis-Ambrazevičius Juozas, 169

Bredtvet concentration camp, 281, 282

British Mandate of Palestine, 3, 123, 347

Broad, Pery, 38, 58–59

    Broad Report, 58, 59

    capture of, 58

    witness for the prosecution at trial of Tesch and Weinbacher, 58, 285

Brunner, Alois, 59–61

    and definition of Jew, 310

    deportations under, 59–60, 159

    and Mackert, Alice, 193

    sentenced to death in absentia, 60

Buch, Walter, 61–63

    antisemitism of, 62

    Beer Hall Putsch participant, 61

    chairman of Nazi Party Court, 41, 62

    legalization of Kristallnacht activities, 62

Buchenwald concentration camp

    commandant of, 172

    deportation of Dutch Jews to, 256

    deportation of German Jews to, 190, 334

    establishment of, 404

    first movement of Dutch Jews to, 256

    guards and officials, 31, 38, 66, 91, 127, 172–173, 271–273

    human experimentation at, 66, 127, 172–173

    and Kristallnacht, 334

    liberation of, 411

    slave labor mortality, 260

Bühler, Josef, 63–64

    Nuremberg testimony of, 64

    role in Final Solution, 63–64

    trial of, 64

    and Wannsee Conference, 63–64, 351, 353

Bullenhuser Damm massacre, 131, 272–273

Bund deutscher Mädel (League of German Girls; BdM), 31, 44, 74, 104, 118, 195, 210

Canaris, Wilhelm, 140, 164

Carol II of Romania, 7–8

Catholics, suppression and persecution of, 5, 95, 102–103, 134, 269. See also Hudal, Alois; Tiso, Jozef; Vatican

Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 237

Chamberlain, Neville, 114, 234

Chełmno death camp, 26, 27, 56, 79, 296

    commandants, 45–46, 183

    deportation of Jews from Łódź ghetto to, 26, 27, 46, 56, 174, 183, 296

    establishment of, 183

    full operational status reached, 408

    mass murders at, 46, 79, 117, 157, 174–175, 182–183, 296

Chełmno trials, 34

Chorin, Ferenc, 18

Churchill, Winston, 23

Ciano, Galeazzo, 371, 372

Civil Service Law (Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service), 98, 107, 148, 242, 404

Clamman, Hans-Georg, 20

Closius-Neudeck, Ruth, 31

Cold War, 21, 23, 51, 171, 247

Conant, James B., 247

Conference on the Jewish Question (November 12, 1938), 334–342. See also Regulation for the Elimination of Jews from the Economic Life of Germany

Conti, Leonardo, 65–67, 79

    and Aktion T-4 (euthanasia) program, 66–67, 130

    antisemitism of, 65

    arrest of, 66

Coughlin, Charles, 348

Csatáry, László, 67

Cukurs, Herberts, 9, 10

Czerniakow, Adam, 154, 406, 409

Dachau concentration camp, 90, 102, 199, 308, 236, 334

    commandant, 83, 84–85

    Dachau Model, 84–85

    establishment of, 76, 84, 134, 138, 404

    guards and officials, 81, 151, 175

    human experimentation at, 20, 35, 401

    liberation of, 411

Dachau Model, 84–85

Dachau Trials, 274

Daladier, Edouard, 187

Daluege, Kurt, 69–72

    head of uniformed Ordnungspolizei (Orpo), 70–72

    and Krüger, Friedrich-Wilhelm, 178

    murders under, 70–71

    and Night of the Long Knives, 69–70

    trial of, 71–72

Dannecker, Theodor, 72–73, 186

    antisemitism of, 72

    arrest of, 73

    deportations under, 72–73, 186, 190

    and Vel’ d’Hiv Roundup, 190

Darlan, François, 2

Darnand, Joseph, 51, 187

Decree for the Protection of the People and the State (Reichstag Fire Decree), 97, 120, 147–148, 250, 323–325

“Delousing,” 294, 397, 400

Demelhuber, Karl Maria, 127

Denazification, 26, 38, 44, 61, 63, 80, 89, 129, 171, 182, 249, 277

Der Ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew; film), 108, 141–142

Der Stürmer (The Stormer), 268–270, 399

    article on ritual murder (Streicher), 329–330

    article on the Hebrew Bible (Streicher), 325–326

    article regarding Hitler’s promise to free the world of Jews (Streicher), 376–377

Dirlewanger, Oskar, 73–76

    antisemitism of, 74

    and Berger, Gottlob, 22

    brutality of, 75

    deaths under, 75

    Dirlewange Brigade, 12, 73–75

    Sonderkommando Dirlewanger concentration camp, 23, 74

Disabilities, euthanasia for people with, 16, 47, 48, 52–53, 57, 149, 174, 207, 230, 248, 303, 306

Doctors’ Trial, 21, 35–36, 53, 58, 66–67, 89, 100, 196, 212. See also International Military Tribunal Trial of Major War Criminals

Dönitz, Karl, 393

Dollfuss, Engelbert, 109, 163, 255, 301

Dolp, Hermann, 76–77

    and construction of Dachau concentration camp, 76

    and Globocnik, Odilo, 103

    trial of, 77

Dönitz, Karl, 256, 260, 277, 283, 293

Dressler, Hans, 9

Drexler, Anton, 317, 403

Drosihn, Joachim Hans, 284–285

Duckwitz, Georg, 25

Dulles, Allen W., 313

Eberl, Irmfried, 79–80

    and Aktion T-4 (euthanasia) program, 79–80

    arrest of, 80

    and construction of Treblinka death camp, 289

    dismissal from Treblinka, 80

Eckart, Dietrich, 146

Eichmann, Adolf, 80–83

    and al-Husseini, Haj Amin, 4, 5

    biography of, 81–82

    and Blood for Goods scheme, 18–19

    and Brunner, Alois, 59–60, 193

    capture of, 83, 202, 305

    and Dannecker, Theodor, 72–72

    and deportation of Greek Jews, 37

    and deportation of Hungarian Jews, 82, 279–280, 299, 305, 310–311, 410

    Einsatzgruppe Ägypten (Einsatzgruppe Egypt) created by, 5

    and Final Solution implementation, 42, 80–83, 152, 156–159, 293, 297, 400, 401, 407

    Gestapo Office of Jewish Emigration headed by, 134, 204, 261

    and Globke, Hans, 100, 102

    and Hagen, Herbert, 123–124

    head of Reich Main Security Office-Amt IV B4 (Jews and Clearances), 80, 81, 82, 124

    and Höfle, Hermann, 153, 154

    Höfle Telegram to, 154

    Höppner memorandum to, 156–157

    and Hudal, Alois, 159

    and Kaltenbrunner, Ernst, 81, 163

    and Łódź ghetto, 296

    and Madagascar Plan, 82, 227

    and Müller, Heinrich, 204

    and Nisko Plan, 59, 82, 207, 261

    Reich Main Security Office-Amt IV B4 (Jews and Clearances) headed by, 80, 81, 82, 124, 290

    report on activities in Vienna (August 22, 1938), 330–332

    and Six, Franz, 257

    trial of, 13, 20, 81, 83, 175, 258, 311, 312, 313

    and Veesenmayer, Edmund, 297–299

    and Vienna Model, 59

    Wannsee Protocol conference secretary, 82, 352, 353, 360–361

    and Wisliceny, Dieter, 309–311

Eicke, Theodor, 83–85

    antisemitism of, 85

    and Dachau Model (SS-System Eicke or Dachauerschule), 85

    death of, 85, 409

    and Death’s Head SS division (SS-Totenkopfver-bände), 105, 155, 161, 188

    and Hoess, Rudolf, 151

    inspector of concentration camps, 77, 155, 409

Eikenaar, Albert, 30

Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing squads), 15, 32–34, 139, 157, 161, 165, 247, 248, 256, 278–279, 297

    Einsatzgruppe A, 8, 15, 169, 184, 245–246, 260, 261–262, 264, 362

    Einsatzgruppe Ägypten (Einsatzgruppe Egypt), 5

    Einsatzgruppe B, 12, 36, 54, 207–208, 257, 312, 362

    Einsatzgruppe C, 32, 34, 228–229, 289, 290, 362, 368

    Einsatzgruppe D, 27–28, 212, 361, 362, 368, 369

    Einsatzgruppe England, 256, 257

    Einsatzgruppe I, 34, 266–267

    Einsatzgruppe Iltis, 34

    Einsatzgruppe Naumann, 183

    mission of, 15, 32, 54, 82, 135, 245–246, 267–268, 400, 407

    Ohlendorf, Otto, testimony at Einsatzgruppe trial, 213, 361–369

    ordered to establish ghettos in Poland, 406

Einsatzgruppe trial, 33, 37, 213, 229, 258, 265–266, 291, 361–369

Ehrhardt, Hermann, 61

Enabling Act, 97, 98, 101, 148, 325, 404

Eternal Jew, The (film), 108, 141–142

Eugenics, 53, 56, 87–88, 149, 194–195

Evian Conference, 4, 343–349, 405

“Executive measures on the civilian population,” 230

Experiments. See Human experiments

Fabrikaktion (Factory Action), 409

Falstad concentration camp, 281

Farouk of Egypt, 5

Fénelon, Fania, 199

Fischer, Eugen, 87–89, 195

    antisemitism of, 88

    denazification of, 89

    human experiments of, 87–88

    and Magnussen, Karin, 195

    Mein Kampf inspired by, 88

Fischer, Fritz, 100, 210, 372–373

Fischer-Saller scale, 88

Forced labor, 89–90, 105, 110, 124, 153, 165, 167–168, 177–178, 219–222, 239, 246, 260, 279, 292, 302, 313, 406

Forced sterilization. See Sterilization

Forsyth, Frederick, 236

Frahm, Johann, 272

Franco-German Committee, 1

Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, 39, 59

Frank, Hans, 89–91, 241, 255, 267, 370

    and A-B Aktion (Ausserorden-tliche Befriedungsaktion (Extraordinary Pacification Operation), 268

    brutality of (“Butcher of Poland”), 89

    and Bühler, Josef, 63–64

    governor-general of occupied Poland, 63, 71, 90–91, 301–302

    and Heydrich’s assassination, 71

    legal justifications provided by, 90–91

    and Nisko Plan, 261

    personal lawyer to Hitler, 89

    speech to his cabinet (December 16, 1941), 350–352

    trial of, 64, 91

Frank, Karl Hermann, 261

Franz, Kurt, 91–93, 203, 306

    and Aktion T-4 (euthanasia) program, 91–92, 203

    brutality of, 92

    deaths under, 92–93

    Treblinka death camp commander, 306

    and “Treblinka song,” 92

    trial of, 93

Freikorps, 11, 35, 40, 74, 76, 83, 89, 97, 104, 133, 151, 161, 209, 222, 253, 266, 275, 295, 301, 311

Freikorps Bahrenfeld, 27, 242

Freikorps Bund Oberland, 125

Freikorps Graf Dohna, 188

Freikorps Grenzschutz Ost, 116

Freikorps Lauterbach, 136

Freikorps Oberland, 99

Freikorps Rossbach, 69

Freikorps von Lützow, 177

Freikorps Wesel, 293

Freisler, Roland, 93–95, 241

    abusive power by, 94–95

    death sentences under, 94

    “precocious juvenile criminal” introduced as concept by, 94

    president of People’s Court, 93–94, 275, 287

    and Rassenschande (racial shame), 93, 120

    and Wannsee Conference, 94, 250

Freitag, Batz, 15

Frick, Wilhelm, 96–98

    antisemitism of, 98

    and Law Regarding Measures of State Self-Defense, 98, 120

    policy influence of, 96–97

    Minister of the Interior, 97, 403

    Reichsprotektor of Bohemia and Moravia, 98, 410

    trial of, 98

    and Wannsee Conference, 277

Fritsch, Werner von, 134, 139, 205

Frøslev prison camp, 25

Ganzenmüller, Albert, 312


    carbon monoxide, 48, 79, 157, 183, 303, 306

    gas vans, 28, 34, 46, 57, 117, 174, 182, 183, 185, 207, 213, 230, 265, 294, 296, 306, 306, 361, 367–369

    Zyklon B, 58, 135, 152, 155, 230, 283–285, 312, 397

Gebhardt, Karl, 99–100

    attendant at Heydrich’s assassination, 99, 211

    brutality of, 100

    human experiments of, 100, 130

    and Oberheuser, Herta, 99, 100, 210–211

    trial of, 100

Gehlen, Reinhard, 60

Generalgouvernement (semi-independent portion of Poland), 29, 90–91, 103, 124, 156, 174, 254, 261, 266, 293, 350–352, 370, 385

Generalplan Ost, 103–104, 139, 267, 312

German Students’ Union, 248

German Women’s League, 198

German Workers’ Party (DAP), 89, 93, 107, 146, 237, 269, 315, 403. See also National Socialist German Workers’ Party

Gerstein, Kurt, 285

Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei; Secret State Police)

    in Austria, 164, 184, 232

    and Barbie, Klaus, 13–14

    and Batz, Rudolf, 15

    and Best, Werner, 24

    and Blume, Walter, 36–37

    and Bothmann, Hans, 45

    and Bradfisch, Otto, 54

    Department IV B4, 80, 81, 82

    and Eichmann, Adolf, 80, 81, 82, 83, 134, 400

    establishment of, 113, 404

    in France, 13–14, 186, 190, 193–194, 372–376

    and Göring, Hermann, 113, 404

    and Harster, Wilhelm, 125

    and Himmler, Heinrich, 98, 113, 134, 137, 138

    interrogation techniques of, 120

    in Italy, 231, 246

    and Klopfer, Gerhard, 170

    lack of limits on, 98, 120–121

    and Lange, Rudolf, 184

    legal protections for, 24, 138–139

    and Lischka, Kurt, 190

    and Mackert, Alice, 193–194, 372–376

    in Munich, 266

    and Müller, Heinrich, 34, 204–205, 257

    Office for Jewish Emigration, 59, 72, 82, 134, 261, 330–332, 405

    and organizational structure of German police force, 70

    in Poland, 301, 398

    subsumed under Reichsicherheitshauptamt (Reich Security Main Office), 24, 123, 139–140, 163, 164

    and Sandberger, Martin, 245–246

    and Schöngarth, Karl Eberhard, 254

    Stuttgart Criminal Police (Kripo), 306

    See also Night of the Long Knives

Gestapo Court, 398

Giesler, Gauleiter Paul, 393

Globke, Hans, 100–102

    antisemitism of, 100

    co-author of Commentary on German Racial Legislation, 276

    coauthor of Nuremberg race laws, 101, 276

    tried in absentia, 102

Globocnik, Odilo, 102–104

    Aktion Reinhard death camps manager, 92, 103, 153–154, 233, 288–289, 307

    capture of, 104

    deaths under, 104

    gas chamber executions proposed by, 103–104

    and Höfle, Hermann (Globocnik’s chief of staff), 110, 153–154

    primary architect of Holocaust in German-occupied Poland, 77, 80, 90, 102–104

    in Trieste, 104, 154, 189, 263

    and Wolff, Karl, 312

Glücks, Richard, 104–106

    capture of, 106

    and Hoppe, Paul-Werner, 155

    and implementation of final solution, 105

    inspector of concentration camps, 104–105, 128, 152

    and Liebehenschel, Arthur, 188, 189

Goebbels, Joseph, 42, 94, 106–109, 117, 234, 258, 281, 282

    antisemitism of, 106–107

    Conference on the Jewish Question, 334–342

    and Daluege, Kurt (Goebbels’ deputy gauleiter), 69

    death of, 109, 412

    elected to Reichstag, 107

    and Hippler, Fritz, 140–142

    and Hitler’s “My Political Testament,” 109, 393, 394, 395

    propaganda and film under, 106–108

Goeth, Amon, 109–111

    brutality of, 109–110

    depicted in Schindler’s List, 109, 110

    trial of, 111

Göring, Hermann, 97, 103, 107, 111–116, 117, 138, 234, 259, 270, 275–276

    and Antonescu, Ion, 7

    appointed by Hitler as second-in-charge and successor, 111

    and Beer Hall Putsch, 113, 146

    Conference on the Jewish Question, 334–342

    corruption and plundering of, 114

    elected to Reichstag, 107, 113

    Final Solution role of, 115–116, 135, 205

    Gestapo established by, 113, 404

    Hermann Göring Works, 114

    and Hitler’s “My Political Testament,” 391, 395

    and Manfred Weiss acquisition, 18

    and Night of the Long Knives, 113, 134

    party expulsion of, 393

    Regulation for the Elimination of Jews from the Economic Life of Germany, (November 12, 1938), 342–343

    trial and death of, 116, 412

    World War I service of, 112–113

Greiser, Arthur, 46, 116–117, 296

    ethnic cleansing of, 117, 295

    knowledge of Holocaust, 117

    and Koppe, Wilhelm, 174

    trial of, 117

Grese, Irma, 31, 39, 118–119

    brutality of (“Beautiful Beast”), 31, 118–119, 199

    and Mengele, Josef, 119

    trial of, 40, 119, 300

Grossaktion Warschau, 154

Grynszpan, Herschel, 334, 405

Gürtner, Franz, 48, 84, 119–121

    and escape of Eicke, Theodor, 84

    first People’s Court opened by, 120

    legal sanction for Nazi criminal actions provided by, 119, 121

    and Schlegelberger, Franz, 242, 250

Gypsies. See Roma

Haavara Agreement, 123, 347, 349, 404

Haber, Fritz, 283

Hagen, Herbert, 123–125

    antisemitism of, 123

    deaths under, 123–125

    deportations under, 124–125

    trial of, 125

Hanke, Karl, 258, 259, 393

Harrer, Karl, 403

Harster, Wilhelm, 125–126, 313

    “sharpened interrogation” under, 125

    trial of, 126

Haug, Martin, 247

Haushofer, Karl, 146

Haussmann, Wolfgang, 247

Heerdt, Walter, 283, 285

Heim, Aribert, 126–127

    brutality of (“Dr. Death”), 126–127

    escape of, 127

    human experiments of, 127

Heimschutz (home guard) movement, 81, 109, 235

Heissmeyer, August, 127–129, 131, 253

    director of elite training schools of SS youth, 127–129

    trial of, 129

Heissmeyer, Kurt, 129–131

    antisemitism of, 129

    human experiments of, 130–131, 271, 272

    trial of, 131

Herbergs, Ben, 29–30

Hering, Gottlieb, 131–133, 307

    and Aktion T-4 (euthanasia) program, 131–132

    and liquidating the Jewish labor camp at Poniatowa, 131–133

Hess, Rudolf, 41, 62, 147, 170

Heuaktion (Operation Hay Harvesting), 22, 23

Heuss, Theodor, 247

Heydrich, Reinhard, 133–136, 221

    and Aktion 1005 (destruction of corpses from Holocaust), 34, 46

    and Aktion Reinhard, 71, 103–105

    antisemitism of, 133

    assassination of, 69, 71, 99, 139, 164, 205, 211, 230, 312, 370, 408

    and Auschwitz expansion, 105

    and creation of Gestapo and Security Service SD, 24, 138

    and creation of Soldau transit camp, 229

    decree on identification of Jews, 295–296

    head of RSHA, 24, 139, 164, 207

    Kristallnacht pogrom instructions, 332–334

    and Oberg, Carl (right-hand man to Heydrich), 209–210

    and Operation Barbarossa, 54

    orders establishment of ghettos in German-occupied Poland, 406

    and Rauff, Walter (aide to Heydrich), 230–232

    responsible for implementing Jewish policy and final solution, 82, 103–104, 115, 135, 204–205, 311

    and Six, Max, 257

    and Streckenbach, Bruno, 266, 267, 268

    and Thomas, Max, 290

    and Wannsee Conference, 63–64, 82, 115, 204–205, 239, 250, 254, 277, 339, 341, 351, 352, 353, 356, 360–361

Himmler, Heinrich, 136–140

    and Aktion 14f13, 47

    and al-Husseini, Haj Amin, 5–7

    and Berger, Gottlob, 21–23

    capture of, 140

    and creation of bandit-fighting formations (Bandenkampfverbände), 12

    coauthor of Der Untermensch (The Sub-Human) pamphlet, 22

    and control of Manfred Weiss armaments firm, 18

    and Daluege, Kurt, 70–71

    and Dirlewanger, Oskar, 74–75

    and establishment of Auschwitz, 406

    and establishment of Dachau, 84

    extracts from speech to senior SS officers (October 4, 1943), 386–391

    in extracts from Ohlendorf’s Einsatzgruppen testimony, 363–364, 367

    and Frick, Wilhelm, 98

    and Generalplan Ost, 103–104, 139, 267, 312

    Gestapo role, 98, 113, 134, 137, 138

    and German resettlement plan, 117, 245, 266, 245

    and Glücks, Richard, 105–106

    and Heydrich, Reinhard, 103–104, 134, 135

    and Hirt, August, 143–144

    in Hitler’s “My Political Testament,” 391, 393, 395

    and Minsk massacre, 55

    and Night of the Long Knives, 113

    and Oberg, Carl, 209–210

    order for closing of Sobibór, 17, 132

    order for completion of the Final Solution (July 19, 1942), 369–370

    order for destruction of Auschwitz gas chambers, 411

    order for liquidation of Ostland ghettos (June 21, 1943), 385–386, 410

    order for liquidation of Vilna, 17, 132, 167

    and Pohl, Oswald, 220–221

    Posen speech, 22–23, 117

    and Sandberger, Martin, 245–246

    and Scholtz-Klink, Gertrud, 252

    and Streckenbach, Bruno, 266

    and Stroop, Jürgen, 274

    and Stuckart, Wilhelm, 275

    suicide of, 140, 412

    “Twelve Apostles” of, 22

    and Wolff, Karl (chief of staff to Himmler), 311–313

Hindenburg, Paul von, 147–148, 234, 323, 325, 403, 404

Hinselmann, Hans, 309

Hippler, Fritz, 140–142

    antisemitism of, 141

    films of, 141–142

    promotion to head of Reich Propaganda Ministry, 141

Hirt, August, 142–144

    and display of victims at Anatomy Institute at Reich University of Strasbourg, 143, 176

    human experiments of, 142–144

    tried in absentia, 144

Hirtreiter, Josef, 144–145

    arrests and trial of, 145

    brutality of, 145

Hitler, Adolf, 145–150

    antisemitism of, 146–148, 318–323, 349–350

    appointed chancellor, 147–148, 403

    assassination attempts, 140, 150, 164, 184, 190, 208, 235, 411

    and Beer Hall Putsch, 21, 61, 76, 89, 97, 99, 113, 120, 137, 146, 237, 269, 275, 281, 318, 403

    declares himself Führer (“uncontested leader”), 148, 404

    early biography, 145

    and Enabling Act, 97, 98, 101, 148, 325, 404

    extract from speech to the Reichstag (January 30, 1939), 349–350

    and Führerprinzip leader principle, 147

    and invasion of Poland, 149

    and Kristallnacht, 149

    in Landsberg Prison for failed Beer Hall Putsch, 88, 90, 120, 147, 318, 403

    Mein Kampf, 88, 147, 237, 238, 318–323, 403

    “My Political Testament” (April 29, 1945), 391–395

    and Nuremberg Laws, 148

    and Olympic Games of 1936, 148

    and Operation Barbarossa, 149–150

    racial theories of, 145

    and Reichstag Fire Decree, 97, 120, 147–148, 250, 323–325

    suicide of, 150, 395, 412

    trial of, 403

    and World War II, 149–150

    World War I service, 146

    See also Nuremberg Laws

Hitler Shock Troop (Stosstrupp-Hitler), 61

Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend), 1, 4, 13, 31, 37, 43, 45, 58, 108, 129, 234, 404

Hoess, Rudolf, 150–153, 155

    affidavit regarding extermination at Auschwitz, 395–398

    and Bormann, Martin, 40–41

    commandant of Auschwitz, 5, 105, 131, 150–152, 164, 175–176, 198, 272

    deputy inspector of concentration camps, 152

    and development of Auschwitz, 151–152

    guard at Dachau, 151

    and Kramer, Josef (Hoess’s assistant), 175–176

    trial of, 152–153

Höfle, Hermann, 153–154

    and Aktion Reinhard, 153–154

    deportations under, 153–154

    deputy for Globocnik, Odilo, 103, 110, 153

    Höfle Telegram, 154

    and Slovak National Uprising, 23

Hohberg und Buchwald, Anton von, 11, 13

Holy Jihad, 4

Hoppe, Paul-Werner, 154–156

    deaths under, 155–156

    knowledge of Final Solution, 155

    trial of, 156

Höppner, Rolf-Heinz, 156–158

    memorandum to Eichmann proposing Holocaust options, 156–157

    trial of, 158

Horthy, Miklós, 278, 279, 297, 411

Houtman, Jan, 29, 30

Hudal, Alois, 158–159

    antisemitism of, 158

    and Vatican ratlines, 158–159, 231, 236, 263, 303, 304–305

Human experimentation

    at Auschwitz-Birkenau, 35, 40, 89, 99–100, 142–143, 194–198, 199–202, 210, 308–309, 397

    of Becker-Freyseng, Hermann, 20–21

    of Blome, Kurt, 35–36

    at Brandenburg, 306

    of Brandt, Karl, 57

    at Buchenwald, 66, 127, 172–173

    at Bullenhuser Damm, 131

    cancer experimentation, 35–36, 308–309, 397

    on children, 129–131, 196, 201, 210–211, 271–272

    cold water experimentation, 32, 401

    at Dachau, 20, 35, 401

    Doctors’ Trial, 21, 35–36, 53, 58, 66–67, 89, 100, 196, 212

    at Ebensee, 127

    eye research, 194–197, 201

    of Fischer, Eugen, 87–89

    of Gebhardt, Karl, 99, 100

    of Heim, August, 127

    of Heissmeyer, Kurt, 129–131, 271–272

    of Hirt, August, 142–144

    of Hoess, Rudolf, 152

    Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes (KWI), 88, 89, 196–197, 283

    of Mengele, Josef, 40, 89, 196, 198, 199–202

    mustard-gas experimentation, 142–143

    at Natzweiler-Struthof, 142–144

    of Nebe, Arthur, 207–208

    at Neuengamme, 130–131, 271–272

    of Oberheuser, Herta, 198, 210

    pressure-chamber experimentation, 20–21, 401

    at Ravensbrück, 99–100, 210–212, 217, 271

    seawater and salt water experimentation, 20, 208

    selection process, 198–199, 201, 398

    sterilization and reproductive experimentation, 53, 57, 87, 88, 201, 308, 397

    sulfonamide experimentation, 99–100, 210–211

    surgical experimentation, 99, 211

    tuberculosis experimentation, 99, 130–131, 271

    twin experimentation, 89, 195–196, 200–201

    typhus experimentation, 45, 66, 176, 284, 308

    of Wirths, Eduard, 308–309

Husseini, Haj Amin al-. See Al-Husseini, Haj Amin