

Introduction: The Importance of Understanding the Brain/Play/Technology Interface

1 Brain Maturation and Typical Play Development from Infancy through Adolescence: Complimentary Dynamic Processes with Technology

2 Changes in Play Environments with Advent of Technology-Augmented Play Materials: Representation Modes and Affordances within Physical and Virtual Contexts

3 Potential Influences of Representation Modes and Affordances on Various Types of Technology-Augmented Play: Gains and Losses

4 Comparing Developmental Influences of Technology-Augmented Play: Researchers’, Parents’, and Children’s Perspectives

5 Predicting the Brain/Play/Technology Interface in Future Society: Implications for Human Development

6 Facilitating Optimum Brain Maturation and Play Development in a Technologically Diverse Society: Roles of Technology Designers, Community Stakeholders, Educators, and Parents

Epilogue: Wisdom of the Velveteen Rabbit

Glossary of Brain and Nervous System Terms

Brain Diagrams
