accessibility 40–1; 43; 58–61; 66–7; 68–9; 74–6, 78, 101, 127, 132
actor 57
adolescents 8, 11, 54; 56; 102–4, 119, 129, 132; interviews 86–9
affordances 2, 40–1; 44–6; 57–9; 66; 68–9;123, 125; see also accessibility; challenge; transparency
affordance theory 2
age levels, play at different 31–7
Airey, S. 124
Albion, P. 107
Alexandersson, M. 126
Allen, M. 124
American Academy of Pediatrics 38, 130
Anderson, J. 128
Anderson, S. P. 124
Ariel, S. 14
Aronson, L. 102
Arthur, W. B. 19
artificial intelligence 97
Azzam, P. N. 80
Back to the Future II 96
Batteau, A. W. 19
Bauer, P. J. 10
Bauerlein, M. 104
Bavelier, D. 126
Bennett, K. K. 38
Bergen, D. 1, 8, 10 , 11, 13, 15 , 16, 30–1, 34, 54, 57, 74, 78, 106, 128, 141–2
Bordrova, E. 14
Bradbury, R. 96
brain 1, 3; adolescent 11; child 10–11; development 98–102, research on 78–80; infant 8–10; maturation 2, 30, 119, 123, 131; play/brain interface 15–16; waves 78–80
brain definitions see glossary
brain diagrams 149–51; brain architecture 149; brain nervous system 151; inner brain (limbic system) 150
Brave New World 110
Bronk, K. C.11
Bruner, J. S. 2, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 39, 99 , 100
Burbules, N. C. 42
Burgess, A. 96
Butler, S. 96
Caplovitz, A. G. 37
Capraro, R. M. 38
challenge 40–1, 43, 58–61, 66–7, 68–9; 74–6, 78, 101, 127, 132
Chappelle, W. 109
Chidambram, L. 126
children 8, 54–5, 7, 98, 119, 129, 131; interviews 86–7; videogame responses 80
Chou, M. 78
Christakis, D. A. 102
Christie, J. 15
Clark, L. S. 37
Clockwork Orange, A 96
Comenius, J. A. 7
community 2; stakeholders 130–1
complexity 57
complex toy 56
computer 63, 83, 93, 97; chips 97; use 104–5
Connolly, D. 124
contexts 42–3, 46–7, 53, 61; see also physical; virtual
control 57
Cooper, S. 15
Coplan, R. J. 14
Corlu, M. S. 38
Craighero, L. 9
Darwin, C. 6
Davis, D. R. 1, 15, 31, 34, 106, 128
Davis, K. 38
Dell, A. G. 105
development: cognitive 2, 13–14, 98–102, 121, 130–3; emotional 2, 13–14, 98–103, 121, 129–33; human 95; language 76–8; moral 2, 13, 98–102, 106, 121, 129–31, 133; motor 98–100; social 2, 13–14, 98–102, 121, 129–33
DeVries, R. 15
Dewey, J. 7
Dickinson, E. 3
digital media 101; learning 106; games 61–7, 104–5, 125–7; see also platform action games; sandbox games; simulation games
disabilities, children/adolescents with 106
Druin, A. 124
Dye, M. 108
dynamic systems: brain qualities 16–18; interactions 18–20, 120; nonlinear 15–16; play qualities 17–18; processes 5, 16, 121–3, 131; technology qualities 20, 124–5
Eichenbaum, A. 126
elementary-age children 55, 60
embodied cognition 15, 100, 124, 132
enactive representation 2, 6, 10, 58, 66, 99–100, 102, 125, 127
Erdogan, N. 38
Erewhon 96
Erikson, E. H. 14
ERSP, videogame play content 34
E-sports 105
Fagen, R. 7
Farenheit 451 96
Feenberg, A. 19
Fefferman, N. H. 108
Findlay, L. C. 14
Foer, J. 106
Forman, G. 13
Fred Rogers Center 130
Freud, A. 14
Freysinger, V. 7
Froebel, F. 7
Fromberg, D. P. 15
games see play
Gardner, H. 38
Gentile, D. A. 106
Gentile, J. R. 106
Giedd, J. N. 11
Goldstein, J. H. 37
Green, C. S. 126
Greenspan, S. I. 14
Gross, E. F. 104
Guastello, S. J. 15
Gulliver’s Travels 96
Haier, J. 10
Hall, G. S. 7
Head Start 100
Heidegger, M.19
Hendler, J. A. 124
Hesketh, K. 104
hippocampus 103
Howell, F. C. 6
Hsing, C. 106
Hsu, C. 128
Hu, J. 42
Huizinga, J. 7
Hutchinson, K. 74
Hutt, C. 12
iconic representation 2, 6, 10, 58, 66, 68–9
Ihmeideh, F. M. 131
inauthentic person 128
infant 9–10, 54–5, 98–101, 131
Inhelder, B. 106
Instagram™ 88
Iwaniuk, A. N. 7
Kachur, R. 130
Kahn, K. A. 126
Kahn, P. H. 37
Kaku, M. 133
Kamii, C. 15
Kang, C. 38
Keebler, J. 109
Kitayama, S. 7
Klahr, D. 42
Klett, M. 107
Koehler, M. 107
Kohlberg, L. 15
Konrath, S. H. 106
Kudrowitz, B. 123
Kurzweil, R. 97
Lange, J. J. 80
Lauricella, A. R. 131
LeapFrog™ 59
LeapPad™ 85
learning, technology-enhanced 107
Lee, J. H. 37
Lee, L. 101
Leong, D. J. 14
Lezak, M. D. 9
Lim, S. S. 37
Linderoth, J. 126
Lindström, B. 126
Liu, G. 30
Liu, W. 30
Lofgren, E. T. 108
Lorenz, K. 7
Lu, H. 128
Luckin, R. 124
Lyman, J. 78
McPake, J. 38
Marshall, P. J. 99
Martin, S. S. 38
massively multiplayer online games see MMOs
media, virtual 102, social 104
Meltzoff, A. N. 99
memories, of play see play
memory, effects of media on 106
Miller, A. 109
Minecraft™ 65, 80, 83, 86, 89, 107
Mishra, P. 107
mixed-reality 43, 46; continuum of 43
mobile gaming devices 63
More, T. 95
Morris, P. 100
Morris, S. R. 6
Mueller, P. A. 106
nanobots 97
Neary, L. 101
Nelson, C. A. 103
nervous system 8; definitions see glossary
neurons 9; neuronal network 9, 98
Newcombe, N. S. 100
Newton, D. 105
Nineteen-Eighty-Four 96
Nolan, J. 74
O’Brien, E. H. 106
Offermans, S. 42
on-line play environments 46, 67–70, 127–9
Opie, I. 13
Opie, P. 13
Oppenheimer, D. M. 106
Papert, S. 40
parents 2, 73, 110, 119, 131–3; videogame responses of 80; interviews 80–6; recommendations for 131–3
Parten, M. 14
Patel, S. H. 80
PC games 63
Pellis, S. M. 7
Pempek, T. A. 69
Perry, B. 17
Peterson, J. 102
Petroff, J. G. 105
physical, contexts 29, 42–3, 54–8; world 13, 15
Piaget, J. 7–8, 13 , 14, 15, 18, 104, 106
Pinker, S. 99
platform action games 65
play 1, 102, 133; dynamics 122–3; environments 29–36; interviews 80–9; memories 30–7; outdoor 54, 131–2; violent 101; in warfare 109
play development 5, 8, 12–13; 15, 98–100, 119, 123; construction 13; games 12–14, 104–5, 124, 128–9; practice 12, 124; pretense 12, 99–101, 124
playfulness 120
Pope Edwards, C. 7
PowerTouch™, study 76
pretense see play
Rainie, L. 128
Rapoport, J. L. 11
Reddy, S. 104
representation modes 29, 39, 44, 53, 57–8, 66, 68–9, 123, 125; see enactive; iconic; symbolic
research 30–7; 73–80, 125, 127, 129–30
Resnick, L. B. 40
Richert, R. 78
Rizzolatti, G. 9
Robinson, D. A. 15
robotics 54, 97, 102, 109, 123
Rodenbery, G. 96
Root-Bernstein, M. M. 13
Root-Bernstein, R. S. 13
Roskos, K. 15
Rosseti Language 77
Rousseau, J. J. 7
Rubin, K. H. 14
Russ, S. W. 15
Saby, J. N. 99
sandbox games 65
Schonfeld, Z. 96
Schroer, J. 78
Scott, G. 110
Shapka, J. 76
Shawareb, A. A. 131
Shore, R. 10
simulation games 64
singularity 97
smartphones 63
Smilansky, S. 14
Smith, C. R. 99
Smith, P. K. 120
social game play 69
Sowell, P. 11
spatial knowledge, effects of virtual media on 106
Steinkuehler, C. A. 129
Stephan, C. 38
Stevenson, O. 38
Strigens, D. 74
Sutton-Smith, B. 130
Swift, J. 96
tablets, electronic 63, 83, 99, 101–2, 123
technological innovation 6, 29–30
technology 1, 119; defining 19–20; interface 95; assistive 105; warfare 108–9; designers 119
technology-augmented play 2, 8, 54, 57, 73–4, 89–90, 98, 99, 101–10, 124, 130; effects 37–47; 84–6
Thomas, R. 78
Thompson, R. A. 103
toys, traditional 43–7, 54; design 123–5; smart 124; technology-augmented 54–5, 60–1
toy designers/developers 53, 110, 123–5
transparency 40–1, 43, 58–61, 66–7, 68–9, 74–6, 78, 101, 132
Trepte, S. 129
Utopia 96
Vandenberg, B. 14
Van Eck, R. 128
van Geert, T. 16
Van Hise, J. 96
video games 46, 54, 89, 105, 108; age levels 34–6; research on 30–7, 78–80
virtual 2, contexts 29, 42–3, 54–5, 61; communities 128; continuum 43; experiences 104; interactions 104; play 69; reality 68; world 104, 128
Vondrachek, S. 74