In the arrangement adopted here, the Arabic definite article (al-) at the beginning of an entry, the transliteration symbols for the Arabic letters hamza (') and 'ayn ('), and distinctions between different letters transliterated by the same Latin character (e.g. d and ḍ) are ignored for purposes of alphabetization. Inconsistencies in spelling and transliteration reflect the varying conventions of the publications in which the articles originally appeared.
'Abbād ibn Ziyād 182
'Abbās ibn Firnās 28
'Abd al-'Azīz ibn Marwān 176
'Abd al-'Azīz ibn Qays 272
'Abd al-Jabbār ibn Khālid 273
'Abd Allāh ibn Abī Farwa 174, 175–76
'Abd Allāh ibn 'Āmir 174, 175, 176
'Abd Allāh ibn Sabī' 174
'Abd Allāh ibn Ṣahr 202
'Abd al-Malik ibn Marwān (caliph) 180, 186, 189–90, 191
'Abd al-Qādir al-Baghdādī 147
'Abd al-Raḥīm al-Zāḥid 270
'Abd al-Raḥmān al-Iskāf 186
'Abd al-Raḥmān ibn Yuḥannis 189
'Abd al-Raḥmān ibn Ziyād ibn An'um 275
'Abdul Jabbar Beg, Muḥammad xxii–xxiii, 235–64
abortion 302 n. 86
Abraham 153
Abū 'Abd Rabb 174
Abū 'Abd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Masrūq 266–67, 271–72, 276
Abū l-'Atāhiya, on honest crafts 150
Abū Ayyūb al-Anṣarī 184
Abū Bakr (caliph) 153, 154, 188
Abū l-Ḍarīr 186
Abū Dukayn 175
Abū l-Gharānīq, nostalgia for time of 282
Abū Ḥanīfa
and building of Baghdad 206; on degrading crafts 163; on contracts 238, 239, 240, 249; silk merchant 316 n. 1; see also Ḥanafī school
Abū Ḥayyān al-Tawḥidī 246, 247, 248
Abū Isḥāq al-Jabanyānī 267
Abū Khālid 'Abd al-Raḥmān ibn Ziyād ibn An'um al-Ma'āfirī al-Sufyānī 272
Abū Maryam 'Abd Allāh ibn 'Abd al-Raḥmān 188
Abū Māwīya (mawlā) 174–75, 176
Abū l-Mughīra 'Abd Allāh ibn al-Mughīra ibn Abī Burda al-Qurashī 267
Abū Muḥriz Muḥammad ibn 'Abd Allāh ibn Qays al-Kinānī 268, 272–73, 275
Abū Mūsā al-Sarrāj 174
Abū Muslim al-Khurāsānī 171
Abū l-Qāsim (potter, of Kashan) 27, 100
Abū l-Qāsim al-Labīdī 267
Abū Ṣāliḥ al-Zayyāt 171
Abū l-Ṣalt 301 n. 79
Abū 'Ubayda ibn al-Jarrāḥ 206
Abū Yazīd, bronze jug made by 202, 203
Abū Yūsuf 163, 237–40, 249, 318
Abyssinian dīwān in Syria 190
Abyssinian sea, pearl fishing 25
acceptance of work (taqabbul) 308–10, 312, 313
glass manufacture in 52; St. John of 15–16, 19, 31, 234
'āda ("custom") 163
'adāla ("honourable character") 164
Adam 153
administrators, mawālī 176–79, 196
adobe, origin of word 57
adulīya (boats) 18
Aflaḥ 184
artesian wells 5; coral reefs 26; Kabylian towns 7; mawālī in armies 185, 188–89; salt mining 25; slave trade 253, 255; see also Egypt, Ifrīqiya
agency (wakāla) 309, 310–11, 312
agents 235, 236; and commerce xxv, 153; dry farming 290, 292; gardening contracts 248–49; labour force xxii, xxiii, 139–40, 235–51, 260–64, 270, (seasonal workers) xxiii, 244, 275, (see also sharecropping and under slaves); landowners' personal involvement 273–74, 275; productivity xv, 235–36; reforms under Ṭūlūnids 122, 123–24, 141; Sasanian period xv; status as profession xix, 152, 154, 200; and textile industry xvii, 119–20, 122, 123–25, 127–32, 139–41; tools and machinery 5–6; see also individual crops, animal husbandry, irrigation, landholdings, sharecropping, and under Egypt, Ifrīqiya, Iraq, slaves
agronomy, Andalusian 6
ahl al-khiṭaṭ 267
Aḥmad ibn 'Alī ibn Ḥumayd 276
Aḥmad ibn Ḥanbal 152 n. 1, 154, 158, 160, 163
Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad al-Ḥāsib 202
Aḥmad ibn Ṭūlūn 8, 10, 126–27, 130, 208
al-Ahwāz 171
akara (sing. akkār, agricultural labourers) 236–37, 240–41, 242
a'lāq (selected pieces of textiles) 37
alcarrazas (water-coolers) 27
alchemists, Old Cairo street of 215
buildings 10, 16; crafts 12, 215; merchants' stalls 8; sappers 31; "sugar-loaf" villages around 7
carts 17; grain trade 282–83; oyster gatherers 234; Roman glass industry 52; status of professions 162, 164, 219; tensions within crafts 234; textile industry 40, 162, 219, 228, 234
'Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib (caliph) 149–50, 160, 173, 179, 192–93
'Alī ibn Ḥumayd 283
'Alī ibn Muḥammad, leader of Zanj revolt 261–62
'Alī ibn Mujāhid 196
'Alī ibn Yaḥyā ibn Abī Manṣūr, building supervisor at Sāmarrā 205
Almaden, cinnabar mining at 25
almanacs, local agricultural 6
Almohad aqueduct in Seville 9
almonds, processers and sellers of 62, 214
alms, foreigners receiving 225
'Alqama ibn Abī 'Alqama 183
alum deposits 25
Amari, Michael 39
Amasya 4
Āmid 171
'Ammār ibn Abī l-Ḥaṣīb 204
Ammianus Marcellinus, on "Median oil" 31
'Amr ibn al-'Āṣ 182
'Amr ibn Ḥabbāb 202
'Amr ibn Layth al-Ṣaffār 260
Anasa (mawlā of Muḥammad) 179
'Anaza bedouins 150
ancient world
craftsmen's mobility 38–39, 220; "liturgy" system of labour 207; local production in late xiv; reuse of building stone 9–10; Roman craftsmen 33–34, 52, 149, 225–26; sharecropping 241; slave trade 255; town planning 7–8
al-Andalus xxv
agronomy 6; bridges 15; buffalo carts 17; ceramics 26; cooking 13; craftsmen in Cairo 211; floating mills 6; market police handbook 216, 225; mining 25, 30; sea wool 45; shoemaking 55; silk 38, 39; slave trade 255; water-wheels 4; see also Cordoba
bells 50; harness 5–6, 17, 21; hiring of 317; husbandry and herding xv, xvii, xviii, xxiii–xxiv, xxv, 154, 274, 292–93, (see also nomads); law on 290, 292; market regulations excluding 14; mawālī in trades concerned with 168, 170; power 4, 31, 244; racing 16–17; riding 175; shoeing 17, 168; state-owned herds xv; status of professions involving 154, 168, 170; in warfare 31; water carriers 9, 50–51 n. 5; see also individual species
Aphrodito, craftsmen in Iraq 207
apothecaries 24
al-'Aqaba xv
aqueduct, Seville 9
building methods 7, 10; industry in pre-Islamic 20; mining xv; qanat systems 4; Sasanian influence on economy xv; slave trade 255; multi-storeyed buildings in villages 7
Arabs, Goldziher's use of term xviii
Aramaic language 236–37, 241, 249, 250
'arāya (offering produce as gift, with option of buying back) 291–92
Archimedean screw 4
architecture see building
Arghun, Mongol sultan 19
'arīf (labour contractor) 224, 245, 246, 247
border troops 171, 178, 184; cities' role 8; compulsory service 19; mawālī in 173, 178, 183-96, 196-97, (independent units) 186–87, 190, 194, (pay) 136, 173, 178–79, 187–96, 196–97; registry (dīwān al-jund) 187; slaves in xxiii, 195, 256, 259–60, 273, 283; supply 171, 172; see also arms and armour, warfare
arms and armour 20, 21, 29–32, 51
arsenic, manufacture of 215
art-historical approach xiii, xvi, xxi
artisans see craftsmen
al-'Āṣ ibn al-Mughīra 146
Asad, Banū, of al-Yamāma 250
Asad ibn 'Abd Allāh al-Qasrī 184–85
Asad ibn al-Furāt 284
Asadīya 285
al-Ash'ath, peace with Zunbīl 171
Ashras (mawlā of Banū Asad) 176
Ashras ibn Jubayr al-Nakha'ī 191
Asia, Central; slave trade 255
Asia Minor, iron resources 30
aṣnāf see guilds
asphalt, used as incendiary 31
Assyria, deportation of craftsmen in 220
astronomical instruments 28, 165
'aṭā' (military pay) 173, 178–79, 187–96, 196 97
'Aṭīya (mawlā in army) 184
automata 13
Ayan (mawlā in army of al-Ḥajjāj) 186
Ayla, ceramic sequence xvii
Azāriqa 186
azulejos (Malaga tiles) 26
Babylonia, deportation of craftsmen in ancient 220
Badakhshan, rubies from 25
Bādhām (mawlā, involved in death of Qaṭarī ibn al-Fujā'a) 186
Bādīs ibn al-Manṣūr 278
book trade 22; building of 205, 206, 246; canal-digging 246, 248; craftsmen's quarters 248, 254; horticulture 248; housing 11; mosques 202, 206; al-Mu'taṣim moves capital from 260; paper factory 22; pontoon bridge 15; slave trade 253, 254; supplies wood for Sāmarrā 206; tile kiln 82
Bahnasā 133
al-Baḥrayn, pearl fishing 25
al-Bakhtarī ibn Mujāhid 184–85
baking and bakers xv, 20, 25, 58–60, 227
Bakr ibn Wā'il 267
al-Balādhurī, Aḥmad ibn Yaḥyā 247, 261
banking xiv, 28–29, 49, 126–27, 172
al-Barā' ibn Qabīṣa ibn 'Aqīl al-Thaqafī 187
al-Basāsīrī, Abū l-Ḥārith Arslān al-Muẓaffar 136 n. 63
Bāshshū 268
Asāwira of 187, 194; banking 28–29; craftsmen work for caliphs 206; horticulture 248; Khārijites 169 n. 26; mawālī in armies 169 n. 26, 186; palaces 208; slave market 253; supplies wood for Sāmarrā 206; trade 171; Zanj attack on 262
bathhouses, public (ḥammāms) 9
keepers 155, 156–57, 163, 165, 219, 250
bathrooms 57
Baṭrīq ibn Nahā 204
bayt al-māl 172
bazaars see markets
beads, makers and stringers of 34
'Anaza 150; attitude to crafts xviii, xix–xx, 145–50; see also Ifrīqiya (Hilalian invasion), nomads
Beja, revolt of 280/893 268, 269, 273
bells and bell-makers 50
Bernard (Christian monk, fl. 866) 271
bills of exchange 28
al-Bīrūnī, Abū l-Rayḥān Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad 14
Bishr ibn Ṣafwān al-Kalbī 185
black market 282
blacksmiths 20, 21, 29, 50–51, 221 status 145–48, 154, 155, 164, 167
blanching of textiles 48
blotting of ink 214
boats (adulīya) 18
book manufacture and trade 22, 55, 56, 183, 200
Book of the Prefect 40
borders, forces on 171, 178, 184
box, inscribed, from Madīnat al-Zahrā 204
breadbaking xv, 20, 25, 58–59, 227
manufacture 10, 17, 105–106, 168, 206
bronze production 50
brotherhood of believers 102–103, 151
Brunschvig, Robert xix, 151–66
buffalo carts 17
architects' role 206; brick 6, 7, 10, 17, 57, 168, 206; bridges 15–16; ceramic materials 53, 79, 105–106; craftsmen's signatures 202, 203, 204–205; labour organisation xxi, 56–58, 204–209, 246, 270; mawālī craftsmen 168; methods 9–11; military architecture 16, 19–20, 270; standardised elements 10; status of profession 200; stone 9–10, 15–16, 17, 22, 57; wooden 10
Bukayr ibn Māhān 191
Bukhārīya (military unit) 194
Buṣīr, flax scutching in 43 n. 2
butūt, garments called 170
craftsmen in Islamic world 207, 211, 220; glass-making 53; government factories xiv; Jews 217; liturgy system xxi, 207; military and naval campaigns xxiv, 185, 280, 294; piracy 19; silk industry 40, 217; slaves from 254, 256, 259; technology xiv
apothecaries 24; craftsmen 14, 33–62, 211, 212–14; foreign recipients of alms 225; fortifications 8, 16; glass industry 52–53; housing 11; location of crafts 54, 58, 62, 212, 214–15, 215–16; market on riverbank 18; 19th-c. professional corporations 34; pontoon bridge 15; potters 97–98, 101, 102, 234; social mobility 234; textiles 37–48, 120–22, 134–35, 227–28; water supplies 9; see also Geniza documents
calendars, agricultural 6
decline 207, 256, 263–64; "liturgy" system of labour 206–208; occupational origins of caliphs xix, 153; panegyrics by mawālī 183; slaves employed by 257
calligraphy 200
canals 9
digging of 245–46, 246–48; Egypt 15; Iraq 4, 251; ruination 236; al-'Ubulla 250
candlesticks 14
Cap Bon 273
capital, venture 229
carding of cotton 22
compulsory labour 21; lock-makers 51, 58, 213; mawālī 168; names of craftsmen 202; pre-Islamic 20; role in building 58; specialisation 213; status of craft 168, 200; techniques 12
castles 16
caulkers 21
cavalry 29
adaptation for different use 113; amphoras xv; archaeological evidence xvi, xvii; art-historical approach xvi; artistic quality 64–65, 99–100, 100–101, 116; bibliographical orientation and sources of documentation 67–75; building materials 53, 79, 105–106 (see also bricks, tiles); Chinese 65, 75; classifications of 27; colour 65, 88–89, 90–94; decadence after 13th c. 116–17; domestic production 27; early Islamic glazed, origin of xiv; Egyptian 27, 53–54; faience 13, 26, 27, 85, 106, 208; fine wares 12, 26–27; gilded 92; graffito decoration 116; guilds xvii, 99; from al-Hira 201; Hispano-Moorish 117; hoard, dispersal of Syrian 114 n. 70; household furnishings 111–12; imitation of glass or metal forms 104 105; inscriptions 74; insurance of porcelain 29; Jerash xv, xvi; lustre 92–93, 102, 116; mukhfiyat 53–54; Ottoman 117; pre-Islamic industry 20; regional classifications invalid 103; repair 104 n. 57; Samarra 108, 116, 201, 203; Sauvaget's approach to xvi–xvii, 63–66, 115–17; scholarship on xvi, 3–5; stratigraphy xvi, xvii; sun image 102; tableware and kitchenware 109–11; uses and forms 104–13; various objects 112–13; wasters 85–6; water storage vessels 106–109
TECHNIQUES 68–69, 76–95; bibliography on 68–69; decorating 86–94, (colour creation) 88–89, (colour application) 90–94, (enamelling) 85, 90–91, 99, (incrustation) 93, (relief) 86–88, (slip) 79, 90; manufacturing 76–86, (drying) 81, (firing) 81–83, (glazing and enamelling) 83–86, (moulding) 78–81, 87, 109, (preparing paste) 76–78, (reduction) xv, xvi, 83, 92, (throwing) 79–81 see also grenades, kilns, lamps, pipes, potters, tiles, wheel (potter's)
chaff-cutter (nurāj) 6
chairs, absence of 12
charcoal 9
Charlemagne 13
cheques 28
chessman, ceramic 113
chests and chest makers 12, 58, 213, 215
chicken "ovens" (artificial incubators) 7
child carpet-makers 23
commodity exchange with 136–37; iron resources 30; Jewish merchants in 42, 218; paper-making 22, 230; paper money 29, 137; porcelain 13, 65, 75; shipping to 18; silk trade 218
Christians 177; see also under crafts, slaves
cinnabar 25
citadels 16
attitudes to manual labour xix; building of new xx, xxi, (see also under Baghdad, Samarra); canals 246; centrality to Islam 7, 199; and crafts and professions xix, xx, 199, (localities connected with) xxi, 8, 23, 54, 95 n. 48, 214–16, 226, 248, 254; decline of Ifrīqiyan 279; garrison 172, 187; housing 9, 10, 11–12; hygiene and sanitation 11, 14–15; landowners' residence in 275; local manufacturing 17; market-gardening in suburbs 11; military role 8; supply 7, 17; town planning 7–8, 14; transport 14
extraction 317, 322; potters' 77–78
clepsydras 13
climate, adaptation to 11, 106
clothing xiv, 37, 44, 45, 46, 227n.2
cobalt 89
cobblers 154, 155, 168, 220, 234
cockerels as time-keepers 14
Cohen, Hayyim J. xxii, 36 n. 4, 218
commenda (type of partnership) 229, 307, 310, 311
and agriculture xxv, 153; craftsmen's involvement xv, xxii; mawali and 169–73, 196; scholars' activities 132–34, 141–42; status as profession 152, 154; see also banking, merchants, trade
compass, ship's 19
condiments 13
confectionery 24
confiscation of property 131–32, 268–69, 284
land grants in Ifrīqiya after xxiii, 265–66, 269, 272, 284
continuity in technology xiv, xviii
contractors, labour 244, 245, 246, 247
documents 55; of employment 232; evasion of legal prohibitions 129; and fallow land 238–39; gardening 248–49; hire or lease, where partnership invalid 318–19; marriage 222, 224; sharecropping xxii, 237–40, 242–43, 290–91; tax farming 38; see also partnerships
conversion to Islam xx, 176–77, 179, 180, 188, 260
cooking and cookshops 12–13, 60, 168, 215
coppersmiths 25, 49–50, 164, 215, 283
copyists 220
corkwood, shoes of 55
cornelian 25
corporations of craftsmen 33–34, 212–13, 225–26
Corsica 185
cottage production of textiles xvii, xviii, 139, 142
court patronage 201
crafts and craftsmen 199–209, 211–34
admission 224–25, 231–32; in ancient world 33–34, 220, 225–26; "apprentices, young men" (ṣibyān) 225, 231–32, 233, 234; Cairo Geniza documents on xxi–xxii, 33–62, 211–34; caliphs' connections with xix, 153; Christian xx–xxi, 203, 207, 211, 220, (Coptic textile workers) 44, 127, 159, 217; and cities, (association) xix, xx, 199, (topographical concentration of individual crafts) xxi, 8, 23, 54, 214–16, 226, 248, 254; compulsory labour 19, 21; continuity xiv, xviii; corporations 33–34, 212–13, 225–26; court patronage 201; day of rest 226; family traditions 100–101, 217, 224–25, 230; goods named after place of origin 221–22; guilds absent in 11th-12th c. xvii, xxii, 33— 34, 216, 223–26; Ibn Khaldūn's classification xx, 200–201; Ikhwan al-Ṣafā' on xx, 165, 199–201, 248; imitation, theories of xvi; innovation xviii; internationality 208–209, 211, 220–23; Jews' specialisms xxi, 36–37, 216–20; "liturgy" system xxi, 206–208; maw alt xviii, 163, 167–69, 196; mobility xvi, xxv, 94–95, 97–98, 101–103, 206 208, 208–209, 211, 220; moralists on 150, 152; names 201–205; organisation 205–209, (see also guilds above); quality supervision 224; pre-Islamic xix, 20, 156–57, 166; protectionism 225; requisitioning xxi, 19, 21, 206–208; signatures xvi, xxi, 96–98, 102, 201–205; skill levels xviii, 214; supervisors 203, 204–206; tools 21–22, 23; wage earners 226, 230–33; see also under partnerships, slaves, specialisation, status of professions
credit partnerships (sharikat al-wujūh) 309
Crimea 17
crossbows 30
Ctesiphon, battle for 23
cuppers (bloodletters)
low status of xix, 155–58, 161, 162, 169; Abū l-'Atāhiya contradicts 150; and bearing witness 165; bedouin attitudes 148, 149, 150, 156–57; jurists' views 163; and marriage 219; Shī'ī view 166
coinage 196, 262; paper 29, 137; textiles as 135–37, 233; value of 227 n. 2
custom ('āda)
and status of trades 163; al-Sarakhsī' unusual appeal to 309, 310, 311–12, 314
cutlers and cutlery 13, 51, 213
dabīqī (type of linen) 221
Dahlak, island of 25
dāliya (irrigation device) 245
damascening 12
book trade 22; building trades 204, 205, 206; citadel 16; craft organisation 204, 205, 206, 212–13; glassware 12; insurance 29; Jews 98; mawlā trader 171–72; metalworkers 14; potters 81, 98; silk production 39; 20th-c. ethnic and religious craft specialisation 36; Umayyad mosque 13, 204, 206
damask 39
Damietta 139 n. 74
dandies 46
Dār al-Imāra 194
Dār al-Rizq 172
ḍarība, ḍarībat al-'abd (slave's payment to master) xxiii, 258–59
dates and date-palms 170, 242, 248–49
David, King of Israel 148, 153
dawālī (irrigation device) 245
Daylam, campaigns against 184, 185
Dayr al-Jamājim 190
Dayr al-Jathātīq 186
decorators, interior 57
density, measurement of 14
deportations of craftsmen 220
dervishes 99 n. 53
Deuteronomy, Book of; on cuppers 148
dhahabī ("goldman") 49
Dhakwānīya unit 194
dihqāns (Persian gentry) 181, 182, 188
Dīnār (wealthy mawlā) 174, 182
dinar (currency unit), value of 128 n. 33
dining out 60
dining tables, hides to go under 55, 213
diplomas, physicians' official 225
distribution systems, Egyptian textile industry 130–35, 141–42
divers 5
divination 168
employment of mawālī 178–79,196; al-jund 187; al-kharāj 123, 247; al-khātam 178–79; al-mā' 247; al-rasā'il 178–79
Diyārbakr 208
Djebeniana (Jabanyāna) 267
Don region 17
down, processors and sellers of 35
drugs see pharmaceuticals
dūlāb (irrigation device) 244
Durayy al-Ṣaghīr 204
duties, commercial see 'ushr
environmental effect 215–16; Jewish specialisation 36, 217, 218; of leather, at al-Rabadha xv; local works 17; mobility of craftsmen 220, 221; partnerships 227; scholars with background in 219; Shī'ī view on status of profession 166; specialisms 36 n. 3, 45–48, 213, 228; techniques 24, 25; tension between "elders" and "boys" 234
eggs, artificial incubation of 7
agriculture, (irrigation) 4, 15, (labour force) 139–40, 237 n. 11, (machinery) 6, (and textile industry) xvii, 119–20, 122, 123–25, 127–32, 138, 139–41, (Ṭūlūnid reforms) 122, 123–24, 141; archery contests 30; banking 126–27; building industry 8, 56–58, 208; Chinese commodity exchange 136–37; conquest 29; crafts, Cairo Geniza evidence on xxi–xxii, 33–62, 211–34; currency 137; economy under Umayyads 21; food preparation 58–62; glassmaking 14, 53–53; labour xxi–xxii, 139–40, 237 n. 11, (division of) xv, xxi, 33–37, 212–14, (mobility) 203, 207, 208, 211, 220, 225, (or ganisation) 223–26; landholdings 123–24, 131; mawālī in army 188–89; metal working 48–51; mineral deposits 25; nomads 139–40; paper and parchment 55–56; pottery xiv, 26, 27, 53–54; requisitioning xxi; religious/ethnic specialisation 211; shipping 15, 17–18, 19, 138; slave trade 255; snow and ice imports 16, 62; sugar production 24; taxation 122, 123, 128, 130–32, 139; towns 6; trade xviii, 119, 120, 121–22, 138, 171; water management 4, 5, 9, 15; see also individual places and textiles (Egyptian)
elephants, war 29
embroiderers 21
emerald mining 25
emery 26
marginal 138, 139–40; see also wage labour
bridges 15–16; building projects xxi, 206; irrigation 244–45; siege warfare 30–31; social status 247
England, medieval and renaissance textiles 125
epidemics 277
epistles, official circular 55
equality, social 148, 151, 154, 161, 162–64, 166, 276
espionage 260
eunuchs 148
slave trade 255; textiles 125, 332; trade with Islamic region 84 n. 32, 89, 220
production for xiv, xv; textiles as medium of 135–37, 233; see also trade
explosives 32; set also grenades
brick-making 10; government xiv, xvii, 56, (see also under ṭirāz factories); paper xxii, 22, 56; soap 24; textile see ṭirāz factories
faience 13, 26, 27, 85, 106, 208
Fākhita bint Qaraẓa 176
fallāḥ (agricultural peasant) xxii–xxiii,3
family tradition in professions 100–101, 217, 224–25, 230
famines in Ifrīqiya xxiv, 277–78, 281, 294, 295
fans, specialist makers of 34
al-Farazdaq 147
fatḥ (opening of country to Islam) 283
Fāṭimids 134–35, 269, 276, 294, 296 n. 6; see also individual names
Jay' (state revenues) 188, 191–92, 195 96, 196–97
Fayrūz Huṣayn (dihqān) 182
Fayyūm, silk industry in 41
Ferghana, turquoises from 25
ferries, river 15
fertilisers 11
Fez 7
fiddle-blocks 21
Fll (mawlā) 183
finance 28–29; see also banking, money, taxation
Finster, Barbara xx–xxi, 199–209
fire, making of 14
firewood-gathering 316–17, 322
as currency 233; distribution 134–35; Egyptian exports 39, 121–22; processing 34, 43–44, 138, 217; taxation 125; see also linen
manning 19, 184; naphtha-throwers 18, 31; power xxiv, 280; see also shipping
floods and flood-gates 5
merchants 155, 170, 171, 175; milling 4, 6, 58–59
Fogaras, glass foundry 51 n. 5
foodstuffs xiv, xv, 12–13, 36, 58–62, 170–71
shortages xxiv, 277–78, 281, 294, 295; see also baking, meals
Forand, P. xxii
France 23
Frantz-Murphy, Gladys xvii–xviii, 119 42
freedmen 20, 55, 231, 255, 274 mawālī l-'itāqa 176, 177–79, 180, 181
funduk ("caravanserai") 8
Furāt al-Baṣra, slave uprising near 261
furniture and furnishings 7, 11–12 ceramic 112; crystal 276; textiles 11, 12, 35, 37, 45–46; wooden 11–12, 58, 168
gardens 4, 15; see also horticulture
gatekeepers 179
Gaul 23
gemstones, mining of 25
Geniza documents xxi–xxii, 33–62, 120–2, 134–5, 211–34
on division of labour and specialisation xv, xxi, 33–37, 212–14; on ethnic and religious specialisation 36–37, 211, 216–18, 219, 223; nature and value 211
Georgian craftsmen in Cairo 211
Germany, cobalt from 89
gharrāf (irrigation device) 245
gharrāfiyūn (agricultural labourers) 244
al-Ghazālī, Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad 154, 160
gilding of ceramics 92
glass and glass-making xiv, xv
Byzantine 53; ceramic copies 104–105; crystal-making 27–28; Jewish specialisation 36, 51–53, 217, 218, 226; location in Old Cairo 215; materials used 25, 50; mobility of craftsmen 221; partnerships 226, 227; scholars with background in 218; specialisms in 14, 27–28, 51–53; Syrian 12; wages 232
gnomon 13
goat meat 61
goblets, ceramic 110
Goitein, S.D. xv- xvi, xxi–xxii, 33–62, 120–22, 211–34
Ifrīqiyan reserves xxiv, 281, 294; kohl-sticks 34–35; prospecting for 24–25; tableware 13; thread 41, 138; trade 283
goldsmiths 24
Christian 220, 223; Jewish 217, 218, 223; mawālī 167; Muslim 218, 223; partnerships 227; specialisation 48–50, 217, 218; status amongst professions 146–47, 155, 164, 165, 167, 200, 223
Goldziher, Ignaz xviii–xix, 145–50
govern ment
bankers to 28; herds and pasture xv; market regulation 24; mints 231; production for government use xiv; transport policies 15, 16; see also caliphate and under factories, textiles (Egyptian)
governors, and mawālī 175–76, 183
deportation of craftsmen 38–39, 220; sharecropping in ancient 241; slave trade 255; Zirid raids on islands xxiv
Gregory VII, Pope 280
grenades, incendiary 31–32, 112, 113
at baths 155, 156–57, 163, 165, 219, 250; body- 180, 196, 256, 257; horticultural 249–50
guilds, craft xvii, xxii, 33–34, 99, 216, 223–26
gypsies 18
al-Ḥabasha, denoting African slave 255
ḥadīth on width of urban roads 14
Ḥaḍramawt, salt mining 25
hair, animal 44
Ḥajjāj ibn Arṭāt (architect) 206
al-Ḥajjāj ibn Yūsuf 174, 180, 185, 186–87, 190, 191, 247, 261
al-Ḥakam ibn Marwān 186
Hālik ibn 'Amr 147
Ḥamā, water-wheels 4
Ḥammād ibn Buluggīn 278
hammāms see bathhouses, public
Ḥamrā' of al-Kūfa 180, 187, 194
Ḥanafī school
on contracts 238, 239, 240, 249; on labour partnerships 307, 308–16; and land and economy in Ifrīqiya 285; pragmatism 313–16; on sharecropping xxii; on status of professions 152–54, 161, 162–63, 165; seel also Abū Ḥanīfa
Ḥanbalī school 153 n. 3, 163, 165; see also Aḥmad ibn Ḥanbal
Harba, bridge 15
ḥarim, slaves employed in 257
Ḥārith (mawlā), fights at Ṣiffīn 185–86
Ḥạrith ibn Ka'b, Banū 149
Ḥāritha ibn Badr al-Ghudānī 191, 193
al-Ḥarra 182, battle of the 186, 194
ḥarrāthūn (agricultural labourers) 236 n. 10, 243–44
Hārūn al-Rashīd (caliph) 13, 202
harvest, seasonal labour for 244
Ḥassān ibn al-Nu'mān, land distribution in Ifrīqiya 266, 269, 272, 284
ḥawāṣid (agricultural labourers) 244
Ḥaydarān 282
hektomoroi (ancient Greek sharecroppers) 241
hemp 45 n. 2
Heraklia, siege of 31
Herat, gold mine near 25
herding xv, xvii, xviii, xxiii–xxiv, 154, 274, 292–93
state herds xv
Herodotus 158 n. 28
hewers 6
hides, decorated, for dining rooms 55, 213
Ḥijāz xx, 189–90; see also individual places
Hilalian invasion of Ifrīqiya xxiv, 278–79, 282, 295, 296 n. 6
al-Ḥillī, Najm al-Dīn 166
Hind bint Asmā' ibn Khārija 182
hired labour xviii, xxv, 292–93
ḥisba, on rights of slaves 255
Hishām ibn 'Abd al-Malik (caliph) 177, 182–83, 189, 190, 193–94
Hittites 220
Hiuen-Tsiang, on Persian weavers 23
hoard, dispersal of Syrian ceramic 114 n. 70
Hodges, Richard, and David Whitehouse xiii
horticulture 11, 248–49, 249–50
hourglasses 13
al-Ḥuṣayn ibn Numayr 186
huts, straw-covered reed, of Jedda 10
Iberian peninsula, silver mines 25
Ibn 'Abd al-Ḥakam 295 n. 3
Ibn Abī Aḥmad 268
Ibn Aḥmar ibn Aslam al-Murādī 185
Ibn An'utn, 'Abd al-Raḥmān ibn Ziyād 275
Ibn al-'Aqadī 242
Ibn 'Arafa 310 n. 2
Ibn Asṭīn 177
Ibn Awthāl 177
Ibn al-Furāt (wazīr) 236
Ibn Ḥawqal 301 n. 79
Ibn 'Idhārī 295 n. 3, 301 n. 79
on crafts xx, 199, 200, 201; on Ifrīqiya 279, 295, 301 n. 79
Ibn al-Khaṭīb 282
Ibn Killis (Fāṭimid wazīr) 134
Ibn Masrūq 269
Ibn Muṭī', governor of al-Kūfa 195
Ibn Qutayba 153 n. 3
Ibn Rashīq 301 n. 79
Ibn al-Rūmī 262
Ibn Sa'dūn 301 n. 79
Ibn al-Ṣā'igh 302 n. 85
Ibn Serapion 248
Ibn Sharaf al-Qayrawānī 279, 301 n. 79
Ibn Ṭūlūn, on word nāṭūr 250
Ibn a!-Ukhuwwa 82 n. 30
Ibrāhīm II, Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad 268–69, 273, 276, 284
Ibrāhīm al-Nakha'ī 191
Ibrāhīm ibn Hishām al-Makhzūmī 194
Ibrāhīm ibn al-Mahdī 13
Ibrāhīm ibn Muḥammad (building supervisor in Medina) 205
Ibrāhīm ibn al-Sirrī ibn Sahil 132–33
Ibrāhīm the Christian (potter) 201
ice and snow, trade in 15, 16, 62
Idrīs 153
al-ldrīsī 19, 25, 26, 301 n. 79
agriculture xxiii–xxv, 279, 280–83, 282–83, 293–95; animal husbandry xxiii–xxiv, 279, 282, 295; black market 282; cities 275, 279; demography xxiv, 294, 281; economy, 3rd/9th-c. prosperity 275–76, 293–94, 4th/10th—11th c. decline xxiv-xxv, 277–78, 280–83, 293–95; fatḥ 283; food supply xxiv, 277–78, 281, 294, 295; gold reserves xxiv, 281, 294; herding xxiii–xxiv, 279, 282, 295; Hilalian invasion xxiv, 278–79, 282, 295, 296 n. 6; inequalities 275, 276, 293; irrigation xxiv, 277, 280; Jews in Egypt 120–21, 219; labour force xxiii, xxiv–xxv, 270, 280–81, 294, (slaves) xxiii, xxv, 276, 280–81, 283, 291, 293, 294; latifundia, Roman 293; law, and economy and landholdings 265, 283–93; leather and parchment 22, 55, 56; pastoralism xxiii, 279, 282, 295; rebellions 268, 269, 273, 277; social mobility 276, 294; taxation 268, 294; textiles 39, 44, 121–22, 159–60, (luxury) xix, 162, 165, 222; trade 278, 282–3 LANDHOLDINGS xxiii–xxv, 265–305; agricultural decline 293–95; allocation after conquest xxiii, 265–66, 269, 272, 284; of amīrs 268–69, 284; and economic decline xxiv, 280–83, 294; large estates xxiii, 266–69, 275, 276, 280–81, 287–88; law and 265, 266–67, 283–93; medium-sized xxiii, 269–70, 280–81; small, peasants' xxiii, 269, 270, 292–93; sources on 275–77
Ikhwān al-Ṣafā' ("Pure Brothers") xx, 165, 199–201, 248
Al-Iktisāb fī l-rtzq al-mustaṭāb 152–54
imitation, theories of xvi
slaves from 254, 256; trade with 18, 35, 44, 137 n. 67, 171
industry see crafts and craftsmen, factories, labour, and individual manufactures
inns 15
inscriptions, craftsmen's xvi, xx, 74, 201–205; see also signatures
instruments, astronomical and navigational 19, 28, 165
insurance 29
intelligence, military 32
invention, slavery as discouraging xiv, 3
in Egyptian textile industry xvii, 123–30, 134–35, 140–41; in partnerships xxv, 228. 307
bankers from 28; building 10, 11; caravanserais 15, 16; city walls 8; craftsmen's mobility 207, 211, 220; dihqāns 181, 182, 188; literature on xxv; Mongols' paper money 29; pottery xiv, 26, 27, 82, 100, 101; silk 40–41; slaves from 256; snow storage 15; stirrup introduced into 17; sugar production 24, 231; textiles 22, 23, 46; trade 171; water distribution 4, 5, 9
agriculture xv, 262–64, (labour force) 235–51; architecture 208; craftsmen in Cairo 211; dandies 46; economic collapse, 9thc. xxiii; irrigation 251; military pay for mawālī 191; slave girls trained in 256; textiles 40, 46; trade 262; Zanj revolt 262–64
in Egypt 4, 15; in Ifrīqiya xxiv, 277, 280; in Iraq 251; labourers xxii, 244–48, 277, 280; machinery 4, 244–45; and rents 292; and sharecropping 238, 290
'irrīsūn (labourers, or sharecroppers) 241
'Īsā ibn Abī 'Īsā 167 n. 3, 169
'Īsā ibn Abī Mūsā al-Sarrāj 169 n. 23, 171
'Īsā ibn Miskīn 284
al-Iṣfahānī, Abū I-Faraj 258
Isḥāq ibn Rāhūyeh 152 n. 1
Ismā'īl ibn Ubayd Allāh al-Shāmī 184
istiḥsān (juristic preference) 314, 315
textiles 125; trade 282, (in slaves) xxiv, 255, 280; warfare xxiv
Jabanyāna (Djebeniana) 267
al-Ja'd ibn Qays 191
Ja'far al-Ṣādiq, Imām 166
on agricultural labourers 244, 261; on akara 242; on Arabs' non-involvement in crafts and commerce xx, 173; on Ash'at h ibn Qays 149 n. 24; Kitāb al-btikhalā' 242, 250; on slaves 258, 259, 261; on watchmen at plantations 249, 250
jallābūn, jallābiyūn (slave traders) 254
Jamma area 269
Jamshīd 21
Janissaries 260
Jarīd xxv
Jarīr 147
Jarjarāyā 181
al-Jarrāḥ ibn 'Abd Allāh al-Ḥakamī 196
Jativa, paper manufacture 22
Jawf, migration of Arabs 150
al-Jazīra, land-tax dīwān of 177
Jazīrat Ibn 'Urnar 248
Jedda 10
Jerba, island of 35
Jerid 283
Dome of the Rock 209
Jesus 153
jewellery 20, 24–25, 25–26, 48–50
of Damascus 98; taws 52; of Medina 20; occupations xxi, 28, 36–37, 42–43, 51–53, 55, 98, 216–20; partnerships with Muslims 226; slave traders 255; Tunisian, in Egypt 120–21, 219; see also Geniza documents
jizya (poll-tax) xxi, 172, 241
joiners 21
Joinville, Jean, Sire de 5, 29, 31, 32
jug, bronze, made by Abu Yazīd 202, 203
al-Junayd ibn 'Abd al-Raḥmān al-Ḥakamī 185
jund, rebellion of (209-12/821-27) 268, 269, 277
junk dealers 148
juristic materials xix, xxii, xxiii, xxv, 151–66, 307–23; see also individual schools and writers
juristic preference (istiḥsān) 314, 315
Ka'ba, mosaics on arcades around 203
Kabul, myrobolan resources 30
Kai Kā'ūs Iskandar, Qābūs-Nāma 254
Kalb, Banū xxiv
Karāmīya 152 n. 1
Karbalā', battle of 186
al-Kāsānī, 'Alā' I-Dīn 313
Kashan, potters of 27, 100, 101
Kāzirūn 221
keys 12
Khālid ibn 'Abd Allāh al-Qasrī 182–83
Khālid ibn al-Rayyān 180
Khālid ibn Ṣafwān 149
Khālid ibn Usayd 149
al-Khallāl, Abū Bakr 153 n. 3
khān (Persian, "caravanserai") 8
Khāqān Urtuj Abū I-Fatḥ ibn Khāqān 205
kharāj (land-tax) 172, 176–77, 266
sharecropping contracts on 238, 239, 240
mawālī in fighting 169 n. 26, 186, 187, 191, 193
Khumārawayh ibn Aḥmad ibn Ṭūlūn 136 n. 62
al-khusrawanī (textile) 258
Khuttal 185
Khūzistān xv
Khwārizm, slave traders from 254
al-Khwārizmī, Abū 'Abd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad 246
al-Kindī, Abū Yūsuf Ya'qūb ibn Isḥāq pupil writes recipe book 13
Kish, island of 25
Kitāb al-ḥāwī (anon.) 244
knots, evil spells of 160
Kremer, Alfred von xviii–xix, 147
craftsmen 147, 206; economic problems 195; fighting between 'Ubayd Allāh ibn Ziyād and Muslim ibn 'Aqīl 186; Ḥamrā' 180, 187, 194; horticulture 248; mawālī 173, 195–96; revolt against 'Uthmān ibn 'Affān 196; Simāk mosque 147; trade 170–71
Kulthūm ibn 'Iyāḍ 267
child 23; compulsory xviii, xxi, 19, 21, 220, 247; contractors 224, 225, 246, 247; division of xviii, xx, 308–309, (Cairo Geniza evidence) xv, xxi, 33–37, 211, 212–14, (see also specialisation); hired xviii, xxv, 292–93; horticultural 248–49; as investment xxv; "liturgy" system xxi, 206–208; organisation xviii, xxi, xxv, (building projects) xxi, 56–58, 204–209, 246, 270, (contractors) 224, 245, 246, 247, (guilds not yet formed) xvii, xxii, 33–34, 216, 223–26; seasonal xxiii, 244, 275; serfdom xxii–xxiii, 3; supply and demand xviii, xx, xxii, 3, 235–46 253–56; working conditions 138, 232–33; see also individual occupations, crafts, contracts, mobility (of labour), partnerships, sharecropping, slaves, specialisation, status of professions, wage labour, and under agriculture, Egypt, Ifrīqiya, Iraq
ladders 11
al-La'īn al-Minqarī 145
confiscation 131–32, 268–69, 284; of dihqāns 182; Egypt, tenure in 123–24, 131; latifuridia, Roman 293; jurists on 265, 266–67, 283–93; of mawālī 181–82, 196; stewards 181, 182–83, 275; sec also under Ifrīqiya
land reclamation xxiii, 5, 238–39, 260–61, 262
land surveyors 57
land tax see kharāj
Laribus 273
lāsin (type of silk) 39
Latakiya, marble workshops 206
latifundia (Roman imperial estate) 293
on alcohol 24; on floating mills 6; on hired labour 292–93; of inheritance 286, 287; juristic preference 314, 315; on land 265, 266–67, 283–93; on livestock 290, 292; Mu'tazilite 285; non-Islamic institutions in 311; on partnerships xxv, 286, 307–23; on sharecropping 290–91; on slaves 290, 291, 292–93; on water distribution 5; see also contracts, juristic materials, and individual schools
law, Judaic 52
Laws of Mann 162 n. 45
lawwān (pattern-painters) 228
al-Layth ibn Sa'd 160
lead-working 50
leatherworking xv, 20, 21, 22, 25, 54–56
specializations 20, 22, 54–55, 213, 214
Lebanon 39–40, 51–52, 211, 250
lentil cooks 215
liability within partnership 313
lighthouses 18
lighting 14
blends 41, 138; Persian production 221; Tunisian production xix, 39, 121–22, 222; see also flax, textiles (Egyptian)
linseed oil 138
literature, expansion of 22
"liturgy" system of labour xxi, 206–208
loom, horizontal draw xvii
Low Countries, textiles 125
luxury goods 201
textiles xix, 37, 159, 162, 165, 221–22
Lydda, bridge 15
Ma'ālim al~qurba 224
agricultural 5–6; irrigation 4, 244–45; see also instruments, loom, presses, tools, wheel (potter's)
al-Madā'inī, Abū I-Ḥasan 196
Madīnat al-Zahrā, inscribed lidded box 204
craftsmen's mobility 207, 221; iron resources 30; landholdings 265; Mūsā ibn Nuṣayr's conquest 189; revolts 271; slaves from 270–71
magic of knots 160
al-Maḥalla 38, 40 n. 3, 129, 130, 227–28
Mahara region 17
Mahdīya, Ifrīqiya 269
Maimonides, Abraham 215–16, 227
malaria 260
Mālik ibn Sharāḥīl al-Khawlānī 189
Mālikī school
on bearing witness 165; on equality in marriage 162–63; on landholdings 266–67, 28385; on partnerships 307, 319–22; on status of professions 161–62, 163, 165
al-Manṣūr, Abū Ja'far (caliph) 206, 259, 261, 272
manufacturing see crafts and craftsmen, factories, labour, and individual manufactures
manumission 20, 55, 231, 255, 274
mawālī l-'itāqa 176, 177–79, 180, 181
Marçais, William 7
Marj Rāhiṭ, battle of 175, 186
black 282; cookshops 13, 60; hygiene regulations 14; mawālī and 173, 183, 196; mosques juxtaposed 8; rural 7; slave 253, 255; specialist 23, 212; stalls 8, 18; supervision 24, 85–86 n. 36, 183, 224, 255, (handbooks) 36–37, 211–12, 213, 216, 224, 225
Marrakech, gardens 4
contracts 222, 224; equality in xix, 162–64, 166
Marseilles, trade with 84 n. 32
marshes, drainage of Iraqi xxiii, 5, 260–61
Marw 184
al-Marwazī, Sharaf al-Zamān Ṭāhir 253
Mary, mother of Jesus 150, 153, 160–61
Mashhad, tiles at 100
al-Ma'shūq 205
signatures 202, 203, 204–205; see also building
al-Mas'ūdī, Abū l-Ḥasan 'Alī ibn al-Ḥusayn 258
administrative work 176–79, 196; army service 173, 178, 183–96, (pay) 173, 187 94; commerce 169–73, 196; by conversion xx, 176–77, 179, 180, 188; craftsmen xviii, 163, 167–69, 196; in dīwāns 176–79, 196; and fay' 188, 195; freedmen (mawālī l-'itāqa) 176, 177–79, 180, 181; governors' and rulers' clients 175–76, 182; guards and gatekeepers 179–81, 196; Kūfan 173, 195–96; landholdings 181–82, 196; musicians 183; officials 176–79, 183, 196; patrons'economic relations with 175, 178, 181, 182–83, 196; in police 180–81, 196; prisoners of war 170 nn. 28-29, 171, 180–81,184; secretaries 176–79, 196; stewards 181, 182–83; wealthy 173–76, 182, 196; women 182
al-Mawṣil (Mosul) 14, 54, 206, 248, 254, 259
Maymūn ibn Mihrān 177
Maysara ibn 'Azīz al-Kindī 192
Mazara 39
Maẓ'ūn, Banū 182
meals, setting out of 109
medicine 168, 173, 200; see also doctors
building 204, 205; Jewish craftsmen 20; matudlt in army of 186, 190; police force 181; slave girls trained in 256; trade 171, 172
caravanserais for 8–9; Jews 42; mawālī 169–73; of Mecca 8, 20, 28; not involved in production 230; partnerships with craftsmen xxv, 313–16; social status xix, 152, 153, 154, 155, 164, 234; see also under individual commodities
mercury 25
Mesopotamia 4, 5, 8, 26; see also Iraq
metals and metalworking xiv, xv, 12, 48–51
ceramic copies 104–105; craft organisation 223, 227; Jewish specialisation 36, 217, 218, 223; names of craftsmen 202; partnerships 227; smelting xv, 12, 25; specialisms in 14, 48–51, 217, 218; status of crafts 145–48, 155, 164, 165, 167, 200, 223; techniques 12, 30; see also coppersmiths, goldsmiths, jewellery, mining, silver
metrology 14
middle class, urban xiv
Milan, bell makers in 50
military architecture 16
military establishment see armed forces, arms and armour, fleets, warfare
mills and milling xiv, 4, 6, 58–59
potters' mills 84 n, 34
minḥa (legal transaction) 291 92
military 31; partnerships in 317, 322
mints 137, 172, 218, 227, 231, 246
Mismār (mawlā) 181
of labour xviii, xx, (agricultural) xxii, 235, 236, (craftsmen) xvi, xxv, 22, 94–95, 97–98, 101–103, 206–208, 208–209, 211, 220; social 234, 276, 294
molluscs, sea wool from 45
assayers 215; changers 20, 148, 155, 164, 172, 196; lending 28, 129, 175, 228–29; paper 29, 137
cart convoys 17; industries 20–21; paper money 29; warfare 14, 32
monkey-trainers 149
craftsmen 22, 80 n. 27, 211, 219
mortar 10
building of xxi, 10, 202; lighting 14; named after professions 226; and town planning 8; see also under Baghdad, Damascus, al-Kūfa, al-Qayrawān
Mshattā, palace of 208
Mu'āwiya ibn Abī Sufyān (caliph) 176, 182, 188, 189
al-Mubarrad, Abū l-'Abbās Muḥammad ibn Yazīd 247–48
Mudawanna xxi, 286–93, 319–20, 321
al-Muhallab ibn Abī Ṣufra 174–75, 184, 186, 187
Muḥammad, the Prophet
on cuppers 158; mawlā as gatekeeper to 179; occupation 153, 172; on partnerships and power of prayer 312, 313; privileged status 151
Muḥammad al-Ṣalā' (potter) 202
Muḥammad ibn al-Mu'alla (weaver) 202
Muḥammad ibn Ismā'īl al-Sāmarrī 258
Muḥammad ibn Samā'a 152
muhandisūn (canal-diggers) 245–46, 246–48
Muḥayyiṣa ibn Mas'ūd 158
al-Mu'izz ibn Bādīs 282
mukhābara (sharecropping contracts) 237
Mukhtār ibn Abī 'Ubayd al-Thaqafī 195
al-Mukhtāra, capital of slave kingdom at 262
al-Muktafī (caliph) 257
al-Muqtadir (caliph) 257
Murād, Banū 175
Mūsā al-Salāmānī 174
Mūsā ibn 'Abd Allāh ibn Khāzim 185
land distribution 266, 267, 269, 284
musāqāt (type of contract) 248–49, 290–91
musicians, professional 155, 165, 183, 256, 257
Muslim ibn 'Aqīl 186
Muslim ibn Sa'īd 185
al-Musta'īn (caliph) 205
al-Mustanṣir (caliph) 136 n. 63
al-Mu'tamid (caliph) 205
Muṭarrif ibn al-Mughīra al-Thaqafī 186–87
al-Mutawakkil (caliph) 257, 260
Mu'tazilite law 285
al-Mu'tazz (caliph) 205
muwākara, muzāra'a (contracts) 237
muzāri'ūn, set sharecropping
myrobolan 30
Nabaṭī people and language 146, 241, 249
al-Nābigha 146
Nagid see Maimonides, Abraham
Nahr al-Malik 236
Nahrwān canal 251
Nā'in, stucco decoration 208
Najrān 238
naqqātūn (canal workers) 247
Nāṣir-i-Khusraw 139 n. 74
natron 25
nā'ūra (noria) 244
navies see fleets
navigational instruments 19
nawāṭīr (sing, nāṭūr, watchmen) 249–50
Nicephorus II Phocas, Byzantine emperor 280
nilometer 202
Niṣībīn 171
nitre 31
Nitria, desert of 25
Noah 153
diet 12–13; possible employment in textiles xviii, 139–40, 142; pre-Islarnic industry 20; Qur'ān on 151; sedentarisation 7, 139–40, 142; see also Ifrīqiya (Hilalian invasion)
noria (nā'ūra) 244
Normans, and Sicilian silk industry 38–39
al-Nu'mān, Abū Ḥanīfa (al-Qāḍī) 165–66
nurāj (chaff-cutter) 6
Nuwayrī 277
obstetrics 200
occupations see individual entries and crafts, professions, specialisation, status of professions
oculist 225 n. 3
and Egyptian textiles 126–27, 134–35, 135–36, 140–41, (quasi-officials) 127–30; extortion 236; mauiālī 176–79, 183, 196; see also dīwāns
oil xiv, 17, 23, 138, 170, 171, 282 uses 13, 14
okelle (Med. French) 8
onyx 25
Orontes river 4
oyster gatherers, Alexandrian 234
painting 200; see also miniatures
palanquins 17
Palermo 39
craftsmen in Cairo 211, 220–21; glass manufacture 51–52, 218; requisitioning xxi; snow exports 62; textiles 39–40, 46, 218
panegyrics 183
introduction 22, 55–56; manufacture xiv, xxii, 4, 22, 56, 154, 230–31; money 29, 137
papyrus 22
parks, public 15
acceptance of work/raw material 308–10, 312, 313; agency 309, 310–11, 312; capital investment 228, 307; commenda 229, 307, 310, 311; companies of partners 227–28; complete 307; contractual or commercial (sharikat al-'aqd) 175,310; craftsmen's xviii, 53, 226–29, 230, (with entrepreneurs) 319, 320–21, (with stall-holders) xxv, 313–16; credit (sharikat al-wujūh) 309; and debts 228–29; invalid, treated as hire or lease contracts 318–19; with Jews 226; labour partnerships xxii, xxv, 307–23; in law xxv, 286, 307–23; liability in 313; loans between partners 228–29; Muḥammad on 312, 313; on resources belonging to neither partner 317, 322; and sedentary/non sedentary labour 316–19, 322; sharecropping xxii, 239; short-term 228–29, 230; total (mufāwaḍa) and limited investment ('inān) 308, 310; and unskilled labour 316–19
Pasargadai 207
pastoralists see nomads
pastry-cooks 59
patronage xx, 175; see also mawālī
pattern-painters 228
Aramaic terms for 236–37; landholdings in Ifrīqiya xxiii, 269, 270, 292–93; see also agriculture (labour force)
Pella, ceramic sequence xvii
mawālī 168, 170, 175; Muslims 218–19, 223
Persia see Iran
Persian Gulf, pearl fishing in 25
Petachia of Ratisbon 17
craft organisation 223, 227; Jewish special-isation 36, 52, 217
physicians 215, 224, 225, 321–22
Pilgrimage, craftsmen en route to 101
ceramic, for smoking 112, 113; clay, water and drainage 57, 105–106; lead, water supply 9
Pisa xxiv
plague 277
pledges, financial 129
Pliny the Elder 158 n. 28
poetry, early Arabic xviii–xix, 24, 145–47
mawālī 180 81, 196; see also markets (supervision)
poll tax (jizya) xxi, 172, 241
Polo, Marco 19
craft organisation 99, 234; evidence from manufacture 98; family traditions 100–101; Jewish in Damascus 98; location of workshops 95 n. 48; mawālī 169; mobility xvi, 94–95, 97–98, 101 103; names xvi, 201–202; signatures xvi, xxi, 96–98, 102, 203; social conditions 99–103; status 99
pottery see ceramics
power sources 4
animals 4, 31, 244; water 4, 6, 25
pre-Islamic era xiv
poetry xviii–xix, 24, 154–57; status of individual crafts xix, 156–57, 166
prestidigitators 165
prisoners of war xviii, xx, xxi, 16, 253, 271
mawālī 170 nn. 28-29, 171, 180–81, 184; paper-making learnt from Chinese 22
Procopius 31
admission 224–25, 231–32; localities connected with particular xxi, 8, 23, 54, 214–16, 226, 248, 254; family traditions 217, 224–25, 230; mosques named after 226; scholars' backgrounds in 218–19; see also crafts, guilds, specialisation, status of professions, and individual professions
protectionism 225
Provence, slave trade 255
proverbs, on watchmen 250
public health regulations 14–15
pumps 4
punkahs (screen-fans) 11
Pure Brothers see Ikhwān al-Ṣafā'
purple dye 44
qāḍīs, defend own independence 284
Qaḥdham ibn Abī Salīm ibn Dhakwān 177
Qal'at Ḥammād, felt-making in 223
Qammūda, revolt (280/893) 273
Qanbar (mawlā of lAlī) 179
Qaṣr al-Kāmil 205
Qaṣr al-Khayr al-Gharbī, Ḥimṣ 203, 204
Qaṭarī ibn al-Fujā'a 186
'Alī ibn Aslam's property 267–68; Bāb Nāfi' 275; Bāb Sālim 278; character 7, 8; craftsmen 208, 228; Great Mosque 285; razing by nomads 301 n. 80; Zuqāq ibn Dīnār 275
qayyāsūn (experts in canals) 247
al-Qazwīnī 250
Qīqānīya 194
qisma, sharing of property 289–91
quadrant, ship's 19
on nomads 151; and privileged status of Prophet and family 151; on seafaring 18; status of women in 151; on trades 151, 153, 161
CITATIONS: 4:34 151; 6:165 151; 9:97 151; 16:71, 75 151; 21:18 153; 24:37 155; 26:111 161; 30:28 151; 33 151; 34:10-11 153; 43:32 151; 49:13 151, 163; 49:14 151; 113:4 160
Qutayba ibn Muslim al-Bāhilī 184, 185, 194
Quṭrabbul 236
al-Rabadha xv
al-Rabī' ibn Ḥabīb 240, 243, 249
rafts on Tigris 17
al-Rāghib al-Iṣfahānī 148, 149 n, 25
on cuppers 157, 158; on weavers 149–50, 159, 160, 161
Rahdānīya merchants 42
Ramallah 22
raqīqīyūn (slave traders) 254
al-Raqqa 81, 84 n. 34, 171, 209
Ra's al-'Ayn 248
Rawān, near Balkh 297 n. 31
Rawḥ ibn Zinbā 'al-Judhāmī 194
Rayy 204
al-Rayyān 185
Rāzī (type of robe) 222
razzāmūn (reed-binders, dam builders) 247
reed-binders 247
renting of land 292
requisitioning xxi, 19, 21, 206–208
reservoirs, drinking water 9
rest, day of 226
revenue, state (fay') 188, 191–92, 195–96, 196–97
rice growing 5
rock crystal 12
Rome, ancient
craftsmen 33–34, 52, 149, 225–26; latifundia in Ifrīqiya 293
rope-making 11, 20–21, 45 n. 2
Rosetta 53
rosewater, manufacture of 215
rubies, balas 25
Russia, linen-weaving 222
Sabbath, Jewish 226
Sa'd ibn Abī Waqqās 206
saddle-making 17, 21, 22, 54, 169, 170, 213
Saḥnūn, 'Abd al-Salām ibn Sa'īd al-Tanūkhī
estate 269–70, 273–74, 275; and Ibāḍīs 285; as qāḍī 275, 284, 286; on legal status of lands of Ifrīqiyaand Maghrib 265, 283; Mudawanna xxi, 286–93, 319–20, 321; social mobility 276
Sa'īd (mawlā of Yazīd ibn Mu'āwiya) 180
Sa'īd ibn Jubayr 191
Sa'īd ibn Kaysān al-Maqburī 184
Sa'īd ibn 'Uqba 177
ṣā'igh ("gold- or silver-smith") 49
salination of land 260
salt mining 25
al-Sam'ānī, 'Abd al-Karīm ibn Muḥammad 254
building of 205, 206–207, 208, 209, 246, 260; horticulture 248; pottery 108, 116, 201, 203; slave market 253
Sanad ibn 'Alī 14
sappers 31
Saqan al-Ṣā'igh 283
al-Sarakhsī, Abū Bakr Muḥammad 152 n. 1 on work partnership xxv, 308, 309–10, 311–12, 314
Sarjūn ibn Manṣūr 177
Sasanian period
cooking 13; forced labour of captives xxi; monetary system xiv, 28; production xv; reputation of cuppers 157; ṣawāfī lands 196; stucco decoration 208; technology xiv
sausages 61
Sauvaget, Jean xvi–xvii, 8, 63–117
ṣawāfī lands 196
saws and sawyers 21, 22, 58, 213
Sayyār (mawlā) 183
scaffolding 11
scales, weighing 14
scarf makers 228
scholars, professions and commercial activities 132–34, 141–42, 218–19
screen-fans 11
sculptors, status of 165
sea wool 45
seafaring see fleets, shipping
seasonal labour xxiii, 244, 275
secretaries, personal 178, 196
servants, domestic xxiii, 242; see also slaves (domestic)
sesban, sellers of 215
Sfax 267
Shabīb the Khārijī 186
Shaddād (mawlā) 182
shādūf (water-lifting device) 4, 245
Shākirīya 194
sharecropping xxii–xxiii, 235–43
and condition of land 235–36, 238, 290; contracts xxii, 237–40, 242–43, 290–91; in Egypt 237 n. 11; gardening contracts 248–49; extortion by landlords 239; Greek hektomoroi 241; in Iraq 235–43; and labour supply and demand xxii, 235–46
sharikat al-'aqd (partnerships) 175,310
sharikat al-wujūh (credit partnerships) 309
al-Shaybānī, Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan 152, 318–19
sheep and shepherds xviii, 44, 163
and military pay for mawālī 192 n. 230; and status of professions 152, 165–66; and unrest in Kabylie 277; and Zanj revolt 262
Shīnīz 221
amphoras carried by xv; captains' society 18; Egyptian 138, (inland) 15, 17–18; instruments 19; partnerships rare in 228, 317; shipbuilding xiv, 18–19; slave transports 298 n. 46; see also fleets
Shir-i Zanj 261
shoemaking 54–55, 56, 213, 221
shrouds, sellers of 155
Shu'ayba 208
shuf'a (right of pre-emption) 286–89
ṣibyān ("young men, employees, apprentices") 225, 231–32, 233, 234
campaigns against xxiv; coral 26; leather industry 56; migration from Ifrīqiya 278; slaves from xxiv, 271; sugar cane plantations xxiii, 269; textiles 38–39, 44, 121–22, 222; trade 39, 44, 53, 121- 22, 230, 282
sickles 6
Sitlonius Apollinaris 23
signal towers 18
signatures, craftsmen's xvi, xxi, 96–98, 102, 201–205
in Egypt 38, 41, 138, 220, 221, 227–28 Jewish specialisation 36, 42–43, 217, 218 partnerships 227–28; processes 41–42, 138 scholars with background in 218, 316 n. 1 in Tunis 162 n. 44
craftsmen 48–50, 221, (partnerships) 226, 227, (religions) 36, 217, 218, 223, 226; kohlsticks 34–35; mining 25; in silk textiles 41; vessels 13, 49
singers, professional 183, 200
Sinjār 248
Sīrīn (mawlā) 181
Sistan, wind power in 4
slaughterers 61
agricultural xx, xxii, xxiii, 5, 250, 256, 260–64, 271, (irrigation workers) 277, 280, (revolts) 261–64; in armies xxiii, 195, 256, 259–60, 273, 283; ban on enslavement of Arabs 254; birth control and abortion 302 n. 86; bodyguards 256, 257; building workers 16, 204, 270; Christian dealers 271, 280; Christian slaves xx–xxi, 16, 204, 254, 256, 259, 271, 280; concubines 256, 257; in crafts xxiii, 20, 147, 226–27, 256, 258–59, (and low-status crafts) xix, 149, 156, 158; ḍarība, ḍarībat al-'abd (slave's payment to master) xxiii, 258–59; domestic xxiii, 256, 257–58, 271; entertainers 256, 257; herdsmen xxiii, 274, 292–93; hiring of xxiii, 292–93; ḥisba, on rights of slaves 255; in Ifrīqiya xxiii–xxiv, xxv 276, 280–81, 283, 291, 293, 294; invention discouraged by xiv, 3; law on 290, 291, 292–93; mawālī owners of 172–73; and mobility of labour xviii, 220; numbers of xx; owner's income from xxiii, 258–59; pay xxiii, 258–59; pre-Islamic, in Yemen and Yamāma xx; price fluctuations 271; prisoners of war xviii, xx, xxiv 16, 253, 271; Qur'ān on 151; races and stereotypes xxii, xxiii, 254–55, 256, 258, 259; revolts 5, 261–64; ṣabī applied to 231; shipping of 298 n. 46; supply and demand xviii, xx, 3, 253–56; trade in 170, 253–56, 271, 280, 298 n. 46; women 256, 257–58, 270–71, 302 ft. 86; see also freedmen, Zanj
slingers 30
smiths, status of 145–48, 164, 167; see also under goldsmiths
snow, storage and use of 15, 16, 62
soap manufacture 17, 24, 83–84 n. 32
social status see under status
Socotra 18
Solomon, occupation of 148, 153
Song of Solomon 12
spades 6
Spain, see al-Andalus
specialisation, occupational xv, xviii
in building trades 56–58; Cairo Geniza evidence xv, xxi, 33–37, 211, 212–14; in food preparation 58–62; Jews 36–37; and labour partnerships 308–309; religious and ethnic xv, xx–xxi, 36–37, 52, 211, 216–18, 219; specialist areas of cities and markets xxi, 8, 23, 54, 212, 214–16, 226, 248, 254; in textiles xvii, 37–38, 45–48
speculation, financial 281, 294
sphero-conical vessels, ceramic 112, 113; see also grenades
spinning 20, 22, 35, 42, 153, 154
stable boys 163
standardisation of weights and measures 10, 14
staples, iron wire 104 n. 57
status of professions xviii, xix, xxi, 233–34, 247
bedouin views xviii, xix–xx, 145–50; despised, base xvii, xix, xx, 145–50, 151–66, 218–20; juridical approach xviii, xix, 151–66; managers' status 205; and marriage xix, 162–64, 166; merchants' xix; prophets' and caliphs' backgrounds xix, 153; simple/compound xx, 200–201; theoretical/manual distinction 247; upward mobility 234; wage earners' low 233–34; wealth-based differential 233–34; and witness xix, 162, 164–65; see also under individual professions
steel-making 30
stirrups 17
stone, building 9–10, 15–16, 17, 22, 57
stonemasons see masons
straw, sellers of 215
street sweepers 155, 163, 165, 219, 246
Sufyān ibn 'Uyayna 160
growing xxiii, 5, 269; processing xiv, xxii, 24, 227, 230, 231
Sulaym (mawlā) 177
Sulaym, Banū, in Ifrīqiya 279
Sulaym al-Nāṣiḥ 184
Sulaymān ibn 'Abd al-Malik (caliph) 189, 190, 191, 204
Sulaymān ibn 'Imrān 303 n. 107
ṣulḥ (of land, "governed by terms of an agreement") 265
sulphur 31
Sumusṭạ 133
sun image on ceramics from Cairo 102
sundials 13
surveyors 57
Sūsī (type of cloth) 222
Suwar ibn 'Abd Allāh (qāḍī) 261
Syracuse 39
agricultural machinery 6; buffalo carts 17; castles 16; cereal imports 172; craftsmen's mobility 203, 206, 211, 220–21; glassware 12; land-tax 177; marble 206; mawālī 177, 187, 189–90; palaces 208; pottery 26; revolt against 'Abd al-Malik ibn Marwān 189–90; snow exports 16, 62; soap 24; sugar 24; textiles 22, 39–40, 44; trade with Medina 171, 172; watchmen at plantations 250
"Syrian jugs" (grenades) 32
ṭabarī (type of upholstery) 222
Ṭahmān (mawlā) 186
al-Ṭā'if, dam at 202
tailors and tailoring 21, 22, 138
mawālī 167, 169; mobility 220; partnerships 227; pre-Islamic 20; slaves 258–59; status 154, 160, 164, 200; wages 258–59
Ṭālaqān (type of felt) 223
Talas, battle of 22
Talbi, Mohamed xxiv–xxiv, 265–305
al-Ṭalḥa, well 202
bazaar of, Aleppo 215; low status xix, 148, 149, 155, 156–57, 163; mawāī 168, 169; partnerships 227; religion and ethnicity 55, 219
al-Tanūkhī 259
taqabbul (acceptance of work) 308–10, 312, 313
Tarento, slaves shipped from 271
Tavvaz, linen manufactured in 221
al-Tawḥidī, Abū Ḥayyān 246, 247, 248
extortion 236; farming of 38, 123–24; and flax industry 125; in Ifrīqiya 268, 294; nonpayment, and local reinvestment 122, 123–24, 130–32, 141; payment in kind 135, 172; rate of agricultural 128; in sharecropping contracts 237, 238, 239, 240; on wool in Egypt 139; see also jizya, kharāj
teakwood buildings, Siraf 10
techniques, development of xvi, xviii, 3–32
personal mobility and xvi, xviii, 22, 208–209, 220
tent-making 22
textiles xiv, xvii–xviii, 45–48
blanching and bleaching 48; cost 37, 48; cottage production xvii, xviii, 139, 142; as currency 135–37, 233; European industry 125, 322; factories xvii, 121, 139, 159, 205; furnishings 11–12, 37; importance xv, xviii, 37, 137; investment in xvii, 123–30; Jewish specialisation in 36, 42–3, 47, 217, 218; luxury items xix, 37, 127 n. 25, 159, 162, 165, 221–22; names of producers 202, 204; pre-Islamic 20; Sasanian xv; specialisation within xvii, 37–38, 45–48; techniques 22–23; 23; trade in xvii, 136–37; Tunisian processing of imported fibres xix, 39, 121–22, 222; varieties named after place of manufacture 221–22; see also clothing, dyeing, weaving, and individual fibres
EGYPTIAN (primarily linen) xv, xvii–xviii, 37–48, 119–42; and agriculture xvii, 119–20, 122, 123–25, 127–32, 138, 139–41; Coptic 44, 127, 159, 217; cottage production xvii, xviii, 139, 142; cotton 44, 138; decline in 13th c. 142; distribution systems 130–35, 141–42; employment and linkages xviii, 137–40, 142; exchange medium 135–37; export, (cloth) 122, 137 n. 67, 142, (raw flax) 39, 121–22; Fāṭimid period 121, 122, 134–35; foreign involvement 126–27; fragments extant 120, 127; investment capital 123–24; investors xvii, 123–30, 134–35, 140–41; luxury items xix, 127 n. 25, 159, 162; silk 38, 41, 138, 220, 221, 227–28; sources on 119, 120, 121–22; state-private sector relationship 124–25, 126–27, 127–30; and taxation 122, 123–24, 130–32, 139, 141; weavers 138, 158 n. 28, 159, 162; wool 44–45, 139; working conditions 138, 159; see also ṭirāz factories
Thābit (maulā) 184
Thābit Quṭna 194
thawb (garment), cost of 227 n. 2
Thawba (mawlā) 191
thimbles 22
threshing 6
Tiberias, book trade 22
tilers 57
tiles, ceramic 26, 82, 105–106
tinder boxes 14
military role 185; pottery exports 53; textile factories 130, 133, (luxury fabrics) xix, 127 n. 25, 162 n. 44, (private workshops) 127 n. 25, 128, (state workshops) 127 n. 25, 128, 134 n. 55, (working conditions) 138–39 n. 74
ṭirāz factories (Egyptian textile workshops) xvii, 121 n. 6, 162 n. 44
private 121, 124, 127 n. 25, 128, 134 n. 55, 139; state xvii, 121, 125 n. 17, 127 n. 25, 128, 159, 205, 231; see also Tinnīs (textile factories)
Tirmidh, Battle of 185
Toledo, water-wheels 4
Torah scrolls 55
planning 7–8, 14; small 6–7, 17; see also cities
toys, ceramic 113
European 84 n. 32, 89, 220; and interchange of ideas and artistic styles 220; mawālī and 170–72; see also commerce, exchange, merchants, individual commodities, and under individual countries
Transoxiana, dams 4
transport xiv, 14, 15–20, 22; see also individual types
Tripoli, African xxiii, 17, 223, 269
trousseaux 12, 29, 34–35, 46, 47, 49
Tunbudha 268
arsenal 19, 270; ceramics 26; character 7; luxury textiles xix, 162, 165; revolt (280/893) 273
Tunisia see Ifrīqiya
Turkestan, irrigation 4
Turkic speakers, influx of 140 n. 79
Turks 140 n. 79, 184–85, 254, 255 n. 25, 256, 260
turquoises 25
Tustar, linen manufactured in 222
Tyrhennian Sea xxiv
'Ubayd (mawlā of al-Ḥajjāj) 187
'Ubayd Allāh ibn al-Habhāb 267
'Ubayd Allāh ibn Sab' 171
'Ubayd Allāh ibn Ziyād 186
'Ubayd ibn Maysara 186
Udovitch, Abraham L. xxv, 307–23
'Umar ibn 'Abd al-'Azīz (caliph) 177, 180, 193, 196
'Umar ibn Faraj 205
'Uinar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb (caliph) 153, 179, 187–88, 191–92, 196, 254
Umayya ibn Khalaf 145
labour organisation for projects 21, 208; and mawālī 175–76, 177, 179, 182, 183; Spanish, and sea wool trade 45
unity of Islamic civilisation 65, 101–103, 116
'unwa (of land, "taken by force") 265
Ushmūnayn 139
'Utba ibn Abī Sufyān 182
'Uthmān ibn 'Aflfān (caliph) 153, 174, 175–76, 181, 196
vaults 208
vellum 55
Veramin 100
Waḍḍāhīya 194
agricultural 240, 243; contract of employment 232; craftsmen 226, 230–33, 234; debts paid off by 234; nomads and 139–40, 142; skill levels 231–3; slaves xxiii, 258–59, (former) 300 n. 60; social status 152, 233–34; 34; in textile industry xvii, 138, 139–40, 142; wage levels 232–33, 258–59; working conditions 232–33
wakāla ("caravanserai") 8
al-Wakī', Abū Muḥammad Bakr ibn Ḥayyān 261
al-Walīd ibn 'Abd al-Malik (caliph) 148, 189, 204, 207
al-Walīd ibn Janāḥ 80 n. 27
al-Walīd ibn Yazīd (caliph) 190
city 8; plastering 57; shelters for flocks 7
wardrobes 12
siege warfare 30–32; strategy and tactics 32; see also armed forces, arms and armour, fleets
Warrāq 301 n. 79
washing 25
Wāṣil ibn 'Aṭā' 270
al-Wāsiṭī, Muḥammad ibn Yazīd 133
carriers 9, 50–51 n. 5; coolers 27, 106; distribution 5, 245; -lifting devices 4; power 4, 6, 25; storage vessels 106–109; - wheels 4, 25
wax makers 215
weaponry see arms and armour
Copts 44, 127, 159, 217; craftsmen's names on fabrics 202; equipment xvii, 21; labour contractors 246; Mary's curse on weavers 150, 160–61; mawālī 167; partnerships 227; poverty 159; of silk 41, 42; as slaves' work 149, 158, 258; status as profession, (base) xvii, xix, 148–50, 153–54, 155, 158–62, 163, 219, 258, (respectable) 150, 161, 162, 165, 166, 200, 219; techniques and equipment xvii, 21, 159; wealthy 162, 165; as women's work 158
weights and measures 14, 52, 259
Whitehouse, David, and Richard Hodges xiii
wild fruits, gathering of 316–17, 322
wind power 4
winnowers 6
witness, bearing of xix, 162, 164–65, 166
cosmetics 24; mauiālī 182; Qur'ān on status of 151; transport 17; weaving as work of 158
wood-turning xv, 13, 21–22, 58
wool xviii, 20, 22, 44–45, 139
working conditions 138, 232–33
materials 22. 34, 35, 214; as occupation 176–79, 200
aJ-Yaḥṣubī, Abū 'Īsā Marwān ibn 'Abd al-Raḥmān 302 11. 92
Yaḥya ibn Abīl Ḥafṣa 174
Yaḥyā ibn Khālid 297 n. 31
Yaḥyā ibn 'Umar 302 n. 92
Yamāma xx
Ya'qūb ibn Dāwūd 260
al-Ya'qūbī, Ibn Wāḍiḥ 246
Yarfa (mawlā) 179
al-Yarmūk, battle of 184
Yazīd ibn Abī Muslim 191
Yazīd ibn Mu'āwiya (caliph) 180
Yazīd ibn al-Muhallab 185, 191
'Abd al-Malik ibn Marwān and 185; agricultural slaves xx; baking of bread 58; industries xv, 20, 22, 51, 219; irrigation 4; Jews 219; precious stones 25; pre-Islamic period xv, xx, 20
Yeshil Irmak, water-wheels 4
Yūnus ibn Kurd ibn Shahriyār 171
Zacariah 153
Ẓāhirīs 152 n. 1
Zanj xviii, xxiii, 255, 256, 258, 260–61 "disease of" (malaria) 260; revolt 5, 261–64
Zawīla, slave route through xxv
Zayd ibn 'Alī 239
Ziaul Haque xxiii
Zirids xxiv, 294, 296 n. 6; see also individual names
Ziryab 24
Ziyād ibn Abīhi
al-Aḥnaf ibn Qays' advice to 169, 173; and mawālī 176, 177, 181, 182, 186
Ziyādat Allāh I 208
revolt of jund against 268, 269, 277
Zoroastrian bankers 28
Zubayda, wife of Hārūn al-Rashīd 9
al-Zubayr ibn al-'Awwām, army of 184
Zunbīl 171
zurunbāq maker 221
Zuṭṭ xviii