
Note: page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.


ideology of  13
movement on Fourteenth Amendment  109
rhetoric of  12
of slavery in Washington, D.C.  54
Adams, Henry  38, 44, 81
Adams, John Quincy  13
on nullification  14
allegiance, taking oath of  90
All the Pretty Horses (McCarthy), 2
American Colonization Society  11
American patriots  6
American Revolution
opposition to authority and  5
unjust taxation leading to  6
Amnesty Act  118
Anaconda plan  36, 37
Anderson, Jourdon  116
Anderson, Robert  30
Antietam. See Battle of Antietam
Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World (Walker)  11
Articles of Confederation  6
assassination, of Lincoln  106, 121
authority  5. See also power


Battle of Antietam  57
Beauregard, Pierre  33
Bell, John  27
Belmont, August  113
blockade, tactic  35
Bloody Angle  88
Booth, John Wilkes, assassination of Lincoln by  105106
Brace, Charles Loring  40
Brady, Mathew  60
Breckinridge, John  27
Brooks, Preston, Sumner as caned by  24
Brown, John
assault on federal arsenal led by  26
as martyr for abolitionist cause  26
secret six supporting  93
violence by  24
Buchanan, James  25
Buell, Don Carlos  43
Bull Run  5657
Bureau of Refugees  102
Burns, Anthony, capture of runaway slave  20
Butler, Benjamin  40, 89


Calhoun, John C.  13
on slavery as positive good  13
Campbell, John A.  103
capitalism  23
cartoons, slavery as good v. evil in  19
Chancellorsville Campaign  68
Charleston Mercury  5
Chase, Salmon  58, 65, 84, 88
Emancipation Proclamation and  65
Chesnut, Mary  95
Cheves, Langdon  18
Children’s Aid Society  40
civil rights, bill vetoed by Johnson  109
Civil War
divide between families by  34
Emancipation Proclamation allowing African American soldiers in  65
end of  104
food problems during  67
fraternizing between sides in  48
generalizations about motivations of sides in  47
immigrants enlisted for  47
lethal results of battles in  45
long-term origins of  514
origins of  2, 529
photographs of  6061
short-term origins of  1525
soldiers’ ideas of what they were fighting for in  46
speculation about  2
themes of  3
toll on North/South by  67
Whitman on  121
Clay, Henry  11, 18
eulogy by Lincoln  19
Cobb, Howell  100
Coinage Act of 1864  84
Cold Harbor, defeat  88
free blacks opposing  11
Lincoln on  58
Colored Orphan Asylum  76
Compromise of 1850  1, 18
advantages over Union of  35
creation of  31
Davis on  31
military tradition of  35
referred to as insurgents  103
slaves as soldiers for  100101
Confiscation Act  40, 54
Conkling, James  79
Conscription Act  49, 67
hiring of substitutes in  67
revised  85
riots in New York over  75
slavery and  6
tripartite form of government created by  6
Constitutional Convention  8
control, central authority v. local  5
Corning, Erastus  69
gin  13
from South in world economy  13
wealth from production for export of  13
Crittenden, John J., compromise measure offered by  30
Crittenden-Johnson resolution  39
Cushing, William  7


Davis, Henry Winter  90
Davis, Jefferson  44, 99
cabinet of  85
on Confederacy  31
on control of Mississippi River  36
on Emancipation Proclamation  59, 61
in military affairs  85
on war’s course for Confederacy  41
Declaration of Independence  5, 7
Northern Peace  68
as significant percentage of Northern  89
Whigs v.  16
diplomacy  40
discrimination, against freedmen  108
Douglas, Stephen  22, 26
Douglass, Frederick  117
on blacks in military  77
on Lincoln  56
on runaway slaves  40
Dred Scott v. Sandford  24
duty  46


Early, Jubal  91, 9495
education, for freedmen  117
Effects of the Fugitive-Slave-Law 20
Elements of Military Art and Science (Halleck)  43
Ellsworth, Oliver  7
as executive decision  55
gradual plans by Northern states for  7
Lincoln on gradual  54
political platform of Liberty Party  16
Emancipation Proclamation  4
changes from preliminary decree to  65
Davis on  59, 61
as issued  65
Lincoln’s defense of  79
military and  65
reactions to  65
reactions to preliminary  58
Southerners as denouncing  59
Emerson, Ralph Waldo  17
on Lincoln  63
Enrollment Act. See Conscription Act
Everett, Edward  81
Ewell, Richard  71, 106


Farragut, David  52
dealing with  48
soldiers’  49
Federalists, ratification supported by  8
Fifteenth Amendment  115
First Reconstruction Act  111
food, problems during Civil War  67
Forrest, Nathan Bedford  113
murders by  86
Fort Donelson  44
Fort Henry, Grant’s attack on  44
Fort Pillow  86
Fort Sumter  1
demand of surrender by  33
firing on  29
as symbol  33
Fourteenth Amendment  108
abolitionists on  109
drafting  109
as ratified  112
Freedman’s Bureau  108
codes discriminating against  108
educational efforts as progress for  117
fair deals for  116
freedom  118
transition from slavery to  110
Fremont, John C.  39, 88
Fugitive Slave Act  19, 22
effects of  20
property rights of slaveholders under  22


gag rule  16
Gardner, Alexander  60
Garrison, William Lloyd, on slaveholders  11
General Order Number 11  54
address by Lincoln  82
Lee’s attack on  7274
Gibson, James  60
Goree, Thomas  101
compact theory of  9
limited  16
national  5
power of  6
Grant, Ulysses S.  70
Army of the Shenandoah created by  94
on black soldiers  78
Fort Henry attack by  44
headquarters of  86
Lincoln as writing to  74
nomination for president of  113
Overland Campaign of  87
Sherman as asset to  45
Great Britain, American conflict as affecting  4041
Greeley, Horace  56, 58, 76
Niagara Falls meeting with Confederate agents by  103
guns  48


Halleck, Henry  43, 99
Hammond, James Henry  13
Hancock, John  6
Hartford Convention  10
A Harvest of Death 74
Haydon, Charles  48
Henry, Patrick  8
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth  64
Hill, Ambrose Powell  71
The Homestead Act  50
Hood, John Bell  91
Hooker, Joseph  6667, 71
Howard, Oliver Otis  102, 110
Hunter, David  54
Hunter, R. M. T.  103


identity, of white Southerners  16
immigrants, as enlisting for Civil War  47
inflation  84


Jackson, Andrew  13
Jackson, Thomas “Stonewall”  52, 68
James River, Union forces access to  51
Jefferson, Thomas
on bill of rights  89
resolves written by  9
on slavery  7
Johnson, Andrew
civil rights bill vetoed by  109
impeachment of  112
racial ideology of  107
restoration plan of  107
speaking tour of  110111
Johnston, Joseph E.  51, 86, 91
unhappiness with  91


Kansas, as “Bleeding Kansas”  24
Kansas-Nebraska Act  2223
Ku Klux Klan  115


labor, need following slavery’s end  116
Lee, Robert E.  26
attack on Union center by  7273
Bull Run attack by  5657
command of Union Forces offered to  34
on slaveholders’ view of master/slave relationship  100
surrender by  104
Liberator  12
Liberty Party  93
immediate emancipation platform of  16
Lincoln, Abraham  11
actions for advancing Union’s military success by  6667
appeal for state militia troops to deal with insurrection  34
assassination of  105106, 121
on black soldiers in military  77
Clay’s eulogy as delivered by  19
colonization for  58
Confederates as called insurgents by  103
in Confederate White House  104
death of son of  44
on defense of Emancipation Proclamation  79
election of  1
Emerson on  63
on Fremont’s proclamation  39
Gettysburg address by  82
on gradual emancipation  54
on Hooker  71
inauguration of  3233
on injustice of slavery  23
leadership of  120
on perpetual union of United States  32
presidential election of  27
Proclamation of Prayer and Thanksgiving issued by  94
on rebellion  69
reconstruction policies of  90
reelection of  96
as reemerging from political retirement after Kansas-Nebraska crisis  23
renomination of  89
on restoring union  105
travel to Harrison’s Landing  52
Whitman as cherishing  120
writing to Grant  75
Longstreet, James  70, 73
Louisiana Territory  17
purchase of  10


Madison, James  89
Malvern Hill  51
Manassas Industrial School  117
manifest destiny, doctrine of  17
marriage, interracial  108
Mason, James  41
McCarthy, Cormac  2
McClellan, George  39, 50
attitude toward war of  5253
as nominated for president  92
McDowell, Irvin  38
Meade, George Gordon  71
Meigs, Montgomery  43
Melville, Herman  46
Mexican War  1, 17
black soldiers in  7779
black units prior to 1863, 76
Emancipation Proclamation and  65
Minie balls  45
miscegenation  95, 96
Mississippi, causes of secession by  7
crisis  1011
under martial law  39
Missouri Compromise  22, 30
in Dred Scott v. Sandford  24
mobility, of white Southerners  1516
Morrill Land Grant Act  50
murders, by Forrest  86


Nast, Thomas  113, 114
National Banking Act  50
Northwest Ordinance of 1787 7
Adams, J., on  13
constitutionality of  14


Ordinance of Nullification  14
O’Sullivan, Timothy H.  74
Our American Cousin  105
Overland Campaign  8788


democrats  68
movement  91
Peninsula Campaign  5051
Perry, John G.  88
photographs, of Civil War  6061
Pickett, George  72
Pierce, Franklin  31
Pillsbury, Parker  115
Polk, James  17
of government  6
South’s economic  14
prejudice  11
prisoners of war  87
Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction  82
Proclamation of Prayer and Thanksgiving, issued by Lincoln  94
provided for former slaves  102
rights under Fugitive Slave Act  2022
prosperity, seeking  15


Quantrill, William  80


race. See also white supremacy
colonization and  58
prejudice of  11
riots  111
Randolph, John  11
Randolph, Thomas Jefferson  12
opposition to  8
support for  8
Lincoln on  69
slave  11
Turner led  12
reconstruction  82. See also restoration
battles over  108
economic  116
Lincoln’s policies of  90
of blacks in military  7778
poster 78
reformation, restoration v.  108
religion, of soldiers  84
Republican Party, creation of  23
Johnson’s plan for  106
Lincoln on  105
reformation v.  108
over Conscription Act  75
race  111


salt, scarcity of  67
Scott, Winfield  36
causes for  5
choice and  5
Mississippi’s causes of  7
place regained by states after  106
slavery and  31
Southerners who supported  5
by Southern states  2829, 34
Second Confiscation Act  55
Seven Days Battles  51
Seward, William Henry  33
on North-South struggle  28
Seymour, Horatio  59
Shays’ Rebellion  6
Sheridan, Philip  94
as removed by Johnson  111
Sherman, William T.
as asset to Grant  45
Atlanta and  9394
in Georgia  9899
Shiloh, battle of  45
Sickles, Daniel  111
Garrison on  12
planter elite  15
Supreme Court supporting rights of  26
view of master/slave relationship  100
slavery. See also abolition
attack by Lincoln and congress on  5354
attitude of Southern women toward  101
as beneficial v. evil  19
Constitution and  6
cotton production as related to positive view of  13
1852 turn in movement against  20
hostility to institution of  7
Jefferson on  8
Lincoln on injustice of  23
master/slave relationship in  8
during Mexico/United States war  17
nation v. state tied to issue of  10
as necessary evil  11
as positive good  13
role in diplomatic relations  40
secession and  31
transition to freedom from  110
Slavery as it Exists in America. Slavery as it Exists in England (1850)  19
slaves. See also freedmen
escaping Confederate lines  40
as matter of military policy  40
property provided for former  102
rebellion  1213
revolt by  12
runaway  40
slaveholders’ view of master relationship with  100
as soldiers for confederacy  100101
Smith, Gerrit  93
McClellan’s nomination denounced by  93
on aftermath of battles  49
fear of  4849
as fraternizing between sides  48
religion of  84
suffering ordeals of  48
Soldiers National Cemetery  81
Civil War’s toll on  67
cotton production in  13
economic power of  14
Seward on struggle between North and  28
South Carolina, secession of  27
Southern Homestead Act
as enacted  110
quality of land available through  110
Specimen Days (Whitman)  122
Stanton, Edwin  111112
state interposition, doctrine of  10
Stephens, Alexander  2728, 103
on secession and slavery  31
Stevens, Thaddeus  107
Stowe, Harriet Beecher  20
Strong, George Templeton  97
Stuart, James E. B.  71
suffrage, black male  112, 115, 117
Sumner, Charles, as caned by Brooks  24
supremacy. See white supremacy


Taney, Roger  24, 33
forbidding protective  31
protective  14
taxes  6
American Revolution and  6
tax-in-kind law  67
Tennessee, Shiloh Church  45
Tenure of Office Act  111
Thirteenth Amendment  101
Tocqueville, Alexis de  14
Toombs, Robert  34
trade, regulating  6
treason  14
Trumbull, Lyman  112
Turner, Nat  1
rebellion led by  12
Twain, Mark, xi 118


Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe)
as banned by Southerners  20
as sensation  20
slavery as moral dilemma in  20
adding states to  95
center as attacked by Lee  7273
food production of  35
Lincoln’s actions for advancing military success of  6667
population of  3435
resources of  35
restoring  105
United States
perpetual union of  32
size of  17
war with Mexico  17
United States v. Cruikshank  118


Vallandigham, Clement  92
military trial of  69
of kin loyalty  16
of public honor  16
of racial superiority  16
Vicksburg  75
by Brown  24
in Kansas  24
Virginia, gradual abolition of slavery in state as debated in  12


Wade, Benjamin  90
Wade-Davis Bill  90
Walker, David  11
war. See also Civil War; War of 1812
as concluding slowly  99
between United States and Mexico  17
Warner, Charles Dudley  4, 118
War of 1812  10
Washington, D.C., abolition of slavery in  54
Webster, Daniel  11, 18
Welles, Gideon  71
on Vicksburg  75
Whig Party
collapse of  23
Democrats v.  16
white supremacy, racial ideology built around 13
Whitman, Walt  122123
on assassination of Lincoln  121
on Civil War  121
Lincoln as cherished by  120
Wilkes, Charles  41
Wilmot, David  17
women, attitude toward slavery of Southern  101