Note: Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations or photos. Page numbers followed by n refer to end notes.
abandonment of Pollard by Israel: Anne Pollard on, 211; Jerusalem Post on, 209; Pollard on, 166, 182, 202
accountability for Pollard case, 266
Achille Lauro incident, 226–27
action lead sheet, 111–12
Afghanistan: Lohbeck in, 75; Pollard’s attempted arms deal for, 78–80, 280n9
Agee, Jerry, 102; briefings on Pollard case, 110, 125; and delegation to Israel, 198–202; initial suspicion of Pollard, 101–7; interview of Pollard after capture, 127–28; sentencing hearing and, 221; and suspicions of Pollard, 92, 143; video surveillance and, 113; withholding of documents requested by Pollard, 114, 119
Agee, Karen, 104
AIPAC. See American Israel Public Affairs Committee
allegations, anonymous, against Pollard, 34
Allen, Michael H., 256
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), 45
American Jewish Congress, 243
American Zionist movement, 244
Ames, Aldrich, 248
Anthony, Kenneth, 17
Anti-Defamation League, 243
Anti-Terrorist Alert Center. See ATAC
Arafat, Yasser, 245
Argentina, mujahideen arms deal and, 79–80
arms dealing: Pollard’s attempt to broker deal for mujahideen, 78–80, 280n9; Pollard’s interest in, 84
arms sales, Pollard’s offers to get information on, 94
Arnold, Lance: briefing on Pollard case, 110; and conduct of investigation, 117, 123, 141–42; and interview of Pollard after capture, 128; and recovery of Pollard suitcase, 159; search of Pollard’s office, 124–25, 127; video surveillance and, 120–21
arrest of Pollard, 174–75, 177; booking and processing, 182–83
ATAC (Anti-Terrorist Alert Center): concerns about Pollard, 99–107; document request system at, 100; documents taken from, 70–71, 100–101, 114–16, 120–23, 151, 156; establishment of, 38; handling of classified materials at, 57, 70, 268; impact of Pollard case on, 194; installation of surveillance cameras in, 112–13; Pollard’s income at, 195; Pollard’s office at, 69; Pollard’s transfer to, 1, 38–40; role of, 38–39; search of Pollard’s office at, 123–25, 127; security reforms after Pollard case, 268; security setup at, 69–70, 182, 268–69
Australia, Pollard’s attempt at espionage for, 43–44
Baba, Stephen, 254–55
background investigations and interviews: in FBI preliminary investigation, 110–11; for hiring and promotion, 9–11, 36, 39–40, 61, 193, 263; reform of process after Pollard, 266–68
bail: for Anne Pollard, 203, 205; for Pollard, 183, 186–88
Barnett, David H., 256
Barnett, Robert, 193
Barr, William, 243
Barrett, Brent, 136
Barrett, Michael, 22
Bedway, George, 38–39
Beirut, terrorist attacks on U.S. in (1983), 37
Bell, Griffin, 254
Bell, William H., 254
Bergman, Ronen, 246
Blitzer, Wolf, 209–10, 215–17, 227, 230
Bloomingberg, Frank, 93
B’nai Brith, 243
booking and processing, 182–83
Bouchard, Robert, 92
Bowman, M. Spike, 214
Brant, David L., 123–24
Brazil, mujahideen arms deal and, 80
Brigate Rosso (Red Brigade), 94–95
Brooks, Thomas A., 8–11, 23, 248
Buchanan, Edward, 122
Bush, Laura, 251
Butts, John: on damage done by Pollard, 248; as DNI, 31; Pollard’s security clearance and, 25–29, 261–63; and retention of Pollard, 21–23, 31
cactus (code word), 125–26, 186, 225
Carden, Francis, 14
Cathcart, Robert: search of Pollard’s office, 123–25; surveillance of Pollard, 113; video surveillance and, 120–21
Central Adjudication Facility (DONCAF), 267–68
Central Intelligence Agency. See CIA
Chin, Larry Wu Tai, 139, 169, 189
Christian Science Monitor, 218–19
Christopher, Warren, 245
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency): assessment of Pollard, 15; debriefing of Pollard, 208; documents taken from, 77, 151, 156; failure to share information on Pollard, 9–10, 266; investigation of Pollard and, 193; Pollard job interview at, 8, 193; Pollard’s access to documents at, 3; Pollard’s South Africa operation and, 14; spies arrested by, 87, 189; spies at, 135, 139, 256; TF 168 and, 11
Circuit Court of Appeals, U.S., 241
Citizens for Justice for Pollard, 244
citizenship, Israeli: for Anne Pollard, 242; for Pollard, 64–65, 88, 166, 244–45, 259
civil service employees, difficulty of firing, 21–22
classified materials: amount taken, ix, 213, 214; Anne Pollard’s removal from apartment, 129, 131–37, 225 (See also suitcase of classified documents); courier card and, 40, 46, 48, 70, 100, 268; delivered to Israeli agents, 55–60, 67, 70–71, 85–86, 88, 117, 154–56, 210; delivered to other nations, 207, 248; delivered to Pollard from Israelis, 64–65; found in Pollard’s residence, 138, 141, 187, 187; handling of at ATAC, 57, 70, 268; Israel’s exploitation of, 217–19; Israel’s return of, 200–202; offered to Pakistan, 77–78; Pollard’s access to, 1, 3, 10, 40–41 (See also security clearance); Pollard’s destruction of remaining documents in residence, 166, 187; Pollard’s misuse of, 12–13, 17, 20, 41, 43–45, 76–77, 99–101; security reform after Pollard, 268; surveillance videos of removal, 114–16, 120–21; targeted by Israeli agents, 4, 56, 60, 65–66, 72–73, 116, 239. See also damage from Pollard’s espionage; evidence of espionage
CNN, 237
Code 22B: Olive at, 93–94; Pollard’s interview for, 17–22; turnover at, 40
Code 26, video surveillance and, 112–13
Coffee, Gordon, 203
collector’s briefings. See counterintelligence awareness briefings
Colvert, Barry, 50, 206–8, 210, 233
Comes, Phil, 94
Committee to Bring Jonathan Pollard Home, 252
communication channels, between Pollard and Israeli agents, 4
confession after arrest, 177–82; FBI interruption of, 181–82
confession before arrest, 145, 147–57, 162–64; formal statement, 154–56, 157; investigators’ doubts about, 165–66; Miranda rights and, 148–49, 155, 162
Connelly, Pam, 113
Connelly, Thomas, 110–11
Cooper, David, 31
Cordrey, Robert E., 256
counterintelligence awareness briefings (collector’s briefings), 93, 96
counterintelligence awareness films, 93, 96, 219
counterintelligence investigations, storage system for information on, 265–66
courier card, 40, 46, 48, 70, 100, 268
Court of Appeals, U.S., 243, 251–52, 257
Crowe, William J., Jr., 95
Czechoslovakia, spying operations by, 256
damage from Pollard’s espionage, 213–19, 214; defense arguments on, 222, 229–30, 251–52; DNIs on, 248–49; Geneson on, 243–44; Pollard on, 239; prosecution’s statement on, 225–27; Weinberger memorandums on, 213–17, 229, 234, 239, 250–52
D’Avanzo, John: and arrest of Pollard, 175; and conduct of investigation, 113, 162, 165–66; NIS role and, 165; and Pollard’s flight to Israeli embassy, 172
Dayan, Arye, 246
DCII (Defense Central Index of Investigations), 265–66
Defense Attaché Office, 68
Defense Central Index of Investigations. See DCII
Defense Intelligence Agency. See DIA
Defense Investigative Service. See DIS
Defense Security Service. See DIS
Department of Justice: and arrest warrant for Anne Pollard, 188; and arrest warrant for Pollard, 174; investigation of Anne Pollard, 185–88; 60 Minutes interview and, 238
Department of the Navy, spies arrested by, 87
Dershowitz, Alan, 237–38
DeWispelaere, Earl, 27–28, 263
DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency): debriefing of Pollard, 208; documents taken from, 68, 85, 105, 151, 156; Pollard’s access to documents at, 3; Pollard’s damage to, 219
diGenova, Joseph, 185, 198, 232, 238–40, 258
Director of Naval Intelligence. See DNI
DIS (Defense Investigative Service), 9, 267
divorce from Anne Pollard, 241–42
DNI (Director of Naval Intelligence): on damage from Pollard’s espionage, 248–49; and monitoring of Pollard, 29; response to terrorist attacks in Lebanon (1983), 37–38; security clearances and, 267; 60 Minutes interview and, 238
DONCAF. See Central Adjudication Facility
double agent operations: conduct of, xi–xii; Pollard’s interview for, 17–22; storage system for information on, 265–66. See also Operation Sackett Land
drop points, for passing secrets, 57–58, 71–72
Dror, Ammo, 244
drug use by Anne Pollard, 34, 67, 81, 126–27, 129; investigation of, 193–94, 280n9
drug use by Pollard, 7–8, 20, 34, 67, 81, 194; booking process and, 182–83; investigation of, 193–94, 280n9
“dry-cleaning,” 57
Dumbarton Oaks, 56
East Germany, spying operations by, xi, 255
Edney, L. A., 267
Eichmann, Adolph, 55
Einsel, Steve, xi
Eitan, Rafael “Rafi,” 55; Anne Pollard on, 211; biographical information on, 55, 219; and first Pollard contact, 55; Israel’s identification as rogue agent, 197; Israel’s lack of punishment for, 206; Israel’s reward of, 212; political career of, 252; and Pollard’s handler, 64, 66–67, 71–72; support for Pollard’s release, 246–47; ten-year plan for Pollard’s spy career, 86; trip to France to meet, 58–60, 63–67, 79; trip to Israel to meet, 83–88; U.S. questioning of, 200
engagement ring, 63, 64–67, 207
Ensor, David, 237
Esfandiari, Babak: contact with Anne Pollard, 133; as witness, 159–60, 180, 186, 188
Esfandiari, Christine: contact with Anne Pollard, 132–33; as witness, 159, 161, 164, 180, 186, 188
espionage: applicable statues on, 253; other cases of, 87, 122, 254–57; other U.S. spies for Israel, see Mr. X; U.S. prosecution of, 253–54
Espionage Act of 1917, 254
espionage by Pollard: lack of caution in, 67, 81, 84, 122, 144, 182; methods, 68–70, 180; motives, 18, 44–45, 179–80, 208–9, 223, 226–27, 237–38, 257; other attempts at, 2, 43–44, 77–78, 207, 248; Pollard’s remorse for, 177–78, 182, 209, 224, 234–35, 259; Pollard’s views on, 208; security gaps allowing, 268–69; system for passing secrets, 57–58, 71–72. See also classified materials; damage from Pollard’s espionage; payment for espionage
espionage hotline, 268
European travels: after Israel meeting, 83, 88; after Paris meeting, 67; trip to Paris to meet Eitan, 58–60, 63–67
evidence of espionage: against Anne Pollard, 185–88; manila envelope of documents, 163, 163; need for, 157; suitcase of documents, 161, 161–62
Executive Order 12356, 226
Farmer, Kenneth: assignment to Pollard case, 119; capture of Pollard with documents, 121–23; and interview of Pollard after capture, 123, 125, 128; and search of Pollard residence, 137; withdrawal from case, 138
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation): agents assigned to Pollard case, 119; in alley behind Pollard residence, 132, 135–37; analysis of Pollard suitcase, 185–86; and arrest of Pollard, 173–75; briefing on Pollard case, 109–10; briefing on Pollard confession, 153; capture of Pollard with documents, 121–23; documents taken from, 151, 156; full-field investigation delay, 111; interrogation of Pollard, post-plea, 206–8; interruption of Pollard confession, 181; jurisdiction conflicts with, 164–65, 191; Mr. X investigation, 245; Olive’s views on, 153; return to case, 160–61; seizure of Pollard suitcase, 160–61; slow pace of investigations by, 112; spies arrested by, 87, 255–56; spies at, 255; surveillance of Pollard, 119, 156–57, 164, 166, 169–72; views on investigation, 143; withdrawal from case, 138–39, 141, 160, 165. See also Operation Foul Play; preliminary investigation by FBI
Federal Bureau of Investigation. See FBI
Feinstein, Diane, 250
Feklisov, Alexander, 247
Feuerhelm, Duane, 38
firing of Pollard, reluctance about, 21–23
Fisher, Uncle Joe, 65–67, 187, 207
Fleischman, Earl, 261–62
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, 8, 48
flight from U.S. See Israeli embassy, Pollards’ flight to
Flynn, Cathal “Irish”: background of, 109; briefing of, 107, 109; investigation of Pollard and, 123; personal contact with Pollard, 91–92; and surveillance of Pollard, 111
Forbrich, Ludwig, 255–56
Four Seasons Hotel, Georgetown, 133, 133, 159
Four Ways restaurant, 59–60, 60
France, mujahideen arms deal and, 80
Fratodei, Max, 170–71
Front Line (Prima Linea), 94–95
full-field investigation by FBI, delay in, 111
Garment, Leonard, 243
Geneson, David, 185–86, 188, 227–28, 243–44
Ghana, spying operations by, 255
Gingrich, Newt, 76
Grahek, Joseph, 159–60
Green, Stephen, 218–19
Greene, Graham, 240
guilty plea of Pollard, 203–4
Ha’aretz, 246
handler(s) of Pollard: changes in, 66–67, 71–72, 84; classified materials targeted by, 4, 56, 60, 65–66, 72–73, 116, 239; cooperation with investigation, 203; flight from U.S., 222; Israel’s identification as rogues, 197; promises of protection, 65–66, 85–88, 139 (See also rescue hopes); prosecution of, 197, 206; Sella’s desire to remain, 58, 64; U.S. questioning of, 197–202
Haver, Richard, 10, 178, 213, 217, 237, 278n4
Hawkins, Stephen, 122
Hayden, Thomas E., 136
Henderson, Karen, 251
Hersh, Seymour, 218
Hezbollah: terrorist attacks on U.S., 37
Hibey, James F., 49, 203, 215, 222–23, 228–29, 232
Hibey, Richard, 204, 215, 221–22, 228–30, 233
Hibler, Neil, 21
Hilton Hotel: Jerusalem, 198–99, 201; Paris, France, 59, 63, 79; Springfield, Virginia, 18, 18–19; Tel Aviv, 87–88; Washington DC, 1, 1, 55–56
Hoffman, Chauncey, 21, 23, 25–31, 262
Hogan, Thomas, 250–51
Holiday Inn: Bethesda, Maryland, 133–34; Chevy Chase, Maryland, 57
Holy War, Unholy Victory (Lohbeck), 237–38
Horn, William Charles, 34, 261–62
Howard, Edward Lee, 135
Immigration and Naturalization Service, 242
intelligence-gathering systems: Pollard’s access to information on, 40; Pollard’s compromising of, 214–15, 217–18, 248
interrogation, post-plea, 206–8
interrogation after arrest, 177–82; FBI interruption of, 181–82
interrogation before arrest, 123–29; Agee’s portion of, 127–28; decision to attempt, 120; Pollard’s call to wife from, 125–26; Pollard’s excuses for behavior, 124. See also confession before arrest
interrogation of handlers, 197–202
investigation after arrest, 191–95; of Anne Pollard, 185–88; cooperation of Pollard in, 205; interrogation, 177–82; interrogation of handlers, 197–202
investigation after confession: FBI and, 156–57, 164–65; investigators’ doubts about confession, 165–66; recovery of suitcase of classified documents, 159–61; strategy of, 165–66
investigation before confession: FBI withdrawal from, 138–39, 141; initial suspicions, 101–7; opening of, 109–12; search of Pollard’s office, 123–25. See also interrogation before arrest; permissive search of residence; preliminary investigation by FBI; surveillance; video surveillance
Iraq, spying operations by, 257
Israel: advantage taken of Pollard, 88–89; Anne Pollard emigration to, 242; back pay due to Pollard, 259; bugging of U.S. delegation rooms, 201; exploitation of classified materials, 217–19; lack of cooperation in investigation, 199–202, 206, 212; Olive in, xi, 179–80; Pollard’s bid for support from, 238; Pollard’s childhood visit to, 7; Pollard’s courtship of, 45–48; Pollards’ first contact with, 1–5; Pollard’s loyalty to, 7, 45–46, 234, 237–38; Pollard’s trip to, to meet Eitan, 83–88; and questioning of Pollard’s handlers, 197–202; recognition of Pollard as agent, 245–47, 259; response to Pollard case, 197; scientific intelligence gathering by, 53; significance of spying by, xii; South Africa and, 12; support for Pollard in, 237, 238, 240, 243, 245–47, 250, 252; treatment of Anne Pollard, 242; withdrawal from West Bank, 245
Israeli agents. See Eitan, Rafael; Erb, Irit; handler(s) of Pollard; Ravid, Ilan; Sella, Aviem; Uzi; Yagur, Yosef “Yossi”
Israeli Bureau for Scientific Relations. See LAKAM
Israeli citizenship: for Anne Pollard, 242; for Pollard, 64–65, 88, 166, 244–45, 259
Israeli consulate, New York City, 52, 53
Israeli embassy, 171–72; Pollards at, 173–74; Pollards’ flight to, 166–67, 169–72, 180, 188
Israeli High Court of Justice, 245
Israeli passport for Pollard, 65, 88
Israeli security: difficulty of working with, 96–97; heavy-handed tactics of, 199
Israeli Supreme Court, 251
JAG administrative investigation, 21–22, 29, 266–67
Jane’s Defense Weekly, 254
Jechorek, Lydia, 153; assignment to Pollard case, 119; background, 153–54; capture of Pollard with documents, 121–23; interrogation of Pollard after arrest, 175, 177–82; interrogation of Pollard after capture, 123, 125, 128; interrogation of Pollard post-plea, 206; and investigation after arrest, 192; Pollard’s confession and, 153, 162; Pollard’s potential release and, 247; and search of Pollard residence, 137; sentencing hearing and, 221, 232; and surveillance of Pollard, 156; withdrawal from case, 138
Jenkins, Jeff, 124
Jerusalem Post Foreign Service, 234
Jewish Americans, support for Pollard, 238, 242–44
Jews, Pollard on, 181–82
job evaluations of Pollard, 28–31, 33, 36, 38–40
Johnson, Ben, 147, 149, 151–52
Johnson, Joe, 153, 165, 191, 199
Johnson, Norma Holloway, 250–51
Jonathan Pollard: A Portrayal (film), 219
Jordan, spying operations by, 257
Justice Department, Pollard’s handlers and, 197–98
Kalmanovitch, Shabtai, 219
Kelley, Brian, 241
Kenya, mujahideen arms deal and, 80
Kerry, John, 250
Kidwell, Don, 135
Kissinger, Henry, 189
Klingberg, Marcus, 219
Klinghoffer, Leon, 227
Knesset, Pollard case and, 238, 240, 245, 250
LAKAM (Israeli Bureau for Scientific Relations; Lishka Lekisherey Mada), 53, 59, 246
Lauer, Elliott, 250
Lautenberg, Frank, 250
Leeper, Charles, 165, 185, 192, 198, 201, 225
Lent, Norman, 240
letters from prison, 234–35
Levinson, Shimon, 219
Lieberman, Joseph, 250
lies and fantasies: during employment, 10, 34, 45–46, 91–92, 105, 208; Pollard as expert at, 69; during post-arrest interrogation, 178; during pre-arrest confession, 150–52, 156, 162–66; during pre-arrest interrogation, 124, 126–27, 129; during search of residence, 138; as youth, 7, 194
Lishka Lekisherey Mada. See LAKAM
Lohbeck, Kurt: in Afghanistan, 75; early relationship with Pollard, 76–81; investigation of, 192–93; NIS suspicions about, 105; on Pollard’s motives, 237–38; Pollard’s post-arrest statement on, 178–79; Pollard’s pre-arrest efforts to blame, 150–54, 156–57, 162–66
Ma’ariv, 246–47
McCain, John, 250
McCarthy, Veronica “Ronnie,” 170–72
McCord, Mary, 251
McCullah, Lanny, 106; briefing of Admiral Flynn, 109; briefing of FBI, 109–10; briefings on Pollard case, 106–7, 152–53; and capture of Pollard with documents, 121–22; character of, 111; conduct of investigation and, 112, 117, 119–20, 128, 139, 141–42; conversation with Pollard, 91; and surveillance of Pollard, 111, 113; suspicions of Pollard, 143
McCutcheon, Milton Lloyd “Mike,” 28, 261, 263
McEleny, John, 247
McNally, Phil, 170
Meese, Edwin, 193
Mega, 245
Melton, H. Keith, 241
microdots, 185–86
Middle East, damage to U.S. interests in, 217–18
Miller, Richard, 255
Miranda rights, confession and, 148–49, 155, 162
Miscarriage of Justice (Shaw), 25
Mordechai, Yitzhak, 250
Morison, Samuel L., 254
Moskovitz, Herbert A., 166
motives for espionage, 18, 44–45, 179–80, 208–9, 223, 226–27, 237–38, 257
Mr. X, 73, 239; FBI investigation of, 245
Muller, David G., Jr., 33–34
My Life (Clinton), 247
Nance, Gerry, 124, 127–28, 145, 152–53
National Crime Information Center. See NCIC
National Photographic Interpretations Center. See NPIC
National Rifle Association, 59
National Security Agency. See NSA
Naval Criminal Investigative Service. See NCIS
Naval Intelligence Command. See NIC
Naval Intelligence Support Center. See NISC
Naval Investigative Service. See NIS
Naval Security Group, 267
Naval Security and Investigative Command, x
NCIC (National Crime Information Center), 110–11
NCIS (Naval Criminal Investigative Service): as new name of NIS, x; Olive at, 247
Netanyahu, Benjamin, 245–48, 250
New York Times, 243
NFOIO (Navy Field Operational Intelligence Office): concerns about Pollard, 10–11; departure of Pollard, 15; hiring of Pollard, 8–9; Pollard interview at, 33–34
NIC (Naval Intelligence Command): debriefing of Pollard, 208; grievance filed with, 25–27; and monitoring of Pollard, 29; Pollard’s access to documents at, 3; security clearances and, 267
NIMROD International, 80
NIS (Naval Investigative Service): and ATAC, 38; capture of Pollard with documents, 121–23; concerns about Pollard, 91–92; documents taken from, 68; evaluation of Pollard, 17–22; grievance filed against, 26; headquarters in Suitland, Maryland, 100; hiring of Pollard, 40; interrogation of Pollard, post-plea, 206–8; investigation of Pollard after arrest, 191–95; jurisdiction conflicts with FBI, 164–65, 191; and monitoring of Pollard, 29; Olive at, 92–97; opening of Pollard investigation, 109–12; seal of, 38; Pollard’s aversion to, 20, 92, 142; recovery of suitcase of classified documents, 159–61; renaming of, x; security reforms after Pollard, 265–69; security setup at, 78; 60 Minutes interview and, 238; spies arrested by, 256; turnover at, 40. See also ATAC; Olive, Ronald J.
NISC (Naval Intelligence Support Center): allegations about Pollard received by, 34; documents taken from, 151, 154; evaluation of Pollard, 21; grievance filed against, 25–27; hiring of Pollard, 8–9; job evaluations at, 28–31, 33, 36, 38–40; and monitoring of Pollard, 29; Pollard’s access to documents at, 3; Pollard’s financial troubles and, 61; Pollard’s personnel file, 39–40; positions held at, 11, 14–15, 17, 22, 26, 29; promotions, 22–23, 26, 28, 36; reluctance about firing Pollard, 21–23; spies at, 254
Noltkamper, Eugene, 199–200
NOSIC (Naval Ocean Surveillance Information Center), Pollard at, 9, 14
NPIC (National Photographic Interpretations Center), Pollard’s access to documents at, 3
NSA (National Security Agency): debriefing of Pollard, 208; documents taken from, 151, 155–56; Mr. X investigation, 245; Pollard’s access to documents at, 3; spies arrested by, 87, 189; spies at, 136
O’Donnell’s restaurant, 134, 134
Office of Naval Intelligence. See ONI
Office of Probation and Parole, 230
Ogorodnikova, Nicholay and Svetlana, 255
Olive, Ronald J.: and arrest of Pollard, 175; background, x–xii; briefing on Pollard case, 111–12; capture of Pollard with documents, 121–23; and conduct of investigation, 165–66; confession of Pollard to, 145, 147–57; and FBI withdrawal from case, 138; films on counterintelligence awareness, 93, 96, 219; first meeting with Pollard, 94; and flight to Israeli embassy, 170; friendship with Pollard, 94–95, 128–29; interrogation of Pollard after arrest, 175, 177–82; interrogation of Pollard before arrest, 123–29; and investigation after arrest, 192; in Israel, xi, 179–80; jurisdiction conflicts with FBI, 164–65, 191; in Naples, xi, 94–95; at NCIS, 247; at NIS, ix, 92–97; NIS seal of, 38; opening of Pollard investigation, 111–12; and polygraph of Pollard immediately after capture, 142–44; and search of Pollard residence, 137–39; sentencing hearing and, 221, 232; views on FBI, 153; views on investigation, 143
ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence): anniversary party for, 13; 60 Minutes interview and, 238
“An Open Letter to President Clinton,” 243
Operation Foul Play, 191–95
Operation Sackett Land, xi–xii, 136
Operation Swan Song, 17–18
Orthodox Union of Jewish Congregations of America, 243
Pakistan, Pollard’s approach to, 77–78
Pakistani embassy, 76
Palmucci, Victor, 93
pardon: Clinton’s flirtation with, 247–50; Pollard’s insistence on, 249, 259–60; requests for, 240, 244
Paris, France, trip to meet Eitan, 58–60, 63–67, 79
parole: Pollard’s eligibility for, 244, 249, 258–59; Pollard’s refusal of, 249, 259–60
“passive listening post” program, 268
Pauker, Neil, 25
payment for espionage, 56–59, 65–67, 72, 86–89; back pay due from Israel, 259; defense statement on, 222; DNIs’ statement on, 248–49; government statement on, 244; investigation of, 194–95; Lohbeck on, 238; Pollard’s statements on, 151–52, 163, 179, 206, 209, 223; prosecution statements on, 227; sentencing and, 257
Pelton, Ronald, 136, 137, 139, 157, 169, 189
Peres, Shimon, 197, 201, 206, 245–46
Perkins, Rich, 38
permissive search of envelope carried from ATAC, 163
permissive search of residence: attempts to obtain, 125–29; conduct of, 137–39; permission given for, 129; Pollard’s excuses after, 138
Pizzo, Francis, 122
plea agreement, 204–6, 210, 222, 227, 230, 232–33, 239, 241, 244, 249, 253–54, 258
PLO headquarters, Israeli bombing of, 210, 217–18
Poland, spy operations by, 254
Pollard, Anne Henderson (wife), 51, 185; anger at Israel, 211; arrest of, 185, 188; arrest of Pollard and, 173–74; attempt to flee, 185, 188; bail for, 203, 205; and bail for Pollard, 183, 186–88; divorce, 241–42; drug use, 34, 67, 81, 126–27, 129, 193–94, 280n9; on emigration to Israel, 45; engagement and marriage, 63, 63–67, 79, 83, 88; financial troubles and, 36; fingerprints on classified documents, 161; income of, 195; informed of Pollard’s detainment, 125–26; interrogation of, 206–7; investigation of, 185–88; involvement in espionage, 47–52, 76–77, 100–101; involvement in mujahideen arms deal, 80, 280n9; Israeli efforts to avoid involvement of, 59–60, 63; Israeli evaluation of, 59–60; Israeli promises of protection for, 88; lawsuit against Israel, 242; life after prison, 242; NIS recovery of suitcase and, 160; notoriety of, 188–89; in Paris, 63–64; plan if caught, 126; plea agreement and, 204–5; and Pollard’s first contact with Israel, 5; polygraph tests after capture, 50–52, 206–7; in prison, 233; relationship with Pollard, 33–34, 48, 59, 206–7, 224–25, 241–42; remorse of, 225, 228; removal of classified documents from apartment, 129, 131–37, 225; rescue plan and, 157; and search of residence, 137–38; 60 Minutes interviews, 48, 210–12, 225, 228–29, 238, 240; stomach problems of, 126, 166–67, 169, 203, 222–23, 240–41; surveillance of, 186–87. See also sentencing of Anne Pollard
Pollard, Carol, 244
Pollard, Jonathan J., 177, 220; anger at Israel, 202; arrest of, 174–75, 177; childhood and youth, 2, 7–8; failure to flee, 144; fame of, 238; fears of detection, 86–87; first meeting with Israeli agents, 1–5, 47–48, 53, 55; misguided beliefs of, xii; plan if caught, 126; relationship with family, 244–45, 259; remarriage of, 242; second meeting with Israeli agents, 55–56; third meeting with Israeli agents, 57–59; ultimate goal of, 3, 65, 83. See also espionage by Pollard; other specific topics
Pollard, Morris (father): and arrest of Anne Pollard, 188; and bail for Pollard, 186; biographical information, 7; Pollard’s claims about, 10–11, 14, 92; Pollard’s espionage connections and, 47; and psychological evaluation of Pollard, 25
polygraph tests, as condition of ATAC employment, 268
polygraph tests of Anne Pollard, 50–52, 206–7
polygraph tests of Pollard: during hiring process, 8, 18–21, 23; immediately after capture, 138–39, 142–44, 147–48; during investigation, 50, 206–7, 209; Israeli instructions on taking, 66; machine used for, 147–48; Miranda rights and, 148
Potomac, Maryland, 57
preliminary investigation by FBI: capture of Pollard with documents, 121–23; closing of, 138–39, 141, 160, 165; opening of, 110–12; search of Pollard residence, 137–38; slow pace of, 117
Prima Linea (Front Line), 94–95
prison: Anne Pollard in, 233, 240; Anne Pollard release from, 241; monitoring of visitors’ conversation, 258; Pollard in, 220, 233; Pollard’s letters from, 234–35; Pollard’s near release from, 247–48; Pollard’s public-relations campaign from, 237–38, 248, 251; risks in releasing Pollard from, 210, 234–35, 258. See also sentencing of Anne Pollard; sentencing of Pollard
prisoner of Zion status, 251
promotions at NISC, 22–23, 26, 28, 36
protection, Israeli promises of, 65–66, 85–88, 139. See also rescue hopes
psychological characteristics of Pollard, 13, 18, 28–29, 43; CIA assessment of, 15; cockiness after arrest, 177–79, 181; confidence in avoiding capture, 166, 169; enjoyment of debriefings, 206; unstable behavior, 14, 19–20, 33–34, 36–38, 45, 91–92, 94, 104–5, 194
psychological evaluations, 21, 25, 27
Public Committee Office for Jonathan Pollard, 244
pursuers, “dry-cleaning” method of foiling, 57
The Quiet American (Greene), 240
Rabin, Yitzhak: Pollard case and, 189, 246; visit to U.S., 96–97, 109, 113, 119, 141, 171, 189
radio signal notations manual. See RASIN manual
RASIN (radio signal notations) manual: Israeli interest in, 65, 72–73; Pollard’s confession of delivery, 155–56; Pollard’s delivery of, 85
Ravid, Ilan: Israel’s identification as rogue agent, 197; meetings with Pollard, 58–60, 67, 69–71; U.S. questioning of, 197, 242
recruitment of other spies by Pollards, 48–52, 223
Red Brigade (Brigate Rosso), 94–95
Redman, Elizabeth “Lisa,” 109; briefing of Olive, 111–12; capture of Pollard with documents, 121–23; FBI debriefing of, 186; and interview of Pollard after capture, 123, 125–27; and Pollard’s confession, 152–53; post-plea interrogation of, 206, 208; profile of, 109–10; and search of Pollard residence, 137, 141; sentencing hearing and, 221, 232; views on investigation, 143
reforms of security after Pollard case, 265–69
Reich, Seymour, 244
remarriage of Pollard, 242
remorse for espionage: Anne Pollard and, 225, 228; Pollard and, 177–78, 182, 209, 224, 234–35, 259
rescue hopes, 139, 144, 156–57, 166; dashing of, 166, 182; Pollards’ anger at dashing of, 202, 211
residence(s), 34, 35, 137; alley behind, 132; Anne Pollard’s removal of classified materials from, 129, 131–37, 225; classified materials found in, 138, 141, 187, 187; FBI in alley behind, 132, 135–37; Pollard’s destruction of remaining classified documents in, 166, 187; post-arrest search of, 186–87. See also permissive search of residence
Roberts, Sam, 77
Robinson, Aubrey E., Jr., 203–4, 208, 214, 217, 221–24, 228–32, 258
Rogers, Judith, 251
Rubinstein, Eliakim, 246
Ruesch, Ronald, 20–21
The Samson Option (Hersh), 218
Saudi Arabia: intelligence given to Israel on, 56; Pollard’s desire to work for, 208
Schuetz, Laurence, 22, 29, 266–67
Schwartz, Michael Stephen, 256–57
SCI (sensitive compartmented information) clearance, 9; eligibility for, 278n11; Pollard’s difficulties retaining, 14–15, 20–22, 25–29, 261–63
scientific intelligence gathering, by Israel, 53
search of Pollard residence: post-arrest, 186–87; pre-arrest, See permissive search of residence
search of Pollard’s office, 123–25
Secret Service, Pollards’ flight to Israeli embassy and, 173
security, key to maintaining, 269
security clearance: eligibility for, 278n11; importance of following rules for, 263; reform of process after Pollard, 266–68
security clearance for Pollard: difficulties in retaining, 14–15, 20–22, 25–29, 261–63; at NISC, 9; potential threats to, 34–37, 60–61; suspension of after capture with documents, 127–28. See also background investigations and interviews
security reforms after Pollard case, 265–69
security setup at ATAC, 69–70, 182, 268–69
Sella, Aviem, 3; desire to remain as Pollard’s handler, 58, 64, 66–67; dinners with Pollards, 131, 195; evaluation of Anne Pollard, 59–60; first meeting with Pollard, 2–4, 47–48, 53, 55; flight from U.S., 135; impact of meeting with Pollard, 53; indictment of, 212; Israel’s failure to mention, 197, 201–2; Israel’s response to, 206, 212; in Israel with Pollard, 84; and night of Pollard’s capture, 131, 133–34, 138, 222; in Paris with Pollard, 63–64; Pollard’s revealing of, 206; Pollard’s willingness to testify against, 230; second meeting with Pollard, 55–56; third meeting with Pollard, 57–59
Sella, Yehudit (Judy), 60, 63–64, 84
Semmelman, Jacques, 250
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 249
sensitive compartmented information clearance. See SCI clearance
Sentelle, David, 251
Sentencing Commission, U.S., 230, 235
sentencing of Anne Pollard: Anne Pollard’s statement, 224–25; defense arguments, 49–50, 222–23, 228–29; efforts to reduce, 240; Pollards’ reaction to, 45, 231–32; prosecution arguments, 50–52, 227–28; sentence received, 231–32; sentencing hearing, 221–32; 60 Minutes interview and, 211–12, 225, 228–29
sentencing of Pollard, ix; defense arguments, 221–22, 229–30; efforts to reduce, 233–35, 236, 237–52, 254–57, 259; espionage law and, 253; fairness of, 253–58; government memorandum on, 218; plea agreement, 205–6, 210, 222, 227, 230, 232–33, 239, 241, 244, 249, 253–54, 258; Pollard memorandums on, 208–9, 225–26; Pollards’ reaction to, 231–32; Pollard’s statement, 223–24; prosecution arguments, 225–27; sentence received, 231; sentencing guidelines and, 230, 255, 257–58; sentencing hearing, 221–32; 60 Minutes interview and, 239; Weinberger memorandums on, 213–17, 229, 234, 239, 250–52. See also pardon
Shapiro, Sumner: on damage done by Pollard, 248; and Pollard’s fitness for duty, 13–14, 17, 20–23, 29–31, 30
Sharon, Ariel, 63
Shaw, Mark, 25
Sheets, Jean, 21
Shelby, Richard, 250
Shultz, George, 197
Simon, Ernie, 189
Sipe, Al, 123–25
60 Minutes: first interview with Anne Pollard, 48, 210–12, 225, 228–29; interview with Pollard, 238–40; second interview with Anne Pollard, 238, 240
Sombolay, Albert, 257
Soriano, Jerry, 21
South Africa: Baba case and, 254–55; mujahideen arms deal and, 79–80, 149; Pollard’s claimed contacts in, 10–12, 94–95; Pollard’s “operation” against, 12–14, 17
Soviet Military Assistance Group, 72, 85
Soviet Union: in Afghanistan, 75; exploitation of Pollard information by, 218–19; Pollard on, 209; Pollard’s delivery of U.S. intelligence on, 12–13, 72, 85; spying operations by, xi–xii, 135–36, 213–14, 255–56
special background investigations, 36, 61, 263
Special Intelligence Communications center. See SPINTCOM
SPINTCOM (Special Intelligence Communications center), 68, 100, 114, 154
spying. See espionage
Sri Lanka, mujahideen arms deal and, 80
Stanford University, Pollard at, 7–8, 194
Stern, Gustav, 47
Stern, Steven E., 47–48
Studeman, William O., 214, 248
suitcase of classified documents: Anne Pollard’s removal from residence, 129, 131–37, 225; documents in, 161, 161–62; FBI analysis of, 185–86; NIS recovery of, 159–61
Sullivan, Richard, 38–39, 92, 237
Supreme Court, U.S., 251–52, 257, 259
surveillance after capture, by FBI, 156–57, 164, 166, 169–72
surveillance before capture: capture of Pollard with documents, 121–23; difficulties of, 119–20; FBI reluctance to undertake, 119; inadequacy of, 116–17; initiation of, 113, 117; NIS request for, 110. See also video surveillance
surveillance of Anne Pollard, 186–87
suspicions about Pollard, 14–15, 17–22, 29–31, 91–92; causes for, 34–37, 41; first action taken on, 99–107
Syria, Israeli intelligence and, 85
Taiwan, mujahideen arms deal and, 80
Tanner, William, xi
Task Force 168. See TF 168
Tenet, George, 247–48
terrorist attacks in Lebanon by Hezbollah (1983), DNI response to, 37–38
terrorist attacks on Jews, Pollards’ reaction to, 51–52
terrorist information, supplied to Israel, 56, 66
TF 168 (Task Force 168): investigation of, 267; lack of documentation about in Pollard’s file, 40; Pollard and, 11–15, 18
Tobias, Bruce and Michael, 122
training of Pollard, by Israel, 66–67, 144
Tuckish, Jack, 113
Tufts University, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, 8, 48
Tunisia, U.S. relations with, 217–18
U.S. security system, Israeli views on, 85
Uzi (Israeli agent), 71–72, 84
Van Ness Apartments, 71, 71–72, 117
video surveillance: inadequate monitoring of, 116; installation of cameras, 112–13; legality of, 111; quality of images, 113; suspicious actions recorded by, 114–16, 120–21
“The Waiting Man” (film), 96
Walker, John, 87, 122, 213–14, 233, 239, 248
Wallace, Mike, 48, 210–12, 225, 228–29, 238–40
Walsh, Nick, 153, 156, 165–66, 191
Washington Post, 197, 209, 215–16, 243–45, 248
Watkins, James D., 109
wedding album (code word), 126
Weinberger, Casper, 213–17
Weinberger memorandums, 213–17, 229, 234, 239, 250–52
Weiner, Anthony, 250
Whitworth, Jerry, 87, 122, 248
Wise, David, 281n6
Wiser, Lee, 247
The World Today, 237
Worochock, Bill, 38
Yagur, Yosef “Yossi”: first Pollard contact and, 2–4, 53, 55; as handler for Pollard, 66–67; Israel meeting with Pollard, 84–88; Israel’s identification as rogue agent, 197; Paris meeting with Pollard, 64; Pollard’s capture and, 134, 139, 166; post-confession calls to, 157; reaction to Eitan’s plan for Pollard, 86–87; replacement of Sella by, 58; on trip to Israel, 83; U.S. meetings with Pollard, 66–67, 70–72; U.S. questioning of, 197
Yurchenko, Vitaly, 135–36
Zacharski, Marian, 254
Zane, Al, 189
Zehe, Alfred, xi