
Acies – Battle order: e.g. in triplex acies a legion was deployed as four cohorts at the front, three in the second row and three in the third row.

Ad locutio – Address by a commander to his assembled troops.

Aedilis – Aedile, magistrate in charge of public works, regulating state festivals and enforcing public order.

Aes – ‘Copper’, a coin worth one half dupondius (asses pl.).

Agmen – Column of troops.

Ala – ‘Wing’, legionary cavalry on wings of battle formation (alae pl.).

Amphora – Tall jar in which olive oil, fish sauce, wine and other products were carried and stacked in the holds of ships.

Annona – Personification of the grain supply of Rome.

Apex – Spiked cap worn by a flamen.

Aquila – ‘Eagle’, the eagle standard of a legion.

Aquilifer – Standard bearer carrying the aquila.

Ara – Altar.

As – ‘Copper’, Roman coin worth half one dupondius (aes, asses pl.).

Auctoritas – Influence from having prestige, personal authority.

Augur – Soothsayer specializing in interpretation of bird flight.

Augustus – ‘Revered One’, honourific title voted to Imp. Divsi f. in 27 BCE.

Aureus – ‘Gold’, highest denomination gold coin worth twenty-five denarii (aurei pl.).

Auspex – Soothsayer specializing in interpreting flight of birds.

Auspicia – Auspices.

Auxilia – ‘Helpers’, support troops of allied or non-Roman citizens.

Ballista – Artillery weapon throwing bolts or stones.

Bellator – ‘Warrior’, Roman war-fighter (bellatores pl.).

Caligatus – ‘Boot wearer’, ordinary soldier of a legion (caligati pl.).

Campus Martius – ‘Field of Mars’, a large park and recreation ground in northwest Rome.

Capitolinus – Hill in Rome on which was built the Temple of Iupiter Optimus Maximus.

Carru triumphali – Decorated chariot used in a triumph.

Catapulta – Artillery weapon throwing bolts.

Censor – Magistrate in charge of the census.

Census – Assessment of taxable assets carried out every five years (lustum).

Centuria – ‘Century’, unit of eight contubernia eighty men; sixty centuries formed a legio.

Centurio – ‘Centurion’, officer in charge of a centuria.

Clementia – ‘Clemency’, the Roman virtue of showing mercy.

Cohors – ‘Cohort’, unit of six centuries, or twelve in a First Cohort (cohortes pl.).

Cohors Praetoria – ‘Praetorian Cohort’, Praetorian Guard (Cohortes Praetoriae pl.).

Cohorts Voluntariorum – Levy of citizens serving in cohort of volunteers (cohortes voluntariorum pl.).

Colonia – ‘Colony’, city founded for retired legionaries.

Commilitio – ‘Fellow soldier’, a form of address to legionaries usually by a senior officer (commilitiones pl.).

Confarreatio – Traditional form of wedding.

Concilium – Advisory committee of the senior commanding officer formed of his immediate reports.

Consulis – One of the two highest magistrates of the res publica, elected annually.

Contio – ‘Meeting’, an address by a magistrate to the people or the commander to his troops to present a proposal.

Cuneus – ‘Wedge’, attack formation used by Roman army.

Curator viarum – Manager of roads (curatores pl.).

Curia Iulia – Senate House.

Currus – two-wheeled chariot used during triumphal parades.

Cursus honorum – ‘Race of honour’, the career ladder leading to the consulship.

Decursio – Military exercise performed as a pageant on special occasions.

Denarius – Silver coin, worth four sestertii (denarii pl.).

Dilectus ingenuorum – Levy of civilians into cohortes voluntariorum.

Dupondius – Bronze coin, worth two asses or one half a sestertius (dupondii pl.).

Editor – Sponsor of the ludi or munera.

Equites – ‘Knights’, the middle or business class of Roman society.

Evocatus – ‘Summoned one’, reservist, an honourably discharged miles gregarius available for recall on the orders of a consul or military commander (evocati pl.)

Exercitus – Army.

Fasces – The tied bundle of rods around an axe carried by lictores as a symbol of the consul’s or praetor’s high office.

Fercula – Placard carried on a pole with painted words to explain the exhibit in a triumph.

Feria – Public holiday and festival day (feriae pl.).

Flamen – Priest (flamines pl.).

Framea – Germanic spear or javelin (frameae pl.).

Frater – ‘Brother’, a form of address used by soldiers (fratres pl.).

Forum Romanum – Roman Forum in central Rome.

Gladius – Short stabbing and thrusting weapon used by legionaries (gladii pl.).

Haruspex – Soothsayer specializing in interpreting animal entrails.

Hasta – Javelin used by Roman auxilia and cavalry.

Honesta – ‘Honesty’, the Roman virtue of respectability.

Hostis publicus – ‘Public enemy’, enemy of the state.

Humanitas – ‘Humanity’, the Roman virtue associated with being cultured from having a good education.

Ianus – ‘Arch’, portal or triumphal arch.

Imago – Mask of wax made during the lifetime of a Roman citizen; military standard bearing a small statue bust of the princeps.

Impedimenta – Baggage train.

Imperator – ‘Commander’, a title shouted by troops to a victorious leader after a victory.

Imperium – Legal power vested in certain Roman magistrates to give absolute orders and enforce obedience.

Imperium proconsulare – Legal power to govern territories beyond Italy, including the right to wage war.

Imperium proconsuare maius – ‘Supreme power’ to govern territories beyond Italy, which was superior to that of all other consuls and proconsuls.

Industria – Roman virtue of working hard.

Kalendae – ‘Calends’, first day of the month.

Laudatio – Eulogy.

Legatus Augusti Pro Praetore – Governor of one of the Provinces of Caesar (propraetorian provinces), ‘delegated’ the imperium by Augustus.

Legatus Legionis – Commander of a legio, ‘delegated’ the imperium by Augustus.

Legio – Unit of ten cohortes, approximately 6,000 men (legiones pl.).

Libertas – Roman virtue of independence, freedom of speech.

Liburna – ‘Liburnian’, type of ship, usually with two rows of oarsmen.

Lictor – Bodyguard of a senior magistrate: a consul had twelve, a praetor six, a pro praetor five and an aedile two (lictores pl.).

Lituus – Crooked staff used by an augur when interpreting bird flight.

Lorica hamata – Body armour made of chain or ring mail.

Lorica squamata – Body armour made of scales attached to a backing of cloth or leather.

Lorica segmentata – Body armour made of articulated metal plates (a non-Roman term coined in the sixteenth century).

Ludi – Roman blood games, held for religious observance and increasingly used to further political ends.

Lustrum – Period of five years.

Medicus – ‘Medic’, doctor.

Miles – Common soldier, miles gregarius (milites pl.).

Moderatio – ‘Moderation’, Roman virtue of restraint from excess, self-control.

Modius – Measure of grain equivalent to a third of an amphora.

Mos maiorum – ‘The ways of the elders’, traditional values and forms of worship.

Munera – Roman blood games held for political and entertainment purposes.

Municipium – Chartered provincial Roman city.

Navis longa – ‘Long ship’, warship.

Nobiles – Group of men who had served as consul or came from a consular family, a status not an official class.

Novus homo – ‘New man’, a man not of the nobiles.

Officium – ‘Service’, the staff – office – responsible for record keeping.

Oppidum – Town or defensible settlement, often on a hill.

Onager – ‘Wild ass’, artillery weapon throwing stones.

Optimates – Conservative bloc of the Roman senators seeking to preserve the status quo.

Ornamenta – Ceremonial trappings of a lower grade triumph.

Ovatio – Lower form of triumph awarded to a victorious commander who was permitted to ride on a horse or walk through the streets of Rome.

Palatinus – Hill in Rome, location of homes originally of the Roman élite.

Palatium – Augustus’ house on the Palatinus Hill.

Paludamentum – Cloak worn by a high-ranking officer.

Parazonium – Weapon with a leaf shaped blade (approximately 15@–19@ long) carried by a high-ranking officer.

Paterfamilias – Legal master of the household.

Pietas – Roman virtue of respect for the natural order of things.

Pilum – Roman javelin used by legionaries (pila pl.).

Pompa – Procession in a religious rite or funeral.

Pompa triumphalis – Full triumph in which the triumphator rode in a chariot followed by floats displaying the captive and spoils of war.

Pontifex Maximus – ‘Chief road builder’ (from pont, Etruscan for ‘road’?), chief priest.

Populares – Progressive bloc of Roman senators seeking to change the status quo. Praefectus – ‘Prefect’, senior officer or magistrate.

Praefectus Aegypti – ‘Prefect of Egypt’, the governor of province Aegyptus.

Praefectus Castrorum – ‘Camp Prefect’, third in command of a legio.

Praefectus Equitum – ‘Prefect of Horse’, senior officer in command of a turma.

Praefectus Praetorio – Commander of the Cohors Praetoria.

Praemia – Cash lump-sum paid to a soldier upon honourable discharge from the army.

Praeda – Booty captured from a defeated enemy in war.

Praepositus – ‘Overseer’, special envoy or governor general.

Praetor – Senior magistrate responsible for administering law, the ludi and feriae.

Praetor Urbanus – Chief praetor in charge of administration of law in Rome.

Praetorianus – Soldier in the Praetorian Cohorts (praetoriani pl.).

Praetorium – ‘Praetor’s building’, house of the senior officer of a legio.

Pridianum – Report of troop numbers as at 31 December, prepared annually by a legate’s officium (pridiana pl.).

Primus Pilus – ‘First javelin’, the most senior centurio of a legio.

Princeps – ‘The First One’, the title adopted by Augustus to describe his leadership position.

Princeps Praetorii – Officer in charge of the army unit’s officium. Principalis – Non-commissioned officer of a centuria, e.g. cornicen, signifer (principales pl.).

Principia – ‘Front line’, headquarters building in a Roman fort.

Proconsulis – ‘Former consul’, governor of a senatorial province.

Propraetor – ‘Former praetor’, governor of an imperial province.

Quaestor – Junior magistrate in charge of law courts and public financial accounting.

Res Gestae – ‘Things Done’, the title of Augustus’ autobiography.

Res Publica – ‘Public Thing’, the commonwealth of the Roman state.

Rostra – Tribunal, speaker’s platform in Forum Romanum.

Rostrum – Bronze ram fitted to the front of a warship.

Sacerdos – Priest (sacerdotes pl.).

Saeculum – A period estimated to be the lifetime of a man, approximately 100 years.

Salutatio – Morning visit by clients to the patron.

Sarcina – Backpack of clothing, equipment, rations and supplies carried by a legionary on the march (sarcinae pl.).

Scutum – Roman shield (scuta pl.).

Semis – Roman coin worth half one as.

Senatus Consultum – Decree of the Senate.

Sestertius – Brass coin, equal in value to one-quarter denarius (sestertii pl.).

Signifer – Standard bearer carrying the centurial signum.

Signum – Unit standard (signa pl.).

Socius – Ally, associate (socii pl.)

Spolia opima – Prized spoils taken from a deceased commander after armed one-to-one combat, usually by a senior Roman officer.

Suffectus – A consul replacing another who had resigned during his term in office.

Suovetaurilia – Religious rite to Mars involving the sacrifice of a pig, sheep and bull.

Summum imperium auspiciumque – Military power permitting the holder to primacy over another when two commanders held the same rank.

Testudo – ‘Tortoise’, battle formation using shields raised over the heads.

Toga praetexta – White toga with a broad purple stripe along the curved edge.

Toga pura – ‘Manly gown’, the all-white toga worn by Roman adult men.

Toga virilis – ‘Manly gown’, the all-white toga worn by Roman adult men.

Tresvir – ‘Three Man’, a member of a board responsible for a state function, e.g. tresviri monetales who were responsible for managing the coin supply.

Tribunus – Tribune: tribunus plebis, a representative of the people elected annually;

Tribunus laticlavius, the second in command of a legio, was accompanied by five junior tribuni angusticlavii.

Tribunicia potestas – Legal power and personal immunity of a plebeian tribune.

Triennium – Period of three years.

Triumphator – The military commander awarded an ovatio or pompa triumphalis. Triumvir, IIIvir – Member of a commission of three political leaders (triumviri pl.).

Tropaeum – ‘Trophy’ made of captured weapons (tropaea pl.).

Tumulus – Cenotaph shaped like a raised circular dome (tumuli pl.).

Veteranus – ‘Veteran’, honourably discharged soldier having served his full term.

Vexillum – Flag standard.

Vexillarius – Detachment.

Via Praetoria – Cross road in a Roman camp leading to principia.

Via Principalis – Main street of a Roman camp.

Via Sacra – ‘Sacred Way’, the main road running through the Forum Romanum.

Virtus – ‘Manliness’, Roman virtue of courage.