Chapter index

.22 caliber firearm, 111, 233, 236, 276

.25 caliber firearm, 262

.357 Magnum firearm, 218

.38 firearm, 115, 117, 146, 194, 237, 239240, 262, 266, 276, 278, 281

.45 caliber firearm, 21, 188, 218, 229, 230, 240, 253, 257

30.06 caliber firearm or ammunition, 265, 276

44/40 Winchester Carbine, 240

1845 Colored Suffrage Convention, 59

1854 National Emigration Convention of Colored People, 58

1934 National Firearms Act, 218

1966 Atlanta Project, 287

1968 Gun Control Act, 293

Abbott, Robert, 202

Abernathy, Rev. Ralph, 262

Abilene, 136

Abyssinian Baptist Church, 202

Achenson, Meldon, 269

Adams, Dock, 9899

Addams, Jane, 250

African Methodist Church, 91, 193

Afro American Council, 127, 152

Afro-American League, 119, 127

Afro-American Press Association, 122, 124

Agnew, Samuel, 78

Aiken, South Carolina, 183

Alabama Christian Movement, 222

Albright, George Washington, 88

Alexander, Shana, 280

Allen, Benjamin, 101

Allen, “Turnip Green,” 294

amalgamation, 20, 23, 69

American Bar Association, 165

American Revolution, 61, 63, 66

Americus, Georgia, 91

Ames, A’Delbert, 98

AME Zion Church, 124

Amsterdam News, 143, 202, 268

Anderson, Charles W., 183

Anderson, Henry, 156

Anheuser-Busch, 111

Anniston, Alabama, 172

“Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World,” 58

AR-15 rifle, 111

Arcola, Mississippi, 185

Arizona Times, 202

Arkansas Conference of NAACP Branches, 227

Arkansas State Press, 28, 230

Armstrong, Louis, 117118

Ashworth, Aaron, 135

Ashworth, Clark, 134

Ashworth, Sam, 134

Association of Local Black Elected Officials, 285

Association of Sleeping Car Porters, 177, 261

Atlanta Age, 122, 124

Atlanta Project, 287

Atlanta Race Riot (1906), 151, 182

Atlanta University, 151, 158, 193

Auld, Hugh, 32

Auld, Sophia, 32

Auld, Thomas, 32, 33

Austin, Henry, 280, 281

Bailey, Fred, 3133, 63. See also Douglass, Frederick

Bailey, Gamaliel, 54

Bailey, Lillie, 109

Baker, Wilson, 224

Balltown Riot, 163

Baltimore Afro-American, 258

Barnett, Ferdinand, 168, 170

Barnett, Gov. Ross, 249

Barrett, W. H., 106, 107

Bastrop, Texas, 28

Bates, Daisy, 28, 227231, 243

Bates, L. C., 28, 227, 230

Battle of Big Bethel, 72

Battle of Shiloh, 134

Baxter, Elisha, 93

Beasley, Hiram, 36

Beckwith, Jim, 132

Bell, Derek, 248

Belzoni, Mississippi, 28, 219, 230

Benjamin, Rev. C. O., 124

Bennie, Montgomery, 1820, 24

Benson, John, 76

Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 151

Bibb, Henry, 43

Bilbo, Theodore, 237

Billy the Kid, 137

Birmingham, Alabama, 19, 165, 221223, 239, 286, 306

Birth of a Nation, The, 86, 193

“Black Bottom”(Detroit), 175, 194195, 198199

Black Codes, 7881, 92, 163, 171, 298, 309

Black Fox, The, 141

Black Liberation Army, 287

Blackmon, Leola, 243244

Black Mary. See Fields, Mary

Black Panthers, 287288

Black Power, 268, 284, 287289, 291, 293

Black Star Line, 178

Black Wall Street, 187, 189

Bland, George, 159

Bloody Sunday, 224

Bobb, John, 75

Bogalusa, Louisiana, 243, 274276, 278, 280282

Bolden, Ruth, 243, 246

Boley, Oklahoma Territory, 132

Bolivar County, Mississippi, 216

Bond, Julian, 247, 251

Boone County, Missouri, 36

Boston, Massachusetts, 5961, 73

bowie knife, 43, 46, 56, 71, 79

Boyd, Clarence, 216

Boyd, Rube, 308

Braden, Anne, 28

Bradley, Gov. William, 160

Bradley, Maime, 220

Bratton, William, 303

Brazos, Texas, 89

Briar, J. A., 217

Brindle-Tails (Republican faction), 93

Bristol, Vollington, 200

“Broken Windows” theory of crime control, 316

Brooklyn Branch, NAACP, 28

Brooks, Ben, 155

Brooks, Joseph, 93

Brooks, Rev. George, 89

Brooks-Baxter War, 93

Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, 177, 261

Browder, Rufus, 166

Brown, H. Rap, 287

Brown, John, 58, 62

Brownlow, Gov. William, 105

Brown v. Board of Education, 231

Bruce, John Edward, 125

Bryant, Claude, 225226

Bryant, Ora, 226

Buck, Rufus, 139140

Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 49

Buffalo Soldiers, 138, 140, 142143

Bundy, Leroy, 169170

Burkett, Hugh M., 155

Butler, Benjamin, 71

Butler, Edna, 198

Byrd, Jack, 186

Byrd, Wes, 186

Byrd v. State, 186

C&O Railroad, 106

Cainhoy, South Carolina, 99

Caldwell, Edgar, 172173

Calhoun, John C., 5

Calhoun, Willie, 100101

Calhoun’s Landing, Louisiana (renamed Colfax), 100

Calloway County, Kentucky, 215

Cambridge, Maryland, 226

Camilla, Georgia, 90

Camilla Riot, 90

Camp Bettens, Wyoming, 142

Camp Hill, Arkansas, 213

Camp Pendleton, 19

Canaan, New Hampshire, 69

Canada, 46, 48, 55, 6061, 6667, 172, 175, 260

Canton, Mississippi, 269

Cape Fear, North Carolina, 88

Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 138

Carmichael, Stokely, 232, 252, 265, 268, 287288

Carolina Times, 26

Carrier, Aaron, 190, 191

Carrier, James, 191

Carrier, Sarah, 191

Carrier, Sylvester. See “Man” (Sylvester Carrier)

Carson, Col. Perry, 123

Carter, Cato, 83

Carter, Sam, 190

Cascade, Montana, 144, 146

Castro, Fidel, 260

Cates, Sam, 156

Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 314

Central High School, 227

Centreville, Mississippi, 283

Chaney, James, 240

Chaplin, William, 54

Chapman, Maria W., 60

Charles, Robert, 114117

Charleston, South Carolina, 77, 96

Cheat River Valley, Maryland, 46

“Cherokee Bill” (Crawford Goldsby), 138139

Cherokee Indians, 129, 138

Chester County, Pennsylvania, 53

Cheyenne, Wyoming, 137

Chicago, Illinois, 29, 55, 65, 89, 154, 168, 192, 202, 206, 235, 239, 282, 285, 295, 299, 300, 302302, 305307, 309

Chicago Defender, 202

Chickasaw Indians, 129

Childress, Smith, 161

China Grove, Georgia, 91

Chinn, C. O. (a.k.a. “Bad-ass C. O. Chinn”), 269

Choctaw Indians, 129, 134

Christiana (Pennsylvania) Resistance, Uprising, Tragedy, 49, 61, 6367

Cincinnati, Ohio, 52, 56, 121

Cincinnati Afro-American, 121

Civilian Marksmanship Program, 21, 276

Civil Rights Act of 1866, 82

Civil Rights Cases, The, 118

Clark, Charles, 89

Clark, Shrf. Jim, 228

Clark, John, 137

Clarksdale, Mississippi, 242

Clay, Henry, 50

Clayton, George, 155

Cleaver, Eldridge, 287

Cleveland, Mississippi, 241, 256

Cleveland, Ohio, 58

Cleveland Call, 220

Cleveland Gazette, 119, 124

Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, 285

Coatesville, Pennsylvania, 56

Coke, Richard, 93

Cole, Carolyn, 23

Cole, Howard, 238239

Cole, James “Catfish,” 20, 2324, 146

Colfax, Louisiana, 100103

Colfax, Schuyler, 100

Collins, Shrf. Ben, 242

Colored Suffrage Convention, 59

Colored Waifs Home for Boys, 117

Columbia, Tennessee, 27, 213

Comanche Indians, 141-142

Committee of Twelve, 127

Compromise of 1850, 39, 50

Confederate, 7273, 75, 7778, 87, 9394, 101, 121, 135, 142, 152, 157, 171, 189, 216, 237, 242

Connor, “Bull,” 223

Constitution League, 152

Constitution of the United States, 39, 51, 62, 104, 118, 171, 206, 221

Fugitive Slave Clause, 39, 4950

right to arms, 9, 14, 5051, 7983, 206, 223, 270, 276, 285, 299, 302303, 308

separate but equal, 20, 106

convict labor system, 104, 114, 157

Cook, Philip, 351

Cook Gang, 138

Cooper, Gary, 146

Cooper, Robert, 246, 299

CORE (Congress of Racial Equality), 243, 247, 251, 265, 269276, 278, 280, 282283, 285286, 288289, 291, 293

Cottenham, Green, 168

Courts, Gus, 219

Covey, Edward. See “Covey the Nigger-breaker”

“Covey the Nigger-breaker” (Edward Covey), 3135, 37

Covington, Jay Vann, 257

Creek Indians, 129, 136, 139

Crisis (magazine), 151, 153155, 157159, 161, 163, 165, 167, 169, 171, 173, 175, 177179, 182, 194, 202, 209210, 212, 214, 217

Crosby, Peter, 97

Crow Indians, 129, 132

Crowe, Alton, 281

Cruickshank, Bill, 102

Crumley, Robert, 91

Crummell, Alexander, 69

Crusader, 22, 256258

Current, Gloster, 235, 239

Dahmer, Vernon, 254256

Dallas, Georgia, 243

Dana, Charles, 70

Danville, Kentucky, 84, 159

Danville, Virginia, 113

Darien, Georgia, 112

Darien Insurrection, 112

Darrow, Clarence, 202, 203205

Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, 53

Davis, Gov. Edmund, 93

Davis, Jefferson (Confederate president), 87

Davis, Joseph, 87, 216

Davis, Sidney Fant, 307

Dayton, Ohio, 39

Deacons for Defense and Justice, 225, 265266, 268, 270284

Decatur, Mississippi, 19, 235236

“Decatur Street Dives,” 151

Deering, Col. James, 72

Defensive Gun Use (DGU), 311312, 315, 317

DeGrasse, Lt. John V., 73

Delaine, Rev. J. A., 244

Delaney, Martin, 58, 61, 99

Democrats, 93, 96100, 102104, 113, 116, 118, 123, 169, 193, 247, 303304

Deslandes, Charles, 32

Detroit Urban League, 195

DeVane, Cornelius, 43

Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, 219, 221, 261262

Dick, Deadwood. See Nat Love

Diggs, Rep. Charles, 218, 220

Dinning, George, 159160, 162

“Disturb Me If You Dare” (maroon settlement), 128

D’Lo, Mississippi, 186

Dodge City, 136

Dorsey, Gov. Hugh, 183

Douglass, Frederick, 13, 31, 3435, 3438, 40, 49, 59, 6263, 67, 69, 75, 110, 123, 126, 143

Douglass Memorial Literary Society of Buffalo Soldiers, 143

Du Bois, W. E. B., 13, 108, 143, 151154, 156158, 170171, 173, 175, 177, 178, 181182, 194, 202, 209, 214, 229230, 295, 306

Dunbar Memorial Hospital, Detroit, 195197, 206

Durham, North Carolina, 19

Durr, Clifford, 261

Durrett, Luther, 164

Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill, 183

“Dynamite Hill,” 223224

East Bartow, Florida, 193194

Eastland, Sen. James O., 162

East St. Louis, Illinois, 168, 170

East St. Louis Riot, 175

Ebony (magazine), 218

Eckford, Elizabeth, 230

Edmund Pettus Bridge, 224

Eisenhower, Dwight (president), 20, 21

El Paso, Texas, 142

Emancipation Day, 88

Emancipation Proclamation, 148, 206

Emelle, Alabama, 216

Enfield Rifle, 85

Eubanks, Goldie, 227

Evers, Charles, 235240, 242, 266, 294

Evers, Jim, 235238

Evers, Medgar, 19, 235237, 240242, 246248

Evers, Myrlie, 216

Fairfax, Virginia, 48

Fairly, J. C., 226

Falls, Mae Catherine, 255256

Farmer, James, 268270, 278, 282

Fatal Gun Accidents (FGAs), 34, 305306, 333

Fellowship of Reconciliation, 263

Fenton, Charles (Charlie), 271273

Ferriday, Louisiana, 243, 283

Fields, Mary (a.k.a. Black Mary or Stagecoach Mary), 144147, 149

Fillmore, Millard (president), 61

Fire in the Flint, The, 182

Firmin, Otis, 283

First Freedom (magazine), 299

Fisk University, 108, 152, 194

Five Civilized Tribes, 128130

Fleckenstein, Christian, 42

Flemingsburg, Kentucky, 160

Flemister, George, 89

Fletcher, John, 200

Foggy Bottom, District of Columbia, 176

Forman, James, 247

Forrest County, Mississippi, 254

Fort Concho, Texas, 138

Fort Dix, New Jersey, 213

Fort Griffin, Texas, 141

Fort Mose, 128

Fort Pillow, Battle of, 73, 74

Fort Smith, Arkansas, 138, 140

Fortune, Emanuel, 118119

Fortune, T. Thomas, 104, 109, 118119, 120123, 126127, 193, 205, 295

Fort Wagner, South Carolina, 70

Fourteenth Amendment (US Constitution), 8183, 118, 178, 318

Fox, O. S., 130

Fox, Thomas, 51

Franklin, John Hope, 163, 189

Franklin, Pink, 171172

Frederick Douglass Paper, 62

Freedman’s Bureau, 79, 8182, 86, 92, 94, 11, 118

Freedom Summer Project, 243

Free Speech, 108110

Friends of Cuba, 258

Friends of the Deacons, 283

Fugitive Slave Act, 39, 50

Fugitive Slave Clause (US Constitution), 37, 49

Gainesville, Florida, 154, 191

Gainesville, Texas, 140

Galloway, Abraham, 74, 95

Gardner, Rev. Ed, 222

Garner, Margaret, 56

Garner, Robert, 56

Garnet, Henry Highland, 5960, 6970, 75, 127

Garrison, William Lloyd, 37, 5960, 62, 6667

Garvey, Marcus, 177, 179, 234

Gaskins, Charles, 160163

Gatling gun, 112

Georgetown, Kentucky, 110

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 47

GI Bill, 19

Giddings, Joshua, 49, 56

Gilmore, Gen. Quincy, 77

Glass, Dick, 138

Goldsby, Crawford (a.k.a. “Cherokee Bill”), 138139

Goldsby, Sgt. George, 138

Goodlow, Rev. Willie, 242

Goodman, Andrew, 240, 250, 252

Gordonsville, Virginia, 209

Gorsuch, Edward, 6364, 6667

Graham, John, Major, 73

Grant, Sam, 135

Grant, Ulysses S. (president), 95

Great Falls Montana Examiner, 146

Green, Benjamin, 216

Green, Dewey, 254

Greener, Richard T., 119

Greenville, South Carolina, 217

Greenwood, Mississippi, 251, 288

Greenwood Avenue (a.k.a., “Black Wall Street”), 187188

Grier, Dick, 137

Grier, Hon. Robert, 64

Griffith, Samuel, 40

Grigby, Barnaby, 4647

Grigby, Mary Elizabeth, 4647

Gump, Joseph, 145

Gun Control Act of 1968, 293

Guthrie, Oklahoma Territory, 131

Hagerstown, Maryland, 43

Haley, Richard, 278

Hamer, Fannie Lou, 13, 231234, 243, 246247

Hampton, Gov. Wade, 99

Hampton, Virginia, 71

Hanway, Casner, 64

Harlem, 22, 173, 180, 202, 231, 234, 257, 263, 270, 287

Harmon, Earl, 156

Harmony, Mississippi, 248250

Harnett County, North Carolina, 89

Harpers Ferry, 58, 62

Harris, W. A., 84

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 53

Harris Funeral Home, Monroe North Carolina, 19

Harrison, Hubert H., 73

Harry, Beatrice, 274275

Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, 313

Harvard Law and Policy Review, 9

Hatcher, Richard, 285

Hathaway, Bertha, 156

Hattiesburg, 226

Hayes, John, 136

Hayes, Rutherford B., 103

Hayling, Robert, 226, 241

Hays, Arthur Garfield, 206

Hazlewood, George, 132

Head, Julia, 223

Hearst, Cornelius, 106

Helms, “Big Jesse,” Sr., 17, 258

Helms, Sen. Jesse, 258259

Henly, Brack, 164

Henry, Aaron, 242

Henry County, Kentucky, 85

Henry Model Winchester, 111

Hickman Kentucky, 156

Hicks, Jackie, 275277

Hicks, Robert “Bob,” 275278

Hill, Hattie May, 281

Hill, Jim, 167

Hill, John Henry, 46

Hill, Lilly, 156

Hill, Polk, 96

Hilton, Henry, 136

Hitch, William, 41

Hogansville, Georgia, 124

Holbert, Luther, 162163

Holdes, William, 250

Holly, Calvin, 79

Holly Springs, Mississippi, 72, 105

Holmes, Hon. Oliver Wendell, 174

Holmes County, Mississippi, 234, 245, 247

Holt Street Baptist Church, 261

Hoods Mill, 46

Hooper City, 223

Hoover, J. Edgar, 272

Horne, Lena, 239

Hose, Sam, 116, 124125

Houston Texas, 133

Howard, T. R. M., 204, 215221, 235, 238, 240, 246, 307

Howard University, 117, 194

Howe, George, 155

Hudson, Cleo, 248249

Hudson, Dovie, 248249

Hudson, Sally, 52

Hudson, Winson, 248250

Hughes, Hon. Charles Evans, 193

Humby, Della, 139

Hunter, William, 152

Hurley, Ruby, 240

Hurst, E. H., 254

Imes, B. A., 111

Impartial Citizen, 66

Independence, Texas, 185

Indiana, 38, 53, 160, 243, 285

Indianapolis Freeman, 120

Indian Removal Act, 128129

International Order of Twelve of the Knights and Daughters of Tabor, 59

Isaiah Thomas, 300

Jackson, Andrew (escaped slave), 58

Jackson, Andrew (president), 128

Jackson, Jessie, 282, 285

Jackson, John, 252

Jackson, Maynard Holbrook, 285

Jackson, Mississippi, 219, 239240, 245, 252, 266

Jackson, Rev. Y. D., 272

Jackson, Robert, 47

Jackson Daily News, 219

Jacksonville, Florida, 109, 111112, 191

Jacobs, Elmo, 274

Jefferson, George L., 218

Jefferson, Ohio, 40

Jefferson County, Georgia, 113

Jenkins, Bee, 247

Jenkins, Sandy, 34

Jessup, Maj. Gen. Thomas Sidney, 128

Jet (magazine), 251, 280, 282

Jim Crow, 104105, 118, 163, 187188, 218, 236, 288, 298

John Eagle, 88

Johnson, Andrew (president), 80, 82, 8788.

Johnson, Brit, 141

Johnson, Henry, 59

Johnson, James Weldon, 175176, 181183, 193, 201202

Johnson, Lyndon B. (president), 286, 293

Johnson, Milton, 280

Johnson, Mordecia, 157

Johnson, Paul, 241

Johnson, Sydney, 157

Johnson, T. C., 223

Jones, “Big Ben,” 49

Jonesboro, Louisiana, 267, 271274, 280

Jonesboro Freedom House, 271

Jonesboro High School, 273

Kelly, “Nigger Jim,” 136

Kansas City American Citizen, 107

Kansas City Call, 179

Kansas City News, 130

Kemper County, Mississippi, 112

Kennard, Willie, 140

Kennedy, John F. (president), 286

Kennett Township, Pennsylvania, 40

Kent County, Maryland, 70

Kentucky, 4345, 4955, 57, 81, 8485, 109, 110112, 156, 158167, 215, 245

Kentucky Courier-Journal, 165

Kentucky Freedman’s Bureau, 81

Keystone State. See Pennsylvania

Kilgore, Rev. Thomas, 280

Killens, John, 223

King, Coretta, 62

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 27, 31, 147, 216, 219, 221, 225, 230, 241, 252, 256, 259260, 264265, 268, 278279, 281, 283, 287, 288289, 293

King Fisher, Oklahoma Territory, 131132

Kirklin, Austry, 222

Kirkpatrick, Fred, 246

Kite, Elijah, 56

Knights of Labor, 114

Knights of the Black Cross, 80

Knights of the White Camellia, 80, 102

Ku Klux Klan (KKK, a.k.a. Klan), 13, 1824, 80, 82, 8586, 8990, 9293, 9496, 100, 102, 135, 146, 159, 180, 184, 193, 195, 199, 205206, 214, 217218, 220, 23224, 227, 234, 238, 39241, 243, 246, 248249, 259, 271272, 276279, 2122, 292, 294, 297

Lagrange, Kentucky, 85

Lake City, South Carolina, 124

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 39

Langston, Charles, 58

Langston City, Oklahoma Territory, 131

Langston City Herald, 108, 131

Lasky County, Arkansas, 114

Lautier, Louis, 27

Lawrence, Carl, 309

Lawrence County, Ohio, 56

Leake County, Mississippi, 248

Lebanon Junction, Kentucky, 167

Lee, Henry, 219

Lee, Herbert, 254

Lee, Rev. George, 28, 152, 230

Leflore County, Mississippi, 254

Lenox Avenue Baptist Church, 205

Leon County, Florida, 43

Lesser, Mike, 269

Lever, Constance, 259

Lewis, Anthony, 242

Lewis, Clayton, 238

Lewis, Elder, 85

Lewis, John, 250252

Lexington, Kentucky, 158

Liberator, 50, 60

Liberty Insurance Company, 197

Life (magazine), 23, 280

“Lift Every Voice and Sing” (song, “Black National Anthem”), 193

Lincoln, Abraham (president), 69, 72

Lincoln County, New Mexico, 142

Lincoln County Riflemen, 137

Lincoln County War, 137

Linton, Cecil, 172173

Little Rock, Arkansas, 227231

Little Rock Nine, 227

Littleton Lawrence, 137

Logan, Greenburry, 134135

Loguen, Rev. Jermaine, 60

Longview, Texas, 175

Looby, Alexander, 214

Lorraine Motel, Memphis, 265

Los Angeles Times, 279

Love, Nat (a.k.a. Deadwood Dick), 138

Lowery, Henry, 183

Lowman, Bertha, 183

Lowman, Sam, 183

Luckey, Buss, 139

Lucy, Autherine, 219, 221

Ludwig, Jens, 251

Lumbee Indians, 2324, 146

lynching, 1819, 2627, 29, 78, 8990, 104116, 118119, 121125, 127, 131132, 142, 144, 146, 151, 153167, 171, 173, 175, 178179, 182187, 192194, 200, 210, 212216, 230, 233, 235236, 238, 257, 269, 273, 281

Lyon County, Kentucky, 165

M-1 Garand rifle, 265, 276

Mack, Joe, 197

Macksville, Kentucky, 162

Magee, Joe, 212

“Man” (Sylvester Carrier), 191, 192

Mandingo Tribe, 70

Manly, Alex, 123

Manly, Gov. Charles, 123

Manning, Lauren, 44

March against Fear, 264, 266, 268, 270, 278, 283, 288

Marine Corps, 19

Marion County, Iowa, 57

Marrs, Rev. Elijah, 44, 8485

Marshall, Hon. Thurgood, 213215, 221, 224, 227, 239, 293

Martin, William, 195

Mason, William Herbert, 216

Mathies, Aladeine, 199

Mathies, Fleta, 199200

Mauney, A. A. (Monroe police chief), 21

Maury County, Tennessee, 90

Maxton, North Carolina, 23

Mayfield, Kentucky, 112

McCabe, Edwin P., 130

McClellan, Gen. George, 71

McCray, John, 28

McDonald, Otis, 14, 295296, 299, 303, 310311

McDowell, Calvin, 106108

McDowell, Harve, 161

McDowell, Jacob, 161163

McElroy, J. B., 156

McGee, Tempe, 212

McGhee, Laura, 255

McGregor, Rose Anne, 5758

McGregor, Tom, 5758

McHenry, William, 60

McKay, Claude, 180

McKeithen, Gov. John, 281

McKinley, William (president), 121

McKinney, Jesse, 101

McKissick, Floyd, 265, 270, 282, 288289

McRae, Will, 156

McRoberts, Al, 84

Mead, Kansas, 137

Medlin, Lewis, 25

Meet the Press, 288, 293

Memphis, Tennessee, 105110, 118, 131132, 144, 265, 305

Memphis Free Speech, 109110

Memphis Ledger, 109

Menendez, Francisco, 128

Meredith, James, 264265, 288290

Meridian, Mississippi, 225

Messenger, 178, 180

Metcalf, George, 226

Mexican Joe, 137

Michigan, 175, 199, 205, 218

Michigan Negro Convention, 59

Miller, Kelly (dean), 123

Miller, Richard, 159

Milliken’s Bend, 70

Minkslide, Tennessee, 214215

Minstrels (Republican faction), 93

Mississippi, 13, 19, 24, 41, 72, 75, 7779, 8688, 90, 92, 9798, 105, 112, 114, 122, 124, 162, 182186, 215, 219, 225, 226227, 231, 233243, 245248, 251254, 256, 264266, 268269, 278, 283, 288, 290, 292, 294, 299, 307

Mississippi Delta Committee for Better Citizenship, 24, 307

Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, 231, 247

Mississippi March against Fear. See March against Fear

Mississippi National Guard, 114

Mississippi State Conference of NAACP Branches, 242

Mississippi Supreme Court, 185186

Missouri, 36, 51, 60

Mohammed, Elijah, 282

mongrelization. See amalgamation

Monroe, Louisiana, 227

Monroe, North Carolina, 17, 230, 256

Monroe Nonviolent Action Committee, 259

Monroe Parks Commission, 20

Montana, 144147

Montgomery, Alabama, 219220, 222, 224, 261262

Montgomery Improvement Association, 262

Moore, Amzie, 241

Moore, Col. Roger, 94

Moore v. Dempsey, 174

Morgan County, Georgia, 89

Morris, Sen. Thomas, 49

Morrison, Kelsie, 172

Morse, Leonard, 198

Moses, Bob, 252253

Mosney, George, 145

Mosney, John, 145

Moss, Tom, 106108, 110, 131, 194

Motley, Hon. Constance Baker, 221, 224, 248

Moton, Robert, 184185

Mound Bayou, 216

mulatto, 32, 79, 123, 133134, 139, 193

Munroe Country Club, 257

Murdock, Cloyte, 218

Murray, Norris, 198

NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), 13, 2021, 2629, 151152, 155, 157, 170175, 177, 181182, 184, 192193, 198199, 201, 205, 207, 209211, 214, 217219, 222, 225, 226227, 230, 235, 238242, 248, 253254, 256, 261, 265, 285286, 288, 291294, 309

NAACP Legal Defense Fund, 173, 198, 201

NAACP Youth Program, 240

Nashville, Tennessee, 108, 152, 214

Natchez, Mississippi, 226, 241, 283

National Antislavery Standard, 66

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). See NAACP

National Coalition to Ban Handguns, 285

National Convention of Colored Men, 75

National Crime Victimization Survey, 312

National Emigration Convention of Colored People (1854), 58

National Equal Rights League, 75

National Firearms Act (1934), 218

National Guard, 114, 214

National Institute of Justice, 213214

National Research Council, 316

National Rifle Association (NRA), 21, 299

National Safety Council, 312

National Urban League, 265, 285286, 288

Neely, Burkett, 186

Negro Fellowship League, 306

“Negro Law,” 277, 307308

Negro World, 157, 234

Neshoba County, Mississippi, 240, 248, 252

New Albany, Indiana, 55

New England Antislavery Convention, 51

New Hanover County, North Carolina, 94

Newman, Georgia, 116

New Mexico, 137, 142

New Negro, 119120, 179180, 182, 202, 204205

New Orleans, Louisiana, 57, 103, 104117, 276

Newton, Huey, 287

Newsweek, 282

New York, 19, 26, 34, 55, 5961, 6567, 7071, 7475, 82, 89, 92, 109111, 118121, 124, 126127, 130131, 152153, 173, 179180, 192193, 201202, 205, 219, 230, 241242, 254, 260, 273, 78279, 303, 306, 309, 312

New York Age, 109, 118119, 121, 124, 192

New York City, 19, 61, 7475, 109, 120, 205, 303

New York Evening Post, 82

New York Post, 241, 278

New York Times, 130, 153, 242, 254, 273, 278279

New York Vigilance Committee, 59

New York World, 220

Niagara Movement, 127, 152

Nichols, Lewis “Soapstick,” 148

“Nigger Add,” 136

Nightingale, Rev. Taylor, 110

Nix, James, 226

Nixon, E. D., 261262

Nixon, John, 224

Nobles, Matthew (Mr. and Mrs.), 226

Nodena, Arkansas, 183

Noel, Eddie, 234

Norris, I. F., 131

North Carolina, 7273, 7577, 79, 8890, 92, 9495, 123, 230, 256, 258

North Carolina College for Negroes, 19

Norvell, Abrery James, 265

Novak, Robert, 293

Noyes Academy, New Hampshire, 69

NRA. See National Rifle Association (NRA)

Oberlin, Ohio, 57

Oglethorpe, James, 128

Ohio, 144, 148, 193, 3940, 44, 4952, 5458, 61, 96, 106, 109

Ohio River, 44, 50

Oklahoma, 129132, 155, 163, 187, 193

Oklahoma City, 131

Oklahoma Territory, 110, 130, 132

Oktibbeha County, Mississippi, 90

Olive, Print, 136

Orange, Texas, 133

Orange County War, 133134

Orlando Police Department, 315

Outlaw, Wyatt, 89

Oxendine, Simeon, 213

Paducah, Kentucky, 109, 111112, 163164

Page, Ned, 36

Page, Sara, 36

Parker, Hon. Charles, 138140

Parker, John P., 4445

Parker, Mack, 230, 291

Parker, Shelly, 295296, 299, 303, 311, 316318

Parker, William, 61, 6367

Parks, Ray, 221

Parks, Rosa, 219221

Patton, George, 265

Pennsylvania, 3940, 43, 4950, 5356, 61, 63, 66, 138, 176, 306

Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society, 55

Peoples, Willis, 137

percussion-cap revolver, 40

Perry, Albert, 2122, 24

Philadelphia, Mississippi, 238

Philadelphia Anti-Slavery Society (vigilance committee), 46, 48, 64

Philadelphia Free African Society, 39

Philadelphia Negro, The, 306

Pickney, Thomas, 78

Pierce, Leonard, 115

Pierce, William, 91

Pittsburgh American, 192

Pittsburgh Gazette, 50

Pledger, W. A., 122

Polk, James (president), 133

Poplarville, Mississippi, 28, 230

Port Hudson, Louisiana, 70

Portland, Maine, 61

Powell, William, 61

Price, John, 57

Prosser, Gabriel, 32

Pullum, Joe, 233234

Purman, W. J., 118

Purvis, Robert, 5556, 62

Quantico, Virginia, 210

“Radio Free Dixie,” 260

Randolph, A. Philip, 173, 177180

Randolph, John, 148

Rankin, John, 4546

Ransom, Gen. Robert, 94

Raton, New Mexico, 137

Ray, Thomas, 175

Reconstruction, 18, 24, 44, 80, 82, 85, 87, 90, 92, 9495, 98, 100, 103105, 108, 118119, 127, 157

redemption, Confederate, 152, 157

Redmond, Charles, 159, 66

Red Oak, Ohio, 51

Red Shirts, 123

Reed, Gov. Harrison, 93

Reed, Mary Ruth, 25

Reeves, Annie Colton, 233

Reeves, Bass, 140141

“Regulators,” 79, 134

Reid, John, 30

Remington shotgun, 240

Republican Party, 85, 87, 8993, 95, 97104, 116, 118, 121, 123, 160, 164, 169, 193

Republic of Texas, 134

Resistance at Christiana. See Christiana (Pennsylvania) Resistance, Uprising, Tragedy

Rice, Angelena, 223

Rice, Condoleezza, 223

Richardson, Gloria, 226

Richmond, Virginia, 46, 86

Ripley, Ohio, 4445

Rivers, Prince, 98

Robinson, Tom, 216

Roby, Vanderbilt, 247

Rochelle, Fred, 194

Rochester, New York, 67

Rockville, Maryland, 43

Root, Tom, 139

Rope and Faggot, 182183, 186

Rose, Edward, 132

Roseland Park Cemetery, Chicago, 206

Rosewood, Florida, 190192

Ross, George, 164

Rough Riders, 123

Rowan, Carl, 290

Rowland, Dick, 187

Rufus Buck Gang, 139140

Ruggles, David, 59

Rumley, Ohio, 148

Russellville, Kentucky, 166

Rustin, Bayard, 251, 262263

Sac and Fox Indian Reservations, 130

St. Augustine, Florida, 128, 226, 241

St. Michaels, Maryland, 3334

Salter, John R., 240

Salt Lake Broad Axe, 125

Santee River, 78

Saxon, Gen. Rufus, 81

Schurz, Gen. Charles, 180

Schwerner, Michael, 38, 240, 250, 252

SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), 252, 258, 265266, 286, 288, 293

Scott, Emmett, 122

Scott, George, 7172

Sea Islands, 79

Seale, Bobby, 283

Second Amendment (US Constitution). See Constitution of the United States, right to arms

Second Freedman’s Bureau Act, 82

Second Seminole War, 128

Sellers, Cleveland, 226, 252, 266

Selma, Alabama, 224

Seminoles, 128129, 140

Seneca County, New York, 66

Shang, Shadrack “Buddie,” 147149

Shelby County, Kentucky, 44, 84

Shelby County, Ohio, 148

Shillady, John, 175

Shores, Arthur, 221, 24

Shuttlesworth, Rev. Fred, 222223

Sickles, Gen. Daniel, 79, 81

Sims, Charles, 66, 274276, 278280, 2324

Siringo, Charlie, 135

Sitton, Claude, 254

Sixkiller, Sam, 138

Smiley, Glenn, 263

Smiley, Rev. Richman, 62

Smith, Bill, 136

Smith, C. E., 226

Smith, Dollar Bill, 163

Smith, Ed and Marie, 196

Smith, Hampton, 157

Smith, Harry C., 119

Smith, Rev. R. L. T., 239

Smith, Will, 139

Smith & Wesson, 194, 240, 340

SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee), 226, 232, 241, 244, 247, 251, 252, 255, 265, 268, 286287, 293

SNCC Freedom House, 251

Socialist Workers Party, 283

Somerton, South Carolina, 42

Souls of Black Folk, The, 153, 306

South Bend, Indiana, 53

South Carolina Criminal Code, 171

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 252, 258, 265266, 286, 288, 293

Southern Patriot, 28

Spartacus League, 283

Spivak, Lawrence, 288290

Spooner, Lysander, 50

Springfield rifle, 88

Stagecoach Mary. See Fields, Mary

Stanford, Kentucky, 162

“State Negroes,” 130

State v. John Mann, 36

State v. Negro Will, 36

State v. Sweet et al., 203

Stegall, Bruce, 260

Stegall, Mabel, 260

Stephenson, Gladys, 213

Steptoe, E. W., 253254

Steve Green, 172

Stevenson, Job, 96

Steward, C. C., 127

Stewart, T. McCants, 119

Stewart, Will, 106107

Still, William, 4648, 65

Stokes, James, 273

Stone, Jim, 113

Stringer, Emmett, 242243

Stuart, Augustus, 74

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). See SNCC

Swedesboro, New Jersey, 51

Sweet, Gladys, 194, 196198, 201, 205207

Sweet, Henry, 124, 198, 205206

Sweet, Iva, 206

Sweet, Ossian, 193208, 215

Sweet, Otis, 198

Swift, L. J., 167

Syracuse Stars, 147

Talented Tenth, 175, 182, 193195, 202

Tanner, John, 36

Tawawa Springs, 193

Taylor, Fanny, 190

Taylor, Julius F., 125

Taylor, Zachary (president), 133

Tennent, Ned, 98

Texas, 77, 83, 86, 89, 9293, 96, 132136, 138, 140143, 175, 183

Texas Congress, 134135

Texas Kid, 136

Texas Rangers, 133

“The Curve” (Memphis), 106

Thermopolis, 180, 189

Thirteenth Amendment (US Constitution), 130

Thomas, Earnest “Deac,” 265, 267268, 283

Thomas, Hank, 222

Thomas, Mary, 300

Thompson, Marie, 167

Thompson submachine gun, 218

Tilden, Samuel, 103

Till, Emmett, 28, 217220, 230

Tillman, Sen. Ben “Pitchfork,” 99

Toledo, Ohio, 144

Tougaloo College, 240

Townsend, Lou Ella, 231, 246

“Try Me If You Be Men” (maroon settlement), 128

Tubman, Harriet, 4445

Tulsa, Oklahoma, 163, 187190

Tulsa Daily Tribune, 187

Turnbow, Hartman, 13, 15, 244247, 253, 297

Turnbow, Sweets, 246

Turner, Alexander, 195197, 199200, 202

Turner, Henry McNeal (bishop), 125

Turner, Lola, 201

Turner, Nat, 32, 119, 153

Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 222, 226, 243

Tuskegee Institute, 121, 184

“Two against 5,000” (article), 209, 213

Underground Railroad, 4448, 55, 63, 65

Underwood, J. C., 109

Union Army, 44, 6970, 78, 84, 94, 9899

Union League, 8891

United States Marshals

black, 140141

white, 5657, 60, 63, 140, 161

United States Supreme Court, 20, 37, 103, 106, 118, 139, 172173, 206, 285, 293, 296

Universal Negro Improvement Association, 177, 234

University of Alabama, 219

University of Kansas, 274276

University of Mississippi, 264

Ursuline Convent of the Sacred Heart, 144

US Steel, 168

Valentine, Henry E., 172

Vesey, Denmark, 32, 153

Veterans Administration, 184

Vicksburg, Mississippi, 4442, 73, 77, 79, 8687, 97, 114, 218

Victoria, Texas, 77

Virginian, The, 128

Wagner, Gen. Sayne, 82

Wahalak, Mississippi, 212

Wales, Cora, 209212, 294

Wales, William, 209212, 294

Walker, David, 5859

Walker, Moses Fleetwood, 147

Wall, Pressley, 136

Wallace, George, 226

Wallace, Lew (territorial governor), 137

Wall Street Journal, 279, 22, 303

Walters, Alexander (bishop), 124

Wanzer, Frank, 46

Ward, Sam R., 61

Warmoth, Gov. Henry, 101

Warren County, Mississippi, 87

Washington, Booker T., 121123, 126, 151152, 172, 184, 202, 216

Washington, Charles, 198

Washington, DC, 14, 54, 88, 104, 121143, 125, 152, 175177, 194, 202, 219, 285, 295, 302303, 309

Washington, Forrester, 195

Washington, George (black cowboy), 137

Washington Bee, 119

Washington Daily American, 202

Washington Parish, Louisiana, 212213, 163

Washington Post, 124, 176

Washita River, 130

Watson, Hewitt, 197

Watson, Robert, 155

Watson, Thomas, 113

Weaver, Maurice, 214

Weaver, Robert, 293

Webb, Alex, 90

Weber Falls, Indian Territory, 129

Wells, Houston, 239

Wells, Ida B., 13, 15, 106, 109, 111112, 114, 116119, 126127, 131, 144, 163, 168, 170, 172, 295296, 306, 308, 315

Wells Fargo, 145146

West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, 269

Wheeler, Bill, 43

Whigs, 118

White, George, 184

White, Walter, 184, 187, 192193, 231, 24, 209, 214, 229

White Brotherhood, 80

White Camellia, 80, 102

Wilberforce College, 193

Wild, Gen. Edward, 173

Wildcat (chief), 133

Wilkins, Roy, 182, 209213, 230231, 3839, 241, 261, 23, 265266, 283, 288, 290294, 307

Williams, Anthony, 185

Williams, Bill, 188

Williams, Cathy, 142

Williams, “Daddy John,” 18

Williams, Henry, 64

Williams, Hosea, 265

Williams, Jim, 100

Williams, Robert, 1724, 23, 2526, 29, 31, 62, 225, 230, 241, 256, 258260, 282, 289

Williams, Sikes, 18

Willson, Gov. Augustus E., 164165

Wilmington, North Carolina, 76, 9495, 123124

Wilmington Herald, 77

Wilmington Rifle Guard, 88

Wilson, Felton, 212

Wilson, James Q., 316

Wilson, Jerome, 212213

Wilson, John, 212

Wilson, Luther, 213

Wilson, Moise, 213

Wilson, Rebecca, 243

Wilson, Woodrow (president), 169, 183, 193

Winchester rifle, 97, 105, 110111, 115, 122, 124, 127, 131132, 44, 151, 159, 168, 172, 191, 198, 222, 233, 240, 255, 277, 295, 306

Wister, Owen, 128

Wizard of Tuskegee. See Washington, Booker T.

Wolfgang, Marvin, 305306

Wood, Delos, 212

Workers World Party, 283

World War I, 169, 173177, 194, 220

World War II, 213, 246, 265, 274

Wormser Hotel, 104

Worthy, William, 263

Wright, Louis T., 182

Yates, Bill, 275277

Yazoo County, Mississippi, 98, 268

York County, South Carolina, 100

York County, Virginia, 72

Young, A. Z., 280281

Young, Andrew, 224, 266

Young, Thomas, 239

Young, Whitney, 265266, 288

Young County, Texas, 141

Zellner, Bob, 255