
abhakṣya (forbidden food) 193
abhojya (unfit food) 193
ācāra (practice; customary law) 17 , 513 , 54 , 55 , 180 see also normative practice (ācāra )
acts of worship 180 , 1856
adjudication see law and legal procedure
adoption 1589 , 167 , 176 , 378
Āgamas 367 , 348 , 3657
and brahmacarya 1024
of marriage 1289
of upanayana 1534
ages (yuga ), four 6
Agniveśya 111 , 3534
ahiṃsā (noninjury to living beings) 1956
āhnika (daily duties) 17988
alcohol 45660
alehouse sign 4556 , 4615
alestake 4625
amedhya (unfit for sacrifice) 220 , 230 , 231
ancestors see also śrāddha (ancestral offerings )
offerings to 1801 , 1856 , 1945 , 20818
saṃskāra 90 , 956
anchorite, rules of an 823 see also vānaprastha (hermit )
classification of 190
embodiment of dharma in 46679
as extension of dharmic body 4723
and fractured beings 4747
humans becoming 4779
and religious history 4702
rules on eating 1902
terms 46870
annulment of marriage agreement 134
antelopes 469
antyeṣṭi see funeral and ancestral offerings
anuloma (with the hair) 63 , 64 , 734 , 1278
anvaṣṭakya (ninth-day ancestral offering) 211 , 21314
āpad (times of adversity) 6870 , 3923
āpaddharma (law during emergencies) 24556
on āśrama 801
on dharma 19 , 213 , 49
on the epistemic sources of dharma 502
on excommunication 31617
on food and diet 194
on happiness 4223
on kings 259
and legal procedure 284
on rules of change in dharma 58
on sin 314 , 317
on snātaka 11820
on vyavahāra 3045
arthavāda (supplementary statements) 35
Āryas (noble/good people) 8 , 601 , 73 , 101 , 110 , 17980
āśauca (death impurity) 2269 , 234
ascendants, and inheritance 1689
ascetics 23644
awareness 4426 , 4514
body of 41415
focus on 27
forest hermit 2378
wandering 23844 , 4426 , 4524
women as 14950
Aśoka, Emperor 1516 , 7981 , 284 , 3012
aspṛśya (untouchables) 9 , 60 , 63 , 64 , 746
āśrama (orders of life) 7885
and ascetics 236 , 243
brahmacarya 11012
development of 1618
in the Dharmasūtras 22
meaning 789
and snātaka 11415
as a theological concept 79
assessors 285 , 293 , 2967
Āsura marriage 131
Atharvaveda 98 , 99101 , 110 , 124 , 144
aurasa (natural son) 156 , 159
authors 5 , 3845
autopsies 289
bathing, and purification 2245
on āśrama 834
on dharma 19 , 212
on image worship and temple practices 3546
on impurity 2235
on kings 2601
and legal procedure 285
on pilgrimage 340
on sin 317
on snātaka 11719
on sources of dharma 53
on vyavahāra 307
behavior, and disruptive emotion 4278
bhakṣya (permitted food) 193
bhāṣya (commentary) 30
bhikṣu 1718 , 80 , 107 , 145 , 239 see also wandering mendicant
Bhīṣma, and social classes 66
bhojya (fit food) 193
bhūtātman (elemental self) 474 , 478
birds, rules on eating 1902
birth and child saṃskāras 923
blackbuck 467 , 469 , 478
body 40518
ascetic 41415
and Dharmaśāstra 4058
homological 41516
impurities and purification 2245
metaphorical 40810
transgressing 41014
transitional 41718
body history, religious history as 4712
brahmacarya (studentship) 98112
and āśrama 80
and celibacy 2423
discipline of 11314
and the duty of private recitation 10910
in the early sources 99107
and emotions 4212
as the first profession of an Ārya 11012
in the Gṛhyasūtras 1017
initiation (upanayana ) 104
requirements of 107
rules of a 823
and special rules for study of the Veda: Veda-vratas 1089
and unruly emotions 42930
Vedic 989
Brahmins (scholars and priests)
and āśrama 7981
attitudes to foreign invasions 24
bodies of 41516
and brahmacarya 1046
and castes 89 , 63
“cultured elite” 523
dependency of 767
and dharma 4 , 1519 , 21 , 25
and dvija 21
and emotions 4212
forbidden alcohol 45960 , 4645
and funeral and ancestral offerings 21112
historical evidence 645
murder of 317 , 319
occupational mobility 24652
as officiants of sacrifices 6870
and privilege 25
reappropriation of dharma 2213
and ritual purity 2223
snātaka as 1213 , 124
threats to 36
unique right to receive gifts 197201
and unruly emotions 42930
and varṇa system 61
and the Yadava dynasty 4829
Bṛhaspati 29 , 2779 , 308 , 30910
brides, desirable qualities of 127
British rule, and inheritance 1738
and dharma 18 , 2212
Kushanas and 24
life-cycle rituals 901
Monastic Code 383401
bulls 46870 , 4767
and dharma 496500
and economics 496505
and the titles of law 5005
Caṇḍāla (outcaste)
impurity of 228 , 2312
and purification 226 , 2334
purification following the visit of 22930
as untouchables 9 , 634 , 745
Candragupta 26
caraṇas (schools) 1920
castes see also varṇa (social classes )
and animal embodiment 4756
definitions 72
fallen from (patita ) 9
historical evidence 645
ideology 657
and inheritance 172
marginalization 623
and sin 31617
theory 767
untouchables 746
and varṇa system 634
and vernacularization 489
cattle 473
and brahmacarya 101 , 107
and wandering mendicant 2423
Chakradhar 483 , 48795
childbirth taboos 144
children 15163
daughters and kinship 15962
legal perspective on 1512 , 1623
minority and majority 1525
twelve sons 1559
chronology of Dharmaśāstra 5
circumcision 405
close relatives, and inheritance 1689
Colebrooke, Henry Thomas 401 , 174 , 399
colonialism, and “Hindu Law” 37780
commentaries (bhāṣya, ṭikā, vivṛti )
on Dharmaśāstra 21 , 24 , 267 , 304 , 3845
on the epistemic sources of dharma 547
and inheritance 1723 , 1748
corporal punishment 2758
corruption 8 , 297
cosmology, and psychology 4512 , 4645
cows 4702 , 4756
crafts, and Śūdras 70
creation 656
Manu on 4467
justice system 2889
and punishment 41014 see also punishment
culture and society 45565
“cultured elite” 523
customary laws
legitimised by commentaries 324
and rules of change 589
daily duties 17988
acts of worship 1856
in development 1801
elements of 1867
as an everyday model 1814
as a social science 17980
dakṣiṇā (donations) 68 , 231 , 235 , 435
dāna (religious gift) 432 see also gifting
daṇḍa (staff or scepter) 2737 , 282 , 296 see also punishment
datta (adopted son) 158 , 167
daughters 9 , 15962
dāyabhāga (inheritance) see inheritance
Dāyabhāga text 1748
body in 41718
impurity 2269 , 234
saṃskāra 956
descendants, and inheritance 1658
devalaka (temple officiants) 3389 , 345 , 351
on punishment 2778
Smṛticandrikā (Moonlight on the Tradition) 424
and ancestral rites 214
in animal terms 46870
authoritative voice 245
and Brahmins 25
and Buddhism 2212
centrality of 2 , 15
and commentaries 323
concept of 1819
and Dharmaśāstra 3725
digests 357
early debates 23
early textual production 202
embodiment in animals 46679
epistemology of 4959
and fractured beings 4747
gift based on 207
and institutional framework of enquiry 1920
Manu’s treatise on 245
notion of 2
paraphrases and summaries 34
and pilgrimage 217
post-Manu developments 26
reappropriation by Brahmins 2213
rules of change 578
and social ethics 48795
as a social science 4802 , 484
and śrāddha 21415 , 21719
dharmapramāṇa (epistemology of law) 4959
after Manu 268
as arbiter of orthodoxy 810
and āśrama 7885 , 11112
authoritative voice of 24
and brahmacarya 98
and the Buddhist Monastic Code 383401
commentaries and legal digests 3045
commentators and digest authors 3845
and dharma 3725
digests 348 see also nibandhas (digests )
earliest external references 201
early textual production 203
educational setting 3712
as an elite ideology 34
extinction of foundational texts 289
foundational texts 1529
as a historical intellectual tradition 480
history and innovation 56
history of the reception of 37182
influence on expert Sanskrit traditions 3725
innovations of Manu 235
as an intellectual project 34
and the invention of “Hindu Law” 37780
nature of commentaries 314
and pilgrimage 335 , 338
and practice 34
relevance after independence 3802
ritual obsession of 68
role in documentary sources 3757
scholarly debate 11 , 224
as a social science 4802
theistic 35660
and the Yadava dynasty 4827
dates of 21
differing views in the 223
earliest external references to 201
subjects in the 212
dhvaja (banner or flag) 4556
dhvajin (surā seller) 463
dietary rules, and food 18996
digests see nibandhas (digests )
dissolution of marriage 1346
distant relatives, and inheritance 169
divorce 1345
divya (ordeal) 27 , 290 , 296 , 413
documentary sources 3757
documents, and legal procedure 292 , 295
domestic rites, and solemn rites 21011
domestic ritual codes see Gṛhyasūtras (ritual codes )
donations 6871 , 198200 , 231 , 235 , 339 , 345 , 352 , 376
Draupadi 1278 , 131 , 133 , 1378
duhitṛ see children
dūṣya (corrupt, vile) 8 see also corruption
dvija (twice-born)
and castes 9
history of term 64
use of term 212
and varṇa system 63 , 1024
East India Company 378
economic mobility
of Śūdras 714
and varṇa system 76
and business 496505
and dharma 496500
and the titles of law 5005
educational setting, for the reception of Dharmaśāstra 3712
and animal terms 46870
of dharma in animals 46679
and fractured beings 4747
humans becoming animals 4779
in religious history 4702
emergencies, law during see āpaddharma (law during emergencies )
emotions 41931
ecological approach to 41922
and law 425
and marriage 4257
and rituals 4245 , 42930
and the social order 4224
unruly 42630
epigraphical sources, role of Dharmaśāstra in 3757
excluded persons, from inheritance 171
excommunication 316
expert traditions, influence of Dharmaśāstra in Sanskrit 3725
Failure to Perform Indentured Service title of law 5045
family 9
fish, rules on eating 192
Five Great Acts of Worship 185
Five Great Sacrifices 17 , 88 , 10910 , 126 , 194 , 379
and brahmacarya 107
and dietary rules 18996
foreigners (mlecchas ) 8 , 63 , 64
forensic evidence 289
forest hermit 80 , 236 , 2378 , 239 , 241
foundational texts 1529
after Manu 268
early textual production 203
extinction of 289
innovations of Manu 235
four ages (yuga ) 6
fractured beings, and embodiment of animals in dharma 4747
funeral and ancestral offerings 208
domestic model 21013
educated discourse and untextualized traditions 21719
reflections on in the legal tradition 21415
ritualist and renouncer 21517
shifting ritual paradigms 21314
Vedic model 20810
Gāndharva marriage 130
gaṇikās (courtesans, “female sex workers”) 149
on āśrama 824
author of Dharmaśāstra 19 , 28
on Brahmins and rulers 61
on dharma 212
on the epistemic sources of dharma 53
on the epistemology of dharma 50
on gifting 199
on kings 25960 , 268
on legal procedure 2845
on penance 321
on sin 314 , 316
on snātaka 11920
on varṇa system 73
on vyavahāra 3056
genealogy, Manu’s phenomenological 44651
gifting 197207 see also dāna (religious gift )
based on dharma 207
later developments 2057
non-reciprocity 2015
proper recipients 198201
gift-marriages 131
gods, images of 3502
gṛhastha (householder)
and āśrama 7984
and celibacy 243
and conceptual renewal 1620
and marriage 12536
meaning 1617
Gṛhyasūtras (ritual codes)
and brahmacarya 1017 , 10811
on the dead body 41718
on funeral and ancestral offerings 21015
on image worship and temple practices 3526
and religious practices 349 , 350
on saṃskāras 889 , 96
on snātaka 114
guarding, of women 1379
Gupta empire 26 , 292
happiness 4223
Hārīta 23 , 88
Hastings, Warren 1734 , 3789
Hemādri 3301 , 4845 , 488 , 489 , 490 , 4925
heretics (pāṣaṇḍa ) 8
Hindu Code Bills 381
“Hindu Law” 37780
Hindu Succession Act, The (1956) 178
Hindu Tantra, on image worship and temple practices 3657
and Dharmaśāstra 6 , 810 , 3767 , 379 , 3812
and reincarnation 208
temple 36 , 3379 , 3478 , 356 , 363
theism 3647
vows in contemporary 3324
homological body 41516
horse sacrifice 128
house, purification of a 22930
householder 834 see also gṛhastha (householder )
and food transactions 194
married snātaka 11821
and punishment 27981
rituals of 7
husband and wife 1334
iconodules, of the Vedic religion 3526
iconophobic orthodoxy 34852
development in religious practices 3478
orthodox iconophobes 34852
purāṇic theists 3604
theist outside smṛti 3647
theistic Dharmaśāstra 35660
vedic inconodules 3526
worship 3536
impurity 22035
of the body and property 2246
contexts of 2201
of death 2269 , 234
internal 2302
types of 223
independence, of women 13742
independence 3802
social and political transformation 234 , 26
Indian Law
and Buddhist Monastic Code 383401
and Dharmaśāstra 37680
Indra 3657
of Buddhism 383401
reception of Dharmaśāstra 3812
inheritance 16478
and ascendants 1689
in British hands 1738
and caste 172
and close relatives 1689
and daughters 161
death of the law of 178
and descendants 1658
and distant relatives 169
and excluded persons 171
law of 1645
and property excluded from partition 171
in the Sanskrit commentaries 1723
in the smṛtis 16572
and timing of ownership 175
unrelated heirs 169
and women 1447 , 16971
initiation (upanayana ) see upanayana (Vedic initiation )
initiatory saṃskāras 934
innovation, of Dharmaśāstra 56
institutions, and dharma 1920
“intermediate castes” (antarāla ) 61 , 623
internal impurity 2302
Islam, legalism and law in 2
Itihāsas 35
Jarāsandha, killing of 1223
Jīmūtavāhana, Dāyabhāga 1747
Jnandev 483 , 487
Jones, (Sir) William 174
Judaism, legalism and law in 2
judge/judges 1734 , 177 , 2769 , 28390 , 293 , 2967 , 3034
kalpa (to bring something in proper order) 433
Kāṇva 23
kanyādāna (gift of the bride) 95 , 97 , 130 , 132 , 142 , 160 , 376
karma(n) (action; deed; rite) 432 , 436 , 467 , 4746
Kātyāyana 20 , 29 , 30911
Kauṭilya, Arthaśāstra 25 , 27 , 64 , 80 , 257 , 2625 , 277 , 28690 , 292 , 2978 , 3024 , 308 , 309 , 4979
Dharmaśāstra on 25772
and legal procedure 285 , 290 , 2923
and punishment 27382
and varṇa system 602
whole duty of 26771
kinship, and daughters 15962
kriyā (action)
as evidence 292
as ritual 432
Kṣatriyas (kings and nobility)
and āśrama 85
and Brahmins 767
castes 8 , 1819 , 612
punishment for transgression 412
role of 689
kṣetraja (son born of the [husband’s] “field”) 1578 , 159 see also sons
and inheritance 167
Kullūka 65 , 72
Kumārila 35 , 56
Lakṣmīdhara 412 , 32830 , 336 , 3412 , 3604
law and legal procedure see also vyavahāra (legal procedure ; lawsuit )
during emergencies 24556
and emotions 425
epistemology of 4959
Manu’s innovation regarding 25
representation 293
and ritual 7
rules of change 578
and women 13941
Yājñavalkya and 27
legal digests, on the epistemic sources of dharma 301 , 57
lekhya (legal document) 27 , 292
life-cycle rituals see saṃskāra (rites of passage )
likhita (legal document) 27 , 292
Līḷācaritra 482 , 486 , 48795
lokavidviṣṭa (despised by the world) 6
Madanapāla 321
Mādhava 28 , 32
madya (intoxicating beverage) 460
and dharma 3734
on law during emergencies 2526
on pilgrimage 33641
on snātaka 1214
Mahanubhavs 48793
majority, and minority 1525
malina (stained) 220
on ācāra 1803
on the ascetic body 41415
on ascetics 2402
on āśrama 845 , 4423
author of Dharmaśāstra 28
on behavior 42730
on the dead body 41718
on divine embodiment 41516
on emotions 4301
on the epistemic sources of dharma 54
and the expansion of āpaddharma 2526
on food and diet 1946
on funeral and ancestral offerings 216
on gifting 1978
innovations of 238
on king 265 , 26871
and legal procedure 2902
Mānava Dharmaśāstra 120 , 1803 , 2526 , 268 , 299300 , 30710
on the metaphorical body 40810
on mixed classes 71 , 74
phenomenological genealogy of 44651 , 4523
on punishment 2746
on religious practices 3501
on rules of change in dharma 589
on sacred territory 601
on saṃskāras 878
on snātaka 120
on the transgressing body 41014
on varṇa system 65 , 67 , 6970 , 74
on vyavahāra 30710
on vyavahārapadas 299300
on women 13741 , 142 , 14550
on world ages (yugas ) 678
manuscripts, lost 289
Marathi literary vernacularization 4812
Līḷācaritra 48795
and the Yadava dynasty 4827
Mārkaṇḍeya, on image worship and temple practices 35960
marriage 12734
annulment 134
ceremony 1323 , 1412
dissolution of 1346
divorce and supersession 1345
and emotions 4257
and gṛhastha 1256
how many 1278
intermarriage 713
legal relationship of 1334
responsibilities of 134
and ritual partnership 1424
saṃskāras 95
types of 12932
in the Vedic domestic ritual codes (Gṛhyasūtras) 101 , 11011
when and age 1289
whom to marry 127
widows and widowers 1356
Mataṇga, story of 667
material culture and society 45565
Mayata Hari 4945
meat eating 1956
on the epistemic sources of dharma 567
on incorporation of a conquered people 603
as a major commentator 389
Manubhāṣya 31112
on punishment 27781
on religious practices 3512
meditation, and wandering mendicant 242
mendicant 82 , 84 , 23844
menstruation 144 , 229
milk, rules on drinking 192
on the epistemic sources of dharma 556
on religious practices 352
on sacrifice 438
minority, and majority 1525
misogyny 1379
on ācāra 1867
Vīramitrodaya 37
mixed classes (varṇasaṃkaras ) 61 , 64 , 714
marginalization 623
mlecchas (foreigners) 8 , 63 , 64
mokṣa (liberation) 25 , 2412
monetary punishment 275
moral regulation, and emotions 4278
mother, woman’s role as 147
Mūlasarvāstivāda-vinaya , and dharma 384401
murder, of Brahmins 317 , 319
mūrtis , and pilgrimage 337
and legal procedure 278 , 293
on punishment 274 , 2757 , 281
on vyavahāra 308 , 309
Nārayaṇabhaṭṭa, Tristhalīsetu 3424
nāstikas (atheist) 8 , 349 , 351
Newar Buddhist life-cycle rituals 901
nibandhas (digests) 30
authors 3845
on Dharmaśāstra 348
and legal procedure 298
on pilgrimage 3358 , 3412 , 3446
on saṃskāras 89
on topics 30 , 3445
Nilakaṇṭha, Bhagavantabhāskara (Bhagavanta the Sun) 445
nīti (techniques of statecraft) 257
and dharma 258 , 262 , 264 , 267 , 268
niyama (restrictive observance) 326
niyoga (formalized sexual union between a woman and her husband’s brother) 136 , 1578 , 1678 , 254
Non-delivery after Sale title of law 501
Nonpayment of Wages title of law 5012
non-reciprocity 2015
normative practice (ācāra ) 513 , 55 , 246 , 4802
nuns, woman’s role as 14950
occupational mobility, and āpaddharma 24654
old age saṃskāra 956
once-born (ekaja ) 62 , 63
ordeals 27 , 290 , 2956 , 376 , 413
orders of life see āśrama (orders of life )
orthodoxy, Dharmaśāstra as arbiter of 810
and inheritance 175
and marriage 1334
Paiśāca marriage 130
Parāśara 26 , 278
author of Dharmaśāstra 28
on rules of change in dharma 589
pariṣad/parṣad (assembly) 3213 , 377
Partnerships title of law 5001
pāṣaṇḍas (religious communities) 16 , 7981
Pāśupatas 37
pātakas (sins) 31415
patanīyas (sins) 314
Patañjali 201 , 513
patita (fallen from caste) 9 , 172
“pātra principle” (worthy recipient) 199200 , 203 , 205 , 207
penance 31324
and animal embodiment 477
public 31823
secret 31820
and surā banner 4612 , 4645
phenomenology 445 , 44651
pilgrimage 33546
and dharma 217
origins of 33641
places 3412
rules and regulation 3426
piṇḍadāna (giving of rice balls) 20911 , 470
plaint 2879 , 2925 , 299
plea 287 , 292 , 2945
polyandry 127
polygamy 128
practice see ācāra (practice ; customary law )
Prajnasagar 4945
pratiṣṭhā (establishment of images and temples) 354 , 3614
pravrajita (ascetic gone forth from home) 1618 , 7981
prāyaścitta (penance) 31324 see also penance
prenatal saṃskāras 902
excluded from partition 171
and purification 2256
and women 1447
psychology, and cosmology 4512 , 4645
pūjā (to honor) 432
and pilgrimage 337
and ritual theory 43940
punishment 27382
and animal embodiment 4723
for attracting women 4915
and the body 41014
and body history 471
and surā banner 4612 , 4645
and Dharmaśāstra 347 , 374
on image worship and temple practices 3604
on pilgrimage 336 , 341
on vratas 3267 , 3312
purification 22035
of the body and property 2246
and daily duties 1814
definition 221
of a house 22930
as a priestly competence 2203
ritual 2213
self 1804
and social anthropology 2325
types of 223
Puruṣa Sūkta 18 , 25 , 411
on the metaphorical body 4089
ritual obsession of 67
on sacrifice 437
putra (son) 151 see also sons
putrikā (appointed daughter) 1567 , 159 , 168
woman’s role as 1489
rājadharma (law for kings) 25772
overview 25867 , 2712
as a theological category 2578
the whole duty of the king 26771
Rākṣasa marriage 130
Rāmāyaṇa , and dharma 373
recipients of gifts 197201
and brahmacarya 10910
of the Veda 535
recollection (smṛti ), as the epistemic source of dharma 534 , 57
religious history
and animal embodiment 4778
as body history 4702
religious law
and business 5005
under colonialism 37780
and Dharmaśāstra 3767
post-Independence 3802
religious practices 34767
remarriage 136
and funeral and ancestral rites 21517
woman’s role as 14950
responsibilities in marriage 134
reverse order (pratiloma ) in marriage 734
Ṛgveda 6 , 98 , 2089
rites of passage see saṃskāra (rites of passage )
ritual 43241
and animal embodiment 4778
definition 4334
and emotions 4245 , 42930
and funeral and ancestral rites 21013 , 21517
and marriage 1424
meaninglessness of 4401
obsession with details of 68
purity 2213
and sacrifice 4368
status of women 1424
structure and “grammar” 4346
sutras 22
theory 43641
Vedic model of funeral and ancestral offerings 20810
root-text (mūla )
and commentaries 303
of Dharmaśāstra 378
rules and regulation, of pilgrimage 3426
rules of change, in law 578
Śabara 556 , 352
sacred thread ceremony (upanayana) 9 , 934
and animals 472
Dharmaśāstra on 438
and ritual theory 4368
and social classes 6870
structure and “grammar” 435
in Vedic literature 34850
sadācāra (conduct of the good) 545 , 60
Śaiva Āgamas 367 , 3657
Sale by a Non-owner title of law 5024
saliva, and purification 225
saṃghas (guild), as Buddhist Community 3858 , 400
saṃnyāsa (adoption of renunciant asceticism) 240
saṃskāra (rites of passage) 8697
birth and child 923
Dharmaśāstra on 89 , 96
history of 8990
initiatory 934
marriage 95
old age, death and ancestor rituals 956
prenatal 902
and ritual 432
and ritual theory 439
as rituals of transcendence 967
sources 889
traditional Hindu 906
and women 1434
samuccaya (aggregation; sequence) 7
‘Sanglish’ 12
and dharma 52
influence of Dharmaśāstra on 3725
Sanskrit literature, and Dharmaśāstra 3745
saubhāgya (welfare) 333
śauca see purification
“Scripture” (śruti ), as the Veda 54
self and subjectivity 44254
ascetic awareness 4514
phenomenological genealogy 44651
wandering ascetic 4426
sexual chastity, and brahmacarya 107
linked to penance 31319
transference through gifting 2057
Śiva, worship of 3647
as the epistemic source of dharma 556 , 58
inheritance in the 16572
snātaka (Vedic graduate) 11324
as Brahmin under special vows 1213
Dharmaśāstra on 11420
distinctive dharma 11517
as intermediate 11718
as married householder 11821
social anthropology, and purification 2325
social classes (varṇa ) see varṇa (social classes )
social ethics, and dharma 48795
social history
and commentaries 324
and material culture 45565
social order, and emotions 4224
social science, Dharmaśāstra as a 4802 , 484
society, and material culture 45565
solemn rites, and domestic rites 21011
importance of 9 , 151
and inheritance 1667
twelve 1559
spinster, woman’s role as 148
spirituality, hiding role of law and legalism 23
śrāddha (ancestral offerings) 21114 see also funeral and ancestral offerings
ceremony 1945
and dharma 21415 , 21719
ritualist and renouncer 21617
strīdhana (women’s property) 1457 see also women
daughter’s right to 1601
and inheritance 170
Śūdras (servants and laborers)
as ascetics 2434
castes 89 , 1819 , 24 , 63
and dharma 52
economic mobility of 6871
and emotions 423
exclusion from religious life 81
historical evidence 645
Manu on 25
marginalization 62
punishment for transgression 41112
suicide, and emotions 427
supercession, and marriage 1345
surā (ale) 45665
surādhvaja (surā banner or flag) 4556 , 4615
Svayaṃvara (self-choice) marriage 1312
menstrual and childbirth 144
and social anthropology 232
temple Hinduism
absent in ancient India 3478
Brahmins and 3536
growth of 36 , 34952
and pilgrimage 3379
theism, outside smṛti 3647
Three Debts 1856
ṭīkā (commentary) 30
tīrthas (pilgrimage places) 335 , 33841 , 3416
tīrthayātrā (pilgrimage) 335 see also pilgrimage
titles of law 299312
and business 5005
trade, and Śūdras 70
transcendence, saṃskāras as rituals of 967
transgression, and punishment 41014
transitional body 41718
twice-born (dvija ) see dvija (twice-born )
ucchiṣṭa (leftovers) 220
uniform civil code (UCC) 380
unruly emotions 42630
untouchables (aspṛśya ) 9 , 60 , 63 , 64 , 746
upanayana (Vedic initiation)
and age 1024
and brahmacarya 99100 , 103
and Brahminhood 1067
and castes 9
and children 1534
and initiatory saṃskāra 8990 , 934
requirements of 107
and social classes 62
utsava (festival) 432
vaikhānasa (forest hermit) 237 see also vānaprastha (hermit )
Vaiṣṇava , on image worship and temple practices 35660
Vaiśyas (farmers and merchants)
and business 496505
castes 8 , 19
dharma for 496500
Dharmaśāstra on 4967 , 499500
punishment for transgression 412
role of 68
and varṇa system 62
Vajra, and rituals 35960
vānaprastha (hermit) 80 , 237
varṇa (social classes)
and Brahmins 1819
and caste theory 767
controlling social and economic mobility 6771
and dharma 1819 , 6077
and Dharmaśāstra 89
historical evidence 645
ideology 657
mixed classes 714
mobility control 76
occupational mobility 2524
summary 634
system 21
untouchables 746
vārttā (economy) 4978
Varuṇa, as the lord of punishment 275
author of Dharmaśāstra 28
Dharmaśāstra of 19 , 21
on the epistemic sources of dharma 534
on food and diet 1912
on funeral and ancestral offerings 218
on kings 261
and legal procedure 2856
on vyavahāra 307
Veda 34852
as the epistemic source of dharma 507
iconodules 3526
iconophobic orthodoxy 34852
rules for study 1089
and rules of change 58
and sacrifice 34850
students of 989
threats to Brahmins (scholars and priests) 36
vedamūla (texts rooted in the Veda) 55
veda-vratas (special vows of the Veda) 1078
Vedic graduate see snātaka (Vedic graduate )
Vedic student see brahmacarya (studentship )
vegetables, rules on eating 192
vegetarianism 195
vernacularization 48095
dharma and social ethics 48795
and Dharmaśāstra 4827
Vijñāneśvara, Mitāksarā 3841 , 1748 , 314 , 3201
vikalpa (option) 7
Vinaya (Monastic Code; Buddhist law) 184 , 383401
Viṣṇu 26 , 27
author of Dharmaśāstra 28
on kings 2667
on varṇa system 70
worship of 35360 , 3637
Viśvarūpa 55
on penance 319
vivāha (“carrying off”) 1323 see also marriage
vivṛti (commentary) 30
vows and observances see vrata (vow )
vrata (vow) 325 , 432
Dharmaśāstra on 32534
elements of standard 32832
semantic development 3258
and women 3278 , 3304
vyavahāra (legal procedure; lawsuit) 28398 , 299301 , 31112
in the Dharmaśāstra 3047 , 30711
and economics and business 499
origins of 3014
and punishment 2779
vyavahārajña (competent for legal transactions) 154
vyavahāramātṛka (judicial procedure) 300
vyavahārapada (matter under dispute, or area of litigation) 2901 , 299301 , 31112 see also titles of law
in the Dharmaśāstra 30711
in the Dharmasūtras 3047
origins of 3014
wandering mendicant 23844
widow-burning (sahagamana ) 33 , 34
widows and widowers 1356
wills 164
witnesses 141 , 151 , 2848 , 290 , 292 , 2956 , 425
wives 9
women 13750
(alternative) roles for 14750
(lack of) independence and legal status 13742
as ascetics 243
and dharma 52
guarding of 1379
legal status 13741
life stages 1412
menstrual and childbirth taboos 144
menstruation and impurity 229
property and inheritance 1447 , 16971
punishment for sex with 412
ritual status 1424
and sex 426
teaching of 4915
and vratas 3278 , 3304
world ages see yugas
worldly speech, and dharma 52
acts of 1856
daily duties 180
of images and temple practices 35267
and pilgrimage 3379
and ritual theory 43940
Yadava dynasty, and Marathi literary vernacularization 4829
Yājñavalkya 267 , 54 , 55
on ācāra 1834 , 1868
on āśrama 84
author of Dharmaśāstra 28
on king 266
laws of 161
and legal procedure 2927
on religious practices 350
on sin 31719
on varṇa system 73
on vyavahāra 301 , 308 , 309
yati 80 , 111 , 123 , 181 , 239 , 442 see also ascetics ; wandering mendicant
yoga, focus on 27
Yudhiṣṭhira, and social classes 66
yugas , and weakening of dharma 678