


Introduction: Revival and Inequality

Chapter 1: The Rise and Fall of the American Industrial City

Chapter 2: Millennials, Immigrants, and the Shrinking Middle Class

Chapter 3: From Factories to “Eds and Meds”

Chapter 4: Race, Poverty, and Real Estate

Chapter 5: Gentrification and Its Discontents

Chapter 6: Sliding Downhill: The Other Side of Neighborhood Change

Chapter 7: The Other Postindustrial America: Small Cities, Mill Towns, and Struggling Suburbs

Chapter 8: Empty Houses and Distressed Neighborhoods: Confronting the Challenge of Place

Chapter 9: Jobs and Education: The Struggle to Escape the Poverty Trap

Chapter 10: Power and Politics: Finding the Will to Change

Chapter 11: A Path to Inclusion and Opportunity


About the Author
