cyclops (SYE-klahps)
a one-eyed giant
dingy (DING-ee)
small, but also a small boat
fleece (FLEESS)
wool from a sheep
harpy (HAR-pee)
a creature in myth that has the body of a bird and the head of a woman
loogey (LOO-gee)
another word for snot or boogers
mucus (MYOO-kuhss)
also another word for snot or boogers
quest (KWEST)
a journey made to find something or to perform a task
rudder (RUHD-ur)
part of a boat that is used to control which direction it goes
stalactite (stuh-LAK-tite)
a structure that hangs down like an icicle
stalagmite (stuh-LAG-mite)
a cone-shaped structure that rises up from the ground
stern (STERN)
the back of a boat or ship