Accordion Effects, 6871

AJAX (XHR2), 108

Android Applications, 210217

HTML5/CSS3 and, 210213

SVG and, 213214

HTML5 Canvas and, 215217

AndroidCanvas-MultiLine2, 224

AndroidSVG1, 213

animate(), 52

Animation effects, 4564

Additional Code Samples on the CD, 6364

Basics in jQuery, 4547

Using Callback Functions, 47

Comparing CSS3 with jQuery, 64

CSS3-Based, 5456

2D Transforms with CSS3 and jQuery, 5759

CSS3 Keyframes and 2D Transforms, 54

The jQuery .animate() Method, 5254

Custom CSS Animation Using, 5354

jQuery Fade and Slide, 4752

The fadeIn(), fadeOut(), and fadeToggle() Functions, 4850

jQuery Slide-Related Functions, 5052

Easing Functions in jQuery, 52

Using jQuery Mobile, 171174

Fade-related Methods, 171173

Slide-Related jQuery Methods, 173174

Apache Cordova, 209

Attribute, 1, 7


Backbone Boilerplate, 115

BackboneJS, 112115

A Brief Introduction to, 112115

Variations of, 115116

Buttons, 7173


Check Boxes and Radio Buttons, 7476

click() function, 12

Collection, 113

Combo Boxes, 7678

CR (“Candidate Recommendation”) status, 88

Create “Exploding” Effects, 84

CRUD, 123

CSS3, 2144

2D Transforms, 3742

Rotate, 3942

Additional Code Samples on the CD, 4344

Gradients, 32

Linear, 3235

Radial, 3537

Media Queries, 4242

Quick Overview of CSS3 Features, 23

Pseudo Classes and Attribute Selection, 2326

Shadow Effects and Rounded Corners, 2632

Box Shadow Effects, 30

Rounded Corners, 3032

Specifying Colors with RGB and HSL, 2629

Text Shadow Effects and, 26

Support and Browser-Specific Prefixes for CSS3 Properties, 2223

css(), 8

CSS box model, 21

Cubic Bezier curves, 52, 205


Date Pickers, 7880

DAP (Device APIs) working group, 92

Detect portrait versus landscape mode, 23

divColors, 73

DOM (Document Object Model) structure, 186


Eclipse plugin, 225

Enhance.js, 22

EmberJS, 116117


hide() and show() functions, 46

HTML5 Canvas?, 186207

Cartesian coordinate system, 187189

CSS3 and jQuery Mobile with, 198204

Linear Color Gradients, 193196

Diagonal, 193

Horizontal, 193

Vertical, 193

Line Segments, Rectangles, Circles, and Shadow Effects, 189193

Radial Color Gradients, 196197

SVG versus, 187

Toolkits, 207

Transforms and Saving State, 197198

HTML5-related technologies, 87108

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), 9192

Detecting Online and Offline Status, 108

HTML5 Drag and Drop (DnD), 9899

HTML5 History APIs, 106

HTML5 Offline Web Applications, 107

jQuery and HTML5 Drag and Drop, 99101

jQuery and HTML5 File APIs, 104106

jQuery and HTML5 Local Storage, 101103

Libraries for HTML5 Local Storage, 103104

The Battery API, 92

The Stages in the W3C Review Process, 88

W3C Geolocation, 8991

Obtain a User’s Position with getCurrentPosition(), 90

Track a User’s Position with watchPosition(), 9091

W3C Candidate Recommendation Status (CR), 92

W3C Recommendation Status (REC), 89

Working with, 221

XMLHttpRequest Level 2 (XHR2), 9298

AJAX Requests using XMLHttpRequest Level 2 (XHR2), 9798

Making AJAX Calls with jQuery, 9596

Making AJAX Calls without jQuery, 9394


iOS-based mobile applications, 225


jCanvas, 185, 198

Jade, 119123

A Minimal NodeJS Code Sample with Jade, 121123

Code Samples, 120121

Templating Solutions, 123

JAXB, 15

JavaScript-based toolkit, 1

jQuery, 1

Accelerometer Values with jQuery, 1619, 184

A Follow-the-Mouse Example with jQuery, 6061

Chaining jQuery Functions, 1516

Finding Elements in Web Pages, 14

A “Hello World” Web Page, 24

Handling Click Events in jQuery, 1214

Handling Events in jQuery 1.7 and Beyond, 1415

Handling Other Events with jQuery, 6162

Keyboard events, 62

Mouse Events, 62

Querying and Modifying the DOM with jQuery, 412

Creating DOM Elements, 910

:eq, :lt, and :gt Qualifiers, 6

Finding and Setting Element Attributes, 78

:first and :last Qualifiers, 46

Properties versus Attributes in jQuery, 7

The jQuery append() and appendTo() methods, 1011

working with custom attributes, 8

Useful jQuery Code Blocks, 89

using jQuery to remove elements, 1112

Working with CSS3 Selectors in, 46

jQuery Mobile, 135163, 165170, 174183

A Minimal jQuery Mobile Web Page, 136138

Animation Effects with CSS3 and, 176178

Geolocation and, 160163

Handling User Gestures and Events in, 165170

Portrait Mode versus Landscape Mode, 170

Scroll Events in, 169

Two jQuery Plugins for Detecting User Gestures, 168

List Views in jQuery Mobile, 156161

AJAX and, 158161

Multiple Page Views in One HTML5 Web Page, 146147

More Differences between jQuery and jQuery Mobile, 138144

CSS-Related Page Initialization and, 143

Custom Attributes, 139

Page Transitions, 140142

Page Views, 139

The mobileinit Event, 143144

Options and Customization, 144

overview of, 135136

Key Features and Components in, 136

Page Navigation and Changing Pages, 144145

The jqmData() Custom Selector, 145

Positioning the Header and Footer in Page Views, 148149

Transition Effects, 174176

Virtual Mouse Events, 179183

Working with Buttons in, 150156

Navigation Buttons as Anchor Links, 150151

Groups of Buttons and Column Grids, 151

Rendering Buttons with Themes, 152156

jQuery UI controls, 6785


LC (“Last Call”) status, 88


method chaining, 2

Model, 112

Changes, 113

Modernizr, 22

MongoDB, 123124

Mongoose, 125131

An SPA Code Sample, 127131

Connecting to MongoDB via Mongoose, 125

Creating Schemas in Mongoose, 125126


Nexus S 4G, 224

NodeJS, 124125


PhoneGap, 217222

A CSS3 Cube on iOS Using, 222

Creating Android Apps with The PhoneGap Plugin, 218221

How Does It Work?, 217218

Plugin, 225

Working with, 221

Progress Bars, 8082

Property, 7

PR (“Proposed Recommendation”) status, 88


Quadratic Bezier curves, 52, 205


REC (“Recommendation”) status, 88

rotate() function, 27

Router, 114


Same origin policy, 91

scale() function, 39

Scroll events, 169

Single-Page Application (SPA), 109131

A Minimalistic SPA, 119

What is an SPA?, 109

Client-Side Technologies for SPAs, 111

Generating Web Pages in SPAs, 111

Handling Model-Related Events in SPAs, 111

MVC and MV* Patterns, 110111

Modern Web Architecture, 110

skew(), 40

Sliders, 67

slideUp(), slideDown(), and slideToggle() methods, 50


Tap and Swipe Events, 168

Theme Roller, 84

ThreeDCube1, 225

translate() method, 41

Twitter Bootstrap, 117119


View, 113


WD (“Working Draft”) document, 88

Write-and-forget approach, 186


Xcode, 224