Genesis Fact #1: In the Beginning
Genesis Fact #2: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Genesis Fact #3: The Euphrates
Genesis Fact #5: Two men who never died
Genesis Fact #6: Favor in the eyes of the Lord
Genesis Fact #8: Extending an olive branch
Genesis Fact #9: Sinful pride and rebellion
Genesis Fact #10: What did the Tower of Babel look like?
Genesis Fact #12: Believed the Lord
Genesis Fact #13: Non-Levite Priests?
Genesis Fact #14: Taking servants as wives
Genesis Fact #16: The city gate
Genesis Fact #17: What is the Negeb?
Genesis Fact #18: Why fight over a well?
Genesis Fact #19: Two biblical firsts
Genesis Fact #22: A father’s blessing
Genesis Fact #23: Giving servants
Genesis Fact #24: Why was Laban so upset when his household gods were stolen?
Genesis Fact #25: The Jabbok River
Genesis Fact #28: A long walk!
Genesis Fact #29: A costly demonstration of grief
Genesis Fact #30: Levirate marriage
Genesis Fact #34: “God sent me”
Genesis Fact #35: The Land of Goshen
Genesis Fact #36: “Do not bury me in Egypt.”
Genesis Fact #37: God’s providence
Exodus Fact #1: As numerous as the stars
Exodus Fact #4: Putting words in his mouth?
Exodus Fact #6: Why was straw needed for making bricks?
Exodus Fact #7: Lord of all creation
Exodus Fact #8: River turned to blood
Exodus Fact #10: Death of livestock
Exodus Fact #11: Was Pharaoh considered a god?
Exodus Fact #12: What is the purpose of a "sign"?
Exodus Fact #15: Manna for Christians today?
Exodus Fact #16: Who were the Amalekites?
Exodus Fact #17: On eagles’ wings
Exodus Fact #18: How did people end up as slaves?
Exodus Fact #20: What was the purpose of the Mosaic covenant?
Exodus Fact #21: The table for the bread of the Presence
Exodus Fact #22: The bronze altar
Exodus Fact #25: Altar of incense
Exodus Fact #26: Instructions for the tabernacle
Exodus Fact #27: The Jewish year
Exodus Fact #32: God’s glory fills the tabernacle
Leviticus Fact #1: Burnt offerings
Leviticus Fact #2: Grain offerings
Leviticus Fact #3: Peace offerings
Leviticus Fact #4: Sin offerings
Leviticus Fact #5: Ordination of Aaron and his sons
Leviticus Fact #6: What were the Urim and the Thummim?
Leviticus Fact #10: Could a house have leprosy?
Leviticus Fact #11: The Day of Atonement
Leviticus Fact #12: Were the Israelites vegetarians?
Leviticus Fact #13: Abomination
Leviticus Fact #15: Private sin, public action
Leviticus Fact #16: The eating of holy things
Leviticus Fact #17: The Feast of Weeks
Leviticus Fact #18: An eye for an eye?
Leviticus Fact #19: Listen for the trumpet!
Leviticus Fact #20: Where do the events in Numbers take place?
Numbers Fact #1: Where do the events in Numbers take place?
Numbers Fact #2: The arrangement of the Israelites’ camp
Numbers Fact #4: Symbols of holiness
Numbers Fact #5: What is a “grain offering of jealousy”?
Numbers Fact #7: Laying on of hands
Numbers Fact #8: The delayed Passover
Numbers Fact #9: Ark of the covenant
Numbers Fact #11: Did Moses have a second wife?
Numbers Fact #12: Exaggerated claims?
Numbers Fact #14: What is a censer?
Numbers Fact #16: The King’s Highway
Numbers Fact #17: The bronze serpent
Numbers Fact #18: Balaam remembered
Numbers Fact #21: How wealthy would the Israelites become?
Numbers Fact #22: Feast of Booths
Numbers Fact #23: Sharing the plunder
Numbers Fact #25: Chronicling a journey,
Deuteronomy Fact #1: The Arabah
Deuteronomy Fact #2: Was Deuteronomy a treaty?
Deuteronomy Fact #4: The Jordan River
Deuteronomy Fact #5: A book of sermons?
Deuteronomy Fact #7: Jesus quoted from
Deuteronomy Fact #8: Sojourner
Deuteronomy Fact #9: Live long in the land of Israel
Deuteronomy Fact #10: Death penalty for apostasy?
Deuteronomy Fact #11: What is unleavened bread?
Deuteronomy Fact #12: Threshing
Deuteronomy Fact #14: Inheritance rights
Deuteronomy Fact #15: Why did the Israelites sew tassels on their garments?
Deuteronomy Fact #16: What was an upper millstone?
Deuteronomy Fact #17: Shoes and sandals
Deuteronomy Fact #18: Mount Ebal
Deuteronomy Fact #19: Brimstone
Deuteronomy Fact #20: Walk this way!
Deuteronomy Fact #22: Genesis through Deuteronomy
Joshua Fact #1: The Historical Books
Joshua Fact #3: The Jordan River
Joshua Fact #6: How did the people of Israel consecrate themselves?
Joshua Fact #9: Royal humiliation
Joshua Fact #10: How long did it take to conquer Canaan?
Joshua Fact #16: Dividing the spoils
Judges Fact #1: Toes and Thumbs
Judges Fact #4: Chariots of iron
Judges Fact #6: Camels at war?
Judges Fact #7: The night watch
Judges Fact #11: Is it “Shibboleth” or “Sibboleth”?
Judges Fact #13: Were the “foxes” actually jackals?
Judges Fact #15: Blinding a prisoner
Ruth Fact #3: Threshing floors
1 Samuel Fact #2: “Thus says the Lord.”
1 Samuel Fact #3: Samuel! Samuel!
1 Samuel Fact #4: The term “Hebrews”
1 Samuel Fact #5: Why the offering of golden mice and tumors?
1 Samuel Fact #7: A gift for the prophet
1 Samuel Fact #8: Musical instruments
1 Samuel Fact #9: A king is crowned
1 Samuel Fact #10: Lord of lords
1 Samuel Fact #11: Jonathan shows his trust in God
1 Samuel Fact #12: Why did Saul spare the Kenites
1 Samuel Fact #13: A battle of champions
1 Samuel Fact #14: Fed to the birds and beasts
1 Samuel Fact #15: The sound of victory
1 Samuel Fact #16: What was the significance of the new moon?
1 Samuel Fact #18: Psalms of deliverance
1 Samuel Fact #19: Why was David sorry after he had cut Saul’s robe?
1 Samuel Fact #20: “Go, serve other gods.”
1 Samuel Fact #21: How is a fattened calf different from a regular calf?
1 Samuel Fact #22: Pressed fig cakes
2 Samuel Fact #2: The pool of Gibeon
2 Samuel Fact #7: Building a house for gods
2 Samuel Fact #8: Hamstringing horses
2 Samuel Fact #9: Sexual activity while on military duty
2 Samuel Fact #10: David’s disobedience
2 Samuel Fact #11: Why did Tamar not want to be sent away?
2 Samuel Fact #14: A stiff penalty
2 Samuel Fact #15: Ropes with grappling hooks
2 Samuel Fact #16: The forest of Ephraim
2 Samuel Fact #19: Song of Deliverance
2 Samuel Fact #20: David’s census
1 Kings Fact #2: Horns of the altar
1 Kings Fact #3: Why did Adonijah ask for Abishag?
1 Kings Fact #5: How large was Israel under Solomon’s rule?
1 Kings Fact #6: Dressed stones
1 Kings Fact #7: No tools of iron?
1 Kings Fact #8: The House of the Forest of Lebanon
1 Kings Fact #9: Praying toward Jerusalem
1 Kings Fact #14: How long did the United Kingdom of Israel last?
1 Kings Fact #16: “Man of God,”
1 Kings Fact #17: What were high places?
1 Kings Fact #18: Queen mother
1 Kings Fact #20: Life for a widow
1 Kings Fact #21: Why did the prophets of Baal cut themselves?
1 Kings Fact #24: Confiscation of land
1 Kings Fact #25: Ahab’s ivory palace
2 Kings Fact #1: Israel and Judah’s sins continue
2 Kings Fact #3: The Moabite Stone
2 Kings Fact #5: Who was Rimmon?
2 Kings Fact #6: What is a siege?
2 Kings Fact #8: Was it Joram or Jehoram?
2 Kings Fact #9: Anointed with oil
2 Kings Fact #11: Jehu pays tribute
2 Kings Fact #15: Menahem’s tax receipts?
2 Kings Fact #16: Why were the Israelites deported?
2 Kings Fact #17: “Please speak in Aramaic.”
2 Kings Fact #18: Siege mounds
2 Kings Fact #19: Hezekiah’s tunnel
2 Kings Fact #20: Why did Josiah tear his clothes when the Law was read?
2 Kings Fact #21: The host of heaven
2 Kings Fact #22: Josiah’s reforms
2 Kings Fact #23: What happened to the ark of the covenant?
1 Chronicles Fact #1: Why begin with Adam?
1 Chronicles Fact #2: Why so many genealogies?
1 Chronicles Fact #3: Do the books of Chronicles have a main theme?
1 Chronicles Fact #5: Why is the genealogy for Naphtali so short?
1 Chronicles Fact #6: How many genealogies are there in the Bible?
1 Chronicles Fact #7: How did David conquer Jerusalem?
1 Chronicles Fact #8: Bows and arrows
1 Chronicles Fact #9: Why couldn’t the ark be carried on an oxcart?
1 Chronicles Fact #10: How does Chronicles differ from Samuel and Kings?
1 Chronicles Fact #11: King David
1 Chronicles Fact #12: Why did ancient kings go to war in the spring?
1 Chronicles Fact #13: New job descriptions for the Levites
1 Chronicles Fact #14: What is a lyre?
1 Chronicles Fact #15: David reigned for 40 years
2 Chronicles Fact #2: Why did the pillars of the temple have names?
2 Chronicles Fact #3: What was the “sea” in the temple court?
2 Chronicles Fact #4: Trumpets
2 Chronicles Fact #5: Which took longer to build: Solomon’s palace, or the temple?
2 Chronicles Fact #6: Second Chronicles covers a span
2 Chronicles Fact #7: Chief prince
2 Chronicles Fact #8: An unreported defeat?
2 Chronicles Fact #9: Co-regency
2 Chronicles Fact #10: Ramoth-gilead
2 Chronicles Fact #11: Tarshish
2 Chronicles Fact #12: Athaliah
2 Chronicles Fact #13: Why did the guards carry King David’s spears?
2 Chronicles Fact #14: Thistles
2 Chronicles Fact #15: Ten Hebrew kings
2 Chronicles Fact #16: What is a scapegoat?
2 Chronicles Fact #17: Generous givers
2 Chronicles Fact #18: Hezekiah’s wall
2 Chronicles Fact #19: The Book of the Law of the Lord
2 Chronicles Fact #20: Passover
2 Chronicles Fact #21: Exile to Babylon
Ezra Fact #4: Beyond the River
Ezra Fact #5: The Behistun Inscription
Ezra Fact #6: How long did it take to rebuild the temple?
Ezra Fact #7: How long was the journey from Babylon to Jerusalem?
Ezra Fact #8: An unscheduled assembly in Jerusalem
Nehemiah Fact #1: Cupbearer to the king
Nehemiah Fact #2: The fortress of the temple
Nehemiah Fact #3: What was the Ophel?
Nehemiah Fact #4: Why did so many local people oppose Nehemiah?
Nehemiah Fact #5: Mortgage their property
Nehemiah Fact #7: Can Nehemiah’s wall be seen today?
Nehemiah Fact #8: The Feast of Booths
Nehemiah Fact #9: Word pictures for worship and teaching
Nehemiah Fact #11: Why did the small towns of Judah send people to live in Jerusalem?
Nehemiah Fact #12: Dedications
Nehemiah Fact #13: Household furniture
Esther Fact #1: Persian drinking vessels
Esther Fact #2: Absolute authority
Esther Fact #3: Who is King Ahasuerus?
Esther Fact #4: The invisible God
Esther Fact #5: Delivering the mail in Persia
Esther Fact #6: How is the festival of Purim related to Esther?
Job Fact #2: Seven days and seven nights
Job Fact #3: Was Job a real person?
Job Fact #7: Three cycles of conversations
Job Fact #12: Those who rebel against the light
Job Fact #13: Hanging on nothing?
Job Fact #14: Rocks pouring out streams of oil
Job Fact #17: Songs in the night
Job Fact #18: Snow from Mount Hermon
Psalms Fact #1: Where is Zion?
Psalms Fact #2: A shield for his people
Psalms Fact #3: How are the Psalms divided?
Psalms Fact #4: What was the main purpose of the Psalms for the people of God?
Psalms Fact #5: What is “Sheol”?
Psalms Fact #6: What is a psalm of lament?
Psalms Fact #7: How many of the Psalms were written by David?
Psalms Fact #8: What is parallelism?
Psalms Fact #9: What defined someone as an “enemy” of the people of Israel?
Psalms Fact #10: Are the Psalms poetry?
Psalms Fact #11: What are royal psalms?
Psalms Fact #12: How often does the NT quote from the Psalms?
Psalms Fact #14: House of the Lord
Psalms Fact #15: Summers in Israel
Psalms Fact #16: A harp or a lyre?
Psalms Fact #17: Strong offense and defense
Psalms Fact #18: Shadow of your wings
Psalms Fact #21: How long is a handbreadth?
Psalms Fact #23: Forgetting the name of God
Psalms Fact #24: Fragrant robes
Psalms Fact #26: There is none who does good
Psalms Fact #27: A helpful guide
Psalms Fact #28: Memorizing the Psalms
Psalms Fact #31: Dwell in God’s courts
Psalms Fact #32: Wanting God’s blessing
Psalms Fact #33: Ancient worship leaders
Psalms Fact #37: What does it mean to be “pure in heart”?
Psalms Fact #43: Song of the Lamb
Psalms Fact #44: Keeping a record of the population
Psalms Fact #46: Finding your way
Psalms Fact #48: Satan knows the Scriptures
Psalms Fact #50: Maker of heaven and earth
Psalms Fact #51: Joy to the world!
Psalms Fact #52: What is integrity?
Psalms Fact #56: Steadfast love
Psalms Fact #57: “Upon Edom I cast my shoe”
Psalms Fact #58: The right hand
Psalms Fact #59: Two acrostic poems
Psalms Fact #62: A psalm of thanksgiving
Psalms Fact #64: The longest psalm
Psalms Fact #65: Unique verses
Psalms Fact #67: Songs of Ascents
Psalms Fact #68: What are fowlers?
Psalms Fact #70: What does it mean to “redeem” someone?
Psalms Fact #71: Anointing with oil
Psalms Fact #72: What is “renown”?
Psalms Fact #74: The Lord protects his people
Psalms Fact #76: Who are the saints?
Psalms Fact #77: Two-edged swords
Proverbs Fact #7: The simple person
Proverbs Fact #8: Seven pillars
Proverbs Fact #10: A different kind of security
Proverbs Fact #11: What is an “abomination”?
Proverbs Fact #12: What does it mean to be prudent?
Proverbs Fact #17: Casting lots
Proverbs Fact #18: A false witnesses
Proverbs Fact #19: Unequal weights
Proverbs Fact #20: Weighing the heart
Proverbs Fact #23: Kisses the lips
Proverbs Fact #24: Rains from the north
Proverbs Fact #25: Glazing over the truth?
Proverbs Fact #26: What is a crucible?
Proverbs Fact #28: Hezekiah’s contribution to Proverbs
Proverbs Fact #29: Rock badgers
Ecclesiastes Fact #1: Ecclesiastes
Ecclesiastes Fact #2: Vanity, vanities, and vain
Ecclesiastes Fact #3: Working too hard?
Ecclesiastes Fact #4: The peaceful shadows of old age
Ecclesiastes Fact #5: “Eat, drink, and be merry”?
Song of Solomon Fact #1: Mare among Pharaoh’s chariots
Song of Solomon Fact #2: Purple cloth
Song of Solomon Fact #3: Daughters of Jerusalem
Song of Solomon Fact #4: Vineyards, fields, and palm trees
Isaiah Fact #1: The Holy One of Israel
Isaiah Fact #3: tinkling of feet
Isaiah Fact #4: Ten acres of vineyard
Isaiah Fact #6: A sanctuary and a rock?
Isaiah Fact #10: Payment in lambs
Isaiah Fact #11: Olive harvesting
Isaiah Fact #12: Competing Pharaohs
Isaiah Fact #13: Key to the house of David
Isaiah Fact #16: Details about farming
Isaiah Fact #17: Yearly “round” of feasts
Isaiah Fact #18: The sieve of destruction
Isaiah Fact #20: “He who counted”
Isaiah Fact #21: To eat of your own vine and fig tree
Isaiah Fact #22: Cut off from the loom
Isaiah Fact #24: craftsmen and goldsmiths
Isaiah Fact #25: Long-term imprisonment
Isaiah Fact #26: The prophecy about Cyrus
Isaiah Fact #27: Feeding idols?
Isaiah Fact #28: Pass through the rivers
Isaiah Fact #29: A mouth like a sharp sword
Isaiah Fact #30: Head of the street
Isaiah Fact #31: The feet of him who brings good news
Isaiah Fact #32: Enlarging the tent
Isaiah Fact #33: Keeping the Sabbath
Isaiah Fact #34: Finger-pointing
Isaiah Fact #35: Ships of Tarshish
Isaiah Fact #36: “The Spirit of the Lord God
Jeremiah Fact #1: Watching like an almond tree
Jeremiah Fact #2: Living water
Jeremiah Fact #3: Troubled times
Jeremiah Fact #4: A sad but faithful servant
Jeremiah Fact #6: A faithful prophet
Jeremiah Fact #8: Wailing women
Jeremiah Fact #9: God’s storehouses
Jeremiah Fact #11: The primary calling of the prophet
Jeremiah Fact #12: Noonday attack
Jeremiah Fact #13: Singleness for a prophetic purpose
Jeremiah Fact #15: Mind or kidneys?
Jeremiah Fact #16: The faithful remnant
Jeremiah Fact #17: Seventy years in Babylon
Jeremiah Fact #19: Jeremiah’s unpopular message
Jeremiah Fact #20: Why were Israel’s craftsmen taken?
Jeremiah Fact #22: from the Tower of Hananel to the Corner Gate
Jeremiah Fact #23: Sealing documents in earthenware vessels
Jeremiah Fact #24: Burning of spices during funerals
Jeremiah Fact #26: Dungeon cells or cisterns
Jeremiah Fact #27: Free vineyards
Jeremiah Fact #28: Geruth Chimham
Jeremiah Fact #30: Pharaoh Hophra
Jeremiah Fact #31: The balm of Gilead
Jeremiah Fact #33: Jungle of the Jordan
Jeremiah Fact #34: How Babylon fell
Jeremiah Fact #35: Taking vengeance for his temple
Lamentations Fact #1: A book named “How”?
Lamentations Fact #2: Stretching out the measuring line
Lamentations Fact #3: Wormwood
Lamentations Fact #4: The fall of Jerusalem
Lamentations Fact #5: Lamentations
Ezekiel Fact #4: Act out his prophetic message
Ezekiel Fact #5: the Day of the Lord
Ezekiel Fact #7: Hearts of flesh to replace hearts of stone
Ezekiel Fact #9: “prophesy out of their own hearts”
Ezekiel Fact #11: A “fable” with an important message
Ezekiel Fact #12: Are God’s judgments fair?
Ezekiel Fact #13: swearing an oath
Ezekiel Fact #15: Strange religious practices
Ezekiel Fact #18: A prophecy fulfilled
Ezekiel Fact #19: Tyre’s wealth
Ezekiel Fact #20: Hooks in your jaws
Ezekiel Fact #21: A tree cut down
Ezekiel Fact #22: Lions and dragons
Ezekiel Fact #24: Shepherds of Israel
Ezekiel Fact #25: light to the nations
Ezekiel Fact #26: Valley of dry bones
Ezekiel Fact #27: Gog and Magog
Ezekiel Fact #28: The prophecy in chs. 40–48
Ezekiel Fact #29: The Lord returns to his temple
Ezekiel Fact #32: The Dead Sea
Daniel Fact #1: What’s in a name?
Daniel Fact #2: The dreams of a king
Daniel Fact #3: Daniel’s languages
Daniel Fact #5: The city of Babylon
Daniel Fact #7: Opening the books
Daniel Fact #9: Daniel’s prayer
Daniel Fact #11: Antiochus IV Epiphanes
Hosea Fact #2: Public humiliation
Hosea Fact #4: Treacherous bow
Hosea Fact #5: Worship God alone!
Hosea Fact #6: Admah and Zeboiim
Joel Fact #2: The sun shall be turned to darkness
Amos Fact #2: Judgments from the Lord
Amos Fact #3: The winter house and summer house
Amos Fact #6: Calves from the midst of the stall
Amos Fact #7: Annual flooding of the Nile
Obadiah Fact #1: A call to arms
Jonah Fact #3: Population of Nineveh
Micah Fact #2: List of disasters
Micah Fact #3: The business of prophecy
Micah Fact #4: The land of Nimrod
Micah Fact #5: God has always been the same
Nahum Fact #1: Jonah and Nahum
Nahum Fact #3: As safe as Thebes?
Habakkuk Fact #1: The Babylonian horsemen
Habakkuk Fact #3: Habakkuk’s final prayer
Zephaniah Fact #1: Near the end
Zephaniah Fact #4: Rivers of Cush
Haggai Fact #1: paneled houses
Zechariah Fact #1: Zechariah in the NT
Zechariah Fact #2: The number four
Zechariah Fact #3: Eight visions
Zechariah Fact #4: Widows, fatherless children, sojourners, and the poor
Zechariah Fact #5: “Your king is coming.”
Zechariah Fact #6: When did Israel defeat Greece?
Malachi Fact #2: Blind, lame, and sick animals
Matthew Fact #1: From Malachi to Matthew
Matthew Fact #2: A humble hometown
Matthew Fact #3: Sea of Galilee
Matthew Fact #8: How can Jesus cast out demons?
Matthew Fact #9: Machaerus fortress
Matthew Fact #11: Cove of the Parables
Matthew Fact #12: Herod Antipas
Matthew Fact #13: Fear vs. faith
Matthew Fact #15: Caesarea Philippi
Matthew Fact #16: The two-drachma temple tax
Matthew Fact #19: Large farming estates
Matthew Fact #21: Phylacteries
Matthew Fact #24: The least of
Matthew Fact #27: Resurrection
Mark Fact #1: What is a “Gospel”?
Mark Fact #2: Reclining at the table
Mark Fact #3: Why does Mark say “immediately” so often?
Mark Fact #4: What did people use for lamp fuel?
Mark Fact #5: The one true God
Mark Fact #6: Shake the dust from your feet
Mark Fact #7: What is “Corban”?
Mark Fact #9: A voice from the cloud?
Mark Fact #13: The Mount of Olives
Mark Fact #15: Releasing prisoners
Luke Fact #3: Why was Jesus taken to Jerusalem at age 12?
Luke Fact #4: What is a tetrarch?
Luke Fact #5: Pinnacle of the temple
Luke Fact #9: Are you the one who is to come?
Luke Fact #10: Cast out demons
Luke Fact #11: An early outreach to Gentiles
Luke Fact #14: The coming of God’s kingdom
Luke Fact #16: Worth more than a sparrow?
Luke Fact #17: Heal people on the sabbath
Luke Fact #18: Too late for excuses
Luke Fact #20: The rich man and Lazarus
Luke Fact #21: How difficult it is for a rich person
Luke Fact #23: The widow’s offering
Luke Fact #26: Take this cup from me
Luke Fact #27: The entrance to the tomb
Luke Fact #28: Resurrected as real people!
John Fact #1: All things were made through him
John Fact #2: Finding their true master
John Fact #3: The master of the feast
John Fact #4: Born-again Christian
John Fact #7: The feeding of the 5,000
John Fact #9: So that you may believe
John Fact #10: Does sin cause illness?
John Fact #11: The Feast of Dedication
John Fact #12: Burial garments
John Fact #15: The Holy Spirit
John Fact #16: The Farewell Discourse
John Fact #17: Praying in Jesus’ name
John Fact #18: Jesus’ final prayer
John Fact #21: The inscription on Jesus’ cross
John Fact #22: Why John believed
John Fact #23: “Stretch out your hands”
Acts Fact #2: Nations at Pentecost
Acts Fact #3: Solomon’s portico
Acts Fact #4: Not a needy person among them
Acts Fact #6: The speeches in Acts
Acts Fact #8: A famous hometown
Acts Fact #10: Antioch in Syria
Acts Fact #11: The death of James
Acts Fact #12: Antioch in Pisidia
Acts Fact #13: Why did they try to worship Paul and Barnabas?
Acts Fact #14: The Jerusalem Council
Acts Fact #16: The Court of the Areopagus
Acts Fact #20: The island of Rhodes
Acts Fact #23: What is “the Way?”
Acts Fact #24: Kicking against the goads
Acts Fact #26: What happens next?
Romans Fact #1: A letter to Rome
Romans Fact #2: God’s judgment
Romans Fact #3: What does it mean to be “justified”?
Romans Fact #5: Peace with God
Romans Fact #6: Continue in sin
Romans Fact #7: The Spirit lives within them
Romans Fact #8: When Christ returns,
Romans Fact #9: Share the Good News with others
Romans Fact #10: A wild olive branch?
Romans Fact #11: What does “discern” mean?
Romans Fact #12: Should Christians always pay their taxes?
Romans Fact #13: He obviously cared deeply
1 Corinthians Fact #1: Apollos
1 Corinthians Fact #2: The wisdom of men and the power of God
1 Corinthians Fact #3: pastoral letter
1 Corinthians Fact #4: What is a “steward”?
1 Corinthians Fact #6: What is a “freedman”?
1 Corinthians Fact #7: Speaking for free
1 Corinthians Fact #8: The right way to observe the Lord’s Supper
1 Corinthians Fact #9: The greatest is love
1 Corinthians Fact #10: “build up” the church
1 Corinthians Fact #11: Speaking the truth in an understandable way
1 Corinthians Fact #12: I, Paul
2 Corinthians Fact #2: A new covenant
2 Corinthians Fact #3: Treasure in jars of clay
2 Corinthians Fact #4: What does it mean to be “reconciled”?
2 Corinthians Fact #6: Doing your fair share
2 Corinthians Fact #7: More than simple charity
2 Corinthians Fact #8: Problems in Corinth
2 Corinthians Fact #9: Preaching for free
Galatians Fact #1: Paul’s letter to the Galatians
Galatians Fact #2: Justification by faith alone
Galatians Fact #3: God’s promises to Abraham
Galatians Fact #4: False teachers
Galatians Fact #5: Walk by the Spirit
Ephesians Fact #2: Salvation by grace
Ephesians Fact #4: Renewed minds
Ephesians Fact #6: Flaming darts
Philippians Fact #1: Imperial guard
Philippians Fact #2: “hymn of Christ”
Philippians Fact #3: Encouragement
Philippians Fact #4: Caesar’s household
Colossians Fact #2: Worship of angels
Colossians Fact #4: Letter to Laodicea
1 Thessalonians Fact #1: Grace and peace
1 Thessalonians Fact #2: Thessalonica
1 Thessalonians Fact #3: Jesus’ return
1 Thessalonians Fact #4: Peace and security
2 Thessalonians Fact #1: Why were Christians being persecuted?
2 Thessalonians Fact #2: Sanctification
2 Thessalonians Fact #3: Tough love
1 Timothy Fact #1: First letter to Timothy
1 Timothy Fact #3: The household of God
1 Timothy Fact #4: Hospitality
Titus Fact #2: What is theology?
Philemon Fact #1: How did a person become a bondservant?
Hebrews Fact #1: Who wrote Hebrews?
Hebrews Fact #2: Jesus the master builder
Hebrews Fact #5: A better covenant
Hebrews Fact #6: Why didn’t the old covenant last?
Hebrews Fact #7: The mercy seat
Hebrews Fact #8: Eagerly awaiting
Hebrews Fact #9: Jesus’ perfect sacrifice for sin
Hebrews Fact #12: Roman imprisonment
James Fact #3: Familiar word pictures
James Fact #4: What does it mean to submit?
James Fact #5: Two rainy seasons
1 Peter Fact #1: Preparing your minds for action
1 Peter Fact #2: What is God’s purpose for civil government?
1 Peter Fact #3: Husbands and wives
1 Peter Fact #4: The fiery trial
2 Peter Fact #2: What is a “heresy”?
2 Peter Fact #3: Like a thief in the night
1 John Fact #3: Giving to those in need
1 John Fact #4: Abide in Jesus
3 John Fact #1: A personal letter
Jude Fact #2: While Christians wait for the Lord to return,
Revelation Fact #4: The sea of glass
Revelation Fact #5: “Do not harm the oil and wine”
Revelation Fact #6: The seal of the living God
Revelation Fact #7: the altar of incense
Revelation Fact #9: When a lion roars,
Revelation Fact #10: The OT in Revelation
Revelation Fact #11: A call for endurance
Revelation Fact #12: The fifth bowl
Revelation Fact #13: Symbolism
Revelation Fact #15: The rider on the white horse