
AARP (American Association of Retired Persons), 5, 98, 106, 194, 306, 425, 459

abdomen: colostomy and, 406–7

size of, 33, 147–48. See also belly

abdominal obesity, 80, 221, 385, 405

metabolic syndrome and, 211

accidents: drug misuse and, 180

end-of-life-care and, 469

posttraumatic stress and, 87

sleep deprivation and, 122

ACE inhibitors, 228–29

acetaminophen: alcohol and, 172

hearing loss and, 373

for pain, 314, 332

acetylcholine, 254, 259

acid reflux, 386

osteoporosis and, 323

activity: aerobic, 17

anaerobic, 21

angina and, 223

maintaining, 10–25, 111

meaningful and enjoyable, 61–63, 64, 91–92, 96, 167, 243, 450

metabolism and, 12, 15, 20

recommended level of, 15–18, 275–76, 331

sleep and, 131–32

spiritual, 161, 163. See also exercise; physical activity; sexual activity

acupressure, 198

acupuncture, 84, 188, 199, 201–3, 312, 332, 390

adaptability, 50–52, 56, 58, 59, 70, 94

brain and, 51

psychological loss and, 61, 69–71

sexual aging and, 426

stress and, 76–77

vision loss and, 367. See also resilience

addiction, 175–76

drug and alcohol, 177, 182–83

tobacco, 383. See also alcoholism, treatment for

adrenal glands, 77

adrenaline, 78

adrenocorticotropin (ACTH), 77

advance directives, 463, 465–70

Advil, 253, 254, 314, 326

aerobic activity, 17

vs. anaerobic, 21

benefits of, 20, 72, 131, 244, 276–77, 327

affair, sexual. See sexual relations, nonexclusive

ageism, 4–6, 419, 421, 425, 429–30

age-related macular degeneration (AMD), 362–64

prevention of, 190, 359–60, 369

treatment for, 178

age spots, 134, 142, 144

aging, intrinsic (or chronologic), 7, 10, 12, 15, 45

AIDS, 309

caregiving and, 110, 458

experimental treatments for, 179

sexual intimacy and, 428–29. See also safer sex

alcohol, 168–71, 172

cognition and, 253–54

dependence on, 173–74

effects of, 41–42, 173

health benefits of, 170

health risks of, 48, 171–72, 173, 211, 222, 244, 323, 361, 381 (see also belly; erectile problems; sleep apnea, obstructive); insomnia and, 124–25

light and moderate use of, 169–70

medications and, 172, 177, 183

nutrition and, 45

prostate and, 286, 295

tolerance of, 170, 174

alcohol abuse, 174–75

comorbidities and, 67, 178, 302, 323–24, 381

risks of, 56, 62

screening tests for, 185–86

alcoholism, treatment for, 182–83, 183–85

allergies, 30, 290

medication side effects, 125, 253, 339, 340, 361

alopecia, androgenic, 135. See also male pattern hair loss

alopecia areata, 137

alpha blockers, 229, 292

Alzheimer’s disease, 249–50, 255–57, 259–63

caring for, 446–47, 451, 456

fear of, 242

lowering risk of, 12, 192

symptoms of, 66, 260, 340

wives with, 103–4

anal cancer, 407–8

androgens, 135, 292. See also testosterone

anesthesia, 149, 294, 295, 298, 395

aneurysm, 237–38

anger: causes of, 60, 85, 272, 368, 379

dealing with, 160, 206, 272, 391, 452

and depression, 62–63

and distress, 82

as grouchiness, 61

health risks of, 215

angina, 215, 223, 233

atherosclerosis and, 225–26

bradyarrhythmia and, 230

exercise and, 235

heart medication and, 229, 429

angiography, 224, 234, 237

angioplasty, 234

angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), 228

angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), 228–29

ankle injuries, 23, 150, 316

anorexia, 47–48

antibacterial agents, 339, 343

antibiotics: antifungal, 145

cellulitis and, 145

interaction with ED medication, 429

prostatitis and, 289–90

psoriasis and, 14

side effects of, 253, 342

STIs and, 307–9

antidepressants, 66, 86

interaction with other medication, 178, 195

pain control and, 315, 390

side effects of, 253, 302, 329, 339, 361

antioxidants: in berries, 219

in caffeine, 42

cancer and, 37

in foods, 31, 190, 360

vs. free radicals, 190

melatonin and 120

in red wine, 43

vitamin E and, 47

anxiety, 84–85

back pain and, 315

vs. burnout, 83

causes of, 52–53, 59–60, 131, 195, 376, 476

chronic stress and, 83

depression and, 62, 63, 67

distress and, 73–74

memory and, 244

retirement and, 440

substance abuse and, 178

treatment of, 85–86, 182, 193, 240. See also white coat syndrome

anxiety disorders, 67, 84–85

stress and, 82

treatment of, 86

aortic valve, 212, 238–39

aromatherapy, 332

arrhythmia, 8, 214, 218, 228, 230–32

arteriosclerosis, 224

artery, clogged, 30, 219, 224–25. See also atherosclerosis

arthritis, 326–27

anti-inflammatory medication for, 146, 180

big toe stiffness and, 152

calcium and, 45

depression and, 178

gout and, 191, 327–28

insomnia and, 124

omega-3s and, 192

treatment of, 193, 198, 202, 328–29, 332. See also osteoarthritis

arthroplasty (joint surgery), 328

aspirin: heart and, 233, 236

risks of, 180, 194, 253, 373

assisted living residences, 460, 473, 475

atherosclerosis, 214, 224–27, 249

aneurysm and, 237

diabetes and, 279

prevention of, 226

risks of, 219, 221, 228

stress and, 77

treatment of, 226

athlete’s foot, 144

athletic injuries. See sports injuries

autoimmune disorders, 137, 145, 270, 326

Avodart, 137–38

Ayurvedic medicine, 205–6

baby boomers, 3, 68, 106, 111, 176, 334, 341, 376

back pain, 312, 314–15

acupuncture and, 202

chiropractic care and, 198–99, 315

heart attack and, 233

kidney stone and, 296, 297

Levitra and, 304

osteoporosis and, 323

prostatitis and, 290

stress and, 81

bacteria: beneficial, 189, 343

cellulitis and, 145

foot odor and, 154

immune system and, 80

oral health and, 336–37, 339, 343, 344. See also plaque, dental

baldness, 135–36

cause of, 136–37, 292

treatment for, 137–39

Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging, 372

basal cell cancer, 393–94

B-cells, 80

beans: and calcium, 45

and folic acid, 140

healthy diet and, 28, 191

lean protein and, 30, 41, 337

and unsaturated fats, 31

belly, 134, 147–48, 298

Benadryl, 253

benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), 287, 290–92

ED and, 429

homeopathic remedies for, 204–5

symptom index, 293

treatment for, 292–95

benzodiazepines, 182–83

bereavement, 67, 93. See also grief

beta (ß) cells, 268, 270–71, 273

beta blockers, 229

Bifidobacteria, 189

biofeedback, 290, 312, 390

biopsies, 386, 390, 395, 398, 410

biotin (vitamin B7), 45

bipolar disorder, 67–68

bisexuals, concerns of, 385, 407–8, 428–29

bladder, 204, 286, 287–88, 291

BPH and, 291, 293

kidney stone and, 296–97

prostatectomy and, 400–401. See also incontinence, urinary and bowel

bladder cancer, 379, 409–10

tobacco and, 383

treatment for, 190

blindness, night, 44

blisters: on foot, 150–51

herpes and, 308–9

shingles and, 146–47

blood-alcohol level, 170–71, 172, 254

blood cells, white (lymphocytes), 80, 225, 245, 290, 411

blood chemistry, 16, 39–40, 44, 80–81, 126, 194–95, 218–20, 225, 228, 229, 246, 267–68, 275, 325, 397–98

fats, 219, 275, 284, 324

tobacco and, 245

blood pressure, 213, 217–18

anxiety and, 84

foods and, 44, 45, 219

physical activity and, 13, 23

stress and, 79–80

tobacco and, 210, 227, 384. See also high blood pressure; hypertension

blood tests, 8, 222, 232, 274–75, 310

blood vessels, 23, 80, 149, 212–13, 225, 281, 301

ACE inhibitors and, 228–29

catheterization and, 234

diabetes and, 279

ED and, 429

heart attack and, 232

root canal and, 349

stroke and, 235–36

vision and, 364–65, 369

body fat, 134, 172, 254

body image, 25, 55, 134, 335, 425

body language, 420

body mass index (BMI), 33, 272, 284

body water, 170, 172, 240

bones, 142, 192, 313–15, 319–20

calcium and, 45, 191, 338

density test and, 320

mouth and, 281, 335, 346–47, 352

physical activity and, 12, 13, 16

spurs, 321–22

vitamin D and, 47, 191, 338

BPH. See benign prostatic hyperplasia

braces, dental, 354

brain activity, 117–18, 121, 160

endocrine system and, 78

sleep and, 117–18

spirituality and, 160. See also memory

brain health, 12, 13, 64, 192, 243–46, 265

aging and, 241–42

myths about, 246–48

brain tumors, 257

breakfast, 28, 30, 148, 344

breakfast club, 91, 96, 253, 455

breast cancer, 408–9, 292, 382

breath: bad, 214, 335, 336–37, 342–44

exercise and, 18, 21, 235

shortness of, 22, 81, 216, 233, 239–40, 271, 404

breathing: rapid, 85, 283

mechanical, 468–69

relaxation and, 86, 91, 164, 200–201

sleep and, 116, 118

sleep-disordered, 122, 123, 126–27, 340

bridges, dental, 350–51

bronchodilators, 179

bunions, 151

burnout, 66, 82–84

caregiving and, 449, 451, 84

bursitis, 312, 317

causes of, 317–18

bypass surgery, 224

caffeine, 32, 42

BPH and, 295

down side of, 341

insomnia and, 125

sleep and, 131

CAGE questionnaire, 185

calcitonin, 325–26

calcium, 44–45, 47, 191, 324, 332, 338

atherosclerosis and, 225

cigarette smoking and, 324

foods and, 36, 338

kidney stones and, 296–97

calcium channel blockers, 229

calluses, on feet, 151

calories, 20, 26, 29, 147

burning, 11, 19, 21

diabetes and, 270, 271

drinks and, 42, 222, 298

energy intake and, 15

foods and, 29–30, 33, 34–39, 148

memory loss and, 245

physical activity and, 15–16, 142, 148, 220

triglycerides and, 219, 275

cancer, 210, 379–82, 386–87, 390–93

HPV and, 307, 355

living with, 412–13

mortality and, 405, 413

preventive behaviors, 37, 42, 43, 47, 120, 190, 383–86

prognosis of, 390

risks of, 32, 382–83

smoking and, 335–36, 355

spirituality and, 155

stress and, 79–80

symptoms, 386–87

treatment for, 136–37, 178–79, 190, 387–90. See also specific types of cancer

carbidopa, 264

carbohydrates, 29, 30, 38, 44

dental health and, 339

diabetes and, 267, 271, 272, 275–76

sources of, 43

value of complex, 31, 36

cardiologists, 213, 224, 229, 232

cardiovascular disease (CVD), 13, 211, 214, 224

depression and, 62

diabetes and, 279

diagnosis of, 222–24

erectile dysfunction and, 283, 429

family history and, 215

memory and, 250, 256

minimizing risks of, 220–22

risks of, 214–20

stress and, 72

types of, 224–32

vitamin D and, 221

cardiovascular reactivity, 80

cardiovascular system, 80, 211, 239

career changes, 3, 75, 368, 435, 438–39

caregiving, 445–61

cataracts, 280, 361–62

diet and, 359–60, 369

catheterization, 224, 234

cavities, 281, 339–40, 347–48

minimizing risks of, 336, 338, 339

cellulitis, 145

cereals: as good nutrition, 26, 218, 359, 389

as snacks, 35, 37

change, 69–70

cheese, good nutrition and, 30, 31, 41, 338, 389

poor nutrition and, 36, 266

chemical peels, 144

chemotherapy, 136–37, 388–89, 391, 395, 404, 410, 411

managing side effects of, 178–79

side effects of, 340, 388

chest pain, 22, 76, 81, 209, 215, 223, 224, 231, 239. See also angina

chicken, 30, 38, 39, 41, 43

chickenpox, 146

chin, double, 142

Chinese medicine, 140, 188, 197, 200–201

chiropractic care, 188, 197, 198–99, 315, 332

chlamydia, 307, 428

cholesterol, 26, 218–19, 224

CVD and, 211, 217–18, 223, 235, 258

foods and, 30–31, 39–40

management of, 16, 26, 65, 120, 210, 221–22, 226

memory and, 246, 250

poor levels of, 81, 211, 215, 219, 275

screening for, 8, 217, 222

chromium, 194

cigars, 336, 355, 411

cilary muscle, 358

circadian clock/rhythm, 81, 116–17, 120, 122, 123, 125, 130–31, 132

circulatory system, 197, 212–13, 227

Clinoril, 180

clotting, blood, 80, 194, 228, 231, 236

cobalamin (vitamin B12), 45

cochlea, 372, 373

coffee, 42, 210, 341

cognitive functioning, 242

alcohol and, 254

dementia and, 255, 260, 263

MCI and, 256

medical problems and, 243, 246

medications and, 252, 253

colds, 79–80, 342, 451

colon, 405

colonoscopy, 8, 406

colorectal cancer, 405–6

prevention of, 31

screening for, 8

treatment of, 406–7

colostomy, 406–7

communication: intimacy and, 418, 420–21

among men, 90

sex and, 310–11

technology and, 57, 106, 376

complementary therapies, 164, 188–206

computerized tomography (CT), 237, 386, 390, 410

condoms: STDs or STIs and, 305–7, 407–8

use of, 307, 310–11

confidence, 6, 53, 56, 133–34, 162, 425

caregiving and, 461

depression and, 61

ED and, 58, 302–4

retirement and, 435

stress and, 82, 89. See also body image; self-esteem

congestive heart failure (CHF), 214, 239–40

medication use and, 154, 194

conjunctivitis, 204

constipation, 81, 229, 386, 410

management of, 31, 44

continuing care communities, 460, 472–73

corns, on feet, 151

coronary arteries: angina and, 223, 229

blocked, 226

restricted, 223, 232

coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), 234

coronary heart disease (CAD), 214, 224, 226–27

corticosteroids, 146, 326

corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), 75

cortisol, 6, 65, 79, 80–81, 90–91, 245, 272

cosmetic dentistry, 352–54

cosmetic surgery, 55, 142

CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), 127

cramps, 316

medication and, 228

minerals and, 44, 45

crowns, dental, 348–50, 351

cysts, 386, 408

cytomegalovirus (CMV), 305

dairy products, 28, 29, 189, 359

dating, 94, 102, 105–6

online sites for, 106, 305

safer sex and, 305–6, 309

death, 210, 462–66, 478

anxiety about, 59

cancer and, 380, 403

heart-related, 231–33

premature, 56, 80, 286

risk of, 62, 93, 171, 183, 209, 215–16, 220, 239, 267, 329, 383–84

spirituality and, 155–56, 165

stress and, 75, 176. See also funerals; widowerhood

decibel (dB) level, 371, 372

decongestants, 361

deep breathing, and sleep, 116

dehydration, 145, 228

delirium, 173, 253

dementia, 243, 249, 256–63

alcohol abuse and, 171, 254

apathy and, 66

nursing homes and, 257–58, 430

risk of, 64, 68, 244, 245. See also Alzheimer’s disease

dental care, 334, 336, 346–49. See also teeth; toothpaste

dental problems, 334–35, 339, 340–48

nutrition and, 337–38. See also crowns, dental; periodontal (gum) disease; root canals

dentists, 334–35, 347

dentures, 339, 351–52

depression, 48, 53–54, 61–65, 178, 253

prevention of, 13

risk of, 59, 67, 70, 283, 329, 368, 413, 447

suicide and, 62, 63

treatment for, 66, 193, 202, 315

widowerhood and, 103. See also antidepressants

dermabrasion, 114

diabetes, 266–71, 284–85, 266–67

complications of, 279–84, 302, 340, 365, 428–29

heart disease and, 211, 219, 279

management of, 272–77

and metabolic syndrome, 80–81

prevention of, 12–13, 32–33, 80, 170, 221

and retinopathy, 280–81, 362, 365

risks of, 131, 147; 271–72

screening for, 8

treatment of, 277–78

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), 64, 87, 117

dialysis, 282

diarrhea, 81, 183, 309, 386

cancer therapies and, 388, 400

treatment of, 190

diet: Mediterranean, 192, 245

prudent, 29, 44

Western, 29, 30, 44, 266

dieting, 27, 148

digestive disturbances, 62, 81, 82, 180, 262

digestive system, 268, 411

dihydrotestosterone, 135, 292

diuretics, 146

complications with, 272, 297, 339, 340, 361, 373

hypertension and, 228

divorce, 55–56, 75, 100, 101–3, 105, 108, 176

DNI (do not intubate), 469

DNR (do not resuscitate), 469

dopamine, 79, 248, 264

double chin, 142

dreams, 85, 116–19, 245

driving: alcohol and, 171, 172

dementia and, 261

sleep and, 129

vision and, 359, 362

drug abuse. See substance abuse

dry eye, 359, 360–61

dry mouth, 340, 343

dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, 320

durable power of attorney, 467, 479

dutasteride, for baldness, 137–38

dyes, hair, 55, 140–41

dysthymia, 66

ears, 142, 372

anatomy of, 372–73

hair in, 141

ringing in, 371. See also hearing

eating behavior and habits, 32–35, 49, 337–38

weight loss and, 17

echocardiogram, 223

economic recessions, 3, 434–37

eczema, 145

eggs, 30, 41, 43, 218

ego, 70–71

ejaculation, 288, 289, 301, 305, 308, 311

elbow, tennis, 23, 317–18

electrocardiogram (EKG), 8, 222–23, 230

electroencephalogram (EEG), 118

embarrassment, 264, 327, 368, 427

emotional closeness and intimacy, 97, 104, 402, 419, 431, 451

emotional lability, 85, 258

emotional maturity, 53, 431

emotions, 24, 50, 60–61, 63, 81–82, 97, 104, 162–63, 379, 427

managing, 76, 82, 427

employment, 6, 432–33, 441

caregiving and, 447, 448

sexual intimacy and, 422–23

empty nest, 422–23

endocrine system, 78

endorphins, 78, 248, 425

exercise and, 25, 85, 91, 244

energy medicine, 199–203

epididymitis, 308

epinephrine, 79, 80, 272

Epworth Sleepiness Scale, 129

erectile dysfunction (ED), 301–4

alcohol risks of, 171

baldness treatment and, 138

health problems and, 226, 269, 282–83, 302

testosterone therapy and, 58

treatment for, 193, 195, 304, 402

erectile problems, 58, 299, 302

BPH and, 429

prostate and, 288

prostate cancer and, 399, 401–2

erection, 6, 298, 300–301, 426

ED medication and, 282, 402, 429

estate planning, 463

exercise, 24–25, 52

arthritis and, 327

atherosclerosis and, 226

bones and, 320, 324–25, 330

brain and, 244, 246

diabetes and, 246, 270–77

erectile health and, 304

guidelines for, 18–20

heart and, 211, 220–22, 232–35

hypertension and, 228

injuries and, 317

nutrition and, 26

options for, 20–22

Parkinson’s disease and, 264

precautions and, 22–23

sleep and, 125, 131–32

stress and, 85–86. See also physical activity

exercise (stress) EKG, 222, 235

existential challenge, 390

existential home, 93

existential quest, 155, 156

extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL), 297

eyeglasses, 144, 358, 362

eyes, 23, 116–17, 143, 358–62, 369

diet and, 359

eyesight, 111, 247, 268, 275, 279. See also vision loss and blindness

face, 133, 142

aging of, 55, 134, 139, 142, 143–44

Parkinson’s and, 264

skin cancer and, 393

stroke and, 236, 237

failure, 54, 273

falls, 191, 324, 329–32, 367

fascia, 142

fatigue: minimizing, 11

muscle, 22–23

sleep and, 121, 126

symptoms of, 62, 73, 81, 145, 178, 230–31, 269, 386

fats: healthy weight and, 38, 44

trans, 28, 40–41, 209, 221

fatty acids, 192, 244–45

fear: of aging and being old, 5, 54, 69, 242, 434, 439

anxiety vs., 84

cancer and, 388, 392

ED and, 52

masculinity and, 76

memory loss and, 251

spirituality and, 156

feet, 21, 143, 150–54

fiber, 31 50s, the, 72, 109, 136, 215, 222

finasteride: for baldness, 137–38

for BPH, 292

fingernails, 145, 153, 384

fish, fat content of, 39

fitness, 17

flossing, 5, 335, 336–37, 339, 354

fluoride, 334, 335, 337, 344

fluoxetine, 86, 253

folate, 45, 140

food labels, 39, 276

foreplay, 299, 426

forgetfulness, 242–43, 251, 255

forgiveness, 160

fountain of youth, 4, 7, 9, 119

fractures: risk of, 320, 323–24, 329

types of, 150, 323, 349

Framingham Heart Study, 360

freckles, 144, 386, 393

free radicals, 190

friendship, 55, 94–97, 417, 444

benefits of, 57, 64, 91, 110

fructose, 29

fruit, 41

healthy diet and, 28, 29, 31–32, 37, 38, 209, 384

unhealthy juices, 275, 276

functional imaging studies, 51, 199, 223, 262, 300, 390

Functional Vision Screening Questionnaire, 369–70

funerals, 470–72

fungal nails, 144–45, 153–54

fungal skin infection, 144

gastroenterologists, 406

gastrointestinal problems, medication-induced, 180, 262

gay men, 109–11

caregiving and, 446, 455, 458

health and care issues of, 110, 385, 430

generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), 67, 84

genetics, 381

as risk factor, 135–36, 140, 141, 264, 323, 344

genital warts, 307

genitourinary (GU) tract, 286

gerotranscendence, 155

gingivitis, 345

ginkgo, 193–95

ginseng, 193–95

glasses. See eyeglasses; sunglasses

glaucoma, 178, 362, 364–65

glucose, 219–20, 267, 284–85

diabetes and, 267–69, 270, 274–75

management of, 277–78, 365

stress and, 81, 83

gonorrhea, 308

gout, 327–28

grandfathers, 97–101, 459–60

gravies, meat, 327

grief, 60–61, 104

support groups for, 95

unhealthy management of, 178. See also bereavement

growth hormone, 118, 119–20

gums: disease of, 345–47

receding, 344–45

stroke and, 335

hair, 134–35, 137, 141

diet and, 30–31

graying, 139–41

hearing and, 372, 373

transplantation of, 138

hair loss, 135–39, 388

hamstring muscle, 317

hands, 134, 143–44

circulatory impairment in, 266

energy healing, 200

reflexology and, 197

shaky, 174–75, 263

happiness. See forgiveness; friendship; volunteering

HDL (high-density lipoprotein) level, 219, 221, 246, 285

headaches, 32, 79, 81–85, 178, 228–29, 236, 246, 271, 304

somatic, 62, 82

treatments for, 146, 202

health care proxy, 465–66, 479. See also durable power of attorney

health insurance, 20, 76, 110–11, 188, 333, 345, 433, 436, 439, 472, 478

Medicare and, 475–76

hearing, 247, 357

loss of, 371–76, 378

hearing aids, 374–76

Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly—Screening Version (HHIE-S), 377–78

heart, 212–13

heart attack. See myocardial infarction

heartburn, 216, 223, 325

heart disease. See cardiovascular disease

heart rate / heartbeat, 80, 213, 235

arrhythmia and, 230–31

stress and, 78–80, 84, 88, 118, 228

heel pain, 152–53 Helicobacter pylori, 80

hemianopia, 365

hemoglobin, 44, 273, 274

hepatitis B, 307–8

herbal and green tea, 125, 189, 194

herbs, 189, 192–95, 206, 342

precautions about, 172, 196, 292, 342

herpes, 146–47, 305, 308–9

hGH (human growth hormone), 118, 119–20

high blood pressure, 213

diet and, 31

memory and, 244, 246, 258

screening for, 8

sleep disorders and, 127, 131. See also hypertension

high-density lipoproteins (HDL), 16, 81, 219, 275

HIV, 309

caregiving and, 110, 458

experimental treatments for, 179

sexual intimacy and, 428–29. See also safer sex

home health care, 454, 473–74, 475

homeopathy, 188, 203–5

hormones: sex, 53, 195, 201

stress, 77, 79, 108, 111, 137, 140, 245, 250. See also androgens; calcitonin; cortisol; dihydrotestosterone; dopamine; endorphins; epinephrine; hGH; insulin; melatonin; testosterone

hostility, 215

HPV (human papillomavirus), 305, 307, 355, 407–8, 428

humidifiers, 341, 361

hydration, 32, 142, 340

hyperglycemia, 219, 267, 271, 279, 285

hypertension, 214, 218, 227–29, 285

complications of, 217, 236, 239, 256, 258, 297, 302

diabetes and, 279

management of, 13, 342

stress and, 72, 76–77, 80

treatment for, 200–201, 226, 228–29. See also high blood pressure

hypoglycemia, 271, 278, 285

hytrin, for BPH, 292

ibuprofen: memory and, 253

for pain, 25, 152, 153, 314, 318, 326, 327, 347

imaging, 51, 160, 199, 223–24, 234, 237, 262, 297, 300, 321, 386, 390

immune system, 80, 146, 380

care of, 201, 205, 425

depression and, 63–64

sleep and, 118–19

social health and, 109

stress and, 72, 78, 79–81

vitamins and minerals and, 46, 195

immunizations, 203

implants: dental, 334, 350–51

hair, 138

impotence, 298–99, 304, 402, 431. See also erectile dysfunction

incontinence, urinary and bowel, 401

neuropathy and, 279

prostatectomy and, 295, 400–401

indigestion, 81, 223, 304, 386

infection, bacterial, 280, 386

gum disease and, 281, 346–47

prostatitis and, 289–90

STIs and, 305, 307, 308, 309. See also tooth decay

inflammation, 23–24, 80, 146, 152–53, 237, 289–90, 317, 326, 327, 411

treatment for, 23, 146, 152, 153, 192, 314, 326, 327

ingrown toenails, 150, 151

inherited health conditions, 108, 464

insomnia, 124–25

medication for, 130, 252

stress and, 82

treatment for, 130, 131, 198, 202

insulin, 81, 83, 219, 267, 272

diabetes and, 267–78

resistance to, 211, 217, 219, 270, 272, 273, 276

interconnectedness, 156–58, 167, 205

International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5), 301, 303

Internet, 53, 247, 392, 428, 448

dating and, 106

intestinal problems, 62, 180, 262

intimacy, 55, 298, 417–19, 421–22, 427, 431

adult development and, 53–54, 421–22

gender and, 419–20

emotional and relational, 94, 95, 106, 427

physical and sexual, 58, 106, 299, 304, 310–11, 402, 423–25, 428

iron, 37, 44

ischemic heart disease, 14. See also coronary heart disease

jaw, 142, 349, 351

jock itch, 144

jogging/running, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23

joints, 11, 152, 313, 314, 319, 322

physical activity and, 11, 13, 20, 330

treatment for problems with, 146, 198, 326, 328–29. See also arthritis; gout; inflammation: treatment for

juices, 40–41, 192

calcium and, 338

sodium and, 32

sugar and, 275, 276

kidney cancer, 379, 383, 385, 411–12

kidney disease, 281–82

as cause of ED, 302

kidneys, 212, 296

cardiovascular complications and, 240

diabetes and, 267, 283

kidney stones, 296–98

kinesiology, 312

lactobacilli, 189–90, 343

laser therapy and surgery, 144, 149, 292, 294, 298, 307, 346, 365, 395

LDL (low density lipoproteins) level, 219, 221, 225–26, 246, 275

learning, 51, 248–49

cognitive exercise and, 244

and dementia, 243

stress and, 79

legacies, 54, 112, 164–66

legs, 134, 148–50

atherosclerosis and, 279

cramp in, 44, 45, 124, 316

exercise and, 17, 22

skin disorders on, 145

sleep disorders and, 123

stroke and, 236

vein graft and, 234. See also restless leg syndrome

leisure time, 14, 101, 433, 444

lesions, 145, 395

levodopa, 264

Lewy body dementia, 257

libido, 58, 292, 304, 408

life expectancy, 6, 98, 220, 412

life span, 6, 24, 115, 137, 257, 259, 316, 360, 379, 435, 445

ligaments, 150, 152, 313, 330

injured, 315, 316

light therapy, 138

liver, 218, 219, 277, 284, 405

and alcohol, 170

damage to, 172, 308, 410

and viral infection, 307, 429

living wills, 111, 457, 463, 466, 467–70

loneliness, 60, 66–67, 102, 109, 391, 430, 441–42

prevention of, 92, 97, 104, 106, 253

longevity, 3, 6–7, 59–60, 445

long-term care insurance, 473, 476–77, 480

low-fat diet, 28, 31, 33, 304, 338

lungs, 212, 384, 403

cancer of, 335, 379, 380, 383, 387, 392, 403–5, 413

lymphoma, 411–12

macular degeneration, age-related (AMD), 362–64

prevention of, 190, 359–60, 369

treatment for, 178

magnesium, 37, 44, 228, 298

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 199, 223, 262, 300

male pattern hair loss, 135–36

marijuana, 178–79, 182

marriage, 55–56, 94, 101–2, 106, 420, 421

benefits of, 57, 93–94, 108–9

masculine consciousness, 74

masculine ideologies and expectations, 7, 10, 52–53, 61–62, 74, 93–94, 96, 104, 215–16, 222, 240, 298, 413, 441

aging and, 96, 99, 419–20, 439–40

bodies and, 133, 134, 135, 216, 402

widowerhood and, 104

masculinities practices, 7, 27, 59, 62, 69, 90, 96, 99, 104, 109–10, 133, 162–63, 216, 262, 263, 403, 413, 433, 438

massage therapy, 84, 188, 198, 199–200

arthritis and, 326, 328

back pain and, 315

cancer and, 390

end-of-life care and, 478

mastectomy, 408

masturbation, 301, 426

Medicaid, 457, 458, 465, 472, 476, 480

Medicare, 334, 432, 436, 475–76

medications: antifungal, 145, 154

anti-viral, 146

Ayurvedic, 206

BHP, 292

cardiovascular, 215, 226, 228–29, 231, 234, 236, 282

diabetes, 277–78

ED, 282, 304, 402

hair loss, 137–38

herbal, 193–94

memory loss and, 243, 250, 252–54

misuse of, 172, 177, 179–80, 451–52

osteoporosis, 325–26

Parkinson’s disease, 264

psychotropic, 68, 69, 86, 182–83

safety of, 66, 169, 172, 180–81, 193–94, 194, 252, 329

side effects of, 47–48, 65, 125, 145–46, 262, 297, 302, 329, 340, 342, 361, 373–74, 429

sleep, 130. See also aspirin; ibuprofen

meditation, 160, 164, 200–201

spirituality and, 161, 163

yoga and, 86

melanoma, 393–94, 395, 407

melatonin, 116–17, 120, 131

memory, 241–43, 248–49

aging and, 242, 249–51, 265

causes of loss of, 244, 245–46, 252–54

changes in, living with, 251–52

consolidation of, 119

misconceptions about, 246–48

protecting, 244, 245

stress and, 80–81. See also Alzheimer’s disease; dementia; forgetfulness; mild cognitive impairment

memory box, 71

mental disorders of late life, 50, 61–69. See also depression

mental health: alcohol use and, 173

physical activity and, 12–13

spirituality and, 161–62

meridians, 199

metabolic syndrome, 80, 109, 211, 272

metabolism, 11, 15, 20, 33, 134, 219

alcohol and, 170, 172

anorexia and, 48

B12 deficiency and, 257

cardiovascular medication and, 228

depression and, 64

diabetes and, 267–68

glucose, 279

hot sauce and, 31

stress and, 80

mild cognitive impairment (MCI), 254–56

minerals, 26, 29, 44–45

in bones, 320

in foods, 31, 37, 191

Minoxidil, for baldness, 137

mitral valve, 212, 239

moisturizers, 142, 145

moles, 144, 394

Motrin, 253, 314, 326

muscles, 313

aches, 145, 304, 310, 316

aging and, 10, 20, 51–52, 147, 148–50, 217, 319

diet and, 28, 41, 43, 45

falls and, 330

fatigue in, 22–23

inactivity and, 11, 13

injury of, 23–24, 315–17

physical activity and, 12, 16, 20–22

resistance training for, 23, 25, 327

sleep and, 118

smooth, 229, 233, 292, 300–301

strengthening, 17

stress and, 81–82, 85

tension in, 62, 82, 84, 198

vitamin D and, 47. See also cramps

musculoskeletal system, 313–14

myocardial infarction (MI), 232

angina and, 223

recovery from, 235

risks of, 211, 220–22, 232–33

symptoms of, 232–33

treatment for, 233–34

myoplasticity, 51

nails, 44, 144–45, 151, 384

fungal, 144–45, 153–54

ingrown, 150, 151

narcolepsy, 128

nervous system, autonomic, 77, 164, 229

nervous system, central: alcohol and, 183

chiropractic therapy and, 198

diet and, 44, 46

STDs and, 308

neuroendocrine system, 77–78

neurons, 51, 116, 246–47, 249, 264

neuropathy, 173, 267, 279–80, 285

neuroplasticity, 51

neurotransmitters, 25, 86, 117, 241, 247, 254, 259, 315

niacin (vitamin B3), 45

nitroglycerin, 223, 233, 429

noise and hearing, 371, 373, 374

sleep and, 122

stress and, 73, 245

noradrenaline, 79

norepinephrine, 79–80, 86, 315

NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), 146, 326. See also aspirin; ibuprofen

nursing homes, 68, 257–58, 367, 429–30, 460, 465, 473–75, 478

nutrition facts labels, 39–40, 276

nuts, 28, 30, 41, 192

obesity, 285

abdominal, 80, 147, 211, 221, 385, 405

cataracts and, 361

ED and, 302

heart health and, 211

prostate and, 286

sleep and, 131. See also overweight

odor: breath, 342–43

foot, 144, 154

opiate-type medications, 183

oral cancer, 354–55, 410–11

oral irrigator (water pick), 386

organ donation, 282, 470

orgasm, 235, 288, 423, 426

prostatectomy and, 401–2

women’s, 423

osteoarthritis, 25, 321, 326–27

osteoporosis, 322–26

over-the-counter medications, 125, 130, 151, 314, 361

precautions about, 47–48, 172, 253, 329, 340. See also aspirin; ibuprofen; NSAIDs

overweight, 15, 17, 32, 32–33, 47, 147–48, 221

arthritis and, 326

cancer and, 385

CVD and, 211, 218

diabetes and, 272

kidney stones and, 298

OSA and, 126

varicose veins and, 149–50

pacemakers: artificial, 230, 231

natural, 213, 230

pain, chest, 22, 76, 81, 209, 215, 224, 231, 232, 239. See also angina

pain, chronic, 332

treatments for, 179, 183, 315, 332

pain, pelvic, 289–90

palpitations, 230, 233

pancreas, 285, 410

insulin and, 267, 268, 270, 275

meals and, 276

pancreatic cancer, 410, 413

pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), 45

parathyroid hormone, 325

Parkinson’s disease (PD), 64, 263–64

comorbidities and, 127, 361

treatment for, 179–80, 264

wives with, 103–4

Parkinson’s disease dementia (PDD), 250, 257, 263

penicillin, 146, 309

penis, 287, 300

length of, 311, 401

sexual arousal and, 300–301. See also erectile dysfunction; erection

periodic limb movement disorder, 127

periodontal (gum) disease, 335, 345–47

bad breath and, 342–43

cardiovascular risk and, 214, 335

prevention of, 45, 46, 336–38

periodontitis, 345

pets, 11, 15, 367, 418, 462

phobias, 67

physical activity, 10–25

Achilles tendonitis and, 153

cancer and, 380, 385

diabetes and, 277

endorphins and, 25

falls and, 330

heart health and, 210, 220–21

memory and, 244, 248

minor injuries and, 22–24

physical exams, regular, 8, 210, 272, 309, 380, 397

physical therapy, 264, 328–29, 332

physicians, 22, 86, 89, 127, 146, 153, 179, 193, 194, 233, 253, 274–75, 290, 296, 310, 340, 342, 377, 385–86, 391, 395, 402, 408, 426, 429

masculinities and, 59, 63, 216, 394

pineal gland, 117, 120

plantar fascia, 152

plaque, dental, 220, 336, 339–40, 346, 353

plastic surgery, 55, 142

platelets, 232

polyps, colon, 382

positron emission tomography (PET), 262, 390

posttraumatic stress and PTSD, 67, 82, 86–89, 130, 243

potassium, 44, 228, 240

prayer, 155, 161–62, 163, 188

prednisone, 65, 253, 272, 326

presbycusis, 372

presbyopia, 358

probiotics, 189–90

prognosis: cancer, 390

heart failure, 240

Propecia, for baldness, 137

Proscar, for benign prostatic hyperplasia, 292

prostate, 287–88, 289–90, 291, 399; See also benign prostatic hyperplasia

prostate cancer, 287, 379, 396–99

diagnosis of, 397–99

risk of, 382

screening for, 8, 385

treatment for, 400–402

treatment side effects, 400, 401

watchful waiting, 400

prostatectomy, 400–402

prostate exam, 288–89

prostate-specific antigen (PSA), 396–99

prostatitis, 289–90

protein: 26

cancer and, 389

healthy weight and, 38, 41, 43

sources of, 30, 337

psoriasis, 145–46

psychological development, 53–55

psychotherapy, 64, 69, 89, 185

pulse, 80, 213

purines, and gout, 327

pyridoxine (vitamin B6), 45

qigong, 199, 200–201

quadriceps, 324

quality of life, 54, 58–59, 60, 81, 151, 240

aging well and, 4, 94

chronic illness and, 169, 227 262, 264, 269, 282, 289, 291, 318, 327, 346, 356, 368, 379, 390, 410

palliative care and, 477–78

physical activity and, 13, 24

sexual intimacy and, 106, 306, 417

sleep and, 129

spirituality and, 155

radiation therapy, 388, 400, 404, 410, 411

side effects of, 340, 355, 396, 402

radionuclide imaging, 223, 224

rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, 118–19, 127

receding hairline, 135–37. See also baldness

recommended daily fat calories, 30

recommended dietary allowance (RDA), 43, 46

rectal cancer. See colorectal cancer

rectal examination, digital, 8, 288–89

rehabilitation, 235, 237, 316, 318, 328, 366–67, 377

costs of, 472, 475

Reiki, 200

relaxation, 74

cancer care and, 390

exercise and methods of, 86, 167, 198, 200–202

heart health and, 240

stress management and, 246

religion, 90, 111, 156–57, 163, 167, 471

remarriage, 100, 101–3, 105

REM sleep behavioral disorder (BD), 127

resilience, 3, 56, 57, 60, 74, 90, 104, 109–10, 134, 412

resistance training: arthritis and, 327

benefits of, 25

and muscle strength, 21, 23

respiratory diseases, 173, 210

restless leg syndrome, 127

rheumatoid arthritis, 190, 326

management of, 192, 202, 328

riboflavin (vitamin B2), 45

risk: lifetime, 382–83

relative, 383

Rogaine, for baldness, 137–38

romance, 107, 419–20, 422

root canals, 337, 347–49

sacredness, 158–59

safer sex, 310–11

sage-ing, 166

salicylic acid, for calluses, 151

salt: deli meats and, 36

healthy diet and, 28, 31, 191, 359, 384

heart health and, 209, 211, 218, 228, 282

snack food and, 39

taste problems and, 341–42

sarcopenia, 10

saturated fats: healthy diet and, 28, 221, 269

nutrition labels and, 39–40

unhealthy choices, 30–31, 36, 221, 359

sauces, fat content of, 38

saw palmetto, 193

schizophrenia, 68

sclerotherapy, 149

second opinions, 319, 388, 398, 411

sedentary lifestyle, 10–11, 13–14, 15–16

risks of, 142, 218, 240, 323, 396–97, 429

self-esteem, 25, 27, 53, 56, 57–58, 59, 94, 133, 302, 346, 352, 368. See also body image

self-medication, 48, 62

semen, 288, 305, 308, 310, 311

serotonin, 86, 315

sexless marriage, 306

sexual activity, 106, 290, 299, 309, 310–11, 422, 424–26

sexual health, 286, 298–99, 302, 426

smoking and, 302–4. See also erectile dysfunction; erectile problems

sexual intercourse, 298, 402, 424–25, 426

erection troubles and, 301, 303

STIs and, 305, 307, 309, 310–11

sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and infections (STIs), 305–10

prevention of, 310–11

sexual problems, 75, 292. See also erectile problems

sexual relations, nonexclusive, 67, 305–7, 418, 427

shingles, 146–47

Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (S-MAST), 186

siblings, 97, 418–19

single photon emission computer tomography (SPECT), 160–61 60s, the, 75, 103, 215, 433

skin, 13, 31–32, 120, 143–44. See also wrinkles

skin cancer, 393–94, 407

protection against, 385

treatment for, 395–96

skin problems, 143, 146, 268, 278, 307, 308, 400. See also age spots; athlete’s foot; bunions; calluses; cellulitis; eczema; fungal nails; shingles

sleep apnea, obstructive, 116, 126–27

sleep cycles and stages, 116–19, 128

sleep disorders, 123

effects of, 59, 262–63, 245, 252, 340. See also insomnia; narcolepsy; periodic limb movement disorder; restless leg syndrome; sleep apnea

sleep disturbances and deprivation, 83, 115, 122, 128–29, 269

management of, 130–31

smoking: arthritis and, 326

cancer and, 380, 381, 383, 403–4, 409, 411

cataracts and, 361, 369

CVD and, 149, 211, 220, 227, 234, 235, 237, 258

dementia and, 245

dental disease and, 335, 336

facial appearance and, 142, 144

free radicals and, 190

osteoporosis and, 323–24

quitting and withdrawal, 384–85

sexual health and, 286, 302

taste and, 342

snoring, 126, 142

management of, 341

sleep disorders and, 123, 126

social health, 92–93

social networks and support, 14, 57, 89–91, 93–94, 100, 106, 111, 327, 458

aging and, 48, 104

retirement and, 439

uncoupling and, 102

widowerhood and, 104

Social Readjustment Rating Scale, 75

socioeconomic status, and social gradient, 76, 216–17, 283, 376

sodium: recommended daily intake, 31

sources of, 32, 36–37, 39. See also salt

somatic symptoms, 62, 82

sperm, 288, 299, 307

spine, 313, 315, 321

osteoporosis and, 323–24

spirituality, 156–60, 166

mental health and, 161–62

physical health and, 155

practices of, 160–61, 163–64, 166

religion and, 161–62

self and, 155–57, 159. See also interconnectedness; meditation; religion

sports drinks, and sugar, 32, 276

sports injuries, 22–24, 146, 316–17

diagnosis of, 318

treatment of, 318–19, 328. See also bursitis; tendonitis

SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), 86

stamina, 12, 16

stenosis, aortic, 239

steroids, 65, 146, 326, 328

stimulants, 69, 125, 220

St. John’s wort, 193–94

stomach, 34, 47, 170, 282, 339, 405

cancer risk and, 384–85

lean protein and, 30

strength training, 21–22, 132, 330

stress, 69, 72–76, 440

buffers to, 17–18, 89–90, 92, 108, 111, 156

causes of, 55–56, 75, 102–3, 124, 216–17, 302, 332, 390

and hair, 136–37, 140

harmful coping strategies for, 7, 33–34, 35, 59, 62, 177

health and, 56, 76–81, 211, 228, 241, 245–46, 250, 272, 292

mental health and, 81–82

management of, 20–21, 85–86, 90–91, 197–203, 206, 222, 425, 452

masculinities and, 74, 90, 216, 449

sleep and, 122, 124–25

tolerance of, 79. See also anxiety; burnout; cortisol; posttraumatic stress and PTSD

stroke, 210, 214, 235–37, 238, 258

atherosclerosis and, 221

comorbidities of, 226, 227–28, 258, 365–66

diabetes and, 221, 267, 279

effects of, 218

gum disease and, 214, 335

treatments for, 202, 236

weight and, 221

substance abuse, 183–84

definition of, 172–77

early- and late-onset, 175–76

risks of, 178–80, 429

treatment of, 183–85

suicide, 59–60, 62, 63, 93

sundowning, 120, 260

sunglasses, 23, 144, 369, 394

sunlight, 385

benefits of, 47, 338, risks of, 141–42, 143–44, 393, 411

sun protection factor (SPF), 394, 396

sunscreen, 143, 338, 385, 394

supplements, 190–93

antioxidant, 190

calcium, 45, 324

melatonin, 120

multivitamin, 45

safety and, 194, 196–97, 292

vitamin D, 43, 338

syphilis, 309–10

Tai Chi, 86, 131, 199, 327, 332

tartar, 336, 339, 346

toothpastes for, 344, 352

T-cells, 80, 146

tea, herbal and green, 125, 189, 194

teeth, 339, 350

appearance and, 335, 352

diabetes and, 281

grinding of, 81

replacement of, 350–52

staining of, 336

whitening of, 352–53

television, 15, 140, 277

tendonitis, 150, 153, 312, 317

tendons, 313

in feet, 150

in knee, 321

maintaining healthy, 330

tennis elbow, 316, 317

tension: healthy, 73

unhealthy, 74, 79

testicles, 288

testosterone, 6, 11–12, 21, 53, 58, 150, 291

appetite and, 48

baldness and, 135

CVD and, 211

prostate and, 292

osteoporosis and, 323–24

replacement of, 4, 58, 195, 325

stress and, 75

thiamin (vitamin B1), 45

thinning hair, 135–37. See also baldness

thirst: and dehydration, 228

diabetes and, 266, 269

hyperglycemia and, 271

thrombolytics, 234, 236

thymus gland, and immunities, 80

tiredness, 216, 227, 229, 244, 309. See also fatigue

tobacco, 282, 336, 355, 383, 411

ED and, 429. See also smoking

toenails, ingrown, 150–51, 152

toothbrushes, 335, 336–37, 345

tooth decay (cavities), 347–48

tooth loss, 334, 350

toothpaste, 334, 335, 337, 344, 352

transcendence, 158

trans fats, 28, 40–41, 209, 221

transient ischemic stroke, 236. See also stroke

transplant: hair, 137–38

kidney, 282

organ donation and, 470

transurethral microwave therapy, 292–94

transurethral needle ablation, 294–95

transurethral surgical therapies, 294, 295

tricyclics, 315

triglycerides, 219, 275

alcohol and, 222

screening for, 225

tuberculosis, 173, 8

tumor-node-metastasis staging, 387

tumors, 380–81, 382, 386

anal, 407

brain, 257, 365

breast, 408

colon, 382, 406

growth of, 386–87

lung, 404

mouth, 355, 411

prostate, 399–400

skin, 393–94

and suppressor gene BRAC2, 382

treatment of, 388–89, 395, 400

Tylenol, 253, 314

type A behavior pattern, 215

ulcers: foot, 280, 310

mouth, 355

stomach, 80

complications of, 124

ultrasound: for diagnosis, 223, 297

for treatment, 295, 328, 400

unemployment, 55, 174, 176, 392

unsaturated fats, 28, 30–31, 36

urethra, 286, 288, 300

BPH and, 291–92, 295

kidney stones and, 297

prostatitis and, 289

STIs and STDs and, 307–8

uric acid, and gout, 290, 327

urinary burning: chlamydia and, 307

prostatitis and, 289, 290

urinary incontinence, 279, 292, 400, 401, 402

urinary tract: and gonorrhea, 308

infection of, 190, 288

vaccine, shingles, 147

valve, heart, 212

disorder of, 238–39

varicose veins, 134–35, 148, 149

vascular dementia, 257, 258

vasectomy, 288, 299

vasodilators, 228, 229

vegetable oils, 192, 209, 221

vegetables, 40

canned, 31

healthy diet and, 28, 29, 31–32, 37, 38, 209, 389

veins, 134–35, 148, 149, 212, 234

veneers, for teeth, 353–54

ventricular fibrillation, 231–32

veterans, 87, 89

viruses, 80, 83, 146, 305, 307, 342, 429. See also herpes; HIV; HPV; shingles

vision, 357–61

alcohol and, 170

disorders of, 361–65

medication and, 183, 304

self-testing, 363, 364. See also eyesight

vision loss and blindness: diabetes and, 267, 275, 279, 280–81, 365

heart disorders and, 237

shingles and, 146

stigma of, 366

stroke and, 236, 258

visualization, as therapy, 86, 390

vitamin A, 46, 144, 145, 192

vitamin B1 (thiamin), 45

vitamin B2 (riboflavin), 45

vitamin B6 (pryidoxine), 45

vitamin B9 (folic acid), 45, 140, 195

vitamin B12, 26, 45, 84, 191, 252

vitamin C, 26, 45, 46, 191–92

vitamin D, 43, 47, 221, 323–34, 338, 385

vitamin E, 47, 195

vitamin K, 47

vitamins, 26, 31, 37

vitamin water, 41, 43

volunteering, 56–57, 90, 99, 111–12, 166, 244, 433, 439

waist circumference, and risk, 147

walking: benefits of, 10, 20–21, 327, 440

as calorie expenditure, 11, 13, 15–16, 17, 18–19, 277

safety and, 330

as social activity, 95, 96

warts: anal, 407

genital, 307

watchful waiting: heart disorders and, 230

prostate and, 292, 294, 400

water: instead of snacking, 35

kidney stones and, 298

meals and, 33

for oral health, 336, 340–41. See also hydration

water pill, 228. See also diuretics

weight: healthy, 38

loss of, as symptom, 309–10, 386, 406, 410, 411

weight gain, 11, 15

junk food and, 35

lifestyle and, 13–14, 41, 142

metabolism and, 80. See also overweight

weight reduction, gradual, 17, 27–28

diabetes and, 276

healthy lifestyle and, 11

physical activity and, 11, 15–16, 20. See also exercise

weight training/lifting, 12, 18, 20, 52, 276, 324. See also resistance training

white coat syndrome, 222

widowerhood, 60, 71, 95, 103–7, 109

wine: brain health and, 254

heart health and, 43, 222

winter itch, 145

wisdom, 53, 55, 58, 242

withdrawal symptoms: from alcohol, 173, 174–75

from drugs, 182–83

from tobacco, 383

workouts, 11, 22, 24, 148, 276–77, 317, 318

cycling, 21

swimming, 20

worry, 3, 443

caregiving and, 455

effect of, 398

post-MI and, 234

sleep and, 123

as symptom, 84

weight and, 27, 147, 148

wrinkles, 134, 141–42, 143–44

prevention of, 396

treatment for, 4, 142, 144

X-rays, 297, 321, 349, 386

motion (fluoroscopy), 224, 234

yoga: as exercise, 19, 86

as meditation, 163, 199

for spiritual healing, 206

yogurt, 41, 189, 337, 338, 343

zinc, 44, 190, 195