

15.1    Spread of English across provinces

15.2    Spread of English across racial groups

18.1    Classification of factors that caused the 321 tokens of misunderstandings to occur

18.2    Tokens with simplified initial clusters that are not understood

18.3    Misunderstood words with changed initial clusters and no simplification

21.1    Feature overlap reported in WE varieties and in ELF usage in general linguistic categories

21.2    Feature overlap between ELF usage reported in 59 WE varieties

25.1    Characteristics of business knowledge as perceived by practitioners

25.2    CoP dimensions in relation to the characteristics of and perspectives to business knowledge

27.1    Contexts of examples of humour in authentic interactions

35.1    IATEFL and TESOL conference sessions with an explicit focus on ELF

37.1    Global Englishes language teaching (GELT)

40.1    Course content in 2001

40.2    Course content in 2016

44.1    Example of global languages ranking by L1 population indicator

44.2    Example of global languages ranking by internet users

44.3    Example of rankings by estimated figures of non-native speaker ‘learners’

45.1    Illustrative studies addressing ELF concerns in language assessment

45.2    Features of a purpose-built ELF assessment task

45.3    Competence areas for a holistic rubric