Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations

Agiltrude, Duchess 1115, 18, 20

Alberic de Trois-Fontaines 75

Alberic II 278

Alberic of Lombardy 246

Albigensian Crusade

   Béziers 46, 4652, 49

   Carcassonne 37, 50, 529, 56, 57

   end of 623

   loot, land and power 602

   medieval warfare 545

   preparations for 436

Alexander VI (1492–1503) 125, 145

   awaiting the papacy 12730

   coronation 136

   death of 1524, 153

   election 1306

   family 13643

   favourite son 1438

   naked revels 1502

Alfonso of Aragon 1413, 143

Alhambra Decree 122

Amaury, Bishop 45

   battle madness 48, 501

   Carcassonne 529

   character of 445

   death of 62

   fortunes made 60

anathema 50

Antapodosis 23

Antonelli, Giacomo 194, 194, 201, 21214, 213

Aristotle 160

Armstrong, Maitland 208

Arnald, William 756, 79, 80

Arnulf 1112

Assayer, The 16970

Assumption of Mary 189

astronomy 15966, 170

Augustine of Hippo, Saint 96, 96

Austria 185, 1935

Austro-Prussian War 193, 1945

Autier brothers 90

auto de fé 120

Avignonet 80, 85

Babin, Guillemette 116

ballistas 545

Barberini, Maffeo 162, 164, 169, 1778

battle equipment 545

battle madness 48

Bavaria 2278

Bechada, Gregory 49

Bélibaste, Guillaume 93

Bellarmine, Robert 164, 1646

Benedict IV (900–903) 23

Benedict V (964) 10

Benedict IX (1033–1044) 9, 13

Benedict XV (1914–1922) 207, 21822

Bernard of Clairvaux 39

Bernini, Gian Lorenzo 167

Berruguete, Pedro 42

Betto, Bernardino di 144

Béziers 46, 4652, 49

Bismarck, Otto von 201, 203

Black Friars see Dominican Order Blanche of Castile 76, 79

Bodin, Jean 115, 11618

Bohemia 235

Boniface VI (896) 10

Boniface VIII (1294–1303) 35, 35, 93

Borgia, Cesare as cardinal 136, 139

   end of 154

   family of 1367

   legitimized 139

   murder of brother-in-law 1413

   murder suspect 1489

   succeds Juan 14950

Borgia, Jofre 1367, 141

Borgia, Juan 1438, 147, 147

Borgia, Laura 137

Borgia, Lucretia 143, 144, 150

   divorce 1413

   end of 154

   marriages 137, 141

Borgia, Pedro Luis 127

Borgia, Rodrigo see Alexander VI Borja, Alonso de 1257

Boursier, Madame 68

Bruno, Giordano 166, 166

Burchard, Johann 148, 153

Cadaver Synod 10, 1518

Cadorna, Raffaele 208

Calixtus III (1455–1458) 1257

Canso d’Antioca 49

Carcassonne 50, 56

   attack on 37, 536, 57

   end of 569

   rebellion 83

   war preparations 523

Castel Gandolfo 242, 244

Castel Sant’Angelo 29

Castelfidardo, Battle of 189

Cathars see also Inquisition

   Albigensian Crusade 4352

   Béziers 46, 4652, 49

   Carcassonne 37, 529

   Dominican Order 412

   end of 92

   heresy 378

   local diffiuculties 3841

   murder of Pierre de Castelnau 426

   Perfects 45, 67, 7983

Catholic Popular Party 220

Catholicism, Catharism and 39

cats 98100

Celestine IV (1241) 83

Celestine V (1294) 35

censorship 107, 182

Charles II of Spain 120

Charles the Bald 12

Chateau Comtal 59

Chicherin, Georgi 230, 230

Christina of Tuscany 165, 165

Christopher (antipope) 19

civil rights 182, 184, 1989

Clement V (1305–1314) 1013

Clement VIII (1592–1605) 126

Clement XII (1730–1740) 178

Communards 214

communism 2202

Constantinople 127

Copernicans, Church versus 158

Copernicus, Nikolaus 1578, 1634

Council of Lyons 88

Counter-Reformation 159

Crescentius, Bishop 324

crusades see also Albigensian Crusade;

   Béziers; Carcassonne end of 623

d’Albray, Charlotte 14950

Defence, HMS 203

della Rovere, Giuiliani 154

demonic possession 34

La Démonomanie des Sorciers 117

Deputy, The 226

Derneburg Castle 108

d’Este, Alfonso 143

di Cordova, Gonsalvo 146, 146

Dialogo Dei Massimi Sistemi 168, 169, 1706

diplomacy 195

Domenichino, Zampieri 138

Dominic de Guzman 41, 67, 67

Dominican Order 412, 67

Dupanloup, Félix 201

Einstein, Albert 250

elections 220

Elisabeth of Thuringia 73, 73

Eugene III (1145–1153) 39

excommunication 41, 47, 50, 190

exorcism 34

Farnese, Giulia 137, 138, 140

Fascism 2202

Ferdinand of Aragon 120, 123

Ferdinand of Germany 119

Filippo Doria Pamphili, Prince 246

First Crusade 49, 102

Fleury, Joseph-Nicolas Robert- 171

Formosus (891–896) 11, 1118, 15, 20

Foscarini, Paolo Antonio 164

Franciscan Order 38

Franco-Prussian War 2001, 204

Frank, Karl Hermann 235, 235

Franz Joseph I of Austria 208

Frederick II, King of Germany 76, 88

French policing 1903, 194, 195, 199

French Revolution 1814

Freppel, Charles-Émile 201

Galilei, Galileo 157, 161

   in Arceti 16670

   confession 1757

   death of 178

   fact as fiction 168, 1702

   found guilty 1778

   letters 165

   Messenger of the Stars, The 1626

   scientific discoveries 15962

   on trial 171, 1725

   in Venice 1589

Garibaldi, Giuseppe 1903, 193, 195, 196, 200

Gaspari, Pietro 220

Gladstone, William 203

Golairan, William-Raymond 80

government 1845, 185

Great Schism 76

Gregorovius, Ferdinand 201

Gregory VI (1045–1046) 13

Gregory IX (1227–1241) 63, 69

   credulity 98100

   death of 83

   Decretals 74

   fighting back 79

   formidable foe 768

   guile of 746

   Inquisition returns 63, 70

   Omnipotentis Dei 118

   Robert le Bougre 75

   witchcraft 978

Gregory XIII (1572–1585) 163

Gregory XV (1621–1623) 121

Gregory XVI (1831–1846) 181

Gros, Raymond 79

Grottaferrata 13

Guido of Lucca 26

gunpowder 55

Guy of Spoleto 20

Heinrich II of Sayn 73

Helena, Saint 210

heliocentric theory 1578, 166

Henri de Marcy 38, 401

heresy 37 see also crusades; Inquisition; witchcraft Hermann IV of Hesse 11315

Heydrich, Reinhardt 226, 235

History of the Inquisition 98

Hitler, Adolf

   faithless Führer 2326

   kidnap plot 2389

   malevolent intentions 23640

Hochhuth, Rolf 226

Hollweg, Theobald Bethmann- 227, 227

Holy Stairs see Sancta Scala Hound of Hitler, The 250

House of Spoleto 11

Hugh de Arcis 90

Hugh of Provence 24, 26

Humani Generis Unitas 237

Index of Prohibited Books 107, 182

indulgences 127, 159

Ingoli, Francesco 171

Innocent III (1198–1216) 37

   Albigensian Crusade 43

   excommunication of Cathars 40

   Fourth Lateran Council 59

   heresy a crime 37

   heretics persecuted 412

   Inquisition 63

   loot, land and power 602

   Primitive Rule 38

Innocent IV (1243–1254)

   Frederick II excommunicated 88

   insecurity of 84

   torture becomes official 92, 100, 100

Innocent VIII (1484–1492) 108, 108, 119

Inquisition see also witchcraft

   attack on 713

   Avignonet 80

   dead heretics 70

   deceiving the inquisitors 7983

   extreme measures 656

   fighting back 79

   Gregory’s guile 746

inquisitors 67, 70

interrogations 704

   Madame Boursier 68

   no quarter given 6670

   rebellion 838

   return of 63

Inquisitor General 11617

interdict 47

Islam 24, 26, 37

Italian National Committee of Liberation 244

Italian Republic 185


   papacy avoiding the issue in WWII 2435

   help for in WWII 2449

   Nazi intentions 237

   Nazi retaliations 2401

   Pope’s strategy in WWII 2403

   Spanish Inquisition 122

John, King of England 47, 60

John Petrus 267

John VIII (872–882) 10, 10, 12, 14

John X (914–928) 23, 247

John XI (931–935) 19, 22, 27, 29

John XII (955–964) 2932, 34

John XV (985–996) 32

John XXII (1316–1334) 118, 119

John XXIII (1958–1963) 249

John Paul II (1978–2005) 178

Juanes, Juan de 125

Julius II (1503–1513) 154

Kappler, Herbert 246, 2469

Kepler, Johannes 168, 168

Knights Hospitaller 102

Knights of the Holy Sepulchre 102

Knights Templar 1013, 103

Konrad von Marburg 723, 978

Kramer, Heinrich 10813, 11415

Kristallnacht 237, 240

La Mansenée, Desle 11617

Lambert 11, 20

Lando I (913–914) 23

Lanza, Giovanni 203, 205

Lateran Treaty 220, 222, 223

Laurens, Jean Paul 76

Lavaur 83

Le Broussart, Pierre 1067

Leaning Tower of Pisa 160

Lees-Milne, James 2267

Leo V (903) 19

Leo VI (928) 26, 27

Leo VIII (963–965) 32, 32

Leo XIII (1878–1903) 207, 21617

Leonardo da Vinci 149

Leonine City 203, 212

liberal constitutions 18690

Lidice 235

limbo 178

Limboch, Philip 98

Liutprand of Cremona 23

Loubet, Émile 217

Louis IX 62, 85

Louis XII of France 150

Luna, Maria Enriquez de 144

Luther, Martin 159

Machiavelli, Niccolò 151, 151

Madonna Oriente 117

Malleus Maleficarum 10812, 115

Manicheans 96

Manning, Henry Edward 203

Marinus I (882–884) 14


   character of 20

   death of 324

   imprisonment 279

   islands of decadence 22, 22, 23

   Petrus murder 267

   revenge of 246

   Sergius III and 19

Martin V (1417–1431) 126

Maximilian I of Germany 119

Mazzini, Giuseppe 190

Mentana, Battle of 200

Messenger of the Stars, The 1626, 174

Milton, John 177

mining 55, 55

Minnike, Heinrich 73

Miracle of the Books 39, 42

Mit Brennender Sorge 232, 2346

modernity 1812, 1989

oath against 217

monastic life 38, 87

Montini, Giovanni 243, 249


   burning grounds 65, 92

   defence of 8893

   fortress 67, 83, 85

   inaccessibility 858

Muslims 24, 26, 37

Mussolini, Benito 219, 2202, 221, 222

Napoleon III 190, 1957, 199200, 204


   Concordat 22932

   faithless Führer 2326

   malevolent intentions 23640

   O’Flaherty and 2449

   retaliations 2401

   view of Pius XII 2267

   wartime atrocities 235, 236

nepotism 17

Two New Sciences 178

Niccolini, Francesco 172, 177, 178

Nicholas V (1447–1455) 126

Nuremberg Trials 23740

Oath against Modernism 217

O’Flaherty, Hugh 245, 2459

Omnipotentis Dei 118

onager 545

Oradour-sur-Glane 235, 236

Orisini family 1456

Orte, Battle of 26

Otto I of Saxony 32

Ottoman Empire 127

Pacelli, Eugenio see Pius XII pagan beliefs 97

Palazzini, Pietro 250

papal bulls 98

papal infallibility 182, 189, 199201

papal legates 190

papal nuncio 195

Papal Pornocracy 9, 204, 324

Papal States 189

Paul III (1534–1549) 1578, 158, 163

Paul VI (1963–1978) 243, 249

Pelhisson, Graham 72

Peter of Verona 81

Philip II Augustus 62

Philip IV of France 35, 95, 101

Piccolomini, Enea Silvio 126

Pierre de Castelnau 413, 44

Pierre-Roger de Mirefoix 88, 90

Pisa 160

Pius II (1458–1464) 126

Pius IX (1846–1878)

   armed guard 1856

   Austrians hold off 2078

   death of 21416

   demonstrations against 186

   excommunicates king 18990

   Franco-Prussian War 2001

   inauguration 197

   Italian army attacks 210

   liberal constitutions 18690

   liberalism 1812, 184

   never give in 21214

   no negotiations 2035

   no religious freedom 1989

   optimism 1935

   optimism dashed 1945

   panic 195

   papal infallibility 181, 182, 189, 199201, 201, 203

   prisoner of the Vatican 205

   remorseless change 1825

   non-revolution 1958

   right-hand man 194

   support for 2013

   Syllabus of Errors 1989

Pius X (1903–1914) 21718

Pius XI (1922–1939) 222, 2223, 223, 237

Pius XII (1939–1958) 225

   as cardinal 22836, 229, 232

   death of 251

   debates about 2257, 234, 250

   difficult strategy 2413

   helps Jews 2435, 24950

   kidnap plot 238, 2389

   Nazi atrocities 23641

   as papal nuncio 2278

   as pope 233

   Soviets and 230


   Alexander VI (1492–1503) 125, 12754, 145, 153

   Benedict IV (900–903) 23

   Benedict V (964) 10

   Benedict IX (1033–1044) 9, 13

   Benedict XV (1914–1922) 207, 21822

   Boniface VI (896) 10

   Boniface VIII (1294–1303) 35, 35, 93

   Calixtus III (1455–1458) 1257

   Celestine IV (1241) 83

   Celestine V (1294) 35

   Clement VIII (1592–1605) 126

   Clement XII (1730–1740) 178

   Eugene III (1145–1153) 39

   Formosus (891–896) 11, 1118, 15, 20

   Gregory VI (1045–1046) 13

   Gregory IX (1227–1241) 63, 63, 69, 70, 74, 75, 749, 83, 97100, 118

   Gregory XIII (1572–1585) 163

   Gregory XV (1621–1623) 121

   Gregory XVI (1831–1846) 181

   Innocent III (1198–1216) 37, 37, 38, 40, 413, 59, 603

   Innocent IV (1243–1254) 84, 88, 92, 100, 100

   Innocent VIII (1484–1492) 108, 108, 119

   John VIII (872–882) 10, 10, 12, 14

   John X (914–928) 23, 247

   John XI (931–935) 19, 22, 27, 29

   John XII (955–964) 2932, 34

   John XV (985–996) 32

   John XXII (1316–1334) 118, 119

   John XXIII (1958–1963) 249

   John Paul II (1978–2005) 178

   Julius II (1503–1513) 154

   Lando I (913–914) 23

   Leo V (903) 19

   Leo VI (928) 26, 27

   Leo VIII (963–965) 32, 32

   Leo XIII (1878–1903) 207, 21617

   Marinus I (882–884) 14

   Martin V (1417–1431) 126

   Nicholas V (1447–1455) 126

   Paul III (1534–1549) 1578, 158, 163

   Paul VI (1963–1978) 243, 249

   Pius II (1458–1464) 126

   Pius IX (1846–1878) 181, 182, 184, 186, 18190, 197, 194205, 203, 2078, 210, 21216

   Pius X (1903–1914) 21718

   Pius XI (1922–1939) 222, 2223, 223, 237

   Pius XII (1939–1958) 225, 22536, 229, 232, 233, 23645, 238, 24950, 251

   Romanus (897) 18

   Sergius III (904–911) 19, 19, 20, 24

   Sixtus IV (1471–1484) 119, 120

   Sixtus V (1585–1590) 210

   Stephen VII (928–931) 10, 11, 15, 1518, 20

   Stephen VIII (939–942) 27

   Stephen IX (1057–1058) 10

   Theodore II (897) 18, 1820

   Urban VIII (1623–1644) 16970, 1725, 178

   Victor III (1086–1087) 13

Prince, The 151

prisoners of war 245

Prohibited Books 107, 182

Protestantism, Catholicism versus 159

Ptolemy 170, 170, 172

purgatory 178

Quanta Cura 198

Quéribus 88, 90, 92

railways 1812

Ratti, Achille 222

Raymond Roger III de Trencavel 512, 569

Raymond Roger IV de Trencavel 59, 835

Raymond V of Toulouse 38

Raymond VI of Toulouse 424, 43, 52, 62, 623

Raymond VII of Toulouse 756, 79, 835, 92

Reformation 159

Reichskonkordat 22932

Reichstag 231

religious freedom 1989

Renaissance 117

revolution 1814

De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium 1578, 163, 166

Risorgimento 18894

Rizi, Francisco 120

Robert le Bougre 75

Roc de la Tour 90

Roger II de Trencavel 38, 40

Roger, Peter 80

Romanus (897) 18


   as capital 201

   French policing 185, 1903, 195, 199

   Italian army attacks 208, 20812

   liberation 249

   March on Rome 222

   no negotiations 2035

   spontaneous unrest 203

   support for Pius IX 2013

   unification and 18993

   World War II 239, 240, 241, 244

Roncalli, Angelo 249

Rossi, Pellegrino 1826, 185

Rule of the Harlots 9, 204, 324

Russell, Odo 194, 197, 198

Russian Revolution 219

Sancta Scala (Holy Stairs) 210

Saracens 24, 26

Sardinia 1878

Savelli, Silvio 1512

The Scarlet and the Black (Film) 245

Second War of Italian Independence 191

Seila, Peter 756, 79

self-flagellation 67

September Convention 1903, 194, 195

Sergius III (904–911) 19, 19, 20, 24

Sforza, Giovanni 141

siege towers 54

siege warfare 545

Simon de Montfort IV 5960, 60

Simon Magus 17

simony 17

Sixtus IV (1471–1484) 119, 120

Sixtus V (1585–1590) 210

Socialist Party 220

Soler, Guillaume de 79

Song of the Cathar Wars 45

Soviet Union 230

Spanish Inquisition 1203

Spartacist revolutionaries 227, 228

Sprenger, James 10813, 11415

St Nazaire Cathedral 53

Stephen of St Thibéry 79, 80

Stephen VII (928–931) 10, 11, 15, 1518, 20

Stephen VIII (939–942) 27

Stephen IX (1057–1058) 10

strappado 98, 99

supernova 161

Syllabus of Errors 1989

Taylor, Myron 243

telescopes 159

Tetzel, Peter 159

Theodora 20, 234, 26

Theodora (the younger) 23

Theodore II (897) 18, 1820

Titian 145

Tittmann, Harold H. 242

Tocqueville, Alexis de 184

Torquemada, Tomas de 1223


   becomes official 92, 100, 100

   exclusions 92

   false clemency 11517

   instruments 68, 98, 105, 110, 113, 114

   tariff of 11315

Toulouse 60, 62

Treaty of Paris 62, 65

Umberto I 21617, 217

unification 18894

Urban VIII (1623–1644) 16970, 1725, 178

vasi 55

Vatican City 220

Vendôme column 214

Veneziano, Bartolomeo 143

Victor III (1086–1087) 13

Vigoros de Bacone 75

Visconti-Venosta, Emilio 203, 212

Vittorio Emanuele II

   becomes king 188, 18890

   death of 21416

   diplomacy 208

   excommunication 190

   Garibaldi and 1903

   Italian army attacks 210

   panic in the Vatican 195

   pledges independence 204

Vittorio Emanuele III 21718, 218, 221

Voltaire 45

Wannsee Conference 242

warfare 545

Weizsäcker, Ernst von 237, 239

white magic 1037

Wilhelm I of Prussia 201

William of Tudela 48


   backlash 1078

   beliefs 11013

   deluded victims 967

   First Inquisition 97100

   history of 95

Knights Templar 1013

loopholes 10810

white magic 1037

The Witches Hammer 10812, 115

Witches’ Sabbath 112

Wladyslaw II Jagiello of Poland 96, 96

Wolff, Karl Otto 2389, 239

World War I 218, 227, 228

World War II 224251 see also Nazis

Zolli, Israel 250, 250