Table of Contents

How to Use This eBook


Methodology: An Introductory Essay

General Bibliography



David W. Baker

Heading (1:1)

Courtroom Summons (1:2–31)

The Last Days for the Lord’s Mountain (2:1–22)

Judgment on Jerusalem, Judah, and Their Women (3:1–4:1)

The Branch of Yahweh (4:2–6)

Allegory of the Vineyard (5:1–7)

Woes and Judgments against Oppressors (5:8–30)

Isaiah’s Commission and Message (6:1–13)

Isaiah and Ahaz (7:1–9)

Immanuel’s Sign (7:10–25)

Assyria Is Coming (8:1–10)

Wait for God (8:11–22)

A Child Is Born (9:1–7)

Condemnation of Israel’s Sinful Pride (9:8–10:4)

Condemnation of Assyria’s Sinful Pride (10:5–19)

A Returning Remnant (10:20–34)

Oracle of the Coming Ideal King (11:1–16)

A Praise Hymn (12:1–6)

An Oracle against Babylon (13:1–22)

Babylon Taunted (14:1–23)

Oracle against Assyria (14:24–27)

Oracle against Philistia (14:28–32)

Oracle against Moab (15:1–16:14)

Oracle against Damascus (17:1–14)

Oracle against Cush (18:1–7)

Oracle against Egypt (19:1–25)

Blessings for Egypt, Assyria, and Israel (19:16–25)

Prophetic Signs for Egypt and Cush (20:1–5)

Babylon’s Doom (21:1–10)

Prophecies against Edom and Arabia (21:11–17)

Oracle against Jerusalem (22:1–25)

Oracle against Tyre (23:1–18)

Judging the Earth (24:1–23)

God’s Blessing on Zion (25:1–12)

Judah’s Salvation Song (26:1–21)

Israel’s Restoration (27:1–13)

Drunken Ephraim (28:1–13)

Jerusalem’s Covenant with Death (28:14–29)

Siege of Ariel (29:1–10)

Vision of Restoration (29:11–24)

Woe to the Obstinate (30:1–5)

Oracle against Animals of the Negev (30:6–14)

Grace Offered to Zion (30:15–26)

Judgment on Assyria (30:27–33)

Woe to Those Turning to Egypt (31:1–9)

Righteous Rule (32:1–8)

Warning to Women (32:9–20)

Promised Help in Distress (33:1–24)

All Nations Judged (34:1–17)

Bursting Joy (35:1–10)

Assyria Besieges Jerusalem (36:1–22)

Prophecy of Deliverance (37:1–13)

Hezekiah’s Prayer and God’s Response (37:14–38)

Hezekiah’s Illness and Extension of Life (38:1–22)

Babylonian Envoys (39:1–8)

Yahweh Returns to Jerusalem (40)

God’s Accusations (41:1–29)

Yahweh Works through His Servant, Blind and Deaf Israel (42:1–25)

God the Merciful Creator (43:1–14)

Rebuffing God’s Mercy (43:15–28)

The Lord’s Servant (44:1–5)

Rejecting Idols (44:6–23)

Restored Jerusalem (44:24–28)

Cyrus, a Messiah (45:1–25)

Babylon’s Gods vs. Israel’s God (46:1–13)

Babylon’s Abasement (47:1–15)

Stubborn Israel Accused (48:1–11)

God’s Call of Love (48:12–22)

The Servant of the Lord (49:1–7)

Israel Restored (49:8–26)

Sin and Obedience (50:1–11)

Zion’s Comfort (51:1–16)

Drunk on God’s Wrath (51:17–23)

Zion’s Enthronement (52:1–12)

God’s Servant Suffers (52:13–53:12)

Barren Zion Vindicated (54)

Compassion for the Oppressed (55:1–13)

Outsiders Made Insiders (56:1–8)

Accusing the Wicked (56:9–57:13)

The Contrite Revived (57:14–21)

Fasting: The Good and the Bad (58:1–14)

Sin, Separation, and Redemption (59:1–21)

Jerusalem’s Glory Restored (60:1–22)

God’s Good Favor (61:1–11)

Zion’s Coming Salvation (62:1–12)

God’s Angry Vengeance (63:1–6)

Prayer for God’s Love and Mercy (63:7–64:12)

Dispensing Judgment and Salvation (65:1–16)

Heaven and Earth Renewed (65:17–25)

God Repays Good and Ill (66:1–6)

Mother Zion Rejoices (66:7–14)

Judgment and Hope (66:15–24)

Picture Index

The New International Version Appendix