Preface. Formula for an Icon: Marie Curie (1867–1934)
Part One: School of Physics and Chemistry, 42 Rue Lhomond, Paris
Chapter 3. MADAME CURIE (Tungsten and Molybdenum)
Chapter 6. EUGÉNIE (Radiotellurium)
Part Two: Sorbonne Annex, 12 Rue Cuvier
Chapter 7. HARRIET (Emanation)
Chapter 8. ELLEN (Copper and Lithium)
Chapter 12. JADWIGA and IRÉN (Gold)
Chapter 14. SUZANNE (Platinum and Iridium)
Part Three: The Radium Institute: Curie Laboratory, 1 Rue Pierre-Curie
Chapter 18. MADELEINE (Radioneon)
Chapter 21. CATHERINE (Mesothorium)
Part Four: Large-Scale Production Facility, Arcueil
Chapter 24. ÉLIANE (Polonium bis)
Chapter 26. ISABELLE and ANTONIA (Thallium)
Chapter 29. MARIE-HENRIETTE, MARIETTA, et al. (Aluminum)
Chapter 30. ÈVE (Radiophosphorus)