Digitally colorized scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the mouse small intestine (ileum), with villi in blue and Peyer’s patches in green.
After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
The power of poop: “Eating poop pills can make you thinner!” “Probiotics: A diabetes cure?” “Parasitic worms may prevent Crohn’s disease.” Are any of these headlines based on fact? Can poop really benefit our health? Although healthy skepticism is critical, some of these claims, indeed, are supported by experimental evidence. And all are based on a relatively new understanding of our relationship with the vast community of microbes that live with us, on us, and in us. More specifically, they are based on our understanding of the dialog between our immune system and the microbes that live on the epithelial surfaces of our barrier organs—our intestinal, respiratory, and reproductive tracts, as well as our skin, all of which provide a boundary between the external world and our internal environment (Overview Figure 13-1). This chapter provides readers with a foundation not only to interpret the literature in this relatively new field of barrier immunity, but also to evaluate claims and coverage in the news.
Although introductory immunology courses have traditionally focused on cellular development and interactions in primary and secondary immune organs, a vast number of immune cells not only populate but also initiate immune responses at our body surfaces. In fact, the intestine alone harbors more immune cells than any other tissue, including 50 billion lymphocytes. We now recognize that our relationship with the microbes that inhabit our surfaces fundamentally influences our susceptibility and resistance to asthma, autoimmunity, cancer, and even mood and neurological disorders. The barrier immune systems mediate our relationship with microbes and are charged with both cultivating harmonious interactions with benign microbes and responding aggressively to harmful microbes.
The biologists Scott Gilbert and Jan Sapp and the philosopher Alfred Tauber recently reminded us that “we have never been individuals.”1 Instead, we are better understood as superorganisms or “holobionts.” For example, approximately 40 trillion bacteria share our human bodies, which consist of about 30 trillion cells. Viruses, fungi, and worms are also important members of the community of organisms that co-exist in a healthy human body.
1 Gilbert, S. F., J. Sapp, and A. I. Tauber. 2012. A symbiotic view of life: we have never been individuals. The Quarterly Review of Biology 87:325.
In this chapter, we begin by introducing common characteristics of barrier immune systems. Focusing primarily on the intestinal immune system, where our knowledge is most advanced, we introduce the cells, molecules, and microenvironments that help barrier immune communities maintain healthy relationships with our microbiome as well as respond to invasion.
We investigate the reciprocal relationship between the microbiome and the barrier immune system, which are in an authentic dialog, responding to and tuning each other during development and throughout our life span. We also touch on the surprising influence barrier immune responses have on distal organ function and systemic immunity.
The focus on intestinal immunity establishes a framework for our exploration of immune systems in other barrier organs, including the skin and respiratory tract. These barrier immune systems share many features, yet also have unique strategies that reveal the breadth and flexibility of our immune system.
Finally, we describe advances in our understanding of the relationship between barrier immunity and inflammatory disease associated with the intestine and skin. We also include three boxes, the first of which provides an overview of the many innate and adaptive immune cells that participate in barrier immunity. Next, a Clinical Focus box discusses the intriguing relationship between the intestinal response to the microbiome and brain activity—a two-way communication that may influence mood disorders, as well as susceptibilities to other neurological disorders, including schizophrenia. Last, an Advances box describes one of the first observations that differences in animals’ immune responses can be attributed to differences in their microbiomes.