Foreword, by Al Letizio Jr.

Foreword, by Rick Holmes

1. A Look at Windham

2. The Founding of Windham

3. The Shipwreck of the Catherine

4. The Great Merino Sheep Craze

5. The “Rustic Bard”

6. The Mysterious Death of Reverend Simon-Finley Williams

7. Building North Lowell Road

8. Butterfield’s Boulder

9. The Railroad Comes to Windham

10. The Man Who Saved Windham’s History

11. Wallace Fessenden

12. Case of the Discounted Railroad Ticket

13. Lamson’s Farm

14. A Day at Granite State Grove

15. Edward Francis Searles

16. Cobbett’s Pond

17. Chick Austin’s Playhouse

18. Greetings from Windham

19. Robbery!

20. How Windham has Celebrated Its History


About the Author