- accessing
- Google Play library, 288
- non-Gmail accounts with Gmail, 103–105
- SD cards, 315–316
- Settings menu, 42–43
- the Shelf, 18–19
- video files, 320
- YouTube, 332
- Add Calendar Item (Outlook), 259
- Add Your Music option (Google Play Music app), 288
- adding
- application icons to Shelf, 21–23
- background texture in Google Slides, 219–220
- calendars in Google Calendar, 109–111
- columns in Google Sheets, 192–193
- contacts in Google Contacts, 354
- contacts in Outlook Contacts, 260–261
- contacts in Skype, 351–352
- external storage, 126–127
- fonts in Google Docs, 155
- fonts in Google Slides, 228–229
- formulas to calculate values in cells, 199–201
- images to presentations in Google Slides, 234–235
- items to Outlook Calendar, 259
- mathematical formulas in Google Sheets, 198–199
- music to playlists in Google Play Music app, 294
- rows in Google Sheets, 192–193
- text boxes in Google Slides, 222–223
- themes in Gmail, 92
- users, 394–397
- Add-Ons option, 143, 213
- adjusting
- alignment in Google Sheets, 189–190
- alignment in Google Slides, 232–233
- background color/image in Google Slides, 219–220
- color of text in Gmail, 95
- default view in Google Calendar, 108
- font in Google Sheets, 184–186
- font in Google Slides, 227–228
- fonts in Google Docs, 152–155
- keyboard language, 65–67
- position of Shelf, 384–385
- screen resolution, 377–379
- scroll directions, 70
- text alignment, 158–159
- touchpad click settings, 69–70
- touchpad speed, 697
- view in Google Docs, 144–146
- volume, 324, 331, 334–335
- wallpaper, 376–377
- Adobe Reader, 276–278
- agreeing to Terms of Service, 13
- aligning/alignment
- changing in Google Sheets, 189–190
- changing in Google Slides, 232–233
- text in Google Docs, 158–159
- text in Google Slides, 232–233
- Alt key, 56
- Amazon Kindle, 368–371
- Amazon Music, 301–302
- Android phones, transferring video from, 325–326
- Angry Birds app, 446–447
- Apple iCloud. See iCloud
- Apple Music, 302–303
- Applications menu
- applying
- boldface, italics, strikethrough and underline in Google Sheets, 188
- boldface, italics, strikethrough and underline in Google Slides, 230
- boldface, italics and underline in Gmail, 95
- boldface in Google Docs, 157
- default layouts in Google Slides, 222
- highlighting in Google Slides, 231–232
- themes in Google Slides, 220–221
- apps (applications). See also specific apps
- about, 73
- adding icons to shelf, 21–23
- finding out what's installed, 84
- finding with Chrome Web Store, 80–81
- installing from Google Play store, 82
- launching, 81
- launching in your Shelf, 441
- managing installed, 83–84
- pre-installed, 74–80
- recommended, 445–449
- removing, 84
- setting up shortcuts, 21–23
- shortcut icons, 18
- updating, 83
- Arrange option, Applications menu (Google Slides), 213
- attaching files in Gmail, 96
- audio calls, on Google Hangouts app, 339–340
- Australian scrolling, 70
- Autofill feature (Google Sheets), 182–183
- AVERAGE function, 201
- AVG Online Security, 412
- Back button, 40
- Back key, 55
- backgrounds, 219–220
- backing up data, 430, 454–455
- Backspace key, 443
- barrel roll, 441
- battery, 423–425, 437
- Battery icon, 18
- blank spaces, in Google Docs, 149
- Bluetooth devices, connecting, 386–388
- Bluetooth keyboard/mouse, 71–72
- Bluetooth option, 24
- Body field (Gmail), 94
- Bold button, 156
- boldface
- applying in Gmail, 95
- applying in Google Docs, 155, 156, 157
- applying in Google Sheets, 188
- applying in Google Slides, 230
- bookmark bar, 40–42
- Bookmark Manager, 44
- bookmarks, 44–45, 363–364
- Brighten key, 55
- Brightness option, 25
- browsers. See also Chrome browser
- troubleshooting, 420–423
- using other, 51–52
- viewing tasks, 442
- browsing history, erasing, 47–48
- Calendar app. See Google Calendar app
- calendars. See Google Calendar app
- call screening (Google Voice), 349
- Camera app
- about, 305
- creating video, 320
- deleting photos, 313–314
- editing photos, 316–317
- navigating, 306–307
- sharing photos, 312–313
- taking pictures, 307–309
- timer, 307–309
- viewing photos, 309–312, 316–317
- Cast option, 24
- casting, 331–332, 335
- cells
- adding formulas to calculate values in, 199–201
- grouping in Google Sheets, 197–198
- merging in Google Sheets, 195
- wrapping text in Google Sheets, 190
- center alignment, 158, 232
- chatting. See Google Hangouts app
- Cheat Sheet (website), 4
- checking for updates, 410–411
- child folders, 122
- Chrome browser
- about, 37
- controlling, 42–49
- customizing, 42–49
- navigating, 38–42
- storing passwords in, 404–405
- viewing tasks, 442
- Chrome Web Store, finding apps with, 80–81
- Chrome window, 38–3931
- Chromebook. See also specific topics
- about, 1–2, 8–9
- choosing, 10
- setting up, 10–13
- transitioning to a, 15–16
- using as a guest, 14–15
- Chromebook Pixel, 8
- Chromebook shelf. See shelf
- Chromeboxes, 9
- clearing
- color in Google Slides, 220
- formatting in Google Docs, 159–160
- formatting in Google Sheets, 190–191
- formatting in Google Slides, 233
- click and drag, 22
- click settings, adjusting, 69–70
- Clipboard, 180
- Clock icon, 18
- Close button, 39
- closing
- Chrome window, 39
- Launcher, 21
- notifications, 389
- tabs, 40
- cloud printing, 30–36
- collaborating
- with Google Docs, 163–165
- with Google Drive, 135–137
- with Google Sheets, 205–206
- with Google Slides, 245–246
- with OneDrive, 269
- color
- changing of text in Gmail, 95
- clearing in Google Slides, 220
- font, 156
- coloring
- data in Google Sheets, 188–189
- text in Google Docs, 158
- text in Google Slides, 231–232
- columns
- adding in Google Sheets, 192–193
- hiding in Google Sheets, 194–195
- resizing in Google Sheets, 193–194
- Comma-separated values file format, 204
- Complete browsing history, 47
- Compose New Message (Outlook), 255
- Computers option (Google Drive), 129
- configuring
- calendars in Google Calendar, 109–111
- keyboard settings, 61–67
- touchpad, 390–391
- connecting
- Bluetooth devices, 386–388
- Gmail account to Outlook, 256–257
- to Internet, 12
- keyboard, 71–72
- mouse, 71–72
- contacts
- adding in Google Contacts, 354
- adding in Skype, 351–352
- editing in Google Contacts, 354–356
- viewing in Google Contacts, 354–356
- conversions, performing, 443
- convertible screens, 434
- copying and pasting
- data in Google Sheets, 179–181
- text boxes in Google Slides, 226–227
- text in Google Docs, 149–151
- cores, processor, 435
- COUNT function, 201
- creating
- bookmarks, 40–41
- email signatures, 97–98
- events in Google Calendar, 111–114
- folders, 122–123
- Gmail accounts, 86–87
- Google accounts, 14
- Google Drive account, 127–128
- playlists in Google Play Music app, 293–297
- premium accounts in Google Play Music app, 286–287
- presentations, 210–212
- recovery drive, 427–429
- standard accounts in Google Play Music app, 283–285
- video, 320
- cropping images in Google Slides, 238–240
- Ctrl key, 56
- customizing
- Chrome browser, 42–49
- display settings, 375–384
- Shelf, 384–385
- spreadsheets in Google Sheets, 191–195
- touchpad settings, 68–70
- view in Gmail, 90–92, 97
- view in Google Calendar, 108–109
- view in Google Play Books, 363
- view in Google Sheets, 174–176
- view in Google Slides, 217–218
- cutting and pasting
- data in Google Sheets, 181–182
- text in Google Docs, 151–152
- CyberGhost VPN, 410
- dashcams, transferring video from, 326
- Dashlane, 403, 453
- data
- backing up, 430, 454–455
- coloring in Google Sheets, 188–189
- copying and pasting in Google Sheets, 179–181
- cutting and pasting in Google Sheets, 181–182
- formatting in Google Sheets, 183–191
- styling in Google Sheets, 186–189
- Data option, Applications menu (Google Sheets), 171
- Day view (Google Calendar), 108
- Day/Week/Month view (Outlook), 259
- default view, changing in Google Calendar, 108
- defining words, 364–365
- Delete key, 443
- deleting
- bookmarks, 45
- browsing history, 47–48
- characters, 443
- columns in Google Sheets, 193
- events in Google Calendar, 114
- files, 125
- folders, 125
- photos in Camera app, 313–314
- rows in Google Sheets, 193
- slides in Google Slides, 215–216
- text boxes in Google Slides, 224
- text in Google Docs, 148
- users, 394–397
- de-maximizing windows, 39
- desktop
- about, 17
- accessing the shelf, 18–19
- Launcher, 20
- multitasking, 26–27
- setting up app shortcuts, 21–23
- status area, 18, 23–25
- window controls, 25
- devices, turning on, 11
- Device-specific history, 46–47
- digital cameras, transferring photos from, 315–316
- Dim key, 55
- direct connect printing, 28–29
- directories, uploading in OneDrive, 252–253
- disabling function keys, 64
- disconnecting Bluetooth devices, 387
- displays
- customizing settings, 375–384
- external, 380–384
- Night Light feature, 379–380
- running additional, 242–243
- Do Not Track feature, 423
- documents
- editing with Pages, 274
- exporting from Google Docs, 162–163
- exporting from Google Sheets, 204–205
- moving around, 146–149
- naming in Google Docs, 160–161
- naming in Google Sheets, 202–203
- permissions for, 164
- saving in Google Docs, 160–163
- saving in Google Sheets, 202–205
- sharing, 136–137, 163–165
- Documents folder (OneDrive), 252
- Download Manager, 46
- downloading
- managing, 45–47
- PowerPoint, 267
- Word app, 263–264
- Downloads folder, 120
- Drafts (Gmail), 89
- drag-and-drop method, 22
- Drive app. See Google Drive app
- Dropbox (website), 76
- DuckDuckGo privacy web browser, 52
- Dummies (website), 4
- Duo app. See Google Duo app
- Duration (Outlook), 259
- eBooks, 357. See also Google Play Books app
- Edit option
- Applications menu (Google Sheets), 171
- Applications menu (Google Slides), 212
- Google Docs, 143
- Edit toolbar
- Google Docs, 144, 157
- Google Sheets, 172
- Google Slides, 213–214
- editing
- contacts in Google Contacts, 354–356
- contacts in Outlook Contacts, 261–262
- documents with Pages, 274
- events in Google Calendar, 114
- photos in Camera app, 316–317
- Email Editor, 97
- email signatures, creating, 97–98
- emails
- reading in Gmail, 99–103
- replying to in Gmail, 100
- sending with Gmail, 93–98
- writing, 94
- enabling
- Australian scrolling, 70
- Full Screen mode, 145, 323–324, 330–331, 334
- keyboards, 66
- text wrapping, 190
- Esc key, 55
- Event (Outlook), 259
- events
- creating in Google Calendar, 111–114
- deleting in Google Calendar, 114
- editing in Google Calendar, 114
- inviting people to in Google Calendar, 115
- Excel, 264–265
- Exit Guest button, 15
- exiting Full Screen mode in Google Sheets, 174
- exporting
- documents from Google Docs, 162–163
- documents from Google Sheets, 204–205
- presentations from Google Slides, 244–245
- ExpressVPN, 410
- external devices, playing music on, 296–297
- external displays, 380–384
- external storage, 126–127
- file formats, 162, 204–205
- File option
- Applications menu (Google Sheets), 171
- Applications menu (Google Slides), 212
- Google Docs, 143
- files
- about, 119
- adding external storage, 126–127
- attaching in Gmail, 96
- deleting, 125
- finding with Files app, 119–125
- Google Drive, 127–138
- moving, 123–124
- navigating, 120–122
- opening with Adobe Reader, 277
- searching for, 125
- storage, in iCloud, 272–273
- uploading in OneDrive, 252–253
- uploading to Google Drive, 130–134
- video, 320
- Files app, 119–125
- Find and Replace feature
- Google Docs, 148–149
- Google Sheets, 178–179
- finding
- apps with Chrome Web Store, 80–81
- files with Files app, 119–125
- help online, 425–426
- what apps are installed, 84
- finger gestures, 67
- Firefox browser, installing, 51–52
- folders
- creating, 122–123
- deleting, 125
- moving, 123–124
- navigating, 122–123
- font
- adding in Google Docs, 155
- adding in Google Slides, 228–229
- changing in Google Docs, 152–155
- changing in Google Sheets, 184–186
- changing in Google Slides, 227–228
- defined, 152
- formatting in Google Sheets, 184
- removing from Fonts menu in Google Docs, 155
- removing in Google Slides, 228–229
- styling in Google Docs, 155–159
- working with in Google Sheets, 184–186
- font size, defined, 152
- font slope, defined, 152
- font weight, defined, 152
- Format option
- Applications menu (Google Sheets), 171
- Applications menu (Google Slides), 213
- Google Docs, 143
- formatting
- clearing in Google Docs, 159–160
- clearing in Google Sheets, 190–191
- clearing in Google Slides, 233
- data in Google Sheets, 183–191
- font in Google Sheets, 184
- numbers in Google Sheets, 195–198
- text in Google Docs, 152–160
- text in Google Slides, 227–232
- formulas, adding to calculate values in cells, 199–201
- Forward key, 40, 55
- Full Screen key, 55, 144–145
- Full Screen mode, 39, 97, 145, 174, 323–324, 330–331, 334, 362
- function keys, 54, 63–64
- Function selector (Outlook), 255, 259
- functions, in spreadsheets, 201–202
- gestures, finger, 67
- Gmail app
- about, 77, 85–86
- accessing non-Gmail accounts with, 103–105
- adding themes, 92
- applying boldface, italics and underline, 95
- attaching files, 96
- changing text color, 95
- connecting account to Outlook, 256–257
- creating accounts, 86–87
- creating email signatures, 97–98
- customizing email view, 97
- customizing view, 90–92
- keyboard shortcuts, 95
- launching, 86–87
- navigating, 88–89
- navigating email in, 93–94
- organizing Inbox, 100–101
- reading email, 99–103
- replying to email, 100
- sending email, 93–98
- setting up vacation responder, 102–103
- styling text, 94–95
- using offline, 105–106
- writing emails, 94
- Go to Today (Outlook), 259
- Google 2-Step Authentication, 399–401
- Google account, 13–14
- Google Advanced Protection, 402–403
- Google Authenticator, 402
- Google Calendar app
- about, 78, 106–108
- adding calendars, 109–111
- changing default view, 108
- configuring calendars, 109–111
- creating events, 111–114
- customizing view, 108–109
- deleting events, 114
- editing events, 114
- inviting people to events, 115
- launching, 106–107
- navigating, 107–118
- sharing calendars, 115–118
- workspace, 107–108
- Google Cloud printing, 31–33, 35–36
- Google Contacts, 354–356
- Google Docs app
- about, 74–75, 141
- adding fonts, 155
- aligning text, 158–159
- applying boldface, 157
- changing fonts, 152–155
- changing view in, 144–146
- clearing formatting, 159–160
- collaborating with, 163–165
- coloring text, 158
- copying and pasting text, 149–151
- cutting and pasting text, 151–152
- deleting text, 148
- Edit toolbar, 144, 157
- exporting documents, 162–163
- Find and Replace feature, 148–149
- formatting text, 152–160
- moving around documents, 146–149
- naming documents, 160–161
- navigating, 142–146
- removing fonts from Fonts menu, 155
- saving documents, 160–163
- styling fonts, 155–159
- tracking revisions, 165–166
- using offline, 166–167
- working with text, 146–152
- workspace, 142–144
- Google Drive app
- about, 74, 120, 132–134
- collaborating with, 135–137
- creating accounts, 127–128
- uploading files to, 130–134
- using, 128–130
- using offline, 137–138
- using with smartphones/tablets, 135
- working with, 127–138
- Google Duo app
- about, 77
- getting started with, 342–343
- recording video messages, 344–345
- video chatting, 345–346
- voice chatting, 345–346
- Google Hangouts app
- about, 337–338
- audio calls on, 339–340
- getting started, 338–339
- making phone calls, 341–342
- navigating, 338–342
- Photo feature, 341
- sharing screens, 342
- texting, 339
- video in, 340–341
- Google Maps app, 79–80
- Google Photos, deleting photos from, 314
- Google Play Books app
- about, 79
- bookmarks, 363–364
- customizing view, 363
- defining words, 364–365
- navigating, 358–361
- previewing eBooks, 360–361
- purchasing books, 358–360
- reading eBooks in, 361–367
- reading ebooks on website, 366–367
- reading in Full Screen Mode, 362
- reading offline, 365–366
- searching books, 358–360
- Google Play library, accessing, 288
- Google Play Movies & TV
- about, 327
- activating Full Screen mode, 330–331
- adjusting volume, 331
- casting to TVs, 331–332
- navigating, 327–332
- playing movies/TV shows, 330–331
- purchasing movies/TV shows, 328–330
- Google Play Music app
- about, 76–77, 281–282, 296–297
- accessing Google Play library, 288
- adding music to playlists, 294
- creating playlists, 293–297
- creating premium accounts, 286–287
- creating standard accounts, 283–285
- Google Play Radio, 288–289
- listening to radio stations, 288
- mini player, 289–290
- purchasing music, 290–292
- searching for artist's station, 290
- sharing playlists, 295–296
- uploading music, 292–293
- versions, 282
- Google Play Radio, 288–289
- Google Play store, 81–82
- Google Search, 439
- Google Sheets app
- about, 75, 169–170
- adding basic mathematical formulas, 198–199
- adding columns, 192–193
- adding formulas to calculate values in cells, 199–201
- adding rows, 192–193
- Applications menu, 171
- applying bold, italics, underline and strikethrough to text in, 188
- Autofill feature, 182–183
- calculations and formulas, 198–202
- changing alignment, 189–190
- changing font, 184–186
- clearing formatting, 190–191
- collaborating with, 205–206
- coloring data, 188–189
- copying and pasting data, 179–181
- customizing spreadsheets, 191–195
- customizing view, 174–176
- cutting and pasting data, 181–182
- deleting rows/columns, 193
- Edit toolbar, 172
- exporting documents from, 204–205
- Find and Replace feature, 178–179
- formatting data, 183–191
- formatting font, 184
- formatting numbers, 195–198
- grouping cells, 197–198
- hiding rows/columns, 194–195
- menu area, 170–172
- merging cells, 195
- moving around spreadsheets, 177–179
- naming documents, 202–203
- navigating, 170–176
- resizing rows/columns, 193–194
- saving documents, 202–205
- spreadsheet area, 172–174
- spreadsheet functions, 201–202
- styling data, 186–189
- tracking revisions, 206–207
- using offline, 208
- working with data, 176–183
- working with fonts, 184–186
- wrapping text in, 190
- Google Slides app
- about, 75, 209
- adding background texture, 219–220
- adding fonts, 228–229
- adding images to presentations, 234–235
- adding text boxes, 222–223
- aligning text, 232–233
- applying boldface, italics, strikethrough and underline, 230
- applying default layouts, 222
- applying highlighting, 231–232
- applying themes, 220–221
- changing alignment, 232–233
- changing background color/image, 219–220
- changing font, 227–228
- clearing color, 220
- clearing formatting, 233
- collaborating with, 245–246
- coloring text, 231–232
- copying and pasting text boxes, 226–227
- creating presentations, 210–212
- cropping images, 238–240
- customizing view, 217–218
- deleting slides, 215–216
- deleting text boxes, 224
- Edit toolbar, 213–214
- exporting presentations, 244–245
- formatting text, 227–232
- importing presentation themes, 221
- launching, 210
- menu area, 212–217
- moving images, 236–237
- moving text boxes, 225
- naming presentations, 244
- navigating, 210–218
- Presentation mode, 240–243
- rearranging slides, 215
- removing fonts, 228–229
- resizing images, 236
- resizing text, 229–230
- resizing text boxes, 224–225
- rotating images, 237
- rotating text boxes, 225–226
- saving presentations, 243–245
- slide editor, 216–217
- slide navigator, 214–216
- styling presentations, 218–221
- tracking revisions, 247–248
- using offline, 248
- working with images, 234–240
- working with text, 221–233
- Google Translate, 443
- Google Voice app
- about, 77
- calling with, 347–349
- features of, 349
- setting up, 347–348
- texting with, 347–349
- Google Wallet, 329
- gridlines, 175
- grouping cells in Google Sheets, 197–198
- guest, using Chromebook as a, 14–15
- Guest mode, 18, 398–399
- Hangouts app. See Google Hangouts app
- hard disk drive (HDD), 436
- hard drive, 435
- hardware, 9, 433, 434
- HDD (hard disk drive), 436
- HDMI port, 438
- Help Center (website), 425
- Help option
- Applications menu (Google Sheets), 171
- Applications menu (Google Slides), 213
- Google Docs, 143
- Help tool, 60
- hiding
- Applications menu, 144, 174
- columns in Google Sheets, 194–195
- rows in Google Sheets, 194–195
- Shelf, 384
- users at login, 397–398
- high definition (HD), 328–329
- highlighting
- applying in Google Slides, 231–232
- content, 68
- text, 158
- history, managing, 45–47
- hotkeys, 230
- hotspot, 12
- iCloud
- icons
- app shortcut, 18
- Battery, 18
- Clock, 18
- explained, 3
- Launcher, 18, 74
- Notifications, 18
- Wi-Fi signal indicator, 18
- images. See also Camera app
- adding to presentations in Google Slides, 234–235
- cropping in Google Slides, 238–240
- moving in Google Slides, 236–237
- resizing in Google Slides, 236
- rotating in Google Slides, 237
- working with in Google Slides, 234–240
- importing presentation themes in Google Slides, 221
- Inbox
- organizing in Gmail, 100–101
- Outlook, 255
- Inbox label (Gmail), 89
- incognito browser window, 48–49–40
- Insert option
- Applications menu (Google Sheets), 171
- Applications menu (Google Slides), 212
- Google Docs, 143
- installing
- apps from Google Play store, 82
- Firefox browser, 51–52
- Internet connection, 12, 418–420, 436–437
- Internet history, viewing, 46
- inviting people to events in Google Calendar, 115
- italics
- applying in Gmail, 95
- applying in Google Docs, 157
- applying in Google Sheets, 188
- applying in Google Slides, 230
- Keep app, 75–76
- Keeper, 403, 453
- Keyboard Settings dialog box, 62
- keyboard shortcuts (Gmail), 95
- keyboards
- about, 53–54
- activating, 66
- changing language, 65–67
- combinations and touchpad, 68
- components of, 54–56
- configuring settings, 61–67
- connecting, 71–72
- shortcut key combinations, 56–61
- Keynote (iCloud), 276
- keys, reconfiguring, 62–63
- labels (Gmail), 88–89, 100–101
- language, 11–12, 65–67
- LastPass, 403, 453
- Launcher
- Google Search from, 439
- icon, 18, 74
- navigating, 20
- opening with Search key, 74
- organizing, 21
- launching
- apps, 81
- apps in your Shelf, 441
- Camera app, 306
- Duo app, 343
- Excel, 264
- Gmail app, 86–87
- Google Calendar app, 106–107
- Google Hangouts app, 338
- Google Play Books app, 358
- Google Sheets, 170
- Google Slides, 210
- iCloud, 272
- OneNote, 267
- Outlook Email, 254
- PowerPoint, 266
- Skype, 270, 350
- spreadsheets with Numbers, 275
- Word, 262
- layouts, default, applying in Google Slides, 222
- left alignment, 158, 232
- left-justified, 146
- Lexulous Solitaire app, 446
- linking people to calendars, 117–118
- listening to radio stations in Google Play Music app, 288
- Location (Outlook), 259
- Lock key, 55, 451
- locking screen, 407–409, 441
- login, 13–15, 397–398
- Lowe, Doug (author)
- Networking For Dummies, 11th Edition, 454
- Mac, uploading files to Google Drive from, 132–133
- malware protection, 411–413, 454
- Malwarebytes, 412
- managing
- bookmarks, 44–45
- Chrome browser, 42–49
- downloads, 45–47
- Google Cloud Print printers, 35–36
- history, 45–47
- installed apps, 83–84
- notifications, 388–390
- search engine, 50–51
- windows, 25
- masking images, 239–240
- math, performing, 443
- mathematical formulas, adding in Google Sheets, 198–199
- matrix of cells, 173
- MAX function, 201
- maximized, 39
- maximizing windows, 25
- McAfee Endpoint Security, 412
- memory, 435
- menu area
- Google Sheets, 170–172
- Google Slides, 212–217
- Menu bar (OneNote), 268
- merging cells in Google Sheets, 195
- Message Actions (Outlook), 255
- Message Preview (Outlook), 255
- Micro SD card, 315–316
- Microsoft account (website), 250
- Microsoft Excel, 264–265
- Microsoft Excel file format, 203
- Microsoft PowerPoint, 265–267
- Microsoft PowerPoint file format, 245
- Microsoft Word file format, 162
- Microsoft Word Online app, 262–264, 448
- MIN function, 201
- mini player, 289–290
- minimizing windows, 25, 39
- mirroring displays, 384
- Month selector (Outlook), 258
- Month view (Google Calendar), 108
- mouse, connecting, 71–72
- movies, 328–331
- moving
- around documents, 146–149
- around spreadsheets, 177–179
- files, 123–124
- folders, 123–124
- images in Google Slides, 236–237
- text boxes in Google Slides, 225
- multifactor authentication, 406–407, 453
- multitasking, with tabs, 26–27
- music. See also Google Play Music app
- Amazon Music, 301–302
- Apple Music, 302–303
- Pandora, 297–299
- Spotify, 299–300
- Mute key, 55
- My Drive option (Google Drive), 129
- naming
- documents in Google Docs, 160–161
- documents in Google Sheets, 202–203
- presentations in Google Slides, 244
- navigating
- Camera app, 306–307
- Chrome browser, 38–42
- external storage, 126
- files, 120–122
- folders, 122–123
- Gmail app, 88–8981
- Google Calendar app, 107–118
- Google Docs app, 142–146
- Google Hangouts, 338–342
- Google Play Books app, 358–361
- Google Play Movies & TV, 327–332
- Google Sheets, 170–176
- Google Slides, 210–218
- Launcher, 20
- video player, 322–324
- YouTube, 333–335
- navigation buttons, 40
- Networking For Dummies, 11th Edition (Lowe), 454
- New Page (OneNote), 268
- New Section (OneNote), 268
- Night Light feature, 24, 379–380
- non-Gmail accounts, accessing with Gmail, 103–105
- non-Google Cloud Print-enabled printers, setting up, 33–35
- Nord VPN, 410
- notes, sharing, 268
- notification panel, 23
- notifications, managing, 388–390
- Notifications icon, 18
- Notifications option, 24
- Numbers (iCloud), 275–276
- numbers, formatting in Google Sheets, 195–198
- .ods file format, 203
- .odt file format, 162
- Office 365 All-in-One For Dummies (Weverka and Warner), 260, 264
- Office Online
- about, 249–250
- Excel, 264–265
- getting started, 250–271
- OneDrive, 252–253, 269
- OneNote, 267–268
- Outlook Calendar, 258–260
- Outlook Contacts, 260–262
- Outlook Email, 254–258
- PowerPoint, 265–267
- Skype, 269–271
- verifying account, 251
- website, 262, 266, 267
- Word, 262–264
- Omnibox, 40, 50–51, 380, 440–441
- OneDrive, 252–253, 269
- OneNote, 267–268
- online help, 425–426
- online password vault, 403–404, 452–453
- OpenDocument file format, 162, 203
- opening
- files with Adobe Reader, 277
- incognito browser window, 49
- Launcher with Search key, 74
- tabs, 40
- operating system (OS), 8, 429–430
- order of operations, 199
- OS (operating system), 8, 429–430
- Outlook Calendar, 258–260
- Outlook Contacts, 260–262
- Outlook Email, 254–258
- overwriting cell contents in Google Sheets, 178
- Owner account, 394
- Page body (OneNote), 268
- Page title (OneNote), 268
- Pages, 268, 273–274
- pages, shortcuts for, 58–59
- pairing, 386–388
- Pandora app, 297–299, 448
- parent folders, 122
- passwords, 403–407, 452–453
- pausing video, 323, 330–331, 333–334
- PC, uploading files to Google Drive from, 133–134
- PDF (Portable Document Format), 276
- PDF file format, 162, 203, 245
- permissions, for documents, 164
- phone calls, 341–342, 347–349
- Photo feature (Google Hangouts), 341
- photos. See Camera app
- PicMonkey app, 447
- Pictures folder (OneDrive), 252
- pixels, 377
- Plain Text file format, 162, 245
- playing
- movies/TV shows, 330–331
- music on external devices, 296–297
- video, 333–334
- playlists
- adding music to in Google Play Music app, 294
- creating in Google Play Music app, 293–297
- sharing in Google Play Music app, 295–296
- plus sign (+) button, 261
- PNG image file format, 245
- point size, 156
- Portable Document Format (PDF), 276
- power, troubleshooting, 423–425
- Power key, 11
- PowerPoint, 265–267
- Powerwash feature, 413–414
- pre-installed apps, 74–80
- premium accounts, creating in Google Play Music app, 286–287
- Presentation mode (Google Slides), 240–243
- presentations. See also Google Slides app
- about, 209
- adding images to in Google Slides, 234–235
- creating, 210–212
- exporting from Google Slides, 244–245
- making in Presentation mode, 240–243
- naming in Google Slides, 244
- saving in Google Slides, 243–245
- styling in Google Slides, 218–221
- previewing ebooks, 360–361
- printing
- cloud, 30–36
- Google Cloud, 31–33, 35–36
- setting up printers, 28–36
- privacy screen filter, 415–416, 453
- Processing Music button (Google Play Music app), 293
- processor, 435
- purchasing
- eBooks, 358–360
- Kindle books, 370
- movies/TV shows, 328–330
- music, 290–292
- music in Google Play Music app, 290–292
- radio stations, listening to in Google Play Music app, 288
- reading
- books on Amazon Kindle app, 368–371
- eBooks in Google Play Books app, 361–367
- email in Gmail, 99–103
- in Full Screen Mode, 362
- offline in Google Play Books, 365–366
- rearranging slides in Google Slides, 215
- rebooting, 440
- Recent option (Google Drive), 130
- reconfiguring keyboard keys, 62–63
- recording video messages with Duo app, 344–345
- Recovery Utility, 427–430
- re-enabling shortcut keys, 64
- Refresh (Outlook), 255
- Refresh key, 40, 55
- reinstalling Chrome OS, 429–430
- Reload key, 55
- Remember icon, 3
- Reminder (Outlook), 259
- Remote Desktop app, 78, 447
- removing
- app shortcuts from shelf, 23
- Applications menu, 174
- apps, 84
- crops, 240
- external storage, 127
- fonts from Font menu in Google Docs, 155
- fonts in Google Slides, 228–229
- image masks, 240
- renaming printers, 29
- Repeat (Outlook), 259
- Reply (Outlook), 255
- replying to email, in Gmail, 100
- resizing
- Chrome window, 38–39
- columns in Google Sheets, 193–194
- images in Google Slides, 236
- rows in Google Sheets, 193–194
- text boxes in Google Slides, 224–225
- text in Google Docs, 156–157
- text in Google Slides, 229–230
- resolution, screen, 377–379, 434
- restoring Applications menu, 144
- Reveal All Windows key, 55
- revealing Shelf, 384
- revisions
- tracking in Google Docs, 165–166
- tracking in Google Sheets, 206–207
- tracking in Google Slides, 247–248
- Rich Text file format, 162
- right alignment, 158, 232
- right-click, 68
- rotating
- images in Google Slides, 237
- text boxes in Google Slides, 225–226
- rows
- adding in Google Sheets, 192–193
- deleting in Google Sheets, 193
- hiding in Google Sheets, 194–195
- resizing in Google Sheets, 193–194
- Save to Calendar (Outlook), 259
- saving
- documents in Google Docs, 160–163
- documents in Google Sheets, 202–205
- presentations in Google Slides, 243–245
- Scalable Vector Graphics file format, 245
- Schedule view (Google Calendar), 108
- screen locking, 407–409, 441
- screen resolution, 434
- screens
- about, 434
- changing resolution, 377–379
- sharing in Google Hangouts, 342
- scroll directions, changing, 70
- SD card slot, 437
- Search (Outlook), 255, 259
- search engine providers, changing, 50–51
- Search History box, 46
- Search key, 56, 74
- searching
- for artists' station, 290
- eBooks, 358–360
- for files, 125
- Sections (OneNote), 268
- security
- about, 393–394
- checking for updates, 410–411
- Do Not Track feature, 423
- Google 2-Step Authentication, 399–401
- Google Advanced Protection, 402–403
- Google Authenticator, 402
- locking screen, 407–409, 451
- malware protection, 411–413, 454
- multifactor authentication, 406–407, 453
- passwords, 403–407, 452–453
- Powerwash feature, 413–414
- privacy screen filter, 415–416, 453
- theft, 416
- tips for, 451–455
- user management, 394–403
- virtual private network (VPN), 409–410, 455
- virus protection, 411–413
- webcam, 414–415
- Wi-Fi, 454
- selecting
- Chromebook, 10
- language, 11–12
- text in Google Docs, 149
- themes in Google Slides, 210
- sending
- email with Gmail, 93–98
- text messages in Skype, 352–353
- text messages with Google Voice app, 348
- Sent label (Gmail), 89
- settings
- browser, 58–59
- click, for touchpad, 69–70
- customizing for touchpad, 68–70
- keyboard, 61–67
- Settings (Outlook), 255, 258
- Settings area, 24–25
- Settings menu, 42–43
- setup
- app shortcuts, 21–23
- Chromebook, 10–13
- Google 2-Step Authentication, 400–401
- Google Cloud Print-enabled printers, 31–33
- non-Google Cloud Print-enabled printers, 33–35
- printers, 28–36
- vacation responder in Gmail, 102–103
- Shared Drives option (Google Drive), 129
- Shared With Me option (Google Drive), 129–130
- sharing
- calendars, 115–118
- documents, 136–137, 163–165
- notes, 268
- photos in Camera app, 312–313
- playlists in Google Play Music app, 295–296
- screens in Google Hangouts, 342
- spreadsheets, 205–206
- Sheets app. See Google Sheets app
- Shelf
- accessing the, 18–19
- adding application icons to, 21–23
- customizing, 384–385
- hiding, 384
- launching apps in your, 441
- removing app shortcuts from, 23
- revealing, 384
- Sholes, Christopher Latham (inventor), 53
- Shop option (Google Play Music app), 288
- shortcut keys
- about, 54–55
- combinations of, 56–61
- for copying and pasting, 181
- re-enabling, 64
- turning into function keys, 63–64
- shortcuts, 21–23, 439–443
- Show As (Outlook), 259
- Show/Hide Folders (Outlook), 255
- Show/Hide Inbox List (Outlook), 255
- Show/Hide Message Body (Outlook), 255
- size
- Sketch The Best app, 448
- Skype app
- about, 269–271, 350, 445
- adding contacts, 351–352
- getting started with, 350–351
- live video chats, 353–354
- sending text messages with, 352–353
- SkypeIDs, 351
- Sleep mode, 408–409
- slide editor (Google Slides), 216–217
- slide navigator (Google Slides), 214–216
- Slide option, Applications menu (Google Slides), 213
- slides, 215–216
- Slides app. See Google Slides app
- slope, defined, 152
- smart TVs, casting to, 335
- smartphones, using Google Drive with, 135
- Snoozed (Gmail), 89
- software, 9
- solid-state drive (SSD), 436
- Spam (Gmail), 89
- Speaker Notes bar (Google Slides), 218
- Speaker Notes window, 242–243
- speed
- Spotify, streaming music with, 299–300
- spreadsheet area (Google Sheets), 172–174
- spreadsheets
- customizing in Google Sheets, 191–195
- functions, 201–202
- launching with Numbers, 275
- moving around, 177–179
- sharing, 205–206
- SSD (solid-state drive), 436
- standard accounts, creating in Google Play Music app, 283–285
- Starred label (Gmail), 89
- Starred option (Google Drive), 130
- Start Date and Time (Outlook), 259
- status area, 18, 23–25
- storage
- capacity of, 435–436
- external, 126–127
- meter showing available, 121–122
- of passwords, 404–406
- Storage option (Google Drive), 130
- streaming music
- with Pandora, 297–299
- with Spotify, 299–300
- strikethrough
- applying in Google Docs, 157
- applying in Google Sheets, 188
- applying in Google Slides, 230
- styling
- data in Google Sheets, 186–189
- fonts in Google Docs, 155–159
- presentations in Google Slides, 218–221
- text in Gmail, 94–95
- Subject field (Gmail), 94
- SUM function, 201
- Table option, Applications menu (Google Slides), 213
- tablets, using Google Drive with, 135
- tabs, 26–27, 39–40
- Tab-separated values file format, 204
- Technical Stuff icon, 3
- Terms of Service, agreeing to, 13
- text
- aligning in Google Docs, 158–159
- aligning in Google Slides, 232–233
- applying boldface to in Google Docs, 157
- applying boldface to in Google Sheets, 188
- applying italics to, 157
- applying strikethrough to, 157
- applying underline to, 157
- changing alignment, 158–159
- changing color of in Gmail, 95
- coloring in Google Docs, 158
- coloring in Google Slides, 231–232
- copying and pasting in Google Docs, 149–151
- cutting and pasting in Google Docs, 151–152
- deleting in Google Docs, 148
- formatting in Google Docs, 152–160
- formatting in Google Slides, 227–232
- highlighting, 158
- resizing in Google Docs, 156–157
- resizing in Google Slides, 229–230
- selecting in Google Docs, 149
- shortcuts for editing, 60
- size of, 156–157
- styling in Gmail, 94–95
- working with in Google Docs, 146–152
- working with in Google Slides, 221–233
- wrapping in Google Sheets, 190
- text boxes
- adding in Google Slides, 222–223
- copying and pasting in Google Slides, 226–227
- deleting in Google Slides, 224
- moving in Google Slides, 225
- resizing in Google Slides, 224–225
- rotating in Google Slides, 225–226
- texting
- with Google Hangouts app, 339
- with Google Voice app, 347–349
- sending messages in Skype, 352–353
- theft, preventing, 416
- themes
- adding in Gmail, 92
- applying in Google Slides, 220–221
- importing in Google Slides, 221
- selecting in Google Themes, 210
- timer (Camera app), 307–309
- Tip icon, 3
- To field (Gmail), 93
- toolbar (Files window), 120–122
- Toolbar (OneNote), 268
- Tools option
- Applications menu (Google Sheets), 171
- Applications menu (Google Slides), 213
- Google Docs, 143
- touchpad
- about, 67–68
- adjusting click settings, 69–70
- changing scroll directions, 70
- changing speed, 697
- configuring, 390–391
- customizing settings, 68–70
- finger gestures, 67
- keyboard combinations and, 68
- touchscreen, 434
- tracking
- revisions in Google Docs, 165–166
- revisions in Google Sheets, 206–207
- revisions in Google Slides, 247–248
- transferring
- photos from digital cameras, 315–316
- video from Android phones, 325–326
- video from dashcams, 326
- transitioning, to a Chromebook, 15–16
- Trash (Gmail), 89
- Trash (Outlook), 255
- Trash option (Google Drive), 130
- troubleshooting
- about, 417
- browsers, 420–423
- finding help online, 425–426
- Internet connection, 418–420
- power problems, 423–425
- Recovery Utility, 427–430
- turning on
- bookmark bar, 41–42
- devices, 11
- TV shows, 328–331
- TVs, casting to, 331–332
- Twinkie symbol, 29
- underline
- applying in Gmail, 95
- applying in Google Docs, 157
- applying in Google Sheets, 188
- applying in Google Slides, 230
- Undo button, 180
- undoing power-washing, 414
- updating, 83, 410–411, 455
- uploading
- directories in OneDrive, 252–253
- files in OneDrive, 252–253
- files to Google Drive, 130–134
- music in Google Play Music app, 292–293
- USB keyboard/mouse, 71–72
- USB ports, 438
- USB-C port, 438
- user management
- about, 394
- adding users, 394–397
- deleting users, 394–397
- Guest mode, 398–399
- hiding users at login, 397–398
- users
- adding, 394–397
- deleting, 394–397
- hiding at login, 397–398
- vacation responder, setting up in Gmail, 102–103
- verifying Office Online account, 251
- vertical alignment, 232
- video. See also Google Play Movies & TV; YouTube
- about, 319–320
- activating Full Screen mode, 323–324
- chatting with Duo app, 345–346
- creating, 320
- in Google Hangouts, 340–341
- live chats in Skype, 353–354
- navigating video player, 322–324
- playing, 333–334
- recording messages with Duo app, 344–345
- transferring from Android phones, 325–326
- transferring from dashcams, 326
- VLC app, 324–325
- watching, 320–322
- view
- changing in Google Docs, 144–146
- customizing in Gmail, 90–92, 97
- customizing in Google Calendar, 108–109
- customizing in Google Play Books, 363
- customizing in Google Sheets, 174–176
- customizing in Google Slides, 217–218
- View option
- Applications menu (Google Sheets), 171
- Applications menu (Google Slides), 212
- Google Docs, 143
- View/Hide Day sidebar (Outlook), 258
- View/Hide Month sidebar (Outlook), 259
- viewing
- Chrome browser tasks, 442
- contacts in Google Contacts, 354–356
- contacts in Outlook Contacts, 260
- Internet history, 46
- open windows, 442
- photos in Camera app, 309–312, 316–317
- virtual private network (VPN), 409–410, 455
- virus protection, 411–413
- visual separation, creating in spreadsheets, 198
- VLC app, 324–325
- voice chatting, with Duo app, 345–346
- voice mail (Google Voice), 349
- volume, adjusting, 331, 334–335
- Volume Down key, 55
- Volume option, 25
- Volume Up key, 55
- VPN (virtual private network), 409–410, 455
- wallpaper, changing, 376–377
- Warner, Timothy L. (author)
- Office 365 All-in-One For Dummies, 260, 264
- Warning! icon, 3
- watching video, 320–322
- Weatherbug app, 449
- Web Page file format, 162, 204
- webcam, 414–415, 436
- websites
- Cheat Sheet, 4
- CyberGhost VPN, 410
- Dashlane, 403, 453
- Dropbox, 76
- Dummies, 4
- ExpressVPN, 410
- Google Cloud printing, 31
- Google Translate, 443
- Help Center, 425
- iCloud, 272, 273
- Keeper, 403, 453
- LastPass, 403, 453
- Microsoft account, 250
- Nord VPN, 410
- Office Online, 262, 266, 267
- Skype, 271
- Week view (Google Calendar), 108
- weight, defined, 152
- Weverka, Peter (author)
- Office 365 All-in-One For Dummies, 260, 264
- WeVideo app, 446
- Wi-Fi, 436–437, 454
- Wi-Fi option, 24
- Wi-Fi printing, 29–30
- Wi-Fi signal indicator icon, 18
- windows
- Chrome, 38–39
- controlling, 25
- de-maximizing, 39
- maximizing, 25
- minimizing, 25, 39
- viewing open, 442
- Word Online app, 262–264, 448
- word processing, 141. See also Google Docs app
- words, defining, 364–365
- workspace, 107–108, 142–144
- wrapping text, in Google Sheets, 190
- writing emails, 94
- YouTube
- about, 332
- activating Full Screen mode, 334
- adjusting volume, 334–335
- casting to smart TVs, 335
- navigating, 333–335