Unless Stated, all illustrations are drawn by John Aubrey, and reproduced from his papers, held at the Bodleian Library, Oxford.
Jacket Sir James Long of Draycot and J. Aubrey, hawking (MS Aubrey 3, —186v–187v)
Endpapers Map of Wiltshire, from John Speed’s Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain, I. Sudbury and G. Humble, 1611–12 (author’s collection)
1. Portrait of John Aubrey, engraved by Charles Eden Wagstaff from the drawing by William Faithorne in the Ashmolean Museum (Bridgeman Images)
2. The house in Easton Pierse where Aubrey was born in his grandfather’s chamber, marked with a cross (MS Aubrey 17, fol. 3r)
3. Lyte and Browne family escutcheons (MS Aubrey 3, fol. 59v)
4. Statue of Neptune, at Thomas Bushell’s estate, Enston, in Oxfordshire (MS Aubrey 17, fol. 18r)
5. Church tower, Kington St Michael, showing extensive cracks (MS Aubrey 3, fol. 61r)
6. Aubrey’s bookplate (MS Aubrey 17, fol. 2v)
7. Lord Bacon’s Verulam House, drawn from memory (MS Aubrey 6, fol. 72r)
8. Hobbes’s House (MS Aubrey 9, fol. 31v)
9. Hobbes’s nativity (MS Aubrey 9, fol. 1(b)v)
10. Osney Abbey, engraving by Wenceslaus Hollar for Dugdale’s Monasticon Anglicanum, vol. 2, published 1661 (from Olivia Horsfall-Turner’s private collection, reproduced by Warwick Leadlay Gallery)
11. Silbury Hill (MS Top. Gen. C.24, fol. 41v, fol. 42r)
12. Stonehenge (MS Top. Gen. C.24, fol. 60v, 61r)
13. Stone monuments Pierre Couverte and Pierre Levée, near Doué-la-Fontaine and Loudon, France (MS Top. Gen. C.25, fol. 56r)
14 Survey of Avebury (MS Top. Gen. C.24 fol. 39v, 40r)
15. Map of the remains of Roman Camps in Britain (MS Top. Gen. C.24, fol. 250v, 251r)
16. Re-imagined house at Easton Pierse (MS Aubrey 3, fol. 60r)
17. Imagined bridge with Aubrey’s initials (MS Aubrey 17, fol. 8r)
18. Prospect from Easton Pierse to the southeast (MS Aubrey 17, fol. 18r)
19. Aubrey’s nativity (MS Aubrey 7, fol. 3r)
20. South and north windows of the south and north aisles of Westminster Abbey (MS Top. Gen. C.25. fol. 172v)
21. Geoffrey Chaucer (MS Top. Gen. C.25 fol. 202r)
22. Roman urn, found at Kingston-upon-Thames (MS Top. Gen. C.25 fol. 49(a) r)
23. Prospect of Waverley Abbey (MS Aubrey 4, fol. 140b(v)-140c(v))
24. A Surrey cheese press (MS Aubrey 4, fol. 207c(v))
25. Bust of Venetia Stanley (MS Aubrey 6, fol. 101r)
26. Coat of Arms for Sir William Petty (MS Aubrey 6, fol. 12v)
27. Coat of Arms for Robert Boyle (MS Aubrey 6, fol. 16v)
28. The world as a pomegranate (MS Aubrey 1, fol. 89r)
29. South and north windows of Westminster Hall (on the left) and the west window of the nave of Westminster Abbey (MS Top. Gen. C.25. fol. 171v-172r)
30. Roof of Westminster Hall (MS Top. Gen. C.25. fol. 173r)
31. Prospect of the Devil’s Arrows (MS Top. Gen. C.24, fol. 70r)
32. Aubrey’s epitaph designed by himself (MS Aubrey 5, fol. 122r)
33. Frontispiece for Aubrey’s Miscellanies, the only work he published in his lifetime, in 1696 (MS Ashmole E.11)