academic libraries
graduate assistants in, 120–123, 130–133
session control software, 103–106
access to information in local history collections, 165–167
administrative skills, xiii
Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro, 7
Adobe Connect, 68
Adobe Presenter, 68
advocacy for needs of users, 25–27
agendas for library board meetings
use of, 157
archives, legal requirements for, 166
“ASSURE-ing Your Collection” (Spencer and Fiehn), 37–40
author visits as source of donations, 61
baby boomers, management of, 117
Baughman, Kris, 8–11, 60–62, 175
“Beating the Clock” (Timms), 3–5
Becnel, Kim, 28–30, 107–109, 175
Billy Club model for unreturned materials, 41–44
Blackboard course management system, 55
blog software, selection of, 82–83
in implementing change, 144–145
for intra-library communications, 33, 82–85
as means of getting feedback, 39
vs. SharePoint, 92
vs. wikis, 84
board. See library board
“Board Meetings That Work” (Casey), 158–161
body odor in employees, 141
book fair credits and collection development, 61
bookstore model of library layout, 39
branch managers
communication with staff, 31–33
and coordinator positions, 28
Brannon, Sian, 15–18, 124–127, 175
budget meetings, 159
justification, use of statistic for, 169
stretching funds in a down economy, xiii, 61
“bulk/salvage” shops as source of materials, 61
burnout, avoidance of, 23
business cards, uses of, 56
partnerships with nonprofit business centers, 48
soliciting donations from, 11
calendaring programs, 85–86, 156
career development for library school graduate assistants, 131
Casey, James B., 158–161, 168–170, 175
celebration of completed tasks, 5
See also rewards for employees
chamber of commerce, cooperation with, 172
change, management of, 64, 143–146
children and liability for overdue materials, 42
children’s services
summer reading programs, 101–102, 111
See also school libraries
churches, partnerships with, 48
circulation services
statistics on, 168
students from backgrounds of poverty, 10
Clapp, Melissa J., xi–xii, 175–176
classroom management software, 131
coffee shops, 57
in collection development, 44–46
between staff of different ages, 118
“Collaboration for Library Collection Acquisition” (Weldon), 44–46
collection development
advocacy for needs of users, 27
and budget concerns, 61
partnerships with other nonprofits, 163
staff and user contributions to, 44–46
collection development policies, 38
collection management
and Microsoft SharePoint, 92–99
in underfunded libraries, 10–11
collection mapping, 38
colleges, public library partnerships with, 48
color-coding of calendars, 60
“Communication and Staff Awareness in the Branch Library” (Kuhl), 31–33
“Community Partnerships” (White), 46–49
complaints from staff, handling, 20
compromise, 30
computer skills, assisting users with, 55
computer use, limiting, 103–106
computers, advocacy for improvements, 26–27
conference attendance
in training programs, 50
See also workshops
Confluence wiki software, 100
Conspectus method for weeding, 73–74
contact information
disaster recovery services, 16–17
cooperation between departments and staff shortages, 150
course management systems, support for, 55, 89, 90
“Creating a Staff Accountability System” (Lawler), 19–21
“Creating Manuals for Job Duties” (Flynn), 6–8
CREW method for weeding, 73–74
in branches, 32
and coverage of staff shortages, 150
for manager’s absence, 8
in merging service points, 64
for student assistants, 80
See also staff training
deadlines for tasks
merging of service points, 65
regular library board actions, 157
and time management, 23
decision-making, documentation of, 64–65
delegation of tasks to staff, 86–87
demotion procedures, 14
Derr, Janice, 134–136, 149–151, 176
DeskTracker software, 6
disaster preparedness and management, 15–18, 124–127
disciplinary procedures, 13, 14
“Discrimination in Employment” (Germano), 136–139
discrimination in employment. See employment discrimination
displays and boosting circulation, 39
diversity in ages of workers, 117–119
diversity training, 14
documentation for decisions
and discrimination claims, 139
with problem employees, 142
donations, soliciting
and collection management, 10–11
partnerships with other nonprofits, 164
from staff, parents, and students, 61
using Google Docs, 101
dry-erase board, use of, 33
electronic message boards, 28
e-mail communications
filtering of, 86
with graduate assistants, 123
in implementing change, 145
and last minute schedule changes, 60
to library board, 156
library newsletter as, 172
with teachers, 62
vs. blogs, 83
vs. Facebook, 79
emergencies. See disaster preparedness and management
employment discrimination
protection against claims, 11–16
employment-at-will, 137
enablers, managers as, xi
evaluation of employees. See performance evaluation of employees
evaluation of services
choice of statistics for, 168–169
in implementing change, 145, 146
library instruction program, 67–68
public relations efforts, 173
event planning wikis, 112
and training of student assistants, 79–81
“Facebook for Student Assistants” (Jennings and Johnson), 79–81
favoritism towards employees, 12
Fiehn, Barbara, 37–40, 72–75, 176
filtering e-mail, 86
financial planning, xiii
firing procedures, 14
Flynn, Holly, 6–8, 127–129, 176
focusing, 4
Franks, Jeffrey A., 88–91, 103–106, 176
partnerships with other nonprofits, 163, 164
using Google Docs, 101
See also donations, soliciting
garage sales as source of materials, 11, 61
genealogy and local history, 165
Generation X and Generation Y workers, management of, 117–119
generational differences, 117–119
Germano, Michael A., 11–14, 136–139, 176
goals and objectives
in collection management, 38
goals and objectives (cont.)
and design of training programs, 49–50
and mission of library, 164
See also philosophy and values of library
Google Docs document sharing tool, 101
Google Mail filters, 86
government agencies, partnerships with, 48
graduate assistants
See also student assistants
grant project management, 66–69, 101
graphic representations of statistics, 170
handouts, use of in training, 122, 134
Harris, Colleen S., 63–66, 117–119, 177
Hawkins, Lynn, 155–158, 171–173, 177
Helling, John, 162–164, 165–167, 177
“Hiring and Training Graduate Assistants for the Academic Library” (O’Toole), 120–123
hiring procedures
and prevention of employment discrimination claims, 14
temporary employees, 149
Holland, Suzann, 41–44, 85–88, 177
hotlists (to-do lists), 4–5, 60, 158
hours of operation (overnight services), 56–59
“How to Manage a Student-Centric Library Service for Nontraditional Users” (Scanlon), 53–56
“How to Manage Serving Students of Generational Poverty” (Baughman and Parker), 8–11
“How to Protect Your Library from Employment Discrimination Claims” (Germano), 11–14
“Improving Communication with Blogs” (Ruleman), 82–85
“Improving Productivity with Google Apps” (Holland), 85–88
information technology department, 88–91
interns and special projects, 166
interviews with media, 171–172
interviews with potential employers, 132–133
interviews with users, 39
jargon, training on, 121
Jennings, Susan, 56–59, 79–81, 177–178
job descriptions, 13
law enforcement agencies
and private security services, 58
Lawler, Terry Ann, 19–21, 140–142, 178
learning commons concept, 89
learning objectives, measurement of, 49
levels of collection, identification of, 38–39
libraries, partnerships with, 48
library board
preparing statistics for, 169
library buildings
bookstore model of library layout, 39
library catalog, training on, 122
library cooperatives and discounts on materials, 61
library directors
blogs by, 83
rejection of suggestions by board, 158–159
library expenditures, statistics on, 169–170
library instruction
library intranet, wiki as, 111–112
“Library Partners” (Helling), 162–164
library school students
and special projects, 166
literacy support, 38
local history collections, 165–167
logistics, assisting staff with, 29–30
logs in evaluation of services, 39
maintenance of equipment, 18
“Management Tips for Merging Multiple Service Points” (Harris), 63–66
definition, xiii
personal liability for discrimination, 137
“Managing Emergencies” (Brannon and Wells), 15–18
“Managing for Emergencies” (Brannon and Wells), 124–127
“Managing Librarians and Staff with Young Children” (Flynn), 127–129
“Managing More Than One School Library with One FTE Librarian” (Baughman and Parker), 60–62
“Managing Overnight” (Johnson and Jennings), 56–59
policies and procedures, xiii
marketing of afterschool program, 67
See also public relations
materials selection process, 38–39
meetings of library board, 156–157, 158–161
meetings with staff
branch staff, 33
in establishing accountability system, 19–20
in implementing change, 145
with problem employees, 140–142
of staff from various branches, 28–29
library school students, 130–133
“Mentoring Graduate Assistants in the Academic Library” (O’Toole), 130–133
Microsoft Excel, 20, 60, 90, 103
Microsoft Exchange, 156
Microsoft SharePoint (MOSS), 92–99
Millennial workers, management of, 118
“Millennials, Gen-X, Gen-Y, and Boomers, Oh My!” (Harris), 117–119
mission of library, 164
See also goals and objectives; philosophy and values of library
mobile computer labs, 68
mobile devices
and last minute schedule changes, 60
and online interviews, 132
and cross-training, 64
and overwork, 23
during staff shortages, 151
and teamwork, 28
motivation of staff, 118
names of users, learning, 62
networking with other nonprofits, 163
“New Employee Orientation” (Tolppanen and Derr), 134–136
“Obtaining Compliance from Underperforming Employees” (Lawler), 140–142
older employees, management of, 117
online tutorials for training staff, 7
“open door” policy, 20
open-source information technology, xi
on emergency procedures, 126
for graduate assistants, 121–122
in training program, 52
O’Toole, Erin, 120–123, 130–133, 178
output measures, statistics on, 170
outreach services vs. community partnerships, 47
overdue and lost materials
policies and procedures for, 41–42, 41–44
sample letter, 43
by students from backgrounds of poverty, 10
overtime and staff shortages, 149
overwhelmed, avoiding being, 5
parents of students from backgrounds of poverty, 9
Parker, Rebecca Marcum, 8–11, 60–62, 178–179
“Partnering with Information Technology at the Reference Desk” (Franks), 88–91
partnerships with community
for outreach services, 172
with police on retrieving unreturned materials, 41
public relations possibilities, 173
retirees as volunteers, 70
partnerships with other nonprofits, 162–164
part-time staff
after maternity leaves, 128
training for, 49
passwords, documentation of, 7–8
payment plans for overdues, 44
PBworks wiki software, 100–101, 111
peer-to-peer training, 118
percentages, calculation of, 168
perfectionism, 4
performance evaluation of employees
and coordinators, 29
for library school graduate assistants, 130–131
in orientation of new employees, 135
and prevention of employment discrimination claims, 13, 14
persistence, benefits of, 27
perspective, maintaining, 4
philosophy and values of library, 31–32, 143
phone numbers. See contact information
phone tree for emergencies, 124
photograph collections, management of, 165–167
“Planning Ahead” (Timms), 21–24
“Planning for Change” (Kuhl), 143–146
policies and procedures
and change, 144
computer use by non-students, 105–106
updated in preparation for absence, 7
See also manuals
“Portraits in a Small Town” (Helling), 165–167
PowerPoint presentations, 68, 101
pregnant staff, management of, 127
preservation for damaged items, 17
preservation of photos, 166
press releases, 171
printers, management of, 26
and allocation of time and resources, 22–23
in disaster plans, 17
for student-centered service, 54
privacy of information in local history collection, 166–167
prize management using Google Docs, 101
proactive service and response to users, 54, 55
problem employees
and discrimination law, 138
and staff accountability systems, 18
production capacity, 23
productivity software. See software mentioned
professional development
encouragement of for staff, 31–32
for library school graduate assistants, 130–131
professional ethics, xiii
professional learning networks (PLN), 92
and attracting new users, 39
and collaboration with community partners, 47–49
and partnerships with other nonprofits, 164
publicity for, 172
promotion procedures, 14
public record requirements, 156
public relations
and staffing, 25
See also marketing of afterschool program
publishing programs, use of, 61–62
“Putting Missing Pieces from the Collection Together with SharePoint” (Weldon), 92–99
“Real-Life Management Using Virtual Tools” (Gubnitskaia), 100–103
reasonable accommodation principle, 12, 138
reference services and information technology department, 88–91
reports to library board, 157
as temporary employees, 149
rewards for employees, 21
See also celebration of completed tasks
RIF (Reading Is Fundamental) program, 61
role playing
with children, 10
safety measures in disasters, 18
Scanlon, Seamus, 24–27, 53–56, 179
scheduling of staff
flex-time, 129
notification of schedule changes, 60
and parents on staff, 128
using Google Calendar, 87
using Google Docs, 101
school libraries
managing more than one library, 60–62
and students from backgrounds of poverty, 8–11
schools, partnerships with, 48
for overnight services, 58
on wikis, 113
sensitive issues with problem employees, 141
service points, merging, 63–66
session control software, 103–106
“Session Control Software for Community Users in an Academic Library” (Franks), 103–106
Shader, Robin, 49–53, 146–148, 179
“Shadow and Learn” (Shader), 146–148
as management technique, 146–148
for problem employees, 141
signage, 64
Smallwood, Carol, xiii
social media, SharePoint as, 92
See also Facebook
software mentioned
Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro, 7
for blogs, 83
Confluence wiki software, 100
CybraryN session control software, 105–106
DeskTracker (for keeping statistics), 6
Microsoft Excel, 20, 60, 90, 103
Microsoft Exchange, 156
Microsoft Office, 120
PBworks wiki software, 100–101, 111
PowerPoint presentations, 68
publishing programs, use of, 61–62
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, 55
text expansion programs, 86
wiki applications, 112
Wimba collaboration service, 131
See also spreadsheets, use of
solo librarians
attracting volunteers, 39
managing more than one library, 60–62
Spencer, Roxanne Myers, 37–40, 72–75, 179
spreadsheets, use of
cataloging local history collections, 166
computer inventory, 23
public relations, 173
staff accountability system, 20
support, 90
tracking users with overdues, 26
Springboard course management system, 89
accountability system for, 19–21
blogs for, 83
and change, 144
generational differences, 117–119
for overnight services, 58
personal production capacity of, 23
as promoters of library, 173
at satellite libraries, 25
scheduling of, 60, 87, 101, 128, 129
See also meetings with staff; staff training
staff, communication with
and change, 144
electronic message boards, 28
during emergencies, 17, 124–125
graduate assistants, 123
and managing more than one library, 60–61
during staff shortages, 151
staff shortages, xiii, 149–151
“Staff Shortages” (Tolppanen and Derr), 149–151
staff training
on diversity, 14
on harassment and disability compliance, 13
for IT support, 91
for library instruction programs, 67–68
for merging service points, 65
peer-to-peer training, 118
temporary employees, 149
See also cross-training; manuals
in managing overnight hours, 57
in merging service points, 63
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, 55
in promotion of library, 168–170
in staff accountability system, 20–21
“Staying in the Game” (Hawkins), 171–173
stress management, xiii
student assistants
for IT support, 90
See also graduate assistants
student-centric library service, 53–56
suggestion boxes, 39
summer reading programs, 101–102, 111
“SuperStarz” (Gubnitskaia), 66–69
support for colleagues, 5
surveys of users
sample survey, 45
tacit knowledge, 93
teachers, building rapport with, 61–62
technical support from reference services, 88–91
advocacy for needs of users, 25–26
and student-centric library service, 55
temporary employees, 149
text expansion programs, 86
text messaging and managing more than one library, 61
Texter for Windows, 86
TextExpander for Mac, 86
thrift stores as source of materials, 61
time logs, maintenance of, 23
time management, xiii, 3–5, 21–24
Timms, Geoffrey P., 3–5, 21–24, 179–180
to-do lists (hotlists), 4–5, 60, 158
“To Friend or Not to Friend” (Becnel), 107–109
Tolppanen, Bradley, 134–136, 149–151, 180
tracking systems for overdues, 43
training of staff. See staff training
“Transforming an Off-Campus Library from Empty Space to Award Winner in One Year” (Scanlon), 24–27
unexpected events and reprioritizing, 5
from backgrounds of poverty, 8–11
communication with in merging service points, 64
demographics of, 38
learning names of, 62
“Using Numbers to Make Your Case” (Casey), 168–170
“Utilizing Retired Individuals as Volunteers” (White), 69–71
values and philosophy of library, 31–32, 143
vendors, soliciting discounts or donations from, 61
virtual management tools, 100–103
volunteer organizations, partnerships with, 48, 163
appropriate use of, 48
as means of increasing patron participation, 39
parents as in school libraries, 62
and staff shortages, 150
Web 2.0 skills in graduate assistants, 120
“Weeding as Affective Response” (Fiehn and Spencer), 72–75
welcoming atmosphere, promotion of, 54
Weldon, Lorette S. J., 44–46, 92–99, 180
Wells, Kimberly, 15–18, 124–127, 180
“When You’re Not (Exactly) the Boss” (Becnel), 28–30
White, Ashanti, 46–49, 69–71, 180
“Why a Wiki?” (Ruleman), 110–113
WikiMatrix, 110
and communication among staff, 33
for graduate assistants, 121–122, 123
for IT support, 91
in project management, 100–101
selection criteria for software, 102–103, 110
wikis (cont.)
summer reading programs, 101–102, 111
as training manuals, 100
vs. blogs, 84
work-at-home option for parents on staff, 128
simplifying, 64
and wikis, 112
workloads, priorities for, 22–23
for branch workers, 32
and building team feeling, 28
free materials from, 61
See also conference attendance