acetic acid, 22, 137, 140, 210–211

Acetobacter aceti, 210–211

acidity, 138–139


candy and, 102

cooking with, 191–192

denaturing and, 53

description of, 187–188

eggs and, 42

fatty, 44–45

gels and, 52

measuring, 189

preserving foods and, 151

proteins and, 115–116, 190–191

sour sensing and, 196

sugars and, 25, 190

weak vs. strong, 188

acrylamide, 181–182

aeration, 146–147

agar, 50

agaropectin, 50

agarose, 50–51

air pressure, 221, 222–223

albumins, 53, 114


background of, 145–146

bacteria and, 139–140

DNA from pumpkin and, 152–154

emulsifying waxes and, 45

liquors, 103

making, 146–148

oxidation and, 210–211

sterilization with, 149–150

yeast and, 134–135, 139–140

ale yeasts, 147

alkalis, 188, 192–195

alpha helix, 113

alpha-tocopherol, 219

altitude, 222–223

amine group (NH2), 111–112

amino acids, 9–11, 53, 111–112, 113–114, 141, 172

ammonia, 188

amylopectin, 49–50

amylose, 49–50

anthocyanins, 195–196, 197, 206, 220

antibiotics, 143–144, 145

antimicrobial activity, 150–151

antioxidants, 206, 219–220

apple chips, 167, 176

apples, oxidation and, 206–209

arachidonic acid, 91

ascorbic acid, 172, 209–210

asparagine, 181

avidin, 118

bacon, 127–128, 132


acetic acid and, 140

alcohol and, 139–140

dairy products and, 141–143

growth of, 121–122, 126–127

lactic acid and, 140

prevalence of, 133–134

salt and, 139

sourdough starter and, 137–138

bactericidal effects, 150–151

bacteriostatic effects, 150–151

baking powders, 185

baking soda

bases and, 188–189

candy and, 28

double acting, 185

lemonade with chameleon eggs, 198–200

making, 193–195

quick breads and, 21–22

structure of, 22 See also leavening

bases, 187–188, 189

bearnaise sauce, 41

beer. See alcohols

beta sheet, 113

beurre blanc, 41

biotin, 118

blanching, 209

bleu cheese, 143–145

boiling points, 221, 223–225


bubble formation and, 22–23

ingredient variations and, 16–18

process of making, 18–21

recipe for, 15–21

role of ingredients in, 15–16

yeast and, 135–136

browning reactions, 172–175, 182

butter, clarified, 42–43

butterfat, 13–14, 35, 43–44, 108

buttermilk, 142–143

butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), 220

cakes, 16, 165, 166

calcium, 52, 116

calcium chloride, 198

calcium phosphate, 191

calories, estimating, 5–7

cancer, 177–182

Candida milleri, 137, 138–139

candy, 102–103

canning, 226

caramelan, 174

caramelen, 174

caramelin, 175

caramelization, 172, 174–175, 176

carbohydrates, 5, 81, 84

carbon atoms, 12, 26

carbon dioxide gas

acids and bases and, 189

alcohols and, 135, 148

carbonated water and, 99

leavening and, 185

quick breads and, 21

sodium bicarbonate and, 194

carbonic acid (soda water), 22, 193–194

carboxyl group (COOH), 111–112

carcinogens, 177–182

carrageenan, 50–51

caseins, 53, 114, 116–117, 141, 190–191

celiac disease, 140

ceteareth alcohol, 45

cetyl alcohol, 45


acids and, 191

bleu, 143–145

cherry dream cheese, 55–74

clotting and, 117

heating and, 175

making, 120

press, 68–69, 74–77

chelation, 172

chloride ion, 188

chlorogenic acid, 207–208

chlorophyll, 183–184

chocolate, 105, 108

cholesterol, 92

cis position, 91

clarified butter, 42–43

cocoa butter, 105–107

collagen, 54

colloidal suspensions, 40

colloids, 47, 48–49, 53

color changes, 182–184, 195–196. See also browning reactions

conalbumin, 117

condensation reaction, 190

conjugated proteins, 113–114

copper bowl, 11, 115

corn, alkali and, 192–193

corn syrup, 101, 102

covalent bonds, 26, 212

COX-1/COX-2 inhibitors, 91

cream, whipped, 10, 13–14

cream of tartar, 12, 25


candy and, 25, 28, 99, 102–103

chocolate and, 105, 108

crystal size and, 107–109

effects of, 105–106

melting point and, 106

salt and, 109

sugar and, 107

cycloheximide, 137

cysteine, 172

cystine, 11

deep-frying, 167

denatured proteins, 9–10, 53, 114116, 175, 191–192, 193

density, 4, 80, 100, 147

dessert whipper, 30, 33–35

diffusion, 98

diglycerides, 44

diglycine, 112

diradical, 214

disaccharides, 190

dissolving, process of, 96–98

disulfide bonds, 11, 53, 115

disulfide bridge, 11

DNA from pumpkin, 152–159

docosahexanoic acid (DHA), 89

doneness, tests for, 4

double bonds, 83, 86, 88, 212, 214

drying foods, 148–149, 165, 167, 176. See also freeze-drying foods

Duchesne, Ernest, 143–144


centering yolks in, 4–5

denatured proteins and, 114–115

density test and, 4

emulsions and, 41–42

foams and, 10–12

gels and, 52–53

heating and, 175

proteins and, 117–118

sizes of, 3

eicosanoids, 89

eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), 89

electrons, 205

emulsifying agents, 38

emulsifying waxes, 45

emulsions, overview of, 37–38

environmental controls, 134, 151

enzymes, 119, 135, 136, 172, 209

equipment, variations in, 168–169

ethanol, 210–211

eugenol, 150

fat bloom, 108


alkalis and, 192–193

bread and, 16

calories in, 5

emulsions and, 44–45

foams and, 13–14

insulin and, 7

molecules of, 84–86

monounsaturated, 86–87

omega-3, 90–91

omega-6, 90–91

oxidation and, 211, 215–219

polyunsaturated, 87, 89

properties of, 79–80

saturated, 86

trans, 91–93

fermentation, 149–150, 151. See also alcohols

firm ball stage, 24

fish oils, 89

flavor molecules, heating and, 176–177

Fleming, Alexander, 143–144


bread and, 15

gluten and, 14

sifted, 3

sourdough starter and, 136–137

types of, 16


description of, 9–10

fats and, 13–14

gelatin, 24–25, 27

gluten and, 14–15

stability and, 11–12, 13

sugar and, 27–28

food gums, 14

Franklin, Benjamin, 205

free radicals, 213–214

freeze-drying foods, 221

freezing foods, 105–106, 107–108

freezing points, 227

fructose, 25, 101, 174, 190, 225. See also glucose; maltose; sucrose; sugar


alcohols and, 149–150

apple chips, 167, 176

bacterial growth and, 121–122

blanching, 209

calories in, 6

drying, 148–149

oxidation and, 206–210

pectin and, 51–52

yeast and, 133–134

fungus, 143

furfural, 173

galactose, 50–51

gelatin, 24–25, 27, 48, 50, 52–53, 54

gelling agents, 50


acidity and, 116

agar and agarose, 50–51

formation of, 48

pectin, 51–52

protein, 52–54

sodium alginate and, 197

starches, 49–50

globulins, 113


acids and, 190

bacteria and, 137–138

browning reactions and, 172

caramelization and, 174

corn syrup and, 101

starches and, 49

sucrose and, 25

yeast and, 136 See also fructose; maltose; sucrose; sugar

glutamates, 119–120, 144–145

glutamic acid, 119–120

gluten, 16, 18, 119, 136, 140

glyceryl stearate, 44

glycine, 111–112, 172

glycogen, 49

glycoproteins, 114

gravity, 168

gum stabilizers, 40

hard ball stage, 4

hard-crack stage, 28, 102

HDL cholesterol, 92


conductivity, 169

flow rates, 163–164

purposes of, 171–172

solubility and, 95–100

herbs, 150–151

heterocyclic amines, 177–178

high-methoxyl pectin (HMP), 52

hollandaise sauce, 40–41, 42–44

honey, 15, 100, 101

honeycomb (candy), 28

hormones, 89–90

hydrochloric acid (HCl), 188

hydrocolloids, 14, 48–49

hydrogen atoms, 12, 26, 84

hydrogen bonds, 39

hydrogen peroxide, 126–127

hydrolysis, 190

hydrometer, 4, 147

hydronium ion, 187

hydrophobic amino acids, 53

hydroxide atoms, 22

hydroxide ion, 187, 190

hydroxymethylfurfural, 173

ice, 100

ice cream, 105–106, 107–109, 227–228

imidazopyridines (IP), 178, 180

imidazoquinolines (IQ), 178–180

insulin, 7

iodine, 50

ionic bonds, 23, 96

irradiation, 209

isobutyraldehyde, 173

isosacchrosan, 174

kaolin, 51

kappa-casein, 116–117. See also caseins

kelp, 197

kneading, 14, 18

lactic acid

bacteria and, 137, 140

cheese and, 120

pickles and, 134

pickling and, 151

protein denaturing and, 53

yeast and, 140

yogurt and, 141

Lactobacillus acidophilus, 53, 141

lactobacillus bacteria, 138, 140

Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis, 137, 138–139

lactose, 53, 107–108, 120, 141

lager yeasts, 147

LDL cholesterol, 92


gases and, 185

ingredients for, 14–15, 21–24, 195, 222

steam, 21, 185 See also baking soda

lecithin, 40, 44

lemon juice, 12

lemonade with chameleon eggs, 197–203

linolenin molecule, 218

lipid bilayer membranes, 38, 40

lipoproteins, 114

liquors, 103

litmus paper, 195

low-methoxyl pectin (LMP), 52

lye (sodium hydroxide), 188, 193–194

lysine, 141, 172

magnesium, 184

magnesium hydroxide, 198

Maillard reactions, 172–174, 176, 181, 182, 184, 226

maltase, 136

maltose, 101, 136, 137–138, 174. See also fructose; glucose; sucrose; sugar

marinades, 192

marshmallows, 24–25, 27

mayonnaise, 40

meat, 118. See also proteins

melanins, 207–209

melanoidins, 172–173

melting points, 85–86, 87, 93, 106–107

methane, 26

micelles, 116–117, 191


bacteria and, 141

browning reactions and, 172

buttermilk and, 142–143

caseins and, 116–117

scalding, 175

sour cream and, 142–143

steaming, 13, 14

yogurt and, 141

milk proteins, 53

molds, 143–144

molecules, structure of, 82–83

monoglycerides, 44

monosaccharides, 190

monosodium glutamate (MSG), 120, 145

monounsaturated fats, 86–87. See also fats

mucoproteins, 114, 117

myoglobin, 182

National Cancer Institute, 178

Newton’s Law of Cooling, 163–164, 167–168

niacin, 193

nitrous oxide gas, 33–34, 35, 99

nixtamalization, 192

nucleic acid, 114

nutrition changes, 184

oils, 79–80, 85, 211, 215–219. See also fats

oleic acid, 82–83

oleoresins, 151

omega end, 90

ovalbumin, 117–118

ovomucin, 53, 117–118

ovotransferin, 117–118

oxidase, 206


browning reactions and, 172

description of, 205–206

fats and, 211, 215–219

fruits and, 206–210

smoking foods and, 149

wine and, 210–211


alcohols and, 146–147

molecular bonds and, 212–214

radical chain reactions and, 216–219

Pasteur, Louis, 143

pasteurization, 175

Pauli Exclusion Principle, 213

pectin, 48, 51–52

penicillin, 143–144

Penicillium notatum, 144

peptide bond, 112

peroxide radicals, 217–218

pH levels, 189, 195–196. See also acids; bases

phosphocreatine, 177

phospholipids, 38, 40, 44

phosphorus, 116

pickles, 151

polar molecules, 39, 80

polypeptide, 112

polyphenol oxidase, 206–209

polyphenols, 206–207

polysaccharide, 49

polysorbates, 45

polyunsaturated fats, 87, 89. See also fats

popcorn, 21

popovers, 21, 185

preserving foods, 148–151

pressure cookers, 223, 225–226

proline, 116

propionates, 151


acids and, 190–191

amino acids and, 111–112

calories in, 5

cheese, 120

denaturing, 9–10, 53, 114–117, 119, 175, 191–192, 193

eggs, 117–118

enzymes and, 119, 140–141

foams and, 9–10

gels and, 48–49, 52–54

glutamates and, 144–145

meat, 118

milk, 53, 116–117

structures of, 113–114

proteolytic enzymes, 140–141

protons, acids and bases and, 187–188

pumpkin, DNA from, 152–159

quick breads, 21

quinones, 207–208

radical chain reactions, 215–219

radicals, 213–214, 215–220


surface-to-volume, 161–163, 164–165

variations in, 2


cherry dream cheese, 55–74

DNA from pumpkin, 152–159

ice cream, 108

lemonade with chameleon eggs, 197–203

Thanksgiving turkey, 121–132

whipped creamsicle topping, 29–35

reduction, description of, 205

rennet, 120, 145, 191

rock candy, 99, 102, 109

Roquefort cheese, 144


bacteria and, 139

boiling point and, 223–224

crystal size and, 109

dissolving in water, 96–98, 99

evaporation and, 188

freezing point and, 227–228

preserving with, 148–149

turkey and, 126

yeast and, 139

saturated fats, 86. See also fats

saturation point, 97

sauces, 40–41

seafood, acids and, 191–192

shortening, 16, 92, 119, 222

sifting, 3

single bonds, 213–214

smoking foods, 149

soap, 188, 192

soda water (carbonic acid), 22, 193–194

sodas, density test and, 4

sodium acetate, 22

sodium alginate, 197–203

sodium aluminum sulfate, 185

sodium bicarbonate. See baking soda

sodium carbonate, 193–194

sodium hydroxide (lye), 188, 193–194

sodium ion, 188

sols, 48

solubility, 95–101, 102–103

solutions, definition of, 95

sour, sensing of, 196

sour cream, 142–143

sourdough, 136–141

spices, antimicrobials and, 150–151

sponges, 23–24

stabilizers, 11–12, 13–14, 40

stable radicals, 219–220

staphylococci, 143

Staphylococcus aureus, 141

starches, 49–50

steam leavening, 21, 185. See also leavening

stearic acid, 84

stearyl alcohol, 45

sterilization of foods, 149–150, 226

structural formulas, reading, 12

structures, protein, 113–114

stuffing, 123–125

Styrofoam, 98


acids and, 190

boiling point and, 224–225

breaking up, 25

caramelization and, 174–175

ice cream and, 107–108

structure of, 81

syrups and, 101

yeast and, 136 See also fructose; glucose; maltose; sugar


acids and, 190

boiling point and, 224–225

bread and, 15

caramelization and, 172, 174

crystals, 107

density test and, 4

dissolving in water, 97–98, 99

foams, 27–28

gels and, 52

marshmallows and, 24–25, 27

molecule, 80–81

ratios and, 2

solutions and, 100–101

sour sensing and, 196

starches, 49

types of, 25 See also fructose; glucose; maltose; sucrose

sulfites, 210

sulfur atoms, 11, 53

supersaturation, 99

surface-to-volume ratios, 161–163, 164–165

suspensions, 48

syneresis, 49

tannins, 206

temperature control, alcohols and, 146–147. See also boiling points; freezing points; heat

tempering, 105, 108

Thanksgiving turkey, 121–132

thermal mass, 168, 169

thermo-reversible gel, 54

thiamin, 184

thymol, 150

timing, variables in, 167–168

trans fats, 91–93. See also fats

trans position, 91

transglutaminase, 136

triarachidonin, 90

trieicosapentaenoin (triEPA), 89–90

triglycerides, 44, 84–86, 108

triolein, 87, 92–93

tristearin, 84–85, 86

trona, 195

tryptophan, 193

Tyndall, John, 143

vacuums, 24, 226

vanillin, 206

vapor pressure, 223

variations, ratios and, 2

vegetable gum, 40

vegetable shortening, 92

vegetables, 6, 177

vinegar, 210–211


reduction of, 176

surface-to-volume ratios, 161–163, 164–165


acids and bases and, 187–188

bread and, 15

bread-baking and, 19

dissolving salt in, 96–98, 99

dissolving sugar in, 97–98, 99

freezing, 100

oils and, 79–80

preserving foods and, 148–149 See also drying foods

water-based colloids, 48–49

wax, for cheese, 70–71

waxes, emulsifying, 45

weight control, 6–7. See also calories, estimating

whipped cream, 10, 13–14

whipped creamsicle topping, 29–35

whippits, 33–34, 35, 99

wine, 210–211. See also alcohols

wort, 147

xanthum gum, 29–30, 35, 41


acetic acid and, 140

alcohol and, 139–140

alternatives to, 21–24

beer making and, 147

bread and, 15

gluten foams and, 14–15

lactic acid and, 140

overview of, 134–136

prevalence of, 133–134

salt and, 139

sourdough starter and, 136–141

starters and, 21

types of, 147

yogurt, 120, 141, 190–191