

abdomen adjustments, 97–98

accessories, 12–13

activewear, 202–211


ballpoint pins/needles, 25

basting tape, 30

bed skirts, 333–335

beeswax with holder, 25

betweens, 25

bias, 272

bias bound finish, 113

bias strips, 80

bias tape, 33

blindstitch hem foot, 13

bobbins, 10

bodkin, 31

body measurements, 37

bolster pillows, 237–239

bound seam finishes, 112–114

boxed cushion, 257, 260–263

box pillows, 234–236

braid, 33

brocade, 62

buckram, 272

bust adjustments, 90–93

button foot, 13

buttonhole attachments, 12

buttonhole cutter, 31

buttonholes, 164–167

buttons, 34, 168–170, 245


chainstitch, 16

clearance, 272

closures, 34, 162–183, 240–245

collars, 134–139, 190–193

corded piping, 33

corduroy, 49, 51–52


inside, 22

outside, 23

cover stitch, 17

crewels, 25

crosswise grain, 272

cuffs, 130–133

curtains, 304–315

curved edges, 22

cushions, 256–263

cut length, 272

cutting board, 31

cutting layouts, 41

cutting tips, 80

cutting tools, 28

cut width, 272


darts, 120–121

decorator fabrics, 219–223

diagonal fabrics, 48

directional fabrics, 79

draperies, 316–323

dressmaker’s tracing paper, 26

duvet covers, 328–332



curved, 22

decorative, 246–251

easy, 148–149

elasticized, 216–217

ribbed, 208–211

elastic, 33

elasticized edges, 216–217

elasticized waistbands, 202–207

embroidered fabrics, 65–67

equipment, 24–31

cutting tools, 28

hand sewing, 25

marking tools, 26

measuring tools, 27

pressing tools, 29

sewing-machine needles, 24

specialized, 30–31

even feed foot, 13

eyes, 34


fabric preparation, 73–74

fabrics. See also specific types

classic, 48–49

classification of, 44

decorator, 219–223

easy-to-sew, 45

handling special, 46

sewing techniques for, 47

tailoring, 185

fashion drawings, 40

fasteners, 34

fine thread, 32

finish, 272

finished length, 272

flanged pillow shams, 325–327

flange pillows, 232–233

flat-fell seams, 107–108, 115, 117

flatlock seams, 115, 118–119

flatlock stitch, 17

flat panel curtains, 304–307

flounce, 272

French seams, 105–106, 115, 116, 225

fringe, 251

frogs, 34

fullness, 272

fur, 69

fusible interfacings, 57, 70–72, 184–189

futon covers, 264–267


gabardine, 48–49

gathered seams, 115, 118

gathers, 122–125

glue, 30


hand basting, 82

hand sewing equipment, 25

heading, 273

heavyweight fabrics, 47

hems, 142–149, 196–197, 286–287

hip adjustments, 98–101

Hong Kong finish, 112, 113

hooks and eyes, 34, 162–163


in-seam pockets, 150, 155

inside corners, 22

interfacings, 57, 70–72, 184–189

interlining, 273

ironing board, 30

irons, 29



lining, 198–199

tailoring, 185–197


knife-edge cushions, 257, 258

knife-edge pillows, 228–229

knits, 46, 47, 55–57, 73


lace, 65–67

lace seam binding, 33

lamé, 62

lapped closures, 244–245


of directional fabrics, 79

pattern, 75

of plaids and stripes, 76–78

leather, 69

length adjustments, 87–89

leotards, 212–217

lightweight fabrics, 47

lining, 198–201, 273

liquid markers, 81

liquid ravel preventer, 30

loop turner, 31

loose weaves, 48, 50–51

lustrous fabrics, 62–63


machine basting, 81, 82

man-made fibers, 44

marking pens/pencils, 26, 81

marking tips, 81–83

marking tools, 26

measuring tools, 27

medium-weight fabrics, 47

metallic fabrics, 62

milliner’s needles, 25

miter, 273

mock box pillows, 230–231

mock up, 273

mounting boards, 282–285


napkins, 347–348

napped and pile fabrics, 46

natural fibers, 44


finish for, 148–149

ribbed, 209–211

needle gripper, 30


hand sewing, 25

serger, 15

sewing-machine, 24

needle threader, 25

no-grain fabrics, 47

notched collars, 190–193

notions, 32–35


one-way design fabrics, 46

on-grain, 273

outside corners, 23

overedge foot, 13

overedge seam finish, 115, 116

overedge stitch, 16

overlap, 273

overlock seams, 115

overlock stitch, 16


pants, lining, 200–201

paper-back fusible web, 31

parsons chairs, 268–271

patch pockets, 150–154

pattern adjustments

to bust, 90–93

guidelines for, 85

to hips, 98–101

to length, 87–89

methods, 86

for swimsuits and leotards, 212–213

to waist and abdomen, 94–98

pattern catalogs, 36

patterned fabrics, 222–223

pattern envelope, 38–39

pattern pieces, 42

pattern repeat, 273


components, 40–43

laying out, 75

selecting, 36

pillows, 226–251

closure options, 240–245

decorative edges, 246–251

forms and fillings, 227

types of, 228–239

pillow shams, 325–327

pin catcher, 31

pinch-pleated draperies, 316–323

pin cushions, 25, 31

pins, 25, 81, 83

placemats, 344–346

plaids, 46, 48, 76–78

plain seams, 224

pleating pins, 25

pockets, 150–161

point presser/clapper, 29

point turner, 31

polyester thread, 32

preparation, fabric, 73–74

preshrinking, 74

press cloth, 29

pressing, 81, 82

pressing mitt, 29

pressing tools, 29

pressure regulation, 10–11

prints, 48

projection, 273


quilting pins, 25


railroading, 273

reinforced seams, 115, 116

return, 273

ribbed edges, 208–211

ribbing, 55

rickrack, 33

rod pocket, 273

rod-pocket curtains, 312–315

rolled hem stitch, 17

rolled seams, 115, 117

Roman shades, 296–303

rotary cutter, 28

ruffles, 250

rules, 27


safety stitches, 16–17, 225

satin, 62

scarf swags, 288–291

scissors, 28

seam finishes, 110–119

seam gauge, 27

seam ripper, 28

seam roll, 29

seams, 102–119

curved, 104

encased, 105–108

ending, 21

home décor, 224–225

for loose weaves, 51

machine-stitching, 103

serged, 115–119

starting, 21

stretch, 109

types of, 115–119

seam tape, 33

seat covers, 253–263

self-bound seams, 105

self-lined, 273

selvage finish, 110, 273

sequined fabrics, 62

serged seams, 115–119

sergers, 14–25

basic of, 20–23

care and maintenance, 15

functions and parts, 14–15

tension adjustments, 18–19

types of, 16–17

serger thread, 15, 32

sewing directions, 41

sewing-machine needles, 24

sewing machines. See also sergers

accessories, 12–13

choosing, 9

stitch adjustments, 10–11

threading, 10

shades, Roman, 296–303

shank, 12

shank buttons, 34

sharps, 25

shears, 28

sheer fabrics, 46, 47, 58–61

shoulder pads, 194–195

shoulders, tailoring jacket, 194–195

shower curtains, 336–337

silk pins, 25

silky fabrics, 58–61

skirts, lining, 200–201

slanted pockets, 150, 156–157

sleeve board, 29

sleeves, 126–129, 188

slipcovers, 252–271

slits, stitching, 22

snaps, 34, 171–172

snap tape, 34

snips, 81, 83

special purpose foot, 13

stabilized seams, 116, 119

stacking space, 273

stitched and pink seams, 110


removing, 23

types of, 16–17

stitch length regulator, 10

stitch tension, 10–11, 18–19

straight pins, 25

straight stitches, 11

straight-stitch plate, 12

stretch seams, 109

stripes, 46, 48, 76–78

suede, 69

supplies, 32–35. See also equipment

swags, 288–291

swimsuits, 212–217

synthetic fur, suede, and leather, 69


tab curtains, 308–311

tablecloths, 338–343

table-top ironing board, 30

taffeta, 62

tailoring, 184–201

tailor’s chalk, 26, 81, 83

tailor’s ham, 29

tape measure, 27

tapes, 33


serger, 15, 20–23

types of, 32

thread clipper, 28

toggles, 34

tools. See equipment

tracing paper, 26

tracing wheels, 26

traverse rods, 277, 280–281

tricot bound finish, 113

trims, 33

T-square, 27

turn and stitched finishes, 110, 111

twill tape, 33

twill weave fabrics, 46


undertreatment, 273


valances, 292–295

velvet, 49

velveteen, 49, 51–52


waist adjustments, 94–98

waistbands, 140–141

waterfall cushion, 257, 259

weights, 31

welting, 246–249

welt pockets, 150, 158–161

window hardware, 276–281

window measurements, 274–275

window treatments, 272–323

woven fabrics, 73


yardstick, 27


zigzag finishes, 110, 111

zigzag plate and foot, 12

zigzag stitches, 11, 225

zipper foot, 13

zippers, 35, 173–183, 241–43