- Aadhar card 132
- ‘absolutist’ model 221
- Accenture 79, 157, 159
- accountability 190
- accuracy, need for 10
- ACORD 84
- ADA Health 75
- Ada Lovelace Institute 173
- administrative workflow assistance 79
- advanced data analytics 109–10, 239
- advanced image recognition 90
- advanced matching algorithms 81, 82
- Advanced Technology External Advisory Council (ATEAC) 183
- advisory processes 127
- AEDPT 233
- African Financial Sector 58–9
- Financial Exclusion and Cybercrime 58
- AI Commons 70
- AI Council 27
- ‘AI tax’ 243
- AI100 Standing Committee 231
- Aino use case 111
- Algo 216
- algocracy, regulation 71–3
- algocratic insurance 71–4
- algorithms 53
- advanced matching 81
- assurance 214–16
- boosting 126, 128
- determinism 72
- selection 249
- Alibaba 21, 45, 53
- Alipay 43
- Allstate 96
- Allstate Business Insurance Expert (ABIE) 96
- Alphabet 183
- AlphaGo 6, 141
- AlphaGo Zero 6, 7
- Alt-data 163–5
- alternative data 12, 46, 48, 163–5
- Amazon 15, 18, 20, 36, 45, 67, 83, 122, 133, 152, 155, 157, 181, 202, 229, 246, 262
- Annum 80
- anomaly detection 44, 71, 126
- Ant Financial 21, 53, 122
- anti-money laundering (AML) 59, 104, 157, 167, 216
- Apple 75, 97, 202, 262
- Card 57
- crash (2014) 135
- iPhone 49
- partnership with Goldman Sachs 122
- Apple Pay 57
- application programming interface (API) 11, 36, 43, 46
- Archer 233
- artificial general intelligence (AGI) 158
- artificial Intelligence, definition 151, 158
- artificial Intelligence advantage 23–4
- artificial Intelligence–human collaboration approach 261
- artificial narrow intelligence (ANI) 158
- artificial neural networks 102
- artificial super intelligence (ASI) 158
- assistants
- digital 257
- intelligent 42
- machine learning-based 111
- virtual 102, 124, 126, 127
- virtual nursing assistants 79
- virtual personal assistant (VPA) 112
- assisted intelligence 93
- audit, need for 223
- augmented human intelligence 14–15, 93
- authorization event 105
- auto insurance 97
- autoencoders 126
- automated machine learning 248–50
- automated trading 144
- automatic data capture 53
- AutoML 155
- autonomous regulatory agents (ARAs) 251, 252
- Autor, David 259
- Aviva’s Quantum Team 94
- AXA 80
- AXA Tianping 80
- Axon 183
- AI and Policing Ethics Board (APEB) 183
- Babbage, Charles 102
- back office 123, 137–8
- Baidu 21
- Bankin’ 50
- banking licenses 47
- Basel Accord 251
- Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) 230, 232
- Basel IV 232
- BATJ (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, Jingdong) 39
- Bayesian processing 53
- BBVA 50
- behavioural analytics 67
- behavioural biometrics 105–6
- behavioural premium pricing 89
- beneficence 180
- BERT model 128, 257
- Betterment 217
- bias 16–17
- big data 41, 102, 108–10, 239
- ‘big tech’ firms, AI focus 21
- Biobeats 80
- biometrics 40, 105–6
- Birdie 80
- black box 7, 69, 77, 177,188, 197–99, 215
- blockchain technology 47, 242
- Bloomberg 136
- BMW 166
- board 26–7
- composition 27
- dynamics 26
- special educational programmes 27
- boom and bust cycle 136
- Boost.ai 111
- boosting algorithms 126, 128
- b-Paid 116
- Brynjolfsson, Erik 259, 260
- business applications in finance 6–7
- call models 37
- Cambridge Analytica (CA) scandal 227
- Canada: Genetic Non-Discrimination Act (2017) 66
- Cape Analytic 96
- capital management 91
- capital markets 254–5
- AI approaches in 150–6
- use cases 152–3
- use of AI in 163–5
- where to now? 166–7
- car loans 44
- CareVoice 80
- central processing units (CPU) 21
- Challenger banks 12, 43
- chaos theory 135
- chatbot 7, 49, 88, 89, 95–6, 112
- in African financial sector 59
- banking applications 49–51
- customer care 239
- customer service 34, 51
- in debt collection 36–7
- expansion of 49
- realtime 89
- ‘showcase’ 49–51
- China 20–2, 258
- AI governance network 22
- AI start-up funding 20–1
- AI strategy 20
- ‘big tech’ forms 21
- Central Bank’s credit information system 39
- credit system 35
- inclusive finance 39–42
- machine vision patent category 21
- market model 20
- ‘Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan’ 20
- social credit system 21
- chip technology 21
- churn prediction 126
- churn rate 90
- client attrition 126, 127–8
- client centricity 122
- client data promise 202–3
- client experience 126
- client identification 126
- client prospecting and conversion 125–6
- client risk appetite 126
- client risk profile 126
- client screening 126
- client segmentation 125
- client servicing and support 127
- cloud computing 23, 41, 94, 151, 239
- codified alpha 141
- Coding as a Second Language (CSL) 25
- cognitive computing capabilities 239
- commercial insurance 80–1
- commercial underwriting 81–2, 83–4, 90
- Common Rule for the Protection of Human Subjects 180
- common sense reasoning 155
- communication campaign 28
- COMPAS 210, 265
- complexity theory 160
- compliance 160–2, 232–3
- computer vision 82, 92, 95
- Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference (2018) 212
- connected homes 255
- connected life 191
- consumer debt (US) 34
- contactless payments 105, 187
- content augmentation 123
- convergence of advanced technologies 144–6
- ‘conversational agent’ see chatbot
- conversational banking 123
- conversational user interface (CUI) 112
- conversion forecast 126
- convolutional neural networks (CNN) 6
- core banking systems 43
- cost to the economy 113
- Council of Europe AI goals 22, 28
- Craib, Richard 245
- credit
- access to 44
- approval process 40
- assessment in underserved segments 54–5
- credit scoring 46, 54
- CreditEnable 53
- ‘creditworthiness’ 34, 35
- facial recognition technology 34
- of SMEs 52
- CRM 2.0 116
- cross-selling 109
- customer engagement 34
- customer service chatbot 34, 49
- customer service robot 42
- CXI Council on Extended Intelligence 70
- cyber risks 67
- cyberattacks 189
- cyber-physical systems (CPS) 186
- DARPA 154
- data
- and AI strategy 161
- alternative 46, 48, 163–5
- anonymization of 16
- as asset 200–1
- availability 16
- classification 76
- cleansing 48
- confidentiality 128
- ethics, need for 200
- geolocalization 46
- historical lending, property 56
- labels 16
- lack of 40
- library 233
- lifestyle 46
- mining 53
- mistrust 201
- networks 15
- privacy 67, 239
- promise 202–3
- quality 12
- sharing 12, 128
- shortage 248
- sources 40
- theft 19
- transparency 239
- truth and accuracy of 40
- unbiased 7
- value of 201–3
- ‘data war’ 19
- data-based automation 137
- Daterion 96
- de-biasing 215
- Decentralized apps (dApps) 246
- decision enhancement tools 135
- decision-making, autonomy of 177
- decision trees 126, 127, 215, 238
- deep learning (DL) 6, 195
- failure of 7
- financial regulation 251–3
- within finance 157–9
- DeepMind 182–3
- Deloitte 157
- deposits
- applications of AI 46–8
- future of 43–5
- DevOps 239
- digital footprints 46, 54
- Digital India 132
- digital signatures 90
- digital transformation 11–12
- digital war 19
- discrimination 67
- disruptors of AI 94
- distributed ledger technology (DLT) 187, 239
- DNB 111
- document anti-counterfeiting 41
- Domingos, Pedro 155
- dot-com boom 9
- Droit 233
- drones 89, 90, 95–6
- due diligence process 40–1, 201
- DvP 141
- dynamic authentication 105
- e-commerce transactions 46
- ECPAIS (Ethics Certification Program for Autonomous & Intelligent Systems) 70
- efficient markets hypothesis 134
- electronic ‘know-your-customer’ (eKYC) systems 44, 90
- Email bots 90
- emotion 17, 258
- enablement 191–4
- English common law model 20
- enhanced cognition 23–4
- ensemble learning algorithms 128
- Enterprise Analytics 89
- environmental, social and governance (ESG) 129–31
- corporate reporting 180–5
- ‘equality of opportunity’ 140
- Equifax data breach (2017) 202, 232
- Esme Loans 52–3
- ETF 2.0 140–2
- ethics 8, 17, 192–4
- boardroom 69
- challenges 176–7
- data, need for 200–1
- definition 69
- digital 201
- in financial markets 188–90
- governance 180
- innovation 178–9
- Ethically-Aligned Design (EAD) 70
- ethics by design 69
- ethics for design 69
- ethics in design 69
- European Commission AI guidelines 22, 28
- European Union (EU)
- AI strategy 20
- Declaration of Cooperation on Artificial Intelligence 218
- second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) 191
- ‘Upskilling Pathways’ initiative 25
- see also General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- evolution of RegTech 232–3
- e-wallets 105
- exchange-traded funds (ETFs) 140–1
- expert systems 151, 238
- explainability 17, 177, 186, 190, 198
- explainable AI (XAI) 17, 69, 73, 77, 153–4
- explainable algorithm 198
- external risks 221
- eye recognition 40
- Facebook 20, 122, 180, 202, 246, 262, 265
- facial recognition 21, 40
- algorithms 7
- creditworthiness 34
- regulations on 18
- software 67
- Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) (US) 197
- fairness 17, 20, 176–7
- fairness, ethics, accountability and transparency (FEAT) 70, 214
- fear 143–5
- ‘feature engineering’ 37
- federated learning 128, 248–50
- FICO 35
- Finance Innovation Lab 173
- ‘financial advice’ 122
- financial coaching 50
- Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) 154
- ‘financial innovation’ 122
- Financial Stability Board 214
- Findability 233
- fingerprint recognition 40
- FINMA: Circular 2013/8 214
- Fit4Future! 232–3
- Flash Crash 135
- Flipkart 45
- Flood Re & Genetics in Life insurance 68
- Flood Re Solution Super-accurate 66
- FNOL 86
- Fourth Industrial Revolution 240, 242, 246, 257
- Foxconn 21
- fraud
- applications, identification of 39–40
- combatting 108–9
- detection 6–7
- reaction time to 224
- typologies 224
- fraud at first notification of loss (FNOL) 86
- Frey, Carl 242
- front office 137–9
- FS AI/ML Trust Issue 191
- future of AI 6, 188, 240–1
- in finance 6–8
- jobs 259
- portfolio manager267–9
- prediction and 260
- G20 Data Gaps Initiative 252
- gamification 89
- Gartner 49, 111
- Gates, Bill 45, 52
- gender bias 183, 265
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 57, 154, 191, 202, 211–12, 215–16, 218
- automated decision-making 212
- Data Minimization principle 212
- Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) 212
- Individual Rights 212
- Lawful Basis 211–12
- Purpose Limitation principle 211
- general linear model 94
- generative adversarial networks (GANs) 6, 154, 268
- genetic testing 66
- geolocalization data 46, 163
- Girls Who Code 25
- GLM based models 94
- Global Financial Crisis (2007/8) 173, 232, 251
- Global Financial Innovation Network (GFIN) 233
- Goldilocks Rule 159
- Goldman Sachs 57, 95, 122, 148
- Google 6, 14, 18, 21, 79, 93, 109, 128, 155, 157, 182–3, 202, 209, 246, 250, 255, 257, 262, 265
- Advanced Technology External Advisory Council (ATEAC) 183
- AI centre, Africa 59
- BERT 133
- Google Pay 57
- Google Translate 255
- GPT-2 154
- graphic processing units (GPU) technology 21
- graphical user interface (GUI) 112
- Great Crash (1929) 251
- Great Depression 251
- greed 143–5
- Group of Twenty (G20) (2019) Osaka Declaration 23
- Haldane, Andrew 160
- Hangzhou ‘City Brain’ project 21
- Harley Davidson 109
- Hawking, Stephen 266
- healthcare insurance 75–7, 78–80
- Hedvig 66
- high-net-worth individual (HNWI) end of the market 132
- high-quality data 48
- Hispanic Heritage Foundation 25
- holistic screening 224
- home buying 44, 56
- Hong Kong Central Bank 189
- human-in-the-loop model 47
- Human Rights Data Analysis Group 265
- human strengths and weaknesses 260–1
- Hybrid Model (Quantamental+ MetaQuant) 164–5
- I Know First 134–6
- IBM 21, 50, 79, 157, 211
- ICICI Lombard 96
- IFC 254
- iFlytek 21
- image recognition 6, 90, 128, 238, 260
- ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) 90
- impact of AI 10
- imperfect information games 155
- Independent AI Ethics Committees 180–5
- Independent Human Research Review Committees (IHRCs) 180–1
- corporate AI-focused 181–2
- India
- account opening and personalization 132–3
- investment and asset management 132–3
- ‘inequality of outcome’ 140
- ‘inferential analytics’ 248
- ‘information asymmetry’ 68
- informed consent 180
- instant messaging (IM) tools. 41, 49
- institutional review boards (IRBs) 180
- insurance 65–70
- algocratic 71–4
- claims and settlement management 89–90
- commercial underwriting 81–2, 83–5
- customer services 89–90
- healthcare 75–7, 78–80
- household flood risk 66
- life 66
- onboarding 89
- personalization as future of 68
- policy administration 90
- policy life cycle management 86–8
- products 89
- sales and distribution 89
- use cases 72–3
- value chain 89–91
- InsurTech 65
- Intel Corporation 79
- intelligent automation 157, 240
- intelligent calling 42
- intelligent character recognition (ICR) 90
- intelligent customer service 41–2
- ‘intelligent empowerment’ (IE) 161–2, 191
- International Data Corporation 158
- International Finance Corporation 24
- International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) 184
- internet of things (IoT) 89, 92, 97, 191, 214, 254, 268
- investment automation 123
- investment research and trading 127
- investment selection 134–6
- invisible banking 112
- ‘invisible hand’ 195–6
- iTunes 43
- JAM (Jan Dhan Aadhar Mobile) Trinity 50, 132
- JD Finance 52
- JD.com 21
- jobs
- displacement 242
- future of 259
- JP Morgan 160
- Juniper Research 49
- ‘just-in-time’ production 45
- Kaggle 245
- k-mean clustering 125
- know-your-customer (KYC) 44, 59, 90, 104, 109, 126, 153, 167, 203, 214, 232
- knowledge graph-based question answering (KGQA) area 36
- knowledge graphs 36
- KPIs 214
- KPMG 11
- Land Rover 166
- languages 257
- law 209–13
- leadership 262–3
- lean engineering 116
- legacy boards 26
- legal risk and regulation 227
- legitimacy 172
- Lehman Brothers 122, 232
- Lekta.ai 111
- Lemonade 94
- lending
- applications of AI 46–8
- credit decisions 35
- fraud prevention 35
- future of 43–5
- user identification 34
- Lendio 52
- LIBOR scandal 161
- life insurance 66
- lifelong learning 24–5
- lifestyle data 46
- lifetime value (LTV) 90
- limits of AI 10
- linear regression 126
- Linux 247
- loan
- changing expectations 44
- examination and approval 41
- Locally Interpretable Model Estimation (LIME) 198, 215
- logistic regression 94, 126, 197
- long short-term memory (LSTM) 6
- Long Term Capital Management (LTCM) 7
- machine learning (ML) 6, 9, 21, 36, 41, 52, 54, 75–7, 81–2, 108, 114, 129, 138, 151, 157–9, 197, 248–50
- advanced algorithms 53
- definition 151
- in digital wealth management 125–8
- modelling techniques 81
- supervised learning 102
- unlocking 108–10
- unsupervised learning 102
- machine vision 21
- macro-trend analysis of workforce challenges 24
- Madoff, Bernie 141, 255
- manufactured risks 220
- Manulife 97
- Manyika, James 37
- markets as chaotic systems 134–5
- matrix factorization 125
- Maya bot 96
- McAfee 259
- McKinsey & Co 11, 39
- McKinsey Global Institute 37, 79
- merchants, advanced analytics for 109–10
- MetaQuants 163–5
- MetricStream GRC 233
- Microsoft 18, 20, 21, 53, 79, 157, 249
- middle office 123, 137–8
- MiFID II 123, 161, 233
- mobile phone data, creditworthiness 55
- ‘modernist’ model 221
- Monetary Authority of Singapore 214
- Moneybox 217
- monosemantic equilibrium forms 114
- Moore’s Law 102, 140
- morality of AI 265–6
- mortgage debt 34
- mortgage market 56
- MS Office Excel 233
- multi-Language 257
- MYbank 53
- MyBucks 53
- named entity recognition 84, 126
- National Research Act (1974) (US) 180
- natural disasters 254
- natural language processing (NLP) 7, 14, 21, 23, 53, 59, 71, 82, 84, 90, 92, 111, 126, 127, 153, 166, 198, 214, 238, 248, 255
- Natural Language Understanding (NLU) 111, 257
- Netflix 152, 245, 262
- neural networks 14, 21, 23, 126, 127, 195
- next best action 125, 126
- ‘niche discrimination’ 72
- non-banking services 50
- non-linear models 197
- noSQL database 137
- Numerai 245–6
- Obama, Barack 217
- OCEANIS (Open Community for Ethics in Autonomous and Intelligent Systems) 70
- OECD AI goals 22, 28
- omnichannel banking 111
- onboarding 46, 90, 126–7
- on-the-job training 24
- ontologies 15
- open banking 12, 47, 122, 191
- application programming interfaces (APIs) 11
- in European Union 102
- Web 3.0 and 245–7
- open insurance 72
- OpenAI 154, 202
- optical character recognition (OCR) 41, 44, 84, 92
- ordinary least squares regression 94
- organizational efficiency 166
- organizational readiness 17
- original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) 44
- Osbourn, Michael 242
- Oxfam 243
- Padoa 80
- Panasonic Foundation 25
- passive investing 123
- password identification 39, 105
- patterns 46
- payments 102–4
- authentication 105–7
- contactless 102, 105, 187
- frictionless 105–7
- see also big data
- PayPal 36, 43, 45, 202
- PayTM 43
- PBOC (People’s Bank of China) credit scores 35
- Pearson correlation indicator 135
- peer-to-peer (P2P) networks 89, 246
- personal loans 44
- personally identifiable information (PII) 48, 201
- PIN numbers 105
- Ping An Health 80
- Point of sale 86, 105
- politically exposed persons (PEPs) 104
- polygraphic analysis 90
- polynomial regression 126
- polysemantic equilibrium forms 114
- ponzi 141
- portfolio optimization 125, 132
- post loan disbursal 45
- post-loan data 41
- post-onboarding 90
- predictive algorithms 239
- PredPol 265
- pre-onboarding 90
- PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) 157
- principal component analysis (PCA) 125, 127
- Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) 184
- privacy 177, 189
- procurement assurance compliance 215
- product centricity 122
- product matching 126
- product recommendations 125, 126–7
- Prognos 76
- Progressive Insurance 97
- ‘propensity for fraud score’ 86
- property prices 56
- prospect conversion 126
- PSD2 12, 173, 191, 202
- psychometric data 46, 54
- public trust in AI 20
- push/pull wealth management offers, transformation of 122–4
- PySyft 250
- qualified personnel, shortage of 248–9
- quality control 10
- ‘quantamental’ approach 163
- quantitative easing 251
- quantum computing 143, 144, 239
- racial bias 210–11
- random forest 126, 128
- model ML 53
- regression 126
- random walk hypothesis 134
- real-time document uploading 90
- real-time feedback 89
- real-time mobile banking 11
- real-time predictive analytics 89
- real-time speech recognition 42
- Real-World Insurance Value Chain 92–7
- recommendation engines 102, 152–3
- Recommender systems 125
- recurrent neural networks (RNN) 6, 126
- Refinitiv 12
- ‘RegTech’ 232
- regulation of AI 179, 203, 217–19
- reinforcement learning 128, 135
- reliability 11
- research failure 16
- resilience 16
- reskilling 263–4
- return on investment (ROI) of data capture 94
- revenue forecasts 126
- risk 9–10
- cyber 67
- external 221
- identification of 223–4
- legal 226
- management 81
- profiling 125, 126
- surveillance 72
- systemic 7–8
- risk-based regulation (RBR) 220–2
- ‘risk society’ 220, 221
- robo-advisors 123, 124, 157
- ‘robo’ trading 217
- Robocop on Wall Street 225–8
- robot-assisted surgery 79
- robotic process automation (RPA) 47, 92, 226, 239, 242
- Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) 50
- rule engines 238
- safeguards 7–8
- sales process optimization 258
- sampling 224
- Samsung 75
- Samsung Pay 43
- scalability 11
- ‘scientificrationalist’ 221
- Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) 185
- Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) (US) 232, 251
- security 11, 105
- ‘segment-of-one’ 72
- self-organized maps (SOM) 125
- self-regulation 212–13
- semantic analysis 42, 195
- semantic database 137
- sensitive personal information (SPI) 201
- sentiment analysis 127, 161, 195
- SHAP 198, 215
- Shapley values 215
- ‘Sharp Eyes’ project 21
- ‘showcase’ chatbots 51
- siloed approach to adoption 238
- simMachines 154
- Singapore’s AI structure 20
- Siri 49, 255
- skilling 263–4
- Skinner, Chris 160
- Skyglyph 96
- Skyrim 56
- smart contracts with AI 239
- Smart Routing 108
- ‘smarter beta’ 141
- smartphone wallet 187
- smartphones 43, 102
- small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
- credit landscape 52–3
- lending 36, 52–3
- underwriting process 82
- Smith, Adam
- Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, An 195
- Theory of Moral Sentiments 195
- Snapshot mobile app 97
- social media analysis 127
- social network analysis 195
- societal value chain 116
- Société Générale 50
- soft skills 263
- speech quality inspection 42
- speech recognition 21, 71, 112
- speech semantic recognition technology 42
- speech synthesis 21
- spontaneous order 195
- Spotify 209, 262
- Square 45
- stakeholder collusion 39
- Starbucks 43
- StarCraft II 155
- Starling 12
- State Farm 96
- static authentication 107
- statistical anomaly detection 53
- statistical parity difference 215
- straight-through processing (STP) 141
- strength-based management techniques 27
- ‘Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act’ (US) 25
- supervised learning 102–3, 125, 126
- support process optimization 258
- support vector machine regression 126
- surveillance data 21
- systemic risk 7–8
- tacit knowledge 259, 261
- tag clouds 15
- Taser 183
- technical standards 218
- technology anxiety 259
- telegram 50
- telemarketing 34
- telematics, connected 89
- telemedicine 80
- Tencent 21
- TensorFlow Federated 250
- Tesla 166
- text recognition 41
- Theil Index 215
- tokenization 144
- Toyota 45
- trade execution 153
- trader behaviour 161
- trader surveillance 153
- training
- internal teams 38
- management team 37–8
- product managers 38
- transactional congestion automation 112
- transactional data 245
- transparency 20, 69, 73, 77, 153, 177–6, 182, 186, 188, 189, 191–2
- trend signals 15
- trust 191–4, 203
- building through Sound Governance 175–9
- in FinTech and AI 172–4
- lack of, in AI 248
- TRUST (Transparency, Responsibility, Understanding, Stewardship and Truth) 176
- trustworthiness 172, 191
- ‘Trustworthy AI’ model 57
- trustworthy, ethics, transparency and enablement (TETE) framework 191–3
- TruValue Labs 129
- Turing Institute 154
- two dimensional virtual vertical integration (2DVVI) 113–17
- Tyndaris 189
- Uber 209
- Udemy 24
- ultimate beneficial owners (UBOs) 104
- UN, AI goals 22, 28
- United Kingdom (UK)
- AI strategy 20
- regulatory fines 225
- Universal Basic Income 186
- unsupervised learning 102, 103–4, 106, 125
- upload call list 37
- upselling 109
- US AI strategy 20
- user profile 106
- value chain 46–7
- financing and contract 47
- how much data is enough? 48
- origination and onboarding 46–7
- servicing and payment collections 47
- underwriting 47
- ‘value exchange’ 175
- Value Stores 43–4
- video analysis 90
- video game hoarding 56, 57
- virtual agents 157
- virtual nursing assistants 79
- virtual personal assistant (VPA) 111–12
- visual analytics 238
- voice assistants 49, 111
- voice-based bots see chatbot
- ‘Voice Navigation’ 41–2
- voice recognition and authentication 90
- voice to text 238
- voiceprint recognition technology 42
- wealth creation by algorithm 144–5
- wealth management
- digital 125–8
- push/pull offers 122–4
- Web 2.0 246
- Web 3.0 246
- WeBank 122
- WeChat 21, 41
- Weibo 41
- WhatsApp 49
- white box algorithms 215
- Wilmington Delaware Police Department ‘jump out squads’ technique 209–10
- Wisdom Vantage 186–7
- workforce disruption 263
- ‘workforce engagement’ 68
- World Bank 254
- World Economic Forum report on AI in finance 154
- World Economy Foundation (WEF): New Physics of Financial Services report 68
- XAI Asset Management 154
- Xiang, Feng 242
- Zappos 262
- ZhongAn 75
- Zurich ‘Zara’ 97