

Foreword by Nadine Strossen

Introduction to Second Edition: From Bush to Obama—Little or No Relief from the War on Sex

1. You’re the Target: Why a War on Sex?

2. Battleground: Sex Education—Where Children Come Second

3. The Most Powerful “Minority” in the United States

4. Battleground: Reproductive Rights

5. The Sexual Disaster Industry

6. Battleground: Broadcast “Indecency”

7. Yes, They Really Said That

8. Battleground: Adult Entertainment—Feverish Dreams, Real Estate Nightmares

9. How They Do It: Ammunition in the War on Sex

10. Battleground: The Internet

11. America Does Not Guarantee Your Right to Be Comfortable: The Lowest Common Erotic Denominator Project

12. Battleground: The War on “Pornography”

13. Extreme Religion and Public Policy

14. Battleground: Sexual Privacy and Sexual Minorities—Civil Rights or Immoral Privileges?

15. Revolutionizing American Government—Bad News for Democracy

Epilogue: One Bright Spot


Selected Bibliography
