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34. Personal communication.
35. Personal communication.
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37. Personal communication.
38. Reels is an Instagram feature that allows users to film or upload video clips of up to sixty seconds. Users can edit, dub sound, and add effects before sharing clips on the app.
39. Personal communication.
40. ShareChat is an Indian social media platform with over 350 million monthly active users across fifteen Indian languages. Founded by Ankush Sachdeva, Bhanu Pratap Singh, and Farid Ahsan, it was incorporated on January 8, 2015. For more, see https://sharechat.com/. Moj is an Indian short-format video app. For more, see https://mojapp.in/. Josh is a video-sharing social platform. For more, see https://share.myjosh.in/. With more than 1.5 million storytellers/users, Nojoto claims to be India’s largest storytelling platform. For more, see https://nojoto.com/. Chingari is a video-sharing mobile app that allows users to add visual effects or voice-overs, lip-synch, or dance to movie scenes. For more, see https://chingari.io/.
41. Personal communication.
42. Personal communication.
43. Personal communication.
44. Personal communication.
45. Personal communication.
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51. A template is a form, mold, or pattern used as a guide to make something. It allows the user to customize their content in ways fitting their purpose, context, and audience.
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