Page numbers in italics denote tables, those in bold denote figures.
America see USA
anti-Americanism 70, 118, 131–2, 134, 166
Anti-Corruption Act 153
anticommunism 3–5, 5–7, 7–9, 11–12
Asian Pacific Economy Cooperation (APEC), 28
authoritarian regimes 2–14; corruption 147, 155; human rights 97, 100, 103; integration 2, 5–7, 7–9, 9–11, 11–14; labor movements 198, 200–1; netizen movement 130–1, 136–7; social movements 63; women’s movements 116; working class development 175, 179
banks 9–10, 15, 73–4, 185, 187; corruption 145, 148, 151–2, 154; online banking 6, 126, 137n2; unions 190, 199
Basic Plan on Women’s Development 112
Brazil 197
Bum-Dae-Wee 131–2, 135, 138n17
Bush, George W. 102, 131–2, 134
candle demonstrations see candlelight vigils
candlelight vigils 130–5, 133, 136, 166–7
capitalism 5, 20, 35, 46, 161; cronyist 10, 144–5; industrial 52–3, 172; market 91, 93
CCEJ (Citizens’ Coalition for Economic Justice) 69, 73, 86–8, 91, 163, 217
Chadwick, A. (2007) 127, 134, 136, 138n21
chaebols 10–11, 14–15; corruption 143–52, 155; economic crisis 194n3; post-dictatorship 71, 73, 83n15; working class development 176
children 19, 23–5, 24, 45, 57, 99
Cho, Hae Joang 46
Christianity 116, 135, 177, 180n33
Chun, Doo-Whan 11, 13, 116, 143, 147–9, 155
Chun Pyung 173
Citizens’ Coalition for Economic Justice (CCEJ) 69, 73, 86–8, 91, 163, 217
citizens’ movements 85–95; background 86–8; democratization 89–91; institutionalization 91–3; internal problems 94–5; neoliberalism 93–4; political and social 88–9; see also (women: movements); civil movements (Simin Undong); grassroots people’s movements (Minjung Undong); labor movements; netizen movements; NGOs
Citizens’ Solidarity for the General Election (CSGE) 130, 137n10
civic activism 123–4, 133, 136, 197
civil movements (Simin Undong) 65–6, 218; emergence 67–8, 68–9; environmental movements 163, 165–6; post-dictatorship 75, 81, 82–3n9
civilian governments 12, 13–14, 90, 91, 119
class consciousness 170–1, 173–6, 178–9
Collective Emigration Plan 158, 159
Commerce Bank 145
compressive rapid industrialization 157
Confucianism 3, 22–3, 41, 44, 46, 180n17; see also patriarchy
conservative democratization 9, 11–16
corruption 9–11, 143–55; Chang government 145–6; Chun government 147–9, 155; definitions 143–4; foreign labor policies 211; Kim government 151–3, 155; Lee government 154, 155; Park government 146–7, 155; Rhee government 144–5, 155; Roh government 149–50, 153, 155
Council of Korean Women Workers (CKWW) 204
counter-discourse, human rights 98, 100–4
cronyism 31, 144–5, 148, 154–5
CSGE (Citizens’ Solidarity for the General Election) 130, 137n10
DACA (Departures and Arrivals Control Act) 209
de-materialist value orientation 77
Democratic Justice Party (DJP) 147, 149, 150
Democratic Great Struggle, 1987 66–7
Democratic Labor Party (DLP) 75, 80, 94, 149–51, 201–3, 205–6
Democratic Parties 80–1, 133, 145–6, 153, 202; see also DJP (Democratic and Justice Party); DLP (Democratic Labor Party)
democratic reform 11–16, 63, 66, 68, 71–2, 73–5
democratic transition 8–9, 62, 66, 149, 197, 205–6
Democratic Women (Minju Yeoseong) 108
democratization 9, 11; citizens’ movement 85–6, 87, 89–91; economic system 73–5; foreign labor policies 209, 217; globalization 183, 198–9, 202, 203, 206; labor movements 99–100, 102; market 90–1; regionalism 30, 35; social movements 62–4, 64–5, 65–6; state 89–90; women’s policies 107, 108, 112, 116–17, 119
Departures and Arrivals Control Act (DACA) 209
development, regionally differentiated 36–7
developmental regime 1–16, 3; economic crisis 7–9; economic growth 9–11; preconditions 3–5; transition 11–16
developmental state theory see developmental regime
digital citizen see netizen
discrimination: ethnicity 204, 205, 212, 214, 215, 217; gender 18, 19, 22, 23; human rights 98–100; regional 29, 30, 31, 37; women’s policies 110, 112, 114–15, 115, 118
Dispatched Workers Protection Act 185
DJP (Democratic Justice Party) 147, 149, 150
DLP (Democratic Labor Party) 75, 80, 94, 149–51, 201–3, 205–6
economic crisis 9–11, 14–15; citizens’ movements 86, 90, 94; corruption 143, 147, 153, 155; environmental movements 165; female labor 42; gender 20–3; globalization 184–5, 187–92, 194n3, 195n9; human rights 100; income inequality 51, 60; labor movements 199, 201; NGOs 216; post-dictatorship 73
economic development see economic growth
economic growth 1–2, 9–11, 209, 211; environmental movements 157, 161, 165; income inequality 51; regionalism 29; women’s policies 107, 112, 115–16; women’s status 41–9
economic indices 186
education: class 54, 56–7, 57; gender 18–19; human rights 97, 99; income inequality 58–60, 59; regionalism 30, 34; social movements 69, 71, 76–7; women’s status 44–7, 49
employment: gender inequality 18–23; globalization 188–9, 190–2; labor movements 197, 199–201, 203, 205, 210–13; regionalism 30, 35; social class 51, 55; social movements 135; women’s policies 107, 110, 113–16, 118; women’s status 42, 47, 49
Employment Permit Program (EPP) 210, 212, 215, 217, 218
environmental movements 157–68; 1960s to 1980s 158–61; 1987 to 1990s 161–5; 2000s 165–8; background 157–8; Korean Federation of Environmental Movement (KFEM) 69, 76, 79, 80, 89, 160
environmental problems 157–8, 158–9, 160–1, 163
epidemiological surveys 159, 168n3
EPP (Employment Permit Program) 210, 212, 215, 217, 218
Equality Trade Union 216
European Community (EC), 28
Ewha Womans University 116
factories 170, 173, 177–9, 180n29
Federation of Korean Industries (FKI) 93, 101, 146–7, 212
Federation of Korean Trade Unions (FKTU): globalization 192; king class development 177; labor movements 198–201, 204–5, 206n2; NGOs 217; trade unions 215; working class development 173
female labor 19, 42–4, 42, 109, 115, 119
Finance Committee (DLP) 149–50
financial crisis see economic crisis
Five-Year Plans of Economic Development 157
FKI (Federation of Korean Industries) 93, 101, 146–7, 212
folk culture 176
foreign labor policies 209–18; background 209–11; employer associations 211–13; NGOs 216–17; trade unions 215–16; workers’ attitudes 213–14
foreign workers 190–4, 202, 204, 210–11, 217, 218n1
Framework Act on Women’s Development 113, 116
GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade), later WTO 184
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) 186
GEM (Gender Empowerment Measure) 41
gender: equality 107–8; inequality 18–25, 41–4, 53, 118; labor 19, 42–4, 42, 109, 115, 119; labor movements 199–200, 204; policies 18–20, 109–16; politics 23–5, 46–9, 120; wage differentials 43, 57–8; see also women
Gender Equality Employment Act 113, 116, 118
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), later WTO 184
Giles, Anthony 194
globalization 28–30, 37, 183–94; background 183, 194n1; effect on labor relations 183–5, 186; government policy 193–4; marginal workers 190–3; transformation of labor relations 187–90
Globalization Committee 184
Gori 162
government policies 73, 76, 119, 183–5, 186; corruption 146, 150, 152, 154; democratization 62, 66, 73, 77, 78; economic 6, 10, 13–14; environment 159, 161, 163; globalization 183–5, 187–8, 191–4; income inequality 51; labor 198, 200–3, 205, 209–18; local government 35; social movement organizations (SMOs) 86–7, 88, 90–2, 96, 97–100; women 18, 41, 44, 107–21
grassroots anti-pollution movement 158–9
grassroots people’s movement (Minjung Undong) 67–72, 75, 80–3n9, 87–90, 124, 158–65; see also civil movements (Simin Undong)
growth as a socio-political process 1–2
Han, Ki-Hong 102
Hanil Synthetic Textiles 148
Hauben, M. and Hauben, R. 124
Hitel (formerly Ketel) 128–9, 129, 137n5
Hobsbawm, Eric J. 176
housing 35–6, 53–4, 69, 73, 213
Huh, Man-Ho 102
human rights 96–104; institutionalization 97–8; migrant workers 211, 214, 215, 216–17, 218; neoliberal economic trend 100–1; North Korea 101–4; proliferation 98–100
Hyundai companies 74, 150, 153–4, 180n29, 189, 200
ideology of the male breadwinner 20–3, 25
IMF (International Monetary Fund) 20–3, 90, 185, 187
income inequality 51–61; background 52–3; class 58–60; data and variables 53–4; determinants 58–60, 59, 60; gender 58; industry 59–60
indigenous workers 209, 212, 213–14, 215
industrial capitalism 52–3, 172, 176
industrial production 2, 147, 172
Industrial Technical Training Program (ITTP) 210–13, 215, 217, 218
industrialization 170–9; citizens’ movement 89; class 54, 65; environmental movements 157–8, 160–1, 173, 178; gender 18–19, 41–2, 47, 49; labor 189, 209; rapid 6, 8–9; regionalism 29, 33–4, 36, 37, 38
information-communication technology (ICT) 184
informatization 15
interest group politics 89, 100
International Covenant on Economic and Social Rights 101
International Monetary Fund (IMF) 20–3, 90, 185, 187
internet banking see online banking
internet citizen see netizen
internet use 123–6, 125, 126, 127–8, 137n1, 166
ITTP (Industrial Technical Training Program) 210–13, 215, 217, 218
Japan 217; citizens’ movement 89; class 55, 172, 174; corruption 149; environmental movements 160, 162, 168n3, 168n6; gender 46, 109; regionalism 29
Jiyeokgamjeong (regional sentiment) 29–30, 30–2, 37–8
Jiyul 167
KAPMA (Korea Anti-Pollution Movement Association) 160, 162, 163
KCTU (Korean Confederation of Trade Unions) see Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU)
Ketel (later Hitel) 128–9, 129, 137n5, 137n7
KFEM (Korean Federation of Environmental Movement) 69, 80, 160
Kim, Dae-Jung 14; citizens’ movements 90–1; corruption 153–5; human rights 97–8; labor 185, 187; social movements 73, 76; women’s policies 100, 120
Kim, Hong-Up 153
Kim, Hyun-Chol 152
Kim, Jong-Il 102
Kim, Young-Sam 14, 91, 113, 150–3, 155, 183–4
Korea Anti-Pollution Movement Association (KAPMA) 160, 162, 163
Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) 212
Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) 162
Korea Employers Federation (KEF ) 212
Korea Train Express Project 167
Korea Women’s Associations United (KWAU) 88–9, 108, 117–20
Korea Women’s Hot Line 116, 118
Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU): foreign labor policies 215–16, 217; globalization 187–8, 190, 192; labor movements 198–9, 201, 204, 205, 206n2; working class development 178
Korean Federation of Environmental Movement (KFEM) 69, 80, 160
Korean General Social Survey (KGSS) 218
Korean War 4; corruption 145, 155; familism 46; labor movements 201; social movements 131, 138n13; working class development 172
Korean Women Workers Association United (KWWAU) 21
Korean Women’s Labor Union (KWLU) 204
KRIPP (later KAPMA, then KFEM) 159–60, 168n1
Kukje firms 148
KWAU (Korea Women’s Associations United) 88–9, 108, 117–20
labor law 6, 184–5, 187, 191–3, 201–2, 202
labor movements 197–206; background 197–8; citizen’s movements 85, 94; development 198–200; gains 200–3; gender inequality 19–21, 44; globalization 183–5, 187–90, 192, 193, 194n3; netizen movements 123, 124, 129, 135; subgroups 203–5; see also union membership; unionism
labor policy 109, 198, 200, 203, 210–12, 217–18
labor shortages 19, 190, 209–11, 211–13, 215–16
Labor Standards Act (LSA) 184, 185
Labor Union Act 184
labor unions see labor movements
landlord class 4
Latin America 5
Law of Political Funding 146
layoffs, gender inequality 20–3, 21
Lee, Hoi-Chang 133
Lee, Myung-Bak 15–16, 98, 100, 133–5, 154, 155
Lee Sang-Deuk 154
lifeworld-centered movement 65, 71, 75–7
Lim, Chae-Hong 100
local government 35–6, 81, 91–2, 120
local politics 35–8, 48, 79, 88, 90
low wages 6, 19, 34, 57, 200, 212
LSA (Labor Standards Act) 184, 185
marginal workers 190–3, 193, 203–5
marriage 19–20, 23–5, 24, 42, 44–5, 64
migrant workers 197, 203–6, 209–18
migrants: human rights 99; labor 64, 69, 70; labor movements 197, 203–6; marriage 23; regionalism 33; rural 173, 178; women workers 114; workers 197, 203–6
militancy 12; environmental movements 157, 162–3; industrial 171, 173, 177; labor movements 199, 205; social movements 68, 81
military regimes 66, 85, 86, 90, 116, 160–1
minimalist human rights 101, 103–4
Ministry of Gender Equality (formerly Presidential Commission on Women’s Affairs) 45, 107, 120
Minju Yeoseong (Democratic Women) 108
minjung movement 8, 83n9, 86, 95, 117, 174–7
mother power 46
Mount Cheonseong 167
movement entrepreneurs 123
movement repertoires 127, 132–5, 133, 137n4
NACF (National Agricultural Cooperative Federation) 22, 210, 213
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreements) 28
National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (NACF ) 22, 210, 213
National Alliance of Trade Unions (NCTU) 198
National Assembly: corruption 147, 150; labor movements 201, 205; social movements 78, 80, 88; women’s issues 107–16, 109, 110, 111, 112, 115; women’s status 48
National Council of Workers’ Cultural Movement Organizations 176
National Human Rights Commission 97, 214, 218
NCTU (National Alliance of Trade Unions) 198
neo-developmental regime 11–16
neoliberal economics 14, 86, 90, 93, 100–4, 183
neoliberal globalization 183–94
neoliberalism 11–15, 86, 93, 100–3, 183–94
nepotism 143–4, 152, 153, 154–5
netizen movements 123–37; background 123–4; domination 133–6; evolution 130–3; formation 128–30; impact 136–8; internet use 127–8, 166; netizen characteristics 124–7
New Millennium Democratic Party (NMDP) 133, 138n18
new social movements (NSMs) 52, 82–3n9, 88–9, 127–36, 197–205, 216–18
Newly Industrializing Countries (NICs) 170
NGOs (nongovernmental organizations) 85–7, 92, 100, 102, 160–1, 209–18; see also civil movements (Simin Undong)
NMDP (New Millennium Democratic Party) 133, 138n18
non-hierarchical organizations 128–9, 136–7
non-standard workers 94, 188, 190–3
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) 85–7, 92, 100, 102, 160–1, 209–18; see also civil movements (Simin Undong)
North American Free Trade Agreements (NAFTA) 28
North Korea 3–5, 87, 101–4, 138n8, 158, 173
occupations, gender inequalities 19–20, 21; see also gender
OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) 24, 184, 187, 188
online activism 128–37, 129, 137n3
online citizenship 124; see also netizen
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 24, 184, 187, 188
ownership: class 53–4, 53, 55, 56; de-materialist value orientation 77; economic reform 73; income inequality 51, 52–3; metropolitan areas 34
Pak No Hae 176
Park, Chung-Hee 5–7, 12, 146–7, 155, 173
Park, Won-Soon 81
Park, Yeon-Cha 154
patriarchy: class 53, 57; gender inequality 18–25; social movements 64, 76; women’s status 44–6, 49; see also Confucianism
PC tongsin 128–9, 137n5, 137n7
PCIRR (Presidential Commission on Industrial Relations Reform) 184, 187–8, 195n7
People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD) 73–5, 83n15, 88, 91, 217
personnel schemes 189
political funding 144–5, 146–7, 147–9, 149–50, 151–2, 154–5
political participation 47–8, 111, 115
political representation 114, 198, 200–3, 205–6
politicization of social movements 79–81, 92
population: density 157–64; human rights 100–1; income inequality 53–4; internet use statistics 123–5; labor 191, 203, 205; regionalism 33, 36; statist mobilization 12–13; women’s policies 107, 109, 110, 114, 115, 116
post-dictatorship context 62–81
prejudice 30, 31, 32–3, 44, 47, 214
Presidential Commission on Industrial Relations Reform (PCIRR) 184, 187–8, 195n7
Presidential Commission on Women’s Affairs (later Ministry of Gender Equality) 120
PSPD (People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy) 73–5, 83n15, 88, 91, 217
Real Name Financial Transaction System (silmyeongjae) 73, 91, 151
regional sentiment (Jiyeokgamjeong) 29–30, 30–2, 37–8
regionalism 28–38, 171; class structure 34–5; industrialization 33–4; Jiyeokgamjeong (regional sentiment) 30–3; origins 28–30; regional politics 35–7
regionalization see regionalism
repression: developmental regime 8, 12; environmental movements 159, 161; human rights 96, 97, 101; social movements 68, 70, 71–2, 78; working class development 171, 173, 175, 177, 179
Roh Moo-Hyun 90, 97–8, 100, 133, 153–5
Roh, Tae-Woo 11, 69, 77, 149–50, 155, 209
Ryan, Jeffrey J. 63
Saemangeum Reclamation Project 167
sedimentary online networks 127, 134
Seoul: citizens’ movements 87–8, 93, 95; corruption 153; environmental movements 161–2, 167; labor movements 200; netizen movements 130, 134; regionalism 29–30, 33–4, 38; social movements 74, 81; working class development 172–3, 180n29
Sex Equality in Employment Act, 1987 20
sexual violence 108, 111, 115, 117–19, 211
silmyeongjae (Real Name Financial Transaction System) 73, 91, 151
Small and Medium Business Administration (SMBA) 213
small and medium businesses 198, 209–11, 211–13, 215
social class 51–61; background 52–3; class distribution 54–5; data and variables 53–4; education 56–7; gender 57–8; income inequality 55–6
social dialogue 187–8, 193, 194, 195n8
social movements 62–81; dimensions of change 64–5, 65; politicization 79–81, 92; see also (women: movements); citizens’ movements; civil movements (Simin Undong); environmental movements; grassroots people’s movement (Minjung Undong); labor movements; netizen movements
South Africa 197
Soviet Union (former) 162, 179, 209, 214
Special Committee on Women’s Affairs 113
state-civil society 5
state intervention 1–2, 5, 19, 157
statist mobilization 1–16, 3; 1960s 5–7; 1970s 7–11; 1980s to present 11–16; anticommunist regimented society 3–5; developmental regime 1–3
Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) 131, 138n13, 166
system-centered movement 65, 71, 75–6
Tripartite Commission 185, 187–8, 192, 194, 195n8
Truth and Reconciliation Commisssion 97
Ulsan Industrial Complex 158–9, 160
undocumented workers 209, 210, 216, 217
union membership 189–90, 190, 199, 203
unionism 172, 177, 190, 201, 202, 206
United Nations (UN) 109, 111, 112, 118
United States see USA
US Forces Korea (USFK) 130–1, 166
USA 4; beef imports 134–5; divorce 24; environmental movements 160, 166; human rights 102; internet use 124, 125–6, 125, 126, 137n1; labor movements 197; regionalism 29; social class 55; troops 71, 101, 131, 138n14
Usenet 124
wage negotiations 189, 200, 205
women 107–21; government policies 109–16, 109, 110–11, 112, 115; human rights 99; labor 19, 42–4, 42; movements 116–20; status 41–9, 114; welfare 112–14, 119; working-class 18–19, 58
Women in Development (WID) 112
Women’s Conference 117
Workers’ Great Struggle 198
working class development 18–20, 170–9; background 170–1; church and class 176–8; class consciousness 173–6; proletarianization 172–3, 179
World Cup Cheering 130, 138n11
World Trade Organization (WTO), formerly GATT 127, 184, 193, 194
World Wide Web 124; see also internet; online activities
World Women’s Year 112
WTO (World Trade Organization), formerly GATT 127, 184, 193, 194
Yang, Chung Mo 148
Youn, Hwang 102