Abbey, Ed, ix
Acadia National Park, ME, 107
Accuweather, 177
activism, climate change, 18, 205
adaptation, to climate change, 18
Advance Base (Antarctica), 182–84
Agassiz, Louis, 69–70
albedo, 40
Alone (Byrd), 182
American Biology Teacher, 109
American Birding Association, 155
American Museum of Natural History, 61
American Ornithologists Union, 60
amphibians, 140–41
ants, 138–39
Ants, The (Wilson and Hölldobler), 139
aquatic insects, 129–31
archaeology, 53–54
Arctic Oscillation, 37
astronomical cause of seasons, 28–30, 33–34
atmosphere, and seasons, 35–36
Audubon, John James, 144
Audubon guides, 155
autumn, 23–24
Bacon, Francis, 17
badgers, 173
Bailey, Vernon, 88
barometric (air) pressure, 189; and bird migrations, 149–50
baseline, establishing a, 96–97
bats, 169–70
beavers, and ecological succession, 91–93
bedrock, 84–86
beech, European, 112
bees and stinging insects, 133–34
beetles, 132
Big Day Counts (of birds), 154–55
binoculars, 157
biology and biologists, 51
biome, 88, 106; four-part hierarchy, 104. See also life zones
Biophilia (Wilson), 163
birds: breeding cycle, 150–51; drunken behavior in fall, 157; eggs, 158; extinct, 143; habitat loss, 152–53; identifying and observing, 144–45, 147–48, 155–56; life lists and large counts of, 157; migrations, mismatches between breeding birds and food supply, 148–50, 159; molting, 152; and morality, 153; phenological cycle, 157–58; territories, 151
Birds of America (Audubon), 144
Bjerknes, Vilhelm, 34
Blackburn College, 125–26
Black Death, 201
blueberry, lowbush, 111
bobcats, 170–71
boreal chorus frogs, 141
botany, terminology, 106–7
Bowdoin College, 144
Bowers, Janice, 57
Bradley, Nina Leopold, 55
Brooks, David, 64–65
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 52
bubonic plague, 176
buds and budding, 111–12
bullfrogs, American, 141
bumblebees, 133–34
butterflies, 135–38
Byrd, Richard E., 182–84
cabbage white butterfly, 137, 138
caddis flies, 131
calendars, 28–29
California life zones, 164
Caprio, Joseph, 57–59
carbon dioxide, 39; and seasons, 29–30
carbon footprint, individual, 206–8
caterpillars, 135–36
change, the reality of, 81–84
Chapman, Frank, 61
Charlotte’s Web (White), 8, 128
chickadees, 146
chilling requirement, 112–13
chipmunks, 167
chlorophyll, 113
Chmielewski, Frank-M., 72–74
Christmas Bird Count, 61–62, 155
chronobiology, 31
cicadas, 131–32
citizen science, 20, 60–61; and weather reporting, 177
“Civil Disobedience” (Thoreau), 46
climate: defined, 15; and weather, 15; and your dooryard, 34–35. See also seasons
climate change, 14; challenges to understanding, 15–17; as an experiment, 17–18; feedbacks, 39–40; forcings, 39–40; modeling, 41; as nature, 67; paying attention to, 67–69, 208–9; reversing, 201–2; scientists and, 12–13. See also change, the reality of
climate hackers, 206
climax landscapes, 93
clonal colony, 111
clouds, 186–88
Columbian Exchange, 201
Commoner, Barry, 61
commons, 203–5; and dooryard, xii
Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network, 188
Compleat Angler, The (Walton), 129
conservation biology, 50, 51–52
Copernicus and Copernican system, 70–71
Cooke, Wells W., 60
corals, 200
Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 156
cougars, 170
Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady, The (Holden), 52
coyotes, 172
creosote bush, 111
Csíkszentmihályi, Mihály, 156
Curie point, 32
Cuvier, Georges, 203
Darwin, Charles, 60, 71, 87, 205
Declaration of Independence, 202
deer, 173–75
dengue fever, 134
describing and description, 69–70
dichotomous key, 108
Digital Earth Watch network, 98
Disneyland, 147
divisions, biome, 104
domains, biome, 104
domesticated animals, 176
dooryard, 7–12; defined, xii, 5; establishing a baseline, 96–97; map or aerial photograph of, 98–99; and phenological trail, 99–100; Thoreau’s, 6–7
dormancy (phenophase), 30–31, 105
Doughty Cove, ME, 212
Douglass, A. E., 53
drones, 98
dualism, 18
Dukes, Jeffrey, 123
Dust Bowl, 193–94
eastern tent caterpillar moth, 137
ecology and ecologists, 17–18, 51; experiments in, 73; and Thoreau, 48
eggs, bird, 158
elk, 175
Ellwood, Elizabeth, 123
End of Nature, The (McKibben), ix, 224
energy budget, 36
equinox, 28
European Contact, 201
evergreens: broadleaf deciduous, 119; conifers, 119–20
extinctions, 205
extreme weather, 192–95
falcon, peregrine, 143
Farmer’s Almanac, 33
feedbacks, climate, 39–40
ferns, 123
Field Guide to the Birds (Peterson), 145
fishes, 126
Fixing the Sky (Fleming), 206
Fleming, James R., 206
flowers, 113–16
fly-fishing, 129–30
forbs, 107
forcing, climate, 39–40
forsythia, 111
foxes, 171–72
frogs, 140–41
fruits and fruiting, 115–16
fungi, 120–22
Furbish, Catherine “Kate,” 52
Galapagos Islands, 87
Galilei, Galileo, 70–71
“Garden Book” (Jefferson), 45, 103
geology, 85–87
geomorphology, 85–86
Gilpin, Mike, 73
glaciers, 200
Gore, Al, 30
grasses, 107
greenhouse gases, 39–40
green-up (phenophase), 30, 105
Grinnell, Joseph, 163–65; system for making and reporting observations, 79–80
Grinnell Resurvey Project, 164
ground water, 86
gymnosperms, 119–20
Hardin, Garrett, 203–5
hares, 168–69
hazelnut, 111
herbivory, 119
Herrick, Robert, 44
hibernation, 166
history, landscape, 93–96
Holden, Edith, 52
Hölldobler, Bert, 138–39
Homestead Act of 1862, 104
honeybees, 133
Hosmer, Alfred, 123
humans, 161–63; biological clocks, 27; migrations, 26–27
Humboldt, Alexander von, 89
hunters and hunting, 163
ignorance, active and passive, 208–9
Inconvenient Truth, An (movie), 30
Industrial Revolution, 199
insects, 126, 128–29; ants, 138–39; aquatic insects, 129–31; bees and stinging insects, 133–34; beetles, 132; cicadas, 131–32; collecting, 139–40; mosquitoes, 134–35; moths and butterflies, 135–38
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 209
International Phenological Gardens (IPGs), 74
introspection, 65
invertebrates, 126; spiders, 127–28; worms, 127
isotherms, 149
jackrabbits, 169
Jackson, Wes, 96
jay, Florida scrub, 153–54
Jefferson, Peter, 45
Jefferson, Thomas, 12, 45, 103, 202
journal, keeping a, 64–67
Keeling, Charles, 39
Keynesian spending, 202
kite aerial photography, 99
Kosslyn, Stephen, 110
Krugman, Paul, 202
“Land Ethic, The” (Leopold), 56–57
landscape change, 81–82; history and archaeology, 93–97; succession as, 91–93
larva, 128
leopard frog, 141
Leopold, Aldo, ix, 12, 54–57, 63, 220
Leopold, Carl, 55
life zones, 87–91
lilacs, common, 58, 59, 103–4, 111
Lincoln, Frederick Charles, 149
Little America (Antarctica), 183
Little Spring, AZ, 87–88
locust, black, 111
lynx, 170–71
MacArthur, Robert, 73
mammals, 165–66. See also specific mammals, e.g., squirrels
Margary, Ivan, 53
marine mammals, 175–76
Marsham, Robert, 44–45
masting, 115
maturity (phenophase), 30, 105
mayflies, 129–31
Mercalli scale (MMI), 75–76
Merchants of Doubt (Oreskes and Conway), 15, 224
metamorphosis, 128
meteorology, 177. See also weather
methane, 39
mice, 168
migrations: birds, 148–50; human, 26–27; in response to climate change, 90–91
mitigation, 18
mockingbirds, northern, 154
molting, birds, 152
Montana State University, 57
Monterey Bay Aquarium, 176
moose, 175
morels, 122
Morren, Charles François Antoine, 45
mosquitoes, 134–35
mosses, 122–23
moths, 135–38
“Mountain Gorses” (Browning), 52
mountain lions, 170
Muir, John, 75
Museum of Comparative Zoology (Harvard), 135
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (University of California), 163–64
mushrooms, 120–22
Nabhan, Gary Paul, ix
Nabokov, Vladimir, 7
National Academy of Sciences, 192; Proceedings of, 55
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 188, 211
National Audubon Society, 61, 144, 155
National Weather Service, 177, 178–79, 183, 190
Nature Notes of an Edwardian Lady, The (Holden), 52
Nature’s Notebook, 62, 77, 221
nesting, by birds, 151
networks, phenological, 58, 59, 62, 104, 221. See also USA National Phenology Network (USA-NPN)
Newton, Isaac, 205
North American Bird Phenology Program, 59–60
North American Birds (journal), 155
North American singularity (monsoon), 28, 38
North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), 36–37, 72, 74
nymph, 128
oaks, 117
observations, phenological, xii–xiii; 21, 71–72; Grinnell’s system, 79–80; latitude for fantasy and emotion, 75; motivations for making, 63–64; for use by science, 72–74, 209–11
Oldest Living Things in the World, The (Sussman), 111
One Man’s Meat (White), 8
On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 48
orioles, northern, 158
oscillation, seasonal, 29–30
oscillations, atmospheric, 36–38
paloverde, 111
Pando, 111
“Pattern of Plant Development in the Western United States, The” (Caprio), 58
Peirce, Charles Sanders, 14
peregrine falcon, 143
Peterson, Roger Tory, 143, 144–45, 159
Peterson guides, 155
phase changes, 32–33
Phenological Fly, The (Scammel), 129
phenological trail, 99–100, 105–6
phenology: and chronobiology, 31; and climate change, ix–x; defined, ix, 12; history of, 43–46; as a science, 50–51, 59
phenophases, 30–31
phenotypic plasticity, 116–18
phoebe, black, 157
photography: aerial, 98–99; and plants, 110; repeat, 97–98
photosynthesis, 111–13
phrenology, 45–46
Picture Post, 98
pigeon, passenger, 146
plague, bubonic, 176
plant blindness, 108–10
plant hardiness zones, 89–90
plants: and climate, 104; identifying, 104–8; phenophases of, 105–6
Plant Science Bulletin, 109
Plato, 82
“polar vortex,” 190
pollen and pollinators, 114–16
ponderosa pine, 120
poplar, 111
Popper, Karl, 208
Powell, John Wesley, 193
prediction and predictions, xii
Primack, Richard B., 7, 50, 123
Project BudBurst, 62, 77–78, 79, 221
protocols, observing and reporting, 77–78
provinces, biome, 104
puma, 170
rabbits, 168–69
raccoons, 172–73
rats, 168
red harvester ants, 139
Reformation, Protestant, 201
Refuge (Williams), 86
repeat photography, 97–98
Richter scale, 75–76
roadkills, 176
Robertson, Charles, 125–26
robins, 146
rosy maple moth, 137–38
Rötzer, Thomas, 72–74
Royal Society of London, 44–45; Quarterly Journal of, 53
saguaro cactus, 181
Sand County Almanac, A, (Leopold), 54, 57, 63
San Francisco Peaks, AZ, 87
sassafras, 111
Scammel, Bob, 130
Schlusser, Elisabeth, 109–10
Schwartz, Charles W., 57
Schwartz, Mark D., 55, 59, 219
Scientific American, 60
SCOOL program, 188
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 39, 59
sea level rise, 16–17, 199–200
seasons, 12, 24, 27–28; astronomical cause of, 28–30; and biological clocks, 27; and bird migrations, 150; and human migrations, 26–27; and phenophases, 30–31; subjective experience, 24–26; Thoreau’s, 27
sections, biome, 104
senescence (phenophase), 30, 105
Shaler, Nathaniel, 70
shrub, 107
Sidereus nuncius (Galileo), 70
Silent Spring (Carson), 143
skunks, 173
sling psychrometer, 189
Sloane, Eric, 182
snow cover and snowpack, 189–90
snowshoe hares, 169
Socrates, 82
soils, 86
Sonoran Desert, ix
sooty wing butterfly, 137, 138
spadefoot toads, American, 141
Speak, Memory (Nabokov), 134
sphagnum moss, 123
spoor, 163
spring peeper, 140–41
squirrels, 166–68
Stejneger, Leonhard, 88
stone flies, 131
Students’ Cloud Observations On-Line (SCOOL), 188, 223
succession, 86; ecological, 91–93
sumac, 111
Super Outbreak (Xenia, OH), 194
Sussman, Rachel, 111
swallows, 146; phenological observations of, 147
tarantula hawk, 133
technology, and climate change, 205–6
temperature, 31–33, 180–81; and heat, 180; observing, 188–89; standard, 178–79
terns, least, 151
thermometer, 31–33
Thoreau, Henry David, ix, 12, 46–50, 75, 161, 219–20; journal, 64; and seasons, 27; at Walden Pond, 6–7
thrush, gray-cheeked, 149
toads, 140–41
“To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time” (Herrick), 44
“Tragedy of the Commons, The” (Hardin), 203–5
tree, 107
“Trouble with Wilderness, The” (Cronon), 18–19
turkey, wild, 147
Two Treatises (Locke), 202–3
United States Centers for Disease Control, 134–35
United States Department of Agriculture, 88, 89–90
United States Geological Survey, 59, 76, 193
United States National Forest Service, 55, 189; divisions of biomes, 104
University of Arizona, 52
University of Wisconsin, 55
USA National Phenology Network (USA-NPN), 59, 129, 131, 134, 136, 221
Walden Pond, 46, 161, 200, 212–13; as Thoreau’s dooryard, 6–7
Walden Warming (Primack), 50, 219
Wallace, David Foster, 65
Walton, Izaak, 129
Wandersee, James, 109–10
Washington, George, 103
water, 87
weasels, 173
weather: and bird migrations, 150; and climate, 15; contemplative view of, 179–80; extreme, 191–95; “microscale,” 181–82; observations, 184; and phenology, 12, 177; prediction, 177–79; temperature, 178–79; variability and volatility, 190–91
Weather Channel, 177, 178, 190
western pygmy-blue butterfly, 137, 138
West Nile virus, 134
whales, 176
Whitman, Walt, 5
Williams, Terry Tempest, 86
Wilson, Edward O., 73, 139, 163
wind, 184–86
winnow ants, 139
woodpecker: ivory-billed, 143; pileated, 144
Zwinger, Ann, ix