

Advocates. See Healthcare advocate.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), 67, 69, 199

AHRQ. See Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

AIDs, 2, 3

Ambulatory surgery centers

case study, 156158

infection control, 157, 158

Medicare and, 157

American Arbitration Association, 180

Amoxicillin, 25, 27

Antibiotic resistance, 25

Antibiotic resistant bacteria, 2526

Antibiotics, 3, 4, 124

amoxicillin, 25

common cold, 3, 27

definition of, 26

methicillin, 25

overuse of, 26

oxacillin, 25

penicillin, 25

rules for, 36

ventilator-associated pneumonia, 108

Anticoagulant medications, 11

Antiseptic soap, 122

Betasept, 122

Calgon Vesta, 122

Chlorostat, 122

Hibiclens, 122

Antiseptics, 26

Arbitration, 179180

Aseptic procedures, 51, 52

Assisted living facilities, 163

hepatitis B infection, 163

infection control, 165

monitoring of, 166

regulation of, 163

Athletes, staph infections and, 27

Bacilli, 2

Bacteremia, 92

Bacteria, 2, 45, 25, 103

antibiotic resistant, 25

qualities of, 1

resident, 4

Bacteria-killing drugs, 3

Bacterial cultures, 34

Bacterial infection, 3, 25

Bacteriuria, 92

Bathing, 5657

prepackaged towels, 34

super bugs and, 29, 30

Beta-lactams, 27

Betasept, 122

Blood sugar levels, 122, 125

Blood thinners, 11

Bloodstream catheters, 136

Bloodstream infections, 135

Body fluid exposure, 51, 52

Body temperature, 125126

Borrelia burgdorferi, 2

Bowel surgery, 123

Breathing assistance, 104106

oximeter, 104

ventilator, 105

Breathing machine-related pneumonia, 106109

C. Diff. See Clostridium difficile.

Calgon Vesta, 122

Catheter infections

case study, 146148

prevention guidelines, 145146

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 22, 32, 33, 55, 56, 94, 118, 126, 157, 143, 144, 163

National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System, 33

Central venous catheter, 139142

infections, 142144

prevention guidelines, 118, 139

insertion of, 140141

intravenous line vs., 140

problems with, 141

reasons for, 140

septicemia, 142

Chemotherapy patients, 14

Child day care, 152154

hygiene, 152153

infection control, 153

The Ten Infection Control Commandments of Child Day Care, 153

Children, staph infections and, 27

Chlorhexidine skin antiseptics, 145

Chlorostat, 122

Citrobacter diversus bacteria, 150

Clostridium difficile (C. diff), 27

elderly patients and, 28

hospitals, 30

infections, number of, 32, 33

in intestinal tract, 28

super bug minimization, gloves and, 56

vancomycin, 29

Cocci, 2

Colonizing of bacteria, 45, 103

Common cold, 3, 27

Community-acquired pneumonia, 101

Compensatory damages, 175

Complaint, filing of, 181182

Condom catheters, 91

Consumers Union, 146

COPIC, 177

Costs of healthcare-associated pneumonia, 102

Damages, 175

Daptomycin, 27

Deaths, 8, 26

Definitive therapy, 36

Diabetes, 124, 159

Disclosure and offer, 176177

Disclosure principle, 176177

Elder care, evaluation of, 161162

Elderly patients, Clostridium difficile (C. diff) and 28

Elevation of head, 110

Empiric therapy, 36

Empowered patient, case study, 82, 8384

Endogenous bacteria, 127

Endotracheal tube, 150

Enterobacter bacteria, 8

Enterococcus faecalis, 28

Enterococcus faecium, 28

Environmental hygiene, 57

Escherichia coli, 2

Exogenous bacteria, 127

Extra-legal award, 176

Facility surveillance, 16, 17

Fast track care, 75

Feces, Clostridium difficile (C. diff) spores and, 28

Fluoroquinolone-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (FQRP), 33

Foley catheter, 90

FQRP. See Fluoroquinolone-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Fungal infections, 12

Fungi, 2

Genetic mutations, super bugs and, 2930

Germ areas on doctor's hands, 9

Gloves, 5456

C. difficile super bug minimization, 56

Centers for Disease Control, 55, 56

misconceptions re, 55

vancomycin-resistant enterococci minimization, 56

World Health Organization, 51

Gonorrhea, 6

Hand hygiene, 9, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 51, 52, 56, 88, 112, 115, 129, 142, 145, 154, 169

gloves, 5456

interventional patient hygiene, 56

patient efforts, 56

Hand sanitizer, 45, 46

Handwashing, 1314

hand sanitizing, 4547

healthcare workers, 47

missed spots, 45

studies re, 48

technique 44

when to wash hands, 5054

aseptic procedures, 5152

body fluid exposure, 51, 52

patient surroundings, 51, 52

post-patient visit, 51, 52

pre-patient visit, 551, 52

World Health Organization guidelines, 49

HAP. See Healthcare-associated pneumonia.

HCW. See Healthcare workers.

Head elevation, 112

Health advocate, 6870

appointment of, 71

Healthcare proxy, 70

Healthcare workers (HCW)

hand sanitation, 4547

hand sanitizers, 50

handwashing, 5054

infection risk, 49

Healthcare-associated infections, 11

acquisition of, 1215

causes of, 1617

chemotherapy patients, 14

deaths from, 13

elderly patients, 14

handwashing, 1314

hospitals, 12

incubation period, 12

medical costs, 13

medical facilities, 12, 18

organ transplant patients, 14

preoperative infection risk factors, 17

prevention tips, 23

reporting of, 1820

respiratory tract, 15

sepsis, 9

surgical site, 15

surveillance by facility, 16, 17

urinary tract, 15

viral, 12

young patients, 14

zero risk factor index, 16

Healthcare-associated pneumonia (HAP), 102104

bacteria colonizing, 103

breathing assistance, 104106

casualty rate, 104

contracting of, 107

cost of, 104

patient profile, 103

Hepatitis B infection, 163

Herpes simplex virus, 6

Hibiclens, 122

High and low principle, 174

HIV. See Human immunodeficiency virus.

Hospital care checklist, 115

Hospital discharge, post surgery instructions, 167

Hospital nurseries, touring of, 151

Hospital patients, Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE) and, 27

Hospitals, 13

bacterial cultures, 34

super bugs and, 3031

House advocate, 71

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 2, 3

Hygiene compliance, 40

Hygiene, nursing homes, 166170

Hyperglycemia, 125

IHI. See Institute for Healthcare Improvement.

Incubation period, 5, 12

Infant deaths

infection, 150151

meningitis, 150

sepsis, 150

Infant nurseries, 151

Infection causing microbes, 14

Infection preventionist, 75, 169

Infection control, 168

ambulatory surgery centers, 156158

assisted living facilities and, 165

Infection fighters, 4

leukocytes, 4

Infection prevention checklist, 59, 133

Infection prevention guidelines, 118, 133

Centers for Disease Control, 143, 144

Medicaid, 143

Medicare, 143

Infection rates, 21, 22

Infection risks, nursing homes, 168169

Infection, 1, 4, 7

healthcare-associated, 12

risk from healthcare workers, 49

school and, 154155

symptoms, 5

Influenza, 2, 102

Informed consent, 7274

signing of form, 79

Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), 182

The 100,000 Lives Campaign, 182

Intensive care units, 31

Intermittent catheters, 91

Interventional patient hygiene, 34, 56, 8788

bathing, 5657

Intestinal tract, Clostridium difficile (C. diff) and, 28

Intravenous catheter, 135

Intravenous line (IVs), 136

central venous catheter vs., 140

infection from, 137138

infection prevention guidelines, 138139

reason for, 136

time in use, 137

IVs. See Intravenous lines.

Joint Commission on Accreditation, 16

Joint Commission, 181

Klebseilla bacteria, 58

Lactobacilli, 1

Lawsuit, 173175

forgiveness, 185

Legal fees, 174

Leukemia, 78

Leukocytes, 4, 5

Linezolid, 27

Living will, 70

Lyme disease, 7

Malaria, 2


arbitration, 179180

claims, 171

complaint filing, 181182

COPIC, 177

cost to society, 173

damages, 175

disclosure and offer, 180181

disclosure principle, 176

extra-legal award, 176

Institute for Healthcare Improvement, 182

Joint Commission, 181

legal fees, 174

mediation, 178

medical apology, 178

National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB), 183

settlement of, 173

3 Rs Program, 177

Mandatory mediation, 179

MDRPs. See Multidrug-resistant pathogens.

Mediation, 178

mandatory, 179

voluntary, 178179

Medicaid, 143, 168

Medical apology laws, 178

Medical errors, 64

Medicare, 93, 94, 143, 157, 162, 183

Meningitis, 150

Methicillin, 25, 27

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), 11, 27, 33, 97, 113, 123, 142, 185

infection, 8386, 114

case study, 3740

hand hygiene, 50

number of cases, 32, 33

prescreening, 18

treatment, 28

Metronidazole, 29

Microbes, 2

Microorganisms, 1

infection causing, 2

Monocytes, 4

MRSA. See Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

Multidrug-resistant pathogens (MDRPs), 29

National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System, 33

Natural killer cells, 4

Neutrophils, 4

NPDB. See Malpractice National Practitioner Data Bank.

Nursing homes, 166167

definition of, 166

facilities, 163

hygiene education, 169

infection control, 169

infection risks, 168

Joint Commission on accreditation, 167

researching of, 167

100,000 Lives Campaign, 182

Operating room preparation, 123126

antibiotics, 124

blood sugar levels, 125

body temperature, 125126

Oral care, 110111

Organ transplant patients, 14

Oxacillin, 25, 27

Oximeter, 104

Oxygen saturation monitor, 104

Patient advocacy, 7071

health advocate, 6870

healthcare proxy, 70

living will, 70

Patient communication, 6568

Patient empowerment, 6465


communication, 65

continuity, 64

Patient hand hygiene 56

Patient history, 72

Patient surroundings, handwashing and, 51, 52, 56

Patient welfare, 61


research, 66

Patients' Bill of Rights, 73

Penicillin, 2527

Peripheral catheter, 136137

Plasmodium falciparum, 2

Pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine, 102

Pneumonia, 101

community-acquired, 101

healthcare-associated, 102104

vaccine, 101102

ventilator-assisted, 106109

Post surgery infection risks, 127128

Post-op preparation, 119

Pre-op preparation, 120122

Pre-op prevention, 122123

antiseptic soap, 122

Preoperative infection risk factors, 17

Prepackaged towels, 34

Prescreening of infections, 18

Prevention tips, 128130

Pseudomonas, 32

Public reporting, 1820

Punitive damages, 175

Resident bacteria, 4

Resources, 211213

Respiratory failure, 104

Respiratory tract infections, 15

Rhinoviruses, 3

Rifampin, 27

Ruptured appendix, 123

Rush Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center, 178179


hand hygiene in, 154155

infections in, 154

SCIP. See Surgical Care Improvement Project.

Sepsis, 8, 99, 100, 150

Septicemia, 142

Silver alloy catheters, 93

SSIs. See Surgical site infections.

Staph bacteria, 58

Staph infections, 27, 98

athletes, 27

children, 27

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureous, 27

number of,32

treatment of, 27

Staphylococcus aureus, 11, 12, 17, 27, 158, 185

Super bugs

antibiotic resistant bacteria, 2526, 29

curability of, 29

definition of, 29

fluoroquinolone-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 33

genetic mutation of, 29

hospitals, 3031

hygiene compliance, 40

identification of, 3536

incubation of, 37

intensive care units, 33

multidrug-resistant pathogens, 29

new types, 3233

prevention of, 3032, 3435

bathing, 3435

interventional patient hygiene, 34

surgical prophylaxis, 35

washing hands, 3032

risk of infection, 33

spreading of, 3234

Staph infections, 27, 32

symptoms, 37

treatment of, 36

types, 2730

Suprapubic catheters, 91

Surgeries, high risk, 123

bowel surgery, 123

ruptured appendix, 123

Surgical Care Improvement Project (SCIP), 126

Surgical prophylaxis, 35

Surgical site infections (SSIs), 15, 88, 118, 128, 130

body temperature, 125126

case study, 132133

Centers for Disease Control, 118

control of, 119120

pre-op preparation, 120, 122123

diabetics, 125

hyperglycemia, 125

hand hygiene, 119

high risk surgeries, 123

home care management, 131132

hospital discharge instructions, 130132

operating room, 123126

prevention, 128130

prevention checklist, 133134

risk factors, 122

Target patient groups for healthcare-associated infections, 14

Ten Infection Control Commandments of Child Day Care, 153

3 Rs Program, 177

Ticks, 7

Tigecycline, 27

Tracheotomy tube, 105

U.S. Healthcare Quality Improvement Act, 183

Urinary Catheters, 8991

complications, 92

condom, 91

discomfort level, 91

infections, 9293

need for, 89, 97

types, 91

Urinary tract infections (UTIs), 15, 9293

case study, 98100

causes, 89

Medicare, 9394

prevention guidelines, 9394

silver alloy catheters, 93

symptoms, 92, 96


physiology of, 8889

problems, 89

UTIs. See Urinary tract infections.

Vaccines, 102

Vancomycin, 2729

Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE), 27, 28

hospitals, 27, 3031

infections, 32,33

methicillin, 28

minimization, gloves and, 56

Ventilator, 105107

special patient care, 105107

Ventilator-assisted pneumonia, 106109

antibiotic usage, 108

care during, 108112

handwashing, 112

head elevation, 112

oral care, 110111

prevention of, 107

zero tolerance programs, 109112

Viral illnesses, 35

Viruses, 23

Voluntary mediation, Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, 178179

VRE. See Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus.

White blood cells, 4

Work place

bacteria count, 156

hygiene practice, 155156

World Health Organization, 49, 51, 55, 94

handwashing guidelines, 55

Wound care, 129

Zero risk factor index, 16