A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Abaeis nicippe, 127

abundance, 13

Acadian hairstreak, 186

Achalarus lyciades, 140, 179

Achillea millefolium, 78, 152, 203

Acmon blue, 115, 149, 175

Actias luna, 15, 216, 221

Adelpha californica, 182

admirals, 47–48

adult stage, 55–58, 63

Aellopos titan, 174

Aeropetes tulbaghia, 19

aesthetic value, 22–24

aestivation, 64

Afranius duskywing, 115

agave worm, 21

Agraulis vanillae, 51, 52, 170

agriculture, 8, 29–30, 32, 251

Aholibah underwing, 225

alfalfa, 42

Amblyscirtes eos, 167

Amblyscirtes hegon, 161

Amblyscirtes vialis, 256

Amelanchier, 88

Amelanchier alnifolia, 79, 188

American goldfinch, 71

American lady, 47, 104, 133

Amorpha fruticosa, 75, 80, 83, 87, 179, 237

Anacamptis pyramidalis, 19

Anaphalis margaritacea, 78, 84, 133

Anatrytone logan, 158, 165

Andropogon gerardii, 83, 85, 87, 158

anglewings, 47–48, 65

Angraecum sesquipedale, 220


invasive, 33, 34

pollination by, 16–17

predators, 18, 20–21, 40, 218

anise swallowtail, 65

annual cleanup, 206, 207, 238

antelope horn milkweed, 80, 146–147

Antheraea polyphemus, 72, 176, 178, 182, 186, 221

Anthocharis sara, 42

ants, 18, 44, 56, 262

Apantesis phalerata, 221–222

aphids, 56, 204, 211

Aphis nerii, 208, 209, 211

Aphrodite fritillary, 112

Apodemia mejicanus, 149

Apodemia mormo, 149

Arachne checkerspot, 132

Archiearis infans, 226

arcigera flower moth, 224

Arctias luna, 218

Arctiidae family, 221–223

Arge moth, 221

arid regions, 94–97, 207, 209

Arilus cristatus, 209

Aristolochia, 73, 91

Aristolochia californica, 81, 169

Aristolochia gigantean, 74

Aristolochia serpentaria, 87, 171

Aristolochia watsonii, 80, 169

Arogos skipper, 158

arrowhead blue, 149

Ascalapha odorata, 224

Asclepias, 59, 62, 213, 240

Asclepias asperula, 80, 146–147

Asclepias curassavica, 59

Asclepias speciosa, 78, 81, 143, 193–194

Asclepias tuberosa, 82, 84, 86, 110, 232

Asian mulberry silkmoth, 217–218

aspen, 225

aster, 88, 213, 227

atalas, 18

Atrytone arogos, 158

Atrytonopsis hianna, 158, 162

Automeris io, 176, 178, 179, 182, 186, 187, 221

Avalon scrub hairstreak, 115

Aveda butterfly habitat, 244

Baltimore checkerspot, 46, 47

bamboo, 48

banded hairstreak, 182

Baptisia, 62, 213

Baptisia australis, 88

barn swallow, 40, 41

Basilodes pepita, 156

basking stones/structures, 92, 242

bats, 17, 95, 218

Battus philenor, 18, 73, 169, 171

Battus polydamas, 171

bay checkerspot, 46

bear oak, 72

Becker’s white, 136

bedstraw moth, 119, 234

beebalm, 213, 218

bees, 16, 17–18, 95, 210, 211, 245. See also plant profiles

beetles, 17, 21

bella moth, 124

beneficial insects, 209, 210–211

beneficial wheel bug, 209

benefits of butterflies. See butterfly benefits

Bertholdia trigona, 218

big bluestem, 83, 85, 87, 158

Bina flower moth, 235

bioblitz, 265

biological controls, 34

bioswales, 73, 92, 243–244


helping, 71, 72, 239, 242, 251

pollination by, 17

as predators, 18, 20–21, 40, 43

See also plant profiles

black-backed oriole, 18

black dash, 166

black-eared mice, 18

black elderberry, 79, 172

black-eyed Susan, 84, 86, 106, 213, 227, 244

black hawthorn, 79, 172

black-headed grosbeak, 18

black huckleberry, 85, 173, 236

black redstart, 242

black-spotted prominent moth, 124

black swallowtail, 36, 40, 53, 54, 122

black-waved flannel moth, 176, 178, 182, 186, 236, 237

black witch moth, 224

blanketflower, 78, 106, 213, 224, 234

blazing star, 213, 221, 224, 227

bleeding flower moth, 134, 139, 224, 235

bleeding heart, 6

blinded sphinx moth, 176, 178, 182, 184, 189, 234, 235, 237

blind-eye sphinx moth, 72

blueberry, 211, 251

blue copper, 175

blue-eyed grass, 203

blue grama grass, 80, 101, 158, 203

blue jay, 18

blue mistflower, 86, 107

blues, 18, 42–44, 175

blue vervain, 82, 84, 108–109

blue wild rye, 81, 159

Boehmeria cylindrica, 82, 84, 86, 91, 144

Boisduval’s blue, 109

Boloria acrocnema, 30–31, 65

Boloria bellona, 112

Boloria selene, 112

Bombyx mori, 217–218

bordered patch, 106, 123, 126

bottlebrush grass, 85, 87 160

Bouteloua dactyloides, 203

Bouteloua gracilis, 80, 158, 203

bramble hairstreak, 115, 149

Brephidium exilis, 38, 44

brimstone, 42

British Columbia plant lists, 78–79, 234

broadleaf lupine, 78, 91, 109

broccoli, 42, 262

brown elfin moth, 173, 236

brown roofs, 242

browns, 48

brown stink bug, 209

brush-footed butterflies, 44–49

brush piles, 92, 96, 97, 98, 238

buckbrush, 81, 174, 234

buckeyes, 47–48, 65

buckwheat, 62

buckwheat family, 44

Buddleja davidii, 75

buffalo grass, 101, 203

bug lights, 239

bug zappers, 239

bull thistle, 71

bunchgrass, 63, 73, 93, 96, 97

burns, controlled, 253

butterflies, threats to. See conservation; threats to butterflies

butterfly basics

adult stage, 55–58, 63

butterflies vs. moths, 15, 233

carnivorous butterflies, 56

chrysalises, 53–55, 63, 64, 233, 257

color attraction, 88

cremasters, 53, 54

diapause, 61, 64–65

habitat range, 14

number of species, 13–14

protective tactics, 18

scales, 14

See also caterpillars; eggs; life cycle; overwintering; plant needs

butterfly benefits

aesthetic/cultural value, 22–24

economic, 23, 24–25, 251

food for animals, 20–21

plant population control, 21–22

pollination, 14, 16–20

scientific and educational studies, 25, 27

butterfly bush, 75

butterfly families

brush-footed butterflies (Nymphalidae), 44–49

gossamer-winged butterflies (Lycaenidae), 42–44

overview of, 37

skippers (Hesperiidae), 38–40

swallowtails (Papilionidae), 40–41

whites, marbles, and sulphurs (Pieridae), 42

butterfly feeders, 60

butterfly houses/gardens, 24, 60, 92

butterfly meadows, 88, 98–100, 209, 247

butterfly milkweed, 82, 84, 86, 110, 232

butterfly orchids, 19

butterfly pea, 87, 168

butterfly tours, 24, 251

buttonbush, 75, 77, 87, 174, 237

Byssus skipper, 158

cabbage, 42, 262

cabbage white, 42, 262

Calephelis muticum, 71, 150

Calephelis virginiensis, 157


habitat loss/climate change, 26, 28, 29, 31

monarch migration, 26, 67

plant lists, 81, 234

California buckwheat, 81, 175

California crescent, 71, 111

California goldenrod, 81, 110, 234

California hairstreak, 174, 179, 180, 182

California morning glory, 234

California pipevine, 81, 169

California scrub oak, 72

California sister, 182

California tortoiseshell, 174

Callippe silverspot, 29

Callophrys affinis, 149, 174, 175

Callophrys augustinus, 173

Callophrys dumetorum, 115, 149

Callophrys henrici, 173

Callophrys irus, 154

Callophrys mossii bayensis, 29

Callophrys sheridanii, 149

Callophrys sheridanii comstocki, 149

Callosamia promethea, 176, 178, 186, 190

Calycopis cecrops, 182, 247

Calystegia macrostegia, 234

camera selection/use, 261–262

camouflage tactics, 18, 40, 233

Canada thistle, 71

Carex stricta, 85, 166

Carmenta bassiformis, 125, 147, 150, 227, 229

carnivorous butterflies, 56


as animal food, 20, 21

ant relationship, 44

camouflage tactics, 18

carnivorous, 56

diapause, 61

finding, 257

host plants, 52, 57

life cycle, 51–53

plant population control by, 21–22

Catocala aholibah, 225

Catocala piatrix, 225

Ceanothus, 62, 77, 88

Ceanothus americanus, 75, 83, 85, 180–181

Ceanothus cuneatus, 81, 174, 234

ceanothus silkmoth, 174, 221, 234

cecropia moth, 176, 178, 186, 221, 235, 236, 237

Celastrina echo, 174

Celastrina ladon, 72, 140, 172, 176, 180, 184

Celastrina neglecta, 180

Cephalanthus occidentalis, 75, 77, 87, 174, 237

Ceratomia amyntor, 176, 178, 186

Ceratomia undulosa, 182

Cercyonis pegala, 48, 158, 162, 164

Cercyonis sthenele sthenele, 28, 29

chaff winnowing, 214

Chamerion angustifolium, 78, 119, 234

checkered white, 136, 138

checkerspots, 31, 46–47, 65

cherry, 88

Chickasaw plum, 87, 176, 237

Chlorostrymon simaethis, 58

Chlosyne acastus, 191

Chlosyne gorgone, 106

Chlosyne lacinia, 106, 123, 126

Chlosyne nycteis, 106, 131, 156

chokecherry, 72, 77, 80, 83, 85, 176–177, 235, 236

Christmas star orchid, 220

chrysalises, 53–55, 63, 64, 233, 257

Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus, 80, 191

cinnabar moth, 22, 223

Cirsium, 62, 71

Cirsium arvense, 71

Cirsium discolor, 71, 82, 133

Cirsium edule, 71, 78, 117

Cirsium flodmanii, 71

Cirsium horridulum, 71, 86, 157

Cirsium muticum, 71, 82, 84, 150

Cirsium occidentale, 71, 81, 111

Cirsium undulatum, 71

Cirsium vulgare, 71

Citheronia regalis, 174, 221

citizen science, 264–267

clearwing moths, 227–229

Clematis, 74

climate change, 30–31

Clitoria mariana, 87, 168

Clodius parnassian, 6

clouded sulphur, 109, 153, 154, 179

cloudless sulphur, 65, 66, 71, 124, 127

cloudywing, 40, 55

Clymene moth, 125, 147, 236, 237

coastal plain willow, 87, 178, 237

cobweb skipper, 158, 162

cobweb thistle, 81, 111

cocoons, 233

coevolution, 58

Colias eurytheme, 42, 109, 140, 203

Colias philodice, 109, 153, 154, 179, 203

collecting butterflies, 35, 259–261

collecting seeds, 213–215

college campus gardens, 244–245

Colorado mountains, 30–31, 65

color blocks, 88

Columbia tiger lily, 19

comet orchid, 220

commas, 47–48

commercial spaces, 98–102, 244–245, 247

common blue violet, 84, 91, 112

common branded skipper, 163

common buckeye, 25, 61, 109

common checkered skipper, 116, 187

common evening primrose, 233

common roadside skipper, 256

common sootywing, 40

common sulphur, 203

common wood nymph, 48, 158, 162, 164

community association rules, 209–210

Compton’s tortoiseshell, 186

coneflower, 213

confused cloudywing, 124

Conoclinium coelestinum, 86, 107


on farms, 251

individual role, 7–11

mardon skipper success story, 33

mass releases hindering, 35

of moths, 238–239

in wild areas, 251–253

of wild plants, 195

See also threats to butterflies

controlled burning, 253

Convolvulus, 233

coppers, 42–44

coral hairstreak, 72, 176

coral honeysuckle, 73–74

Coreopsis (coreopsis), 76, 213

Coreopsis lanceolata, 86, 127

corn earworm moth, 232

corporate campus gardens, 244–245

cost-sharing grants, 251

coyote mint, 81, 112

Crataegus, 88

Crataegus douglasii, 79, 172

cremasters, 53, 54

crepuscular, 233

crescents, 46–47

crimson-patched longwing, 170

crossline skipper, 162, 164

Ctenucha (Ctenucha moths), 222

Ctenucha rubroscapus, 223

Cupido comyntas, 124, 140, 154, 203

cup plant, 82, 113, 235, 244

currant borer moth, 227

cutworm moth, 223–224

Cyclargus thomasi bethunbakeri, 33, 34

Cycnia inopinatus, 110, 147

Cycnia tenera, 110, 143, 147

cynthia moth, 176, 186, 190, 236

Dakota skipper, 33, 162

Dalea candida, 80, 153

Dalea purpurea, 82, 137

Danaus gilippus, 49, 110, 143, 147

Danaus plexippus, 12, 17, 24, 26, 49, 59, 71, 110, 143, 147, 262

Darapsa versicolor, 174

Darwin, Charles, 220

Darwin’s orchid, 220

Dasylophia anguina, 124

Datura wrightii, 233, 234

deadheading, 209

debris as shelter, 92, 96, 97, 98, 238

deerweed, 81, 114–115

Delaware skipper, 158, 165

dense blazing star, 86, 115

Deschampsia cespitosa, 79, 166

desert green hairstreak, 149

desert mallow, 80, 116

desert pipevine, 80, 169

Desert Southwest plant lists, 80, 235

designing your garden. See garden design basics

Diachrysia balluca, 224

diamond hoe, 205

diapause, 61, 64–65

dicot skippers, 38, 40

dill, 36

Disa ferruginea, 19

diversity, 13

dividing plants, 211–213

dogbane tiger moth, 110, 143, 147

dogwood, 44

dotted roadside skipper, 167

Douglas aster, 6, 78, 116, 234

dreamy duskywing, 186

Dryas iulia, 170

drying seed, 215

Dryocampa rubicunda, 72, 182, 221

dun skipper, 166

duskywing, 40, 72

dusted skipper, 65, 158, 162

Dutch white clover, 203

Eacles imperialis, 72, 176, 178, 182, 186, 190, 221

eastern black swallowtail, 247

eastern comma, 144

eastern tailed blue, 55, 124, 140, 154, 203

eastern tiger swallowtail, 9, 40, 186, 190

Echinacea, 213, 214

Echinacea angustifolia, 104

Echinacea pallida, 82, 131

Echinargus isola, 153

echo azure, 6

echo blue, 174

eco-lawns, 203

economic benefits, 23, 24–25, 251

eco-roofs, 241–243

ecotype, 195

edible thistle, 71, 78, 117

educational studies, 25, 27

Edward’s hairstreak, 182


in diapause, 65

finding, 257, 263

host plants supporting, 21, 62, 63, 233

in life cycle, 49–52, 56, 58

elderberry, 44

Electra buckmoth, 175

elegant sphinx moth, 184, 185, 234

elm sphinx moth, 176, 178, 186, 235, 236, 237

Elymus glaucus, 81, 159

Elymus hystrix, 85, 87, 160

endangered species, 8, 28. See also threats to butterflies

endemics, 28

enjoying butterflies. See observation tips

entomologist, 49

environmental crisis, 8, 10, 25, 27–31

Epagyreus clarus, 140, 179

Epilobium canum, 81, 125, 234

Epimecis hortaria, 190

equipment for observation, 257–258

Erebidae family, 225

Eriogonum, 62

Eriogonum fasciculatum, 81, 175

Eriogonum umbellatum, 78, 80, 149

Eriophyllum confertiflorum, 81, 123

Eriophyllum lanatum, 78, 130

Eryngium yuccifolium, 86, 138, 237

Erynnis afranius, 115

Erynnis baptisiae, 154

Erynnis brizo, 182

Erynnis funeralis, 115

Erynnis horatius, 182

Erynnis icelus, 186

Erynnis juvenalis, 182

Erynnis martialis, 180

Erynnis pacuvius, 174

Erynnis persius, 109, 154

Erynnis propertius, 182

Erynnis tristis, 182

Erynnis zarucco, 124

eucalyptus, 67

Euchaetes egle, 110, 222

Euclea delphinii, 229

Eudryas unio, 187

Eumaeus atala, 18

Eupatoriadelphus, 91

Eupatoriadelphus fistulosus, 86, 125, 237

Eupatoriadelphus maculatus, 84, 147, 236

Eupatoriadelphus purpureus, 82, 150

Eupatorium borer moth, 125, 147, 227, 229, 236

Euphilotes ancilla, 149

Euphydryas anicia cloudcrofti, 47

Euphydryas chalcedona, 132

Euphydryas editha bayensis, 46

Euphydryas editha quino, 31, 47

Euphydryas editha taylori, 46, 50

Euphydryas phaeton, 46, 47

Euphyes conspicua, 166

Euphyes vestris, 166

Euplagia quadripunctaria, 24

Euploea, 24

Euptoieta claudia, 2, 44, 112, 170

European weevil, 34

Euthyrhynchus floridanus, 209

evening primrose, 82, 84, 118, 224, 235, 236

exoskeleton, 52

eyed brown, 166

false indigo bush, 75, 80, 83, 87, 179, 237

families of butterflies. See butterfly families

farming, agricultural, 8, 29–30, 32, 251, 252–253

farming butterflies, 23, 24, 35

feeders, 60

Fender’s blue butterfly, 58, 248, 263

Feralia deceptiva, 230–231

Festuca idahoensis, 79, 81, 161

Festuca roemeri, 79, 165

field notes, 259, 260

fiery skipper, 56

firecracker plant, 19

fire hazards, 101, 207, 209

fire-management plans, 253

fireweed, 78, 119, 234

flannel moths, 229

flies, 17, 21, 211

Flodman’s thistle, 71

Florida butterfly population decline, 32, 33

Florida predatory stink bug, 209

flower moths, 224

flowers, native. See wildflowers

flower seed collection, 213–215

foothill penstemon, 81, 119, 234

forbs, 70. See also wildflowers

forester moth, 19

foxglove beardtongue, 82, 120, 235, 236

Fragaria vesca, 78, 155

fragmentation, 29–30

fragrant orchid, 17, 19

frass, 21

fritillaries, 44, 46, 61

frogs, 21, 72, 211

frosted elfin, 154

fruit as food, 60

funding sources, 251

funereal duskywing, 115

Gaillardia, 213, 224

Gaillardia aristata, 78, 106, 234

gaillardia flower moth, 106, 224, 234

Gaillardia pulchella, 80, 126, 217, 235

Gambel oak, 72

garden design basics

basking stones/structures, 92, 242

butterfly bush warning, 75

including native thistles, 71

key principles, 88–92

kids’ gardens, 102

native plants, 69–74, 77

nonnative plants, 76, 77

regional plant tables, 78–87

tree selections, 72, 74, 77

See also installation process

garden designs

corporate and college campuses, 244–245

eco-roofs, 241–243

meadows for large spaces, 98–100

multiuse backyard, 96, 97–98

parking strips, roadsides, utility corridors, 100–102, 247–251

parks and greenspaces, 245–247

rain gardens and bioswales, 92–95, 243–244

xeriscape, 94–97

Garita skipperling, 158

Garry oak, 234

Gaylussacia baccata, 85, 173, 236

Gelechiidae family (Gnorimoschema genus), 229–231

genetic transfer, 35

geometer/geometrid moths (Geometridae family), 226–227

giant ironweed, 86, 121

giant swallowtail, 38, 40

Gilia capitata, 78, 121

Glandularia gooddingii, 80, 145

Glaucopsyche, 22

Glaucopsyche lygdamus, 22, 109, 149, 154

Glaucopsyche piasus, 149

Glaucopsyche xerces, 28, 29, 286

globe gilia, 78, 121

Glover’s silkmoth, 176, 221, 236

golden Alexanders, 82, 84, 91, 122

golden crownbeard, 80, 123, 235

golden hairstreak, 182

goldenrod, 88, 89, 98, 227, 229, 231

goldenrod gall moths, 229–231

golden yarrow, 81, 123

gold-hunter’s hairstreak, 182

gold moth, 156

Gonepteryx rhamni, 42

Gordian sphinx moth, 173, 236

Gorgon copper, 175

gorgone checkerspot, 106

gossamer-winged butterflies, 22, 42–44

Grammia arge, 221

grant money, 251


in garden design, 73, 101

as host plant, 38–40, 48

native turfgrass alternatives, 203

profiles of, 158–167

seed collection, 213

for shelter, 63

grass skippers, 15, 17, 29, 33, 39–40, 56, 256

gray hairstreak, 43, 58, 124, 140, 154, 172, 179, 187, 203

grazing plans, 253

great leopard moth, 222

Great Plains plant lists, 82–83, 235

great spangled fritillary, 7, 112

green comma, 244

green iguana, 33, 34

green-patched looper, 224

green roof, 241–243

green skipper, 158

greenspaces, 245–247

Grindelia integrifolia, 78, 137, 234

Grote’s tiger moth, 218

Gulf fritillary, 51, 52, 170, 257

Gymnadenia conopsea, 17, 19

Gymnadenia odoratissima, 19

Gymnocladus dioicus, 224

habitat loss, 8, 26, 28–31

habitat needs. See garden design basics; plant needs

Habrodais grunus, 182

hag moth, 228, 229

hairstreaks, 18, 42–44, 65, 72, 175

hairy bush clover, 86, 124

Haploa clymene, 125, 147

harnessed tiger moth, 221–222

harvester caterpillar, 56

hawk moths, 18, 19, 218–220

hawthorn, 88, 225

heath/heather family, 44

hedgerow hairstreak, 174

Helianthus, 88

Heliconius charithonia, 44, 45, 64, 170

Heliconius erato, 170

Helicoverpa zea, 232

Heliopetes ericetorum, 116

Hemaris diffinis, 219

Hemaris thysbe, 71, 176

Hemileuca electra, 175

Hemileuca nevadensis, 179

Henry’s elfin moth, 173, 236

herbicide-free approach, 198–200, 205

herbicide use, 29–30, 32–33, 198, 207, 251, 253

hermit sphinx moth, 140, 154, 235, 236

Hesperia colorado, 161

Hesperia comma, 163

Hesperia dacotae, 33, 162

Hesperia juba, 166

Hesperia leonardus, 162

Hesperia lindseyi, 161

Hesperia metea, 158, 162

Hesperia ottoe, 162

Hesperia pahaska, 158

Hesperia sassacus, 162

Hesperia uncas, 158, 163

Hesperia viridis, 158

Hesperiidae family, 38–40

hibernation. See overwintering

Hibiscus moscheutos, 87, 187, 237

hickory, 221, 225

high-elevation species, 64–65

hoary edge, 55, 140, 179

Hobomok skipper, 165

hoeing, 205

hollow Joe Pye weed, 86, 125, 237

hollyleaf cherry, 81, 179, 234

Holodiscus discolor, 79, 91, 184

Horace’s duskywing, 182

Horama panthalon, 229

host plants, 31, 51, 52, 56, 57–58, 61

houses for butterflies, 24, 60

housing association rules, 209–210

huckleberry, 44

huckleberry sphinx moth, 173, 236

hummingbird clearwing moth, 71, 176, 235, 236, 237

hummingbirds, 111, 119, 125, 140, 141, 154. See also plant profiles

hummingbird trumpet, 81, 125, 234

Hyalophora cecropia, 176, 178, 186, 221

Hyalophora columbia gloveri, 176, 221

Hyalophora euryalus, 174, 221

hydrangea sphinx moth, 174, 237

Hylephila phyleus, 56

Hyles gallii, 119

Hyles lineata, 118, 119, 153, 219

Hypercompe scribonia, 222

Icaricia icarioides fenderi, 58

Icaricia icarioides missionensis, 29

Icterus abeillei, 18

Idaho fescue, 79, 81, 161

identification tools, 261

imagoes, 55–56

imperial moths, 72, 176, 178, 182, 186, 190, 220–221, 235, 236, 237

importance of butterflies. See butterfly benefits

Indian blanket, 80, 126, 217, 235

Indian grass, 83, 85, 161

Indian skipper, 162

indigo bunting, 239

industrial sites, 244–245

infant moth, 226

innovations from butterfly, 27

insect-eating butterflies, 56

insecticide-free gardening, 209, 210–211

insecticides, 10, 27, 31–32

installation process

eco-lawns, 203

preparing to plant, 198–200

seeding, 195–198, 201–202

sourcing native plants, 193–198

tilling caution, 201

transplanting, 197–198, 200–201

watering, 201, 202

instar, 53

invasive species, 21–22, 33–34, 75, 204, 211, 253

Io moth, 176, 178, 179, 182, 186, 187, 221, 235, 236, 237

Ipomopsis aggregata, 80, 141

ironweed, 229

ironweed borer moth, 121

jar for viewing, 258

Jersey tiger moth, 24

Joe Pye weed, 62, 91, 98, 209, 229

Juba skipper, 166

Julia, 170

Junonia coenia, 25, 61, 65, 109

Juvenal’s duskywing, 182

Karner blue, 154

Kentucky coffeetree, 224

Keystone trees, 72

kids’ gardens, 102

Kincaid’s lupine, 58

Koeleria macrantha, 203

ladies, 47–48

lady beetle, 34, 211

Lagoa crispata, 176, 178, 182, 186

lamb’s quarters, 221

lanceleaf coreopsis, 86, 127

large bark-patterned moth, 235

large blue, 56

larvae. See caterpillars

Latin naming system, 39

lavender, 76

lawns, 10–11, 31, 32, 96, 97, 203

lemurs, 17

Leonard’s skipper, 162

Lepidoptera, 13–14

lepidopterists, 22–23, 25

Leptotes marina, 153, 179

Lespedeza capitata, 82, 84, 140

Lespedeza hirta, 86, 124

Lethe anthedon anthedon, 160

Lethe eurydice eurydice, 166

Liatris, 213, 221, 224, 227

Liatris ligulistylis, 82, 139, 235

Liatris pycnostachya, 82, 134, 235

Liatris spicata, 86, 115

life cycle

adults (imagoes), 55–56

caterpillars (larvae), 51–53

chrysalises (pupae), 53–55, 233

eggs, 51, 52, 56, 58, 61

observing first-hand, 262–264

overview, 49–51

light pollution, 35, 239

lilac, 6

Lilium columbianum, 19

Limacodidae family, 229

Limenitis archippus, 72, 178, 186

Limenitis arthemis, 72

Limenitis arthemis arthemis, 189

Limenitis arthemis astyanax, 176, 178, 186

Limenitis lorquini, 179, 180, 184, 189

Limenitis weidemeyerii, 72, 176

Lindera benzoin, 83, 85, 87, 190, 235, 236, 237

Lindsey’s skipper, 161

Lintneria eremitus, 140, 154

little bluestem, 83, 87, 162

little glassywing, 164

little metalmark, 157

local ecotypes, 195

local vegetation ordinances, 209–210

lo moth, 221

long-tailed skipper, 168

longwings, 44

Lonicera sempervirens, 73–74

Lorquin’s admiral, 179, 180, 184, 189

Lotus scoparius, 81, 114–115

luna moth, 15, 216, 218, 221

lupine blue, 149, 175

lupine plant propagation, 213, 214

Lupinus, 213

Lupinus formosus, 81, 149

Lupinus latifolius, 78, 91, 109

Lupinus perennis, 82, 154

Lupinus sulphureus subsp. kincaidii, 58

Lycaena gorgon, 175

Lycaena heteronea, 175

Lycaenidae family, 42–44

Maculinea arion, 56


annual cleanup, 206, 207, 238

fire hazard reduction, 207, 209

local vegetation laws, 209–210

mowing practices, 245, 247, 249

mulch, 200, 201, 205

natural pest control, 210–211

overview of, 203–204

plant division, 211–213

roadside and utility corridor, 249

weed control, 204–207

wild areas, 251–253

maple spanworm moth, 226

marbles, 42

mardon skipper, 33

margined white, 6

marine blue, 153, 179

Maryland senna, 82, 86, 127

mass butterfly releases, 34–35

mass releases of predators, 34, 211

mating, 56

maypop, 87, 170

meadow checkermallow, 81, 128, 234

meadow fritillary, 112

meadows, 88, 98–100, 209, 247

Megalopyge opercularis, 229

Megalopygidae family, 229

Megathymus ursus, 145

Megathymus yuccae, 145

Melissa blue, 43, 149

mesquite, 224

metalmarks, 42–44

metamorphosis, 49. See also life cycle

metric conversions, 268

Miami blue butterfly, 33, 34

Mid-Atlantic plant lists, 84–85, 236

Midwest plant lists, 82–83, 235

migrating species, 65, 66. See also monarchs


about, 17, 59, 213, 240

designing with, 243, 251

as host plant, 27, 30, 32, 49, 58, 62, 67, 222

pests, 208, 209, 211

milkweed butterflies, 49

milkweed tussock moth, 110, 222

mimicry, 27, 40, 47

mission blue, 29

modest sphinx moth, 178, 186, 189, 234–237

molting, 52–53

Monarch Joint Venture, 27


characteristics, 17, 18, 39, 44, 49, 53, 262

citizen monitoring projects, 265–267

cultural symbol/appreciation, 12, 22–25

host plants, 58, 59, 71, 89, 110, 134, 139, 143, 147

migration, 26, 27, 35, 49, 59, 65, 67

overwintering, 24, 26–27, 31, 49, 65

threatened status, 7, 8, 24–27, 29, 30, 31

Monarda, 213

Monarda didyma, 84, 140, 236

Monarda fistulosa, 82, 154, 235

Monardella villosa, 81, 112

monocot skippers, 38–40

Monterey cypress, 67

Monterey pine, 67

Mormon metalmark, 149

morning glory, 218, 233

moth families

clearwing (Sesiidae), 227–229

flannel (Megalopygidae), 229

geometer (Geometridae), 226–227

goldenrod gall (family Gelechiidae, genus norimoschema), 229–231

owlet (Noctuidae), 223–224

slug (Limacodidae), 229

sphinx and hawk (Sphingidae), 218–220

tiger (Arctiidae), 221–223

underwing (Erebidae), 225

wild silkmoths, royal and imperial (Saturniidae), 220–221

yucca (Prodoxidae), 231


biological controls parasitizing, 34

butterflies vs., 15, 233

citizen science projects, 266, 267

conservation, 238–239

educational study, 27

feeders for, 60

food for animals, 20–21

life cycle, 231–233

moth gardening overview, 217–218

nocturnal moths, 221, 230–231, 233, 239

number of species, 13–14

plant population control, 21

pollination by, 14, 16–20

protective tactics, 18, 218, 233

selecting plants for, 233–237

mottled duskywing, 180

mountain mint, 213

mountain parnassian butterfly, 18

mournful duskywing, 182

mournful thyris, 15

mourning cloak, 65, 72, 172, 178, 180, 186, 189, 244

mowing practices, 245, 247, 249

mulch, 200, 201, 205

multiuse backyards, 96, 97–98

municipal weed laws, 209–210

mustard family, 42

mylitta crescent, 6, 71, 111, 117

narrowleaf willow, 81, 180

narrow-leaved purple coneflower, 104

Nassella pulchra, 81, 163

Nastra lherminier, 162

native plants

coevolution, 57–58

in garden design, 69–74, 77, 101

importance of cultivating, 10

online resources, 269–270

sourcing, 193–198

supplying nectar, 62

See also wildflowers

natural pest control, 210–211

NatureServe, 28

nectar, 16–17, 55

nectar plants, 61–62

neonicotinoids, 32

netting butterflies, 258

Nevada buckmoth, 179, 234, 235

New England aster, 84, 128

New Jersey tea, 75, 83, 85, 180–181

nickerbean, 33

Noctuidae family, 223–224

nonnative species, 21–22, 33–34, 71, 76, 77

Northeast plant lists, 84–85, 236

northern cloudywing, 115, 140

northern pearly eye, 55, 160

northern white skipper, 116

Northwest region, 6, 58, 75, 78–79, 234

Notamblyscirtes simius, 158

Nymphalidae family (nymphalids), 44–49

Nymphalis antiopa, 65, 72, 172, 178, 180, 186, 189, 244

Nymphalis californica, 174

Nymphalis l-album, 186

oak, 72, 77, 81, 83, 85, 87, 182–183, 221, 225, 235, 236, 237

oak hairstreak, 182

Oarisma garita, 158

Oarisma poweshiek, 163

obscure skipper, 16

observation tips

citizen science opportunities, 264–267

collecting responsibly, 35, 259–261

equipment, 257–258

finding butterflies, 256–257

nocturnal moths, 230

photographs, 261–262

raising butterflies, 262–264

records and field notes, 259, 260

oceanspray, 79, 91, 184

Ochlodes sylvanoides, 159, 161, 165

Oenothera biennis, 82, 84, 118, 224, 233, 235, 236

Oenothera caespitosa, 80, 153, 235

oleander aphid, 208, 209, 211

ollas, 96

ommatidia, 88

online resources, 261, 269–271

Ophryocystis elektroscirrha, 59

orange-barred sulphur, 19, 127

orange-eyed butterfly bush, 75

orange mint moth, 140, 154, 235, 236

orange sulphur, 42, 109, 140, 203

orchids, 19, 220

Oregon checkermallow, 78, 129, 234

Oregon cherry, 79, 184, 234

Oregon sunshine, 78, 130

Oregon swallowtail, 40

organizations and resources, 269–271

osmeterium, 40, 41

Ottoe skipper, 162


annual cleanup supporting, 206, 207, 238

boxes for, 60

butterfly tourism spots, 24

diapause in, 64–65

moths, 238

sheltering habitat, 63, 64, 73

oviposit, 56

owlet moths, 19, 223–224, 230–231

Pachysphinx modesta, 178, 186, 189

Pacific aster, 81, 131, 234

Pacific Northwest, 6, 58, 75, 78–79, 234

Pacuvius duskywing, 174

Pahaska skipper, 158

painted lady, 7, 44, 47, 65, 71, 111, 116, 117, 133, 150, 157, 262

painted schinia moth, 126, 217, 235

pale purple coneflower, 82, 131

pale tiger swallowtail, 172, 179, 184, 188

Palmer’s penstemon, 80, 132, 235

palms, 48

Panicum obtusum, 80, 167

Panicum virgatum, 85, 165

Panoquina panoquinoides, 16

Paonias astylus, 173

Paonias excaecata, 72, 176, 178, 182, 184, 189

Paonias myops, 176, 184, 186

Papaipema cerussata, 121

Papaipema eryngii, 138

Papilio, 18, 19

Papilio cresphontes, 38, 40

Papilio eurymedon, 172, 179, 184, 188

Papilio glaucus, 9, 40, 72, 176, 179, 180, 186, 190, 244

Papilio multicaudata, 188

Papilionidae family, 40–41

Papilio oregonius, 40

Papilio polyxenes, 36, 40, 54, 122

Papilio rutulus, 172, 184, 188, 194

Papilio troilus, 190

Papilio zelicaon, 65

Parasa indetermina, 182, 229

parasites, 21, 34, 35

Paratraea plebeja, 170

parking lot runoff, 243, 244

parking strip gardens, 100–102

parks, 245–247, 251–253

parnassians (subfamily Parnassiinae), 40

Parnassius smintheus, 18

Parrhasius m-album, 182

Passerina cyanea, 239

Passiflora, 73–74

Passiflora incarnata, 87, 170

passionflower, 44, 51, 73–74

pasture thistle, 71, 82, 133

pea family, 42

pearl crescent, 46, 128, 254

pearly everlasting, 78, 84, 133

pearly wood nymph, 187

penitent underwing, 225

Penstemon digitalis, 82, 120, 235, 236

Penstemon heterophyllus, 81, 119, 234

Penstemon palmeri, 80, 132, 235

Penstemon (penstemon), 213

pepper-and-salt skipper, 161

Perigea xanthioides, 121, 150

Peritoma serrulata, 80, 138, 235

Peromyscus melanotis, 18

Persius duskywing, 109, 154

pest control, natural, 209, 210–211

pesticides, 10, 27, 29–33

Pheobetron pithecium, 228, 229

pheres blue, 28, 29

pheromones, 56

Pheucticus melanocephalus, 18

phlox moth, 135, 235

Phlox pilosa, 82, 135, 235

Phoebis philea, 19, 127

Phoebis sennae, 65, 66, 71, 124, 127

Phoenicurus ochruros, 242

Pholisora catullus, 40

photographing butterflies, 261–262

Phragmatobia fuliginosa, 125, 147, 150

Phyciodes mylitta, 71, 111, 117

Phyciodes orseis, 71, 111

Phyciodes tharos, 46, 128, 254

Phylloscopus trochilus, 20

Pieridae family, 42

Pieris rapae, 42, 262

pipevines plant species, 73, 91

pipevine swallowtail, 18, 73, 169, 171

Plagiomimicus dimidiata, 224

plant establishment, 200–201

planting process. See installation process

plant needs

growing season extenders, 88

host plants, 31, 51, 52, 56, 57–58, 61

nectar, 16–17, 55, 61–62

overview of, 37, 56–57, 69

sheltering habitat, 62–68

tropical milkweed concerns, 59

plant population control, 21–22

plant profiles

grasses and sedge, 158–167

overview of, 105

trees and shrubs, 172–191

vines, 168–171

wildflowers, 106–157

plant propagation, 211–215

plant selection, 193–198, 233–237, 244. See also regional plant tables

Platanthera bifolia, 19

Platanthera praeclara, 18

Plebeian sphinx, 170

Plebejus acmon, 115, 149, 175

Plebejus icarioides, 109

Plebejus icarioides pheres, 28, 29

Plebejus lupine, 175

Plebejus lupini, 149

Plebejus melissa, 43, 149

Plebejus melissa samuelis, 154

Plectritis congesta, 78, 142, 242

plusiine moth, 223–224

Poanes hobomok, 165

Poanes melane, 166

Poanes zabulon, 164

Poladryas arachne, 132

Polites mardon, 33

Polites origenes, 162, 164

Polites rhesus, 158

Polites sabuleti, 161

Polites sonora, 161

pollen consumption, 55–56

pollinators, 14, 16–20, 71

polydamas swallowtail, 171

Polygonia comma, 144

Polygonia faunus, 244

Polygonia interrogationis, 144

polyphemus moth, 72, 176, 178, 182, 186, 221, 235, 236, 237

Pompeius verna, 164

Pontia beckerii, 136

Potentilla gracilis, 78, 143

Poweshiek skipper, 163

prairie blazing star, 82, 134, 235

prairie dropseed, 83, 163

prairie fringed orchid, 18

prairie junegrass, 203

prairie phlox, 82, 135, 235

prairie zinnia, 80, 135

predators, 18, 20–21, 40

primrose moth, 118, 224, 235, 236

prince’s plume, 80, 136, 235

Problema byssus, 158

Prochoerodes lineola, 226

Prodoxidae family, 231

promethea moth, 176, 178, 186, 190, 235, 236, 237

propagating plants, 211–215

Propertius duskywing, 182

Prosopis, 224

Proxodus, 145

Prunus, 88

Prunus angustifolia, 87, 176, 237

Prunus emarginata, 79, 184, 234

Prunus ilicifolia, 81, 179, 234

Prunus virginiana, 72, 77, 80, 83, 85, 176–177, 235, 236

Pseudosphinx tetrio, 20

psyche (soul), 22

public gardens, 98–102, 245–247

Puget Sound gumweed, 78, 137, 234

pupa/pupae, 53–55, 63, 64, 233, 257

purple crow butterfly, 24

purple needlegrass, 81, 163

purple prairie clover, 82, 137

purple sage, 80, 81, 185, 234

purpletop, 85, 87, 164

pussy willow, 83, 85, 186, 235, 236

Pycnanthemum, 213

Pycnanthemum virginianum, 82, 84, 86, 151

pyramidal orchid, 19

Pyrausta orphisalis, 140, 154

Pyrausta signatalis, 140, 154

Pyrgus albescens, 136, 138

Pyrgus communis, 116, 187

Pyrgus ruralis, 143, 155

Pyrgus scriptura, 116

queen butterfly, 49, 110, 143, 147

Quercus, 72, 74, 81, 83, 85, 87, 182–183, 235, 236, 237

Quercus berberidifolia, 72

Quercus gambelii, 72

Quercus garryana, 234

Quercus ilicifolia, 72

Quercus laevis, 72

question mark, 144

Quino checkerspot, 31, 47

rain gardens, 72, 73, 92–95, 243–244

raising butterflies, 262–264

raspberry pyrausta moth, 140, 154, 235, 236

rattlesnake-master borer moth, 86, 138, 237

Reakirt’s blue, 153

recordkeeping, 259, 260

red admiral, 48, 55, 144

red-banded hairstreak, 182, 247

redbud, 9

red groundling moth, 121, 150

red-shouldered ctenucha moth, 223

red-spotted purple, 72, 176, 178, 186

regal fritillary, 15

regional plant tables

California, 81, 234

Desert Southwest, 80, 235

Midwest and Great Plains, 82–83, 235

Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, 84–85, 236

Pacific Northwest and British Columbia, 78–79, 234

Southeast, 86–87, 237

releases of butterflies, 34–35

releases of predator insects, 34, 211

Rhesus skipper, 158

rhododendron, 6

Riley’s clearwing, 229

ringlets, 48

roadside gardens, 100–102, 247–251

Rocky Mountain bee plant, 80, 138, 235

Rocky Mountain blazing star, 82, 139, 235

Rocky Mountain dotted blue, 149

Roemer’s fescue, 79, 165

roof gardens, 241–242

rose mallow, 87, 187, 237

rose spirea, 79, 187

rosy maple moth, 72, 182, 221, 235, 236, 237

rototilling, 201

round-headed bush clover, 82, 84, 140

royal moths, 220–221

royal walnut moth, 174, 221, 237

ruby tiger moth, 125, 147, 150, 236

Rudbeckia, 213, 227

Rudbeckia hirta, 84, 86, 106, 244

runoff management, 73, 92–95, 241–244

Russelia, 19

rust red orchid, 19

Sacramento Mountains checkerspot, 47

sacred datura, 233, 234

sagebrush checkerspot, 191

Salix, 72, 244

Salix caroliniana, 87, 178, 237

Salix discolor, 83, 85, 186, 235, 236

Salix exigua, 81, 180

Salix scouleriana, 79, 189, 234

sallow moth, 230–231

salt-tolerance, 102

Salvia dorrii, 80, 81, 185, 234

Sambucus nigra, 79, 172

Samia cynthia, 176, 186, 190

San Bruno elfin, 29

sandhill skipper, 161

San Francisco habitat loss, 28, 29

Sara’s orangetip, 42

Saskatoon serviceberry, 79, 188

Saturnia albofasciata, 174

Saturniidae family, 220–221

Satyrium acadica, 186

Satyrium auretorum, 182

Satyrium calanus, 182

Satyrium californica, 174, 179, 180, 182

Satyrium edwardsii, 182

Satyrium favonius, 182

Satyrium fuliginosum, 149

Satyrium liparops, 176, 182

Satyrium saepium, 174

Satyrium sylvinus, 180

Satyrium titus, 72, 176

satyrs, 48

scale insects, 56

scales, 14

scarlet beebalm, 84, 140, 236

scarlet gilia, 80, 141

scat as food, 55

Schinia, 224

Schinia arcigera, 224

Schinia florida, 118, 224

Schinia indiana, 135

Schinia masoni, 106, 224

schinia moth, 224

Schinia sanguinea, 134, 139, 224

Schinia trifascia, 125, 147, 150

Schinia varix, 235

Schinia volupia, 217, 224

Schizachyrium scoparium, 83, 87, 162

scientific naming system, 39

scientific studies, 23, 25, 27

Scouler’s willow, 79, 189, 234

scrub oak, 72

seablush, 78, 142, 242

season extenders, 88

sedge, tussock, 166

sedges, 73, 93

sedum, 242, 243

seed collection, 213–215

seeding, 195–198, 201–202

selecting plants, 193–198, 233–237, 244. See also plant profiles; regional plant tables

Senecio, 18

Senecio jacobaea, 21–22, 223

senesced plants, 61

Senna marilandica, 82, 86, 127

serviceberry, 88

Sesiidae family, 227–229

shady gardens, 90–91

sheltering habitat, 62–68, 92

Sheridan’s hairstreak, 149

short-spurred fragrant orchid, 19

showy milkweed, 78, 81, 143, 193–194

shrub oak, 72


in garden design, 77, 94, 96, 97, 244

profiles of, 172–181, 184–191

Sidalcea malviflora, 81, 126, 234

Sidalcea oregana, 78, 129, 234

silkmoths, 34

Silphium asteriscus, 86, 148

Silphium perfoliatum, 82, 113, 235, 244

silver-banded hairstreak, 58

silver-bordered fritillary, 112

silver-spotted skipper, 140, 179

silvery blue, 22, 109, 149, 154

silvery checkerspot, 55, 106, 131, 156

Simius roadside skipper, 158

Sisyrinchium, 203

six-spot burnet, 17

skippers, 17, 38–40, 53, 70, 71, 73, 131, 134, 145, 203

sleepy duskywing, 182

sleepy orange, 127

slender cinquefoil, 78, 143

slug moths, 229

small checkered skipper, 116

small-eyed sphinx moth, 176, 184, 186, 234–237

small spike false nettle, 82, 84, 86, 91, 144

Smerinthus jamaicensis, 176, 184, 186, 189

smothering technique, 199–200

snowberry clearwing moth, 219

soil preparation, 198–200

solarization, 198–199

Solidago, 88, 89, 227, 229

Solidago californica, 81, 110, 234

Solidago rugosa, 84, 86, 156, 236, 237

Sonoran metalmark, 149

Sonora skipper, 161

sooty hairstreak, 149

Sorghastrum nutans, 83, 85, 161

Southeast plant lists, 86–87, 237

southern cloudywing, 124, 140

southern dogface, 137, 153, 179

southern flannel moth, 229

southwestern mock vervain, 80, 145

Spanish bayonet, 80, 145, 235

spermatophore, 56

Speyeria callippe callippe, 29

Speyeria cybele, 112

Speyeria idalia, 15

Speyeris aphrodite, 112

Sphaeralcea ambigua, 80, 116

Sphingidae family, 218–220

Sphinx gordius, 173

sphinx moths 71, 218–220

Sphinx perelegans, 184, 185

spicebush, 83, 85, 87, 190, 235, 236, 237

spicebush swallowtail, 55, 190

spider milkweed, 80, 146–147

spider mites, 211

spiny oak slug moth, 229

Spiraea douglasii, 79, 187

Sporobolus heterolepis, 83, 163

spotted Joe Pye weed, 84, 147, 236

spread-winged skippers, 40

spring azure, 55, 72, 140, 172, 176, 180, 184

Stanleya pinnata, 80, 136, 235

starry rosinweed, 86, 148

sthenele wood nymph, 28, 29

stigmata, 231

stinging rose caterpillar moth, 182, 236, 237, 239

stink bugs, 21, 209, 211

stormwater management, 73, 92–95, 241–244

stratification, 202

striped hairstreak, 176, 182

Strymon avalona, 115

Strymon melinus, 43, 58, 124, 140, 154, 172, 179, 187, 203

subfamily Hesperiinae, 39–40

subfamily Pyrginae, 40

succulents, 70

sulphur buckwheat, 78, 80, 149

sulphurs, 42, 134

summer aestivation, 64

summer azure, 180

summer lilac, 75

summer lupine, 81, 149

sunflower, 88, 221, 227

sun requirements, 90–91

swallowtails, 6, 18, 19, 27, 40–41, 54, 71, 134

swamp metalmark, 71, 150

swamp thistle, 71, 82, 84, 150

swarthy skipper, 162

sweet Joe Pye weed, 82, 150

swift moth, 233

switchgrass, 85, 165

sylvan hairstreak, 180

Symphyotrichum, 88, 213, 227

Symphyotrichum chilense, 81, 131, 234

Symphyotrichum novae-angliae, 84, 128

Symphyotrichum subspicatum, 78, 116, 234

Synanthedon rileyana, 229

Synanthedon tipuliformis, 227

Synchlora aerata, 226–227

Table Mountain beauty, 19

tansy ragwort, 21–22, 223

Taylor’s checkerspot, 46, 50

Tetracis cachexiata, 226

tetrio sphinx, 20

Texas wasp moth, 229

thistles, 34, 62

Thorybes bathyllus, 124, 140

Thorybes confusis, 124

Thorybes pylades, 115, 140

threats to butterflies

climate change, 30–31

crisis point, 8, 10, 27–29

habitat loss and fragmentation, 29–30, 31

herbicides, 29–30, 32–33

invasive species, 33–34

mass releases of butterflies, 34–35

monarch, 7, 8, 24–27, 29, 30, 31

overcoming, 10–11, 35

pesticides, 10, 27, 29–33

See also conservation

three-lined flower moth, 125, 147, 150, 236, 237

thyme, 56

Thyris sepulchralis, 15

tickseed, 213

tiger moths, 221–223, 233

tiger swallowtail, 72, 176, 179, 180, 194, 244

tilling, 201

titan sphinx, 174

tortoiseshells, 47–48, 65

transplanting plants, 197–198, 200–201

tree-hoppers, 56


in garden design, 77, 94, 97, 244

moth host, 221, 225

profiles of, 172, 176–184, 186, 189

Tridens flavus, 85, 87, 164

Trifolium repens, 203

tropical longwing, 55–56

tropical mlkweed, 59

true nymphs, 47–48

tufted hairgrass, 79, 166

tulip tree beauty moth, 190, 235, 236, 237

turfgrass, 10–11, 31, 32, 37, 96, 97

turkey oak, 72

tussock sedge, 85, 166

twin-spotted sphinx moth, 176, 184, 186, 189, 234, 235, 236

two-banded checkered skipper, 143, 155

two-tailed swallowtail, 188

Tyria jacobaeae, 22, 223

umber skipper, 166

Uncas skipper, 158, 163

Uncompahgre fritillary, 30–31, 65

underwing moths, 225

unexpected cycnia, 110, 147

univoltine species, 49, 51

upland habitat, 93, 94

urban gardens, 100–102

urbanization, 28, 29, 31, 32

Urbanus proteus, 168

ursine giant skipper moth, 145, 235

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, 251

Utetheisa ornatrix, 124

utility corridor gardens, 247–251

Vanessa annabella, 116, 128, 129

Vanessa atalanta, 48, 144

Vanessa cardui, 47, 65, 71, 111, 116, 117, 133, 150, 157, 262

Vanessa virginiensis, 47, 104, 133

variable checkerspot, 132

variegated fritillary, 2, 44, 112, 170

Verbena hastata, 82, 84, 108–109

Verbesina alternifolia, 86, 156, 237

Verbesina encelioides, 80, 123, 235

Vernonia gigantea, 86, 121

viceroy, 65, 72, 178, 186

viewing jar, 258

vine mesquite, 80, 167

vines, 73–74, 168–171

Viola sororia, 84, 91, 112

violets, 61

Virginia mountain mint, 82, 84, 86, 151

Virginia snakeroot, 87, 171

Wallace, Alfred Russel, 220

walnut, 221

wasps, 21, 211

watering, establishment phase, 201, 202

water management, 73, 92–96, 241, 243–244

waved sphinx moth, 182, 235, 236, 237

wavyleaf thistle, 71

wavy-lined emerald moth, 226–227

websites, 261, 269–271

weed control, 198–200, 204–207

Weidemeyer’s admiral, 72, 176

West Coast lady, 116, 128, 129

western banded skipper, 161

western green hairstreak, 149, 174, 175

western pygmy-blue, 38, 43–44

western thistle, 71

western tiger swallowtail, 172, 184, 188, 194

western yarrow, 78, 152

white admiral, 65, 189

white-lined sphinx moth, 118, 119, 153, 219, 234, 235, 236

white M hairstreak, 182

white prairie clover, 80, 153

whites, 42

white slant-line moth, 226

white-streaked saturnia moth, 174, 234

white-tufted evening primrose, 80, 153, 235

wild area sites, 251–253

wild bergamot, 82, 154, 235

wild blue indigo, 88

wild cherry, 77, 221

wildfire hazards, 101, 207, 209


eco-lawns featuring, 203

in garden design, 9, 70–71, 94, 96, 97, 194

meadow plantings, 98–100

profiles of, 106–157

seed collection, 213

wild indigo duskywing, 154

wild indigo plant, 62, 213

wild lilac, 62, 77, 88

wild lupine, 82, 154

wild silkmoths, 220–221, 233

wild strawberry, 78, 155

willow, 72, 77, 225, 244

willow warbler, 20

windbreaks, 77, 100

wingstem, 86, 156, 237

winnowing seed, 214–215

woodland skipper, 6, 159, 161, 165

woolly aphid, 56

wrinkleleaf goldenrod, 84, 86, 156, 236, 237

Xanthopan morganii subsp. praedicta, 220

Xerces blue, 28, 29, 286

Xerces Society, 92, 260–261, 267, 271, 286–287

xeriscaping, 94–97

yarrow, 203

yellow rabbitbrush, 80, 191

yellow thistle, 71, 86, 157

yucca, 70

Yucca baccata, 80, 145, 235

yucca giant skipper moth, 145, 235

yucca moths, 70, 145, 231, 233, 235

Zabulon skipper, 164

Zarucco duskywing, 124

zebra heliconian, 44, 45

zebra longwing, 64, 170

Zerene cesonia, 137, 153, 179

zinnia, 7

Zinnia grandiflora, 80, 135

Zizia aurea, 82, 84, 91, 122

Zygaena filipendulae, 17