Alvord, Burt, 43
Anderson, Hugh, 177–81
Anderson, Tom. See Christian, Bob
Anderson, William “Bloody Bill,” 21
Anti-Horse Thief Association, 37, 133, 136
Bailey, Harvey, 88
Bailey, William, 176
Ball, Charlie, 4–6
Barker, Arthur “Doc,” 86–87, 90–91, 92
Barker, Fred “Shorty,” 86, 87–88, 89–91, 92, 94
Barker, Lloyd William “Red,” 86, 89
Barker, “Ma,” 14, 85–86, 87–89, 94
Barker gang and friends, 85–94
Barker-Inman-Terrill gang, 87
Barker-Karpis gang, 93–94
Barnes, Doug, 37
Beating Back (film), 164
Beating Back (Jennings), 156, 164
Bell, C. S., 111
Bender, John “Pa,” 141–51
Bender, John (son), 141–51
Bender, Kate, 141–51
Bender, “Ma,” 141–51
Benders: Keepers of the Devil’s Inn (Wood), 151
Bennett, Warren, 136–37
Blackley, A. T., 63, 64, 65, 70
Bloody Mama (film), 89
bootleggers, 36–37
Boyle, John, 145
Brocius, Bill, 123
Brock brothers, 183–84
Brooks, Mabel, 198
Brooks, Willis, 162
Brown, HooDoo, 169
Brown, Joe, 84
Brown, Rube, 114
Bruce, William, 211
Burrow, Jim, 183–84
Burrow, Rueben “Rube,” 182–86
Bussey, Hess, 160
Cantelou, Jennie, 38
Carr, W. H. “Bill,” 40
Casey, Dave, 116
Casey, Vic, 38–39, 40, 116, 118–19
Christian, Bill, 35–49, 50, 119
Christian, Bob, 35–46, 49, 119
Clanton, Isaac (Ike), 123–26, 128–29
Clanton, N. H. “Old Man,” 123, 124
Clanton, Phinias “Phin,” 123, 128
Clanton clan, 121–29
Clark, Arizona Donnie. See Barker, “Ma”
Clark, Ben, 49
Clements, Emmanuel “Mannen” (father), 78–80
Clements, Emmanuel “Mannie” (son), 78, 80, 84
Clements family, 78–84
Clifton, Dan “Dynamite Dick,” 156, 159–60
Clum, John, 125
Coe, Phil, 103
Conant, Jacob, 204
Condon Bank, Coffeyville, KS, 1, 4–6
Connor, Ab, 196
Cox, Jim, 112
Crosswight, John, 117
Crotty, Billy, 146
Cuero Protection Club, 114
Dalton, Emmett, 2, 3, 4, 6–9, 10
Dalton, Lewis, 3
Dalton brothers and gang, 1–10, 36
DeAutremont, Hugh, 51, 53–57, 58
Delta, CO, 59–73
DeMary, Major, 166
Desperate Men (Horan), 65
DeVol, Larry, 85, 90, 91, 93–94, 187
do-it-yourself-hanging-machine, 15
Dunlap, Three-Fingered Jack, 42–46, 49
Earp, Morgan, 128
Earp, Warren, 128
Earp, Wyatt, 96, 121–22, 126, 128
Espinosa, Felipe, 210
Espinosa, Jose, 211–12
Espinosa, Victorio, 210
Espinosa, Vivian, 211–13
Evans, Eva, 206
Everest, Wesley, 52
Farmer, Bert, 49
Farmer’s and Merchant’s Bank, Delta, CO, 59, 60, 62–63
Ferguson, “Ma,” 27
Fessenden, John, 40–41
First National Bank, 1, 4, 6, 7, 11, 12, 61
Fleagle, Jacob Henry “Little Jake,” 11–18
Fleagle, Jacob “Old Jake,” 14–15
Folly of a Life of Crime, The (film), 208
Ford, Bob, 24
Foster, Joe, 106
Foy, Eddie, 104
Garcia, Pedro, 212
Gard, George, 206–7
Garrett, Billy, 178
Garrett, Pat, 82
Giraud, Adolph, 167
Glasscock, Brent, 191–92
Great Northfield Minnesota Raid (film), 19
Guadalupe Canyon, Mexico, 123
Haines, Wiley, 136–39
Hardin, John Wesley, 78–79, 80–82, 95, 100, 113–14
Harkens, Henry, 211
Harmon, Jake, 117
Harris, Jack, 106
Hart, Harrison, 195–96, 197, 200
Hart, William, 195–96, 197, 200
Hassels, Sam, 42
Hayes, Bob, 42–46
Hays, Mary Ann, 63–64
Heinrich, Edward, 56
Helm, Jack “Captain,” 110–11, 112, 113
Hereford, Red, 160
Herrera, Frank, 43
Hickok, Wild Bill, 103
Hocker, W. E., 41
Holbrook, Foster, 41
Holliday, Doc, 96, 121, 125, 126
Hoover, J. Edgar, 85, 86, 88, 92
Houston, Sam, 154
Houston, Temple, 154–56, 163, 164
Hull family, 130–31
Hurricane Minnie, 96
I’ll Die Before I’ll Run (Sonnichsen), 113
Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF), 135
Indian Territory, 36–37, 107, 194
International Workers of the World (IWW), 52
Jackson, Fred, 207
James, Jesse, 19–20, 22, 24, 61, 164
James-Younger Gang, 19–25
Jarrett, Floyd, 196–97
Jarrett, Glenn, 196–97
Jarrett, Walter, 197
Jennings, Alphonso J. “Al,” 36, 38, 152–59, 161–64
Jennings, Ed, 154–56
Jennings, Frank, 152, 156, 158, 161, 162, 163
Jennings, J. D. F., 38
Jesse James Meets Frankenstein’s Daughter (film), 19
Johnson, Crook-neck, 48
Johnson, Julia, 10
Johnson, Virgil, 30
Karpis, Alvin “Old Creepy,” 85, 86, 88, 89–93
Kearnes, Henry, 178
Kelly, Charles, 68
Kesinger, Everett, 12–13
Ketchum, Black Jack, 41, 49, 50
King, Frank, 43
Krum, Ed, 175
Lawson, George, 160
Laycock, Ben, 69–70
Laycock, Henry, 70
Leslie, Frank, 123
Littleton, Captain, 110
Littrell, Jess, 196, 198–200, 201
Lonchar, George, 146
Loomis, Horace, 45–46
Lundgren, E. A., 12–13
Mackey, John, 37
Madsen, Chris, 118–19
Manley, Abler, 214–15
Manley, Amos, 214–15
Manson, Charles, 93
Martin, Sam, 130–39
Martin, Will, 130–39
Masterson, Ed, 173
Masterson, Jim, 173
McCarty, Bill, 60, 61, 62–66, 68–70
McCarty, Fred, 60, 61, 62–67, 68–70
McCarty, Tom, 60, 61, 62–66, 68–69, 71–73
McCarty clan, 59–73
McCluskie, Arthur, 180–81
McCluskie, Mike, 175–79
McCluskie brothers, 173–81
McKidrict, Joe, 99
McNelly, Captain, 114
McVay, Ellis and family, 214
Medicine Lodge, KS, 179–80
Meik, Almira. See Bender, “Ma”
Miller, Clel, 23
Miller, Jim “Deacon Jim,” 80, 82–83, 95, 96
Miller, Louis, 40–41
Missouri Bushwhacker gangs, 21
Moffat, David, 61
Moran, Joe, 92
Morco, Happy Jack, 104
Morose, Beulah, 100
Morrison, Andy, 37
Newton, Jess, 188–92
Newton, Joe, 188–93
Newton, KS, 173–79
Newton, Willis, 187, 188–92, 193
Noe, Mark, 28
Nogales, AZ, 42–43
Nutter, Lee, 159
O. Henry. See Porter, William Sydney
Oliver, Tony, 30
O’Malley, Morris, 156, 161, 162, 163
Outlaw, Bass, 99
Pardoned Lifer, A (Sontag), 208
Parker, Isaac “hanging judge,” 21, 194, 214–15
Parker, Leroy. See Cassidy, Butch
Paxton,Charlie, 48
Pickering, William, 146
Pinkerton, William, 77
Pinkerton Agency, 75–77, 184, 205
Poe, Adolphus Lane “Pony,” 194–96, 197–98, 201–2
Poe, Bill, 194–95
Poe, Mabel, 201
Poe, Oscar, 195, 196, 197, 198, 200
Poe-Hart gang, 194–202
Ponzilione, Father Paul, 146
Porter, William Sydney, 158
Pottawatomie County, OK, 36
Pruiett, Moman, 82
Reeves, John, 41
Reno, John, 74–76
Robinson, W. R., 63
Robson, Frank, 44
Royston, Howard, 12, 13–14, 15
San Miguel Bank, Telluride, CO, 61
Sanders, Red, 48
Scarborough, George, 101
Scott, Henry, 38
Scruggs, Cloud, 197
Seaman, Carey, 7
Selman, John, Jr., 99, 100, 101
Selman, Thomas “Tom Cat,” 95, 96, 97
Simmons, Richard, 133–37
Simpson, Ray, 63–68, 69, 71–72
Singleterry, Owen, 169, 170, 171
Skeleton Canyon, AZ, 44
Slaughter, Gabe, 114
Slaughter, John, 44
Smith, George, 62
Sonnichsen, C. L., 113
Sontag, John, 203–5
Sontag, Mathias, 204
Sowers, Joe, 146
Stiles, Bill, 23
Sutton, Willie, 188
Sutton-Taylor feud, 80, 109–15
Taylor, Buck, 112
Taylor, Charley, 112
Taylor, Creed, 110
Taylor, Josiah, 110
Taylor, Pink, 84
Taylor, Rufus, 110
Taylor, Scrape, 114
Taylor, William “Bill,” 110, 112, 113, 115
Terrill, Ray, 85
Territorial Treasury, Denver, CO, 170
Texas Bankers Association, 190
Third Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis, 90
Thomas, Heck, 162–63
Thompson, Ben, 102–6, 107, 108
Thompson, Billy, 102, 103, 104, 106–8
Tilghman, Bill, 163
Tin Hat Brigade, 97
Townsend, Joe, 80
Travis, John, 67
Trew, John, 63
Trousdale, W. B. “Billy,” 37
Tumlinson, Old Joe, 112
Turner, Will, 37
Vaudeville Theater and Gambling Saloon, San Antonio, TX, 104–6, 107
Ware, Dave, 134
Welsher, Joe, 199
West, Little Dick, 156, 159, 160, 162–63
Western Movement, 140–42
Wewoka Trading Company, 40
Wheeler, Richard, 181
White, Carpenter Gus, 39
Wild Bunch at Robber’s Roost, The (Kelly), 67–68
Wilde, Harry, 17
Williams, Ed. See Christian, Bill
Williams, Jesse. See Musgrave, George
Wilson, Ed, 41–42
Winters, Shelley, 89
Wolbert, H. H., 63, 64, 65, 70
Wood, Fern Morrow, 151
Wyatt, Zip, 36
Wyatt Earp (film), 121
York, Ed, 147
York, William, 146–48
Young, Code, 42–46
Young, Felix, 117
Young, Florence, 27
Young, Jennings, 26–27, 28–32, 33
Young, Lyman Harry “Harry,” 26, 28–32, 33
Young, Paul, 26–27
Young, Willie Florence, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34
Young Men of America, A Sparkling Journal for Young Gentlemen (magazine), 24–25
Younger, John, 21
Younger, Thomas Coleman, 21