1  Seven Ages of Globalization
The Seven Ages
The Acceleration of Change
Economic Scale and the Pace of Change
Malthusian Pessimism
The Gradual Transformation to Urban Life
The Interplay of Geography, Technology, and Institutions
The Favorable Geographies
Geopolitics and Globalization
Looking Back to See Forward
2  The Paleolithic Age (70,000–10,000 BCE)
The First Age of Globalization
Cultural Acceleration
Human Society in the Upper Paleolithic
Some Lessons from the Paleolithic Age
3  The Neolithic Age (10,000–3000 BCE)
Diffusion of Agriculture Within Ecological Zones
The Early Alluvial Civilizations of Eurasia
The Lucky Latitudes
Some Lessons from the Neolithic Age
4  The Equestrian Age (3000–1000 BCE)
Animal Domestication
Domestication of the Donkey and the Horse
The Domestication of the Camel and Camelids
The Metal Ages
Comparing Old World and New World Developments
The Yamnaya Breakthrough in Eurasia
The Early Equestrian States
Key Development Breakthroughs in the Fertile Crescent
Some Lessons from the Equestrian Age
5  The Classical Age (1000 BCE–1500 CE)
The Axial Age
Thalassocracy and Tellurocracy
The Emergence of the Classical Land-Based Empires
The Han Empire
The Developed World as of 100 CE
Global Trade Within the Lucky Latitudes
The Fall of Rome and the Rise of Islam
The Remarkable Song Dynasty of China
The Last Hurrahs of the Steppe Conquerors
Some Lessons from the Classical Age
6  The Ocean Age (1500–1800)
The Great Chinese Reversal
The North Atlantic Quest for Ocean Navigation
The Columbian Exchange
The Gunpowder Age and the High Seas
The New European Age of Inquiry
The Birth of Global Capitalism
Europe’s Scramble for Global Empire
Insatiable Greed of the Empire Builders
The Intertwining of State and Capital
Indigenous Populations and African Slaves in the New World
Feeding Europe’s Factories: Cotton
Global Empire and Global War
Adam Smith’s Summation of the Age of Global Empire
Some Lessons from the Ocean Age
7  The Industrial Age (1800–2000)
From the Organic Economy to the Energy-Rich Economy
Why Did Industrialization Start in Britain?
Endogenous Growth and Kondratiev Waves
The Diffusion of Industrialization in Europe
The Great Global Divergence
The Asian Drama: China, India, and Japan
Europe Swallows Africa
Anglo-American Hegemony
The Thirty-Year European Bloodletting
The American Century
Decolonization and the Onset of Global Convergence
Some Lessons from the Industrial Age
8  The Digital Age (Twenty-First Century)
The Digital Revolution
Convergent Growth and China’s Surge to the Forefront
The Challenges of Sustainable Development
The Challenge of Inequality
The Challenge of Planetary Boundaries
The Risks of Conflict
Some Lessons from the Digital Age
9  Guiding Globalization in the Twenty-First Century
Sustainable Development
Social-Democratic Ethos
Subsidiarity and the Public Sphere
Reforming the United Nations
Ethics in Action for a Common Plan
Data Appendix
Further Readings