
A4 rocket programme, 817, 874875, 908910, 932
Abetz, Otto, 700701, 770
Abwehr, 572, 574, 917920
Abyssinia, 418, 438, 441442, 454455, 457, 467
Afghanistan, 734735, 961
agriculture, 175
food prices and tariffs, 305, 314, 405, 428429, 432433, 447448
food supply, 432433, 447448, 523524, 762, 830, 963
forced labour, 567568
global crisis (1927–1928), 175
Hitler’s speeches on, 175176, 213214
imports, 406, 439440, 522523
under Nazi regime, 440, 522523, 567568
Alfieri, Dino, 459460, 467, 691, 716
Alsace-Lorraine, 3940, 333334, 341, 364, 555, 702703, 827, 928
Alt, Rudolf von, 487488
Altenberg, Jacob, 27
Alvensleben, Werner von, 244, 251252
Amann, Max
arrest, 119
deposits donations, 103
as Eher director, 146, 198199
on Hitler, 38, 41, 7778, 148
Hitler’s behaviour toward, 4142
as Hitler’s deputy, 104
as Nazi Party manager, 90, 107108, 118
American Amateur Athletic Union, 458
Angriff, Der, 187, 198, 203, 213, 216217, 429430, 861862
Anti-Comintern Pact, 468, 530531, 533, 538, 544, 586587, 601, 632633, 708709, 784785, 828
Anti-Semitic League, 2223
Antonescu, Ion, 706707, 715, 739, 820821, 863, 865866, 896897, 899, 928929
Arbeitsgemeinschaft, 111
Ardennes offensive, 682683, 689, 933934
Arras, Battle of, 39
Association of German Bookshop Owners, 310311
Association of German Employers’ Organizations, 304305
Astachov, Georgi, 633
Atlantic Charter, 761762, 768769
Attolico, Bernardo, 639, 642
Auf gut Deutsch, 6465, 67
August-Wilhelm of Prussia, 305
Auschwitz death camp, 808809, 818821, 860, 879, 901902
Aust, Hermann, 9596
Austria, 537, 543550
annexation (Anschluss), 550, 571, 955
1933 coup attempt, 334335, 343, 395396
as central aim of Nazism, 551
confirmatory plebiscite, 552553, 556557
coordination policy, 547549
early Nazi ambition for, 150151
economic effects, 553554
formal annexation, 551
Göring on, 468469, 528, 544
Hitler’s ambitions for, 137138, 544
Hitler’s decisive role in, 551, 644, 958959
Hitler’s speeches on, 546
Hungarian diplomatic relations and, 367
Italy and, 333334, 394395, 543544, 550
July agreement and, 455
mass arrests, 552
Neurath and, 334, 342
Pan-German demands for, 29
public opinion on, 646
Schussnigg agreement, 547, 551
South Tyrol and, 137138
Wehrmacht invades Austria, 549
Catholic Church, 552
ethnic Czechs, 1314
ethnic Germans, 12, 343
German diplomatic relations with, 367, 396397, 455
German nationalism, 12
Hitler’s image of, 28
Italy and, 395, 441, 454455, 468, 521, 528, 559
expulsion from, 589590
persecution, 571
Nazi Party, 342343, 395396, 543552
coordination measures, 343
DSP and, 87
reaction to Dollfuss ban, 342343
tourism visas, 343
Austrian question, 395396, 543544, 546549, 551
Axmann, Artur, 942
Baarová, Lída, 590592
Bach-Zelewski, Erich von dem, 388
Backe, Herbert, 835
Backhaus, Erich, 325
Bad Harzburg, 227229, 231
Badoglio, Pietro, 871872, 897
Bad Wiessee, 383385
Ballerstedt, Otto, 9293, 387388
Barbarossa, Operation, C34
diplomacy prior to, 739, 741743
German armaments production and, 799
Halder outlines plans, 719720
Halder’s opinion, 719
initial operations, 743750
Japan and, 728
Jewish annihilation and, 721
justification for, 743744
military operations
Moscow offensive, 767768, 777
southern sectory, 766767
preparations for, 720, 723, 726
SS zones of operation, 731732
Bárdossy, Lászl, 723724
Barthou, Louis, 366
Bauer, Kurt, 395396
Baumann, 63
Baumgarten, Alexander, 207
Baur, Hans, 238239
Bavaria, 52, 6970, 72, 91, 168169, 950951
anti-Catholic demonstrations, 766
army, 34, 8283, 124
as ‘cell of order’, 7274, 950
declaration as free state (1918), 49
government, 7475, 92, 98, 109, 111113, 117118, 129, 131, 168169, 293, 409410
government protection for Nazi Party, 82, 112113
Hitler’s claim to Bavarian identity, 9394, 309
Kapp putsch and, 7374
as Nazi ‘base’, 118, 143144, 303
Nazi party in, 100, 148
Nazi seizure of power, 293
paramilitary (‘self-defence’) organizations, 53, 6566, 7374, 9091, 114
Räterepublik, 5052, 5455, 5758, 66, 8586, 120121
Reich government conflict, 98
Reichswehr presence, 114
state of emergency declared, 92
Bavarian Industrialists’ Association, 9596
Bavarian Middle Party, 92
Bavarian Order Block, 74
Bavarian Peasant League, 4950, 9293
Bavarian People’s Party (BVP), 50, 92, 143, 233234, 252253, 271, 293, 299, 323, 336338
Bechstein, Helene, 103
Beck, Fritz, 388
Beck, Józef, 423, 539, 612613, 642
agreement with Hitler on threat of Bolshevism, 539
Danzig question, 600601, 612613
opposition to common Soviet Union policy, 601602, 665666
Ukraine and, 600, 612
Beck, Ludwig, 542, 556, 561, 563, 572573, 918919
Becker, Heinrich, 103
Belgium, 928, 932
civilian administration, 911
German withdrawal, 928
incorporation into Reich, 675676, 691, 827828
invasion plans, 624, 660, 674676, 681682
Jews, 808, 820
military commander, 772
neutrality, 630, 679, 689
resistance movements, 772
surrender, 691
Belgrade, 724726
Below, Nikolaus von, 581, 609, 850, 934
Below, Otto von, 226, 229
Bełz˙ec death camp, 775, 807809, 820821
Benesch, Eduard, 469, 562, 576, 579580, 602603
Berchtesgaden agreement, 547548
Berchtold, Joseph, 154155
Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, 944
Berger, Gottlob, 821
city transport services strike (1932), 260261
as Reich Capital, 197198, 260261, 351352, 445, 459460, 492, 512, 694, 800
Berliner Tageblatt (BT), 126
Berlin Sportpalast, 286, 291, 557, 580, 704
Berlin State Opera House, 413, 417
Bertram, Adolf, 391, 764765
Best, Sigismund Payne, 677678
Best, Werner, 880881
Beulwitz, Veit-Ulrich von, 388
Bier, August, 484
Bismarck (German battleship), 606, 736737, 750
Bismarck, Otto von, 489490, 606, 737, 750
Bloch, Eduard, 20
Blomberg, Werner von
appointment as Defence Minister, 271272
Blomberg-Fritsch crisis, 500501, 540543, 545546, 548549, 592
marriage scandal, 541
removal from post, 542543
complaints about SA armed units, 376377
cooperation with Hitler, 284
doubts about conscription, 417
German withdrawal from Disarmament Conference, 359
Göring and, 536
invites Hitler to meet Reichswehr commanders, 283284
opposition to war with Britain and France, 535536
Reichswehr rearmament programme, 285, 338339
doubts about success, 533534
removal of expenditure limits, 439
removal of SA, 363, 376
Reichswehr to swear personal allegiance to Hitler, 399
support for Spanish coup, 456
tells Goebbels that Papen proposes to succeed Hundenburg, 380381
Blood Flag, 154155, 346347, 496498
Blum, Léon, 467
Bock, Fedor von, 679, 719720, 748749, 787788, 822823
Böcklin, Arnold, 487490
Bodenschatz, Karl-Heinrich, 693694
Boepple, Ernst, 55, 6768
Bohemia, 608609, 617, 678679, 819, 827, 835, 882
Bohlen, Gustav Krupp von, 234
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 371
Bonnet, Georges, 582583
book burning, 311312
Boris III of Bulgaria, 459460, 713714, 739, 862, 873
Bormann, Martin, 356, 502, 882883, 895896
campaign against superstitions, 729
Committee of Three, 852853, 859860, 882, 895896
conscription and, 852853
execution of Hitler’s personnel matters, 503
Goebbels and, 896
Göring’s dismissal and, 946
as head of Party Chancellery, 809, 835836, 852853, 871872, 876
Ley and, 801
military leadership proposals, 889
occupation policy and, 756758
as part of ‘Gang of Four’ advocating radical course for war, 905, 911, 941
as part of Hitler’s entourage, 652653, 670671, 693694, 819, 944945
personal access to Hitler and, 835836, 839
religious policy and, 764765
roles on Obersalzberg, 356
as Secretary to the Führer, 882
Speer and, 884885, 896
total war preparations, 924925
unlimited scope of office, 502
Börsenblatt des deutschen Buchhandels, 311
Borsig, Ernst von, 95
Bose, Herbert von, 386387, 391392
Bose, Subhas Chandra, 735
Bothmer, Carl von, 5758, 67
Bouhler, Philipp, 146, 670671, 701702
Boxheim documents, 230231, 235
Bracher, Karl Dietrich, 280
Bracht, Franz, 252
Brack, Viktor, 670671, 701702, 775
Brandenburg, Ernst, 315316
Brandmayer, Balthasar, 4142
Brandt, Anni, 356
Brandt, Karl, 356, 669671, 693694, 765766, 834, 839
Bratianu, Gheorghe, 468469
Brauchitsch, Walther von, 573, 674, 698, 719720
appointment as Army Commander, 542543
Beck and, 556, 572573
Czech attack plans, 575
Eastern war and, 699, 718, 745749, 783
Einsatzgruppen activity and, 655656
Greece and, 723
Italy and, 620621
offers resignation, 679, 788
outlines Hitler’s views on Czech question, 563564
questions troop effectiveness, 677, 679
rearmament targets missed, 599, 624625
reprimanded by Hitler, 679
reprimanded by Hitler re: Czech question, 573574
resigns, 788
Western war and, 675677, 682, 690691
Braun, Eva, 161162, 354, 356, 938939, 947948
Braun, Otto, 208, 225, 282283, 290291
Brecht, Arnold, 282283
Breker, Arno, 693694
Brest, 851
Brest-Litovsk Treaty, 851
Brinon, Fernand de, 341, 364365
Bruckmann, Hugo, 143
Brückner, Helmuth, 412
Brückner, Wilhelm, 356, 384, 693694
Brüning, Heinrich, 196197, 227, 229231, 235236, 243245, 256257, 318
attempts to extend President’s term of office, 235
Boxheim documents, 230231, 235
as Chancellor, 227
appointed to role, 196197
British government talks, 224225
budget proposal, 200
DVP and, 224225
Geneva disarmament conference, 224
Hindenburg demands right-wing reshuffle, 227
Hindenburg’s support for, 236
on Hitler, 209210
Hitler and, 228230
coalition talks, 235236
Nazi coalition talks, 243
offers Nazis ministerial posts, 208209
opposition to Nazi coalition, 210
opposition to war reparations, 209210, 232
refuses Brunswick police funds, 211
SA ban, 240241
Schleicher and, 243
Goebbels on, 243244
Hitler denies SA mistreatment of politicians, 318319
Papen and, 247
resigns, 245
threatens to leave Centre Party, 258
Brunner, Alfred, 69
Buchenwald, 454
Bulgaria, 712715, 718, 725, 862, 873
non-involvement in war, 723724, 873
Soviet invasion, 928929
territorial concessions to, 696, 706707, 725
unwillingness to join Tripartite Pact, 714, 721722
Wehrmacht movement through, 722
Bund Oberland, 9091, 110, 112
Bürckel, Josef, 510, 547549, 551553, 558, 590, 607608
Burckhardt, Carl, 629, 631
bureau, 234235
Burhenne, Karl, 95
Buttmann, Rudolf, 129, 146, 372, 390
Canaris, Wilhelm, 572, 574, 655656, 715716, 919
Canary Islands, 706708, 736737
Carol II of Romania, 601602, 696, 706707
Catholic Action, 386387, 390391
Catholic Bavarian People’s Party, 50
Catholic Church, 453, 475476, 481
antipathy to Nazism and, 205
Austria, 552
avoidance of conflict during war, 766
Bolshevism as common enemy, 475476
crucifix ban, 476
German Nationalism and, 12
Hitler and
AH spurns potsdam service invitation, 296
anger at in early life, 26
attempts to conciliate, 390
ignores request about future church policy, 431
hostile policy (1936), 474475
Mit brennender Sorge (anti-Nazi encyclical), 479
opposition to Nazism, withdrawal of, 335
religious and cultural associations, 390
religious and cultural organizations, 523
subornment, 390391
sexual prosecutions, 479
Vatican Concordat, 323, 330, 390
aims, 323324, 335
Catholic anti-Bolshevism and, 476
dissolution of Catholic political parties, 323, 337338, 389390, 956957
Hitler’s influence on, 344345
Hitler’s opinion, 338
initiallment, 336
negotiations, 427
opposition to, 478479
Papen’s pursual, 335
political pressure to conclude, 336337
termination, 481482
terms and content, 336
Centre Party, 196197, 242, 253254, 274275, 281, 298, 335
dissolution, 323, 336338
Hesse state government, 230231
Hitler assures sanctity of judiciary, 298
Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor and, 254, 262263
Nazi coalition negotiations, 242, 256258, 271, 273, 281
Nazi Party and, Nazis demand support for Papen, 248
Nazi propaganda against, 250, 287288
Presidential election (1931), support for Hindenburg, 236
Prussian state parliament (1932), 241242
Reich Government (1930), 196197, 208
antipathy to Nazi coalition, 209210
dependence on SPD, 225
Reichsrat, 282283
Reichstag elections (1932), 252253
rejection of Papen, 247
support for Enabling Law, 298299, 318
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 133134
Chamberlain, Neville, 579, 581582
Bad Godesberg meeting, 578579
Hitler rejects Chamberlain’s proposal to continue negotiations with Prague, 580
Hitler’s attack on, 674675
Munich conference, 581583, 587, 630
Obersalzberg meeting, 577
upset at lack of transcript copy, 577578
support for Poland, 612613, 637, 643
Chelmno death camp, 808809, 819
Christian Social Party, 1112, 2930, 7980, 342343
Churchill, Winston, 761762, 793
Chvalkovský, František, 585586, 602604, 608609
Ciano, Galeazzo, 454455, 586, 621, 718719, 722, 851, 872
Anti-Comintern Pact, 530531, 587
appointed Foreign Minister, 454455
discusses peace with Soviet Union, 851
First Vienna Award, 582
French armistice negotiations, 691692
Hitler blames Ciano for death of Italian Fascism, 872
Italian statement of neutrality, 559
Italian war preparations, 629630
Italy attacks Greece, 709710, 714715
Italy declares war on Soviet Union, 742743
joint protocol, 468
Madagascar project, 700701
offers troops for Indian campaign, 777
Pact of Steel, 620, 629630, 708709
personal meetings with Hitler, 468, 629630, 694, 706707, 851
Second Vienna Award, 706707
Tripartite Pact, 708709
Cincar-Markovic´, Aleksandar, 722
Class, Heinrich, 3840, 68, 83, 8788, 90, 9495, 187188, 304, 313
Cathedral, 445
RAF bombing, 817
Combat League for Breaking Interest Slavery, 68
Combat League for the Commercial Middle Class, 304
Committee of Three, 852853, 859860, 882, 895896
Communist Party of Germany (KPD), 50, 195, 197, 209211, 258, 260261, 280281, 283, 287, 289292
concentration camps, 484
Bergen-Belsen, 944
Czech prisoners, 818819
Dachau, 93, 300, 384385, 388389, 454
forced labour, 568, 825, 875
Himmer’s, 513514
Himmler’s reform, 454
initial establishment, 300
Jews imprisoned and murdered, 592593, 816, 863, 903
Nazis imprisoned and murdered, 389
political dissidents, 388, 517, 657658, 879
prisoners of war, 657658, 907908
Sachsenhausen, 454, 816
threat of imprisonment as political leverage, 432433
conspiracy, 385386, 392393, 591, 594, 675, 677, 761764, 914915, 917, 919920, 926927
Conti, Leonardo, 670671
Coulondre, Robert, 638
Crimea, 748
as Eastern Goths’ Gau, 755757
German surrender, 888
military operations, 781, 887, 891, 899, 901
Crispien, Arthur, 290291
Croatia, 725, 828829, 879, 940
Csáky, István, 602603, 622
Cuno, Wilhelm, 208209, 211212, 226
Curtius, Julius, 227
Cvetkovic´, Dragiša, 621, 722723
Czecheslovakia, Poland and, 539
Czechoslovakia, 455, 561, 589, 602, 614616, 623, 644645, 933
annexation, 955
Carpatho-Ukraine, 585
destruction of, 555556, 578, 614615, 644645
ethnic German population, 532
German diplomatic relations, 532533
Hitler’s opinions on
as artificial construct, 531532
decision on military action, 534535
inevitability of German invasion, 528529
as Soviet ally, 468469
Hungary and, 538539, 574575, 578, 585586, 602, 622
Blitzkrieg, 561
Czech mobilization as brinkmanship, 560561
date set, 644645
dependence on neutralisation of France, 548549
destruction of state as aim, 538, 555, 584585, 602604, 645
hesitancy of military leadership, 572
Hitler commits to military action, 605606
Hitler’s ultimatum, 579, 585586
military preparations, 535537, 559561, 563564, 575, 607608
necessity of swift action, 561
risk of Western power intervention, 556, 563, 572574
Italian neutrality, 559
Western powers state support for, 580
Jews, 603
Munich agreement, 645, 959
Nazi propaganda, 570, 575576, 580
Sudeten Germans, 528, 532533, 560
as part of anti-Bolshevist front, 467
as part of Reich, 528
Poland and, 578
Slovakian question, 606607
as Soviet ally, 469, 471, 521
Sudetenland ceded at Munich conference, 583
Weekend Crisis, 644645
Yugoslavia and, 539
Dachau concentration camp, 93, 300, 384385, 388389, 454
Dahlerus, Birger, 639642, 652, 660, 667
Daladier, Edouard, 341, 364, 582, 587, 630, 641
Daluege, Karl, 452
Danzig, 628
dispute with Poland over, 333334, 423, 537, 539, 586587, 600601, 612, 641
Britain’s role, 636, 641642
German annexation, 651652
German takeover plans, 642
Hitler increases demands, 640, 643
Poland breaks off negotiations, 631
as pretext for war, 628
elections, 425
Hitler’s speeches, 627629
Darányi, Kálman, 538539, 585586
Darlan, François, 736
Darmstädter und Nationalbank, 224225
Darré, Richard Walther, 306307, 329330, 375376, 405406, 440, 447448, 510, 514, 835, 859860
death camps, 775, 901902
Auschwitz, 808809, 818821, 860, 879, 901902
Bełz˙ec, 775, 807809, 820821
construction, 794
deportations to, 807808, 818821, 826, 866
Jews in, 703, 808809
Decree for the Protection of the Armaments Economy, 802
Defregger, Franz, 487488
Denmark, 621, 630, 686688, 827830, 880881
Detten, Georg von, 386387
Deutsche Bürgervereinigung, 55
Deutsche Handlungsgehilfenverband, 96
Deutscher Kampfbund, 112114, 117, 120121, 127128, 130131, 279280
Deutscher Schulverein, 1213
Deutscher Sprachverein, 1213
Deutscher Volkswille, 99100
Deutsche Staatspartei, 241242, 292293
Deutsche Studentenschaft, 311312
Deutsche Volksrat, 6061
Deutsche Volksverlag, 6768
Deutsche Werkgemeinschaft, 8788, 99100
Deutsche Zeitung, 81
Deutsch-völkische Schutz- und Trutzbund, 5556, 6772, 82, 84, 99100
DAP and, 7071
Dickel, Otto, 8789, 99100
Dietl, Eduard, 6667
Dietrich, Otto, 384, 551552, 660, 767, 840
Dietrich, Sepp, 386
Dimitroff, Georgi, 365
Dingfelder, Johann, 71
Dinter, Artur, 146, 184185
Dirksen, Herbert von, 208209, 456
Dittmann, Wilhelm, 290291
Dohnanyi, Hans von, 917919
Dohrmann, Franz, 398399
Dollfuss, Engelbert, 342345, 366367, 395396
Dönitz, 868, 947948
Dornberger, Walter, 874
Dorpmüller, Julius, 835
Dorsch, Franz Xaver, 906
Drexler, Anton, 63, 6566, 6970, 8587
Action Committee, 8081
DSP and, 87
foundation of DAP, 6465
founds National-Sozialer Volksbund, 147
as honorary party president, 90
Drexler, Anton
invites Hitler to join DAP, 63, 65
Münchener Beobachter transferred to, 83
objections to Hitler’s claim to be 7th DAP party member, 6364
opposition to Hitler, 8990
as party chairman, 70, 133
party programme, 71
responds to Hitler’s threat to quit party, 89
Drexler, Anton, Thule Society membership, 6465
Duesterberg, Theodor, 188, 229, 236238, 271, 273, 308309
Dufter, Georg, 52
Düsseldorf Industry Club, 233
DVP, 193197, 201, 211, 224225, 227, 234235, 252253, 292293
East Asia, 467, 635636, 727, 730731, 785, 793, 796797
East Prussia, 205, 250251, 254, 291, 397399, 600601, 612, 631632, 653, 932933, 935936
Ebert, Friedrich, 92, 124125, 144145
Eckart, Dietrich, 55, 57, 8586, 103, 115116
Auf gut Deutsch, 6465
Bothmer and, 5758
DAP involvement, 67, 89, 107108
dramatic works, 6768
Hitler and, influence on, 76
Kapp putsch, 7273
Münchener Beobachter fundraising, 83
poetry, 101103
as Schutz- und Trutzbund speaker, 55
Völkischer Beobachter editorship, 90, 108
Eden, Anthony, 376, 416418, 421, 471472
Edward, Duke of Windsor, 538
Egypt, 699, 710, 712, 714715, 734738, 961
Ehard, Hans, 120122
Eher Verlag, 6768
Ehrhardt, Hermann, 7374, 91
Eichmann, Adolf, 590, 603, 667, 901902
Eicke, Theodor, 389
Einsatzgruppen, 653656, 666, 734, 759760
Eiserne Faust, 6566
Eisner, Kurt, 4950, 56
El Alamein, battle of, 821822, 845846, 848
election, 129, 178180, 200203, 237242, 247248, 258260, 269270, 288, 445446
Elser, Georg, 677678
Eltz-Rübenach, Paul von, 272273, 477478, 482483
Enabling Law, 300301
Church rights and, 324, 335
dependence on existence of coalition, 308, 320321
extension, 501502
Goebbels on plans, 253254
Hitler on, prior to assuming Chancellorship, 262263
Hitler’s monopoly of power through, 300301
limits on Hitler’s power, 297
Reichstag consideration, 297
support for, 299
transfer of presidential powers and, 397
Engel, Gerhard, 693694, 708, 847848
Engelhardt, Philipp, 38
Epp, Franz Ritter von, 6566, 83, 200201, 208, 293, 303
Erhardt. Hermann, 114
Ernst, Karl, 386387
Ernst, Max, 485486
Erzberger, Matthias, 92
Esser, Hermann, 5152, 6566, 8586, 8990, 147, 149150
Esser, Thomas, 90, 102, 107108, 127128, 130, 133, 146, 149153, 257
Estonia, 621, 827
eugenics, 139140, 437
euthanasia programme, 668673, 701702, 762766, 774775, 956957
Evangelisches Jugendwerk, 372
Evian conference, 589590, 595596
extermination, 96, 731, 775, 793794, 833, 857, 961, 963964
Falkenhausen, Alexander von, 772
Falkenhayn, Nikolaus von, 687
Falkenhorst, Nikolaus von, 788
Falter, Jürgen, 204205, 253
Farinelli, Roberto, 870871
Farouk I of Egypt, 735736
Faulhaber, Michael von, 475477, 479
Feder, Gottfried, 55, 6566, 68, 107108, 146, 150151
anti-capitalism, 211
anti-Semitism, 5758, 60, 67, 75
chairmanship of Economic Council, 214215
dismissal from Ministry of Economics, 412
as economics spokesman, 259
fury at dissemination of party programme, 150151
importance in Munich völkisch scene, 68
speeches, 5758, 63, 6971, 154155
Fegelein, Hermann, 947
Feininger, Lyonel, 485486
Feuerbach, Anselm von, 488490
Fick, Roderich, 493
Filchner, Wilhelm, 484
Filoff, Bogdan, 722, 873
Final Solution, 672673, 807
Finland, 699700, 712
arms exports to, 707
German diplomatic relations, 707
Soviet-German relations and, 712713, 732, 739, 741742
Soviet invasion, 686687, 742
Fischböck, Hans, 596
Flag Law, 433
Flammenwerfer, Der, 250
Flanders, first Battle of, 3537
Flick, Friedrich, 233234
Fobke, Hermann, 126, 130133
Forster, Albert, 628629, 631632, 642, 663664
Förster, Helmuth, 789790
Four-Year Plan, 513514
Allied invasion, 907909, 927928, 935936
German withdrawal from, 928
Alsace-Lorraine dispute, 3940, 333334, 341, 364, 555, 702703, 827, 928
Anglo-German cooperation against, 138
armaments expenditure, 625
attempted rapprochement, 345
Belgium and, 674
blamed for starting war, 643, 661663, 674675
Britain and, 539
diplomatic tensions between, 561
colonial possessions, 708, 710, 714, 736
communism in, 467, 469470, 539
Czecheslovakia and, 531532, 539, 548549, 555, 560561, 573, 644, 955
diplomatic isolation of Germany, 366
as enemy of Germany, 561
as enemy of National Socialism, 209210
Geneva disarmament talks, 364, 366, 416418
German invasion, 691693
German naval expansion and, 420421
German trade with, 405406
Goebbels on, 548
guarantees Greek and Romanian independence, 619
Hitler and
Alsance-Lorraine dispute, 341
French interviews, 364
opposes Streseann’s rapprochement policy, 208209
renounces territorial demands, 415, 651652
Hitler on, willingness, 341
Hitler’s opinions on, 75
Italy as suitable ally, 196
Italy and, 182, 366
Italian occupation zone, 880, 964965
Italy as suitable German ally, 183
Jews, 770, 775, 808, 818820, 866, 880
joint declaration of German contravention of Versailles Treaty, 418
Madagascar plan and, 701
Munich Conference, 581582
Neurath on impossibility of German alliance, 333334, 341
Poland and, 423, 612613
popular front government, 467
as potential opponent, 535536
prisoners of war, 830
Saar dispute, 413, 415
south of, German replacement of Italian troops, 871, 876880
Soviet Union and, 283284
Franco-Soviet pact, 425428, 441444
as part of potential Soviet alliance, 521
Soviets offer Britain and France pact, 632
Tripartite Pact and, 619620, 632
under Nazi occupation
armistice negotiations, 692693
dependence of future role, 828829, 864
food and commodity supply to Germany, 830
France required to participate in war on Britain, 705706, 708
reprisal shootings, 772773
resistance movements, 772
war on Britain and, 734735
unreadiness for war, 636
war plans against, 587
Franco, Francisco, 456457, 635, 707708, 714716, 719
François-Poncet, André, 341
Frank, Hans, 721
as Governor-General of Poland, 757
Lidice massacre, 819
Madagascar project, 700701, 703
resettlement of Jews in Poland, 721
transfer of powers to Himmler, 818
as Nazi attorney, 207
as part of Hitler’s entourage, 559, 664665
resignation of Reich Legal Office headship, 824825
Frank, Karl Hermann, 532533, 575576, 818819
Frankfurter, David, 440441, 591
Fränkischer Kurier, 233234
Frederick the Great, 116117, 127, 295296, 487490, 789, 910911, 943
Goebbels draws parallels between Hitler and, 812813
Freisler, Roland, 824, 926927
Frick, Wilhelm
as head of Munich police political department, 53, 8384
arrest, 119
as member of Reich Defence Council, 642, 658659
as Minister of the Interior, 271273, 292293, 318, 430
anti-Jewish legislation, 433434
Brüning and, 318319
Church policy, 325, 372, 409
comments on price increases, 428429
complaint about concentration camp system, 454
divorced of so-called mixed marriages, 860861
Kerrl as Church Commissar, 430
Reich administrative reform, 511, 835
Reich governorships appointed, 303
removal from post, 882
as Nazi Reichstag leader, 218219, 226, 264265, 270
ministerial post demands, 253254, 270
support for DAP, 8384
as Thuringian Interior and Education Minister, 194
civil service purge, 194195
implementation of Nazi policies, 194195
removed from post, 195, 216
Fritsch, Theodor, 143144
Fritsch, Werner von, 411412, 536, C25, 541, 545546
argues against allowing Britain and France to be enemies, 535536
Blomberg-Fritsch crisis, 535536
doubts about rapidity of Reichswehr expansion, 417
homosexuality scandal, 541542
removal from post, 542543
symbolic rehabilitation, 563564
trial, 543
Fromm, Friedrich, 922
Frontbann, 131, 215216
Führer (office of ), 500
Führer myth, 952954
Führer principle, 101, 149, 152, 169170, 206207, 304305, 307, 350
Funk, Walther, 259, 350, 541, 642, 658659, 835, 924925
Furtwängler, Wilhelm, 310, 484
Gablenz, Freiherr von, 789790
Gailani, Raschid Ali al-, 735736
Galen, Clemens August von, 764765
Gansser, Emil, 95, 103
Ganzenmüller, Albert, 835
Gayl, Wilhel Freiherr von, 257258
Gebhardt, Karl, 885
Geibel, Emanuel, 101
Geilenberg, Edmund, 907
Geisler, Fritz, 9495
Gemlich, Adolf, 5960
General German Language Society, 1213
General German Trade Union Federation, 313314
General Government, 667, 721, 830
administrative guidelines, 664665
establishment, 664665
Galicia district, 775
Jewish reservation, 666667, 702
extermination plans, 794, 807
murder programme, 818, 820821
Jews deported to, 721, 773774, 807808, 820821
Madagascar project and, 703
transport ban, 820
General Plenipotentiary for Total War, 929
Geneva Disarmament Conference, 338339, 346, 358, 467
German aims, 224
German attempts to induce failure, 358, 367
German demands, 338340
German withdrawal, 363
Hitler threatens, 344345
MacDonald Plan, 340341
removal of permission for German rearmament, 341342
Gereke, Günther, 272273
Gerlich, Fritz, 387388, 390391
German Agricultural Council, 305
German Democratic Party (DDP), 92, 193, 196197, 201, 204
German Faith Movement, 427
German Labour Front (DAF ), 314, 349350, 450451, 506507, 553
business interests, 506507
leisure organization (Kraft Durch Freude), 349, 506507
membership levels, 503, 506507
Volkswagen project and, 450451
German League for Protection and Defiance, 55
German Nationalism, 916, 28, 81, 218219, 231, 254, 322
German Nationalist Party, 231, 247
German Nationalist People’s Party (DNVP), 6970, 242, 271, 320
agricultural interests, 175
Bad Harzburg conference, 228230
Bayerische Mittelpartei and, 55, 92
defections to Nazis, 320
dissolution, 321324
electoral performance, 192193, 204, 237238, 241242, 252253
expansion programme, 193
funding, 211
Harzburg Front, 236
Nazi attacks on, 308
Nazi cooperation with, 6970, 177178, 191192, 194, 226227, 291292
Nazi propaganda against, 259, 261, 307308
Prussian government, 248
in Reichstag, 197, 225226
Hitler government, 320
Papen government, 247
German National People’s Party, 6970
German navy, 420, 606, 623624, 737738, 750
Z-Plan, 680
German People’s Party, 12, 1516, 323
German Revolution, 49, 188
German Socialist Party (DSP), 6869, 8789, 99100
German Theatre Employees’ Cooperative, 310
German-Volkisch Freedom Movement (DVFB), 143144
German-Völkisch Freedom Party (DVFP), 128130, 132, 144145, 154
German Workers’ Party (DAP), 6365, 950
Munich right-wing politics and, 64
1918 revolution, 49
1929 referendum, 191
1931-32 economic crisis, 224225, 231232
declaration of WWI, 3334
economy, 173174, 232, 404406, 464, 522, 546, 569, 912, 941, 958959
armaments spending, 404405
ore mining, 407
petroleum products, 407
unemployment, 111112, 196197, 213214, 250, 259, 282284, 314317, 377379, 405, 658
national flag, 433
Gersdorff, Freiherr von, 859, 919
Gestapo, 919920
arrests of Jews, 592593, 816, 880
cultural blacklists, 311
gas chamber, 666
Himmler as chief, 375376
investigates coup attempt, 919920
murders, 386387
as part of police state, 504505, 517, 657
preventative action against political subversives, 452453
provocative action in Poland, 615
public morale and, 448
Wehrmacht cooperation, 655656
Gibraltar, 699, 705708, 712, 714, 716, 737738
Giesler, Hermann, 492493, 693694
Glaise-Horstenau, Edmund, 546, 548549
Globocnik, Odilo, 775, 794, 807, 820821
Goebbels, Magda, 220223, 230, 305, 309, 354355, 443, 628, 938939
Goebbels, SA and, 216
Goebbels, Strasser and, 155156
Goebbels, Joseph, 202204, 220223, 485486, 859861, 871872, 894895, 912913, 924925, 940941
ambition for Nazi Party, 241242
anticapitalism, 214215
appointed Gauleiter, 155156
at Bad Harzburg, 228229
Below on, 581
as Berlin Gauleiter, 191192, 202203, 218219, 553, 860861
Jewish persecution, 429430, 571572, 702, 771772, 860861
publishing control, 197198
on Brüning, 245, 257
campaign against the occult, 729
civilian responsibilities, 833
Committee of Three and, 895896
coup attempt and, 922
diaries, 150151, 243244, 248, 262263, 289290, 383384, 386387, 396397, 469471, 938939, 941
Schelicher offers Strasser Vic-Chancellorship, 265
extracts published, 265
tampering, 265
discussions with Hitler, foreign policy, 555
Dollfuss putsch, 396
exclusion from economic policy meetings, 213214
expansion of Der Angriff, 198
foreign policy
Japan, 456
Yugoslavia, 724
foreign policy discussions, Soviet Union, 940
foreign policy positions, 431432, 438
foreign policy views, 152153
as Gauleiter of Berlin, appointment, 154
Geneva Disarmament Conference, 358
Himmler and, 896
on Hindenburg, 262263
on Hitler, 264265, 369
acclaims Hitler as genius, 152
anger at DNVP, 197
Bishop Müller and, 371372
on eve of war, 652
Geli’s death, 223
Hitler ponders Centre Party coalition, 253254
Hitler’s health, 797, 895, 940
Hitler’s speeches, 154155
Jewish policy, 436
Mussolini and, 454
Olympic Games, 461
Reichstag fire, 290
reverence for, 152153
Stalhelm concessions, 187
as successor to Frederick the Great, 812813
Hitler and, 197
Hitler’s praise for Goebbels, 153
Magda Quant, 220221
policy discussions, 409410, 415416, 418
presses for more concrete policy statements, 213
Rhineland occupation, 442443
tour of SA pubs, 203204
Italy and, 870872
Jews and, boycott, 301
Kapp putsch, 216217
marriage, 221222
affair with Lída Baarová, 590592
Munich conference, 581
named as Hitler’s successor, 947948
narcissism, 155156
on Nazi economic policy, 214
on Nazi inability to form governments (1932), 241242
as Nazi propaganda chief
appointment, 198199
election campaign management, 201
party programme (1920), 213
as Nazi propaganda head, 286
on Nazi ralllies, 188189, 415, 580581, 925926
Nazi-Sozi pamphlet, 218
on Palais Barlow, 200201
Palais Barlow, 200201
on Papen government, 251254
personal ambition, 209210
personal relationship with Hitler
encourages Hitler to put himself up for Reich Presidency, 236
Goebbels’ affair with Lída Baarová, 590592
Hitler’s praise for Goebbels, 153
Magda Goebbels and, 220223
presses Hitler toward socialism, 217
Plebiscite Law, 359360
as Plenipotentiary for Total War, 833, 924925, 929
conscription efforts, 929
dissolution of Prussian finance ministry, 930
policy discussions, 443
Church policy, 764765
Czecheslovakia, 455, 579580, 606607
Final Solution, 786, 794795
foreign policy, 602
judicial reform, 811
occupation policies, 695, 760761
peace deals (1943), 886
Poland, 422423, 642643, 661
Soviet Union, 684685
total war, 909910
as Propaganda Minister (1933–1945), 294295, 875876
anti-British propaganda, 618, 627628
anti-Semitic propaganda, 761, 771, 779, 861862, 865866
Austrian Anschluss propaganda, 546550, 557
book burnings, 311312
church policy, 331332
Church policy, 477479
combination of party and state roles, 510, 514
creates Austrian Reich propaganda office, 551552
cultural policy, 403404
cultural portfolio, 295
cultural purge, 310312
Czecheslovakia and, 559560, 570, 575576
Czecheslovak propaganda, 607608
demands dissolution of Centre party, 336337
Eastern front propaganda, 778779, 861
food shortages, 440, 447448
German Art Exhibition, 485486
Hess and, 729730
Hitler bows to Hindenburg, 296297
Hitler’s 53rd birthday celebrations, 812813
Hitler’s speeches, 894895
Jewish persecution, 590593
Jewish star marking, 764, 768
Nazi rallies, 580581, 925926
Polish propaganda, 646647
press interventions, 656657
propaganda guidelines, 840
radio broadcasts, 295, 350, 741
Reich Chamber of Culture, 351
seizure of power celebrations, 853854
Soviet propaganda, 760761
structure of Propaganda Ministry, 295
total war propaganda, 852853, 855860, 883
winter clothing collection campaign, 792
quotes Hitler
anti-Semitism, 571
on Austrian Anschluss, 528529
Battle of Monte Casino, 891
on Benes, 576
Blomberg-Fritsch affair, 542543
on Brauchitsch, 788
on Catholic Church and homosexuality, 474475
Church policy, 557
on Church policy, 478480
on Czecheslovakia, 577578
on division of Europe, 469470
on Eastern front, 816817
at end of war, 938939
fight against Bolshevism, 467
on Final Solution, 808
on foreign policy, 611
on Franco, 708
on generals as rubber men, 790
House of German Art, 485
on Hungary, 898899, 902
on Italy, 467, 908
on Jewish persecution, 571
on Jews, 854855
on Leningrad, 753754
on Mussolini, 877
occupation of Rhineland, 441443
on offer to Britain, 697698
Operation Barbarossa, 766767
on Poland, 618
on Reich as continuation of Holy Roman Empire, 683
on total war, 860
on war with Britain, 674675, 683
radio broadcasts, 281, 287, 791
Reich inspector of civilian air war measures, 893
Reichstag fire, 289290
relationships, Magda Quant, 220223
Ribbentrop and, 470471
Rosenberg and, 403404
SA and, 203204, 383387
speeches, 152, 349, 362
Church policy, 480
on culture, 486487
Hindenburg and, 313
Hitler critical of, 529
introducing Hitler, 444445
Kristallnacht, 592
on total war, 856857
vetted by Hitler, 869
Speer and, 896, 912913
on Strasser, 265, 267
suicide, 945
total war, purge of generals, 925926
total war and, 924925
Goerdeler, Carl Friedrich, 257, 407, 429, 432433, 439, 461462, 512, 918919
Goering, 267
Goltz, Rüdiger von der, 188, 208209, 226, 229
Gömbös, Gyula, 366367, 468469
Göring, Carin, 110
Göring, Hermann
Austrian Anschluss and, 545, 549
Blomberg-Fritsch affair, 541
as Commissar for Raw Materials and Foreign Exchange, 466, 474, 522524, 536
establishes Hermann Göring steel works, 533534, 566567
rearmament plans, 565, 569, 588, 597
Committee of Three and, 859860
contentration of power in, 924925, 958
creates Jewish Emigration Office, 603
Cuno as Reich President candidate, 208209
diplomatic missions
Britain, 639640, 642, 685
Hungary, 468469, 574575, 580581
Mussolini, 366367, 528, 544
Poland, 422423, 539
direct contact with Hitler, 839
exclusion from economic decision-making, 833
food industry foreign exchange mediation, 440, 447449
Four-Year Plan, 470, 512514, 566, 588, 758, 801, 958
anti-Jewish measures, 595
Economics Ministry assigned to Göring, 541
Kristallnacht clearup, 594595
Speer’s central planning committee, 802
General Government and, 663664
Hitler on, 470
names Göring successor, 501502, 542543, 651652
industrial and business contacts, 212, 218219, 226, 470
Jewish policy, 596, 655656
Madagascar Plan, 701
Kapp putsch, 119
Kristallnacht and, 594595
as Luftwaffe head, 416417, 457, 849850, 924925
Ju-88 programme, 680
Me-262 bomber programme, 907
as Military Court Chairman, 543
as Minister without portfolio, 272273
personal relationship with Hitler, 105106, 208209
powers and prestige, 513514, 542, 833
as Hitler’s deputy, 501502, 659, 729, 946
removes Funk from Economics post, 659660
as Prussian interior minister, purge of democratic officials, 288
as Prussian Minister of the Interior, 271273, 295, 303
bans Communist Party meetings, 287, 290291
Winterfeld and, 320
as Prussian Prime Minister, 303, 320, 375376
amalgamation of Prussian ministries, 375376
raw materials production campaign, 461462, 465
as Reich Commissioner for raw materials and foreign exchange, 449
as Reich Forestry Office chief, 375376
as Reich Marshall, 542543, 697698
on Reichstag fire, 290
as Reichstag President, 257258, 262263, 274, 289
as SA commander, 383
anti-Jewish attacks, 293294
appointment, 110
leadership purge, 383387
speeches, traitors, 412
Speer and, 884885, 906907, 911912
support for Franco coup, 456
Göring, Hermann denounces military ‘traitors,’ 412
Graefe, Albrecht von, 128, 130, 132, 143144
Graf, Ulrich, 8586, 107108
Grandel, Gottfried, 83
Graz, 493, 547, 557
Great Britain, 182, 422, 427428, 472, 538, 561, 640641, 644, 651652, 674675, 697700, 738, 817
air war against, 817, 833, 874, 907
air warfare against, 703704
rocket strikes, 908909, 932
alliance prospects, 639641, 955
Hitler abandons, 527528, 538
Ribbentrop on, 538
Austria and, 343
colonial possessions, 472, 708, 715716, 961
India, 705706, 708709, 734735, 755, 777, 797798
conscription introduced, 625
Czecheslovakia and, 536537
declares war, 652
Finland and, 712
France and, 705706, 708
conflicting interests, 138
Geneva disarmament talks, 416418
German alliance prospects, 137139, 167168, 181, 333334, 428, 431432, 462463, 467, 469470
German rearmament and, 442443, 520521
Germany and
Jewish persecution and, 427428
naval restrictions, 419422
trade with, 379380, 405406
government, 224225, 416, 422, 446, 471472, 575, 638643, 652, 674
Hitler on, as opponent, 75
European occupation as prerequisite, 679, 693
German unreadiness for, 695
invasion plans, 623624, 695, 699700, 704, 710, 718719, 734, 750751
Italy and, 559, 642
alliance prospects, 341342
cooperation polucy, 454455
Jewish refugees, 596
Locarno Pact, 441
Munich Conference, 582
naval power, 598
naval restrictions, 618, 627
naval warfare against, 751
Nazi propaganda against, 627, 630, 677, 720, 761762
North Africa campaign, 735736
as opponent, 534, 561, 565566
intervention prevention policy, 538
Poland and, 620, 637638, 641642
British ultimatum, 652
Danzig question, 539
Poland requests British guarantee of support, 612613
rejects German ‘appeal for peace,’ 698
Rudolf Hess flies to, 730
Soviet Union and, 632633, 712, 718, 726, 741742
Societ-German alliance and, 697698
Soviets as German ally, 699
war against Britain contingent on Soviet defeat, 740, 798, 940
United States and, 705, 730731, 785, 962
rivalry between, 182
unreadiness for war, 636
war against as focus, 767
war preparations against, 587588
Great German Art Exhibition, 485488
Greater Germanic Reich, 490491, 611, 687, 800, 827829, 863, 879, 961
Greece, 621, 712716, 719726, 744745, 830, 862, 961
Greim, Robert Ritter von, 7273, 946947
Greiser, Artur, 663664, 770771, 774775, 836
Grillmeier, Alois, 6566
Gröber, Conrad, 335336
Groener, Wilhelm, 227, 235236, 240241, 243244
Grohé, Josef, 837838
Grossdeutscher Jugendbund, 307
Grossdeutsche Volksgemainschaft (GVG), 127130, 133, 144, 146147
Grützner, Eduard, 487488
Grynszpan, Herschel, 590591
Grzesinsky, Albert, 290291, 319
Guariglia, Raffaele, 872
Guderian, Heinz, 748749, 888889, 926
Günther, Hans, 194195
Gürtner, Franz, 281, 409410, 810811
Gustloff, Wilhelm, 440441, 474, 591
Gutberlet, Wilhelm, 6768
Gutmann, Hugo, 3940
Gypsies, 774, 825
Haake, Heinrich, 147148
Haase, Ludolf, 132
Habicht, Theodor, 395396
Habsburg Monarchy, 28
Hácha, Emil, 608609
Halder, Franz
Balkan capaign plan, 723
Belgium and Netherlands offensive, 675677
on Britain, 698700, 704
coup plans, 574, 675, 677
Czecheslovakia and, 574
Danzig question and, 640
dismissal, 847848
Eastern front, 697, 717, 719720, 726, 732, 744750, 780, 814, 823824, 846
on Hitler, 643, 681682, 847
Operation Sea Lion, 695696
Hitler reproaches, 679
on Hitler’s plans for Poland, 655656
post-Barbarossa plan, 734735, 744
on Wagner and Heydrich, 654
Hall, Stephen King, 627628
Hamburg National Club, 167, 211212
Hammerstein-Equord, Kurt Freiherr von, 283284
Hanfstängl, Ernst, 104108, 118
Hanisch, Reinhold, 2527
Hanke, Karl, 905906
Harrer, Karl, 6465, 6971
Harzburg Front, 231, 236, 242, 261, 270, 274275, 952953
Hassell, Ulrich von, 418, 441443, 445446, 530531, 600, 918919
Haug, Hans, 160161
Haug, Jenny, 161162
Haushofer, Albrecht, 469
Haushofer, Karl, 86
Häusler, Rudolf, 3132
Hayler, Franz, 884
Heidegger, Martin, 312
Heilmann & Littmann, 3233
Heim, Georg, 9899
Heimatdienst Bayern, 5758
Heines, Edmund, 385386
Held , Heinrich, 143
Helldorf, Wolff-Heinrich von, 571
Henderson, Nevile, 547548, 638640, 642643, 652
Henlein, Konrad, 532535, 555556, 575576
Hennig, Wilhelm, 143144
Hepp, Ernst, 35, 4243
Hermann Göring steel works, 533534, 566567
Hermine Reuss of Greiz, 230
Heroes’ Remembrance Day, 444
Hess, Rudolf, 8587, 185, 266268, 369370, 372, 382, 501503, 651652, 728730
Hess, Rudolf, essay on German dictator, 102103
Heydebreck, Hans-Peter von, 386
Heydrich, Reinhard, 452, 654, 772
Hiedler, Johann Georg, 78
Hiedler, Johann Nepomuk, 78
Hierl, Konstantin, 66, 8485, 193194, 200201, 213214, 249, 295, 496497, 513
High Pressure Pump (gun), 875
Hilgenfeldt, Erich, 347
Himmler, Heinrich, 268269, 452453, 769770, 820821
concentration and death camps, 666
concentration camp reform, 454
concentration of power in, 833
ethnic policies, 513514
expulsion of Polish Jews, 590
Final Solution, 774776, 820, 883
as Gestapo head, 452453
as head of SS, 496497, 664, 701, 731734, 759, 825, 833, 935
Einsatzgruppen pogroms, 759760
forced SS recruitment, 828829
orders insurgent executions, 654
Jewish deportations, 703, 770771, 808, 818, 820821
Madagascar project, 700701
reputation for brutality, 758
resettlement programme, 667, 757758
Hindenburg, Oskar von, 272
Hindenburg, Paul von, 196197, 200, 210, 228, 232, 239, 262, 268269, 272, 322323, 952953
Hitler, Adolf, 127, 139140, 622623
ambition to become German Führer, 116117
announcement of withdrawal from politics, 130
anti-Semitism, 17, 2223, 2627, 2932, 39, 5962, 76, 177178
in relation to other enemies, 31, 62
removal of Jews, 166
appointed Chancellor, 279
appointment as Chancellor, 275
architecture and, 2122, 491499
considers joining architectural academy, 3233
criticism of megalomaniacal building projects, 495
designs buildings, 18
Hitler’s tastes in, 2122, 491492
as immortalization of Nazi power, 353, 484, 491492
town planning, 355356, 493, 884
art and, 310
ambiguity of opinion, 403404
art collection, 489490
artistic ambitions, 11, 16, 1819, 2324, 32, 134, 355356, 488, 694, 938, 955956
artistic aspirations, 11, 16, 1819, 2324, 32, 134, 355356, 938, 955956
attacks on modern art, 351, 403404, 432433, 485487
Hitler as connoisseur, 346347, 955956
Munich as centre, 351352
music, 19, 22
postcard painting, 2527
programmatic statements, 487, 494495
racial views on, 194195, 403404, 484485, 487
taste in art, 356, 485, 487489
unconvinced of merits of Nazi artists, 491
Vienna Academy of Fine Art, 1925, 2728, 310311
assassination attempts, 905, 919923, 926927
Bürgerbräukeller, 677678
Ballerstedt attack, 93, 111
Beer Hall putsch, 115, 118
release from Landsberg, 143
trial, C5–127
Berchtesgaden, 108, 136, 159161, 181182, 243244, 354356, 868, 943, 945946
birthday celebrations, 115116, 127, 308309, 376377, 460, 615617, 626627, 688, 812813, 944945
as Chancellor (1933-1934)
abolishes political parties, 319324
anti-Jewish initiatives, 301303
appoints Goebbels minister of propaganda, 294295
appoints Nazis to government roles, 295
attacks on Centre Party, 287288
Church policy, 325326
Enabling Law, 297301
meets Reichswehr commanders, 283284
rearmament programme, 285286
SPD and, 299
as Chancellor, speeches, 298
claim to Chancellorship, 248, 253254, 259260, 268269, 273274, 333, 344345, 959960
criminal and imprisonment
demonstrations against, 127
Landsberg imprisonment, 126
DAP and
attends first meeting, 65
new procedural rules, 70
removal of Harrer as party leader, 6970
death, 947948
demands office of Chancellor, 255256, 262
Deutscher Kampfbund and, 113
as dictator, establishment of dictatorship, C12, 279291
Dinter and, 185
early life, Realschule, 11, 1415
Edmund, 910
education, 11, 1416
entourage, 77, 9697, 110, 133, 157158, 220221, 353356, 399400, 459, 636, 785786
1922/1923, 107108
Hoffmann, 106107
family, 78
father, 712
grandparents, 78
Jewish ancestry rumours, 78
mother, 711, 16, 1822, 2425
siblings, 8, 10
foreign policy, 138139, 152153, 178179, 182184, 333334, 344345, 415416, 466467, 520522, 835, 954955, 957
France and, 364
as Führer (1934-1945), 500
Goebbels and
friendship, 222223
Hitler as instrument of divine fate, 155156
newspaper expansions, 198
spells out demands for Centre Party coalition, 208
ideas, 166, 169170
industry and business and, 232234
intellectual influences
Poetsch, 1516
Reichswehr indoctrination, 5761
Rosenberg and Sceubner-Richter, 8687
leadership style, 153, 157158, 213, 502, 906
direct rule, 832, 839840
divide and rule, 218219
as Führer, 249
personalization, 218219, 249
unpredictability, 157158
on Leningrad, 753754
lifestyle, 25, 159160, 220
homes and property, 159
personal finances, 2021, 27, 41, 9697, 159160, 220
living space thesis, 136137, 178, 181, 260, 283284, 531532, 535, 537538, 605, 622624, 960961
Ludendorff as, pushes for election as Reich President, 144145
Mein Kampf, 1417, 1920, 2425, 2830, 32, 4244, 133140, 159160, 169
military service, 3344, 63
AH’s reflections on, 4041
avoidance of conscription, 33
Battle of Arras, 39
Battle of the Marne, 3940
as Corporal, 3738
as council representative, 50
decoration, 3840
discharge, 8283
First Battle of Flanders, 3537
hospitalization and end of WWI, 44
military discipline and, 43
performance and reputation, 38, 40
propaganda speaking, 58
sense of purposefulness, 34
Traunstein POW camp, 4950
trench warfare, 37
wounding, 39
Nazi party and
ambition to establish national party, 147
as Führer, 115116
fundraising, 103
joins DAP, 63
as party chairman, 153
as propaganda chief, 7981
re-establishment guidelines, 145146
Nero Order, 941942
Pan-Germanism, 2829, 6162
paramilitary organizations and, 156, 177
personal finances, 2021, 27, 41, 9697, 159160, 220
personality, 7, 1011, 1719, 41, 43, 78, 8081, 157158, 163, 949950, 954
charisma, 840842
childishness, 44
depression, 45
disorganization, 43
grandiosity, 24
megalomania, 7879, 136, 158
narcissism, 1011, 256
rhetorical talent and, 7879
Poland and, 365
political and intellectual views
Munich years, 32
on propaganda, 7980
political ideas
lack of specificity, 239240
living space, 169, 260
political influences
Lueger, 26, 2930
Schönerer, 14, 26, 2830
political opinions, German defeat in WWI, 4445
political testament, 104, 947948
political views
antipathy to socialism, 62
during WWI, 42
Vienna, 2831, 62
publications, second book, 181182
public image
personal appearance, 2728, 106, 158159, 298, 331
photographic images, 107, 158159
as statesman, 220
radio broadcasts, 293294, 359360, 415, 762, 770, 876877, 894895
rearmament and, naval expansion, 420
road-building programme, 315316
Röhm and, 131
SA and, 203, 207, 215216, 403
AH’s view on role of SA, 156
Schleicher and, 263
self-image, 2425, 3031, 41, 45, 61, 8889, 107, 127, 133134, 237
as Bavarian, 9394
as Führer, 101, 115116, 124125
as genius, 7, 24, 133134, 158, 220, 488, 927928, 938, 949950
as great German, 116117
as heroic leader, 122123
on socialism, 62
social relationships, 108, 154, 160161, 428, 441, 527, 531, 538, 651652, 661, 724
and status as Führer, 353354
speeches, 75, 9596, 166167, 169, 172, 419, 481482, 497, 508, 576, 635, 793794, 812
1925 ban on, 147
1930 Reichstag elections, 201202
agricultural audiences, 175176
anti-Semitism, 75, 165, 177178, 195196
Appeal to the German people, 282
audience numbers, 167169
Beer Hall putsch trial, 123, 125
business audiences, 166168, 211212, 233
as Chancellor (1933-1934), 286287
Circus Krone (1921), 84
Düsseldorf Industry Club, 233
early DAP speeches, 69
early Nazi meetings, 7579
early Nazi party, 84
entrance fees, 171
frequency, 164, 170
government statements, 359360, 373
Hamburg National Club, 167, 211212
key themes, 171
living space motif, 178, 196
Nazi party re-establishment, 146
party members as audience, 165
Party Rallies, 169170
peace speeches, 318, 339340, 344345, 419, 423, 443444
Poland, 622624
to Reichswehr commanders, 283284
Reichswehr indoctrination, 5859
Saxon parliament elections (1930), 195196
setting and stage-management, 164, 170172
structure, 171172
talent as public speaker, 7679
United States and, AH’s opinion, 181182
Volkswagen project, 450
as Wehrmacht commander, assumes command, 542543
women and, 23, 41, 160161, 163, 220
Eugenie Haug, 160161
Geli Raubal, 162, 220, 223, 489, 626627
Magda Quandt, 220223, 230, 305, 309, 354355, 443, 628, 938939
Maria July, 161162
Maria Reiter, 161162
Stefanie, 18, 2324
Illustrierter Beobachter, 182184, 191192, 196, 211
My Programme, 239240
open letter to Papen, 260
Völkischer Beobachter, 188, 229231, 261
Hitler, Alois Jr. (AH’s brother), 89
Hitler, Alois Sr. (AH’s father), 712
Hitler, Angela (AH’s sister), 8, 27, 161
Hitler, Gustav, 8
Hitler, Ida, 8
Hitler, Johanna, 27
Hitler, Klara (AH’s mother), 711, 16, 1822, 2425
Hitler, Paula, 9, 16, 2021, 27
Hitler Youth, 173, 230, 296297, 301302, 307, 323, 346347, 349350, 372, 506508, 942, 944945
Hoche, Alfred, 669
Hof, Willy, 315316
Hofer, Franz, 619
Hoffmann, Heinrich, 3334, 106108, 127, 158159, 354, 356, 485, 636, 638, 652653
Hoffmann, Johannes, 5051, 73, 121122
Hohberg und Buchwald, Freiherr Anton von, 388
Hoheneichen-Verlag, 67
Hölscher, Heinrich, 272273
Holste, Rudolf, 946
homosexuality, 23, 215216, 239, 385, 474475, 541542
Honisch, Karl, 2728
Hoover, Herbert, 224225
Horst Wessel Song, 459
Horthy, Miklós, 575, 896, 931
Göring on, 580581
Hitler discusses Bolshevik threat, 468469
Jewish deportations from Hungary
capitulates to threats, 897
halts deportations, 931932
refuses Hitler, 863865
Prinz Eugen state visit, 574575
Soviet Union and, 931
Ukraine and, 601602
Yugoslavia and, 723724
Hossbach, Friedrich, 416417, 533, 538, 542, 544, 555, 562, 622
Huber, Ernst Rudolf, 500
Huemer, Edward, 11, 1516
Hugenberg, Alfred
Brüning government
refuses extension to Presidential term, 236
refuses vote of no confidence, 197
Brunswick government, 226227
complains about attacks on DNVP, 308, 320
dissolution of DNVP and, 321323
Harzburg Front, 228230, 270
Hindenburg and, 227
Hitler appointed Chancellor, 262263
Hitler/Papen government, 271274, 320
as Agricultural Minister, 305307
appointed Economics and Agriculture Minister, 272273
appoints Wagener and Moeller, 304305
complains about Neurath, 320321
exclusion from power, 320
Hitler’s retention in cabinet, 322
resigns, 321
World Economic Conference memorandum, 320321
Reich Presidential elections (1931), 226227
Hull, Cordell, 784
alliance with, 531532
Austria and, Roman Protocols, 366367
Czecheslovakia and
Carpatho-Ukraine, 585, 600, 602
First Vienna Award, 582
Slovakian claim, 574575, 580582, 585
status of Hungarian minority, 578
Sudeten crisis, 585586
territorial claims, 538539, 555, 584585
Vienna Accord, 586
Hitler on, 469470
as part of anti-Bolshevist front, 468469
Jews, persecution, 600
Hunzinger, 692
Husky, Operation, 870
Husseini, Amin al-, 735736
Imrédy, Béla, 574575, 578, 897
Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD), 4951, 119
India, 705706, 708709, 734735, 755, 777, 797798
inflation, 92, 241, 378379, 407, 432433, 439440, 599, 830
Innitzer, Theodor, 552553, 557
International Olympic Committee (IOC), 458459
International PEN Club, 310311
Iraq, 735736
Abyssinia invaded by, 418, 438, 441442, 454455, 457, 467
Albania invaded by, 619, 635636, 709710, 716, 724726, 879
alliance with, 610
anti-Comintern Pact, 468, 530531, 533, 538, 544, 586587, 601, 632633, 708709, 784785, 828
German territorial expansion and, 528
Hitler’s early views on, 137139, 151, 167168, 181184, 191192, 196, 211
as Hitler’s primary goal, 520521
living space and, 196
Pact of Steel, 620, 622, 629630, 632, 645, 708
threat of Italy leaving Axis, 871872
Tripartite Pact, 619620, 708709, 711716, 721724, 739, 828
Anti-Comintern Pact, 533
Austria and, 366367, 395, 559
Dollfuss putsch, 366367
Balkan countries and, 706707
Bulgaria and, 873
Czecheslovakia and, 584585
Geneva disarmament conference, 340341, 467
Greece and, 714715
Hitler on, 876877
as natural ally against Bolshevism, 462, 467470
Hitler’s early views on, 137
Hitler’s state visits to, 395, 559
international sanctions against, 438
invades Albania, 619
Jews deported from, 879
joint declaration of Germany’s violation of Versailles Treaty, 418
Locarno Pact, 467
Munich conference, 581582
neutrality, 559, 872
South Tyrol problem, 619
South Tyrol question, 137139, 150153, 179, 181184, 619, 876
Soviet Union and, 684
Stresa alliance, 419
World War II
Allied invasion threat, 867868
Allies break through Gustav Line, 908
German occupation plans, 876, 964965
Italy signals readiness for, 691
Italy unprepared for, 629630, 639
lack of enthusiasm for, 637638, 684685
surrender, 876
war aims, 630
Yugoslavia and, 539
Jacob, Hans, 127128
Jaenecke, Erwin, 901
Jäger, August, 407411
Jahn, Friedrich Ludwig, 1213
Japan, 455456, 467468, 538, 623, 699700, 705706, 717, 726728, 751753, 784785
alliance, Tripartite Pact, 708709, 727
alliances, anti-Comintern Pact, 468, 587
alliance with, 456, 467
as anti-Bolshevist power, 462, 469470
colonial ambitions, 705
Singapore attack plans, 727728, 751752
Soviet Union and, 422, 438, 455457, 623624, 699700, 727, 752753
as peace mediator, 931
United States and, 728, 784785
German declaration of war and, 962
Jarres, Karl, 144145
Jewish badge, 763764
Jewish persecution, 571, 590, 592, 600, 604605, 617, 763764, 794, 806807, 866867
Jews, 55, 5961, 7576, 596597, 700703, 720721, 769775, 806809, 820821, 864866, 879881, 903904
anti-Jewish policies, 720, 865866, 902903
anti-socialism and, 56
attacks on Jewish lawyers, 294, 301303
boycotts of Jewish businesses, 301302, 312, 426427
communism as Jewish conspiracy, 8687
deportation, 667668, 703, 769776, 807808, 820821, 863, 879, 901902
from Belgium, 808, 820
from Croatia, 820821, 863
from Denmark, 880881
to General Government, 667668, 702703, 774
from Germany, 590
from Hungary, 863, 903
Madagascar plan, 571, 700703, 771, 818819
deportations, to death camps, 807808, 818821, 826, 866
dismissal of Jewish civil servants, 302303
Eastern, 56, 7172, 330
European, 137, 672673, 700703, 721, 764, 771, 794, 806, 818, 857, 881
German, 55, 301, 440441, 470, 591, 596597, 604605, 764, 769771, 773776
Hitler’s hatred of, 17, 2223, 2627, 2932, 39, 5962, 76, 136137, 177178
Marxism and, 45
WWI caused by Jews, 4244
international conspiracy theory, Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 865866
labelling (yellow star), 596, 764, 768770
laws targeting, Professional Civil Service Law, 302303
Nazi legal definition, 436437
pre-Nazi antisemitism, 1415, 31, 56
propaganda and agitation against
international conspiracy theory, 76, 591, 594, 761764, 768, 865866, 903904
Munich, 5657
Reichswehr, 5761
refugees to Western powers, 596
violence and murder against, 432, 523524, 552, 590592
death camps, 703, 807809, 818821, 826, 866
Final Solution, 435436, 622, 794795, 806807, 820, 861, 903
General Government, 775, 819820
military and paramilitary murders, 653655, 759760
war against, 761762, 768, 786, 903, 962
Joachimsthaler, Anton, 32
Jodl, Alfred, 560561, 699, 713714, 731732, 846847, 888889, 944945
Jodl, Alfred, on Czech weekend crisis, 560561
Jodl, Alfred
Hitler considers dismissal of, 847848
Hitler discusses military plans with, 699, 718
Hitler explains Western attack plans to, 682
on Narvik evacuation, 688
on Operation Weserübung, 687
as part of Hitler’s entourage, 652653
on plans for attacking Soviet Union, 699, 710, 731732, 746747, 767
Johanna, 16, 27
Johst, Hanns, 310311, 373374
Ju-88 programme, 680681
judicial system, 243, 251252, 369, 732, 810811, 824825, 835, 951952
July, Maria, 161162
Jung, Edgar Julius, 383384, 386387, 391392
Jung, Rudolf, 127
Kaas, Ludwig, 298299, 335338
Kahr, Gustav von, 7374, 8384, 86, 9092, 112113, 116119, 121124, 387388
Kampfbund Niederbayern, 110
Kampf publishing house, 173174, 188, 197200
Kandl, Eleonore, 28
Kánya, Kálman, 538539, 574575, 578
Kapp, Wolfgang, 72, 8283
Kapp putsch, 7274, 86, 121122
Karl Liebknecht House, 287
Karmasin, Franz, 606607
Kassel, 591592, 626, 922, 943
Kastl, Ludwig, 304305
Katyn massacre, 861862, 866867
Kaufman, Theodore N., 768769
Kaufmann, Karl, 147150, 152154, 834
Kaulbach, Friedrich August von, 487490
Kehrl, Hans, 234, 882883
Keitel, Wilhelm, 542543, 559560, 614, 620, 638639, 652653, 655656, 664665, 667, 692693, 871872, 874
Committee of Three, 852853, 882, 895896
French armistice announcement, 692
Hitler discusses military plans with
British invasion plans, 695696, 699
Czecheslovak invasion, 556, 559560, 563, 575, 607, 614
Soviet occupation policy, 733734, 756758
Hitler loses faith in, 847848
as Ministerial Defence Council member, 658659
as part of Hitler’s entourage, 559, 608609, 912913
total war proposals, 924925
Wehrmacht rearmament and, 597
Keppler, Wilhelm, 214215, 234, 250, 406, 547
Kerlen, Kurt, 7071
Kerr, Alfred, 311312, 319
Kerrl, Hanns, 245, 303, 430431, 478, 481, 668669, 764765
Kershaw, Ian, 553
Kesselring, Albert, 939940, 943
Khan, Abdul Majid, 734735
Kiehn, Fritz, 234
Kiel mutiny, 49
Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig, 485486
Kirdorf, Emil, 188, 212
Kisch, Egon, 290291
Klant, Josef, 147148
Klausener, Erich, 386387, 390391
Klausner, Hubert, 547
Klee, Paul, 485486
Klein, Adelheid, 160162
Kleist, Leopold von, 226, 230, 898900
Klumpf, August, 52
Knilling, Eugen von, 100, 111, 119
Knochen, Helmut, 880
Koch, Erich, 758, 837838
Kölnische Volkszeitung, 126
Koppe, Wilhelm, 769770
Körner, Oskar, 94
Körner, Paul, 802
Kozma, Miklós, 468469
Kraft durch Freude (DAF leisure organization), 349350, 450451, 506507
Krause, Reinhold, 371372
Kreisau Circle, 916, 918, 920
Kriebel, Hermann, 112
Krofta, Kamil, 469
Krosigk, Lutz Graf Schwerin von, 272273, 835
Krüger, Friedrich-Wilhelm, 769770, 818
Kubelik, Jan, 1314
Kubizek, August, 1011, 1719, 2125, 79, 355356
Küchler, Georg von, 788790, 891
Kühn, Erich, 55, 6869
Kursell, Otto von, 8687
Laffert, Sigrit von, 161162
Lammers, Heinrich, 428429, 500501, 559, 642, 664665, 670671, 759, 831832, 835836, 852853, 856, 859, 924925
Lammers, Heinrich, Committee of Three, 882, 895896
Landvolkbewegung, 175176, 180
Lanz, Hubert, 919
Latvia, 621, 744745, 759, 827, 931932, 935936
Laval, Pierra, 708
Laval, Pierre, 366, 716, 864, 880
Law against the Creation of New Political Parties, 330
League of Nations, 333335, 339340, 358360, 363364, 366367, 413, 416419, 443446
Le Bon, Gustave, 79
Lechfeld, 3435, 5859, 63
Leeb, Wilhelm von, 788
Lehmann, Julius Friedrich, 55, 6768, 8283
Lend-Lease law, 737
Leningrad, 753754
Lenz, Fritz, 139140
Leopold, Josef, 547
Lerchenfeld, Hugo, Graf von, 9294, 98, 100
Levetzow, Magnus, 208209, 226, 228, 230, 429430
Leviné, Eugen, 56
Lewald, Theodor, 458
Ley, Robert, 151, 266267, 801, 834, 885
appointed Social Housing Commissar, 834
as Cologne Gauleiter, 147148, 269
as German Labour Front leader, 314, 349, 801
as head of Nazi Party organization, 440, 497, 502
powers and responsibilities, 514
as Reich Inspector, 249
Lignite-Petrol, 407
Linde, Herbert, 765766
Lindener-Wildau, Hans-Erdman von, 6970
Linzer Tagespost, 910, 1214
Linz Gallery, 490491, 493
Lippert, Julius, 492
Lippert, Michael, 389
Lipski, Josef, 365, 423, 531, 578, 586587, 612613, 643644
List, Julius, 3537
List, Wilhelm von, 823, 846847
Liszt, Franz, 741
Litten, Hans, 217218, 290291
Litvinov, Maxim, 632, 685686
Locarno Pact, 366, 419, 441446, 467
Łódz´ ghetto, 769770, 774775, 807808
Lohse, Hinrich, 147148, 837838
Lösener, Bernhard, 433434
Lossow, Otto Hermann von, 112113, 118119, 121124
Lüdecke, Kurt, 105, 107108
Ludendorff, Erich, 7274, 124, 131, 137
Beer Hall Putsch, 114115, 118119, 122, 124126
demands loyalty from paramilitary leagues, 110111
Deutscher Kampfbund and, 112113
Frontbann leadership, 131
Hess and, 8586
Hitler distances self from, 143145
Kapp putsch, 7274
Nationalsozialistische Freiheitspartei and, 128130, 132
Reich Presidential race, 144145
Ludwig III of Bavaria, 3435, 49
Lueger, Karl, 26, 2930
Luftwaffe, 7273, 465, 588, 723725, 737738, 746, 750751, 753754, 817, 833, 874
Luther, Hans, 295
Lüttwitz, Walther Freiherr von, 72
Lutze, Viktor, 383, 385386, 412, 864865
Madagascar plan, 571, 700703, 771, 818819
Mahler, Gustav, 19, 2223
Majority Social Democrats (MSPD), 5053
Mann, Heinrich, 310312, 319
Manstein, Erich von, 682683, 823, 849850, 853, 857858, 887891, 898900
Marc, Franz, 485486
March, Werner, 352353
Marx, Wilhelm, 144145
Marxism, 32, 8384, 123125, 146, 171, 179, 189190, 227, 283284, 287288, 462
Matsuoka Yosuke, 726728
Mattheiss, Hermann, 388
Maurenbrecher, Max, 81
Maurice, Emil, 8586, 107108, 126, 162
May, Karl, 106
Mayr, Karl, 5763, 6566, 68, 7273, 8283
Mayrhofer, Josef, 912
Mein Kampf, 1417, 1920, 2425, 2830, 32, 4244, 133140, 159160, 169
account of Flanders Battle, 36
autobiographical content, 135137
military service, 5152
propaganda in, 80
structure and content, 135139
Vol. 2, 136140, 151
United States, 181182
WWI in, armistice, 44
Meiser, Hans, 408410
Meissner, Otto, 235236, 263264, 408409
Memel, 555, 589, 610612, 635, 955
Menzel, Adolph, 487488
Meyer, Alfred, 837838
Michael I of Romania, 706707, 928929
Michoff, Nicolai, 873
Miesbacher Anzeiger, 387388
Milch, Erhard, 802, 853
military service, 44
Minoux, Friedrich, 114115, 124
Mitford, Unity, 356
Mittelpartei, 55, 6970
Model, Walter, 891, 910911, 927928
Moeller, Alfred, 304305
Möhl, Arnold von, 53, 73
Molotov, Vyacheslav, 632634, 636637, 696, 710714, 742743
Moltke, Hans-Adolf von, 489, 612, 918, 920
Monte Cassino, Battle of, 891
Moravia, 2728, 608609, 617, 819, 827, 835, 882
Morell, Theodor, 895
Morgenstern, Samuel, 27
Morocco, 707708, 714, 848
Moscicki, Ignacy, 422423
Mosert, Kurt, 389
Mosley, Oswald, 356
motorways, 315317, 348, 351352, 586587, 681, 695, 754755, 955956
Mücke, Hellmuth von, 186187
Mühsam, Erich, 56, 290291
Müller, Bishop, 371372, 407408
Müller, Georg, 6869
Müller, Heinrich, 667, 760
Müller, Hermann, 196197
Müller, Karl Alexander von, 77, 106
Müller, Ludwig, 324326, 371372, 407411, 431
München-Augsburger Abendzeitung, 64
Münchener Beobachter, 5456, 6061, 6465, 68, 79, 8283
Münchener Post, 126
Münchner Neueste Nachrichten, 233234
Munich, 3133, 4950, 56, 6869, 7274, 94, 105106, 128130, 148149, 383384, 386388, 488489
anti-Semitism, 5657
as birthplace of Nazism, 54
Hitler in, 3233
Räterepublik, 5053, 111
right-wing politics, 5458
German Workers’ party and, 6469
second revolution, 50
Munich conference, 581582, 584, 587, 597, 602
Munich Merchants’ Club, 9596
Munich University, 57, 102103
murder programme, 670671, 775776, 806, 818, 820
Mussolini, Benito, 105, 395, 418, 441, 529530, 550, 639, 683686, 691692, 870871
annexation of Saloniki, 722723
Anti-Comintern Pact, 587
arrest, 871
Austria and, 395, 419, 528
agrees to German military intervention, 548550
pressures Austria to reconsider German relations, 455
support for formal independence of Austria, 544
on Berlin-Rome Axis, 468
claims of financial support for Hitler, 179
claims war between Western powers and Hitler inevitable, 418
Czecheslovakia and, 559
declares war on Soviet Union, 742743
doubts about Locarno Pact, 441443
four-power pact proposal, 341342
French armistice and, 691692
Greece and, 725726
halts Albanian offensive, 724
Hitler fails to inform of military mission to Romania, 706707, 709710
Hitler on failures of, 872
Lüdecke and, 105
military coordination efforts, 718719
Munich conference, 581582
offers mediation with Britain, 642
parallels drawn with Hitler, 116
proclaims Social Republic of Italy, 879
proposes second Munich conference, 621, 652
re-founds Fascist party, 877
Roman Protocols, 366367
Soviet Union and, 684
suggests compromise peace, 862
state visit to Germany, 529530
Tripartite Pact, 708709
United States and, 709
on war with Western powers, 629630, 639
agrees to enter war, 685686, 691
lack of enthusiasm for, 639, 641, 683685
promises Italian support for Germany, 641
Mussolini Benito
South Tyrol and, 179
Nadolny, Rudolf, 338339, 364365
Nasjonal Samling, 686687
Nationaler Sozialist (newspaper), 197200
National Socialist Factory Cell Organization (NSBC), 260261, 279280, 327328
National-Sozialer Volksbund, 147
Nationalsozialistische Briefe, 149150, 155156, 207208
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, 71
Nationalsozialistische Freiheitsbewegung, 132133, 143144, 146147
Nationalsozialistische Freiheitspartei, 129130
Nationalsozialistische Hochschulbriefe, 176
Nazi party
attacks on Jews, 293294
campaign against Jewish lawyers, 294, 301303
agricultural, 305307, 329330
control, 307
economic, 304
associations and organizations, 186, 234235, 239, 307, 314, 349350, 411412, 509510
Doctors’ Association, 186
Kampfbund für den gewerblichen Mittelstand, 279280
Motor Vehicle Corps, 349350, 509
associations and organizations
NS Kraftfahrkorps, 349350
Pupils’ Association, 186
Teachers’ Association, 186
Welfare Organization, 347, 503
Austria, 342343, 395396, 543552
banned following Beer Hall putsch, 127128
Blood Flag, 154155, 346347, 496498
coalitions and alliances
Bavarian People’s Party, 233234, 271
Centre Party, 208210, 233234, 242246, 248, 271
Conservative parties, 186
DNVP and DVP, 194
German Nationalist People’s Party, 6970, 177178, 191192, 194, 226227, 291292
Harzburg Front, 227229, 231, 236, 242, 261, 270, 274275, 952953
SPD and KPD, 186187
Stahlhelm, 187
cultural policy, 309310
economic policy
armaments expenditure, 404405
tax breaks, 259, 314315, 317, 328
work creation schemes, 272273, 285, 314317, 404405
election campaigns, 179, 200203, 237239, 247248, 258260, 288, 361362
1930 Reichstag, 201202
1932 ( July) Reichstag, 250252
1932 (November) Reichstag, 259260
1932 Presidential, 237, 239
1937, 444
Reichstag (1932), 249
Reichstag (1933), 286
elections, 129, 144145, 154, 178179, 192193, 197198, 259261, 281283, 425426, 443445
elections Mecklenburg-Schwerin state assembly (1927), 170171
electoral performance
1929 state parliaments, 186, 192194
Danzig, 425
Lippe state elections (1933), 269
Presidential (1932), 237239
Reichstag (1928), 179180
Reichstag (1930), 204207
Reichstag (1932), 252253
Reichstag (1933 March), 291292
Reichstag (1933 November), 261
Reichstag and referendum (1936), 445
Saar (1935), 415
voter demographics, 204207, 253
electoral poerformance, Thurigian state (1927), 194
electoral results, Prussian state parliament (1932), 241242
as Führer Party, 147, 151152, 173
fundraising and donations, 9597, 103, 192
government, Thuringia (1929), 194195
headquarters, Palais Barlow, 200201
housing policy, 317
left wing, 173174, 186187, 197200, 202
1920 level, 82
1922 level, 100
1923 level, 115
1929 level, 186
early, 8485
merger with DVFP, 129, 132
organizational structure, 107108, 148, 156158
AH’s personality and, 157158
Gau system, 147148, 185186
Hitler takes charge, 266267
leadership, 87, 198199, 242, 248, 252, 254, 258269
leadership elections, 153
Strasser’s centralization efforts, 249
western block, 149150
parades, 281
Brunswick (1931), 230
paramilitary arms, Gymnastic and Sports Section, 85
paramilitary organizations, Gymnastic and Sports section, 91
party headquarters, 90, 96, 147153, 171, 200201, 249, 266267, 369, 489, 502
Corneliusstrasse, 90
policies, economic, 213215, 239240, 328329, 461462, 523524, 830
policy programme, 71, 89, 148151, 156157, 173178, 188, 195196, 213, 249
anti-capitalism, 202, 211212, 250
foreign policy, 179
social policy, 7172, 149, 239240, 353
political ideas, socialism, 173174
political programme, My Programme, 239240
propaganda, 195, 219220
propaganda efforts
middle-class, 174175
rural population, 175
students, 176
rallies, 110, 154, 189190, 331332, 346348, 408409, 431, 436, 516, 518519, 694, 955956
1923, 109
1925, 154155
1926, 156157
1927, 168169, 173175
1928 (cancelled), 185
1929, 162, 188190, 669
1933, 311, 346347, 351
1934, 354, 403404, 437, 508
1935, 431433, 436, 439440, 503, 669, 957958
1936, 465467, 491
1937, 491, 528529, 531
1938, 499, 571, 576
Reichstag elections (1933), 287
re-establishment guidelines, 145146
as state, 327328
Ulm treason trial, 207208
völkisch movement and, 72
Nazi Party, associations and organizations, National Socialist Factory Cell Organization (NSBC), 260261, 279280, 327328
Nazi Party, as German Workers Party (DAP), 6371, 74, 8384, 101, 146, 950
Nazi Party, as German Workers Party (DAP), Deutsche Schutz- und trutzbund and, 7071
Nazi Party, as German Workers Party (DAP)
early institutional support, 66
early membership, 6569
Harrer’s removal as leader, 6970
Hofbrauhaus meetings, 71
Nazi Party, re-founding, 143, 146147
Nazi Party voters, 204, 241, 251, 253, 953954
Netherlands, 674675, 679, 682683, 689, 829
invasion, 689
Jews deported from, 808, 820, 866867
Neumann, Ernst, 610611
Neumann, Josef, 2627
Neurath, Konstantin von, 244, 271273, 343344, 358360, 395, 409, 535536
appointed Reich Protector, 608609
Geneva disarmament talks, 338339, 342
Hugenberg complains about, 320321
Italy and, 528
outlines foreign policy principles, 333334
Secret Cabinet Council, 542543
New York Times, 392
Niemöller, Martin, 326327, 371373, 409410, 482
Nolde, Emil, 485486
Normandy landings, 908, 911
North Africa, 456457, 620621, 720, 726, 734736, 738, 750751, 793, 796, 866867
Norway, 621, 630, 686689, 695, 712, 827830, 863864
Nuremberg Laws, C19, 431, 435437, 458, 466, 474, 523524, 592, 957958
Olbricht, Friedrich, 917920, 922
Ollenhauer, Erich, 319
Olympic Games, 352353, 440441, 457459, 461, 474475
Oshima Hiroshi, 455456, 728, 751752, 784785, 787
Ossietsky, Carl von, 290291, 311312, 484
Ott, Eugen, 264, 269270
Owens, Jesse, 460
Pacelli, Eugenio, 335, 338, 391
Pact of Steel, 620, 622, 629630, 632, 645, 708
Pan-Germanism, 912, 14, 16, 26, 2829, 6162, 6769, 72, 74
Pan-German League, 55, 6768, 72, 74, 83, 9495, 100, 228
Pannini, Giovanni Paolo, 489
Papen, Franz von, 244245, 247248, 250254, 257262, 268274, 335338, 380381
paramilitary organizations, 74, 91, 131, 145146, 156157, 174, 177, 205206, 215216
Bavaria, 91
Paris, 691693
Paris Conference, 84
Pastors’ Emergency League, 371
Paul, Regent of Yugoslavia, 722723
Paulus, Friedrich, 849850, 853854
Pavelic´, Anton, 725, 739, 863
Pavolini, Allesandro, 741
Pearl Harbour attack, 784, 962
Peasants’ League, 5051, 9293
Pétain,Philippe, 691692, 708, 864, 880
Peter II of Yugoslavia, 723
Pfeffer von Salomon, Franz, 147148, 152153, 155156, 202204, 213214, 395397, 410
Pfordten, Theodor von der, 117118
Pfundtner, Hans, 433434
Philipp of Hesse, 550, 873
Phipps, Eric, 421
Pietzsch, Albert, 234
Piłsudski, Józef, 422423, 662
Pirow, Oswald, 595596
Pittinger, Otto, 9091, 9899
Pius XI, 479
Pleiger, Paul von, 234, 804805
Poehner, Ernst, 53, 73, 92
Poensgen, Ernst, 212, 233234
Poetsch, Leopold, 1516
Pöhner, Ernst, 8384, 118119, 125126, 129, 143
Poland, 422423, 586587, 601, 612, 614615, 622623, 628629, 631, 640642, 651652, 663, 665666
Anti-Comintern Pact, 468, 531532, 586587
cooperation with, 422
Czecheslovakia and, 555, 563, 578579, 582, 584585
Danzig dispute, 333334, 423, 537, 539, 586587, 600601, 612, 641
Britain’s role, 636, 641642
as pretext for war, 628
Great Britain and, 627, 636, 652
Hitler decides on invasion, 613614
Hungarian participation, 622
Italy and, 630
to prevent Polish attack on Germany, 635
threat of Western power intervention, 620, 637638, 645
war plans, 620, 623
Wehrmacht invades, 653656, 662
living space and, 423
Nazi propaganda against, 618, 631
non-aggression pact (1934), 334335, 365, 367
Germany withdraws from, 618, 646647
occupation plans, 661, 663
Polish Jews, 590, 601602, 808809
Polish Minorities Declaration, 531
Pölzl, Klara, 78
Popitz, Johannes, 272273
Popoff, Blagoi, 365
Popp, Anna, 3132
Popp, Joseph, 38, 6667
Porsche, Ferdinand, 450451
Potsdam Day, 296
Prinz Eugen (German cruiser), 574575, 796
prisoners of war, 782, 800, 805806, 808809, 830, 854, 866
Probst, Adalbert, 389391
Professional Civil Service Law, 302303, 310, 312
Protestant Church
Aryan descent law, 371
Law Concerning the Constitution of, 330
overseas, 409, 428
reform and unification, 323324, 327, 335, 407412, 523
internal disputes, 370371, 373, 378379, 393394, 478
youth organization, 372
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 865866
Prussia, 208, 227, 232, 242243, 248, 251254, 270273, 282283, 290291, 303
ban on Nazi Party (1922), 100
Centre-Nazi coalition, 245, 248
Church policy in, 324325, 427, 430431
Culture Ministry, 311
elections, 179, 192193, 225, 237238, 242
government, Centre Party in, 208, 244245
Hindenburg as Commisar for, 252
Hitler as governor, 303
Nazi government, ban on communist party, 287, 290291
press censorship, 290291
proposed dissolution, 511
SPD-Centre coalition, 209210
Prützmann, Hans-Adolf, 821
Pudor, Heinrich, 6061
Quandt, Herbert, 220221
Quirnheim, Mertz von, 922
Quisling, Vidkun, 686687, 796, 827828, 863864
Rademacher, Franz, 701702
Raeder, Erich, 376377, 420421, 443, 598, 607608, 686687, 692, 695696, 699701, 706, 736737
Rahn, Rudolf, 879
Rangell, Johan, 820821
Rath, Ernst vom, 590, 592, 594595
Rathenau, Walther, 98
Raubal, Angela, 354
Raubal, Geli, 162, 220, 223, 489, 626627
Ravensbrück concentration camp, 819
rearmament, 285286, 317318, 338339, 363364, 439440, 448449, 463, 521523, 533534, 587588, 597, 955959
rearmament programme, 317318, 359, 363364, 367, 380, 416418, 439442, 533534, 597
Rechny, Hermann, 396
Reck-Malleczewen, Friedrich Percyval, 106
Rehm, Rudolf, 188189
Reich Association of German Industry (RDI), 214, 304305, 603
Reich Association of German Motor Manufacturers, 450
Reich Brotherhood Council, 409
Reich Church, 324325, 335, 371372, 408412, 956957
Reich Committee for the German Plebiscite, 191, 226
Reichenau, Walter von, 396, 411412, 497, 782, 788
Reichsbank, 212, 352353, 378380, 439, 569, 599
Reich Security Head Office (RSHA), 657, 667, 701702, 721, 774, 805, 808809, 818, 919920
Reichsflagge, 110, 112113
Reichsgesetzblatt, 501, 812
Reichskriegsflagge, 112113
Reichslandbund, 228, 245, 268269
Reichsrat, 282283
Reichstag, 289290
fire, 289293, 297, 299300, 344, 365
opening ceremony (1933), 295297
Reichstag elections, 129, 132133, 193, 200, 252253, 255256, 261, 264265, 269, 286, 303, 359
Reich Supreme Court, 122, 207, 409410, 810811
Reichswehr, 61, 6567, 109111, 113114, 117118, 284285, 363, 376, 381382, 939940
antisocialist propaganda efforts, 5761
conscription, 363364, 376, 411412, 416417, 419, 424
dominance of military policy, 284
treason trial, 207
unwillingness to submit to Nazi total power, 411412
in WWI, 3940
Reinhardt, Fritz, 295, 317
Reiter, Maria, 161162
Reitsch, Hannah, 946947
Remarque, Erich Maria, 311312
Renn, Ludwig, 290291
Renteln, Adrian von, 304
Rentenbank, 117
Renzetti, Giuseppe, 467
Reschny, Hermann, 395396
Reupke, Hans, 214
Reusch, Paul, 233234
Reventlow, Ernst Graf zu, 143144
Rhineland, 333334, 419, 441446, 454455, 458, 469, 471472, 481482, 933
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 455456, 585587, 601, 612, 620, 633634, 636637, 685686, 708709, 722723, 727728, 784785, 871872
Papen government, 269270, 274, 341
Riefenstahl, Leni, 460
Ripke, Axel, 147148
Röchling, Hermann, 804805
rocket attacks, 817, 874875, 908, 932
Röhm, Ernst, 6566, 109110, 112113, 119, 130131, 145146, 215216, 239, 368370, 376377, 380, 385, 389
Roller, Alfred, 21
Roma, 458, 774
Romania, 601603, 696697, 705707, 709715, 739, 878879, 928929
Rommel, Erwin, 720, 726, 735736, 793, 821822, 845846, 848849, 858, 867868, 871872, 908911
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 589590, 768769, 785786
Rosenberg, Alfred, 6768, 8587, 127128, 309310, 403404, 422, 661, 733, 756758, 786, 834
Rossbach, Julius R., 79
Roth, Christian, 53
Rothenberger, Curt, 824825
Royal Air Force (RAF ), 703704, 796, 817, 868869, 873874, 892893
Royal Navy, 420, 695, 737, 796
Rublee, George, 596, 603
Ruhr occupation (1923), 108112, 138
Russia, 137139, 182, 684685, 695700, 711712, 718719, 727728, 730733, 739740
Rust, Bernhard, 147148, 155156, 272273, 303, 310311, 351, 375376, 835, 859860
SA (Sturmabteilung), 130131, 154156, 174, 202204, 215217, 368370, 376378, 380386, 392394, 403404
Austria, 395396
ban on, 240241
Church criticism of, 378379
conflict with Party leadership, 368
Deutscher Kampfbund, 112
dissolution, 380382, 385, 392393
Göring’s appointment as commander, 110
Hitler calls SA leaders to Bad Wiessee, 383
Hitler decides on leadership purge, 383384
Hitler takes over as head, 203204
imprisonment of political dissidents, 299300
integration into Nazi Party, 145146
integration into state, 369370
integration of Stalhalm into, 323
leadership demands inclusion on Nazi membership list, 202203
organizational structure, 108, 156157
as paramilitary organization, 205207
as part of German army, 339340
rallies and parades, 154155, 173, 189190, 346347
re-establishment, 130131
re-establishment as non-paramilitary organization, 145146
Reichswehr and
Reichswehr prepares for violence against, 382
as source of finance, 103
subordination to Reichswehr, 376
training supplied, 114
volunteers integrated into SA, 363, 376
revolt, 203
role and tasks, 156
SA leaders arrested, 384385
SA leaders executed, 386389
staff guards, 376377
Stennes affair, 216218
violence and intimidation, 99101, 311312
anti-Jewish attacks, 240241, 293294
attacks on Stahlhelm, 308309
attacks on trade unions, 313314
Göppingen, 100101, 109
Hitler urges discipline, 9293
members killed during, 180
Sachsenhausen concentration camp, 454, 816
Sander, Wilhelm, 386387
Sauckel, Fritz, 800801, 804805, 834, 837839, 852853, 856, 884885, 906908, 912913, 924925
Saur, Karl, 905906, 925
Saxony, 111112, 114, 117, 148149, 168, 186187, 192196, 200, 292293, 300, 490491
Schacht, Hjalmar, 212, 234, 317318, 378380, 405406, 439440, 447449, 461463, 596
announces debt moratorium, 318
Schäffer, Fritz, 293
Scharrer, Eduard, 137138
Schätzel, Martin, 387388
Schaub, Julius, 157158, 384, 693694, 931, 945
Scheer, 736737
Scheidemann, Philipp, 125, 290291, 319
Schell, Adolf von, 597598
Schenk, Claus, 920
Scheubner-Richter, Max, 75, 8687, 101, 107108, 112, 117119
Schickedanz, Arno, 8687
Schicklgruber, Alois (AH’s father), 712
Schicklgruber, Maria Anna, 78
Schinkel, Karl Friedrich, 491492
Schirach, Baldur von, 307, 356, 507, 721, 839
Schlegelberger, Franz, 810811, 824825, 835
Schleicher, Kurt von, 227, 242245, 247248, 251254, 257258, 263266, 268271
Schlitt, Ewald, 810811
Schmid, Wilhelm, 384, 386, 388
Schmidt, Arthur, 850
Schmidt, Fritz, 4142
Schmidt, Guido, 455
Schmidt, Paul, 530, 577578, 580, 582583, 642, 652, 708, 710711, 728, 739
Schmidt-Hannover, Otto, 270
Schmitt, Kurt, 328, 380, 406
Schmundt, Rudolf, 622, 682683, 898899
Schneider, Hermann, 153
Schneidhuber, August, 386
Schönerer, Georg von, 14, 26, 2830
Schörer, Ferdinand, 899900
Schott, Georg, 127
Schreck, Julius, 103, 157158
Schröder, Kurt von, 250, 268
Schulenburg, Friedrich von der, 542, 574, 633634, 726, 742743
Schultze-Naumburg, Paul, 194195
Schuschnigg, Kurt von, 455, 545549, 552, 644
Schüssler, Rudolf, 6667, 8990
Schutzverein Ostmark, 1213
Schwab, Gustav, 18
Schwarz, Franz Xaver, 146, 153155, 502
Schweitzer, Herbert, 485
Schweppenburg, Leo Geyr von, 910911
Schweyer, Xaver, 9294
Sea Lion, Operation, 693, 695696, 703
Sebottendorf, Rudolf von, 5455
Second Rearmament Programme, 285286
Seeckt, Hans von, 117
Seidlitz, Gertrude von, 103
Seldte, Franz, 187188, 229, 308309, 835
Sesselmann, Max, 55, 6871
Seyss-Inquart, Arthur, 545549, 551552, 607608
Sicherheitsdienst (SD), 567568, 570, 589592, 615, 617, 654, 656657, 663, 792794, 857858
Sicily, 872
Simeon II of Italy, 873
Simon, John, 359360, 416418, 421
Singapore, 727728
Slavisization, 1314, 28
Slovakia, 538539, 574575, 580582, 585586, 606608, 612, 808, 818, 820, 828829
Slovenia, 725
Social Democratic Party (SPD), 179, 196197, 204, 209210, 225, 236237, 241243, 250251, 282283, 319, 617
Somme, Battle of the, 39
South Tyrol, 137139, 150153, 179, 181184, 619, 876
Soviet Union, 366, 696699, 710714, 726728, 730731, 738743, 750753, 886, 931932, 961962
Czecheslovakia and, 469, 531532
diplomatic relations with, 364365
as enemy of National Socialism, 209210
France and, 366, 418419, 441443, 471
friendly relations with, 299, 343344
invasion. See Barbarossa, Operation
Japan and, 455457
Lithuania and, 661
living space to be taken from, 178, 624, 664
Nazi-Soviet Pact, 632633, 635, 637, 661, 684
occupies Baltic states, 696697
Poland and, 365, 367, 422, 601602, 612, 653
Soviet press barred from Reichstag, 344
See also Barbarossa
Spain, 456457, 465468, 521, 698700, 705708, 714716, 734735
Civil War, 457458, 474475, 521, 527, 531532, 626, 958
Speer, Albert, 355356, 491492, 800805, 869, 883885, 905907, 911913, 924925, 941942, 946
Spitzweg, Carl, 487489
Sponeck, Hans Graf von, 789790
Spreti, Erwin, 386
Springorum, Fritz, 234
SS (Schutzstaffel), 240241, 288, 377, 388389, 393, 403404, 452, 497498, 506, 654656, 733734, 774775, 879
armament of, 411412
Einsatzgruppen, 653656, 666, 734, 759760
Stadelheim prison, 386389
Stahlhelm, 187188, 225226, 228229, 231, 236238, 270271, 288, 308309, 323
alliance with Nazi Party, 177178, 187, 226227
dissolution, 431, 433
Nazi attacks on, 307309
transfer of members to SA, 323
Stalin, Josef, 636638, 684686, 696, 698, 718719, 739742, 766767, 903, 940941
Stalingrad, 780781, 813, 823824, 845846, 848850, 854855, 861, 867, 890891, 964
Stampfer, Friedrich, 319
state parliaments, 178179, 188189, 194195, 209210, 247249, 303, 374
Stauffenberg, Claus Schenk von, 920922
Stauss, Emil von, 208209, 212, 228
Stempfle, Bernhard, 387388
Stennes, Walther, 202204, 216218
Sterneckerbräu, 63
Stojadinovic´, Milan, 539
Strachwitz, Hyacinth Graf von, 919
Strasser, Gregor, 131, 133, 149151, 173174, 197200, 207, 211, 249250, 257, 263269
Strasser brothers, 173174, 191192, 197198, 218219
Strauss, Adolf, 789790
Strauss, Richard, 459, 626627
Streicher, Julius, 99100, 119, 127131, 133, 146, 151, 301, 944
Stresa Front, 418419, 422, 425428
Stresemann, Gustav, 111112, 178179, 183184, 208209
Stuckart, Wilhelm, 433434
Sudeten crisis, C26, 570572, 574, 585586, 590592, 602, 605606, 615, 645, 917, 959
Sudeten German Party (SdP), 532533, 555556, 559560, 570
Súñer, Serrano, 708, 714
Suvich, Fulvio, 366367, 454455
Sweden, 8283, 621, 630, 686687, 712713, 827828, 881, 940941
Switzerland, 103, 440441, 474, 630, 675678, 827828, 919920, 940941
Syria, 706, 735736
Sztójay, Döme, 723724, 897
Tafel, Paul, 68, 74, 83
Taneff, Wassil, 365
Teleki, Pál, 723724
Terboven, Josef, 383, 444445, 688, 837838
Thälmann, Ernst, 239, 290291
Thierack, Georg, 824826, 835
Thomas, Georg, 587588, 625
Thule Society, 5455, 6465, 6769, 72, 8586
Thuringia, 87, 111112, 114, 117, 127128, 179180, 184, 194195, 197198, 218219, 226227, 264265, 287
Thyssen, Fritz, 212214, 233234, 304305
Tiefenböck, Karl, 6667
Tiele-Winckler, Marie, 230
Tiso, Jozef, 585586, 607608, 863, 902903
Todt, Fritz, 315316, 492493, 512, 564, 597598, 681, 699, 800
Todt Organization, 800, 906
Toller, Ernst, 56
Tooze, Adam, 404405
trade unions, 111, 283, 300301, 312314, 319, 338
Traunstein prisoner-of-war camp, 4950
Tresckow, Henning von, 858859, 917920
Treviranus, Gottfried, 209210
Tripartite Pact, 619620, 708709, 711716, 721724, 739, 828
Troost, Paul Ludwig, 351, 355356, 484485, 491494
Tucholsky, Kurt, 311312, 319
Tuka, Voytech, 606607
Turkey, 619, 621, 635636, 706, 711715, 734735, 737738, 750751
Ukraine, 601602, 612613, 719720, 731732, 756758, 821823, 827, 830
Ultramontanism, 143144
unemployment, 111112, 196197, 213214, 250, 259, 282284, 314317, 377379, 405, 658
Unified Reich Church, 324325, 410
Union of Völkisch Associations, 188
United States, 182, 705, 709, 718, 728, 736740, 751753, 761762, 771, 784786, 934, 961962
AH’s opinion of, 181182
Unity Front, 413
universities, 312
Urbsys, Joseph, 611
V1 flying bomb, 908909, 932
V2 rocket programme, 817, 874875, 908910, 932
Valley, Arco auf, 50
Vansittart, Robert, 459460
Vaterländische Vereine Münchens, 110
Vatican, 323326, 335338, 390391, 427, 479, 481483, 871872
Veesenmayer, Edmund, 897, 902
Vereinigung der Vaterländischen Verbände, 9496, 100, 108109, 111
Versailles, Treaty of, 84, 183184, 339340, 415416, 418, 420, 438, 441, 444446, 954, 959960
Victor Emanuel III of Italy, 871
Vienna Accord, 586
Vienna Awards, 602, 715
Vietinghoff-Scheel, Leopold von, 9495
Vögler, Albert, 233234, 250
Volck, Adalbert, 130133
Völkisch Block, 127129, 146147
Völkischer Beobachter, 90, 9294, 9697, 102, 107108, 144146, 154155, 178179, 216217, 229230, 444445, 627628
Völkischer Kurier, 131
völkisch movement, 5455, 6769, 7174, 9697, 127129, 131, 143147, 188, 371372, 444445
Volkswagen project, 450452, 466, 955956, 958
voting, 206207
Wagener, Otto, 212215, 221222, 259, 304305, 328
Wagner, Adolf, 189, 293, 346347, 766, 857, 901902
Wagner, Eduard, 654
Wagner, Gerhard, 433, 669
Wagner, Richard, 18, 22, 489
Wagner, Robert, 196, 702703
Wagner, Winifred, 188, 220
Wall Street Crash (1929), 194
Walter, Bruno, 309310
Wannsee Conference, 794, 807, 809, 818
Warsaw, 423, 539, 555, 601, 612613, 618, 628629, 641642, 653, 660, 662, 925
Warsaw ghetto uprising, 861862, 866867, 883
Washington Naval Conference (1922), 420
Weber, Christian, 8586, 107108, 117, 125126
Weber, Friedrich, 114115
Wehrmacht, 533534, 542543, 548549, 564566, 652653, 655656, 659660, 687688, 721722, 732, 814815, 852853
6th Army, 35, 689, 781, 848850, 853854, 943
Army Group Centre, 744749, 766768, 780781, 787788, 845, 891, 919920
High Command, 653656, 677, 682683, 686687, 697699, 732735, 748, 777, 852853
Weimar democracy, 186, 196197, 200, 952
Weiss, Bernhard, 319
Weizsäcker, Ernst von, 545, 559, 572, 574, 577578, 633, 637638, 643644, 697, 735736
Welles, Benjamin Sumner, 685
Wels, Otto, 299, 319
Wenck, Walther, 939
Western Pact, 467
West Wall project, 564565, 567, 569570, 618, 644645, 681, 928, 958959
White Russia, 698700, 732, 744, 757758
Wiedemann, Fritz, 3842, 448, 573
Wiegand, Ferdinand, 68
Wieser, Friedrich, 68
Wilson, Horace, 580
Wilson, Woodrow, 4344, 580, 785786
Winterfeld, Friedrich von, 320, 324325
Wirth, Joseph, 211, 227
Wirtschaftliche Aufbau-Vereinigung, 86
Wolf, Karl Hermann, 26
Wolff, Karl, 820821
Wolff, Theodor, 311312
work creation measures, 272273, 285, 314317
World War I, 2223, 33, 39, 41, 163, 226, 295296, 317, 531532, 626, 628, 668, 949950
armistice, 4344
Hitler’s service in, 3344
Wurm, Theophil, 408
Yorck, Peter, 918
Young Plan, 187188, 191193, 197, 199, 208209, 212, 226
Yugoslavia, 468471, 521, 539, 621, 712715, 719726
Zakreys, Maria, 1920
Zeitzler, Kurt, 847848, 850, 910911
Ziegler, Adolf, 485486, 489
Zionism, 2930, 467
Z-Plan, 680
Zuckmayer, Carl, 77