AAC format, 243
acoustical shells, 14
actor traps, 36
aircraft cable, 63
aircraft landing lights (ACL), 107
amperage, 115
amplifiers, 260
mono, 261
stereo, 261
analog-to-digital conversion, 236
aniline dye, 49
Apple Lossless format, 243
arbor, 14
assistant stage manager (ASM), 6
asynchronous events, 267
audience blinders, 107
audio design
audio hardware interface, 251–252
audio playback software, 248–250
Austrian curtain, 41
balanced lines, 224
balcony rail, 84
barn doors, 148
dead hung, 13
flying and, 63
lighting positions and, 174–175
beam shapers, 162
beams, 174
belt pack, 231
bit depth, 238
blackout drops, 45
blackout switch, 130
blackouts, 95
blocking, 299
boom stands, 327
border light. See strip light
box booms, 175
box sets, 23
breakout boxes, 325
bump cue, 100
BWF file, 241
calling cues, 316
calling the show, 314
Camelot, 20
canvas, 46
casein paint, 49
straight-run, 59
swivel, 59
C-clamp, 145
chain pocket, 44
changing booths, 11
charge artist, 7
chase effects, 72
chroma, 330
circuit breakers, 115, 117–120
circuit plot, 15
coffin locks
platforms and, 34
color balance, 90
color correction, 161
color filters
follow spots and, 151
manufacturers of, 172
color scrollers, 97
color temperature, 103–105, 156
color wheel, 161
communication, 290
company manager, 6
component video, 330
composite signal, 330
compression, 260
design, 293
control consoles, 127
control systems
cool foggers, 76
corporate theater
house lights in, 326
platforms in, 328
costume design
silhouettes, 90
sketches, 187
costume designers, 4
costume fittings, 296
costume parade, 311
costume shop manager, 4
fabric augmentation of, 196–197
hair and, 197
renting, 194
counterweight flying system, 63
counterweight traps, 70
counterweights, 14
coves, 174
craftspeople, 4
crossfader, 131
crotch lights, 97
cue list, 248
cue sheets, 131
fade times, 133
moving light profiles, 135
preset, 134
rack-mount playback consoles, 138
sequence, 134
submasters, 134
tracking versus cue only, 137
wait times, 133
calling, 316
stage managers and, 5
cyclorama, 45
CYM color mixing, 161
daisy-chaining, 248
dead man’s switch, 270
decks, 34
design conferences, 293
designer fabrics, 48
prop, 4
sound, 5
deus ex machina, 62
diaphragm, 222
digital audio playback, 244–253
digital audio workstation (DAW) software, 245, 246–248
dimmer per circuit, 128
dimmerboard operator
light operation and, 5
role of, 1
portable, 326
resistance, 125
role of, 1
DMX universes, 143
digital multiplexing, 140
dousers, 151
fullness of, 43
dressers, 4
dressing rooms, 12
blackout, 45
duvateen, 47
effects loops, 257
compression, 260
limiting, 260
role of, 1
protecting yourself from, 117–120
elevations on set, 27
focal length of, 150
gobos in, 150
shutters in, 150
templates in, 150
zoom, 150
enable buttons, 270
entertainment protocols, 274–275
equalization, 206, 254, 255, 259–260
erosion cloth, 47
escape stairs, 36
E-stop switches, 271
event-based control systems, 268–270
fabric augmentation
false proscenium, 42
fast changes, 12
film loops, 171
fire curtain, 41
fire retardancy, 51
first hand, 4
fixture library, 164
flames, 171
flicker generator, 72
flooding, 146
flyman, 7
focal length, 150
cool, 76
liquid nitrogen and, 76
follow spots, 5
color filters and, 151
in musicals, 100
front-of-house spots, 108
front-projection screens, 46
fullness, 43
fuse boxes, 117
gel frame, 172
gel, 172
gobo rotators
in special effects, 171
in ellipsoidal, 150
gooseneck. See podium stand
green room, 12
ground row, 46
group outputs, 256
guillotine curtain, 41
costumes and, 197
Hair, 20
half-hour, 314
hard-wired electric, 14
hazers, 73
headset etiquette, 317
headset system, 17
hemp flying system, 62
high-intensity discharge (HID) lamp, 155–157
HMI lamps, 151
hookup chart, 128
hookup sheets, 129
house left, 337
house right, 337
image mag, 320
impedance, 224
“inches per foot” rake, 35
industrial felt, 48
intelligent lighting, 106
irising in/irising out, 100
jackknife platform, 61
Jesus Christ Superstar, 20
juliets, 175
knife curtain, 41
lamp, 144
Leko, 148
life safety, 274
light-emitting diode (LED) lamps, 166–168
lighting consoles
for rock and roll, 106
lighting cues, 5
lighting designer, 5
role of, 1
lighting inventory, 15
lighting systems
circuit plot, 15
control console of, 15
inventory of, 15
plugs for, 16
positions in, 15
lighting trees, 13
border, 146
master electrician and, 5
scene change, 73
strip, 146
strobe, 169
lightning box, 170
limit switches, 271
limiting, 260
line schedule, 66
liquid nitrogen, 76
load, 112
loading dock, 12
loading rail, 64
luminance, 330
company, 6
costume shop, 4
production, 289
master electrician
lighting and, 5
master fader, 130
mercury vapor, 168
choosing, 223
hand-held, 227
sweating out, 231
time code, 273
sound system, 16
monitor mixer, 5
monitor speakers, 5
monitor system, 16
mono amplifiers, 261
motivational side, 85
MP3, 242
multiplexing, 140
lighting for, 99
mute, 256
My Fair Lady, 20
off book rehearsals, 305
ohms, 262
on book rehearsals, 305
one-set show, 23
output channels, 254
output, 255
paint shop, 7
pan control, 255
in soft-lighting, 147
pattern, 150
patterning. See draping
PC-based playback system, 244
perceptual coding, 241
personal props, 280
false, 34
phantom power, 224
phono (quarter-inch) plug, 225, 235
pickup lines, 362
pipe-ends, 97
coffin locks and, 34
in corporate theater, 328
playing space, 11
for lighting systems, 16
podium stands, 327
power conditioners, 120
power drop, 325
pre-amplifier, 220
presets, 130
pre-show calls, 315
production manager
role of, 289
production meetings, 293
production stage manager (PSM), 6
production, 296
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), 273–274
projection screens, 46
prop carpenters, 4
prop designers
role of, 277
prop lists, 279
role of, 1
props crew, 4
props, 4
choosing, 277
pyrotechnics, 109
rails, 64
rain onstage, 77
raked stages, 34
rear projection screens, 46
rehearsal clothes, 186
on book, 305
off book, 305
Q2Q, 308
sound, 307
special, 307
renderings, 187
costumes, 194
resistance dimmers, 125
resistance, 262
resolution, 237
revolving stage, 61
rock and roll
follow spots in, 108
lighting consoles for, 106
Rombard, Sigmund, 12
sampler, 238
sampling, 237
saturated paints, 49
scene breakdown, 298
scene shop, 7
scene-change lights, 96
in-ones, 24
scenic artists, 7
scenic designers, 1
soft-edged, 147
SCR dimmers, 124
scrims, 44
script reading
costume designers and, 179–181
sequencers, 253
set designers
set props, 280
sewn-in fullness, 43
shinbusters, 97
short circuit, 117
show control
show deck, 61
show drop, 41
shutters, 88
in ellipsoidals, 150
side coves, 175
sightlines, 18
signal levels, 220
signal, 218
sheet, 291
silhouettes, 90
costume design and, 185
silk flames, 71
SMPTE time code, 268
snapouts, 96
snow bags, 79
sodium vapor lamp, 168
border lights, 146
par cans in, 147
scoops, 147
solo, 256
sound designer
role of, 5
sound engineer
role of, 5
sound pressure level (SPL), 202–204
sound rehearsals, 307
sound system
inventory of, 16
mixers in, 16
sound, 5
signal chain and, 217
speaker cone, 262
speaker level, 221
special effects, 69–80, 168–171
disappearances, 70
flames, 171
gobo rotators, 171
rain, 77
strobe lights, 169
special rehearsals, 307
specials, 93
spike protection, 120
spike tape, 303
spotting, 146
stage crew, 2
role of, 7
stage managers
cues and, 5
stage taping, 303
stereo amplifiers, 261
straight stands, 327
straight-run wagon, 59
strobe effects, 162
strobe lights, 169
subwoofers, 263
surge protection, 120
S-video, 330
swatches, 190
swivel castors, 59
synchronous events, 267
A System of Stage Lighting (McCandless), 84
tab curtain, 41
table stands, 327
tabs, 42
tape decks
reel-to-reel, 236
teasers, 42
technical director (TD), 6
in ellipsoidals, 150
adding, 50
bounce, 29
glare, 29
throw distance, 151
time codes, 268
time-based control systems, 268–270
tormentors, 42
track lights
transceiver, 231
traveler curtain, 41
trims, 153
tripping, 57
trombones, 151
truss spots, 108
trusses, 13
in corporate theater, 323
unbalanced line, 225
understudies, 314
valence, 41
velour, 47
Venetian drape, 41
video port, 330
visual cues, 300
voltage, 114
wagons, 59
warning, 301
wash light, 88
wattage, 114
webbing, 43
white balance, 104
white noise, 206
wireless DMX, 144
wireless headsets, 18
xenon-arc spot, 152
XLR plug, 225
yokes, 145
zoom ellipsoidal, 150