Occurrences of the name David Ricardo have not been listed. See the subject index for entries in relation to it.
Achterberg, E. 23, 47n20, 378n4
Ahiakpor, J. 128n22, 280, 340, 379n17
Arnon, A. 46n8, 46n12, 133, 341, 359–60
Attwood, M. 60
Attwood, T. 60
Austin, A. (David’s son-in-law) 127n13
Austin, P. (David’s daughter) 242
Bagehot, W. 34
Baring, A. 81n8; double standard 60–1, 235–7, 239; gold standard 45n3, 72; on Ingot Plan 350, 378n3; on Ricardo’s proposal of tax on property 74
Baring, F. 20, 31–2, 46n12, 81n8
Baumol, W.J. 279
Becker, B.S. 279
Benetti, C. 394n2
Bennet, H. 141
Bentham, J.: on banks 342, 380n21; manuscript “Sur les prix” 12, 75, 77, 81n4, 178, 211n1, 378n5; Ricardo’s critique of 79, 97, 166–8
Bonaparte, N. 64; see also Napoleon
Bonar, J. 11, 64, 82n12, 347, 349, 352, 358
Bosanquet, C.: compulsory import of corn 333n23; high price of gold on the Continent 37–40, 47n21; pamphlet against Bullion Report 50–1; Ricardo’s reply to 55, 75, 134, 168, 248; on standard 268
Boyer-Xambeu, M.-T.: international bimetallism in sixteenth century 12, 21, 89, 289; in eighteenth century 21, 44; in nineteenth century 12, 330, 334n24; price of gold in 1819 81n10; of silver in 1822 243n11; on uncovered interest parity in Thornton 35
Boyer des Roches, J. de 287, 331n5, 340
Braudel, F. 21
Brown, J. 79
Buchanan, D. 261
Cannan, E. 26, 46n7, 46n10, 51
Cantillon, R. 273, 291–2, 331n1, 394n2
Carr, J. 128n22
Cartelier, J. 128n20, 242n5, 394n2
Castaing, J. 290
Chipman, J.S. 287
Clutterbuck, H. (David’s daughter) 242
Clutterbuck, T. (David’s son-in-law) 242
Cobbett, W. 75, 151–5, 160–1, 163n10, 351
Davis, T. 4, 80n1, 277, 280, 287, 341, 358
Deleplace, G. 12; international bimetallism in sixteenth century 12, 21, 89, 289; in eighteenth century 21, 44; in nineteenth century 12, 330, 334n24; on money in Bentham 12, 81n4, 167, 378n5, 380n21; in Keynes 46n6; in Marshall 70, 117, 243n9, 352; in post-Keynesian theory 12, 379n18; in Ricardo 12, 45n2, 70, 80n1, 81n4, 117, 163n8, 167, 243n9, 287, 352, 378n5, 380n21; in Sraffa 385; in Steuart 25, 46n6, 89, 242n5, 266, 293; in Thornton 46n6, 47n14; in Tooke 46n6; price of gold in 1819 81n10; of silver in 1822 243n11; Ricardo’s letter on double standard 12, 80, 82n13, 236, 240
Depoortère, C. 12, 77, 80, 82n13, 126n12, 236, 240
Dome, T. 214n21
Dostaler, G. 80n1
Douglas, K. 213n11
Ellice, E. 147
Feaveryear, A. 46n8
Fetter, F.W. 51, 46n8, 60, 235
Finch, F. 80
Fisher, I. 273
Francis, P. 77
Gilbert, G. 70
Gillard, L.: Bank of Amsterdam 19, 378n4; international bimetallism in sixteenth century 12, 21, 89, 289; in eighteenth century 21, 44; in nineteenth century 12, 330, 334n24; price of gold in 1819 81n10; of silver in 1822 243n11
Glasner, D. 284n13
Gootzeit, M.J. 280
Greffulhe, J.L. 47n17
Grenfell, P.: on rate of interest 78; Ricardo’s letter on double standard 80, 215, 219, 232, 236–42, 367; and writing of Proposals 336, 344
Grubel, H.G. 287
Gurney, H. 73
Haberler, G. von 128n17
Haldimand, W. 340
Hansard, T. C. 61, 76, 82n17, 82n19
Harvey, D.W. 13n2
Hayek, F.A. von 27, 37, 47n15, 47n16, 128n17
Heaphy, T. 12
Henderson, J.P. 70
Hollander, S. 90–1, 275, 279–80, 283n7, 287, 341
Horner, F.: article in Edinburgh Review 256, 282n4; attacked by Cobbett 153; and Bullion Report 50–3; Ricardo’s letters to 77
Hume, D. 24–6, 33, 70, 287, 316
Joplin, T. 47n15
Keynes, J.M.: Bullionist Controversy 46n10; on foreign exchange 46n6; gold-exchange standard 70, 325, 352; “Holy Inquisition” 2; and Ingot Plan 82n15, 324–5, 347, 358; and Say’s Law 278
King, J.E. 133, 278, 341, 359, 371–2
Laidler, D. 4, 6, 27, 46n8, 91, 132, 341
Lange, O. 278
Lauderdale, Lord 86
Lethbridge, T. 72
Lindsay, A. M. 70, 325, 352, 358
Liverpool, Lord 18
Locke, J. 53
Longhitano, G. 242n5
McCulloch, J.R.: bills of exchange 47n19; cost of transferring bullion 293, 331n6, 331n8; lectures in honour of Ricardo 73; real par of exchange 295, 311–12; Ricardo’s letters to 78–80; on Ricardo in Parliament 64; and second edition of Principles 338
McCusker, J.J. 21
Malthus, T.R.: article in Edinburgh Review 51, 81n5, 332n16; cause of “present distress” 281; controversy with Ricardo on measure of value 103, 118; effect of rise in prices 139; intimacy with Ricardo 27; on Political Economy 12, 72; on rent 172–5, 212n4; Ricardo’s letters to 77–80; Ricardo’s Notes on 86, 118, 309; “all trade a barter” 333n18
Marcuzzo, M.C.: gold price in Hamburg 47n20; international adjustment 287–8, 321, 332n13, 333n20; natural quantity of money 163n6, 283n8; on permanent vs temporary causes 126n12; Ricardo and the gold standard 2, 12; standard of money 128n20; value of money 91, 125n2, 126n5, 162n2
Marshall, A. 70, 117, 243n9, 351, 358
Martin, C. 284n14
Mill, J.: Elements of Political Economy 261; intimacy with Ricardo 27; last letter from Ricardo 107, 126n13; lectures in honour of Ricardo 73; Mill-Ricardo papers 82n18, 153; and MS of Proposals 113; Ricardo’s letters to 77–80; and Say’s Law 278; and writing of Principles 111, 222
Mises, L. von 128n17
Moore, B.J. 379n18
Murray, J. 378n9
Napoleon 22, 82n11; see also Bonaparte
Otomo, T. 359
Paget, T. 75
Palmer, J.H. 376
Patinkin, D. 263, 272–6, 278–9
Peach, T. 149, 279–80, 340, 371
Peake, C.F. 287
Peel, R. see Peel’s bill
Pivetti, M. 379n17
Plessis, A. 22
Polak, R.W. 80
Ricardo, D. (David’s second son) 163n10
Ricardo, H. (David’s stepdaughter) 48
Ricardo, M. (David’s brother) 67, 69–70, 351, 378n9
Ricardo, O. (David’s elder son) 48, 163n10
Ricardo, P. (David’s wife) 242
Ricardo, S. (David’s brother) 69
Rieucau, N. 12, 80, 82n13, 236, 240
Rosier, M. 47n13
Rosselli, A.: gold price in Hamburg 47n20; international adjustment 287–8, 321, 331n5, 332n13, 333n20; natural quantity of money 163n6, 283n8; Ricardo and the gold standard 2, 12; on Ricardo and Thornton 332n17; standard of money 128n20; value of money 91, 125n2, 126n5, 162n2
Salvadori, N. 103, 108, 128n18
Say, J.B. 78, 172–4, 212n4, 224, 278, 335, 339; see also Say’s Law
Schumpeter, J. A. 2–3, 27, 127n17, 132, 162n4, 279–80
Shaw, W. A. 18
Sigot, N. 12, 81n4, 167, 378n5, 380n21
Sinha, A. 128n19
Smith, A.: advantage of paper money 341; F. Baring on 32; Bosanquet on 248; and classical tradition 183, 380n21; competitive banks 32, 359; difficulties of barter 385; gravitation of market price 271; P. King on 47n13; price-specie flow mechanism 26; Ricardo on 78, 259–61
Sraffa, P.: “basic products” 100, 284n11; on Bullion Essays 4, 46n8, 46n10, 48, 50; durability of capital 99, 123; effect of taxation 120; on historical context 64, 80n1, 82n12, 151, 214n18, 331n8, 348, 378n9; interpretation of Ricardo 3, 12, 112, 127n14; invariable standard 102–3, 105–8; own theory of prices 175, 183, 271, 284n10, 384–6, 394n2; on reports of speeches 82n18; Ricardo’s biography 70, 81n5, 81n7, 107, 111, 113, 126n13, 281, 336; and Works 2, 13n1, 26, 71, 82n13, 82n17, 102, 153, 331n9, 333n18, 333n19, 379n15, 379n16
Steuart, J.: debasement 18, 89, 228; exchange rate 46n6, 242n5; highest price of bullion 331n4; his Principles 46n5, 331n2; real par of exchange 291–2, 300, 331n3; Ricardo on 266; role of the State 25–6; no self-adjustment 25
Stigler, G.J. 104
Thornton, H.: adverse foreign balance as cause of high price of bullion 33, 194, 287, 311; alleged superiority upon Ricardo 3, 287, 360; ambivalence of Paper Credit 33, 36–7; Bank’s “contest with the melters” 259–60, 283n6; behaviour of the Bank of England 34–6, 360; and Bullion Report 36–7, 47n16, 50–4; and Bullionist Controversy 6, 8, 30–1, 33; capital inflows 34–5; causal relationship between money and prices 273; crisis of 1793–1797 47n15, 56, 371; his “error” 55, 110, 138; and Horner 282n4; and King 47n13; and Malthus 81n5; transmission mechanism 332n17; uncovered interest parity 35
Thuillier, G. 22
Tierney, G. 77, 344, 346, 361, 373
Tooke, T. 46n6, 147, 158, 162, 196–7, 214n18
Torrens, R. 394n2
Trower, H.: “detection of error” 213n12; effect of taxation 120; “A Friend to Bank Notes” 81n7; Ricardo’s illness 127n13; Ricardo’s letters to 78–80; Ricardo’s “Observations on Trotter” 75; “the Ricardo system” 350
Vansittart, N. 37, 39–42, 44–5, 52–3, 60, 75, 80n3, 328
Viner, J. 3–4, 27, 33, 46n8, 46n9, 125n4, 127n17, 287, 310
Weatherall, D. 13n2, 70, 79–80, 82n12, 152, 163n10
Wellington, Duke of 64
Western, C. 66, 75–6, 82n18, 351
Whitmore, J. 380n20
Winch, D. 394n1
Wishaw, J. 72
Wodehouse, E. 74