Subject index

“Absolute Value and Exchangeable Value” (1823) 76, 103, 116

aggregate demand 5, 99, 126n7; see also Say’s Law

agricultural distress 60, 74, 130, 147, 159, 192

Anti-Bullionists 2730, 32, 36, 45, 60, 216, 228

appreciation of money 10, 93, 3901; of Bank of England note after 1819 90, 150; caused by deficient issue of notes 101, 244, 249, 313; distinct from rise in value of money 14850, 199; limited by seignorage 220; measure of 88, 1434, 149, 160, 3901; see also depreciation of money

arbitrage: by Bank of England on silver 239; domestic arbitrage between market price and legal price of gold 5, 8, 97, 117, 150, 189, 199, 226, 232, 2712, 283n8, 313; domestic arbitrage constrains market price of bullion between limits 21819, 229, 3456; 357, 3679; international arbitrage on bullion 212, 36, 423, 189, 199, 28991, 295, 3047, 310, 313, 3278; 332n14; international arbitrage constrains exchange rate between limits 3001; 316, 321, 32930; regulates the quantity of coin 252, 257; regulates the note issue 8, 37, 117, 194, 25862, 271, 317, 364, 3867; see also Penelope effect; to be replaced by management of note issue 8, 11, 256, 3214, 346, 368, 384, 3867; see also bullion points; international adjustment

balance of payments see foreign balance

balance of trade: “adverse” 53, 81n6, 28990, 292, 31516; an effect, not a cause 302, 322, 332n16; and exchange rate 245, 28990, 302; and international adjustment 11, 34, 54, 214n21, 28790, 303, 31517, 322, 335, 383; see also price-specie flow mechanism

Bank of Amsterdam 19, 23, 341, 378n4

Bank of England 19; directors, their behaviour 20, 312, 656, 196, 214n16, 214n17, 248, 3212, 354, 3701, guidelines to be imposed on them 31, 51, 69, see also management principle, Ricardo’s critique of 28, 162n5, 170, 1958, 2601, 2667, 269, 33940, 346, 373, 378n7; forces its notes into circulation 32, 255, 31920, 363; “this great Leviathan” 339; opposes Ingot Plan 64, 67, 1478, 1602, 1923, 338, 34751, 356; profits of 19, 31, 67, 3368, 3445; regulates country notes 19, 31, 58; role in post-1819 deflation 1478, 15762, 1914; and small notes 1478, 157, 161, 191, 194, 197, 200, 378n8; varies the value of money at will 10, 656, 69, 217, 236, 239, 339, 383; see also resumption; suspension of cash payments; discretionary note issue

Bank of France 8, 213, 46n4

Bank of Hamburg 8, 213, 3845, 32830, 3412, 378n3

Banking School 65, 82n15, 244

banks: of deposit 1920, 31, 342; of discount 1920, 68, 362; of issue (in general) 246, 265, 26970, 3356, 360, 3645, 375, 384, 3902; see also Bank of England; central banking; country banks; free banking; public bank

barter 21, 303, 3089, 333n18, 333n19, 384

basic commodities or products 100, 108, 284n11; gold a non-basic product 213n13, 272

bills of exchange 212, 47n19, 56, 28890, 295, 30310, 332n11, 375; “short” 223; “long” 223, 41

bimetallic snake 330, 333n24

bimetallism: domestic see double standard; international 12, 21, 331, 334n24

bullion: exportation of 54, 219, 2601, 269, 282n5, 283n7, 290, 295, 3028, 31718, 321, 326, 332n17, 333n23, 357, 374; importation of 1879, 1967, 254, 270, 282n3, 300, 322, 326, 340; international arbitrage on see arbitrage; minting of 16871, 18991, see also minting; production of 10, 1807, 195, 1989, 246, 383, see also gold mines; specificity of 10, 1749, 184, 265, 2702, 283n8, 385; as standard of money see standard of money; see also gold

Bullion Committee 28, 46n10, 47n17, 48, 502, 153, 166, 224, 267, 371, 378n2; see also Bullion Report

Bullion Controversy 5, 18, 29, 401, 45, 4950, 55, 89, 244; as distinct from Bullionist Controversy 267, 46n10, 50; expression used by Ricardo 27; Thornton’s contribution to 534; Ricardo’s contribution to 378, 489, 556; see also Bullionist Controversy

Bullion Essays (1809–1811) 4, 48; continuity with later works 56, 90, 978, 102, 115, 130, 135, 138, 149, 167, 227, 232, 240, 259, 266, 277, 293, 302, 315, 376; contrast with later works 12, 57, 989, 113, 133, 135, 13841, 14950, 16471, 180, 267, 2736, 284n12, 3367, 3756; on inconvertibility 7, 49, 113, 16970, 2245, 266, 381; lack theoretical foundation 6, 99, 118, 135, 167, 180, 376; privileged in literature on money in Ricardo 1, 45, 2735, 280, 3823; on scarcity as foundation of value 989, 107, 1315 138, 170, 180, 2245; on the standard 10910, 115; see also High Price of Bullion; Reply to Bosanquet

bullion points 56, 2915, 3001, 307, 31314, 331n5; see also international adjustment; price-specie flow mechanism

Bullion Report: authorship of 367, 501; and the Bullion Controversy 1, 8, 26, 38, 46n7, 4951, 55, 60, 216, 248; discussed in the House of Commons 28, 37, 41, 47n16, 512, 343; Ricardo on 1, 51, 59, 75, 81n4, 162n3, 248, 253, 267, 302, 311, 33940, 361, 370; see also Bullion Committee

Bullionist Controversy 2630; as distinct from Bullion Controversy 267, 46n10, 50; Ricardo’s contribution to 69, 659, 756, 324; three rounds of 6, 89, 267; first round 313; second round see Bullion Controversy; third round 5964; Thornton’s contribution to 337; in the secondary literature 27, 46n8, 46n9; see also Bullionists; Anti-Bullionists

Bullionists 2730, 32, 36, 52, 60, 91, 281

capital: competition of 221, 2234, 271, 276; effect of durability of 99100, 1048, 116, 11820, 123, 125, 128n18; mobility of 199; that pays no rent 8, 133, 135, 149, 164, 1713, 1802, 185, 187, 195, 203, 212; see also rate of profit

cash payments see convertibility: of Bank of England notes into coin; resumption of

central banking 46n4, 69, 3556, 360, 389; in Ricardo 45, 8, 11, 256, 269, 318, 335, 374, 376, 380n21, 384, 388; in secondary literature 335, 35860, 374

cheapest exportable commodity 306, 333n23

circulating medium 87, 385; composition of 1719, 301, 49, 53, 58, 109, 2245, 233, 295, 324, 377, 388; quantity of 134, 253, 311, 361; value of 113, 200, 224, 227, 24950, 2545, 3467, 385; see also money

circulation: amount of 25, 32, 34, 47n16, 6970, 88, 115, 119, 131, 136, 157, 1956, 2302, 238, 243n13, 244, 246, 2489, 255, 257, 259, 265, 268, 2745, 277, 282n3, 315, 320, 323, 33940, 342, 346, 353, 356, 3589, 3645, 372; of coins 8, 18, 26, 30, 36, 54, 65, 69, 98, 110, 137, 157, 161, 165, 170, 180, 185, 212n9, 219, 2303, 2569, 267, 269, 282n4, 294, 318, 320, 375; of coins exclusively 219, 238, 241, 2524, 256, 320, 326, 331n10; of foreign coins 89, 28990; “forcing” the 255, 319, 343, 363; gold excluded from domestic circulation 325, 349, 357, 375, 384; the needs of 8, 136, 147, 178, 190, 202, 247, 309, 342, 361, 363, 369, see also “wants of commerce”; of notes 4, 19, 312, 38, 58, 61, 63, 656, 69, 138, 191, 200, 216, 220, 226, 233, 23841, 244, 25961, 303; of notes exclusively: 70, 117, 192, 245, 282n5, 305, 31819, 344, 348, 362, 378n8; velocity of 150, 250, 263

coin see metallic money

commodities: competitively-produced 867, 133, 1367, 1701, 180, 256, 2712, see also price: natural, gravitation of market price; produced by a monopoly 867, 137, 179, 2023, 2089, 213n11; see also basic commodities; exports and imports

commodity-theory of money 1, 4, 131, 1356, 150, 382, 385

competition 857, 185, 203, 2234, 271, 2756, 289, 295, 309, 316; see also gravitation of market price; rate of profit

confidence: in the Bank of England note 32, 58, 3713, 380n21; between traders 24950, 3612, 371, 379n14; lack of in country banks 21, 33; see also panic

convertibility: between money and the standard 7, 10, 88, 97, 117, 144, 150, 330, 383, 387, 389; of Bank of England notes into coin 35, 64, 1478, 196, 21819, 2267, 269, 340, 367, 3767 3878, 392; both ways between coin and bullion 21721, 2267, 230, 256, 269, 305, see also melting of coin, minting; both ways between note and bullion (Ingot Plan) 69, 49, 51, 60, 667, 170, 232, 235, 269, 283n6, 319, 3378, 3402, 3458, 3689, 3757, 3878; 392; one way between note and bullion (Peel’s bill) 49, 634, 146, 160, 192, 214n16, 350, 3767; of National Bank notes into coin 68, 338, 354, 356, 3767; check on overissue 30, 32, 37, 58, 244, 25961, 31718, 364; and drain of Bank’s metallic reserve 32, 258, 261, 283n7, 31718, 36974; for foreign payments 11, 6870, 3245, 347, 384; and management principle 26970, 346, 3734, 383, 3878, 392; before 1797 6, 41, 45, 65, 217, 324, 345, 367, 3767; suspension of 19, 22, 24, 269, 31, 57, 65, 168, 2667, 381; resumption of see Peel’s bill; resumption of cash payments

corn: differs from gold 10, 1779, 183, 214n19; effect of a new land producing 1747, 212n8; imports of 92, 302, 311, 322, 333n23; price of 156, 15962, 220, 2225, 275, 296, 242n3; and other prices 92, 127n14; produced in one year 107; as a standard (denied) 153, 2978; and wages 126n8, 173, 2223; see also corn-ratio theory of profits

corn-ratio theory of profits 1056

cost of production: of gold bullion 116, 135, 14951, 165, 1814, 1867, 189, 1935, 2015, 20810, 213n15, 272, 3823; in the mine that pays no rent 171, 1812 195, 203; regulates natural price 8, 86, 100, 127n15, 133, 135, 149, 164, 171, 1734, 17980, 193, 212n6, 272, 307; regulates the supply: 224; and the value of money: 1313

country banks: in existing monetary system 19, 33, 57, 65, 87, 217, 377; in Ingot Plan 65, 343, 377; in Plan for a national bank 68, 352; in Bank Charter Act (1844) 377; notes regulated by Bank of England 19, 31, 58; run on 21, 33

credit market 87, 232, 3556, 3602, 372; see also confidence; lender of last resort

crises 201, 31, 2801, 284n13, 3556, 358, 3601, 389; of 1793–1797 201, 26, 31, 33, 36, 567, 3612, 3701, 379n14; postwar 2801, see also agricultural distress, deflation; of 1825 47n15, 65; of 1847, 1857, and 1866 70, 82n15

currency see money

Currency School 65, 69, 82n15, 244

debasement of coin 18, 228; avoided with paper money 342, 373; causes high price of bullion 10, 18, 25, 44, 8990, 138, 21618, 22732, 324, 373, 386; identical with notes in excess 201, 2302, 242n5, 261, 383

deflation (general fall in prices): alternative to devaluation 613, 81n11; caused by contraction of note issue 1478, 193, 1957, 340, 3645; by rise in the value of bullion 1478, 15762, 1913; by lagged coining 2534; identical with rise in the value of money 92; Ingot Plan blamed for 657, 1478, 351; postwar 27, 46n9, 61, 235, 351

depreciation of money 114, 1413, 145, 3901; caused by debasement of coins 10, 18, 25, 44, 89, 1389, 21618, 22732, 373; caused by double standard 138, 216, 2335; caused by excess issue of notes 56, 302, 504, 1389, 21617, 244, 259, 3823; caused by prohibition of melting 138, 216, 21920; not caused by increase in production of gold 16471, 198; distinct from fall in value of money 6, 9, 88, 912, 98102, 125n2, 13541, 1456, 162n2, 163n9, 168, 1978, 298; effect on exchange rate 9, 39, 567, 295, 30110, 313, 3268; on incomes 62, 130; on prices 98, 101, 163n7, 1668, 215, 2215, 3034, 3067; no limit under inconvertibility 37, 131, 258, 2678, 275, 31920; measured by high price of bullion 10, 2930, 323, 378, 548, 81n11, 88, 912, 94, 1413 150, 1978, 262, 2678, 369; prevented by Ingot Plan 3413, 3723; see also Bullion Controversy; money; Money-Standard Equation

devaluation 232, 240; alternative to deflation 613, 81n11

difficulty of production: cause of price 165, 170, 177, 212n6, 2223, 296; of gold 8, 122, 177, 253, 270, 385; see also cost of production

discount lending by Bank of England: “makes the capital of the country available” 3412; but could and should be separated from note-issuing 68, 365

discount rate: and monetary policy 82n15, 358; Thornton on 357, 3601; Ricardo on 255, 3613; upper limit in England 35, 362, in France 22; see also rate of interest; Usury Laws

discretionary note issue: adjustment to 7, 10, 20, 244, 247, 251, 25562, 265, 270, 321, 335, 3823; analogy with a new gold mine 10, 1336, 162n4, 16471, 227, 2745, 383; by Bank of England 10, 65, 69, 217, 235, 239, 243n12, 282n3, 33740, 3456 367, 3767; as monetary policy 534, 278, 347, 35867, 384

double standard: in France 223, 29; legal in England until 1816 1718, 162n1, 234, 242n7, 243n8; reintroduction discussed at time of resumption 601, 81n9, 235; Ricardo’s opposition to 10, in High Price 10910, 2324 in Principles 232, at the time of resumption 81n9, 23241; in practice an alternating single standard 2334; relation with behaviour of Bank of England 23740

drain of Bank’s metallic reserve: caused by a panic 3703; internal or external 11, 201, 30, 324, 343, 367, 369, 3734; triggered by arbitrage 37, 346, 384; effect on discounts 20, 30, 32; see also Penelope effect

“euthanasia of metal currency” 11, 335, 347, 349, 388

excess of money 2469; cause of depreciation 56, 3032, 504, 1389, 21617, 2446, 259, 3823, of unfavourable exchange rate 28, 323, in Thornton 36, 54, in Ricardo 9, 11, 50, 54, 569, 2301, 287, 302, 31015, 3224, 333n22, 371, 373, 383; endogenously corrected 25565, 383; impossible for coins 1659, 198, unless debased 217, 227, 2302, 383; prevented by management of note issue see Ingot Plan, management principle; test of 323, 262, 31415, 321, 3867; see also Bullionist Controversy; quantity of money: conformable

exchange rate: assessing favourable or unfavourable 2930, 556; and bullion points 24, 56, 157, 2901, 296, 3056, 316, 373; correcting it, in Thornton 346, 54, in Ricardo 357, 374; links domestic and world price of bullion 18890, 272, 383, 393; and note-issuing rule 30, 51, 53, 656, 1967, 340, 349, 360, 373, 384; nominal vs real 282n5, 2956, 3017, 31214, 323; real causes of unfavourable 28, 30, 32, 52, 302, in Thornton 345, 287, in Ricardo 31015, 3224, 357, 360, 374, 383; redundant money cause of unfavourable 28, 323, in Thornton 36, 54, in Ricardo 9, 11, 50, 54, 569, 2301, 287, 302, 31015, 3224; 333n22, 371, 373, 383; restricted note issue cause of favourable 161, 195, 2534, 282n3, 313, 340; “short” vs “long” 223, 41; test of depreciation 323, 50, 901, 242n5, 314; varies with supply and demand of bills 18990, 194, 28990, 3047, within limits 22, 567, 291, 2935, 301, 316, 318, 3268, 331n6, 383, 394, unless inconvertibility or obstacles to bullion transfer 297, 31920, 331n10; range of variation affected by difference in standards 32831, 333n24, narrowed by Ingot Plan 31921; with Hamburg 22, 3845, 56, 304, 371, Paris 22, 2923, 3934, Rio de Janeiro 2956, 331n8; see also international adjustment; par of exchange

Exchequer bills 21, 82n14, 353, 361, 379n13, 379n14

exports and imports: of American gold against European cloth 2029; of English cloth against Portuguese wine 287, 3078; of gold purchased in London market against Hamburg commodities 3017; imports of corn 92, 302, 311, 322, 333n23; see also balance of trade; price of a commodity: if imported

foreign balance: assessment of 29, 45; causes an export of bullion if unfavourable 20, 29, 194, 290; and exchange rate 30, 52, 291, 302, 311, 313; exogenous causes of 36, 90, 310, 360; and international adjustment 25, 310; for Ricardo an effect not a cause 9, 557, 59, 287, 302

free banking 359, 388

general price level 85, 8992, 968, 1002, 126n4, 127n17, 151, 214n21, 263; market price of bullion not a proxy of 96, 116, 296, 317, 332n15

gold: Bank of England’s reserve of 26, 34, 61, 63, 67, 6970, 82n14, 82n16, 155, 160, 165, 1912, 194200, 214n17, 261, 270, 318, 357, 367, 374, 3767 see also drain of Bank’s metallic reserve; cheapest exportable commodity 306, 333n23; difficulty of production of 8, 122, 177, 253, 270, 385; exportation of 54, 219, 2601, 269, 282n5, 283n7, 290, 295, 3028, 31718, 321, 326, 332n17, 333n23, 357, 374; importation of 1879, 1967, 254, 270, 282n3, 300, 322, 326, 340; high market price of 9, 2830, 50, 52, 548, 94, 110, 135, 138, 162n5, 194, 228, 230, 232, 2612, 371, 380n20, 383; London banks’ reserve of 1920; natural price of 10, 127n16, 165, 18190, 195, 199, 2013, 20811, 213n15, 271, 3923; spread between market price and legal price of 11, 556, 65, 89, 130, 141, 150, 224, 2612, 340, 352, 365, 376, 384, 388, 392, see also arbitrage, management principle; as standard see standard of money; unnecessary purchases by Bank of England 67, 14851, 1601, 1918, 349; value and price of, distinguished 55, 110, 130, 135, 138, 141, 149, 162n5; value of, in commodities 63, 93, 253, 257, 270, in silver 39, 423, 45n3, 46, 47n21, 57, 216, 2335, 2389, 241; see alsobullion

gold-exchange standard 5, 11, 70, 3215, 347, 352, 357, 375, 384

gold mines: analogy with Bank of England 10, 1336, 162n4, 16471, 227, 2745, 383; effects of discovery of new 10, 127n16, 135, 16472, 17983, 1856, 188, 1904, 198200, 213n16, 246, 257, 272, 382; productivity of 1835, 209, 213n15; rent on see rent

gold points see bullion points

gravitation of market price 256, 271, 276, 387

High Price of Bullion (1810–1811): and Bullion Controversy 1, 6, 48, 55; Appendix outlines Ingot Plan 51, 59, 170, 232, 247, 3367, 3414; reviewed by Malthus 81n5, 332n16; its title sums up Ricardo’s argument 33, 37, 50, 58, 912, 138, 262; see also Bullion Essays

inconvertibility 568, 110, 134, 1645, 168, 256, 258, 31718, 383; and Money-Standard Equation 26870; no standard of money under: 4, 110, 137, 170, 2668, 319, 376, 381; see also convertibility: suspension of

inflation (general rise in prices): context of 27, 46n9, 60, 2801; identical with fall in the value of money 93, 102; caused by excess note issue 91, 102; by fall in the value of bullion 102; by taxation, in the Bullion Essays 98, but not in Principles 101; no inflation targeting: 116

Ingot Plan 8, 59, 65, 377, 3924; adopted partially in 1819 see Peel’s bill; abandoned in 1821 49, 64, 66, 68, 1478, 193, 350; opposed by Bank of England 49, 64, 1478, 1601, 1923, 338, 34751, 356; blamed for post-1819 deflation 657, 1478, 1525, 1923, 351; in High Price 51, 59, 170, 232, 247, 337, 3414; in Proposals 656, 114, 1556, 337, 34451, 3767; in Principles 656, 338, 345; Ricardo’s phrase 345, 351; greatest pride 351; economy in the use of gold 66, 113, 155, 15961, 209, 247, 342, 344, 347, 3578, 3745; forerunner of gold-exchange standard 5, 11, 3245, 347, 3567, 375, 384; manages the quantity of notes 59, 65, 3647; notes convertible into bullion see convertibility: both ways between notes and bullion; prevents drain of metallic reserve 26970, 36974; stabilises price of bullion 131, 221, 244, 318, 3567, 3679, also exchange rate 31921; as a permanent system 67, 9, 79, 1601, 337, 34850; as a temporary device 64, 147, 338, 341, 34850; praised by Keynes 70, 82n15, 3245, 347, 352, 358; resurrected by Marshall and Lindsay 70, 117, 243n9, 325, 3512; 358; revolutionary character 656, 3478, 358, 375, 384, 388; in secondary literature 82n12, 280, 3401, 347, 351, 358, 375

ingot principle: in the Ingot Plan see Ingot Plan; in the Plan for a national bank 3567, 366; see also convertibility: both ways between notes and bullion

integration of money in the theory of value 2, 889, 150, 2645, 270, 2726, 382, 3846

interest rate see rate of interest

international adjustment: by import of bullion when discovery of new gold mine 18791, when increased demand of gold by issuing bank 1918, when increased “wants of commerce” 2534; by export of bullion when overissue 2589, 3018, 31617, 332n17, followed by import of commodities 3023, 3068, 317, replaced under convertibility by domestic contraction of note issue 11, 31718, 3214, 373, 3834; market for bullion centre stage in 296, 301, 31718; not a barter 30810; not a price-specie flow mechanism 288, 310, 31517, 3834; see also bullion points; Ingot Plan; management principle; Penelope effect

invariable measure of value 87, 103, 109, 118, 128n19, 142, 146, 242n6

labour, quantity of: as cause of value 86, 99, 104, 107, 116, 133, 136, 171, 207, 222, 242n1

legal tender: Bank of England notes deprived of 20, 31, 46n11, 65, 87, 243n13, 372, 3767; bullion deprived of 65, 324, 347; of currency 58, 87, 89, 188, 221, 229, 231, 234, 28990, 3767; of gold coins 42, 57, 234, 3767; of silver coins 18, 45n3, 57, 216, 2345, 243n12

lender of last resort: the Bank of England as 20, 31; in Thornton 34, 367, 360; in Ricardo 35862, 372

management principle: condition of “perfect currency” 11, 366, 374, 376, 384, 388; in Ingot Plan 656, 269, 3467, 367, 377, 392; in Plan for a national bank 67, 69, 356, 377; a note-issuing rule 3467, 3645; replaces bullion flows in adjustment 26970, 368, 3734, 384

mass of prices see general price level

melting of coin: cost of 21819, 230, 293, 320, 324, avoided in Ingot Plan 341, 3456, 368, 392, 394; law against exporting and 181, 217, a cause of depreciation 216, 21920, 230, 257, 320, 377, but easily evaded 20, 217, repealed in 1819 350; melting pot corrects excess note issue 21819, 2389, 244, 25660, 264, 2679, 305, 3867; stabilises money and exchange 169, 2302, 243n13, 300, 313, 318, 367, 3923

mercantilist 24, 290

metallic money: euthanasia of 11, 335, 347, 349, 388; as only circulating medium 219, 238, 241, 2524, 256, 320, 326, 331n10; see also debasement of coin; melting of coin; minting; recoinage

mint price: of gold and silver 1719; role in regulation of money by standard see gold: spread between market price and legal price of

minting: cost of see seignorage; and adjustment after discovery of new gold mine 18991, after increase in the “wants of commerce” 2514; stabilises money and exchange 21721, 230, 313, 318, 320, 367, 3923

monetary policy 11; discretion or note-issuing rule 347, 360, 3635, but quantity of money endogenous 3656; Ricardo different from Thornton on 3601; in secondary literature 5, 35860; see also central banking; discount rate; discretionary note-issue; management principle; open-market operations

money 87, 102; not a commodity see commodity-theory of money; conformity to standard 9, 937, 109, 11314, 11718, 126n6, 1889, 196, 215, 245, 252, 2624, 26870, 3234, 375, 3823, 3902; demand for 63, 178, 2534, 2634, 2757, 284n13; effects of change in the value of, on competition of capitals 2214; on incomes 623, 130, on prices 97, 101, 11112, 115, 11925, 1478; 1589; 2223, on taxation 130, 192; “equilibrium of” 298, 309, 317, 332n12; metallic see metallic money; neutrality or non-neutrality 56, 89, 101, 112, 11925, 2634, 270, 278, 280, 359; “perfect currency” 9, 11, 66, 72, 93, 96, 113, 11718, 221, 256, 268, 324, 345, 366, 373, 375, 384, 386, 388; and rate of interest see rate of interest; redundancy of see excess of money; relative value of 93, 111, 140, 294, 309, 332n12, of currencies 331n6; standard of see standard of money; value of 8898, 1012, 11516, 126n6, 151, causes of change in the value of 910, 1301, 1357, 2467, 270, 3812, see also Money-Standard Equation; velocity of circulation of 150, 24950, 263, 281; see also appreciation; circulating medium; depreciation; devaluation; quantity of money

Money-Standard Equation 9, 1436, 163n8, 375, 3812, 387, 3912; as distinct from the Quantity Theory of Money 2625, 374, 3823; does not apply to inconvertibility 26870; embodies Ricardo’s mature theory of money 1456, 298, 31415, 351, 383, 385; factual illustration of 1469; and international adjustment 317; and monetary shocks 201, 215, 230, 2457, 2518; and real shocks 190, 198201, 369; textual evidence of 15562

monopoly of coining 1367, 179, 217

monopoly of note issue: of the Bank of England in the London area 19, 137, 377; of the Bank of France in Paris 22; according to Thornton 35, to Ricardo 9, 49, 678, 137, 352, 377; see also Bank of England; country banks; public bank

Napoleonic wars: effects of 17, 212, 294, 299, 314; effects of their ending 18, 46n9, 49, 111, 366

note-issuing rule see management principle

numéraire 126n5

open-market operations 5, 9, 356, 359, 363, 365, 389

overissue of notes see excess of money

panic: in 1793–1797 201, 33, 370; and irrationality 3712; no system can guard from 370, 3734; see also confidence

paper money: public nature of 11, 67, 3359; see also public bank

par of exchange: legal 29, 2889, 291, 2945, 299301, 313; real 291, in Steuart 22, 2913, in Ricardo 11, 288, 2935, 299301, 31112, 331n7, 332n15, 333n21, 383, not a proxy of purchasing power parity 2968, 317; with different standards 328

Peel’s bill: adopted by Parliament 49, 60, 66, 1478, 191, 194, 325, 350; ascribed to Ricardo by opponents 1478, 1525; based on Ingot Plan 634, 74, 160, 192, 3767; but only partially 64, 147, 1567, 214n16, 350, 3645, 3767; responsible for only part of deflation 1489, 15562, 1978

Penelope effect 25969, 283n7, 318, 321, 364, 373, 383, 392

permanent versus temporary: causes 8, 78, 86, 104, 126n12, 1701, 1756, 1934, 198, 200, 2223, 259, 270, 2801; 283n8, 382; effects 6, 9, 98, 10910, 132, 1356; 1645; 185, 187, 189, 192, 198, 2012; 205, 214n21, 2323; 242n6, 244, 251, 259, 261, 277, 317, 364, 368, 383; Ingot plan to be 67, 9, 64, 79, 147, 1601; 3378; 341, 344, 34850

Plan for the Establishment of a National Bank (1824) 67, 679, 338, 3767, 378n9, 384; in modern literature 3589; see also public bank

policy rule see management principle

political economy: attacked 723; Ricardo’s divergence with Malthus on 12, 72, 789, 281; the science of 58, 73, 108, 212n6, 218

precious metals see bullion; gold; silver; standard of money

price of a commodity: causes of change in 11112, 222, 296; distinguished from value 856; if imported 179, 203, 209, 213n12, 309; market 86, 1701, 1747, 2256, 271, 302, 306, 387; if monopoly 86, 137, 179, 2012; 208, 213n12; natural 86, 1701; 1749; 213n12, 271, 283n8, 386; supply and demand, effect on 86, 111, 127n15, 132, 176, 179, 217, 367; see also value

price-specie flow mechanism 11, 214n21, 335; in Hume 24, 26, 70, 287; not in Ricardo 288, 310, 31517, 3834

“principle of limitation of quantity” 10, 137, 217, 230, 2615; 383

On the Principles of Political Economy, and Taxation (1817–1821): as distinct from the Bullion Essays 12, 6, 99, 133, 135, 13941, 16671, 180, 2734; 280, 3756; on international trade 179, 2968; 3078; 3267; 332n12; on money 12, 67, 657, 118, 1367; 21617, 2312; 261, 3378; 347, 3545; on profit 99100, 1046; 2223; on rent 1716; on Say’s Law 5, 99; on standard 115, 118; on taxation 1001; 119, 181, 2018; on value and distribution 1, 4, 7, 856, 99100, 1026; 111, 116, 119, 135, 14950, 164, 256, 375, 381; the writing of 111, 180, 222, 296

profits see rate of profit

Proposals for an Economical and Secure Currency (1816): concerns money with a standard 4, 7, 934, 170, 227, 262, 366, 381; as distinct from the Bullion Essays 12, 6, 130, 2756; 278, 337, 375; quoted by Ricardo in Principles 656, 338, 345; in a speech 13940; in a drafted letter 155; relation with Principles 111, 150, 2212; 256, 3378; 375, 381; a turning point in Ricardo on money 2, 344, 366, 375, 381; see also Ingot Plan

public bank: in 1815 letter 67, 336; in Proposals 67, 337; in Principles 67, 3378; in Plan for a National Bank 56, 9, 67, 338, 377; substitutes for Bank of England 7, 49, 678, 3378; independence of commissioners 678, 3367; 3546; see also open-market operations

public debt 19, 67, 82n14, 209, 389; holders of (“public creditor”) 62, 130; redemption by tax on property 734, 153

purchasing power parity 2968; 317, 332n13

quantity of money: affects value of money only in disequilibrium 8, 2635; 3826; 3901; causality with value of money 1, 1315; 150, 382; conformable 24552, 2645; 270, 281, 31920, 364, 368, 382, 3867; 3902; see also money: conformity to standard; no consideration for absolute 323, 36, 365, 369; deficient 1956; 215, 227, 255, 262, 314, 332n16, 387, cause of appreciation 101, 246, 3645; of favourable exchange rate 161, 195, 2534; 282n3, 313, 340, endogenously corrected 8, 264, 270, 282n3, 321, 340, 3456; 353, 364; no natural quantity 178, 283n8; the Quantity Theory of Money 5, 24, 98, 2635; 2723; 278, 31517, 382, 386, usually ascribed to Ricardo 56, 1315; 215, 27282, 288, 335, 359, 374, 383, 386; no quantity theory of money in Ricardo 4, 7, 1011, 98, 150, 245, 2625, 270, 278, 2812; 283n8, 288, 31517, 3823; regulated by the standard 4, 78, 114, 201, 244, 2625; 26970, 31718, 374, 380n21, 3812; see also excess of money; money: demand for

rate of interest: not affected by Bank of England rate 68, 363, nor by quantity of money except temporarily 6, 1356; 274, 277, 364; approximated by rate of London discount banks 362; in cost of international transfer 293; in minting cost 19, 218, 367, 379n19; market rate should govern Bank of England rate 3614; 379n15; monetary policy and 360, 366, 389; natural level 37, 274, 276, 278, 363; regulated by rate of profit 68, 2767; 363, 385; not a transmission channel to prices 227, 265, 2768; upper limit evaded 1920; in Thornton 346; in secondary literature 2767; 379n17

rate of profit: not affected by change in value of money 2225; 296; central issue in Ricardo 12, 111, 366; and mobility of capital 79, 1225; 172, 1746; 1814; 189, 199, 201, 213n15; natural level 86, 119, 1714; 1823; 187, 189, 2712; 284n11; regulates rate of interest 68, 2767; 363, but reverse causality in Sraffa 385; and taxation 99101, 11925, 126n9, 20111; variations affect exchangeable values 1047; 111, 118, 222, 242n1; varies inversely with real wages 97, 100, 1047; 116, 118, 126n8, 1745; 183, 189, 2223; 242n2, 296

real balances 2635; 2756

real bills 244, 248, 33940, 378n2; doctrine 30, 32, 36, 247

recoinage 1718, 25, 57, 216, 2312

rent: absolute 202, 211; differential 171, 174, 185; of mines 1714; 1823; 195, 2027; portion of capital paying no 8, 133, 135, 149, 164, 1716; 1802; 185, 187, 195, 203, 212n4; theory of 10, 68, 126n9, 165, 1715; 212n4

Reply to Bosanquet (1811) 6; analogy between gold mine and Bank of England 134, 166, 168; on fall in exchange rate 556, 303, 305; on interest alone governing trade movements 333n23; on paper standard 268; on price of bullion abroad 3841; on real bills 2478; on real exchange 333n21; see also Bullion Essays

resumption of cash payments: in Bullion Report 36, 502, 59; in 1821 6, 810, 26, 28, 49, 634, 67, 1478; 1567; 1601; 191, 235, 338, 341, 350, 365

“Ricardoes” 64

Ricardo-Sraffa tradition 284n10, 3856; 394n2

run see panic

Say’s Law: in Ricardo 5, 99, 27882, 359, 383; and the Quantity Theory of Money 5, 265, 278, 282

scarcity: as foundation of value in Bullion Essays 989, 131, 1335; 138, 170, 180, 225; of coin 44, 320

seignorage: and bullion flows 25, 29; minting cost 1819, 22, 137, 188, 217; and double standard 23641; and margin of variation in price of bullion 21721, 243n12; and paper money 67, 137, 231, 243n13, 3369; 378n1; useful if moderate 2201; 239, 357

shocks on the value of money 198201, 2467; 381, 3834; monetary 11, 201, 21517, 2267; 247, 2878; such as debasement 2278; 2302; or discretionary change in note issue 255, 272, 296, 303, 31718, 321, or modification in “wants of commerce” 2479; 251; real 194, 198201, such as discovery of new gold mine 165, 18791, or increased demand of gold by Bank of England 1914; or others 25, 33, 36, 323; see also international adjustment; Money-Standard Equation

silver: changing views on silver better standard than gold 60, 116; standard in Europe 8; standard in Hamburg 21, 23, 29, 40, 435, 56, 299; as token currency 18, 59, 70, 235, 348; see also double standard; legal tender

sinking fund 3546

speculation 345, 277

standard of money 878, 102; centre stage in Ricardo’s theory of money 2, 4, 262, 284n12, 381; sole commodity with market price and legal price 189, 2702; 283n8, 284n10, 306, 383, 385; often confused with money 385; dilemma between stable value and stable price of 9, 11618, 128n19, 149, 201, 388; distinct from numéraire 126n5; in England 1718, 29, 46n3, 569, 61, 81n7, 87, 146, 162n1, 216, 234, 242n7, 243n8, 299; in Europe 8; in France 223, 29; in Hamburg 21, 23, 29, 40, 435, 56, 299; gold as 7, 18, 88, 105, 118, 3767; rather than silver 60, 116; invariable value assumed in theory of price 11112, 116, 118, 127n14, 128n19, but not in practice 110, 11316, 13940, 1556; 164, 191, 201, 217, 271, 345, 375; is not the “mass of commodities” 97, 115, nor a composite commodity 1078; 11617, nor the banknote 268; its market price affects other prices 190, 2247; and is often understood as proxy of general price level 901, but not by Ricardo 96, 116, 296, 317, 332n15; money without standard 4, 110, 137, 170, 2668; 319, 376, 381, see also inconvertibility; precious metals chosen because less variable in value 110, 113, 116, 127n16; public debt as 5, 3889; regulates quantity of money 4, 78, 114, 201, 244, 2625; 26970, 31718, 374, 380n21, 3812; should be non-basic 213n13, 272, and produced abroad 179, 272, 284n12, 383; social character of 117, 128n18, 3745; spread between market price and legal price of see gold, management principle; and standard of value 88, 95, 102, 1089; 11618, 126n11, 128n18, 128n20, 221, 325, 378n3; see also convertibility; double standard; gold; gold-exchange standard; money: conformity to standard; Money-Standard Equation

standard of value: definition 87, 102; invariability of 4, 87, 1025, 127n14, 128n19, 150; impossibility of 103, 115, 217; medium between extremes 11618; and standard of money 88, 95, 102, 1089, 11618, 126n11, 128n18, 128n20, 221, 325, 378n3; and wage-profit relationship 1068

supply and demand: and price of bullion 111, 127n15, 217, 367; and prices of commodities 78, 867, 176, 179, 212n6; and value of money 132, 265

suspension of cash payments see convertibility: suspension of

taxation: burden of 130, 162, 192; effect on aggregate demand 126n7; on comparative advantage 332n12; on general price level 98101, 118, 224, 2534; on relative prices 99102, 11925, 20911; of gold 1778, 1812, 20111; and non-neutrality 101, 11925; of profits 99101, 11925, 126n9; of property to pay off National debt 734, 153; of wages 100, 126n8

Thornton’s “error” 55, 110, 135, 138, 141, 162n5

token currency: silver coin as 18, 59, 70, 235, 348

trade balance see balance of trade

Usury Laws: and maximum rate of interest 1920, 35, 362

value of a commodity: absolute 85, 87, 1029, 112, 140, 198; distinguished from price 856; exchangeable 858, 99, 103, 106, 1089, 11112, 116, 128n19, 163n5, 171, 222, 224, 250, 3378, 366, 385; measure of 42, 63, 87, 10310, 114, 118, 127n16, 128n19, 142, 146, 216, 228, 233, 242n6, 342; natural 867, 190, 202, 2045, 213n12; nominal 87, 233; real 68, 86, 103, 112, 282n5, 295, 305, 363; relative 85, 88, 99100, 103, 108, 180, 222, 225, 242n1, 296, 309; Ricardo’s early conception of see scarcity; in Ricardo’s Principles 1, 4, 7, 85, 99100, 1026, 111, 11619, 135, 1747, 180, 222, 256, 375, 381; see also capital: effect of durability of; price

wages: effect on prices 93, 97, 99100, 104, 112, 213n12; on rate of profit 97, 1047, 116, 118, 126n8, 1745, 183, 189, 2223, 242n2, 296

“wants of commerce”: depend on value of currency 248, also on state of credit 24950; effect of increase in all countries 282n1; and Ingot Plan 247, 3214, 3423, 369, 375; paper money better adjusted than coin to 247, 2545; and quantity of money 8, 10, 24754, 256, 262, 265, 283n8, 382, 390; see also money: demand for; quantity of money: conformable

wealth 81n6, 130, 193, 2078, 290, 316, 347

The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo (1951–1973) 2, 13n1, 26, 71, 7580, 384