WÉN, pattern; language, literature, culture; civil (as opposed to military); a family name. PATTERN radical (84) [A]
Some argue that this was a picture: a man with patterns worked onto his shirt/collar. But according to the oracle bone script, it is more likely that the original meaning is “pattern on the skin of the chest,” i.e., tattoo. Distinguish from “hand over” 交 (520, p. 105).
中文 zhōngwén the Chinese language [A] L4
文言 wényán classical Chinese (compare with 白话 “spoken language” in 427, p. 86) [D]
ZHÈI, ZHÈ, this [A] L1
Zhèi normally appears in the construction “zhèi + ‘measure’” or “zhèi + ‘measure’ + noun” (compare with 214, p. 43).
这个 zhèige this, this one [A]
这么 zhème so, thus, in this case, to this extent or degree [A]
这里 zhèlǐ here [A]
这儿 zhèr here [A] L1
NÀ, NÈI, NÈ, that (opposite to “this”) [A] L1
那 normally appears in the construction “那 + ‘measure’” or “那 + ‘measure’ + noun” (compare with 214 and 216).
那个 nàge t hat, that one [A]
那么 nàme that being so, in that case, in that way; to that extent [A]
那里 nàlǐ there [A]
那儿 nàr there [A] L1
JĪN, gold, metals; family name. GOLD radical (209) [B]
金 occurs as an independent character and means “gold” or “metals.” As a radical, it appears in four or five modern characters. “Side-gold” (117, p. 24) is the radical in over 200 characters.
五金 wǔjīn the five metals (gold, silver, copper, iron, and tin); metals generally
HÉ, to join, to bring together [A]
The root meaning of hé is “to join or close,” like the two panels of a double door. The topmost three strokes at one time meant “to come together,” early dictionaries say. “A meaning-meaning compound: to close, like the mouth.”
合金 héjīn alloy (lit. combined metals) [C]
组合 zǔhé to form; combination [D]
GĚI, to give; to allow; for (someone) … ; JǏ, to supply [A] L2
给我书 gěi wǒ shū gives me books
给我看 gěi wǒ kàn let me look
给我买 gěi wǒ mǎi buys for me
给予 jǐyǔ to render
No pronunciation. “Top-of 左 ZUǑ” radical (14)
This is a picture of a left hand. Compare with the right-hand radical (101, p. 21). Not in current use as an independent character. As a modern radical this form is called “top of 左 zuǒ” (see 668, p. 134).
YǑU, to have; there is, there are [A] L1
The earliest forms show a hand taking hold of a piece of meat—a symbol of having wealth.
有力 yǒulì be energetic, strong [B]
有钱 yǒuqián be rich
有口无心 yǒu kǒu wú xīn speak sharply but with out malice [D]
GĀN, shield; have to do with; be dry, be dried; be empty; emptily, futilely; GÀN, trunk, main part; to do [A] L4
Gān depicts a shield; other meanings by sound-loan. See next few items for 干 as a phonetic with various meaning elements.
干吗 gàn ma (colloquial) What the h—! What’s this all about? OR, What shall we do? [B]
HÀN, sweat [B] L4
Hàn is a sound-meaning compound: “three-dots-water” for meaning, gān (223, above) for sound.
汗毛 hànmáo fine body-hair (human)
汗衫 hànshān T-shirt
GĀN, the liver [B]
The sound is given by 干 (223, p. 45). “Meat” helps with the meaning.
肝脏 gānzàng liver
心肝 xīngān my darling, baby, sweetie (lit. my heart and liver)
GĀN, pole; GǍN, a measure for rifles, pistols, and spears [B]
干 gān gives the sound; “tree” is here for the meaning.
杆子 gānzi pole
杆秤 gǎnchèng steelyard
ZǑU, to walk. WALK radical (189) [A] L2
The character was originally a meaning-meaning compound: “man” + “foot.” The modern character is corrupted.
她走了 tā zǒu le She’s left, she’s gone.
Note that the original meaning is “to run,” NOT “to walk,” it can still mean “to run” in southern China, e.g., in Cantonese.
GǍN, to rush after, to rush at; to chase off; by the time that … [B]
The “walk” radical helps, perhaps, with the meaning. 干 is, again, the sound element.
赶工 gǎngōng try to get the work done faster
赶快 gǎnkuài Hurry, come on! L5
CHǍNG, factory. SLOPE radical (13)
“Slope”—once a picture—has become “factory” through the process of simplification. Following popular usage, 厂 “slope” is sometimes now used for 广, “lean-to” (363, p. 73—radical 44). A modern look-alike radical is the form (“top of 盾,” 398, p. 80—radical 22).
厂房 chǎngfáng factory building; workshop
工厂 gōngchǎng factory L5
(for “factory”) 廠
ÀN, high cliff, high riverbank [B] L5
“Mountain” and “slope” both appear to contribute to the meaning. 干 gān helps fix the sound—here, however, by giving the rhyme, not as a homonym or near-homonym (not an unusual function for a sound element, for the pronunciation of characters changes more or less throughout history, yet the written form often cannot keep up with the change).
岸标 ànbiāo shore beacon
HÀN, drought; dry land [C]
The “sun” radical 日 helps fix the meaning. 干 is the sound element.
旱田 hàntián dry farmland
旱季 hànjì dry season
DĀO, knife. SIDE-KNIFE radical (17)
This form of the “knife” radical does not occur independently but only as a part of characters. Called “side-knife” to distinguish it from the independent form (131, p. 27).
KĀN, to carve, to publish, publications to engrave [C]
The “knife” (“side-knife”) gives the meaning. “To publish” is an associated meaning derived from woodblock printing.
刊物 kānwù publication L6
刊登 kāndēng to publish (in a newspaper, magazine, etc.) L6
SHŪ, club, to club. CLUB radical (119)
Shū is a picture: a right hand holds the club. Distinguish “club” from these characters: “branch” 支 (351, p. 71), “knock” 攵 (316, p. 64), “pattern” 文 (215, p. 44) and “follow, slow” 夂 (431, p. 87). Shū, “club,” is not now in common use as an independent character.
MÒ, inundate; MÉI, negates yǒu (222, p. 45) and other verbs [A] L1
没 functions by sound-loan as a negator of yǒu and other verbs.
没有 méiyǒu there isn’t, there aren’t; doesn’t have; hasn’t (done it) [A]
没买 méimǎi hasn’t bought
没什么 méishénme it doesn’t matter; never mind [B]
SHĒN, torso. TORSO radical (200) [A]
Shēn is a picture of a person in which the torso is the most prominent part. Some say it is a picture of a pregnant woman. It also means “self.”
可身 kěshēn to fit wel l (clothes)
合身 héshēn to fit well (clothes) L6
身分 shēnfèn position, rank [C] L5
有身子 yǒushénzi being pregnant
CÙN, thumb; inch. THUMB radical (54) [A]
The “thumb” radical is a picture of a hand, with the dot added to indicate the thumb. Learn to distinguish “thumb” from “side-hand” 扌 (28, p. 6), and “then” 才 (689, p. 138).
尺寸 chǐcùn measurement; size
分寸 fēncùn sense of propriety L6
SHÈ, to shoot [B]
The character has been corrupted through time. Originally, the “torso” was a picture of an arrow on a bow, and the “thumb” was a hand drawing on a bow, whence “to shoot.”
射门 shèmén to shoot (at the goal, in sports)
射手 shèshǒu marks man, sharpshooter
XIÈ, thanks; to thank; excuse oneself; a family name; to wither [A]
Xiè is a sound-meaning compound; the “side-word” radical gives the meaning, and shè suggests the sound.
谢谢 xièxiè Thank you. [A] L1
不谢 búxiè You’re welcome.
凋谢 diāoxiè to wither
JÍ, lucky; a family name (D)
An early dictionary says the character is a meaning-meaning compound: “scholar” (or “knight”) + “mouth” = “lucky,” which is not correct but a good mnemonic.
吉日 jírì a “lucky day” on the traditional calendar; a good day for taking action
吉他 jítā guitar
JÚ, tangerine [A]
This is the popular form of a character written 橘 (see Pt. 2, p. 226a). In the expression 桔汁 (júzhī), “orange juice,” either character can mean “orange” (rather than “tangerine”). 汁 means “juice, gravy” [D].
Orange is 橙 (chéng).
桔子 júzi mandarin orange L5
JIÉ, to tie together; knot; JIĒ, to bear fruit [A]
结合 jiéhé to unite, to combine; to be married [B] L5
结婚 jiéhūn to marry L3
XǏ, to enjoy, to give enjoyment to [A]
The top part of this, what is now “knight-mouth-eight-one,” used to be a picture of a drum. Xǐ was a meaning-meaning compound: “drum” + “mouth” = “to sing and play drums, to enjoy yourself.”
喜人 xǐrén be sa tisfying
喜好 xǐhào to like, to love, be fond of
QIÀN, yawn; to owe, to lack. YAWN radical (120) [B] L5
Note that the lower part of this character is the “person” radical. If it helps you to remember the character, think of the upper part as the person’s hand covering the mouth while yawning.
欠钱 qiànqián owe money, be in debt
哈欠 hāqian yawn
HUĀN, be pleased [A]
The “yawn” radical for meaning, perhaps as a mouth open to smile or laugh. “Right hand” replaces the old sound-element.
喜欢 xǐhuan to like [A] L1
欢喜 huānxǐ be joyful; be fond of [C]
欢笑 huānxiào laugh delightedly [D]
ZHǏ, to stop. TOE radical (102) [B]
The “toe” radical is a picture of a foot. From “foot” came derived meanings of actions of the foot: “to march; to halt.” Only the meaning “to halt” has stayed with the character to modern times.
阻止 zǔzhǐ to prevent, obstruct [C]
不止三个 bùzhǐ sānge not stopping at three, not only three
闲人止步 xiánrénzhǐbù No entering!
ZÚ, foot; be sufficient. FOOT radical (196) [A]
A picture. The bottom part of “foot,” in fact, is the “toe” radical (246, above). In 248, below, the “foot” radical appears as part of the character; note that in the form used in compounds, “toe” can be clearly seen.
十足 shízú sheer, total, absolute, utter [D]
不足 bùzú insufficient
GĒN, heel; to follow, to go with; with [A] L3
Gēn is a sound-meaning compound: the “foot” radical gives the meaning; gèn (51, p. 11) gives the sound.
跟班 gēnbān attendant
QĪNG, be green or blue. GREEN radical (202) [A] L5
Note that the bottom half of “green” resembles “moon.” Qīng by itself, however, is recognized as a radical. The character also occurs independently and means “green” and sometimes other “colors of nature,” like azure or even greenish black or grey.
青菜 qīngcài green vegetables
青草 qīngcǎo green grass
QǏNG, to invite; please. . . [A] L1
This character is a sound-meaning compound: “side-word” gives the meaning, and qīng (249, p. 50) gives the sound.
谁请 shéi qǐng Who’s paying?
请勿吸烟 qǐngwùxīyān No Smoking
QÍNG, emotion; circumstances [A]
Sound (青) + meaning (“heart”). This is something related to the heart, pronounced qíng: emotion.
情报 qíngbào information; intelligence (as in “intelligence agency”) [C] L6
情人 qíngrén sweetheart, mistress, secret lover
QĪNG, be clear; to clear [A]
This is a sound-meaning compound: 青 qīng for sound, “3-dots water” for meaning (it can also be read as a meaning-meaning compound: “water” + “azure” = “clear.”)
清楚 qīngchu be clear, distinct L3
清高 qīnggāo aloof from politics and material pursuits
QÍNG, clear sky [A] L2
“Sun” 日 + “azure” 青 = clear sky. 青 qīng also helps, of course, with the sound. 晴天 qíngtiān a fine day [C]
JĪNG, the pupil of the eye [A]
“Eye” 目 + “azure” 青 = pupil of the eye. 青 qīng also helps with the sound.
眼睛 yǎnjīng eye L2
WÈN, to ask (for information) [A] L2
“Mouth” for meaning; mén once gave the sound in this compound. Original meaning is “mouth” in the “door” interrogating somebody.
问住 wènzhu to stump with a question (问不住 cannot stump..., 问得住 can stump...)
请问 qǐngwèn Would you please tell me … [A]
ĚR, ear. EAR radical (163) [B]
The “ear” radical is a picture.
耳目 ěrmù hearsay, “scuttlebutt,” information; spy, informer, “fink”
木耳 mùěr edible tre e fungus
石耳 shíěr edible rock lichen
WÉN, to hear, to smell [A]
Mén (25, p. 6) functions here, as in 255, to suggest the sound wen. The meaning is given by the “ear” radical.
闻人 wénrén a famous person
耳闻 ěrwén to hear about, especially superficially (in contrast to seeing it yourself)
XIÁN, leisure [B]
(MN) Put a tree across your door or gate so you won’t be disturbed.
闲心 xiánxīn leisure mood
闲谈 xiántán to chat; gossip
JIÀN, space; be separated from; to separate, “drive a wedge between,” sow discord; JIĀN between; a measure-word for rooms [A]
中间 zhōngjiān between, among; the middle, center [A] L3
田间 tiánjiān farm, field [D]
人间 rénjiān world of human affairs [C] L6
间谍 jiàndié spy L6
BIÉ, to separate, to part; Don’t... ! [A] L2
别人 biérén other people [A] L3
分别 fēnbié to part (from one another); sort out, differentiate; difference [B] L5
个别 gèbié specific; very few; be exceptional [B] L5
别买 biémǎi Don’t buy it!
(MN) To separate with a knife
PÉNG, friend [A]
Originally a picture of two strings of identical shells, current meaning by association.
朋友 péngyǒu friend L1
猪朋狗友 zhūpénggǒuyǒu bad companions
YǑU, friend [A]
友 combines meanings: “left hand” + “right hand” = “friend.” The character suggests the gesture of parting: clasp your own hands in front of you and bow over them. Shaking hands Western style is, of course, right hand with right hand. Distinguish 友 from 反 (418, p. 84).
朋友 péngyǒu friend L1
友谊 yǒuyì friendship L4
FÙ, father. FATHER radical (108) [A]
祖父 zǔfù grandfather [C]
父老 fùlǎo elders (as in a district)
教父 jiàofù god-father
WÚ, don’t!
The character is supposed to be a picture of a woman in irons. The relation of that to its present meaning is unclear. Learn to distinguish “don’t” from 母 mǔ, “mother” (268, below).
毋庸 wúyōng need not
JIÀN, to see, to perceive. SEE radical (107) [A]
The legs at the bottom of “see” represent a person; traditionally, the top part was a big eye to suggest “see” (see below, this frame).
远见 yuǎnjiàn foresight; vision
见解 jiànjiě opinion, view L6
QĪN, relatives; to hold dear; in person; QÌNG, relatives by marriage [A]
Sound-loan. 亲 —“hazel tree”—was the sound-element in the old character.
父亲 fùqīn father [A] L4
六亲 liùqīn the six (most important) relatives: father, mother, elder brothers, younger brothers, wife, ch ildren
MǓ, mother [A]
Mǔ is a picture of a woman with two dots to emphasize the breasts. Learn to distinguish “mother” from “don’t” 毋 (265, above).
母亲 mǔqīn mother [A] L4
父母 fùmǔ parents; mother and father
母乳 mǔrǔ breast milk
GĒ, elder brother [A]
哥哥 gēge older brother [A] L2
大哥 dàgē oldest brother; used to address politely a man about your own age [C]
表哥 biǎogē older male cousin such that the two of you are children or grandchildren of a brother and a sister, or of two sisters
GŌNG, bow (as in “bow and arrow”); to bend or arch, like a bow; family name. BOW radical (71) [C]
The “bow” radical is a picture.
弓子 gōngzi bow (e.g., a violin bow).
弓箭 gōngjiàn bow and arrow
DIÀO, to pity
This character is said to be a picture of an arrow stayed on the bow, hence “to pity.” In modern use, this character has been replaced by 吊, which Bernhard Karlgren calls “a vulgar corruption” (Analytic Dictionary 989).
吊唁 diàoyàn condole
DÌ, younger brother; family name [A]
弟弟 dìdi y ounger brother, younger male cousin [A] L2
二弟 èrdì second younger brother
小弟 xiǎodì kid brother
弟子 dìzi disciple, pup il
JIĚ, older sister [A]
The “woman” radical gives the meaning, 且 qiě (167, p. 34) helps with the sound.
姐姐 jiějie older sister [A] L2
小姐 xiǎojiě Miss [A] (note that in some parts of China, it has acquired the meaning of “prostitute,” so use the word with extreme care!) L1
大姐 dàjiě oldest sister; used to address politely a woman about your own age
WÈI, not yet; the “eighth early branch” (used in enumerations and to name two-hour periods of the day) [B]
Distinguish “not yet” 未 from 耒 (Pt. 2, p. 217a) and from 末 (Pt. 2, p. 273b). See Lin Yutang’s Dictionary 1451f for an account of the “earthly branches.”
未可 wèikě cannot, be unable to
未来 wèilái the future L6
MÈI, younger sister [A]
妹妹 mèimei younger sister [A] L2
姐妹 jiěmèi sisters
妹夫 mèifū brother-in-law (precisely, younger sister’s husband)
表妹 biǎomèi younger female cousin such that you two are children or grandchildren of a brother and a sister, or of two sisters
SHÌ, clan. CLAN radical (122) [C]
The student may find it difficult to remember how to write radicals which, like the “clan” radical, do not make a clear picture of anything. But the number of such non-representational radicals is small, and a little work should resolve it.
田王氏 Tián Wáng shì Mrs. Tian (whose maiden name is Wang) *Nowadays, most Chinese women in mainland China maintain their maiden name even after marriage.
ZHǏ, paper [A]
A sound-meaning compound. “Silk” gives the meaning, shì (276, above) gives the sound.
报纸 bàozhǐ newspaper [B] L2
手纸 shǒuzhǐ toilet paper
帋, 紙
CHÁNG L2, be long; ZHǍNG L3, to grow; be senior [A]
The character was a picture of a man with a long beard (see below)—now pretty abstract or impressionistic.
长大 zhǎngdà to grow up
长子 zhǎngzi eldest son
长度 chángdù length
ZHĀNG, to open out, to open up; a measure for objects coming in sheets; a family name [A] L2
张弓 zhāng gōng draw a bow
三张纸 sānzhāng zhǐ three sheets of paper
HUÀ, to paint, a painting [A] L3
Some say the “field” in this character may be intended to suggest outdoors, the countryside—landscape painting; however, this is more of a mnemonic than etymology.
画报 huàbào illustrated magazine [B]
国画 guóhuà “national painting,” i.e., traditional Chinese painting
一张画 yìzhāng huà a painting
JIÙ, mortar. MORTAR radical (179)
Jiù is the drawing of a mortar (a vessel in which to grind things up). Distinguish jiù from 白 “white” (282, below), from 日 “sun” (179, p. 36) and from 曰 “say” (110, p. 23).
臼齿 jiùchǐ molar tooth
BÁI, be white; a family name. WHITE radical (150) [A] L2
Distinguish bái from 臼 (281, above), 日 (179, p. 36) and 自 (619, p. 124).
白天 bái tiān in the daytime [B]
白白 báibái vainly, to no purpose
白给 bái gěi to give free of charge
白人 báirén white guy, white girl
表白 biǎo bái to confess
BĀO, to wrap. WRAP radical (26)
The character is a picture of a wrapper. As part of a character, the “wrap” radical usually appears wrapped around other radicals or parts of characters.
SHÁO, spoon; frying pan [B]
勺子 sháozi spoon [B] L5
木勺 mùsháo wooden ladle
DE; a suffix to nouns and pronouns: “A 的 B” means “A’s B, the B of A”; a grammatical particle; DÌ, bull’s-eye [A] L1
我的 wǒde my, mine
有的 yǒude some [A]
目的 mùdì aim, purpose [B] (note: dì for this word) L4
好的 hǎode OK! All good!
BĀO, to wrap; a family name [A] L3
Bāo gives the sound (bao or pao) in a number of common characters (see below and the next two pages).
包子 bāozi steamed filled dumpling [B] L5
书包 shūbāo book-bag, satchel [B]
面包 miànbāo bread L3
PǍO, to run, a race (sport) [A]
The “foot” radical gives the meaning; bāo (286) suggests the sound.
跑马 pǎomǎ a horse-race; ride a horse
一百米跑 yībǎimǐpǎo the 100 m race
BÀO, to hold in your arms, to hug; to have your first grandchild/child; to adopt a child; to cherish; a measure for armfuls; (dialect) to consort with, to hang out with [A] L4
拥抱 yōngbào to hug L5
(MN) To wrap with your hands = hug
BĀO, be related by blood; afterbirth, placenta [C]
(MN) Wrapped in flesh = afterbirth
胞弟 bāodì younger blood brother
胞衣 bāoyī afterbirth
细胞 xìbāo cell (biology)
YĪ, gown. SIDE-GOWN radical (129)
Called “side-gown” to distinguish it from radical 161, 衣 (152, p. 31). 衤 appears always at the side in characters of which it is a part. These characters generally have to do with clothing. Independently, 衣 rather than 衤 is used.
PÁO, long gown or robe [C]
(MN) A wrapping cloth
长袍 chángpáo long gown
浴袍 yùpáo pajamas
PÀO, to soak; to pester; be together; bubble; blister; light bulb; PĀO, be fluffy [C]
(MN) Water wrapped within = bubble
泡沫 pàomò foam L6
泡泡 pàopào bubble
No pronunciation. SIDE-FOOD radical (68)
Traditionally, this radical was classified as a variant of 食 “food” (413, p. 83). As part of the script-reform, it came to be identified as a separate radical. It retains its meaning of “food” and “food-related things.” “Food” is the radical in five characters; “side-food” in about 40.
BǍO, to be full, to have had enough to eat [A] L3
吃饱了! chībǎo le I’m full; I have enough.
还没吃饱! háiméi chībǎo I’m not full yet.
(MN) To have food wrapped around you = to be full
HUǑ, fire. FIRE radical (83) [A] L4
The character is a picture of flames rising.
火力 huǒlì (military) firepower [C]
火山 huǒshān volcano [D]
肝火 gānhuǒ be hot-tempered
PÀO, cannon, artillery; a shot from a gun [B]
炮弹 pàodàn shell (bullet, artillery)
炮火 pàohuǒ artillery fire
JǏ, self; the sixth “heavenly stem” (used to enumerate headings in an outline, like “F”—sixth letter of the Western alphabet). SELF radical (72) [A]
Learn to tell “self” from yǐ “already” 已 (298, next) and from sì 巳 (299). See Lin Yutang’s Dictionary 1451f for more on “heavenly stems.”
己方 jǐfāng our side
YǏ, already; to end, to cease [A]
See the preceding item for characters with which yǐ is likely to be confused.
已经 yǐjīng already
SÌ, the sixth “earthly branch” (巳 and 己 (297, above) are classified as radical (72) in Han-Ying Cidian).
Sì is supposed originally to have been a drawing of a fetus, with a large head and a curled-up lower part. Distinguish sì from 297 and 298, above. Compare with 包 (286, p. 58). See Lin Yutang’s Dictionary 1451f on the “earthly branches.”
JÌ, write down; record; year; discipline; JǏ, a family name [A]
年纪 niánjì age (number of years) [A] L5
世纪 shìjì century [B]
纪要 jìyào summary; minutes of a meeting, etc. [D]
JÌ , to remember; to record; mark, sign [A]
记者 jìzhě reporter [B] L4
记住 jìzhu to fix in the mind; to remember
BĀ, open hand; palm; to stick to; to hope for [B]
巴 once meant “boa”—as the dictionaries call it, “the elephant snake”—and it was a picture. It means “open hand” by sound-loan. In Han-Ying Cidian, 巴 is one of 11 “left-over” characters, not classified under a radical. See next few frames for its use as a sound component.
巴结 bājie curry favor with; fawn on L6
巴士 bāshì bus
BA; a sentence-final particle; indicates supposition (“..., I guess”) or suggestion (“Maybe you should...”); BĀ, snap! (onomatopoetic); to draw (suck) on (e.g., a tobacco pipe); bar (drinking place) [A] L2
吧 is a sound-meaning compound.
好吧 hǎo ba Okay! Fine!
走吧 zǒuba Let’s go!
BǍ, to grasp; a handful; to guard; a particle used to bring direct objects in front of the verb; a measure for things with handles (knives, teapots) or that you grasp (chairs, handfuls of rice, bunches of flowers) [A]; BÀ, handle L3
一把米 yìbǎ mǐ a handful of rice
一把勺 yìbǎ sháo a spoon
BÀ, papa, father [A]
The upper part is “father” and the lower part is for sound only.
(MN) A boa under father
爸爸 bàba papa, father [A] L1
ZHǍO/ZHUǍ, claws. CLAWS radical (116)
See 447, p. 90, for the form of this radical which usually appears as a part of characters. The form 爪 is the independent form and appears as a radical in one common character (see next).
爪牙 zhǎoyá claws and teeth, minion
爪子 zhuǎzi claw
PÁ, to crawl, to creep; to climb [A]
爬行 páxíng to creep
爬行动物 páxíngdòngwù reptile
BĚN, root; volume (book); capital (money); principal (money); a measure for books [A] L1
Běn is a tree with a horizontal stroke at the bottom to indicate the roots.
日本 Rìběn Japan
本人 běnrén I, myself; in person [C] L6
本钱 běnqián capital (money) [D] L6
一本书 yìběn shū a book, one book
以人为本 yǐrénwéiběn people-oriented
DUÌ, to face; facing; to match; be correct [A] L2
对了 duìle That’s right!
对了 duìle So, about… (e.g., 对了, 钥匙拿 了没? So, did you take the keys?)
对手 duìshǒu adversary, opponent [D] L5
对钟 duì zhōng to set a clock
XIŌNG, older brother [B]
兄弟 xiōngdì brothers [B] L5
胞兄 bāoxiōng older brother by blood
表兄 biǎoxiōng older male cousin on the mother’s side
DUÌ, to hand over [C]
兑给 duìgěi to pay to
外币兑换 wàibì duìhuàn foreign currency exchange
SHUÌ, tax [C] L5
The peasantry traditionally paid their taxes in grain, so “grain” + “to hand over” was a good meaning-meaning compound for “tax.”
租税 zūshuì land tax
报税 bàoshuì to make a customs declaration, to declare goods on which duty is owed
SHUŌ, to speak; SHUÌ, try to persuade [A]; sometimes used for YUÈ 悦 “be happy, delighted”
This is a sound-meaning compound: the “side-word” radical for meaning, duì (311, above) for sound (only roughly, now).
说笑 shuōxiào to talk and laugh together
说一不二 shuō yī bú èr to mean what you say
GǓ, be ancient; a family name [B]
According to the usual explanation, gǔ is a meaning-meaning compound: “ten” + “mouth” suggests something that has been passed through ten generations of “mouths” (people); therefore, ancient. However, this is more of a mnemonic than etymology.
See next few items with 古 for sound.
古老 gǔlǎo be ancient, be age-old [B] L5
古玩 gǔwán antique, curio
GŪ, unmarried girl; father’s or husband’s sister; temporarily; be lenient [A]
姑娘 gūniang girl; (colloquial) daughter [A] L5
姑母 gūmǔ married sister of your father, aunt
姑且 gūqiě tentatively; for the moment L6
No pronunciation. KNOCK radical (113)
A picture of a hand holding some kind of weapon. Distinguish the “knock” radical from the “club” radical 殳 (234, p. 47), from “branch” 支 (351, p. 71), from the “pattern” radical 文 (215, p. 44), and (especially) from the “follow/slow” radical 夂 (431, p. 87).
GÙ, be ancient; to die; cause; intentionally [A]
古 for sound; the “knock” radical is not clear. Said to signify the meaning of “make something a thing of the past.”
故土 gùtǔ “the old country,” one’s native land
故人 gùrén dead person (respectable)
GŪ, to appraise, to estimate [B]
古 for sound.
估产 gūchǎn estimate the harvest/yield
估价 gūjià to appraise, evaluate
GÙ, be firm, solid, resolutely; originally, in the first place; a conjunction word [B]
固定 gùdìng to fix, fixed L5
固体 gùtǐ solid body L5
KǓ, be bitter [A] L4
A sound-meaning compound: 古 for sound, “grass” for meaning.
吃苦 chīkǔ to suffer, to endure hardship [C] L6
甘苦 gānkǔ “the sweet and the bitter,” weal and woe
KŪ, dried wood; be withered, be dried out [C]
古 here suggests the sound; “tree” 木 suggests the meaning (although “tree” (for “wood”) + “be ancient” could be taken as a meaning-meaning compound: old wood, therefore dried, withered, dried out).
枯萎 kūwěi withered, to wither
GŪ, guilt; a crime; a family name [C]
Gǔ (314, p. 63) gives the sound. 辛 “bitter” (70, p. 15) helps with the meaning.
(MN) The bitter past is a crime
辜负 gūfù to let sb. down L6
无辜 wúgū innocent
ZHÒNG, be heavy; CHÓNG, do over again, to repeat by mistake [A] L5
Picture of a scale (weighing machine)?
重要 zhòngyào be important [A] L3
贵重 guìzhòng be valuable [D]
重了 chóng le be done twice, get repeated
太重了 tàizhòngle too heavy!
买重了 mǎichóng le has/have bought an extra one (one too many)
DǑNG, to correct, to supervise; a family name [D]
古董 gǔdǒng an antique; an old duffer L6
董事 dǒngshì a director; a trustee
(MN) Supervise the heavy grass
DǑNG, to understand [A] L2
This character may stand for the same word as 324, above: “be correct (in the mind) about, to understand.” Note that in form it is identical to 324, with the addition of the “heart” (“side-heart”) radical (often glossed as “heart/mind”).
看不懂 kànbudǒng be unable to understand
看懂了 kàndǒngle be able to understand
PǏ, bolt (of cloth). BOLT radical (156)
SHÌ, to be, am, is, are; be right. BE radical (213) [A] L1
可是 kěshì but [A] L4
要是 yàoshì if [A]; if only L5
不是 búshì “No!”; a fault [C]
是的 shìde “Yes!” “That’s right!” [C]
XIĀN, to precede; late (deceased) [A] L3
先父 xiānfù my late father
先夫 xiānfū my late husband
先天 xiāntiān innate, inborn
(MN) Half a cow with two legs
SHĒNG, to bear (give birth to) [A]
先生 xiānshēng Mr.; teacher [A] L1
生日 shēngrì birthday [A] L2
生长 shēngzhǎng to grow; grow up, be brought up [B]
生人 shēngrén a stranger [D]
女生 nǚshēng female student
生手 shēngshǒu green horn; be new to something
HÀI, the twelfth “earthly branch” (used in enumerations and to name two-hour periods of the day).
亥, originally a picture of a wild boar, is still similar in form to the “pig” radical 豕 (502, p. 101). See Lin Yutang’s Dictionary 1451f on the “earthly branches.” Hài gives the sound in some common characters (usually hai, sometimes gai).
亥时 hàishí the period of the day from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.
HÁI, child [A]
The “child” radical gives the meaning; hài (331, above) gives the sound.
孩童 háitóng children
孩子 háizi child [A] L2
小孩儿 xiǎoháir (colloquial) child [A]
(MN) A pig’s son is a child
HĀI, exclamation: “Depressing!” or “Regrettable!” or “Astonishing!”; KÉ, cough, to cough; first syllable in késòu, “cough” (see next) [A]
SÒU, cough [A]
咳嗽 késòu cough, to cough [A] L4
XUÉ, to study, to learn [A]
The “child” radical is, of course, the student. The top part used to be a picture of one hand guiding another to write.
学生 xuéshēng student [A] L1
大学 dàxué university [A]
学问 xuéwèn learning, scholarship [B] L5
XÌNG, surname; to be surnamed… [A] L2
姓氏 xìngshì surname
您贵姓 nín guì xìng What is your name? (polite)
我姓李 wǒ xìng Lǐ My (sur)name is Li.
MÍNG, name [A]
姓名 xìngmíng full name [B]
有名 yǒumíng be famous [A] L3 (MN) Say the name of the moon with your mouth
ZÌ, written character [A] L1
名字 míngzi name (given name) [A] L1
字母 zìmǔ alphabet; letter [A] L6
别字 biézì mispronounced or wrongly written character [C]
汉字 Hànzì Chinese characters
(MN) Child under the roof writing characters
JIÀO, to call; to be called; to order a person to do something [A] L1
马叫 mǎ jiào the horse neighs
叫苦 jiàokǔ to complain, whine, “piss and moan”
叫什么 jiào shénme What’s it called (named)?
叫花子 jiàohuāzi (colloquial) beggar
NIÚ, cow. COW radical (110) [A]
This character is a picture. In older forms, it is easy to see a cow with horns drawn from the front. Learn to distinguish “cow” from wǔ “noon” 午 (687, p. 138).
牛奶 niúnǎi milk L2
牛排 niúpái steak
GÀO, to inform [A]
The original meaning of this character was “muzzle for cows.” The character combines meanings: “cow” + “mouth” suggests the device. By sound-loan, it means “inform.” Some say its original meaning is to inform people that a cow/bull is charging, thus “to inform.” Neither theory is too convincing, and might as well be taken as mnemonics.
报告 bàogào to report; a report [B]
告别 gàobié to leave, to part or depart from; to say goodbye to [B] L5
JĪN, ax. AX radical (115) [A]
The “ax” radical is a picture. The character now stands also for a measure of weight, a jin or “catty,” which equals about 1.5 pounds.
CHÌ, to scold [C]
Distinguish from 342.
斥骂 chìmà to reproach
SÙ, to inform, to sue [A]
告诉 gàosù to inform, to file a lawsuit; to make a legal complaint against [A] L2
诉说 sùshuō to tell, to relate
ZHĪ, to know [A]
The early lexicographers agree that this combines meanings: “arrow” (82, p. 17) + “mouth” (53, p. 11) “because if you know, your mouth is far-reaching and accurate like an arrow.” Others say “speak like the speed of an arrow.” Either is acceptable.
知心 zhīxīn to understand each other
先知 xiānzhī a person having foresight; prophet, soothsayer
SHǑU, chief; the head [A]
The picture of a head, “chief” is the head of a clan, of course. Distinguish from 面 “face” (675, p. 136).
首都 shǒudū capital city [A] L4
首先 shǒuxiān be the first; in the first place, above all [C] L4
首要 shǒuyào be very important [D] L6
首长 shǒuzhǎng senior officer [D]
DÀO, road; to say; the Way [A]
道谢 dàoxiè to thank
道喜 dàoxǐ to congratulate
道士 dàoshì Taoist (Daoist) priest
道学 dàoxué neo-Confucian
道理 dàolǐ reason, logical basis; doctrine [A] L5
知道 zhīdào to know [A] L2
CǏ, this [B]
Its original form is “toe” + “man,” thus where you stand—this (place).
此外 cǐwài furthermore, in addition [B] L5
XIĒ, few [A] L1
大些 dàxiē be a bit larger
好些 hǎoxiē quite a few [B]
这一些书 zhè yìxiē shū this lot of books
些许 xiēxǔ a few
WÈI, position, standpoint; seat; a polite measure for persons [A] L3
位子 wèizi seat L6
学位 xuéwèi academic degree [C] L6
三位小姐 sānwèi xiǎojiě three young ladies
三位先生 sānwèi xiānshēng three gentlemen
ZHĪ, branch (of a tree); to prop up; to draw (money) [A] L5
The student will need to distinguish 支 from “club” 殳 (234, p. 47), “knock” 攵 (316, p. 64), “pattern” 文 (215, p. 44) and “follow/slow” 夂 (431, p. 87).
干支 gānzhī stems and branches (an old system of enumeration: see Lin Yu-tang’s Dictionary 1451ff for details)
ZHĪ, branch (of a tree); a measure for pens, pencils, pieces of chalk, etc. [C] L6
This appears to be the preceding character, reclarified with the “tree” radical.
树枝 shùzhī tree branch
一枝笔 yìzhī bǐ a pen
JÌ, skill [A]; expertise or specialised training
技术 jìshù technology; skill L4
杂技 zájì acrobatics, circus L6
QIĀN, a thousand; a family name (rare) [A] L2
千古 qiāngǔ be eternal, of the ages
千里 qiān lǐ many miles; a long journey
千里马 qiānlǐ mǎ a superb horse, a horse that can run many miles
千里之行始于足下 qiānlǐzhīxíng shǐyúzúxià a thousand-mile journey begins with the first step
YĪNG, be bold; flower (bookish); a family name [A]
The original meaning was “flower, to flower”; “grass” above gave the meaning, and yāng (355, above) suggested the sound. “Bold” is by sound-loan.
英国 Yīngguó England
英里 yīnglǐ English mile
HĒI, black. BLACK radical (223) [A] L2
Originally meant “soot” or “charcoal” in the chimney. Black is an associated meaning.
黑心 hēixīn a “black heart,” an evil mind
黑白不分 hēi bái bù fēn cannot distinguish between right and wrong
黑人 hēirén (neutral) black man
ZHĀN, to divine; ZHÀN, seize; constitute [A]
占 combines meanings: the “divine” radical (159, p. 32) + “mouth” = “to explain (orally) the divination cracks.” Other meanings by sound-loan. 占 gives the sound in several characters.
占卜 zhānbǔ divination, to divine
占据 zhànjù to occupy
(zhàn only) 佔
ZHÀN, (taxi-, bus-) stand, to stand [A] L3
The “stand” radical gives the meaning; zhān (358, above) gives the sound.
站长 zhànzhǎng stationmaster
火车站 huǒchēzhàn train station
汽车站 qìchēzhàn bus station
ZHĀN, to paste, to glue; NIÁN, be sticky [B]
粘 combines meanings: “rice” for meaning, 占 for sound. (Technically nián is another character, 黏, which is used as an adjective only.)
粘贴 zhāntiē affix; stick L5
粘糊 niánhu sticky
ZHÀN, war; family name [B]
The “lance” radical gives the meaning in this sound-meaning compound.
战士 zhànshì soldier [B]
战友 zhànyǒu comrade-in-arms [C]
ZHĀN, to moisten; to receive benefits; to be infected by [C]
This is another sound-meaning compound with 占 as the sound-component.
沾边 zhānbiān touch on only lightly, to be relevant
YǍN, lean-to. LEAN-TO radical (44) GUǍNG, be broad; family name [A]
广 is a picture. Distinguish it from 厂 “slope” (229, p. 46) and from 疒 the “sick” radical (605, p. 122). Now 广 is most often seen as the short form of 廣 guǎng.
广大 guǎngdà be vast, huge L5
广东 Guǎngdōng Canton, Guangdong
(for guǎng) 廣
DIÀN, store; inn [A]
The “lean-to” radical 广 (see 363, above) perhaps gives a hint of the meaning here.
书店 shūdiàn bookstore [B]
夜店 yèdiàn night club
ZUĀN, to drill; to go into, go through (as, a tunnel, a forest); to study intensely, to “pound” the books; ZUÀN, a drill; a diamond; a gem-stone; to bore, to drill [B]
The “side-gold (metals)” radical helps with the meaning here.
钻石 zuànshí diamond
电钻 diànzuàn an electric drill; a power drill
TIĒ, to paste something on; to “stick to,” i.e., stay close to; to pay; allowance [B]
The analysis of this character—“cowrie” + 占 zhān —doesn’t help much with the meaning or the sound. Memorize it!
粘贴 zhāntiē stick on, paste L5
DIǍN, dot , drop (of liquid); to drip; a bit; feature; to light [A] L1
点心 diǎnxīn snack, pastry, “dim sum” [A] L5
要点 yàodiǎn main points, essential point or points [C] L6
三点六 sān diǎn liù 3.6
(五) 点钟 (wǔ) diǎn zhōng (5) o’clock [A]
十三点 ! shísāndiǎn Such a fool! (because there are only twelve hours on a clock)
YǓ, rain. RAIN radical (204) [A]
The “rain” radical is a picture of raindrops falling from clouds.
雨点 yǔdiǎn raindrops
雨衣 yǔyī raincoat [B]
雷雨 léiyǔ thunderstorm
LÌNG, to command; to make, to cause; a command; your (respectful); LǏNG, ream (of paper) [B]
Lìng gives the sound in several common characters (see following entries). Sometimes printed 令. Distinguish from 今 (496, page 100).
令兄 lìng xiōng (respectful) your older brother
一令纸 yílǐng zhǐ a ream of paper
LÍNG, zero; tiny bit [A] L1
The original meaning of this character was “drop” (e.g., of water), and it was a combination of “rain” for meaning and lìng (369, p. 74) for sound. The meaning “zero” may be an extension: “drop,” “tiny bit,” “virtually nothing,” “nothing”; or it may be a sound-loan.
零点 língdiǎn zero point; zero hour
零食 língshí snacks L5
YÈ, (obsolete) head; leaf (of a book or notebook), page. HEAD radical (170) [A] L4
The character was a picture of a person’s head.
页码 yèmǎ page number
LǏNG, to lead; neck, collar; main point [A]
领土 lǐngtǔ territory [C] L6
领先 lǐngxiān to be in the lead, to lead [D] L6
领子 lǐngzi collar [D]
要领 yàolǐng main points
LÍNG, a small bell [B] L5
门铃 ménlíng doorbell
CHǏ, teeth. TEETH radical (206)
止 zhǐ at the top helps with the sound. The rest of the character is a drawing of a mouth with the teeth in it (easier to see in the traditional form, below).
牙齿 yáchǐ tooth, teeth
唇亡齿寒 chúnwángchǐhán The teeth are cold when the lips are lost—If one falls the others will be in danger.
LÍNG, age, years; length of time, duration [B]
A sound-meaning character, “teeth” is an obvious way to tell one’s age.
高龄 gāolíng be advanced in years
妙龄 miàolíng tender age of a young girl
LÍN, neighbor; be “neighboring,” be near to, adjacent to [B]
A sound-meaning character, i.e., adjacent cities.
邻居 línjū neighbor L3
邻国 línguó neighboring country
LIÁN, to pity [B]
A sound-meaning character, to pity with one’s heart.
怜爱 lián’ài to love tenderly
可怜 kělián pitiable L4
BÀN, half [A] L3
The vertical stroke bisects the “eight” radical and the two “one” radicals to suggest “half.” In reality 半 looks more like a cow, while 牛 looks like half a cow with only one horn. 半天 bàntiān a long time [A]
一大半 yí dà bàn majority (大半: [C])
三点半 sān diǎn bàn half past three
另一半 lìng yībàn the other half (of a couple)
DUŌ, be numerous [A] L1
多么 duōme how... (as in 多么好 Duōme hǎo How very good!) [A] L3
多半 duōbàn the greater part; for the most part, probably [C]
多谢 duōxiè Many thanks!
好多了 hǎo duō le Much better!
多多益善 duōduōyìshàn the more the better