SHǍO, be few; SHÀO, be young [A] L1
多少 duōshǎo How much? How many? [A] L1
少女 shàonǚ young girl [C]
少不了 shǎobuliǎo cannot do without; must have; be unavoidable
少了三个 shǎo le sānge to be three short
JÙ, sentence; verse-line; measure for sentences and verse-lines [A]
句子 jùzi sentence [A] L3
句号 jùhào a full stop
GÒU, be enough [A] L4
Duō “be numerous” (379, p. 76) suggests the meaning; jù (381) once suggested the sound.
够朋友 gòu péngyǒu be a friend indeed
JUĒ, archer’s thimble; GUÀI, to divide.
The character may be a picture of a person (here = the “big” radical) drawing the bow or fitting the thimble before he or she draws. It functions to give the sound (jue or kuai) in about six modern characters. Rarely independent.
KUÀI, lump, clod; a measure for dollars [A] L1
The “earth” radical gives the meaning; 383, above, gives the sound.
七块钱 qīkuài qián seven dollars
一块田 yíkuài tián a piece of land, a field
鸡块 jīkuài chicken nuggets
GUǏ, ghost. GHOST radical (216) [B]
Guǐ is said to be the picture of a ghost.
白鬼 báiguǐ Caucasian, Westerner (non-standard; derisory, sometimes considered offensive)
鬼点子 guǐdiǎnzi (dialect) dirty trick, evil plan
心里有鬼 xīnlǐ yǒu guǐ to have a guilty conscience
XIĀNG, mutually, each other; XIÀNG, face, appearance; to examine [A]
The original meaning was “to examine.” 相 is supposed to show someone studying a tree or a piece of wood with his eye; a carpenter checking material.
相对 xiāngduì relative (not absolute) [C] L5; opposite to one another; face to face
相对论 xiāngduìlùn the theory (principle) of relativity
XIǍNG, to think [A] L1
This character may stand for a word cognate to 386, above. The “heart” radical means “mind,” as it often does, and 想 can be explained as “to examine in the mind, to think.” The character is then a reclarified compound.
想要 xiǎngyào to feel like, to want to
理想 lǐxiǎng ideals; be ideal [B] L4
DĚI, must; DÉ, to get; DE; a grammatical particle [A] L2
得了 dé le That does it! Enough!
贵得多 guì de duō be much more expensive
看得见 kàndejiàn be able to see
巴不得 bābude (colloquial) be eager to do something, really want to do something
GÒNG, all together, collectively, joint [A]
Older forms have “clasp” (193, p. 39) twice.
一共 yígòng all together L3
中共 Zhōng Gòng Chinese Communists (an acronym for “Chinese Collective Production [= Communist] Party”)
GŌNG, to supply; GÒNG, to offer in worship, offering; to testify, testimony [B]
供给 gōngjǐ to provide, to supply [B] L6
(MN) People worship together
HÓNG, be big, be vast; a flood; a family name [C]
The meaning is obvious with “water” on the left. Some even argue that it represents the sound of a great flood— hóng.
洪水 hóngshuǐ flood
洪大 hóngdà loud
XIÀNG, crooked side street, lane [C] L6
巷口 xiàngkǒu entrance/opening to a lane
GǍNG, small stream; port; lagoon [B]
A sound-meaning compound.
港口 gǎngkǒu port, harbor [C] L6
香港 Xiānggǎng Hong Kong
YÓU, still more; a family name [A]
尤其 yóuqí particularly L6
姓尤的 xìng Yóu de someone surnamed “Yóu”
尤毛氏 YóuMáoshì Mrs. Yóu (whose maiden name was Máo)
JĪNG, capital (city) [B]
The character is a picture of a tall building (compare with 99, p. 20), and “tall building” was its original meaning. It soon came, by metonymy, to mean “tall buildings: capital.”
京都 Jīngdū Kyoto
东京 Dōngjīng Tokyo
北京 Běijīng Beijing
南京 Nánjīng Nanjing
JǏNG scenery, view; condition, situation [B]
美景 měijǐng beautiful scenery; picturesque landscape
(MN) The sun in the capital is quite a view
JIÙ, then; only; to go to; to go with [A] L2
就学 jiù xué go to school
就是 jiùshì be precisely…; namely…; That’s right! [B]
就是说 jiùshìshuō in other words [C]
就有三个 jiù yǒu sānge to have only three
No pronunciation. Radical (22), “top of 盾” (401, p. 81). Distinguish from the “slope” radical (229, p. 46).
厂 is the radical in only four common modern characters: 反 fǎn (418, p. 84), 后 hòu (402, p. 81), 质 zhì (Pt. 2, p. 234a), and 盾 dùn (401, p. 81).
LÌ, to pass through, to experience; calendar [A]
In rural China, the main routes of passage in many places are roads or paths on the dykes that crisscross the paddies—whence, perhaps, the “slope” radical. Lì (11, p. 3) is phonetic.
Distinguish from 厉 (400, p. 81).
历史 lìshǐ history L3
歷 (pass through); 曆 (calendar)
LÌ, be harsh, be severe; family name [B]
Distinguish from 历 (399, p. 80).
厉害 lìhai powerful, formidable L4
DÙN, shield [B]
An important function of dùn in modern China has been as part of 矛盾 máodùn “contradiction,” which is, of course, an important concept-word in Hegelian and Marxist dialectic. For 矛, see Pt. 2, p. 226a. 矛盾 is an interesting word, glossable as “spear-shield,” a good metonymy (or metaphor) for “contradiction.”
盾牌 dùnpái shield
HÒU, back, in back of empress [A]
后天 hòutiān (on) the day after tomorrow [B]
皇后 huánghòu empress L5
(not empress) 後
ZHÍ, be straight; to keep on; be a certain length [A] L5
(MN) Ten (十) eyes (目) inspect the line (一) and find it to be straight
直 gives the sound in several characters (see following).
一直 yìzhí so far; straight on [A] L3
直言 zhíyán to “talk straight,” speak blunt ly
ZHĒN, be real, be true; truly [A] L2
(MN) Ten eyes check out something put in plain view, on a pedestal, so it must be real, genuine
真是 zhēnshì Oh, that’s bad. [C]
真相 zhēnxiàng true picture [D] L6
真好 zhēn hǎo Great!
ZHÍ, to be worth, to have a certain value [B]
值得 zhíde to be worth; to be worth-while [B] L4
值钱 zhíqián be worth some money, be valuable
ZHÍ, plant (growing thing), to plant; to establish [B]
The “tree” radical helps with the meaning. 直 zhí is, of course, the phonetic.
植物 zhíwù plant L4
植树节 zhíshùjié Arbor Day
ZHÌ, to buy, put, place [B]
直 zhí is the phonetic. Upper part is “net.” Originally meant “to put hunting nets in place,” thus “to place sth.” “To buy” is an associated meaning.
难以置信 nànyǐzhìxìn hard to believe
DǍI, chip, vice, evil. CHIP radical (97)
This character is supposed to be a picture of bone-chips. Distinguish “chip” from “dusk” 夕 (158, p. 32).
歹人 dǎirén villain
歹徒 dǎitú criminal, villain L6
ZHÍ, to breed, to multiply [C]
In the language of modern China, 殖 is especially important in two expressions: 殖民 zhímín “to establish a colony, colonize” and 殖 民地 zhímíndì “colony” (民 = 715, p. 144; 地 = 516, p 104).
生殖 shēngzhí to breed, reproduce [D]
XIÀN, present, now [A]
现钱 xiànqián ready money [D]
兑现 duìxiàn to cash a check; to fulfill a promise [D]
ZÀI, be at, in, on [A] L1
现在 xiànzài now [A] L1
在我看 zài wǒ kàn as I see it
不在了 bú zài le to exist no more, to be dead
LIÁNG, be good, be well [B]
The student should distinguish liáng from the “stubborn” radical 艮 (51, p. 11). Liáng has the dot at the top.
良好 liánghǎo be good, be well [B] L5
良心 liángxīn conscience L6
良友 liángyǒu good companion
SHÍ, food; to eat. FOOD radical (217) [A]
The “food” radical is a picture of a jar commonly used to hold food. Supposedly, the 人 on top is the lid.
零食 língshí snack L5
日食 rìshí solar eclipse
月食 yuèshí lunar eclipse
食言 shíyán go back on your word, break a promise
LIǍNG, two; a tael (ancient unit of weight equaling 50 grams) [A] L2
两手 liǎngshǒu trick, skill; dual aspects [D]
两块钱 liǎngkuài qián two dollars
两口子 liǎng kǒuzi husband and wife [D]
一两金子 yìliǎng jīnzi a tael of gold
LIǍ, (colloquial) two; some, several [A] L4
“man” + “two”
俩 is pronounced liǎng in the (not-too-common) term 伎俩 jìliǎng “trick, ruse.”
你们俩 nǐmen liǎ the two of you
俩钱 liǎqián a little money (not much)
CHĒ, car; family name. CAR radical (100) [A]
The character is a picture of a car or chariot (top view—the top and bottom horizontal strokes being the two wheels).
火车 huǒchē train (railroad) [A]
车间 chējiān workshop [B]
车夫 chēfū chauffeur
汽车 qìchē car
LIÀNG, a measure for vehicles [A] L3
Note that although it is a combination of “car” + “two,” it does not mean “two cars.”
三辆车子 sānliàng chēzi three (small) vehicles
FǍN, to turn back; to rebel [A]
反对 fǎnduì to oppose [A] L4
相反 xiāngfǎn be the opposite of [B] L5
反问 fǎnwèn respond to a question with a question; rhetorical question [C]
反射 fǎnshè reflex; reflection [D] L6
反目 fǎnmù to quarrel (especially between spouses or relatives)
FÀN, cooked rice, food [A]
Fàn is a sound-meaning compound. The “side-food” radical gives the meaning; fǎn (418, above) suggests the sound.
米饭 mǐfàn cooked rice [A] L1
要饭 yàofàn beg for food
要饭的 yàofànde beggar
煮饭 zhǔfan to cook rice
FǍN, to return, go back to [C]
This is a sound-meaning compound: “halt” to suggest movement, motion, travel; 反 fǎn to give the sound.
返还 fǎnhuán to return
返祖现象 fǎnzǔxiànxiàng atavism
BǍN, board; printing plate; a measure for editions; be “wooden” (lifeless) [A]
The “tree” radical suggests the meaning. 反 is the phonetic (now not such a good one).
板凳 bǎndèng wooden bench
木板 mùbǎn a plank; a board; a floor-board
PIÀN, slice, to slice, piece; an expanse; PIÀN, PIĀN, card. SLICE radical (114) [A] L5
片段 piànduàn fragment; passage L6
片刻 piànkè a short while; a moment L6
BǍN, printing block; edition [B]
A sound-meaning compound: Compare this to the character (421) above.
版本 bǎnběn edition L6
版权 bǎnquán copyright
TÁNG, the name of the Tang (T’ang) Dynasty; family name [D]
The classic dictionary Shuō wén jiě zì says that táng originally meant “to talk big,” that is, to boast rudely. The “mouth” radical, of course, helps with the meaning. Tang Dynasty by sound-loan.
唐人街 tángrénjiē Chinatown
唐朝 tángcháo Tang Dynasty
TÁNG, sugar, candy [A] L3
The “rice” radical helps with the meaning; it often appears in characters for words that mean a powdery substance, grain, or granular foodstuffs. Táng (424, p. 85) is, of course, the phonetic.
白糖 báitáng white sugar, refined sugar
红糖 hóngtáng brown sugar (most Chinese think it is more nutritious than white sugar)
糖水 tángshuǐ syrup
SHÉ, tongue. TONGUE radical (177) [B]
Shé is a picture of a tongue sticking out of a mouth.
学舌 xuéshé to learn “by tongue,” that is, so that you can parrot the teacher’s words without really understanding them; (colloquial) gossipy
舌吻 shéwěn French kiss
HUÀ, speech, language [A]
Huà combines meanings: “words” + “tongue” = “speech, language.”
说话 shuōhuà to speak, talk L1
白话 báihuà the ordinary spoken language, contrasted to “classical Chinese” 文言: see 215
中国话 Zhōngguóhuà the Chinese language
SHÈ, home; SHĚ, to give up, to give charity [A]
(MN) People French-kiss in your home!
舍得 shědé be willing to part with [C]
舍不得 shěbudé be unwilling to part with [C] L5
寒舍 hánshè (modestly) my home
(verbs only) 捨
SHÌ, affair, event [A]
事 shows a hand holding a writing instrument. It meant “to hold office, to serve” and suggested the scribes—early rulers’ most important servants.
事情 shìqíng affair, business [A] L2
故事 gùshì story [A] L3
懂事 dǒng shì be sensible, wise [C]
GĒ, song [A]
The “yawn” radical (to suggest the open mouth) combines with gē 哥 (269, p. 54) in this sound-meaning compound.
歌迷 gēmí fan of vocalist
歌手 gēshǒu singer [D]
国歌 guógē national anthem
情歌 qínggē love song
No pronunciation; FOLLOW/SLOW radical (65)
This modern radical results from the combination of two old radicals, meaning “follow” and “slow.” It looks sort of like a person taking a long stride. It is the radical in eight common modern characters, appearing in all cases except one at the top or side.
GÈ, each; various [A] L4
各别 gèbié individually [B]
各人 gèrén each person, everyone
各个 gège every one; one by one
各国 gèguó various nations
各位 gèwèi everybody (used in addressing an audience, to get people’s attention); each person
KÈ, guest [A]
客人 kèrén guest [B] L3
请客 qǐng kè to give a party [B] L4
客车 kèchē passenger train; bus [D]
说客 shuōkè an (informal) emissary, an eloquent fellow sent to win others to your point of view
(MN) Everyone under the roof is my guest
QǏ, to beg [D]
This character once was identical to the “breath” radical (64, p. 13) and meant “breath, vapors, exhalations.” It was probably by sound-loan that it came to mean “to beg.”
乞食 qǐ shí to beg for food
乞丐 qǐgài beggar L6
CHĪ, to eat [A] L1
吃饭 chīfàn to eat
吃力 chīlì to require strength and exertion; be arduous [C] L6
吃苦 chīkǔ to suffer [C] L6
吃的东西 chīde dōngxi food, things to eat
我吃饱了 wǒ chībǎole Thanks, I’ve had enough to eat.
(MN) The mouth begs for something to eat
XÌNG, be happy; XĪNG, to begin; family name [A]
高兴 gāoxìng be happy, be cheerful [A] L1
兴亡 xīngwáng rise and fall (of a nation, clan, etc.)
NÉNG, be able to; be expert (in…); energy [A] L1
For the sense “energy,” see 443, p. 89.
能够 nénggòu be able to [A]
能干 nénggàn be capable, be competent [B] L5
能力 nénglì ability [B] L4
能手 néngshǒu an expert [D]
CÉNG, already; ZĒNG, relationship between great-grandparents and great-grandchildren through the male line; a family name [B]
曾经 céngjīng to have already, once L5
曾祖父 zēngzǔfù (paternal) great-grandfather
(日 179)
SHĪ, corpse. CORPSE radical (67) [D]
The character was originally a picture of a man lying down. The student should learn to distinguish the “corpse” radical from the “door” radical 户 (504, p. 101).
尸体 shītǐ corpse L6
尸骨 shīgǔ skeleton of a corpse
屍 (not a radical)
HUÌ, to know how to, be able to; to meet; a while; KUÀI, to calculate [A] L1
会话 huìhuà conversation, dialog [A]
会客 huì kè to receive a guest [B]
会见 huìjiàn to meet with (e.g., a foreign visitor) [B]
学会 xuéhuì an academic society; to learn, to master [C]
一会儿 yí huìr a moment
YǏ, using, taking; because of; used as an indicator before words showing time, position, direction, or quantity (see below, and also 459 and 463) [A] L4
可以 kéyi may, be permitted to [A] L2 …
以外 yǐwài beyond…, outside of…, in addition to… [B] …
以东 yǐdōng to the east of …
所以 suǒyǐ thus L2
YUÁN, origin; a plain [A]
The character originally was “slope” + “white” + “water” and meant “spring” (i.e., a water source). “Water” was corrupted into “small.”
原先 yuánxiān at first, previously
原子 yuánzi atom
原子能 yuánzi néng nuclear energy
YUÀN, be willing [A]
The modern form and traditional form (below) are sound-meaning compounds, but in the modern form the “heart” radical replaces the “head” radical. A shift in the understanding of willingness?
心愿 xīnyuàn heart’s desire [D]
情愿 qíngyuàn voluntarily
许愿 xǔyuàn make a wish
YĪN, tone, voice. TONE radical (211) [A]
Original form was 言 (speech) plus a line in the mouth, and meant “voice of the speech.” The character has been corrupted into “stand” over “say.”
口音 kǒuyīn voice; accent L6
他的口音很重 tāde kǒuyīn hěn zhòng He has a very thick accent.
YÌ, idea, opinion, motive [A]
This character is sometimes explained as “the tone in the heart” = “idea, motive.”
愿意 yuànyì be willing [A] L3
意见 yìjiàn opinion [A] L4
注意 zhùyì pay attention [A] L3
故意 gùyì on purpose [B] L4
意外 yìwài be unforeseeable (literally, “beyond thought”); accident [B] L5
No pronunciation. CLAWS radical (116)
This is the form of the “claws” radical that appears as a part of characters. For the independent form, see 306, p. 62. The radical always appears at the top of characters.
SHÒU, to receive [B]
The “crown” radical is said to be an object being received from the “claws” (fingernails, hand) by the right hand.
受累 shòulèi be hassled, be put to a lot of trouble; shòulěi, to get involved for someone else
受不了 shòubuliǎo be unable to bear
受气 shòuqì get pushed around
ÀI, to love [A] L1
“Love” used to have the “heart” radical (87, p. 18) in it (see below), but that has been replaced by 友 yǒu “friend” (263, p. 53). Distinguish “to love” from 受 (448).
爱情 àiqíng love (romantic) [B] L4
爱人 àirén lover, wife, husband [A]
爱国 àiguó be patriotic
喜爱 xǐ’ài to be fond of, to love [B]
RÉN, humaneness, kindness [D]
仁 and rén 人 “person; be human” may be cognates. The “two” (二) is often explained philosophically: “two” = “another, other.” 仁 is one of the four starting points of social order in Confucianism, with commitment to the common good 义 (1020, p. 205), respect for social and religious forms 礼 (591, p. 119), and wisdom 智 (1023, p. 205).
仁慈 réncí kindhearted; benevolent L6
仁义 rényì benevolence and righteousness
ZHÀ, suddenly
This character is not frequently seen independently, but it occurs as the sound element in several common characters—where it usually has the value zha.
乍看 zhà kàn at first sight
乍有乍没 zhà yǒu zhà méi Now it’s here, now it’s not (idiomatically: “now you see it, now you don’t”).
ZUÒ, to do, to make [A]
Sometimes foreign students have trouble distinguishing this character in meaning from the homophonous 做 “make, produce, act as, be…” (See Pt. 2, p. 224a).
作者 zuòzhě writer, author [B] L4
合作 hézuò to cooperate [B] L5
作对 zuò duì to oppose
ZHÀ, to set off, blast [C]
Sudden fire, how appropriate!
炸弹 zhàdàn bomb
炸毁 zhàhuǐ to blow up; to dynamite
XUÉ, cave; lair; acupuncture point; a family name. CAVE radical (128) [D]
穴位 xuéwèi (Chinese medicine) acupuncture point
洞穴 dòngxuè cave
死穴 sǐxuè Achilles’ heel
(MN) A cave with eight roofs
ZHǍI, be narrow [B] L4
See 950, p. 191, for 窄 in a common combination, 宽窄 kuānzhǎi “the broad and the narrow,” i.e., “width, breadth.”
(MN) The cave suddenly narrowed
CHĀNG, sunlight, splendor; a family name [D]
This is a meaning-meaning compound: “sun” + “sun.”
昌言 chāngyán (bookish) frank and open speech or remarks
昌盛 chāngshéng prosperous; flourishing L6
CHÀNG, to sing; a family name [A]
The “mouth” gives the meaning; chāng (456, above) suggests the sound.
唱歌 chànggē to sing L2
合唱 héchàng a chorus (group of singers)
卖唱 màichàng to sing for a living
CHÀNG, to initiate, start off, advocate [B]
倡言 chàngyán (bookish) to propose
提倡 tíchàng to advocate, to promote L5
SHÀNG, up, upon, above; to come or go up [A] L1
⋯以上...yǐ shàng more than…; …and more
上学 shàngxué go to school, be in school [A]
上衣 shàng yī jacket, outer garment [B]
上马 shàngmǎ to get on a horse; to start a project
上个月 shàngge yuè last month
XIĚ, to write, to draw [A] L1
写字 xiězì to write
写作 xiězuò to write (e.g., a novel, a poem) [C] L6
写生 xiěshēng (artist’s expression) to draw from life
SĪ, to think, thought [A]
This character was originally “head” + “heart;” “head” was corrupted to “field.”
思想 sīxiǎng thought [A] L5
意思 yìsi idea [A] L2
(MN) Think of the field in your heart
XIĀNG, country (opposite to city) [B]*
The simplified form looks like a winding country road downhill.
故乡 gùxiāng hometown, birthplace[B] L6
乡亲 xiāngqīn fellow villager; local people, folks [D]
思乡 sīxiāng be homesick, suffer nostalgia
乡土 xiāngtǔ native soil; local
乡音 xiāngyīn local accent; accent of your native place
XIÀ, below; to come or go down [A] L1
上下 shàngxià high and low, old and young, top to bottom [C]
乡下 xiāngxià in the country; rural …
以下 yǐxià below…, under…
下个月 xiàge yuè next month
上山下乡 shàngshān xiàxiāng go work in the back country (as educated youth did, for socialist education)
JĪN, cloth. CLOTH radical (57) [B]
The character is a picture of a small piece of cloth—a kerchief, napkin, or towel—hanging down.
毛巾 máojīn towel [B] L5
手巾 shǒujīn small towel, face towel [D]
纸巾 zhǐjīn paper towel, napkin
卫生巾 wèishēngjīn sanitary napkin
MÀO, to cover the eyes; to rush blindly forward, act rashly; to try to “pull the wool over people’s eyes,” to fool or defraud them; to emit [B]
The upper part is a cover, the lower part is an eye, thus originally meant “to cover the eyes”—this is now a very minor meaning.
冒名 mào míng to use another’s name
冒雨 mào yǔ to brave the rain
冒气 mào qì to emit steam
MÀO, hat [A]
The “cloth” radical gives the meaning; mào (465, above) gives the sound.
帽子 màozi hat, cap [A] L3
帽舌 màoshé peak of a cap; visor
笔帽儿 bǐ màor cap of a pen
(MN) A piece of cloth covers the eye = hat
XĪN, be new [A] L2
新闻 xīnwén news [A] L3
重新 chóngxīn again, anew; fresh [B] L4
新秀 xīnxiù (sports) rookie
(亲 267)
JIÙ, be old (things, not people) [A] L3
The “sun” radical may give a hint as to the meaning of this character, the sun being our measurer of time’s passing.
旧日 jiùrì bygone days of yore
旧学 jiùxué old (Chinese) learning (contrasted to Western learning)
旧金山 Jiùjīnshān San Francisco
YÌ, be strange; be separate; regard as strange [B]
奇异 qíyì be weird, bizarre, alien
奇异果 qíyìguǒ kiwi fruit
异己 yìjǐ dissident, person belonging to another party
异乡 yìxiāng alien land
日新月异 rìxīn yuèyì to change or develop every day
No pronunciation. Radical (165). “Top of 栽” (Pt. 2, p. 265b).
DÀI, to wear (hats, glasses, gloves, etc.); to honor; a family name [A] L4
爱戴 àidài love and honor [D] L6
戴帽子 dài màozi to wear a hat
(MN) Ten 十 lances 戈 farming 田 together 共
CHÁ, tea [A] L1
吃茶 chīchá drink tea
茶点 chádiǎn refreshments
泡茶 pàochá to make (steep) tea
茶话会 cháhuàhuì tea party, reception (also “茶会”) [C]
奶茶 nǎichá “milk tea,” tea with milk
SHUǏ, water; a family name. WATER radical (125) [A] L1
The character is a picture of a stream of running water. Its meaning is, of course, closely related to another radical you have already learned—“three-dots water” (77, p. 16).
水土 shuǐtǔ climatic conditions [D]
汗水 hànshuǐ sweat (especially a lot)
洪水 hóngshuǐ flood L6
YǑU, wine; the tenth “earthly branch” (used in enumerations and to name two-hour periods of the day). WINE radical (193)
A wine-jug; the horizontal stroke inside = liquid in it. Distinguish the “wine” radical from 西 “west”/COVER radical (166, p. 95). See Lin Yutang’s Dictionary 1451f for an account of the “earthly branches.”
酉时 yǒushí from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
JIǓ, wine, alcoholic beverage [A]
Jiǔ combines meanings: “water” (氵) + “wine” (酉) = “wine, alcoholic beverage (酒).”
酒会 jiǔhuì cocktail party [D]
酒鬼 jiǔguǐ an alcoholic, wino, lush
酒意 jiǔyì mild high from drink; tipsy feeling
QǓ, to grab, take hold of [A] L4
The form, of course, is “right hand” (又) + “ear (耳).” The hand is supposed to be grabbing the ear, hence “to grab.”
取得 qǔdé to get, to obtain [A]
取笑 qǔxiào to make fun of, to tease
ZUÌ, most [A] L2
最好 zuìhǎo the greatest; the best thing to do is … [B] L4
…之最 zhīzuì the best of (e.g., 亚洲之最 the best of Asia)
SHÀNG, still (adverb); to esteem, to respect; a family name [D]
尚 gives, or once gave, the sound in a number of characters. See following items.
尚存 shàngcún to remain
尚可 shàngkě passable
TǍNG, to lie down [A] L4
The “torso” radical helps, perhaps, with the meaning. The character 尚 (preceding) once helped with the sound.
躺下 tǎngxià to lie down
躺椅 tǎngyǐ a “lying-down” chair, i.e., a chaise longue, deck chair
TÀNG, a measure for trips or visits; column, row [B] L4
The walk “走” radical helps with the meaning.
TǍNG, if [C]
倘或 tǎnghuò if; supposing that...; in case
倘若 tǎngruò if L6
No pronunciation. Radical (139). “Top of 常” (see next character).
CHÁNG, often; as a rule; a family name [A]
Original meaning is “long trailing threads,” thus the “cloth” radical.
常常 chángcháng often [A]
异常 yìcháng be unusual, abnormal; extremely, anomaly [B] L6
常见 chángjiàn be common, ordinary [D]
ZHǍNG, palm of the hand; to slap; hold in the palm of your hand; be in charge of; bottom of some animals’ feet (e.g., ducks, bears); sole or heel of a shoe; a horseshoe [A]
The significance of the “hand” radical is obvious; 尚 (478, p. 96) helps with the sound.
掌心 zhǎngxīn center of the palm
掌柜 zhǎngguì shopkeeper
SHǍNG, to reward; to enjoy [C]
赏 has the same phonetic as several of the preceding characters—尚. The radical “cowrie (money),” logically enough, also appears in this character for reward and enjoyment.
赏罚 shǎngfá rewards and punishments
欣赏 xīnshǎng appreciation, to appreciate L5
GÉ, hide (as in “cowhide”); a family name. HIDE radical (212) [B]
The character is a picture of a hide split and spread out to dry.
革命 gémìng revolution L5
革职 gézhí dismissal
JIĀN, be difficult [B]
In the traditional character, the element on the left—now the “right hand” radical—was a picture of a man with his hands tied behind his back, hence “to be in difficulty.”
艰苦 jiānkǔ difficult
艰险 jiānxiǎn hardships and dangers
NÁN, be difficult [A]; NÀN, a tough time; disaster, adversity L3
难住 nánzhù to stop with a difficulty, to stymie (难不住, cannot stymie...)
难看 nánkàn be ugly [B] L5
难受 nánshòu feel sick, feel pain, be unhappy [B] L4
难道 nándào It couldn’t be that... [B] L4
GǓ, valley; grain, corn; a family name. VALLEY radical (199) [C]
The character is a picture of a valley. Its other meanings come from its use in modern times as a short form for another, semantically unrelated character.
山谷 shāngǔ ravine [C]
谷子 gǔzi millet
穀 (not “valley”)
RÓNG, to allow; face; a family name [A]
容忍 róngrěn be tolerant, put up with people L6
笑容 xiàoróng a smile; smiling face [C]
(MN) To allow grain under roof.
WÙ, must not; Don’t! [D] L6
Original form is a knife with several dots to indicate the scraps; from the meaning of scraps/ things not needed, other meanings derived.
YÌ, to change; be easy; family name [A]
Yì originally meant “chameleon” and was a picture of a chameleon. The meaning “to change” is an easy extension of “chameleon.” The meaning “easy” is probably by sound-loan.
容易 róngyì be easy [A] L3
易经 yìjīng The Book of Changes (I-Ching)
CŌNG, be intelligent [B]
Cōng originally meant “be quick of hearing, be quick of apprehension,” from which it easily came to mean “be quick to understand, be intelligent.” The “ear” radical helps with the meaning.
聪明 cōngmíng wise, intelligent L3
失聪 shīcōng deaf
(耳 256) 聰
MÍNG, be bright, be clear [A]
“Sun” (日) + “moon” (月) = “light, be bright.”
明天 míngtiān tomorrow [A] L1
聪明 cōngmíng be intelligent [B] L3
明白 míngbái to understand [C] L3
黑白分明 hēi bái fēn míng in sharp contrast (literally, with black and white clearly marked))
TĪNG, to listen [A] L1
The old form had “ear” as one of its meaning parts. The simplified form is more or less a shorthand abbreviation.
听见 tīngjiàn to hear [A]
听说 tīngshuō to hear it said that… [A]
听写 tīngxiě dictation, do dictation (in class) [A]
JĪN, be of/at the present time, be contemporary [A]
Distinguish from 令 (369, page 76)
今天 jīntiān today [A] L1
今日 jīnrì today, the present time, “these days” [C]
古今 gǔjīn past and present
今生 jīnshēng this life
NIÀN, to think about, to study [A] L5
(MN) “Be present” (今) + the “heart” (心) radical (for “mind”) = “to have the present in the mind, to study”
想念 xiǎngniàn to miss, to remember longingly [B] L5
念书 niànshū to study, do some serious reading [C]
XIÀO, filial piety; family name [D]
The character combines meanings: the “old” radical + the “child” (子) radical = “filial piety.”
孝心 xiàoxīn filial piety, love and respect for parents
孝子 xiàozǐ filial son
JIĀO, to teach; JIÀO, to tell; religion; family name [A] L3
教 looks like a meaning-meaning compound: old (考) + child (子) + a hand holding a stick (for discipline) (攵). In fact, “old” used to be “crisscross” and was the character the child was taught to write.
家教 jiājiào a private teacher, a tutor; upbringing
教书 jiāoshū to teach
HÉ, what? why? L1
The form at the top is the “say” (曰) radical, not the “sun” (日) radical. This character is now bookish.
HĒ, to drink; HÈ, to shout [A] L1
Hé (500, above) gives the sound; the “mouth” radical gives the meaning.
喝茶 hē chá to drink tea
喝彩 hècǎi applause
大吃大喝 dà chī dà hē to pig out, to eat and drink extravagantly
SHǏ, pig. PIG radical (194)
The character is a picture of a pig.
JIĀ, home, house, family; specialist; family name (rare) [A] L1
Jiā combines meanings: “pig” under “roof” = “home.” Some commentators say the pig is really outside the house. Either way, it seems that a pig was considered of great value to the family back then.
家乡 jiāxiāng hometown, ancestral home [B] L5
家长 jiāzhǎng head of a family [D]
家母 jiāmǔ my mother
HÙ, door; a measure for households; family name. DOOR radical (86) [B]
This character is a picture. The student should distinguish it from “corpse” 尸 (440, p. 89).
户口 hùkǒu population; household [D]
三户人家 sānhù rénjiā three households
FĀNG, square; direction; locality; family name. SQUARE radical (85) [A] L5
Fāng may originally have been a picture of a man leaning hard to one side—the original character for 旁 páng “side” (875, p. 176). By tradition, “square” radical. It gives the sound in several characters (below).
方便 fāngbiàn be convenient, to pee, bowel movement [A] L3
东方 dōngfāng the East, the Orient [B]
FÁNG, house, building; family name [B]
“Door” gives the meaning; fāng (505, above) gives the sound.
房子 fángzi house, building; room [B]
房东 fángdōng landlord [D] L5
房事 fángshì sexual intercourse (esp. between husband and wife)
FǍNG, to look for; to dig up (the news); to visit [B]
The “side-word” radical here may help with the meaning. 方 is the phonetic.
访查 fǎngchá investigate
访问 fǎngwèn to visit; to call on L4
FǍNG, to reel, to spin; silk [A]
The “silk” radical (“side-silk (纟)”) suggests the meaning.
纺车 fǎngchē spinning wheel
纺织 fǎngzhī spinning L6
FǍNG, to copy, imitate; to resemble [B]
The “side-man” radical suggests the meaning.
仿古 fǎnggǔ to build or design, or be built or designed, on an ancient model or models
FÁNG, to guard against [B]
The “left ear” (“mound”) suggests the meaning (perhaps as a metonymy for ramparts). 方 fāng, as with several characters on these pages, gives the sound.
防备 fángbèi guard against
防水 fángshuǐ waterproofing
FÁNG, to hinder [C]
The “woman” radical, in a use which appears to be sexist, suggests the meaning “to hinder.” Scholarly articles have been written on such a bias in the writing system. The scribes and script-masters, of course, were all male. 方 fāng (505, p. 102) is the phonetic.
妨碍 fáng’ài to hinder L5
FÀNG, to lay down; to put; to tend; to lend; to fire (a weapon) [A] L3
Although not precise, the “knock” radical, which has the element of “hand,” helps with the meaning.
放心 fàngxīn to be at ease about [B] L3
放大 fàngdà to enlarge, to magnify [B] L6
放手 fàngshǒu to let go of [C] L6
放学 fàngxué to get out of class, get out of school [C]
LÓU, a building of two or more stories; family name [A] L3
楼房 lóufáng building of two or more stories [C]
下楼 xiàlóu to go downstairs
楼下 lóuxià downstairs
高楼大厦 gāolóudàshà skyscrapers
ZHÌ, to reach, to arrive at; REACH radical (171) [B]
Original form unquestionably showed an arrow reaching ground, thus “to reach.”
至今 zhìjīn up to the present time [B] L5
至少 zhìshǎo at least [B] L4
WŪ, a room [A]
The “corpse” radical here is supposed to mean “to lie or sit,” and the character is explained as “where you come (reach) to lie or sit down—your room.”
屋子 wūzi room [A] L5
房屋 fángwū houses, buildings [C]
DÌ, the earth; soil; place [A]
地方 dìfāng place [A] L3
土地 tǔdì land [B] L5
地点 dìdiǎn place, site [B]
地位 dìwèi job, status [B] L5
地下 dìxià be underground; be secret [B]
地支 dìzhī earthly branch(es): see 44, p. 9.
谢天谢地 xiètiān xièdì Thank God!
WÙ, halberd; the fifth “heavenly stem.” HALBERD radical (138)
戊 is a picture of a halberd—a lance with an ax-like blade in the middle. Distinguish from 戈 the “lance” radical (30, p. 7). On the “heavenly stems,” see Lin Yutang’s Dictionary 1451f.
CHÉNG, to perfect; to become; family name [A]
成就 chéngjiù accomplishment [B] L5
成立 chénglì to set up [B] L6
成长 chéngzhǎng grow up, mature [B] L5
成分 chéngfèn component(s); class status (Marxist/Maoist concept) (also written 成份) [B] L5
成人 chéngrén an adult [D]
CHÉNG, city wall; city [A]
The “earth” radical gives the meaning, and chéng (preceding character) gives the sound.
城乡 chéngxiāng town and country
长城 Chángchéng the Great Wall L4
城堡 chéngbǎo fortress, castle
JIĀO, to hand over, to exchange L4
The original meaning of this character was “to cross”; it was a picture of a man with crossed legs. Distinguish it from “pattern” 文 (215, p. 44). 交 gives the sound in several common characters (see following).
交易 jiāoyì to trade, business transactions [B] L6
交手 jiāoshǒu fight hand-to-hand [D]
XIÀO, school [A]; JIÀO, to check, collate
学校 xuéxiào school [A] L1
校长 xiàozhǎng principal (of a school); college president [B] L3
校对 jiàoduì to proofread
(MN) To hand over trees in school
JIÀO, to compare [A]
交 jiāo (520, above) gives the sound. Karlgren (AD 357) sees a connection with chariot competitions. Others see a connection with the chariot itself.
比较 bǐjiào comparatively, to compare
较量 jiàoliàng a bout, to contest L6
JIǍO, dumpling [A]
This is a sound-meaning compound: the “side-food” radical for meaning, 交 jiāo (520, above) for sound.
饺子 jiǎozi dumpling (stuffed with meat and vegetables) L4
煎饺 jiānjiǎo fried dumpling
JIĀO, suburb; outskirts of a city [B]
The “city” (now called “right ear”—see 191, p. 39) gives the meaning. 交 jiāo (520, above) gives the sound.
郊外 jiāowài outskirts, suburban
郊游 jiāoyóu picnic, excursion
XIÀO, effect; to imitate; to devote [B]
效力 xiàolì to render a service to; an effect [D]
效能 xiàonéng efficacy
仿效 fǎngxiào to imitate; to follow the example of
生效 shēngxiào be in effect; become effective L6
JIǍO, be crafty, be cunning [C]
The “dog” (on the left) may allude to small animals (see 183, p. 37) and some idea that such are cunning. In English, we say “foxy” and “to outfox someone.”
狡猾 jiǎohuá crafty, sly L5
狡诈 jiǎozhà deceitful
JIĀO, be sticky; glue; sticky stuff; plastic; rubber [C]
The “moon/meat” radical on the left, with the significance here of “meat,” perhaps suggests the meaning. 交 jiāo (520, p. 105) gives the sound.
胶水 jiāoshuǐ glue
胶囊 jiāonáng capsule
YǍO, to bite; to incriminate an innocent person with false testimony [B] L5
咬耳朵 yǎoěrduo whisper in sb.’s ear
咬文嚼字 yǎowénjiáozì to talk pedantically
YÒNG, to use [A] L3
Of much disputed etymology.
作用 zuòyòng function; to affect [B] L3
用力 yònglì put effort into [B]
运用 yùnyòng use, put into practice [B] L5
用心 yòngxīn motive; diligently [C]
用人 yòngrén servant [D]
PÙ, to store; PŪ, to spread [B] L6
The character is a sound-meaning compound. The “gold” radical gives the meaning, and fǔ (530, above) gives the sound.
铺子 pùzi a store, a shop
铺张 pūzhāng be extravagant
GUĀN, mandarin; government official; (bodily) organ [B] L5
Suggest taking the shape as “buttocks” under “roof”—a government official sitting and doing nothing. The bottom is not 臣 (Pt. 2, p. 216b) or 巨 (Pt. 2, p. 238b).
官方 guānfāng governmental [D] L6
官话 guānhuà “Mandarin” language
五官 wǔ guān the five organs (ears, eyes, lips, nose, tongue)
GUǍN, public building (embassy, museum); public accommodation (hotel, eatery, tea-house); family name [A]
Guān (532) gives the sound—and maybe the meaning; for “eatery,” the “food” radical, of course, helps with the meaning. (MN) An official eats
饭馆 fànguǎn restaurant [C] L1
天文馆 tiānwénguǎn planetarium (天文 = astronomy)
NÍ, nun [D]
Looking now like “corpse” 尸 (440, p. 89) + “ladle” 匕 (41, p. 9), this character was once “person” beside “person” and said by some scholars to mean “be beside, be near” or “a person pressurizes another” by other scholars. Either way, the meaning “nun” appears to have come by sound-loan.
尼姑 nígū Buddhist nun
尼罗河 níluóhé the Nile River
NE, a grammatical particle [A]; NÍ, wool-stuff L1
Ní (534) gives the sound; the mouth here warns that the character may be a particle. Chao’s Grammar says that ne may signal a question, a deliberate pause, or a mild warning (pp. 801f). The meaning “wool-stuff” comes by sound-loan.
我呢 wǒ ne What about me?
SUǑ, place; which? what?; family name [A] L5
“Door” and “ax” here combine to mean “to build a living place,” whence “place.” Other meanings by association.
所以 suǒyǐ therefore [A] L2
所有 suǒyǒu all; to own; possessions [A] L4
所在 suǒzài place [C]
QÌ, gas, steam [A]
The character combines meanings: “water” + “breath” (vapor) = “steam.”
汽车 qìchē automobile [A]
汽水 qìshuǐ carbonated drink, soda water [A]
ZHŌU, boat. BOAT radical (182) [D] L6
The “boat” radical is a picture of a boat.
舟车 zhōuchē (bookish) boat and car; (by metonymy) journey
舟子 zhōuzi (bookish) boatman
方舟 fāngzhōu an ark, the Ark
CHUÁN, boat, ship [A] L2
汽船 qìchuán steamship [ C]
下船 xiàchuán disembark
船长 chuánzhǎng master, captain, of a ship
船首 chuánshǒu the bows of a boat, prow
Note that in modern Chinese, 船 can mean both small and big vessels, while 舟 mainly refers to smaller ones.
FĒI, to fly [A]
Fēi is a picture, somewhat abbreviated, of a flying bird.
飞船 fēichuán blimp, airship [D]
飞舟 fēizhōu a very fast boat (speed-boat)
飞奔 fēibēn run like flying
JǏ, several, a few; how many? [A]; JĪ, (small) table. TABLE radical (30) L1
A picture of a table. Other meanings by sound-loan. Distinguish from 儿 (67, p. 14). As a radical, 几 may appear a bit different, as in 风 fēng “wind” (819, p. 164), 朵 duǒ “flower” (Pt. 2, p. 243b), etc.
几点了 jǐ diǎn le What time is it?
JĪ, machine, mechanism; crucial point; opportunity; be quick-witted [A]
飞机 fēijī airplane [A] L1
机会 jīhuì opportunity [A] L3
唱机 chàngjī a record-player, phonograph
机器 jīqì machine L4
XÍNG, to go, do, perform; be okay [A]; behavior, conduct [B]; HÁNG, row (e.g., of trees), line (of verse) [B]; business firm [C] L4
“Step” (50, p. 11) + “step” (now slightly corrupted) = “to go.”
行李 xínglǐ baggage [B]
行人 xíngrén pedestrian(s) [C] L5
行业 háng yè trade, profession L6
GUĪ, jade tablets or jade batons used in the old days as symbols of authority
Note that in guī “earth” appears twice. These jade symbols were the tokens used in conferring fiefs (land).
圭表 guībiǎo old Chinese sundial (it measured the length of the year and of the 24 solar terms)
JIĒ, a street (A)
Jiē is a sound-meaning compound. “Go” gives the meaning; guī (544, p. 109) at one time gave the sound.
街道 jiēdào street; neighborhood [B] L3
大街 dàjiē boulevard [B]
唐人街 Tángrén jiē Chinatown [A]
FĒNG, to seal up [C]; a measure for letters; a family name [A]
信封 xìnfēng envelope [A]
封口 fēngkǒu to seal up (a letter, a wound); to end a debate
DÌNG, be calm, stable; to settle (a matter); subscribe; family name [A]
The character combines meanings: first “set right” 正 (600, p. 121) things under your “roof” 宀 (40, p. 9) to have a settled life, or more straight-forwardly “to fix the roof/building.” 正 now looks more like 疋 (326, p. 66).
一定 yídìng certainly; fixed, set [A]
不一定 bùyídìng not necessarily, not for sure [A]
ZĚN, how? why? [A]
The character is supposed to be a meaning-meaning compound: “suddenly” 乍 (451, p. 91) + “heart/mind” = bewilderment = the questions “how? why?”
怎么 zěnme how? why? [A] L1
不怎么 bùzěnme not very
CÓNG, to follow; from [A]; a family name L2
Two persons, one following the other.
随从 suícóng retinue, attendant
从不 cóngbù never [B]
从没 cóngméi has/have never [B]
从此 cóngcǐ from now (then) on [B] L5
从事 cóngshì go in for, deal with [B] L5
HUÍ, to return; a time, occurrence; Muslim; a family name [A] L1
The character is supposed to symbolize going around something until you reach a point of origin, e.g., a whirlpool.
回想 huíxiǎng bring back to mind, recollect [C]
回家 huíjiā to return home
下回 xiàhuí next time
DÀO, to arrive at; verb-ending, indicating successful completion of the action of the verb; family name [A] L2
The “reach” radical gives the meaning; dāo (232, p. 47) gives the sound.
从…到 … cóng…dào… from…to… [A]
到了 dào le [some subject] has arrived
看到 kàndào to see
想不到 xiǎngbudào be unexpected [A]
DÀO, on the contrary; be flipped, be upside down; DǍO, to fall, topple L5
倒闭 dǎobì bankrupt
倒影 dàoyǐng inverted image, a reflected image
ZUÒ, to sit down; to travel by [A] L1
Zuò is a picture of two people sitting on the earth.
坐下 zuòxià to sit down
坐船 zuò chuán to travel by boat
坐飞机 zuò fēijī to travel by plane
ZUÒ, a measure-word for buildings, mountains, cities, clocks, tombs; seat [A] L4
座位 zuòwèi a seat [B] L4
一座山 yízuò shān one mountain
(MN) Under the roof, two people sitting on earth
LÁI, to come; a family name [A] L1
Lái once meant “wheat” and was a picture of growing wheat. It means “to come” by sound-loan.
回来 huílai to return [A]
未来 wèilái the future [B] L5
来回 láihuí to make a round-trip; back and forth [C]
来客 láikè guest, visitor [C]
QÙ, to go; to cause to go; get rid of. GO radical (133) [A] L1
Qù was a cup (now “nose” 厶 (46, p. 10) with a lid (now “earth” 土 (34, p. 7)). Why it should mean “to go” is unclear.
回去 huíqù to return, go back [A]
下去 xiàqù to go down
说来说去 shuō lái shuō qù to say over and over
QǏ, to rise, to raise [A]
Jǐ (297, p. 60) suggests the sound in this character; the “walk” radical is supposed to help with the meaning.
起来 qǐlai to stand up, to get up (out of bed); qǐlai, a verb-ending, indicating “up”: 站起来, stand up; or “begin”: 唱起来, begin singing L4
起飞 qǐfēi to take off (airplane) L4
ZUÓ, yesterday [A]
The “sun” radical suggests the meaning; zhà (451, p. 91) once gave the sound.
昨天 zuótiān yesterday [A] L1
昨儿 zuór (colloquial) yesterday
DÀN, dawn [C]
The character is a picture of the sun just above the horizon, and it suggests “dawn.” It gives the sound in a few characters.
元旦 Yuándàn New Year’s Day [C] L5
一旦 yídàn in one day, pronto, as soon as [D]
旦夕 dànxī (bookish) in the morning or the evening—pretty soon
DÀN, but, only; family name [A]
但是 dànshì but [A] L2
不但 búdàn not only [A] L4
但愿 dànyuàn if only; I wish that
DĀN, to carry on a pole on your shoulder (between two persons OR just one person) [B]
The side-hand radical gives the meaning; dàn (559, p. 112) gives the sound.
担保 dānbǎo to guarantee L6
扁担 biǎndàn a shoulder-pole
DǍN, gall bladder; courage; inside of a thermos bottle [B]
The “moon/meat” radical (as “meat”) gives the meaning. 旦 dàn (559, p. 112) is the phonetic.
胆汁 dǎnzhī bile
胆量 dǎnliàng courage
ZǍO, be early; long ago; Good morning! [A]
早饭 zǎofàn breakfast [A]
早上 zǎoshàng in the (early) morning [A] L2
早已 zǎoyǐ long ago; for a long time [C]
早日 zǎorì soon; at an early date [D]
早点 zǎodiǎn breakfast; a bit earlier [D]
MIǍN, to escape; to exempt [B]
A picture of woman with spread legs to give birth, now conveyed with
娩 —added “woman” radical for clarity. Other meanings by association.
免得 miǎnde to save (as, from inconvenience); to avoid [C] L6
免税 miǎnshuì to be exempt from taxes
WǍN, be late; evening; family name [A]
“Sun” for meaning, miǎn (564) for sound (once upon a time).
晚上 wǎnshang in the evening; at night [A] L2
晚饭 wǎnfàn supper [A]
晚会 wǎnhuì soiree, evening party [A]
晚报 wǎnbào evening newspaper [C]
GŌNG, work. WORK radical (48) [A]
工 is a carpenter’s square; so, “work.”
工厂 gōngchǎng factory, mill [A] L5
工作 gōngzuò work, job [A] L1
工人 gōngrén workman [A] L5
工夫 gōngfu time, effort [B] L6
工会 gōnghuì labor union [B] L6
分工 fēn gōng to divide the labor [C]
JĪNG, warp (of fabric); pass through; literary classic; family name [A]
Right half: a picture of threads running across a loom; the “silk” radical reclarifies. Other meanings derived from “warp.”
经常 jīngcháng every day, often [A] L3
已经 yǐjīng already [A] L2
曾经 céngjīng have done it [B] L5
HÁI L2, still, yet; HUÁN, to return [A] L3
The upper right-hand part of 还 has nothing to do with the negator of verbs 不 —it is a shorthand way to suggest the upper right-hand part of the traditional character (see below, this frame).
还是 háishi still, yet [A] L3
还债 huánzhài to repay a debt
QIÁN, front, in front of [A]
从前 cóngqián in the past [A] L5
前天 qiántiān the day before yesterday [B]
前方 qiánfāng ahead; the front [C]
前后 qiánhòu in front and back; from beginning to end [C]
前门 qiánmén (at) the front door
前两天 qiánliǎngtiān the past two days
JIǍN, scissors; to cut with scissors [B]
前 (569, p. 114) suggests the sound. The “knife” radical helps with the meaning.
剪刀 jiǎndāo scissors L5
剪纸 jiǎnzhǐ paper-cut
JIÀN, arrow [B]
前 (569, p. 114) suggests the sound.
箭头 jiàntóu arrowhead; arrow (sign)
射箭 shèjiàn to shoot an arrow; archery
JIĀN, to fry; to simmer in water [C] L5
前 (569, p. 114) suggests the sound. The “fire-dots” give the meaning.
煎饼 jiānbǐng pancake
煎熬 jiān’áo suffering, torment
SHÍ, time [A]
The “sun” radical helps with the meaning. If 寸 “thumb; inch” can be thought of as suggesting measurement, then 时 should be fairly easy to remember.
时间 shíjiān time [A] L2
时时 shíshí often, all the time [C]
时常 shícháng often [C] L6
HÒU, to wait; climate; a period of time [A]
时候 shíhòu time [A] L1
问候 wènhòu to ask after someone [B] L5
火候 huǒhòu time required to cook something
气候 qìhòu climate L4
BǍI, one hundred [A] L2
Bái (282, p. 57) gives the sound; “one” suggests that the meaning is numerical.
老百姓 lǎobǎixìng common folks [B] L5
百花齐放,百家争鸣 bǎihuā qífàng, bǎijiā zhēngmíng “Let 100 flowers bloom, let 100 schools of thought contend.” (Mao Tsetung) [D] (花 = 787, 齐 = Pt. 2, p. 217b, 放 = 512, 争 = 709, 鸣 = Pt. 2, p. 268a)
WÈI, for; WÉI, to be, do, act [A] L3
为什么 wèishénme why? [A] L2
为了 wèile for; in order to [A] L3
为止... wéizhǐ up to…, until… [C]
为首... wéishǒu with… as leader [C]
为难 wéinán be embarrassed; give somebody a hard time [C]
(MN) To do two points of strength
DÌ, a prefix to numbers (forms ordinals) [A]
第一 dìyī first, the first L2
第四天 dìsì tiān the fourth day
第三者 dìsānzhě the third person; the other woman (or man), e.g., a mistress
(MN) Little brother wears a bamboo hat
NIÁN, year [A] L1
Originally combined with “禾” crop on top and “亻” person below and meant the annual cycle of grain harvest. Modern form is no longer recognizable.
去年 qùnián last year [A] L2
今年 jīnnián this year [A]
明年 míngnián next year [A]
年纪 niánjì age (a person’s) [A] L5
一百年 yìbǎinián a hundred years; a lifetime
KǍN, bowl. BOWL radical (38)
Kǎn is a picture of a bowl.
CHŪ, to come/go out; to produce [A] L2
Suggest remembering as a picture of a sprout coming out of a bowl.
出版 chūbǎn to publish; put out [B] L5
出来 chūlái to come out [A]
出去 chūqù to go out [A]
出口 chūkǒu exit, way out [A] L5
出现 chūxiàn to appear, emerge [A] L3
出生 chūshēng be born [B] L4
出门 chūmén be away from home
DĚNG, to wait; to equal; rank; “etc.” [A] L2
Although the authorities all equate 等 with English “etc.,” 等 sometimes seems rather just to signal the end of a list. 等等 = etc.
等候 děnghòu to wait for [C] L5
等到 děngdào by the time that… [C]
马、牛、羊、等 mǎ, niú, yáng, děng horses, cows, sheep, etc. OR (better): horses, cows, and sheep.
KUÀI, be fast; soon; be happy; be sharp [A] L2
快车 kuàichē express train
快刀 kuài dāo sharp knife
飞快 fēikuài be very fast; be very sharp
快点 kuàidiǎn “Faster, please.”
快乐 kuàilè be happy, happiness L2
MÀN, be slow [A] L2
慢车 mànchē local train
快慢 kuàimàn “the fast and the slow of it,” i.e., speed
慢走 mànzǒu Watch your step! Take care of yourself! (said to a departing guest)
(MN) Be slow with your heart, the sun, the hat, and the right hand
ZÀI, again; another, more [A] L2
再见 zàijiàn Goodbye! So long! [A] L1
再三 zàisān over and over, repeatedly [C] L5
再说 zài shuō and furthermore [C]
再给五个 zài gěi wǔge give five more
ZHE, (after verbs) “continues doing”; (after imperative verbs) intensifies the command [A] L2
See next two items. (For more on 着, see Chao’s Grammar 248-51, 446-47.) Note: 着 is not 看 (161, p. 33).
她吃饭着呢 tā chīfànzhe ne She’s eating at the moment.
等着 děngzhe Just you wait!
ZHÁO, to touch; to feel [A]; ZHÁOLE (着了) (after verbs) “Did it right!”; “Oh dear!”
See preceding and following items.
着忙 zháo máng get busy, feel pressed
着火了 zháohuǒle catches fire
这回你可说着了 zhèihuì nǐ kě shuō zháole Right on! You said it!
我买着了 wǒ mǎi zháole Yeah! I bought it!
ZHUÓ, to wear; to apply, to use [C]
See preceding two items.
着手 zhuó shǒu to put a hand in, start [C] L6
着重 zhuó zhòng to emphasize [C] L6
着想 zhuó xiǎng to consider, focus on [D] L6
着笔 zhuó bǐ to start to write (or paint)
着力 zhuó lì to apply some elbow grease
着意 zhuó yì to do with the brain turned on
JIÀN; a measure for events, official documents, articles of clothing, pieces of furniture parts [A] L2
文件 wénjiàn documents, papers [B] L5
零件 língjiàn component; spare part; accessory [C] L5
一件事 yíjiàn shì an event, a matter, an affair
JǏNG, well, mineshaft [B] L6
井, say the scholars, depicts the traditional eight-family village, with a central area cultivated by all families for tax purposes: in the central area was the village well (sometimes in ancient characters marked with a big dot) (Karlgren AD 1084). Or rather, more straightforwardly, a picture of a well.
井底之蛙 jǐngdǐzhīwā a frog living at the bottom of a well (depicting a man of ignorance)
LǏ, ritual; manners [A]
As often, the “sign” radical appears in a character related to religion.*
礼帽 lǐmào top hat
礼貌 lǐmào etiquette L4
礼金 lǐjīn cash given in congratulation or for respect
BÀI, to worship, pay respect to [B]
Original form was “hand” + “plant” = worship with harvest = worship.
礼拜 lǐbài to worship; to pay homage to the gods; week [C]
礼拜天 lǐbài tiān Sunday [B] L5
NÁ, to pick up [A] L3
The character combines meanings: “to join” + “hand” = “to pick up.”
拿 …
来说 ná… lái shuō as to… [C]
拿起来 náqǐlái to pick up
拿走 názǒu to take away
拿住 názhù to hold onto firmly
拿着 názhe Hold on to it! Hang on!
JÌN, to enter [A]. L2 井 (590, above) gives the sound imperfectly.
进去 jìnqù to go in [A]
进来 jìnlái to come in [A]
进行 jìnxíng to make progress with; to pull strings [A] L4
进口 jìnkǒu entrance, way in; to enter port; to import [B] L5
进入 jìnrù to enter [B]
SÒNG, to send off, to see off; to give as a present; to deliver [A] L2
送行 sòngxíng to see off [B]
送礼 sònglǐ to send a present [C]
不送 búsòng (guest) Don’t bother to see me off; (host) Excuse me for not…
买一送一 mǎiyī sòngyī buy one, get one free
YĪN, cause; because [A]
Karlgren says the basic meaning is “cause” in a legal sense and explains the character as “a man (the “big” radical) in prison.”
因为 yīnwèi because [A] L2
因此 yīncǐ because of this [B] L4
XÌN, sincerity; to believe; letter (as in “business letter, personal letter”) [A] L3
The character shows “a man standing by his word,” whence “sincere; to believe.”
相信 xiāngxìn to believe [A] L3
信心 xìnxīn confidence, trust [B] L4
回信 huí xìn to write back; a reply (written or oral) [B]
信念 xìnniàn faith, belief [C] L6
WÀN, ten thousand; family name [A] L3
The traditional form derived from a picture of a scorpion, current meaning by sound-loan.
千万 qiānwàn 10 million; by all means [B]
万万 wànwàn (intensifies negation) absolutely (not…), never; 100 million [C]
万一 wànyī just in case; what if; eventuality; one ten-thousandth, tiny bit [C] L5
JǏN, be tense, be urgent, be tight [A] L5
紧张 jǐnzhāng be excited; be tense; be exciting [A] L4
要紧 yàojǐn be important [B]
太紧 tàijǐn be too tight (as in shoes, clothes, etc.)
ZHÈNG, be true; truly; be straight, upright; be in the midst of (doing) [A] L5
正 gives the sound in several characters (see below) in which rectification seems to be part of the meaning.* 正 is sometimes used as a substitute for 五 (five) when counting, for it has five strokes.
正在 zhèng zài be in the midst of [A] L2
正好 zhèng hǎo be just right; it just happens that… [B] L4
正常 zhèngcháng be normal [B] L4
ZHÈNG, government; political administration [A]
正 gives the sound. As for the the significance of “knock,” Mao Zedong once said: 枪杆子里 出政权 “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”
政客 zhèngkè politician (pejorative)
ZHĚNG, to tinker with; to give trouble; whole, exactly [A]
正 is phonetic. The top part— 束 “bundle, to bind” + “to knock” means “to correct; imperial orders.”
整个 zhěnggè whole, entire [B] L5
整整 zhěngzhěng whole, entire [D]
(两) 点整 (liǎng) diǎn zhěng (2) o’clock sharp [C]
ZHÈNG, proof, to prove; permit [B]
证明 zhèngmíng to prove; to testify; certificate, I.D. [B] L4
证书 zhèngshū certificate, credentials [C] L6
证件 zhèngjiàn papers, credentials [C] L5
ZHĒNG, 1) to go on a trip; to go on an expedition; 2) evidence; to examine evidence; to summon to court; to recruit or levy [B]
The “step” radical may help with the meaning. 正 (600, above) gives the sound.
征兵 zhēngbīng conscription; to draft
征服 zhēngfú to conquer L6
(2nd meanings only) 徵
SICK radical (127)
The “sick” radical represents a person stretched out on a bed, whence “sick.”
Compare the “bed” radical (1033, p. 207). Not in modern use as an independent character.
ZHÈNG, sickness, disease; pronounced ZHĒNG in a couple of uncommon terms [C]
症结 zhēngjié the crux of the matter
症状 zhèngzhuàng symptom L6
BÌ, must [A]
必要 bìyào be necessary, essential [B] L5
必定 bìdìng certainly L6
未必 wèibì not necessarily L5
必得 bìděi must
必须 bìxū must, have to L3
(MN) Cutting the heart is a must!
YÈ, night [A] L5
半夜 bànyè midnight
小夜曲 xiǎoyèqǔ serenade
SUÌ, harvest; year; be… years old [A] L1
他几岁了 tā jǐsuì le How old is he?
岁月 suìyuè years [D] L6
万岁 wànsuì Banzai! Viva!
WÀNG, to forget; to overlook [A]
The “heart” radical (“heart-mind”) for meaning, wáng (85, p. 18) for sound. Compare with 86, and note that “side-heart” + wáng means “be busy” [ 忄 + 亡 = 忙 ] while “heart” + wáng means “to forget.”
忘八 wángbā tortoise; cuckold (abusive) (Note the change to wáng. Also written 王八.)
CHÀ, to differ; to fall short, to owe [A] L3; CHĀ, to differ; difference (arithmetical); mistake; CHĀI, to send; to commission; official
Distinguish 差 from 着 (586–88, p. 118).
差别 chābié difference [C] L5
差不多 chàbuduō be almost the same L4
差事 chāishì job, official assignment
出差 chūchāi business trip L4
KĀI, to open; to start; to drive (a car); to boil [A] L1
开学 kāi xué school/term opens [A]
开会 kāi huì hold or attend a meeting [B]
开明 kāimíng be enlightened [B] L6
开口 kāi kǒu start to talk [C]
开饭了 kāi fànle Dinner’s ready! [C]
开玩笑 kāi wánxiào to joke, ridicule [A] L4
GUĀN, to shut [A]; a barrier; family name [C] L3
关心 guānxīn be concerned about [A] L3
关头 guāntóu moment, point in time [C]
关门 guānmén to shut the door
关税 guānshuì customs duty
KÈ, quarter of an hour [A]; to carve, engrave [B]; be stingy, be sarcastic L3
The original meaning was “carve.” “Knife” gave the meaning, hài (331, p. 67) suggested the sound. The meaning of “a quarter of an hour” is a transliteration.
立刻 lìkè immediately, right away L5
木刻 mùkè a woodcut, wood engraving
三点一刻 sāndiǎn yíkè 3:15 (a quarter past three)