Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking or tapping a link to get to the indexed material.

Page numbers followed by f or t indicate figures or tables, respectively.

1-h diabetic screen, 45t

5 Ws, 363

12-lead electrocardiogram, 414, 429, 432


AAFP. See American Academy of Family Physicians

AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics), 377

AASM (American Academy of Sleep Medicine), 559

ABC (Airway, Breathing, Circulation) evaluation, 24, 30, 217, 220, 429, 475

ABCD criteria, skin lesions, 127t

ABCD2 (Age, Blood pressure, Clinical features, Duration of symptoms, and Diabetes) score, 430

abdominal aortic aneurysm, 18-19, 22

abdominal examination, 4-5

abdominal obesity, 319

abdominal pain, 295-299

abortion laws, 88


definition, 125

fever and, 368

wheezing and, 380


alcohol, 94, 95, 309, 457

child, 87-88, 344-346, 345t

elder, 346

physical, 343

abused substance categories, 397t-400t

acanthosis nigricans, 316

accelerations, fetal heart rate, 156

ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors, 191, 201, 203, 205, 253, 258

acetaminophen, 182, 574

ACOG. See American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), 441. See also HIV/AIDS

ACR (American College of Rheumatology), 35

acral lentiginous melanoma, 126, 130

acromegaly, 483

ACS (acute coronary syndrome), 191

active phase, labor, 155

active range of motion, 118

activities of daily living (ADL), 171f, 172t

Actonel (risedronate), 111t

acute coronary syndrome (ACS), 191

AD (autistic disorder), 529

adenomatous polyps, 219

Adipex-P (phentermine), 318t

adjunctive therapy, 182

ADL (activities of daily living), 171f, 172t

adolescent health maintenance

clinical approach, 279-281

clinical pearls, 284

clinical presentation, 277-279

limping, 357

medical ethics and, 81-88

sports preparticipation examination, 281-282

adrenal insufficiency, 164t

adult female health maintenance

clinical approach, 107-112

cardiovascular disease, 107-108

screening for breast cancer, 108

screening for cervical cancer, 108-109

screening for domestic violence, 110, 112

screening for osteoporosis, 109-110

clinical pearls, 114

clinical presentation, 105-106

adult male health maintenance

clinical approach, 17-18

clinical pearls, 22

clinical presentation, 15-16

healthy lifestyle, 20-21

immunizations, 16, 20

screening tests, 18-19

adult onset diabetes mellitus (AODM), 502

Adult Treatment Panel (ATP) III guidelines, 319-320, 333

advance directives, 175-176

advanced maternal age, 41

Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, 20

AF (atrial fibrillation), 412, 415


advanced maternal, 41

considering when taking history, 2

pregnancy and, 42

Age, Blood pressure, Clinical features, Duration of symptoms, and Diabetes (ABCD2) score, 430

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), 377

age-related macular degeneration (AMD), 172, 177, 178

agnosia, 306t

AHA (American Heart Association), 257t

AHI (apnea hypopnea index), 557

AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality), 377

AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), 441. See also HIV/AIDS

Airway, Breathing, Circulation (ABC) evaluation, 24, 30, 217, 220, 429, 475

alarm features, IBS, 388t

albuterol, 27

alcohol abuse

dementia and, 309

folate deficiency and, 94, 95

hepatitis and, 457

alcohol dependence, 406

aldosterone antagonist spironolactone, 258

alendronate, 111t

allergic conjunctivitis, 70

allergic disorders

allergic rhinitis, 67-68

anaphylaxis, urticaria, and angioedema, 69

clinical approach, 65-67

clinical pearls, 71

clinical presentation, 63-64

conjunctivitis, 70

treatment of, 68-69

allergic rhinitis

causes of, 67-68

characteristics, 65

clinical approach, 65-67

definition, 65

allergic salute, 66

allergic shiners, 66

Alli (orlistat), 318t

alosetron, 389

α1-antitrypsin deficiency, 29

α-glucosidase inhibitors, 507

Alzheimer disease, 306-308, 311

amblyopia, 53

ambulatory electrocardiographic rhythm monitoring, 414

AMD (age-related macular degeneration), 172, 177

amenorrhea, 493

American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)

family violence screening, 343

RSV bronchiolitis, 377

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 377

American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), 559

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)

cervical cancer screening recommendations, 280

family violence screening, 343

fetal heart rate monitoring, 156

gestational diabetes screening, 47, 503

indications for ultrasound, 40

OCP recommendations, 246-247

American College of Rheumatology (ACR), 35

American Diabetes Association, 47

American Heart Association (AHA), 257t

American Medical Association

family violence screening, 343

GAPS recommendations, 280

American Urological Association (AUA), 137-138

Amitiza (lubiprostone), 387, 389, 391

amniocentesis, 47

amoxicillin, 182, 184-185

amoxicillin-clavulanate (Augmentin), 422, 425

ampicillin, 102

analgesia, 35-36


allergic disorders, 69

definition, 65

insect stings, 421-422


in children, 54-57

definition, 91

geriatric, 89-96

KDOQI guidelines, 203

anemia of chronic inflammation, 93t

aneuploidy, risk for, 47

Angelman syndrome, 531t

angina, 194t

angina pectoris, 190, 197

angioedema, 69

angiography, 192

angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), 201, 203, 258

angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, 191, 201, 203, 205, 253, 258


allergies, 68

bites, 422


examinations, 119t

sprains, 116

annual physical, 17

anorexiant medications, 319

anovulation, 493

antalgic gait, 352

antenatal testing, 41

Anterior drawer test, 119t

anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL), 116

antibiotic prophylaxis, 425


diarrhea and, 101

quinolone, 101-102

second-line, 182

antibody screening prenatal test, 44t

antibody screening test, 50

anticholinergics (ipratropium), 27

anticytokines, 36

antidepressants, black box warning, 235

antihistamines, 68

antihypertensive medications, 291t

antipsychotics, 308

antithyroid drugs, 144-145

antitussives, 182

anxiety, 194t

anxiety disorders, 237

AODM (adult onset diabetes mellitus), 502

aortic dissection, 194t

aphasia, 306t

apnea, 556

apnea hypopnea index (AHI), 557

apraxia, 306t

ARBs (angiotensin receptor blockers), 201, 203, 258

Aricept (donepezil), 307t

arrest of active phase, 159

arterial blood gas measurement, 6


acute monoarticular, 34

acute polyarticular, 34

chronic monoarticular, 34

crystal-induced, 33

gouty, 33, 37

infectious, 37

OA, 34, 37

RA, 34-35, 36, 37

septic, 355

AS (Asperger syndrome), 529, 530, 533

ASB (asymptomatic bacteriuria), 41

ASD. See autism spectrum disorder

Asherman syndrome, 494

Asperger syndrome (AS), 529, 530, 533

aspiration pneumonia, 229, 367, 370

aspirin, 188


clinical approach, 545

clinical pearls, 554

clinical presentation, 543-544

definition, 544

diagnosis, 545-549

severity classification, 547t, 548t

treatment, 549-552

and wheezing, 543-554

asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB), 41

asymptomatic diverticuli, 220

atelectasis, 366-376

ATFL (anterior talofibular ligament), 116

ATP (Adult Treatment Panel) III guidelines, 319-320, 333

atrial fibrillation (AF), 412, 415

atypical agents, 237

atypical pneumonia, 225, 229

AUA (American Urological Association), 137-138

Augmentin (amoxicillin-clavulanate), 422, 425

autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

clinical approach, 529-532

clinical pearls, 534

clinical presentation, 527-528

neurodevelopmental conditions, 531t

red flag symptoms, 528, 531, 533

autistic disorder (AD), 529

autonomous thyroid nodule, 144

autonomy, 83

avascular necrosis, 353

azithromycin, 101, 103, 210


B12 deficiency, 94

baby blues, 245

back and spine examination, 5

back pain. See acute low back pain

Back To Sleep campaign, 58, 62


pneumonia and, 227

postoperative fever, 366

bacterial conjunctivitis, 70

bacterial infections

group A β-hemolytic Streptococcus (GAS), 475

Neisseria meningitidis, 475-476

bacterial pneumonia, 229

bacterial vaginosis (BV), 209, 210, 211f, 213

bariatric surgery, 319, 321

Barlow test, 354

barrel chest, 26

barrier method contraception

cervical cap, 272

definition, 266

diaphragm, 272

female condom, 271

male condom, 271

spermicides, 272

sponge, 271

basal cell carcinomas, 128, 130

baseline heart rate, 156

basic metabolic panel, 5

battery, 343

Beers criteria, 514

beneficence, 84

benign rhythm disturbances, 413

bereavement, 238

β2-adrenergic agonists COPD, 25

β-adrenergic antagonist, 188


CHF, 253, 258, 260

Graves disease, 145

beta-blocking agents, 196

beta-hydroxy-beta-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors, 193

β-lactam, 227

biguanides, 506, 510

bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP), 257

bilirubin, 450

Billings method, 273

BiPAP (bilevel positive airway pressure), 257

bipolar disorder, 238, 239

bismuth subsalicylate, 102

bisphosphonates, 111t, 567, 570

bite wounds, 422, 425


associated with irregular menstrual cycles, 494-495

associated with regular menstrual cycles, 494

diverticular, 219

DUB, 494-495

postpartum vaginal, 243

blood pressure, 290t

blood type prenatal test, 44t

BMI. See body mass index

BNP (brain natriuretic peptide), 256

body mass index (BMI)

definition, 315

definition of obesity based on, 316t

menstruation and, 493

screening, 19

bone mineral density testing, 175

Boniva (ibandronate), 111t

Bontril (phendimetrazine), 318t

Bordetella pertussis, 182

Borrelia burgdorferi, 476

bradycardia, fetal, 156

brain imaging, CVA/TIA, 432

brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), 256

BRCA, 107

breast diseases

characteristics, 483

clinical approach, 483-487

breast pain (mastalgia), 485-486

nipple discharge and galactorrhea, 486-487

palpable breast mass, 483-485

clinical pearls, 489

clinical presentation, 481-483

risk factors, 482-483

screening for cancer, 108

breast engorgement, 244

breast examination, 4

breast lumps, 484t

breast self-examination (BSE), 108, 482


maternal benefits of, 242

postpartum care, 246

“Breathing Not Properly” study, 256

bromocriptine, 487

bronchiolitis, 376-377, 382


acute, 180

characteristics, 180

     clinical approach, 181-182

     clinical pearls, 186

     clinical presentation, 179-180

     definition, 181

chronic, 25

bronchodilators, 27, 30

Bruce protocol stress test, 192

Brugada syndrome, 412

BSE (breast self-examination), 108, 482

bulla, 125

bupropion, 76, 79

butyrophenones, 541

BV (bacterial vaginosis), 209, 210, 211f, 213


C difficile colitis, 103

CAGE mnemonic, 95

calcaneofibular ligament (CFL), 116

calcitonin (Miacalcin), 111t, 567

calcium channel blockers, 258

calcium disorders

calcium homeostasis, 163

clinical approach, 163

clinical pearls, 168

clinical presentation, 161-162

hypercalcemia, 164-167

calcium hydroxyapatite crystals, 33

calcium oxalate crystals, 33

calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate crystals, 33

cancer. See also skin lesions

basal cell carcinomas, 128, 130

breast cancer screening, 108

cervical cancer screening, 108-109

colon cancer screening, 22

colorectal, 19

lung, 19

prostate cancer screening, 176

screening tests for adult males, 16, 19

screening tests for geriatrics, 175

squamous cell carcinomas, 128

Candida vaginitis, 208

Candida vulvovaginitis, 209, 213

cannabinoids, 397t

CAPD (central auditory processing disorder), 173

caput medusa, 451

car seat recommendations, 58, 62

carbimazole, 144

cardiac examination, 4

cardiac markers, 6

cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), 258, 260-261

cardiac rhythm disorders, 253t

cardinal movements, labor, 157-158

cardiovascular disease

adult females, 107-108

screening tests for adult males, 16, 18-19

cardioverter-defibrillator, 415

caregiver burden assessment, 306

carotid Doppler study, 429, 432

carotid endarterectomy (CEA), 434

cataracts, 172, 177, 178

cauda equina syndrome, 521-522

CBC (complete blood count), 5

CBE (clinical breast examination), 108

CDC. See Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CEA (carotid endarterectomy), 434

ceftriaxone, 213

cellulitis, 424

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

HIV screening, 442t

meningococcal vaccination, 281

central auditory processing disorder (CAPD), 173

cerebrovascular accident/transient ischemic attack

clinical approach, 429-430

clinical pearls, 437

clinical presentation, 427-429

diagnosis and evaluation, 429, 431-433

prevention of stroke in patients with previous ischemic stroke or TIA, 434

treatment, 429, 433-434, 436

cerumen impaction, 173

Cervarix and Gardasil (HPV vaccine), 281

cervical cancer

ACOG screening recommendations, 280

factors to discontinue screening, 106

screening for, 108-109

cervical cap, 272

CFL (calcaneofibular ligament), 116

CHD (coronary heart disease), 333

chest pain

clinical approach, 190-191

clinical pearls, 197

clinical presentation, 187-188, 193-195

differential diagnosis of, 189-190, 194t

risk factors for causes of, 192t

treatment, 191-193

CHF. See congestive heart failure

chicken pox, 473-474, 477t, 480

chief complaint, 2

child abuse

injuries suggestive of, 345t

overview, 344-346

physician responsibility regarding, 87-88

childhood disintegrative disorder, 531t

childhood schizophrenia, 531t

child-proofing, 59

children. See pediatrics

Chlamydia pneumoniae, 225

Chlamydia prenatal test, 44t

cholesterol, 337t. See also hyperlipidemia

cholinergic syndrome, 300

cholinesterase inhibitors, 307t


definition, 537

Huntington disease, 539

chorionic villus sampling (CVS), 47

chronic alcohol abuse, 309

chronic atrial fibrillation, 415

chronic bronchitis, 25

chronic diarrhea, 99

chronic hepatitis B infection, 454-455, 455f

chronic hepatitis C infection, 456, 459

chronic kidney disease (CKD)

characteristics, 200-201

clinical approach, 201-203

clinical pearls, 205

clinical presentation, 199-201

definition, 201

with volume overload, 205

chronic monoarticular arthritis, 34

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

classification of, 27t

clinical approach, 25-28

clinical pearls, 30

clinical presentation, 23-25

differential diagnosis, 24

etiology, 25

treatment, 24-25, 26-28

chronic pain, 573

chronic pain management

clinical approach, 573-575

clinical pearls, 577

clinical presentation, 571-573

chronic renal failure (CRF). See chronic kidney disease (CKD)

chronic sinusitis, 182

chronic subdural hematoma, 309

cigarette smoking, 25. See also smoking; tobacco use

ciprofloxacin, 101, 103

CKD. See chronic kidney disease

classic clinical problem solving, 6-8

classic migraine, 323

clean-catch urine sample, 139

clinical breast examination (CBE), 108

clinical problem solving

approach to diagnosis, 6-11

approach to patient, 2-6

assessing disease severity, 7

classic, 6-8

diagnosis in, 7

physical examination, 4

response to treatment, 8

treatment based on stage, 7

Clock Test, 174, 305

clopidogrel, 191

Clostridium perfringens, 100

clue cells, bacterial vaginosis, 211f

cluster headache, 326, 328

coagulopathy, 494

cobblestoning, 67

Cockcroft-Gault equation, 202

cockroach allergy, 68

Cognex (tacrine), 307t

cognitive screening, 173-174

colchicine, 37

cold nodules, 148

colon cancer screening, 22

colon neoplasms, 219

colonoscopy, 6

colorectal cancer, 19

colorflow Doppler imaging, 6

combination oral contraceptives, 266

common migraine, 324

communicable diseases, reporting, 82

communication, impaired, 530

community-acquired pneumonia, 225

complete blood count (CBC), 5

compressive pain, 573

computed tomography (CT), 6, 134, 137, 368, 378


female, 271

HIV and, 442

latex, 276

male, 271


medical ethics and, 84

teenage pregnancy, 85-86

congenital dysplasia, 356

congenital hypothyroidism test, 54

congestive heart failure (CHF)

characteristics, 252-253

clinical approach, 253-258

classification of, 256, 257t

epidemiology, 255

etiologies, 253t, 254-255

evaluation, 255-256

management of, 256-257

outpatient management of, 257-258

clinical pearls, 261

clinical presentation, 251-253

definition, 253

conjugated bilirubin, 450, 452

conjugated hyperbilirubinemia, 453-457

conjunctival pallor, 91, 95

conjunctivitis, 70

continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), 257


barrier methods, 271-272

breast-feeding women, 242

clinical approach, 266

clinical pearls, 276

clinical presentation, 263-265

comparison of, 267t-269t

emergency, 274, 275

ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel (Preven), 274

hormonal, 266, 269-271

contraindications to, 270t

etonorgestrel implant, 271

intravaginal ring contraceptive, 270

medroxyprogesterone (Depo-Provera), 270

oral contraceptives, 266, 269

steroid, 266

transdermal contraceptive, 270

intrauterine devices (IUDs), 272-273

natural family planning, 273

surgical sterilization, 273

COPD. See chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

copper IUD (ParaGard T380A), 272

cor pulmonale, 30

core-needle biopsy, 484

coronary artery disease, 19

coronary heart disease (CHD), 333

corticosteroid nasal sprays, 68-69


chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 25

croup, 378

costochondritis, 194t

CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), 257

C-reactive protein (CRP), 354

creatinine clearance, 515

CRF (chronic renal failure). See chronic kidney disease (CKD)

Crohn disease, 218-219, 221

cromolyn sodium, 552

croup, 378-379

CRP (C-reactive protein), 354

CRT (cardiac resynchronization therapy), 258, 260-261

crystal-induced arthritis, 33

CT (computed tomography), 6, 134, 137, 368, 378

CT urography, 137

Cushing disease, 496

CVA/TIA. See cerebrovascular accident/transient ischemic attack

CVS (chorionic villus sampling), 47

cyclic mastalgia, 485

CYP (cytochrome P450), 513

cystoscopy, 134, 137


definition, 125

overview, 482-483

cytochrome P450 (CYP), 513

Cytotec (misoprostol), 244


danazol, 486

D&C (dilation and curettage), 495

DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet plan, 291

DCCT (Diabetes Control and Complications Trial), 502

decelerations, fetal heart rate, 156-157

decompression, 525

decongestants, 68

deep abscesses, neck, 380

deep venous thrombosis (DVT), 363, 368, 370, 584

dehydration, 100

delayed reactions, stings, 421

delirium, 309

delirium tremens, 404t

delivery. See labor


Alzheimer disease, 306-308

clinical approach, 305-306

clinical pearls, 311

clinical presentation, 303-304

delirium, 309

frontotemporal lobe dementia, 308-309

Lewy body dementia, 308

other illnesses associated with, 309

vascular, 308

dementia of Parkinson disease, 311

dementia with Lewy bodies, 311

Dennie-Morgan lines, 67

denosumab, 568

dental x-rays, 40

Denver II developmental screening test, 54

Depo-Provera (medroxyprogesterone), 270

depressants, 397t


characteristics, 232-233

clinical approach, 233-235

clinical pearls, 240

clinical presentation, 231-233

dementia and, 306

inpatient management, 237

major, 233

medications for, 236-237

atypical agents, 237

MAOIs, 237

SNRIs, 236

SSRIs, 236

TCAs, 236-237

mood disorders, 237-238

anxiety disorders, 237

bereavement, 238

bipolar disorder (manic depression), 238

dysthymic disorder, 238

postpartum, 245

screening for in elderly, 174

treatment, 235, 236t

USPSTF screening recommendations for, 19

desensitization therapy, allergy, 69

detoxification, 395

developmental disorders

clinical approach, 529-532

clinical pearls, 534

clinical presentation, 527-528

treatment, 530-532

developmental milestones, infant, 55t-56t, 61-62

DEXA (dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry), 6, 110, 175, 564

Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine), 318t

dextroamphetamine, 318t

Dextrostat (dextroamphetamine), 318t

Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT), 502

diabetes mellitus (DM)

clinical approach, 502-503

gestational diabetes, 503

type 1 diabetes, 502

type 2 diabetes, 502-503

clinical pearls, 510

clinical presentation, 499-501

diagnosis, 503-504

management, 504-508

management of hypoglycemia, 508

diabetic ketoacidosis, 502, 510

diabetic retinopathy, 172, 177, 178

diagnostic adjuncts, 6

diaphragm, 242, 272

diarrhea, 99


clinical approach, 99-102

     clinical presentation, 100

     etiologies, 99-100

     prevention, 101

     traveler’s diarrhea (TD), 101-102

     treatment, 100-101

clinical pearls, 104

clinical presentation, 97-98, 100

definition, 99

diagnostic criteria, 98-99

diastolic dysfunction, 253

dicyclomine, 391

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet plan, 291

diethylpropion (Tenuate), 318t

digital rectal examination (DRE), 177

digoxin, 415

dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker amlodipine (Norvasc), 258

dilation and curettage (D&C), 495

dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor, 507

diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine, 62

dipstick method, 136

disease, assessing severity of, 7

disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), 36

dissociative anesthetics, 397t

diuretics, 258, 293

diverticular disease, 218

DM. See diabetes mellitus

DMARDs (disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs), 36

do not attempt resuscitation (DNAR) orders, 176

domestic violence, 110, 112. See also family violence

donepezil (Aricept), 307t

dopamine agonists

breast disease, 487

Parkinson disease, 538

Doppler fetoscope, 43

double contrast barium enema, 6


Chlamydia infections, 210

pneumonia, 227

DPOA-HC (durable power of attorney for health care), 176

DPP-4 (dipeptidyl peptidase-4) inhibitor, 507

DRE (digital rectal examination), 177

Drop-arm rotator cuff test, 119t

drug fever

definition, 363

medications associated with, 367-368

drugs, adverse reactions and interactions

clinical approach, 513-516

clinical pearls, 517

clinical presentation, 511-513

DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis) vaccine, 62

dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), 6, 110, 175, 564

DUB (dysfunctional uterine bleeding), 494-495

duct ectasia, 483

Dukes System, colon cancer, 219

duodenal ulcers, 463

durable power of attorney for health care (DPOA-HC), 176

dust mites, house, 67

DVT (deep venous thrombosis), 363, 368, 370, 584

dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB), 494-495

dyskinesias, 542


clinical approach, 463-467

clinical pearls, 468

clinical presentation, 461-463

dysplasia, 353

dyspnea, 23-30. See also chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

dysthymic disorder, 233, 238


ear infections, 184-185

early deceleration, 156-157, 159

early diagnostic endoscopy, 463, 463t

early postpartum hemorrhage, 244

echocardiography, 256, 260, 432

EDC (estimated date of confinement), 154

effective screening, 17

egophony, 226

ehrlichiosis, 478t

Eikenella species, 424

elder abuse, 346

electrocardiogram, 6

electroconvulsive therapy, 239

ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), 443, 445

emancipation, 83, 88

embolic stroke, 430

emergency contraception, 274, 275

emphysema, 25

Empty can test, 119t

enanthem, 472, 476

end-of-life issues, 175-176

endometrial biopsy, 495

endometrial cancer, 494, 496

endometrial polyps, 494

endometritis, 243, 245, 496-497

end-stage renal disease (ESRD), 201

energy balance, 316

entacapone, 542

enterotoxigenic E coli, 99

enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), 443, 445

epidemic keratoconjunctivitis, 70

epiglottitis, 183, 379-380, 382

epilepsy, 49

epithelium, normal, 211f

Epstein-Barr virus, 183, 186

Epworth sleepiness scale, 558

erythema infectiosum, 474, 477t, 479

erythema migrans, 476

erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), 353

erythromycin, 229

Escherichia coli, 99, 100, 103

esophageal perforation, 300

ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), 353

ESRD (end-stage renal disease), 201

essential hypertension, 293

essential tremor, 536

essure, 276

establishing database, 2

estimated date of confinement (EDC), 154

estrogen, 111t


considering when taking history, 2

pregnancy screenings, 42

etonorgestrel (Implanon), 268, 271

etonorgestrel implant, 271

European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR), 35

Evista (raloxifene), 111t

exacerbation of chronic sinusitis, acute, 182

exanthem, 472

excisional biopsies, 130

executive functions, 305

Exelon (rivastigmine), 307t

exenatide, 507


COPD and, 27

counseling and, 21, 22

healthy lifestyle and, 21, 22

stress tests, 414

exercise-induced hematuria, 136

exophthalmos, 142f, 144

extension movement, 157

external rotation movement, 157

external rotation test, 119t

extramammary pain, 485

extremities examination, 5


FABER test, 353

failure to thrive, 53-54

fall assessment, 173

familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (FHH), 166

family health. See adult female health maintenance

family medical history (FMH), 4, 125

family planning. See also contraception

algorithm, 265f

postpartum care, 246-247

family violence

clinical approach, 343-346

child abuse, 344-346

elder abuse, 346

intimate partner violence, 343-344

clinical pearls, 348

clinical presentation, 341-342

overview, 342-343

FAQ (functional activities questionnaire), 306

Fastin (phentermine), 318t

fasting glucose level, 316

fasting lipids, 316

FBAO (foreign-body airway obstruction), 374-375

fecal occult blood test (FOBT), 19, 513

Federal Older Americans Act, 348

female condom, 271

female health. See adult female health maintenance

fetal alcohol syndrome, 531t

fetal bradycardia, 156

fetal head compression, 159

fetal heart rate monitoring, 152f

fetal lie, 154

fetal presentation, 154

fetal scalp electrode, 156

FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in first second of expiration), 26

fever. See also rash

drug, 363, 367-368

infectious causes of, 477t-478t

postoperative, 361-371

postpartum care, 243, 245

rheumatic, 184, 477t

RMSF, 476, 478t, 480

scarlet, 475, 477t

surgical morbidity, 368

FHH (familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia), 166

fiber supplements, 391

fibroids, 494

fifth disease, 474, 477t, 479

fine-needle aspiration (FNA), 146-147, 148, 484

first-generation antihistamines, 68

five A’s strategy, 75-76, 80

five R’s strategy, 76

flexion movement, 157

fluconazole, oral, 213

fluoroquinolones, 101, 227

FMH (family medical history), 4, 125

FNA (fine-needle aspiration), 146-147, 148, 484

FOBT (fecal occult blood test), 19, 513

folate deficiency, 92, 94, 95

Foley catheter, 205

folic acid supplements, 42, 49, 50

follicular cell malignancy, 147

Folstein Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE), 174, 305

forced expiratory volume in first second

of expiration (FEV1), 26

forced vital capacity (FVC), 26

foreign-body airway obstruction (FBAO), 374-375

Forteo (teriparatide), 111t

Fortical (calcitonin), 111t

Fosamax (alendronate), 111t

fractures, 355

Fragile X syndrome, 531t

Framingham Heart Study, 253

frank diabetes, 501

frontotemporal lobe dementia, 308-309, 311

functional activities questionnaire (FAQ), 306

functional assessment, 170, 171-172

furosemide, 252-253, 257, 260

FVC (forced vital capacity), 26


gait, 352

galactorrhea, 486-487

galantamine, 307t

Galeazzi test, 354

Gallium scans, 358

GAPS (Guidelines for Adolescent Preventive Services), 279, 280

GAS (group A β-hemolytic Streptococcus), 183-184, 475

gastric ulcers, 463

gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), 194t, 462

gastrointestinal bleeding, lower

clinical approach, 217-218

clinical pearls, 221

clinical presentation, 215-216

colon neoplasms, 219

definition, 217

diverticular disease, 218

hemorrhoids, 218

inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), 218-219

gastrointestinal. See lower gastrointestinal bleeding

gastroparesis, 501

GBS. See group B Streptococcus

GCT (glucose challenge test), 503

gender, 2

genetic counseling, 41, 50

genetic history, 43

genital examination, 5

GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), 194t, 462

Geriatric Depression Scale, 174

geriatric health maintenance


clinical approach, 91-93

clinical pearls, 95

clinical presentation, 89-90, 91-93

diagnostic criteria, 90-91

epidemiology, 91

treatment, 93

clinical approach, 171-175

cancer screening, 175

cognitive screening, 173-174

depression screening, 174

fall assessment, 173

functional assessment, 171-172

hearing screening, 172-173

hypertension screening, 174

immunizations, 175

incontinence screening, 174

nutrition screening, 174

osteoporosis screening, 175

stroke prevention, 175

vision screening, 172

clinical pearls, 178

clinical presentation, 169-170

diagnosis of, 170

end-of-life issues, 175-176

gestational diabetes, 503, 510

gestational diabetes prenatal test, 47

Gilbert disease, 458

Gilbert syndrome, 452-453, 458

GIP (glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide), 507

glaucoma, 172, 178

glomerular hematuria, 135

glomerulonephritis, 184

glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1), 507

glucocorticoids, 36

glucose challenge test (GCT), 503

glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), 507

glucosuria, 501

glycemic control, 205

glycoprotein (GP) IIB/IIIA inhibitors, 188

gonorrhea prenatal test, 44t, 47

gout, 33, 34

gouty arthritis

definition, 33

initial presentation, 37

GP (glycoprotein) IIB/IIIA inhibitors, 188

granulomatous disease, 164t

grapefruit juice, 517

grass pollen, 67

Graves disease, 142-143, 142f, 144, 145

Grey-Turner sign, 4

gross hematuria, 135

group A β-hemolytic Streptococcus (GAS), 183-184, 475

group B Streptococcus (GBS)

culture prenatal test, 45t

during pregnancy, 151

reducing risk of fetal infection, 154

screening, 48

growing pains, 357

Guidelines for Adolescent Preventive Services (GAPS), 279, 280

gynecologic history, 43


H2 blocker, 463

Haemophilus influenzae, 28, 182, 225

hallucinogens, 398t

hand-foot-and-mouth disease, 477t

Hashimoto thyroiditis, 145

Hawkins impingement, 119t

HCTZ (hydrochlorothiazide), 31-32

HCV RNA (hepatitis C virus RNA), 456

HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, 333

head and neck examination, 4

head, ears, eyes, nose, and throat (HEENT) examination, 179


chronic medical conditions, 328

cluster, 326, 328

medication-related, 328, 330


characteristics, 324

chronic medical conditions, 328

clinical approach, 326-327

clinical pearls, 330

clinical presentation, 323-324

definition, 325

diagnostic criteria, 324

history, 326

treatment, 327

red flag symptoms, 325t

tension type, 325, 327

health maintenance, definition, 17

health-care–associated pneumonia, 225-226, 227

Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly (HHIE-S), 173

hearing screening

geriatric health maintenance, 172-173

infant, 57

heart failure, 194t

HEENT (head, ears, eyes, nose, and throat) examination, 179

Heimlich maneuver, 375

Helicobacter pylori, 465, 466t

Hemabate (prostaglandin F2a), 244

hematochezia, 217


clinical approach, 135-138

clinical pearls, 139

clinical presentation, 133-134

diagnosis, 134

hemoglobin prenatal test, 44t

hemolysis, 453


postpartum care, 244

subarachnoid, 9, 330

hemorrhoids, 218

heparin, 191

hepatitis A, 453-454

hepatitis A vaccination, 20, 454

hepatitis B, 454-456, 458

acute, 455, 455f

hepatitis B surface antigen, 45t

hepatitis B vaccination, 20, 456

hepatitis C virus RNA (HCV RNA), 456

hepatitis D, 456

hepatitis E, 456-457

hepatosplenomegaly, 186

herniated disc, 521, 525

herpes zoster, 194t, 474, 477t

HHIE-S (Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly), 173

HHV-6 (human herpes virus 6), 473

high cholesterol. See hyperlipidemia

high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, 333

high-risk sexual behavior, 82


allergic disorders, 66

FMH, 125

patient, 2-4

pediatric, 53


defined, 3

jaundice, 451-452

pregnancy and, 43

sprains and strains, 117

substance abuse, 396, 401

history of present illness (HPI), 125

HIV ELISA prenatal test, 44t


AIDS-defining conditions, 444t

CDC screening recommendations, 442t

clinical approach, 441-446

clinical categorization of, 443

diagnostic evaluation, 443, 445

epidemiology, 441-442

late disease, 445

primary infection, 443

transmission, 442-443

treatment, 445-446

clinical pearls, 448

clinical presentation, 439-441

definition, 441

not AIDS-defining conditions, 444t

HMG-CoA (beta-hydroxy-beta-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A) reductase inhibitors, 193

Holter monitor, 414, 418

Homan sign, 368

hormonal contraception

breast-feeding women, 242

contraindications to, 270t

etonorgestrel implant, 271

intravaginal ring contraceptive, 270

medroxyprogesterone (Depo-Provera), 270

oral contraceptives, 266, 269

steroid, 266

transdermal contraceptive (Ortho Evra), 270

hormone replacement therapy, 107-108

hot flashes, 107

hot thyroid nodules, 148

house dust mites, 67

HPI (history of present illness), 125

HPV vaccine, 279

human herpes virus 6 (HHV-6), 473

human immunodeficiency virus.


Huntington disease, 309, 539-540

hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ), 31-32, 168

hydrocortisone, 145

hymenoptera, 421


conjugated, 453-457

unconjugated, 452-453


clinical manifestations of, 165

diagnostic approach, 165-166

etiology, 164

physical manifestations of, 165t

treatment of, 166-167

hyperfunctioning thyroid nodules, 148

hyperkalemia, 203

hyperkinesias, 537


clinical approach, 333

clinical pearls, 339

clinical presentation, 331-332

determination of lipid goal, 333-337

management, 335t, 336, 337t

hyperparathyroidism, 163

hyperplastic polyps, 219


adolescents and, 284

clinical approach, 289-291

diagnosis and workup, 289-290

nonpharmacologic management, 290-291

pharmacologic management, 291

clinical pearls, 294

clinical presentation, 287-288

coronary pathology and, 193

screening for in elderly, 174

stroke and, 430

USPSTF screening recommendations, 18


laboratory and imaging evaluation, 144

pathogenesis, 144

signs and symptoms, 143-144

treatment, 144-145

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 413, 418

hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, 297, 298

hypervitaminosis A, 164t

hypervitaminosis D, 164t

hypofunctioning nodules, 148

hypoglycemia, 437

hypoglycemia, management, 508

hypokinesias, 537

hypopnea, 557

hypothalamic dysfunction, 145

hypothyroidism, 338

laboratory and imaging evaluation, 145

pathogenesis, 145

signs and symptoms, 145

treatment, 146

hypovolemic, 248

hysterectomy, 113

hysteroscopy, 495


IADL (instrumental activities of daily living), 171f, 172t, 306

iatrogenic hyperthyroidism, 144

ibandronate (Boniva), 111t

IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), 218-219

IBS. See irritable bowel syndrome

ICS (inhaled corticosteroids), 551, 554

IDDM (insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus), 502

idiopathic edema, 582, 583

IgE-mediated reaction, 424


sprains and strains, 118, 120

thyroid disorders, 144, 145

immobilization, 164t


6-month well-child visit, 52

adult male health maintenance, 16, 20

ASDs, 528

fever and rash, 473

geriatric health maintenance, 175

history, 3

recommended schedule, 60t

well-child care, 59-60

impaired communication, 530

impaired glucose tolerance, 501

impaired social interaction, 530

incontinence screening, 174

increased bone resorption, 164t

increased calcium absorption, 164t

indirect Coombs test, 50

infants, limping, 355-356

infectious arthritis, 37

infectious causes of postoperative fever, 366t

infectious mononucleosis, 183, 186

inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), 218-219

inflammatory pain, 573

influenza vaccination, 20, 22, 27, 48, 228

inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), 551, 554

inhaled steroids, 27-28, 30

initial prenatal visit, 43, 46, 50

insect stings

anaphylaxis, 421-422

delayed reactions, 421

local reactions, 421

instrumental activities of daily living (IADL), 171f, 172t, 306

insulin preparations, 504t

insulin secretagogues, 506

insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), 502

intermittent asthma, 544-545

intermittent ischemia, 197

internal intrauterine pressure catheter (IUPC), 157

internal rotation movement, 157

internal rotation test, 119t

interstitial nephritis, 136

interventions, drugs, 515-516

intimate partner violence (IPV), 113, 343-344

intraductal papilloma, 483

intraperitoneal leak, 370

intrauterine device (IUD), 247, 249, 266, 272-273, 275

intravaginal ring contraceptive, 270

intravascular catheter infection, 368

intravenous pyelogram (IVP), 134, 137

intusseception, 297, 300

Inversion stress test, 119t

Ionamin (phentermine), 318t

ionized calcium, 163

ipratropium (anticholinergics), 27

IPV (intimate partner violence), 113, 343-344

iron-deficiency anemia

versus anemia of chronic inflammation, 93t

pediatrics, 54, 57

irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

clinical approach, 387-389

diagnosis, 387-389

treatment, 389

clinical pearls, 392

clinical presentation, 385-386

definition, 387

irritant triggers, rhinitis, 66

ischemic stroke, 429

isoimmunization, 41

IUD (intrauterine device), 247, 249, 266, 272-273, 275

IUPC (internal intrauterine pressure catheter), 157

IVP (intravenous pyelogram), 134, 137


Jaeger card, 172

Japanese encephalitis vaccination, 459


clinical approach, 451-452

clinical pearls, 459

clinical presentation, 449-451

conjugated hyperbilirubinemia, 453-457

unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia, 452-453

JNC-7 (Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure, 7th report), 289, 434

JODM (juvenile-onset diabetes mellitus), 502

joint attention, 529

Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure, 7th report (JNC-7), 289, 434

joint pain. See also musculoskeletal injuries

clinical approach, 33-36

clinical pearls, 38

clinical presentation, 31-33, 34-35

differential diagnosis, 32-33

treatment, 35-36

judicial bypass, 83

jugular venous distension (JVD), 30

justice, ethics, 84

juvenile-onset diabetes mellitus (JODM), 502

JVD (jugular venous distension), 30


Kaposi-Stemmer sign, 582

Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI), 202, 203

knee examinations, 119t

KOH prep, 208-209


LABA (long-acting β2-agonists), 551


clinical approach, 154-158

clinical pearls, 159

clinical presentation, 151-153

complications, 153-154

definition, 154

diagnosis, 155

progress of, 155-158

stages of, 155

laboratory assessments, 5-6

Lachman test, 119t

lactation-induced amenorrhea, 247

LAGB (laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding), 319

lambskin condoms, 442

lap banding, 319

laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB), 319

laparotomy, 370

large local allergic reactions, 421

Lasix (furosemide), 252-253

last menstrual period (LMP), 43

late deceleration, 157

late postpartum hemorrhage, 244

latent phase, labor, 155

latex condoms, 276

LBBB (left bundle branch block), 190, 196

LCP (Legg-Calvé-Perthes) disease, 356-357, 359

LDL. See low-density lipoprotein

lead risk questionnaire, 56t

left bundle branch block (LBBB), 190, 196

left-sided heart failure, 254

legal considerations, ethics, 84-85

Legg-Calvé-Perthes (LCP) disease, 356-357, 359

Legionella pneumophila, 225

leiomyomata, 494

lentigo maligna melanoma, 126

leukotriene inhibitors

allergies and, 69

leukotriene receptor antagonists (LRA), 551

Levine sign, 193

levodopa, 538

levonorgestrel (Plan B), 274

levonorgestrel IUD (Mirena), 272

Lewy body dementia, 308

lidocaine, 415

Lift-off test, 119t


common causes in children, 354t, 355t


clinical approach, 353-357

clinical pearls, 359

clinical presentation, 351-353

line-associated infection, 368

lipid disorders, 18

lipid levels, classification, 334t

lipid screening recommendations, 57, 58t

lipidema, 581

liver function test, 6

LMP (last menstrual period), 43

local reactions, stings, 421

lochia, 243

long QT interval syndrome, 412-413

long-acting β2-agonists (LABA), 551

long-acting bronchodilators, 27, 30

longitudinal care, 2

long-term variability, fetal heart rate, 156

loop diuretics, 258, 260

loperamide, 103

low back pain, acute

clinical pearls, 525

clinical presentation, 519-520

differential diagnosis, 522t

history, physical, and evaluation, 521-524

red flag symptoms, 521t

treatment, 524

low-density lipoprotein (LDL)

definition, 333

goal level, 193

management guidelines for, 335t

screening test, 6

lower extremity swelling

clinical approach, 581

clinical pearls, 586

clinical presentation, 579-581

diagnosis, 581-583

treatment, 583-584

deep vein thrombosis, 584

idiopathic edema, 583

lymphedema, 583

venous insufficiency, 583

lower gastrointestinal bleeding

clinical approach, 217-218

clinical pearls, 221

clinical presentation, 215-216

definition, 217

etiologies, 218-219

colon neoplasms, 219

diverticular disease, 218

hemorrhoids, 218

inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), 218-219

lower urinary tract, 135, 137

LP (lumbar puncture), 9

LRA (leukotriene receptor antagonists), 551

lubiprostone, 387, 389, 391

lumbar puncture (LP), 9

lumbar strain, 523-524

lung cancer, 19

Lyme disease, 354, 476, 478t

lymphedema, 581, 583, 585


macrocytic anemia, 94

macrolides, 227

macules, 125

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 6, 120

major depression, 233. See also depression

male condom, 271, 276

male health. See adult male health maintenance

malignancy, 164t

malignant hyperthermia, 363, 364-366

mallampti score, 559t

malnutrition, 174

malrotation, 298- 299, 300

mammogram, 6

mammography, 108

mammotome biopsy, 484

mandibular repositioning appliances (MRA), 560

manic depression, 238

Mantoux test, 57

MAOIs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors), 237

Marfan syndrome, 278, 282, 413, 418

mastalgia, 485-486

mastitis, 246, 248-249

maternal age, advanced, 41

maternity blues, 245, 248

mature minor rule, 83, 84-85

M-CHAT (Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers), 531

McRoberts maneuver, 158

MCV (mean corpuscular volume), 92

MDI (metered-dose inhalers), 551

MDRD (Modification of Diet in Renal Disease) equation, 202

mean corpuscular volume (MCV), 92

measles, 477t

measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) booster, 281

mechanical back pain, acute, treatment, 524

mechanical low back pain, 522t

mechanical pain, 573

mechanical ventilation, 257

medical ethics

clinical approach, 83-86

conclusion, 86

ethics, 83-84

legal considerations, 84-85

reportable diseases, 85

teenage pregnancy and confidentiality, 85-86

clinical pearls, 88

clinical presentation, 81-82

medication-related headache, 328

medication. See also drugs, adverse reactions and interactions

depression, 236-237

history and, 3

medication-related headache, 328, 330

medroxyprogesterone (Depo-Provera), 270

meglitinides, 506

melanoma, 126

memantine, 307t

meningitis, 368, 480

meningococcal vaccine, 20

meningococcemia, 475, 477t, 480

menometrorrhagia, 493

menorrhagia, 493

menstrual cycle irregularity

clinical approach, 493-495

bleeding, associated with irregular cycles, 494-495

bleeding, associated with regular cycles, 494

clinical pearls, 497

clinical presentation, 491-493


breast-feeding and, 243-244

overview, 492

metabolic acidosis, 203

metabolic syndrome, 314-322, 315, 319-320

metaphyseal corner fractures, 342

metered-dose inhalers (MDI), 551

metformin, 506, 510

Methergine (methylergonovine), 244

methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), 36, 367

methimazole, 144, 145

methylergonovine (Methergine), 244

methylmalonic acid (MMA) level, 92

methylxanthines, oral, 27

metronidazole, 103

oral, 213

metrorrhagia, 493

MI. See myocardial infarction

Miacalcin (calcitonin), 111t

microscopic hematuria, 135, 136, 139

mifepristone (RU-486), 274

migraine headaches

characteristics, 324

chronic medical conditions, 328

clinical approach, 326-327

clinical pearls, 330

clinical presentation, 323-324

definition, 325

diagnostic criteria, 324

history, 326

treatment, 327

mild croup, 378

milk alkali syndrome, 164t

Mini-Cog, 305

minipill, 266, 276

Mirena, 272

misoprostol (Cytotec), 244

mitral valve prolapse (MVP) syndrome, 411

MMA (methylmalonic acid) level, 92

MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) booster, 281

MMSE (Folstein Mini-Mental Status Examination), 174, 305

moderate croup, 378

Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) equation, 202

Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT), 531

MONA therapy, 188

monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), 237

monoarticular arthritis, acute, 34

monosodium urate (MSU) crystals, 33

montelukast, 71

mood disorders. See also depression

anxiety disorders, 237

bereavement, 238

bipolar disorder (manic depression), 238

dysthymic disorder, 238

postpartum care, 245-246

moral principles of ethics, 83-84

Moraxella catarrhalis, 28, 182, 225

morbidity, 234-235

morphine, 188

morphine derivative, 398t

MORPHINE-ABC mnemonic, 406

mortality, 234-235

movement disorders

classification of, 537t

clinical approach, 537-540

Huntington disease, 539-540

Parkinson disease, 538-539

Tourette syndrome, 539

clinical pearls, 542

clinical presentation, 535-537

MRA (mandibular repositioning appliances), 560

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), 6, 120

MRSA (methicillin-resistant

Staphylococcus aureus), 36, 367

MSU (monosodium urate) crystals, 33

mucopurulent cervicitis, 210

muscle pain, 573

musculoskeletal injuries

clinical pearls, 122

clinical presentation, 115-116

sprains and strains, 117-120

clinical approach, 117-120

history, 117

imaging, 118, 120

joint examination, 118, 119t

management principles, 120

MVP (mitral valve prolapse) syndrome, 411

Mycoplasma pneumoniae, 225

myocardial infarction (MI)

definition, 190

symptoms, findings, and studies, 194t

myxedema, 581


Naegele’s rule, 43, 50

Namenda (memantine), 307t

nasal crease, 66

National Cholesterol Education Program, 319-320

National Health and Nutritional Examination Surveys (NHANES), 91

hypertension, 289

obesity, 314

National Kidney Foundation (NKF), 202

National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF), 110, 565

natural family planning, 273

nebulized racemic epinephrine, 379

nebulizer, 551

nedocromil, 552

neglect, 343, 345

Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus), 475-476

nephrolithiasis, 162

neurocutaneous disorders, 531t

neurodevelopmental conditions, 531t

neurofibromatosis, 531t

neurologic examination, 5

neuropathic pain, 573

neurosyphilis, 307

neurotransmitters, 234

New York Heart Association (NYHA)

CHF severity classification, 257t

functional classification of angina, definition, 190

NHANES. See National Health and Nutritional Examination Surveys

nicotine cartridge inhaler, 77

nicotine gum, 77, 79

nicotine lozenge, 77

nicotine nasal inhaler, 77

nicotine patch, 78

nicotine replacement therapy, 77

NIDDM (non–insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus), 502

nipple discharge, 486-487

nitrates, 257

Nitrazine test, 155

nitroglycerin, 188, 191

NKF (National Kidney Foundation), 202

NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) antagonist, 307t

N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist, 307t

nodular melanoma, 126, 126f, 130

nodular thyroid disease, 146-147

nodule, 125

NOF (National Osteoporosis Foundation), 110, 565

noise-induced hearing loss, 173

noncyclic mastalgia, 485

nondihydropyridine calcium channel blockers, 258

nonglomerular hematuria, 135

noninfectious causes of postoperative fever, 366t

non–insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), 502

nonketotic hyperosmolar syndrome, 503

nonmaleficence, 84

nonmechanical spinal conditions, 522t

nonmelanoma skin cancers, 128

nonpharmacologic management, hypertension, 290-291

nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

acute sinusitis, 182

chronic pain, 574

lower gastrointestinal bleeding, 216

musculoskeletal injuries, 120

sting and bite injuries, 420

nontraumatic joint pain. See joint pain

normal pressure hydrocephalus, 309, 311

NSAIDs. See nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Nuchal translucency (NT), 45t

nutrition screening, geriatrics, 174

NYHA. See New York Heart Association


OA. See osteoarthritis


characteristics, 314-315

clinical approach, 315-320

bariatric surgery, 319

diagnostic tools, 315-316

health hazards associated with, 317

metabolic syndrome, 319-320

pathogenesis, 316-317

pharmacotherapy, 318-319

treatment, 317-318

clinical pearls, 321

clinical presentation, 313-314

definition, 315

medical complications of, 317t

USPSTF screening recommendations, 19

obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), 237

obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)

associated conditions, 557t

clinical approach, 557-559

clinical pearls, 562

clinical presentation, 555-556

differential diagnosis, 558t

pathophysiologic factors associated with, 558t

treatment, 559-560

occupational rhinitis, 66

OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), 237

OCPs (oral contraceptive pills), 246-247, 266, 269

ocular examination, 66-67

OE (otitis externa), 184

OGTT (oral glucose tolerance test), 45t, 47

OM (otitis media), 184-185

omalizumab (Xolair), 552

Ombudsmen program, 348

opioid intoxication, acute, 406

opioids, 574-575

opioids derivative, 398t

oral contraceptive pills (OCPs), 246-247, 266, 269

oral corticosteroids, 69

oral doxycycline, 213

oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), 45t, 47

oral hyperglycemics, 505t

oral rehydration solution, 100

oral vancomycin, 103

orlistat (Xenical, Alli), 318t, 321

Ortolani test, 354

OSA. See obstructive sleep apnea

osteoarthritis (OA)

in elderly, 34

obesity and, 37

osteomalacia, 565

osteopenia, 110, 565


bisphosphonates, 567

calcitonin, 567

clinical pearls, 570

clinical presentation, 563-564

combination therapy, 568

definition, 565

denosumab, 568

diagnosis, 566

factors, 525

hormone replacement therapy, 567

medication for prevention and treatment of, 111t

prevention, 565

reducing risk, 106

screening, 109-110, 175, 565-566

selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), 567

treatment, 566-568

osteoporotic fractures, 178

otitis externa (OE), 184

otitis media (OM), 184-185

otosclerosis, 173

otoscopy, 66

Ottawa Ankle Rules, 117, 118, 121

Ottawa Knee Rules, 118

overweight, 315

oxygen therapy

COPD and, 24-25, 28

MI and, 188

oxytocin (Pitocin), 157, 241, 243, 247


pain, acute, 573

palpable breast mass, 483-485


clinical pearls, 418

clinical presentation, 409-411, 414

definition, 411

etiologies, 411-414

treatment, 415

pancreas function test, 6

pancreatitis, 194t

panic disorder, 237, 413

PAP (positive airway pressure), 559-560, 561

Pap smear prenatal test, 45t

papules, 125

parathyroid hormone (PTH), 111t, 163

parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTH-rP), 166

Parents’ Evaluations of Developmental Status (PEDS), 54

Parkinson disease, 309, 538-539

paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT), 412, 415

partner notification, 85

parvovirus B19, 474, 479

passive range of motion, 118

Pastia lines, 475

patient, approach to, 2-6

PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), 315, 492-493

PDD-NOS (pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified), 529

peak expiratory flow (PEF), 545

pediatrics. See also well-child care

abdominal pain and vomiting

characteristics, 296

clinical approach, 297-299

clinical pearls, 301

clinical presentation, 295-296

diagnosis of, 297

etiologies, 298-299

treatment, 299

history, 53


clinical approach, 353-357

clinical presentation, 351-353

PEDS (Parents’ Evaluations of Developmental Status), 54

PEF (peak expiratory flow), 545

pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), 211-212, 212t

pelvimetry, 43

PEP (postexposure prophylactic) treatment, 443

peptic ulcer disease (PUD)

clinical approach, 463-467

complications of, 465

Helicobacter pylori, 465

history and examination, 464-465

management of, 465-467

clinical pearls, 468

clinical presentation, 461-463

symptoms and findings and studies, 194t

peptic ulcers, 464t

perennial allergic rhinitis, 67

perennial rhinitis, 66

perfect use effectiveness, 266

pericarditis, 194t, 196

periodic abstinence, 273

periodic fetal heart rate changes, 156-157

perioperative interventions, 364t

peripheral arterial disease, 19

peripheral neuropathy, 501

peritonsillar abscesses, 380, 382

pernicious anemia, 94

persistent asthma, 545

persistent emesis, 201

pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), 529


allergies and, 68

depression and, 235

hypertension, 291

obesity, 318-319

substance abuse, 402

tobacco cessation, 76-78

pharyngitis, 183-184

phendimetrazine, 318t

phentermine (Adipex), 318t

phenylketonuria (PKU), 54, 531t

phobias, 237

physical abuse, 343

physical examination

allergic disorders, 66-67

patient, 4-6

skin lesions, 127

substance abuse, 401

PID (pelvic inflammatory disease), 211-212, 212t

pink eye, 70

pituitary dysfunction, 145

PKU (phenylketonuria), 54, 531t

Plan B (levonorgestrel), 274

plaque, 125

PMI (point of maximal impulse), 4

pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccination, 20, 22

pneumococcal vaccination, 26, 228

Pneumococcus, 28

Pneumocystis jiroveci, 226, 440-441, 447


characteristics, 224

clinical pearls, 230

clinical presentation, 223-224

community-acquired, 225

complications, 227

definition, 181, 225

diagnosis, 226

health-care–associated, 225-226, 227

postoperative, 367

prevention, 228

symptoms and findings and studies, 194t

treatment, 226-227

Pneumonia Severity Index, 227

pneumonitis, 225

pneumothorax, 194t

podagra, 34

point of maximal impulse (PMI), 4

pollens, 67

polyarticular arthritis, acute, 34

polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), 315, 492-493

polyps, 66, 219

positive airway pressure (PAP), 559-560, 561

posterior rib fracture, 348

posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL), 116

postexposure prophylactic (PEP) treatment, 443

posthepatic jaundice, 451

postoperative fever

causes of, 365t, 366t

clinical approach, 363-369

clinical pearls, 370

clinical presentation, 361-362

postpartum care

breast-feeding, 246

clinical approach, 243-244

clinical pearls, 249

clinical presentation, 241-243

family planning, 246-247

medical complications, 244-246

fever, 245

hemorrhage, 244

mood disorders, 245-246

overview, 242-243

poststroke cerebral edema, 433

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 237

PPD (purified protein derivative) test, 445

PPI (proton pump inhibitor), 463

pramlintide, 507

preconception visit, 41-42

pre-diabetes, 504

pregestational diabetes, 510


GBS, 151

risk factors, 42

smoking and, 75, 78

teenage, 85-86

thyroid cancer and, 148

vaccinations, 48

pregnancy category B, 75

pregnancy category C, 75

pregnancy category D, 75

prehepatic jaundice, 450

prehypertension, 289, 293

premature rupture of membranes, 154

premature ventricular contractions (PVCs), 413

prenatal care

clinical approach, 41-48

initial prenatal visit, 43, 46, 50

preconception, 41-42, 50

subsequent visits, 46

testing and laboratory studies, 44t-45t, 46-48

vaccinations during pregnancy, 48

clinical pearls, 50

clinical presentation, 39-41

preoperative interventions, 364t

presbycusis, 170, 173, 177

presbyopia, 178

pressure overload, 253t

preterm rupture of membranes, 159

Preven, 274

prevention, 17

PRICE (Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) therapy, 116, 117, 120

primary hyperparathyroidism, 164t

primary prevention, 17

primary rhythm disorder, 411

primidone, 537

probenecid, 515

probiotics, 101

Pro-Fast (phentermine), 318t

propanolol (Inderal), 292, 404, 537

propylthiouracil (PTU), 144, 145

prostaglandin F2a (Hemabate), 244

prostate cancer, 19

prostate-specific antigen (PSA), 176, 177

prostatitis, 139

Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation (PRICE) therapy, 116, 117, 120

protein undernutrition, 174, 178

proton pump inhibitor (PPI), 463

PSA (prostate-specific antigen), 176, 177

pseudodementia, 306

pseudoephedrine, 68

pseudogout, 33

pseudomembranous colitis, 221

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 184

PSVT (paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia), 412, 415

psychiatric disorders, 391

psychosis, 246

psychosocial factors, 523

psychotherapy, 235

psychotic depression, 239

PTFL (posterior talofibular ligament), 116

PTH (parathyroid hormone), 111t, 163

PTH-rP (parathyroid hormone-related peptide), 166

PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder), 237

PTU (propylthiouracil), 144, 145

PUD. See peptic ulcer disease

pulmonary edema, 254t

pulmonary embolism, 194t, 368, 370

pulmonary examination, 4

purified protein derivative (PPD) test, 445

PVCs (premature ventricular contractions), 413

pyloric stenosis, 297, 300

pyrogenic cytokines, 364


quad screen, 46

quadruple therapy, 466t

quinolone antibiotic, 101-102


RA (rheumatoid arthritis), 34-35, 36, 37

radiation exposure, 40, 42

radioactive iodine, 144

radionucleotide imaging, 144

raloxifene, 111t, 567

range of motion (ROM), 34, 118

rapid antigen tests, 183-184


bacterial infections, 475-476

clinical approach, 472-473

clinical pearls, 480

clinical presentation, 471-472

infectious causes of, 477t-478t

tick-borne diseases, 476

viral infections, 473-474

Razadyne (galantamine), 307t

RDI (respiratory disturbance index), 557

reactive airway dysfunction syndrome, 544

Reality Female Condom, 271

rear-facing car seat recommendations, 52

Reclast (zoledronic acid), 111t

recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (rtPA), 433

rectal examination, 5

recurrent acute rhinosinusitis, 182

recurrent wheezing, 375

red flag symptoms

ASD, 528, 531, 533

headaches, 325t

low back pain, 521t

relapse, 395

renal disease. See chronic kidney disease (CKD)

renal hematuria, 135

repetitive patterns, 530

reportable diseases, 85

RERA, 557

respiratory disturbance index (RDI), 557

respiratory infections. See upper respiratory infections

respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), 376

restricted patterns, 530

retrograde pyelography, 137

retropharyngeal abscesses, 380

Rett syndrome, 531t

reversibility, COPD, 26

review of systems, 4

reward-reinforcement pathway, 396

Rh factor prenatal test, 44t

Rh isoimmunization, 41

rhabdomyolysis, 164t

rheumatic fever, 184, 477t

rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 34-35, 36, 37

rhinitis, 65

rhinosinusitis, 182

RhoGAM, 47-48, 50

rhythm method, 273

rifaximin, 101

right-sided heart failure, 255

risedronate (Actonel), 111t

rivastigmine (Exelon), 307t

Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF), 476, 478t, 480

ROM (range of motion), 34, 118

Rome III diagnostic criteria, IBS, 388

roseola, 473, 477t

rotavirus, 103

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), 319

RPR prenatal test, 44t

RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), 376

rtPA (recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator), 433

RU-486 (mifepristone), 274

rubella, 477t

rubella prenatal test, 44t

rubella vaccination, 48

rupture of membranes, 153-154, 155

RYGB (Roux-en-Y gastric bypass), 319


SABA (short-acting β2-agonists), 549

safe sexual practices, 21

salmeterol (Serevent), 27, 551

Salmonella, 99

satiation, 315

satiety, 315

scarlet fever, 475, 477t

SCFE (slipped capital femoral epiphysis), 352-353, 357

sciatica, 521, 522-523

screening tests

adult male health maintenance, 18-19

breast cancers, 108

cancer, 19, 175

cardiovascular diseases in adult males, 18-19

cervical cancers, 108-109

cognitive, 173-174

colon cancer, 22

colorectal cancer, 19

definition, 17

depression, 19, 174

domestic violence, 110, 112

family violence, 343

gestational diabetes, 503

hearing, 57, 172-173

history, 3

HIV/AIDS, 442t

hypertension, 18, 174

incontinence, 174

LDL, 6

lipid disorders, 18

lung cancer, 19

nutrition, 174

obesity, 19

osteoporosis, 109-110, 175

overview, 6

prostate cancer, 19, 177

TB, 57

trisomy, 40, 45t, 49

vision, 57, 172

well-child care, 54, 57

Screening Tool of Older Person’s Prescriptions (STOPP) criteria, 514

seasonal rhinitis, 66

secondary hyperparathyroidism, 163, 166

secondary prevention, 17

second-generation antihistamines, 68, 71

second-line antibiotics, 182

second-line therapy, 507

selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), 111t, 567

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 236, 239, 389

septic arthritis, 355

septic joints, 33, 36, 354, 359

SERM (selective estrogen receptor modulator), 111t, 567

serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), 236

serum calcium, 163

severe croup, 378

sexual practices, safe, 21

sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

adolescent, 280

condoms and, 271

gynecologic history, 43

limb pain and, 357

PID, 212

Shigella, 99

shingles, 474, 477t

short-acting β2-agonists (SABA), 549

short-acting bronchodilators, 27, 30

short-term variability, fetal heart rate, 156

shoulder dystocia, 158

shoulder/rotator cuff examinations, 119t

sick sinus syndrome, 412

SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), 58, 62

sinusitis, 182

acute, 182

skin examination, 5

skin lesions

ABCD criteria, 127t

clinical approach, 130

clinical pearls, 130

clinical presentation, 123-125


acral lentiginous, 126

lentigo maligna, 126

nodular, 126

superficial spreading, 126

nonmelanoma skin cancers, 128

physical examination, 127

prevention, 128

prognosis, 128

treatment, 127

“slapped cheek” appearance, 474

slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE), 352-353, 357

small pox, 477t

smoker’s cough, 23

smoking. See also tobacco use

cessation, 26, 29

COPD and, 25

Snellen chart, 172

SNRIs (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors), 236

social history

defined, 3

jaundice, 451-452

pregnancy and, 43

social relatedness, 529

Society for Adolescent Medicine, 83

spermicides, 272

SPF (sun protection factor), 128

spider veins, 451

spinal stenosis, 523

spirometry, 26

sponge, 271

sports preparticipation examination, 281-282

sprains, 117-120

squamous cell carcinomas, 128

Squeeze test, 119t

SSI (surgical site infection), 363, 367

SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), 236, 239, 389

St. John’s wort, 517

stance phase, gait, 352

Staphylococcus aureus, 34, 100, 103, 226

statins, 333, 339

STDs. See sexually transmitted diseases

steeple sign, 378

stereotyped patterns, 530

sterilization, 276

steroid hormone contraception, 266

steroids, inhaled, 27-28, 30

steroids, oral, 551

stimulants, 399t

sting and bite injuries. See also insect stings

animal bites, 422

characteristics, 420

clinical pearls, 425

clinical presentation, 419-420

insect stings, 421-422

stool antigen testing, 463, 465

STOPP (Screening Tool of Older Person’s Prescriptions) criteria, 514

strabismus, 53, 57

strains, 117-120

“strawberry tongue,” 475

Streptococcus pneumoniae, 182, 225

stridor, 363, 375


embolic, 430

prevention, 175

risk factors, 431

subacute diarrhea, 99

subacute sinusitis, 182

subarachnoid hemorrhage, 9, 330

substance abuse

assessment, 395-401

epidemiology, 396

etiology and risk factors, 396

expectations, 395-396

history, 396, 401

laboratory examination, 401

physical examination, 401

reward-reinforcement pathway, 396

clinical approach, 395

clinical pearls, 407

clinical presentation, 393-395

definition, 395

intervention, 401-402

behavioral therapies, 402

pharmacotherapy, 402

treatment approach, 401-402

withdrawal symptoms, 403t-404t

substance dependence, 395

sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), 58, 62

suicide, 235t

sulfonylureas, 506

sun exposure, 130

sun protection factor (SPF), 128

superficial spreading melanoma, 126, 130

supraventricular tachycardia, 412

surgical site infection (SSI), 363, 367

surgical sterilization, 273, 276

SVT (symptomatic supraventricular tachycardia), 415

swelling. See joint pain

swimmer’s ear, 184, 186

swing phase, gait, 352

symptomatic peripheral arterial disease, 338

symptomatic supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), 415

systemic steroids, 28

systolic dysfunction, 253


tacrine, 307t

TB (tuberculosis) screening, 57

TCAs (tricyclic antidepressants), 236-237, 389

Td (tetanus-diphtheria) vaccine, 20, 22, 281

TD (traveler’s diarrhea), 99t, 101-102

Tdap (tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis) vaccine, 20, 22, 48

TEE (transesophageal echocardiogram), 414, 415

teenage pregnancy, 85-86

tension-type headache, 325, 327

Tenuate (diethylpropion), 318t

teriparatide, 111t, 567-568

tertiary hyperparathyroidism, 163, 166

“test-and-treat” protocol, 466

tetanus prophylaxis, 425

tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine, 20, 22, 48

tetanus vaccination, 424

tetanus-diphtheria (Td) vaccine, 20, 22, 281

tetrabenazine, 540

theophylline, 552

therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLCs), 336

thiazide diuretics, 258, 294

thiazolidinediones (TZDs), 506

“three Ps,” labor, 155

three-item recall, 174

throat cultures, 184

thrombolytic therapy, 436

thrombotic stroke, 430

thumb sign, 379

thyroid disorders

clinical pearls, 148

clinical presentation, 141-143

hyperthyroidism, 143-145

hypothyroidism, 145-146

nodular thyroid disease, 146-147

thyroid storm, 143-144

thyroid-releasing hormone (TRH) test, 145

thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), 141, 148

thyrotoxicosis, 164t

thyroxine, 146, 148

TIA (transient ischemic attack), 429, 436

TIBC (total iron-binding capacity), 92

tick-borne diseases, 476

Lyme disease, 476

Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF), 476, 478t, 480

tiotropium, 27

tissue trauma, 364

TLCs (therapeutic lifestyle changes), 336

tobacco use

cessation, 75-78

clinical approach, 75-78

clinical pearls, 80

clinical presentation, 73-74

toddler’s fracture, 348, 355-356, 359

toddlers, limping, 355-356

tongue retaining devices (TRD), 560

tonsillopharyngeal exudate, 186

tonsillopharyngeal/palatal petechiae, 186

topical decongestants, 182

total iron-binding capacity (TIBC), 92

Tourette syndrome (TS), 539, 541

toxic shock syndrome, 366, 477t

transdermal contraceptive, 270

transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE), 414, 415

transient ischemic attack (TIA), 429, 436

transient microscopic hematuria, 136

transient symptoms with infarction (TSI), 429

transient synovitis, 356

transmission, HIV/AIDS, 442-443

transvaginal pelvic ultrasound, 495

traveler’s diarrhea (TD), 99t, 101-102

TRD (tongue retaining devices), 560

tree pollen, 67

Trendelenburg gait, 353

TRH (thyroid-releasing hormone) test, 145

Trichomonas vaginalis, 208

Trichomonas vaginitis, 209, 213

trichomoniasis, 209-210

tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), 236-237, 389

triglycerides, 335

trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, 102, 182

triple screen, 46

triple therapy, 466t

trisomy, risk for, 47

trisomy screening, 40, 45t, 49

TS (Tourette syndrome), 539, 541

TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), 141, 148

TSI (transient symptoms with infarction), 429

tubal ligation, 273, 276

tuberculosis (TB) screening, 57

tuberous sclerosis, 531t

type 1 diabetes, 502

type 2 diabetes, 19, 502-503

typhoid fever, 477t

typhoid vaccination, 459

typical use effectiveness, 266

TZDs (thiazolidinediones), 506


UKPDS (United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study), 502

ulcerative colitis, 218, 219, 221


definition, 125

duodenal, 463

gastric, 463

peptic, 464t


ACOG recommendations, 40, 43, 46

breast disease, 484

determining gestational age, 49

ultrasound examination, 6

unconjugated bilirubin, 450, 452, 458

unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia, 452-453

United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS), 502

United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), 17-18

family violence screening, 343

osteoporosis screening recommendations, 565, 569

smoking cessation recommendations, 78

universal choking sign, 374

unstable angina, 190

upper respiratory infections

acute bronchitis, 180

ear infections, 184-185

pharyngitis, 183-184

rhinosinusitis, 182

upper urinary tract, 135, 137

urea breath test, 463, 465, 468

urethral swab, 284

urinalysis, 5

urinary tract infection (UTI), 137, 245

urine culture, 5

urine culture prenatal test, 45t

urologic hematuria, 135

urticaria, 69

US Headache Consortium, 327

USPSTF. See United States Preventive Services Task Force

uterine atony, 244

UTI (urinary tract infection), 137, 245


vaccinations. See also immunizations

contraindications for, 62

during pregnancy, 48

vaginal bleeding, 243

vaginal fluid pH, 155


characteristics, 208

clinical pearls, 213

clinical presentation, 207-209

diagnosis, 208-209

etiologies, 209-212

BV, 209, 210, 211f, 213

mucopurulent cervicitis, 210

PID, 211-212, 212t

trichomoniasis, 209-210

vulvovaginal candidiasis, 209

Valgus stress test, 119t

varenicline (Chantix), 76-77, 79

variability, fetal heart rate, 156

variable deceleration, 157

varicella vaccinations, 20, 48, 62, 447, 474

varicella virus, 473-474

Varicella-Zoster virus, 480

Varus stress test, 119t

vascular dementia, 308

vasectomy, 273, 276

vasomotor symptoms, 107

VDRL prenatal test, 44t

venous edema, 581

venous insufficiency, 580-581, 583

ventricular arrhythmias, 415

ventricular tachycardia (VT), 418

vertebral compression fractures, 178, 523, 525

vertical transmission, 41

vesicles, 125

Vibrio, 103

viral diarrhea, 101

viral infections, 473-474

erythema infectiosum, 474

roseola, 473

varicella, 473-474

visceral disease, 522t

vision screening

geriatric health maintenance, 172

infant, 57

vital signs, 4

vitamin B12-deficiency anemia, 91-92

volume overload, 253t

volvulus, 300

vomiting, pediatrics, 295-301

VT (ventricular tachycardia), 418

vulvovaginal candidiasis, 209


warfarin (Coumadin), 259, 434, 436, 513

water load test, 582

weed pollen, 67

well-child care. See also pediatrics

clinical approach, 53-60

anticipatory guidance, 57-59

development, 54

growth, 53-54

immunizations, 59, 60

pediatric history, 53

screening tests, 54, 57

clinical pearls, 62

clinical presentation, 51-52

developmental milestones, 55t-56t

lead risk questionnaire, 56t

Westley croup score, 378

wet mount, 208-209, 210


abscesses, 380

acute, 375

and asthma, 543-554

bronchiolitis, 376-377

clinical approach, 375-380

clinical pearls, 382

clinical presentation, 373-374

croup, 378-379

definition, 375

differential diagnosis, 546t

epiglottitis, 379-380

whiff test, 210

Wilson disease, 536

Wolf-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome, 412

women’s health. See adult female health maintenance

women’s health initiative, 107

World Health Organization, 247

WPW (Wolf-Parkinson-White) syndrome, 412


Xenical (orlistat), 318t

Xolair (omalizumab), 552


ankle injury, 117

dental, 40

DEXA, 6, 110, 175

joint examination, 121

knee injury, 118


Yuzpe method, 274


zoledronic acid (Reclast), 111t

Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, 462