Bonus Meditation Videos
I created the sixteen video meditations that are used in part 2 of the book to assist you, the reader, to have a deeper experience of the meditations than what are written in the text. The intent of each video is to guide you into a relaxed state, with color that matches the particular chakra of the body for a particular meditation. I am reading the meditation from the text with the background sound of the frequency of a particular color and with binaural beats embedded in the sound track in order to put you into a particular brain wave pattern. The combination of the color, sound, binaural beats, and my voice give you the experience of all the sensory aspects of your brain, mind, and body as the meditation takes you into a deep place within you. The following material is presented in the introduction video by me if you choose to go directly to that at this time. To access this introductory video simply put into your computer browser and click on Introduction. If you are reading from an ebook, click on the URL and then click on the Introduction.
In each video track there are binaural beats that correspond to the particular brain wave for that meditation. Binaural beats in the beta frequency range create increased concentration, alertness, vividness, and clarity. Binaural beats in the alpha range can improve concentration and memory. Binaural beats in the theta and delta ranges are associated with deepened, relaxed creativity and deeper meditative states. Each meditation indicates what brain frequency each meditation is accessing. For more detailed information about brain frequencies, go to my book, Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain. Visit my website,, for other information and to follow my blog.
Headphones or ear pods with a frequency response of 20–20k Hz will serve you best in receiving the greatest benefit from the binaural beats in each video. If you don’t have ear pods or you are using the video in a group setting, try to have two speakers spaced on either side of the group so that you can experience the binaural beats that accompany a particular video. One of my purposes of creating the videos is to use them in groups that are meeting together to discuss and do the exercises in the book. Watching the guided meditation videos together and then sharing their experience proves to be an invaluable experience for people. Classes I’ve taught using the videos in this way have provided great value listening to each other and supporting each other’s experience from the shared video experience.
Each written meditation in the text stands alone and you can receive great value experiencing it, as I’ve written it without using the videos if you so choose. The bonus video meditations are for those who have access to the Internet and are interested in using the videos to work with the meditations separate from the text in the book. As indicated below, you will access the videos by putting into your browser window and then clicking the appropriate video.
The first four chapters of Part II of the book use the videos from:
Chapter 12 – Journey of Separation
Chapter 13 – Journey of Emotions
Chapter 14 – Journey of the Mind
Chapter 15 – Journey of Self-Identity
The last four chapters of the book use the videos from:
Chapter 16 – Forgiveness Meditation
Chapter 17 – Gratitude Meditation
Chapter 18 – Presence and Appreciation Meditations
Chapter 19 – Kindness and Compassion Meditations
Chapter 19 – Integration Meditation
How to Practice with the Video Color
As you chose to access each video meditation for a particular chapter, I give you information on the particular color for a meditation, the brain wave frequency embedded in the sound of the frequency of the color itself, what chakra it is focused on, the element it represents, and some basic information and questions related to your life ages. To access a particular video simply put into your computer browser and click on the appropriate meditation you want. If you are reading from an ebook click on the URL and then click on the appropriate meditation you want.
Color is included as an aspect of these meditations. To watch the color of the video as you listen to the guided questions have your eyes half open. Put your attention and focus on listening to what you are experiencing inside yourself as the questions are being asked. This will allow the color to naturally enter into your unconscious as you have your eyes slightly open. If after a period of time your eyes close that is okay. The sound in the background is the frequency sound of the particular color you are watching.
If you have any questions or technical problems related to the videos, you can contact me at my website,
Journey of Separation Videos (for Chapter 12)
To access these two videos, put into your computer browser the following URL It will take you to a menu. Click on either Red 1 or Red 2.
As you work with the videos, the energetic beginning of the constricted self begins with a slow delta brain-wave frequency pattern, with a red vibration and a sound frequency of C. The solidness of the element earth grounds the constricted self here. Thus, at these ages your constricted self is born and repeats at a variety of different stages in your life. You will find it fascinating how all these characteristics affect you. The personality is so beautifully developed it is difficult not to believe that you are a real self.
Video Summary
Brain-Wave Frequency: Delta, 0.5–4 Hz |
Chakra: Root |
Color: Red |
Sound: C |
Element: Earth, your foundation of sensations |
Age Development Stages: Birth to four, thirty to thirty-four, sixty to sixty-four, and ninety to ninety-four |
If you have not reached the age of sixty, just do the first two ages. Do all three if you are sixty or beyond. The Video Red 1 is 17 minutes, it should be used for ages birth to four years old; Red 2 is 12+ minutes and should be used for both ages thirty to thirty-four years old and sixty to sixty-four years old. Repeat these videos at least two or three times to go deeper into this early stage of your life.
Journey of Separation—Red Color
Now we will take this information from the Journey of Separation section and use the video to ask some questions to clarify so you may experience at a deeper level. These questions will be on the video. However, read the questions first and then turn on the video to the appropriate age Red track(s) of the videos. Write your results in your notebook after using the video.
Questions on Video: Red 1: Ages Birth to Four Years Old
• What is the result of being separated in your life? Did you feel lonely, have connection needs, or did it seem okay and supportive to you?
• What did you need from your parents that you did or did not get—such as security or feeling grounded and at home in yourself and with others?
• When did you have an unstable time of feeling ungrounded and fearful?
• Throughout your life, did you feel safe and did you trust your environment? Were there perceived times when you did not feel safe?
Questions on Video: Red 2: Ages Thirty to Thirty-four Years Old and Ages Sixty to Sixty-Four Years Old
• Did you feel alone and separate at this time in your life?
• What is your behavior like when feeling separate?
• What triggers your anxiety and fear?
• What is it like for you when you try to connect to others and the world around you?
• What is it like not to be safe or trusting?
• What does separation or loneliness feel like for you?
• What gives you security?
Journey of Emotions Videos (for Chapter 13)
To access these two videos, put into your computer browser. Click on either Orange 1 or Orange 2 based on the age of the meditation.
How to Practice with the Video Color
To watch the color of the video as you listen to the guided questions, have your eyes half open. Put your attention and focus on listening to what you are experiencing inside yourself as the questions are being asked. This will allow the color to naturally enter into your unconscious as you have your eyes slightly open. Remember also that the sound in the background is the frequency of the particular color you are watching.
Video Summary
Brain-Wave Frequency: Theta, 4–7.8 Hz |
Chakra: Sacral, two inches below the navel |
Color: Orange |
Sound: D |
Element: Water |
Age Development Stages: Ages four to eight, thirty-four to thirty-eight, and sixty-four to sixty-eight |
If you have not reached the age of sixty-four just do the first two ages. Do all three if you are sixty-four or beyond. The Three Video URLs: Orange 1 is 13 minutes for ages four to eight years old, Orange 2 is 13+ minutes for ages thirty-four to thirty-eight years old, and Orange 3 is 16+ minutes for sixty-four to sixty-eight years old. Work with these videos once a day as you explore the core issues.
Journey of Emotions—Orange Color
Now we will take this information from the Journey of Emotions section and use the video to ask some questions to clarify so you may experience at a deeper level. These questions will be on the video. However, read the questions first and then turn on the video to the appropriate age orange track(s) of the videos. Write your results in your notebook after using the video.
Prepare yourself for the videos by reflecting on the questions below.
Questions on Video: Orange 1: Ages Four to Eight
• What kinds of moods or emotional reactions did you have to people and situations?
• What were the interests that you were excited or even passionate about?
• How did you resist change in your life? For example, did you move a lot? Were you forced to eat things you didn’t like?
• Do you remember having pleasant/strong or unpleasant/weak feelings about yourself, friends, teachers, parents, activities, etc.?
• How did you protect yourself from bad or unpleasant feelings?
• Do you remember being scared of dying or something negative and bad happening to you?
Questions on Video: Orange 2: Ages Thirty-Four to Thirty-Eight
• Are you aware of the type of dominant emotions or feelings you have or had?
• How did you react to them? How do you usually react?
• Were you aware of your sexual attractions? Did you act on them, sublimate them, or what did you do? Were you excited, guilty, or self-shaming, etc.?
• What is your fundamental fear of not getting what you want in your life?
• How much do your past experiences influence you today? Which ones?
• What are your deep interests and passions at this age, if any?
• What causes you to be fearful of death?
Questions on Video: Orange 3: Ages Sixty-Four to Sixty-Eight
• How would you describe what it is to flow with life?
• What emotions do you respond to when you resist life?
• What pleases you in life?
• Do you have a strong interest or passion in your life at this time?
• What are the sensualities in your life? How do you express them?
• What are the routine emotions you fall back on in tense situations?
• How do you protect yourself from the feelings of fear and anger?
• What are your fears about dying?
Journey of the Mind Videos (for Chapter 14)
To access these three videos, put into your computer browser the URL Click on either Yellow 1,Yellow 2 or Yellow 3, based on the age of the meditation.
How to Practice with the Video Color
To watch the color of the video as you listen to the guided questions, have your eyes half open. Put your attention and focus on listening to what you are experiencing inside yourself as the questions are being asked. This will allow the color to naturally enter into your unconscious as you have your eyes slightly open. Remember also that the sound in the background is the frequency of the particular color you are watching.
Video Summary
Brain-Wave Frequency: Alpha 2, 7.8–13 Hz |
Chakra: Solar Plexus |
Color: Yellow |
Sound: E |
Element: Fire |
Age Development Stages: Eight to twelve, thirty-eight to forty-two, and sixty-eight to seventy-two |
If you have not reached the age of sixty-eight, just do the first two ages. Do all three if you are sixty-eight or beyond. The Three Videos: Yellow 1 is 19+ minutes for ages eight to twelve years old, Yellow 2 is 16+ minutes for ages thirty-eight to forty-two years old, and Yellow 3 is 28 minutes for ages sixty-eight to seventy-two years old. These videos have a yellow color with its vibrational sound D and binaural beats of alpha 2 brain waves. Work with these videos once a day as you explore the core issues.
Journey of the Mind—Yellow Color
Now we will take this into meditation and ask some questions to clarify at a deeper level. These questions will be on the video. Read the questions first and turn on the videos to the yellow track. Write your results in your notebook after using the video. You will examine your frequency patterns of the Journey of the Mind in the constricted self development at ages eight to twelve, thirty-eight to forty-two, and sixty-eight to seventy-two. The patterns identified are shame, purpose, and craving for power. The mental self is likened to a house we do not want to be locked into all of the time. We need to go out in the world too. We are larger than our inner house.
Questions on the Video: Yellow 1: Ages Eight to Twelve
• Who did you blame at that time?
• Who held the power or authority in your family? Have you copied that pattern in your life?
• What changed in your life in relation to control?
• Were reading and studying important in your life?
• Were you shamed and who did it and what was it about?
• Did you stand your ground?
• What was so hard to digest about your family, school, and friends?
• What was your purpose in life?
Questions on the Video: Yellow 2: Ages Thirty-Eight to Forty-Two
• Are you focused on your own needs or issues? What are they?
• What happens when you are not in control of yourself or others?
• Are there things about which you are ashamed?
• When have you been in a victim position?
• How do you express your power? What stops it? How do you get your recognition needs met?
• What is your purpose at this age?
• What is your attitude toward authority in your life?
Questions on the Video: Yellow 3: Ages Sixty-Eight to Seventy-Two
• Are you in your head most of the time?
• What is your role in your life?
• How do you rely on your inner or outer authority?
• What happens when you deny yourself things?
• How has language played a role in your life?
• Have you been acknowledged for what you have done in your life?
• Do you shame yourself or do others shame you?
• What is the purpose at this time in your life?
• Do you approve of the way you handle authority now?
Journey of Self Identity Videos (for Chapter 15)
To access these two videos, put the URL into your computer browser. Click on either Green 1, Green 2, or Green 3, based on the ages of the meditation.
How to Practice with the Video Color
To watch the color of the video as you listen to the guided questions, have your eyes half open. Put your attention and focus on listening to what you are experiencing inside yourself as the questions are being asked. This will allow the color to naturally enter into your unconscious as you have your eyes slightly open. Remember also that the sound in the background is the frequency of the particular color you are watching.
Video Summary
Brain-Wave Frequency: Alpha 1 (7.8–13 Hz) |
Color: Green |
Sound: F |
Element: Air |
Age Development Stages: Twelve to sixteen, forty-two to forty-six, and seventy-two to seventy-six |
If you have not reached the age of seventy-two, just do the first two ages. Do all three if you are seventy-two or beyond. The Three Videos: Green 1 is 19+ minutes for ages twelve to sixteen years old, Green 2 is 16+ minutes for ages forty-two to forty-six years old, and Green 3 is 28 minutes for seventy-two to seventy-six years old. Work with these videos once a day as you explore the core issues.
Journey of Self-Identity—Green Color
There are a set of question before each of the three meditations. Read the questions first and reflect on them before doing the meditations. The purpose of the questions before the meditations are to stimulate your memories of a particular age the meditation focuses on. Write your results in your notebook after the meditation.
You will now examine patterns of the Journey of Self-Identity in the constricted self development at ages twelve to sixteen, forty-two to forty-six, and seventy-two to seventy-six years old. The patterns identified are worth, shame, and value.
Questions on Video: Green 1: Ages Twelve to Sixteen
• How did you form your personal identity of yourself?
• Did you value yourself?
• Who supported your self-worth?
• Did you feel worthy?
• How did you hide your shame?
• What were your fears?
• What were your sexual concerns?
• Were there family and friends with whom you shared your heart?
Questions on Video: Green 2: Ages Forty-Two to Forty-Six
• How do you hide your shame?
• In what ways do you feel unworthy?
• How do you define your identity?
• What behaviors do you display and put on to get love?
• How much do you give to others of what you are wanting for yourself?
• What are you hiding in your shadow personality?
• What gives you value?
Questions on the Video: Green 3: Ages Seventy-Two to Seventy-Six
• How do you react to unpleasant situations?
• What gives you your worth?
• How do you respond when your identity has been stepped upon?
• What conditions do you have in order for you to receive love?
• What happens to you with others when you establish your boundaries?
• What are your fears about opening your heart?
Forgiveness Meditation (for Chapter 16)
To access the forgiveness meditation video, put into your computer browser the following URL: Click on Green 4
Gratitude Meditation (for Chapter 17)
To access the gratitude meditation video, put into your computer browser. Click on Yellow 4
How to Practice with the Video Color
This video is a yellow color with the vibration sound color and binaural beats. This is the gratitude meditation. This journey is to liberate you, bringing more awareness to letting go of control of your mental life. The intention of this meditation is to relax into the experimental space of this sixth step in order to detach the mental hold of the constricted self and open to the awareness of the expanded self.
Presence and Appreciation Meditation (for Chapter 18)
To access the presence and appreciation meditation video, put the URL into your computer browser. Click on Orange 4.
How to Practice with the Video Color
The video session for this meditation uses an orange color with the vibration sound of the color orange and binaural beats of the brain waves. This meditation is to free you from your emotions and to shift your perception of time. The intention is to relax into the experimental space of the seventh step of detachment from the constricted self’s emotional control by waking up to the power of presence and appreciation. To watch the orange color of the video as you listen to the guided questions, have your eyes half open. Put your attention and focus on listening to what you are experiencing inside yourself as the questions are being asked. This will allow the color to naturally enter into your unconscious as you have your eyes slightly open. Remember also that the sound in the background is the frequency of the particular color you are watching.
Kindness and Compassion Meditation (for Chapter 19)
To access the kindness and compassion meditation video, put the following URL into your computer browser: Click on Red 3.
This video is a red color with the vibration sound color and binaural beats. The meditation is called the kindness and compassion meditation. This meditation is to detach from constricted self’s separation to enter into the true nature of your being. The intention is to relax into the experimental space of the eighth step of the constricted self’s detachment. After the meditation, write in your journal what you learned and experienced.
How to Practice with the Video Color
To watch the color of the video as you listen to the guided questions, have your eyes half open. Put your attention and focus on listening to what you are experiencing inside yourself as the questions are being asked. This will allow the color to naturally enter into your unconscious as you have your eyes slightly open. Remember also that the sound in the background is the frequency of the particular color you are watching.
Integration Meditation (for Chapter 19)
To access the presence and appreciation meditation video, put into your computer browser the URL Click on Gamma.
How to Practice with the Video Color
This video is in all the colors plus the color white. The video has the frequencies of sound of each color energy, and binaural beats of all brain waves plus gamma brain waves.
To watch the color of the video as you listen to the guided questions have your eyes half open. Put your attention and focus on listening to what you are experiencing inside yourself as the questions are being asked. This will allow the color to naturally enter into your unconscious as you have your eyes slightly open. Remember also that the sound in the background is the frequency of the particular color you are watching.