The Tactics of Fragments

Fragments are an optional layer you can put between your activities and your widgets, designed to help you reconfigure your activities to support screens both large (e.g., tablets) and small (e.g., phones).

This chapter will cover basic uses of fragments.

The Six Questions

In the world of journalism, the basics of any news story consist of six questions, the Five Ws and One H. Here, we will apply those six questions to help frame what we are talking about with respect to fragments.


Fragments are not activities, though they can be used by activities.

Fragments are not containers (i.e., subclasses of ViewGroup), though typically they create a ViewGroup.

Rather, you should think of fragments as being units of UI reuse. You define a fragment, much like you might define an activity, with layouts and lifecycle methods and so on. However, you can then host that fragment in one or several activities, as needed.

Android does not precisely implement UI architectures like Model-View-Controller (MVC), Model-View-Presenter (MVP), Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM), etc. To the extent that you wish to shove Android into the MVC architecture, fragments and activities combine to be the controller layer. Fragments serve as a local controller, focused on their set of widgets, populating them from model data, and handling their events. Activities will serve as more of an orchestration layer, handling cross-fragment communications (e.g., a click in Fragment A needs to cause a change in what is displayed in Fragment B).

Functionally, fragments are Java classes, extending from a base Fragment class. As we will see, there are two versions of the Fragment class, one native to API Level 11 and one supplied by the Android Support package.


Since fragments are Java classes, your fragments will reside in one of your application’s Java packages. The simplest approach is to put them in the same Java package that you used for your project overall and where your activities reside, though you can refactor your UI logic into other packages if needed.


Typically, you create fragment implementations yourself, then tell Android when to use them. Some third-party Android library projects may ship fragment implementations that you can reuse, if you so choose.


Some developers start adding fragments from close to the outset of application development — that is the approach we will take in the tutorials. And, if you are starting a new application from scratch, defining fragments early on is probably a good idea. That being said, it is entirely possible to “retrofit” an existing Android application to use fragments, though this may be a lot of work. And, it is entirely possible to create Android applications without fragments at all.

Fragments were introduced with Android 3.0 (API Level 11, a.k.a., Honeycomb).


Ah, this is the big question. If we have managed to make it this far through the book without fragments, and we do not necessarily need fragments to create Android applications, what is the point? Why would we bother?

The primary rationale for fragments was to make it easier to support multiple screen sizes.

Android started out supporting phones. Phones may vary in size, from tiny ones with less than 3” diagonal screen size (e.g., Sony Ericsson X10 mini), to monsters that are over 5” (e.g., Samsung Galaxy Note). However, those variations in screen size pale in comparison to the differences between phones and tablets, or phones and TVs.

Some applications will simply expand to fill larger screen sizes. Many games will take this approach, simply providing the user with bigger interactive elements, bigger game boards, etc. Any one of the ever-popular Angry Birds game series, when played on an tablet, gives you bigger birds and bigger pigs, not a phone-sized game area surrounded by ad banners.

However, another design approach is to consider a tablet screen to really be a collection of phone screens, side by side.

Tablets vs. Handsets (image courtesy of Android Open Source Project)
Figure 251: Tablets vs. Handsets (image courtesy of Android Open Source Project)

The user can access all of that functionality at once on a tablet, whereas they would have to flip back and forth between separate screens on a phone.

For applications that can fit this design pattern, fragments allow you to support phones and tablets from one code base. The fragments can be used by individual activities on a phone, or they can be stitched together by a single activity for a tablet.

Details on using fragments to support large screen sizes is a topic for a later chapter in this book. This chapter is focused on the basic mechanics of setting up and using fragments.


Well, answering that question is what the rest of this chapter is for, plus coverage of more advanced uses of fragments elsewhere in this book.

Where You Get Your Fragments From

Most developers will use the implementation of fragments that has been part of Android since API Level 11. You will use and have them be hosted by your regular activities.

However, there is a backport of the fragment system available in the Android Support package. This works back to API Level 4, so if your minSdkVersion is lower than 11 and you want to use fragments, the backport is something that you will wish to consider. You will need to add the support-v4 JAR to your project (e.g., via compile '' in your dependencies in build.gradle, for some value of ...). You will also need to use instead of Also, you will need to host those fragments in an activity inheriting from (as the regular base class does not know about fragments prior to API Level 11).

This book focuses mostly on using the native API Level 11 implementation of fragments, with the occasional example of using the backport where the backport is necessary for one reason or another.

Your First Fragment

In many ways, it is easier to explain fragments by looking at an implementation, more so than trying to discuss them as abstract concepts. So, in this section, we will take a look at the Fragments/Static sample project. This is a near-clone of the Activities/Lifecycle sample project from the previous chapter. However, we have converted the launcher activity from one that will host widgets directly itself to one that will host a fragment, which in turn manages widgets.

The Fragment Layout

Our fragment is going to manage our UI, so we have a res/layout/mainfrag.xml layout file containing our Button:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Button xmlns:android=""

(from Fragments/Static/app/src/main/res/layout/mainfrag.xml)

Note, though, that we do not use the android:onClick attribute. We will explain why we dropped that attribute from the previous editions of this sample shortly.

The Fragment Class

The project has a ContentFragment class that will use this layout and handle the Button.

As with activities, there is no constructor on a typical Fragment subclass. The primary method you override, though, is not onCreate() (though, as we will see later in this chapter, that is possible). Instead, the primary method to override is onCreateView(), which is responsible for returning the UI to be displayed for this fragment:

  public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater,
                           ViewGroup container,
                           Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    View result=inflater.inflate(R.layout.mainfrag, container, false);



(from Fragments/Static/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/sfrag/

We are passed a LayoutInflater that we can use for inflating a layout file, the ViewGroup that will eventually hold anything we inflate, and the Bundle that was passed to the activity’s onCreate() method. While we are used to framework classes loading our layout resources for us, we can “inflate” a layout resource at any time using a LayoutInflater. This process reads in the XML, parses it, walks the element tree, creates Java objects for each of the elements, and stitches the results together into a parent-child relationship.

Here, we inflate res/layout/mainfrag.xml, telling Android that its contents will eventually go into the ViewGroup but not to add it right away. While there are simpler flavors of the inflate() method on LayoutInflater, this one is required in case the ViewGroup happens to be a RelativeLayout, so we can process all of the positioning and sizing rules appropriately.

We also use findViewById() to find our Button widget and tell it that we, the fragment, are its OnClickListener. ContentFragment must then implement the View.OnClickListener interface to make this work. We do this instead of android:onClick to route the Button click events to the fragment, not the activity.

Since we implement the View.OnClickListener interface, we need the corresponding onClick() method implementation:

  public void onClick(View v) {

(from Fragments/Static/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/sfrag/

Any fragment can call getActivity() to find the activity that hosts it. In our case, the only activity that will possibly host this fragment is StaticFragmentsDemoActivity, so we can cast the result of getActivity() to StaticFragmentsDemoActivity, so that we can call methods on our activity. In particular, we are telling the activity to show the other activity, by means of calling the showOther() method that we saw in the original Activities/Lifecycle sample (and will see again shortly).

That is really all that is needed for this fragment. However, ContentFragment also overrides many other fragment lifecycle methods, and we will examine these later in this chapter.

The Activity Layout

Originally, the res/layout/main.xml used by the activity was where we had our Button widget. Now, the Button is handled by the fragment. Instead, our activity layout needs to account for the fragment itself.

In this sample, we are going to use a static fragment. Static fragments are easy to add to your application: just use the <fragment> element in a layout file, such as our revised res/layout/main.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<fragment xmlns:android=""

(from Fragments/Static/app/src/main/res/layout/main.xml)

Here, we are declaring our UI to be completely comprised of one fragment, whose implementation ( is identified by the android:name attribute on the <fragment> element. Instead of android:name, you can use class, though most of the Android documentation has now switched over to android:name.

Android Studio users can drag a fragment out of the “Custom” section of the graphical layout editor tool palette, if desired, rather than setting up the <fragment> element directly in the XML.

The Activity Class

StaticFragmentsDemoActivity — our new launcher activity — looks identical to the previous version, with the exception of the class name:


import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;

public class StaticFragmentsDemoActivity extends
    LifecycleLoggingActivity {
  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

  public void showOther(View v) {
    Intent other=new Intent(this, OtherActivity.class);

(from Fragments/Static/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/sfrag/

Since the res/layout/main.xml file has the <fragment> element, the fragment is simply loaded into position in the call to setContentView().

The Fragment Lifecycle Methods

Fragments have lifecycle methods, just like activities do. In fact, they support most of the same lifecycle methods as activities:

By and large, the same rules apply for fragments as do for activities with respect to these lifecycle methods (e.g., onDestroy() may not be called).

In addition to those and the onCreateView() method we examined earlier in this chapter, there are four other lifecycle methods that you can elect to override if you so choose.

onAttach() will be called first, even before onCreate(), letting you know that your fragment has been attached to an activity. You are passed the Activity that will host your fragment.

onViewCreated() will be called after onCreateView(). This is particularly useful if you are inheriting the onCreateView() implementation but need to configure the resulting views, such as with a ListFragment and needing to set up an adapter.

onActivityCreated() will be called after onCreate() and onCreateView(), to indicate that the activity’s onCreate() has completed. If there is something that you need to initialize in your fragment that depends upon the activity’s onCreate() having completed its work, you can use onActivityCreated() for that initialization work.

onDestroyView() is called before onDestroy(). This is the counterpart to onCreateView() where you set up your UI. If there are things that you need to clean up specific to your UI, you might put that logic in onDestroyView().

onDetach() is called after onDestroy(), to let you know that your fragment has been disassociated from its hosting activity.

onAttach() Versus onAttach()

If you set your project to have a compileSdkVersion of 23 or higher, and you attempt to override onAttach(), you may get a deprecation warning:

Android Studio, Showing Deprecated onAttach()
Figure 252: Android Studio, Showing Deprecated onAttach()

That is because there are two versions of onAttach() (and onDetach()) starting with API Level 23. One takes an Activity as a parameter, and the other takes a Context as a parameter.

The roles of onAttach() and onDetach() are the same with either parameter: let you know when the fragment has been attached to or detached from its host. However, now, the host could be anything that extends Context, not merely an Activity.

On API Level 22 and below, though, only the Activity flavor of onAttach() and onDetach() exists. This leads to a conundrum, as you try to determine exactly how to handle this for your app.

On the whole, if your minSdkVersion is below 23, overriding just onAttach(Activity) is your best route. It will work on all Android devices that support fragments. Overriding only onAttach(Context) will not work, as older devices will ignore it (despite Activity being a subclass of Context). You could override both methods, but on API Level 23+ devices, both flavors will be called, which may or may not be a good idea for your Fragment subclass.

Your First Dynamic Fragment

Static fragments are fairly simple, once you have the Fragment implementation: just add the <fragment> element to where you want to have the fragment appear in your activity’s layout.

That simplicity, though, does come with some costs. We will review some of those limitations in the next chapter.

Those limitations can be overcome by the use of dynamic fragments. Rather than indicating to Android that you wish to use a fragment by means of a <fragment> element in a layout, you will use a FragmentTransaction to add a fragment at runtime from your Java code.

With that in mind, take a look at the Fragments/Dynamic sample project.

This is the same project as the one for static fragments, except this time we will adjust OtherActivity to use a dynamic fragment, specifically a ListFragment.

The ListFragment Class

ListFragment serves the same role for fragments as ListActivity does for activities. It wraps up a ListView for convenient use. So, to have a more interesting OtherActivity, we start with an OtherFragment that is a ListFragment, designed to show our favorite 25 Latin words as seen in previous examples.

Just as a ListActivity does not need to call setContentView(), a ListFragment does not need to override onCreateView(). By default, the entire fragment will be comprised of a single ListView. And just as ListActivity has a setListAdapter() method to associate an Adapter with the ListView, so too does ListFragment:


import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;

public class OtherFragment extends ListFragment {
  private static final String[] items= { "lorem", "ipsum", "dolor",
      "sit", "amet", "consectetuer", "adipiscing", "elit", "morbi",
      "vel", "ligula", "vitae", "arcu", "aliquet", "mollis", "etiam",
      "vel", "erat", "placerat", "ante", "porttitor", "sodales",
      "pellentesque", "augue", "purus" };

  public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);

    setListAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(getActivity(),
                    android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, items));

(from Fragments/Dynamic/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dfrag/

We call setListAdapter() in onViewCreated(), as we know that the ListView is now ready for use.

This class also overrides many fragment lifecycle methods, logging their results, akin to our other Fragment and LifecycleLoggingActivity.

The Activity Class

Now, OtherActivity no longer needs to load a layout — we have removed res/layout/other.xml from the project entirely. Instead, we will use a FragmentTransaction to add our fragment to the UI:


import android.os.Bundle;

public class OtherActivity extends LifecycleLoggingActivity {
  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    if (getFragmentManager().findFragmentById( == null) {
                               new OtherFragment()).commit();

(from Fragments/Dynamic/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/dfrag/

To work with a FragmentTransaction, you need the FragmentManager. This object knows about all of the fragments that exist in your activity. If you are using the native API Level 11 edition of fragments, you can get your FragmentManager by calling getFragmentManager(). If you are using the Android Support package, you need to call getSupportFragmentManager() instead.

Given a FragmentManager, you can start a FragmentTransaction by calling beginTransaction(), which returns the FragmentTransaction object. FragmentTransaction operates on the builder pattern, so most methods on FragmentTransaction return the FragmentTransaction itself, so you can chain a series of method calls one after the next.

We call two methods on our FragmentTransaction: add() and commit(). The add() method, as you might guess, indicates that we want to add a fragment to the UI. We supply the actual fragment object, in this case by creating a new OtherFragment. We also need to indicate where in our layout we want this fragment to reside. Had we loaded a layout, we could drop this fragment in any desired container. In our case, since we did not load a layout, we supply as the ID of the container to hold our fragment’s View. Here, identifies the container into which the results of setContentView() would go — it is a container supplied by Activity itself and serves as the top-most container for our content.

Just calling add() is insufficient. We then need to call commit() to make the transaction actually happen.

You might be wondering why we are trying to find a fragment in our FragmentManager before actually creating the fragment. We do that to help deal with configuration changes, and we will be exploring that further in the next chapter.

Fragments and the Action Bar

Fragments can add items to the action bar by calling setHasOptionsMenu(true) from onCreate() (or any other early lifecycle method). This indicates to the activity that it needs to call onCreateOptionsMenu() and onOptionsItemSelected() on the fragment.

The Fragments/ActionBarNative sample application demonstrates this. This has the same functionality as does the ActionBar/ActionBarDemoNative sample from the chapter on the action bar, just with the activity converted into a dynamic fragment.

In onCreate(), we call setHasOptionsMenu(true), to indicate that we are interested in participating in the action bar:

  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


(from Fragments/ActionBarNative/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/abf/

(we will discuss that setRetainInstance(true) call in a later chapter)

That will trigger our fragment’s onCreateOptionsMenu() and onOptionsItemSelected() methods to be called at the appropriate time:

  public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) {
    inflater.inflate(, menu);

    super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu, inflater);

  public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    switch(item.getItemId()) {





(from Fragments/ActionBarNative/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/abf/

Here, we initialize our action bar from the menu XML resource, along with the logic to respond to the add and reset action bar items.

Our activity does not need to do anything special to allow the fragment to contribute to the action bar — it just sets up the dynamic fragment:


import android.os.Bundle;

public class ActionBarFragmentActivity extends Activity {
  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    if (getFragmentManager().findFragmentById( == null) {
                               new ActionBarFragment()).commit();

(from Fragments/ActionBarNative/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/abf/

Fragments Within Fragments: Just Say “Maybe”

Historically, one major limitation with fragments is that they could not contain other fragments. In most cases, this does not pose a major problem. However, there will be times when you might trip over this limitation, such as when using a ViewPager, as will be described in a later chapter.

Android 4.2 — and the Android Support package – added support for nested fragments. Whereas an activity works with fragments via a FragmentManager obtained via getFragmentManager() or getSupportFragmentManager(), fragments can work with nested fragments via a call to getChildFragmentManager().

However, Android 3.0 through 4.1 have a version of fragments that does not have getChildFragmentManager(). Hence, you have two options:

  1. Use the Android Support package’s backport of fragments, until such time as you can drop support for Android 4.1 and earlier, or
  2. Do not use nested fragments for the time being.

We will see how getChildFragmentManager() works in the chapter on ViewPager.

Fragments and Multiple Activities

A fragment should handle functionality purely within the fragment itself. Anything outside the fragment should be the responsibility of the calling activity. For example, if the user taps on an item in a ListFragment, and the effects of that event might go beyond what is inside the ListFragment itself, the ListFragment should forward the event to the hosting activity, so it can perhaps perform additional steps (e.g., launch an activity, update another fragment hosted by the activity).

As we will see in a later chapter, it is entirely possible — perhaps even likely — that some of our fragments will be hosted by multiple different activities. For example, we might have a fragment that is hosted in one case by an activity designed for larger screens (e.g., tablets) and in another case by an activity designed for smaller screens (e.g., phones).

In these cases, the fragment does not know at compile time which activity class will be hosting it at runtime. For those cases, you have three major options:

  1. Have the activities implement a common interface, and have the fragment cast the result of calling getActivity() to that interface, so it can call methods on the hosting activity without knowing its exact implementation.
  2. Have the activities supply a listener object, with a common interface, to the fragment via a setter, and have the fragment use that listener for raising events and so on.
  3. Use an event bus, as we will explore later in this book.

We will see much more on this subject when we get into large-screen strategies in a later chapter.