Photo Credits

The painting on the front cover, Tank Advance, Italy by Lawren P. Harris, and the painting on the back cover, Coriano Ridge Under Bombardment by George Campbell Timming (19710261-5447) are used by permission of the Canadian War Museum. The photo on pages 20-21 (P33/90) appears courtesy of the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick. The photos on pages 56, 62, 106, 115, 125, 127, and 149 appear courtesy of the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick (Vern Pearson Collection). The photos on pages 26, 27, 28-29, 34, 37, 38, 45, 46-47, 111, 129, and 152 appear courtesy of the 8th Hussars Regimental Museum. The photos on pages 53 (PA-112701), 64-65 (PA-213559), 70-71 (PA-213561), 73 (PA-193902), 85 (PA-140208), 121 (PA-2185002), 143 (e-008303220), 166 (e-008303220), and 174-175 (PA-173657) appear courtesy of Library and Archives Canada. The maps on pages 59, 81, 86, 93, 113, 117, 119, 144, and 157 appear courtesy of Mike Bechthold. The photos on pages 79, 82, and 112 appear courtesy of the Hal Skaarup Collection. The photos on pages 89 and 100 appear courtesy of Clive Law. The photo on page 162 appears courtesy of Eric McGeer. All illustrative material is reproduced by permission.