
Introduction. The Strange Career of Len Zinberg

Chapter 1. Tough Jews in the Spanish Civil War

Unmanly Doubles

Jews with Guns

Whose Revolution?

Golems and Gimpels on the Barricades

Chapter 2. The Agony of the African American Left

“The War Is Everywhere We Find It”

Black Bolshevik from Georgia

Youngblood versus Trueblood

A Double Perspective on Double V

Chapter 3. The Peculiarities of the Germans

“A Jew Must Learn to Fight”

Willing Executioners?

“An Eye for an Eye”

The Natural

The Blood and the Stain

Chapter 4. A Rage in Harlem

The Black Crusaders

“Talent as a Weapon”

Lutie Johnson’s War

“Hitler’s Uprisings in America”

Fighting the Fifth Column

Chapter 5. Disappearing Acts

Henry Roth’s Landscape of Guilt

The Ordeal of Lauren Gilfillan

Of Genders and Genres

The Wound and the Bow

An Ordinary Life

From New Masses to Mass Market

Chapter 6. The Conversion of the Jews

The Lost World

Between Insularity and Internationalism

The Mirror of Race

Fascinating Fascism

From Emily Dickinson to Emma Lazarus

Chapter 7. Arthur Miller’s Missing Chapter

Miller the Marxist

Socialism Was Reason

Becoming Matt Wayne

Innocence Was Shattered

Conclusion. The Fates of Antifascism

Three Lives

The Wounded Heart



Acknowledgments and Sources
