The food you eat today walks around tomorrow.

—Dr. Hazel Parcells

My first full week is coming to a close tomorrow. During the past week, I have witnessed some dramatic changes in the way I look and feel. First off, I’ve lost just under 10 pounds in six days. My clothing is beginning to fit more comfortably around my waistline. Hunger is not an issue. I feel satisfied after each meal and continue to enjoy the juices… Yum, yum, yum!

—Suzanne K., age 61

My husband and I are feeling really good… able to sleep better, and others are noticing that we are slimming down!

—Kimberly L., age 40

Excellent work! You have made it through the 4-Day Radical Intensive Cleanse. Now your body is cleaned out, primed, and ready to begin rebuilding those cell membranes and amping up the metabolic engines.

In this chapter, we pull everything you learned in the Radical Rules together into a practical, integrated eating plan to optimize your digestion, revitalize your cells, and flush away excess fat and toxins for good. By now you know how your foods can make you or break you—or more specifically, brake your metabolism. With the right nutrition, you can turn your body around.

The remaining plan contains two phases:

Phase 1: 21-Day Radical Reboot: These twenty-one days are about learning how to eat to retrain your metabolism.

Phase 2: Maintenance: With just a few little tweaks, the 21-Day Radical Reboot is turned into an eating plan for life.

You will be surprised at how little deprivation you feel on the 21-Day Radical Reboot. The cleanse is over and you will be enjoying coffee, chocolate, butter, and cream—I mean, how radical is that? You will be filling your body with raw, unadulterated omega-6s and omega-3s, which is where the healing and metabolic reset begins. However, this is a more radical approach because we will be emphasizing the omega-6s more than the omega-3s, so as to restore and reinforce those critical cell membranes and mitochondria.

Nearly all the other high-fat diets out there load you up with coconut oil, MCT oil, and olive oil—and although these fats have their benefits, they are nearly devoid of those essential bioactive (functional) fats. Instead, our focus will be on saturating your body with essential fatty acids in that ideal 4:1 ratio. Once your EFA reserves are fully loaded, then you move onto the Maintenance phase where you can add back in some of the other friendly fats you love, like coconut oil.

In the following table, you can view these two phases of the Radical Metabolism plan side by side. Refer back to this table any time you need a quick reference. In the remainder of this chapter, we will get into the nitty-gritty with detailed food lists, tips, and product recommendations. In the final section of the book, you will find a menu plan and 50 Radical Recipes to help you translate these dietary principles into delicious, satisfying meals and snacks every day of the week.

If all this information seems overwhelming, have no fear—you can do it! You don’t have to change everything all at once—just do what you can. Take it one day at a time. Even the little changes will make a big—even radical—difference in your health and how you feel. Remember, this is just a road map. Listen to your body as it is always your ultimate guide.



PHASE I 21-DAY RADICAL REBOOT: 1–4 servings per each meal and snack, with the goal of eating four times as many omega-6s as omega-3s

Focus on omega-6 and omega-3 parent oils (pure, minimally processed, unrefined, unheated) and avoid neutral fats in this phase

PHASE II MAINTENANCE PLAN: 1–4 servings per each meal and snack, with the goal of eating four times as many omega-6s as omega-3s

In addition to the omegas, add back healthy neutral fats, such as coconut oil, MCT oil, olive oil, avocado oil, etc.


MANDATORY: If you don’t have a gallbladder, you must add these to every meal containing fat

RECOMMENDED: If you do have a gallbladder but you have weight-loss resistance, digestive issues, hypothyroidism, etc.

Choline, taurine, lipase, ox bile; or a combination bile support formula, such as Bile Builder (see Appendix 3)

Tip: Apple cider vinegar or brine from naturally fermented vegetables can be taken 30 minutes before a meal to boost stomach acid.



Bitter foods: Incorporate Bitter foods into every meal and snack

Metabolixir: One per day (mid to late afternoon is suggested)

Digestive bitters: Use as often as you like; 30 minutes before meals is optimal, or after meals as needed for digestive symptoms. Digestive bitters and Metabolixirs can be used as interchangeably to supercharge your digestion, as well as treating occasional bouts of indigestion




4–6 ounces clean, organic protein in every meal

1–2 servings of nondenatured whey or vegan protein each day

Low-mercury wild-caught fish and seafood, up to twice per week, preferably not on the same day

Clean animal proteins (organic, grass-pastured, free of hormones and antibiotics), organic bone broths

NO eggs or pork


4–6 ounces clean, organic protein in every meal

1–2 servings of nondenatured whey or vegan protein each day

Low-mercury wild-caught fish and seafood, up to twice per week, preferably not on the same day

Clean animal proteins (organic, grass-pastured, free of hormones and antibiotics), organic bone broths

NO pork

Eggs can be added, as tolerated



At least 5–8 servings per day

Fresh, low-starch, high-fiber veggies; organic, locally sourced, pesticide-free, non-GMO

NO onions

Take care to not overdo leafy greens due to high oxalate levels


At least 5–8 servings per day

Fresh, low-starch, high-fiber veggies; organic, locally sourced, pesticide-free, non-GMO

Take care to not overdo leafy greens due to high oxalate levels



1 serving per day

Low-fructose varieties are best to avoid spiking blood sugar levels


1–3 servings per day

Low-fructose varieties are best to avoid spiking blood sugar levels



1 serving per day

Starchy vegetables, legumes, low-lectin grains (millet, white basmati rice, or sorghum)

(If you’re vegan or vegetarian, up to 2 servings per day of legumes for protein)


1–2 servings per day (weight permitting)

Starchy vegetables, legumes, low-lectin grains (millet, white basmati rice, or sorghum)

(If you’re vegan or vegetarian, up to 3 servings per day of legumes for protein)


1–2 servings per day (if tolerated)

Raw, organic, pasture-raised, full-fat, preferably fermented

Yogurt, kefir, lassi, sour cream, cottage cheese, ricotta, hard cheese, butter, ghee

Many people are casein and lactose intolerant; if this is you, then you’ll want to avoid dairy.

Goat’s milk products can be substituted for cow’s milk.

Tip: Many dairy-free cheeses (almond-, rice-, and soy-based) contain casein, so be sure to check the label.



1–5 servings probiotics daily (start slowly and increase as tolerated)

If you take a probiotic supplement, this counts as 1 serving.

Incorporate prebiotic foods into meals as often as possible.

Fermented vegetables (sauerkraut, kimchi), fermented vegetable brine, raw fermented dairy if you tolerate dairy; miso; miscellaneous prebiotic foods



Gut-friendly low glycemic sweeteners: Nutramedix Stevia, Just Like Sugar (a chicory sweetener), yacón syrup, and monk fruit

Metabolism-boosting herbs and spices (cayenne, cinnamon, cumin, ginger, etc.) and sea salt

Health-boosting condiments (apple cider vinegar, umeboshi plum vinegar, coconut aminos, etc.)

Tip: Reduce dependence on sweet flavors over time while increasing your tolerance of bitter flavors—and even enjoying them eventually!


Drink half your body weight in ounces per day (water plus herbal teas):

Filtered water

Hibiscus and dandelion root herbal teas, to hydrate and enhance weight loss

Organic coffee, including Citrus Blaster (1 cup per day)

Organic oolong tea to boost metabolism (optional; limit 2 cups per day)

Tip: Avoid drinking with meals to prevent dilution of gastric juices


One of your primary goals during the 21-Day Radical Reboot is to shore up your body’s omega-6 and omega-3 reserves. I like to call it “getting sixy”! There are only four basic differences between the 21-Day Radical Reboot and Maintenance phases (refer to Table 9.1):

1. Allergenic foods: On the Reboot, you eliminate high-lectin grains, eggs, onions, and pork. On the Maintenance Plan, you can add back eggs and onions, as tolerated. I recommend avoiding pork permanently due to its adverse effects on red blood cells. Gluten grains (which are also high in lectin) are out for good, but some individuals can tolerate certain gluten-free, low-lectin grains in moderation, which we will discuss.

2. Fats: On the Reboot, you will focus on Omega-6 and Omega-3 fats from foods, such as hempseed oil, pine nut oil, nuts and seeds, flaxseeds, fish, grass-pastured dairy, and ghee. Then on Maintenance, you will add back healthy neutral oils (coconut, MCT, avocado, olive, etc.).

3. Radical carbohydrates: On the Reboot, you are limited to one radical carb (starchy vegetable, legume, or low-lectin grain) per day, but on Maintenance you’re allowed up to two.

4. Fruits: On the Reboot, you are limited to one fruit per day, but on Maintenance you’re allowed up to three.


As you did in the 4-Day Radical Intensive, you will continue avoiding foods that crash your metabolic engine, slow your thyroid, trigger allergies and inflammation, stifle detox, and cause your body to hang on to extra fat. The following foods need to be banished from your kitchen if you want a radical metabolism:

Toxic fats: Eliminating hydrogenated and partly hydrogenated fats, margarine, and overheated oils allow your cell membranes and mitochondria to be strengthened and rebuilt using the right nutritional building blocks.

Toxic proteins: Banishing bad proteins, such as factory-farmed meats, poultry, and fish, reduces your risk for infections, parasitic and otherwise, and lowers your exposure to heavy metals and chemicals, thereby reducing your body’s overall toxic load.

Gallbladder-related allergens: Eliminating the top three gallbladder-triggering foods—eggs, pork, and onions—during the 21-Day Reboot reduces inflammation, cleans up the bile, boosts bile production, and heals the gallbladder. If you don’t have a gallbladder, still eliminate these foods.

Gluten and high-lectin grains: Avoiding gluten and lectins will improve your insulin sensitivity, tamp down allergic reactions and inflammation, reduce your immune load, and improve the integrity of your intestinal tract lining.

GMOs: Genetically modified foods are nearly always drenched in pesticide residue, as well as being a trigger for a multitude of health problems. GMOs contain lectins that are not natural to the human body. Consume only non-GMO foods. (Products with the “certified organic” seal are non-GMO by definition.)

Mold-contaminated foods: Avoiding peanuts, beer, wine, dried fruit, and most grains will reduce your mold exposure, giving your immune system one less thing to deal with.

Teas: Most true teas from the Camellia sinensis plant are contaminated with heavy metals from the soil, such as lead and fluoride. Organic is no guarantee because all tea plants are natural hyperaccumulators. We make an exception for organic oolong tea due to its established metabolic benefits (maximum two cups per day).

Processed foods, fast foods, convenience foods, and refined sugar: Eat out less often to reduce your exposure to bad fats, chemicals, artificial sweeteners, and overall poor-quality foods. Reduce or eliminate all processed/refined sugar in all its many forms (sucrose, fructose, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup [HFCS], corn sweetener, cane sugar, crystalline fructose, brown rice syrup, and the rest). Even many agave nectars are heat processed to such an extreme that all that remains is a superconcentrated fructose syrup. Shopping around the perimeter of the grocery store will help you avoid the majority of packaged foods.


Now that you have the big picture, let’s take a closer look at the specific foods in each category that will ignite fat burning and heal your body, right down to each and every one of your 30 trillion cells. Regardless of the food group, always look for products that are organic and non-GMO, sourced from local farms that employ sustainable, Earth-friendly practices. Many local farmers produce their food this way but cannot afford organic certification, so it pays to get to know your local farmers and their practices. Biodynamic farming is even superior to organic.

In each food list, bitter foods are marked with an asterisk (*). Serving sizes are listed for each. If serving size is not specified, you can assume there is no limit. Each food category includes number of portions per day as well as any special product recommendations. Let’s start with those radical fats!


Remember Radical Rule #1: Don’t be afraid to eat lots of healthy fats! The more you consume (and digest properly), the faster you will halt creeping weight gain, restore your cell membranes, repair your hormones, and create soft, wrinkle-free skin. Radical fats are simply destined to become the most useful staple in everybody’s kitchen. They seal in delicate food flavors, keep food hot, and contribute to juiciness, color, and texture, as well as leaving us feeling more satisfied longer.

One of our foundational players will be hemp seeds, hemp hearts, and hempseed oil, due to the almost perfect omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 3:1. Hemp is rich in GLA, LA, and ALA.

Raw organic nuts and seeds and their cold-pressed oils are also omega-6 superstars, and have some omega-3s to offer as well. It is best to purchase the sprouted variety because this breaks down the waistline-expanding lectins, and nuts and seeds are loaded with them. As for almonds, unless you get them from Spain, they are either gassed or overly heated, negating all possible nutritional benefits so be careful on your sources. I have listed spirulina in the fats section due to its rich omega-6 content.

Flaxseed, chia seed, clary sage seed oil, and fish are great sources of omega-3. The plant sources provide the special omega-3 “parent oil,” ALA. Clary sage seed oil may be the world’s richest source of ALA. Another option is SaviSeeds from Vega. These omega-3 and protein-rich seeds, also known as sacha inchi seeds or Incan peanuts (even though they are not a legume), are an ancient health food native to the Peruvian rainforest. SaviSeeds are available in some health food stores or you can order them from www.myvega.com or through Amazon.com. They take a bit of getting used to, but I find the 1-ounce packets to be the perfect on-the-go snack, with each packet providing an impressive 6 grams of omega-3 fat and 9 grams of protein.

Cooking with oils: Many oils are unstable and quickly convert into toxic fats when heated. As a rule, monounsaturated fats and saturated fats are more stable for cooking than polyunsaturated fats are, but to know for sure you must consider the smoke point of each and keep it under that temperature. Of course, canola, corn, and soybean oils should be banished from your pantry altogether, for cooking or otherwise.

I recommend the following oils and liquids for cooking. Smoke points are listed next to the oils at the end of this section. Notice that most omega-6 oils have low smoke points and so are unsuitable for cooking. Most chefs recommend heating an oil to 320°F to sauté.


Bone broths

Ghee (485°F)

Algae oil


Red palm oil (455°F)

Tigernut oil (460°F)

Hazelnut oil (420°F)

Macadamia nut oil (410°F)

Avocado oil (375°–475°F)

Coconut oil (350°F)

Sesame oil (320°F)

Walnut oil (320°F)

Soaking and roasting nuts and seeds: Soaking nuts and seeds activates live enzymes and neutralizes some of the antinutrient factors, such as lectins and phytic acid, improving bioavailability—meaning, the nutrients are more easily absorbed and utilized by your body. Soaking eliminates about 50 percent of the lectins, but sprouting eliminates nearly all of them. Lectins can trample metabolism, irritate the gut lining, and cause inflammation and digestive symptoms, contributing to leaky gut over time.

After soaking, dehydrate the nuts at a low temperature (as low as your oven goes, 150° to 170°F or lower) in your oven or a food dehydrator. Roasting them at higher temperatures will damage those beneficial fats and create problematic compounds. For example, almonds and hazelnuts contain the amino acid asparagine. Roasting them causes this amino acid to turn into a substance known as acrylamide, which is quite toxic.

Here is an easy way to prepare nuts and seeds: In the evening, combine nuts, filtered water, and sea salt in a large glass bowl (about 1 tablespoon of salt per 4 cups of water). Stir and set in a warm place to rest overnight (7 to 12 hours). Cover with a pot lid. Add a little cayenne pepper to the water if you want an extra kick! In the morning, preheat your oven to 150°F (or use a food dehydrator). Rinse the nuts and seeds in a colander, and then spread them onto a sheet pan in a single layer. Leave in the oven for 6 to 24 hours, giving an occasional stir. Allow to cool completely before storing.

Storage: Keep your oils, nuts, and seeds in the refrigerator or freezer. Here’s a tip: For extra insurance that your oils will stay fresh, add one drop of vitamin E oil from a capsule right into the bottle of oil!

Servings per day on Reboot and Maintenance: One to four servings per day, with four times as many omega-6s as omega-3s (as close as you can to achieve that 4:1 ratio).


Fats are listed by category. The term neutral refers to fats that do not affect your omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. Temperatures in parentheses represent smoke points.


Almonds and almond oil (420°F), 1 tablespoon oil or 7 almonds

Hazelnuts and hazelnut oil (420°F), 1 tablespoon or 6 hazelnuts

*Hemp seeds, hemp hearts, and hemp oil (325°F), 1 tablespoon

*Sesame seeds, sesame oil, tahini (320°F), 1 tablespoon

Walnuts, walnut oil, walnut butter (320°F), 1 tablespoon or 4 walnut halves

Sunflower seeds, oil, butter (225°F), 1 tablespoon

High-linoleic safflower oil (225°F), 1 tablespoon

Pine nuts, pine nut oil (Siberian Tiger Naturals), 1 tablespoon oil or 2 tablespoons pine nuts

*Apricot kernels and apricot kernel oil, 1 tablespoon oil or 3 kernels

*Black seed oil, 1 teaspoon

Pumpkin seeds and oil, pumpkin seed butter, 1 tablespoon

Pecans and pecan butter, 1 tablespoon

Cashews and cashew butter, 1 tablespoon butter or 6 cashews

Pistachios, 15 nuts

Brazil nuts, 2 medium-size

Pastured butter (330°F), 1 tablespoon

Ghee (485°F), 1 tablespoon

Pastured cream, 1 tablespoon

Spirulina, 2 tablespoons (about 1 ounce)


Flaxseed and high-lignan flaxseed oil (225°F), 1 tablespoon oil or 3 tablespoons ground toasted flaxseed

Chia seed, 1 tablespoon

Perilla seed oil, 1 teaspoon

Clary sage seed oil, 1 teaspoon

SaviSeeds by Vega (sacha inchi or Incan peanuts), one 1-ounce packet

Fish or fish oil, 1 tablespoon


Tiger nut oil (460°F), 1 tablespoon

Palm oil (455°F), 1 tablespoon (only products certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, an organization that supports growers who use minimal pesticides and don’t clear-cut rainforests)

Macadamia nuts and oil (410°F), 3 nuts or 1 tablespoon oil

Algae oil, 1 teaspoon

Beef tallow (400°F), 1 tablespoon

Avocado oil (virgin) (375° to 475°F), 1 tablespoon

Chicken fat (375°F), 1 tablespoon

Duck or goose fat (375°F), 1 tablespoon

Lard (370°F), 1 tablespoon

Coconut, coconut cream, coconut oil (350°F for coconut oil), 1 tablespoon coconut cream or 2 tablespoons shredded coconut

Extra-virgin olive oil (220° to 320°F), 1 tablespoon

Coconut milk, 3 ounces

MCT oil, 1 tablespoon

*Uncured olives, 8 olives


As you learned in the gallbladder chapter, bitters get our digestive juices flowing by stimulating the release of saliva, hydrochloric acid (HCl), bile, pepsin, gastrin and pancreatic enzymes, as well as increasing lower esophageal sphincter (LES tone). There are three ways to get your bitters:


1. Bitter foods: Introduce more bitter foods directly into your diet every day.

2. Digestive bitters: Concentrated, bitter plant-based tinctures to take before a meal, after a meal, or any time you experience digestive symptoms. There are several excellent digestive bitters on the market. One of my favorite formulas is Dr. Shade’s Bitters No. 9 by Quicksilver Scientific.

3. Metabolixirs: I have developed three bitter aperitifs called “Metabolixirs.” These kick the digestive bitters up another notch—they have digestive bitters as one ingredient, but they supercharge your digestion and metabolism even more with a few key ingredients, such as apple cider vinegar and thermogenic herbs and spices.

During the 21-Day Radical Reboot, you will be reacquainting yourself with bitter foods by including at least one with every meal and snack. But we won’t stop there—you will boost your bitters further with the addition of an afternoon Metabolixir. These do everything digestive bitters do, and then some. The Metabolixirs do not replace bitter foods in your meals—they add to them.


The afternoon Metabolixir replaces the afternoon juice you were consuming on the 4-Day Intensive Cleanse. However, if you don’t want to let that juice go, then it’s completely fine to have both!

The Metabolixirs boost stomach acid, increase digestive juices, stimulate bile flow, and help relieve indigestion or GERD. They have additional herbs to flip on your metabolic afterburners! If you’re on the go or rushed, no worries—just do a squirt of the plain bitters instead. I want you to have plenty of options.

There are three Metabolixir recipes to choose from (here). Feel free to modify them and make them your own, and mix and match to your heart’s content. For example, you can have one thirty minutes before each meal, and between meals, as well as after a meal if you experience indigestion. Metabolixirs are a great way to get your bitters and apple cider vinegar down in one gulp.

Servings: Incorporate bitter foods into every meal and snack; plus, add one Metabolixir in the mid- to late afternoon (replaces the second juice you were consuming on the 4-Day Intensive Cleanse); you can also add a dose of digestive bitters as often as you like—thirty minutes before meals is optimal, but they may also be helpful after meals as needed for indigestion.

For a complete list of bitter foods, refer back to Table 3.1, here.


Radical proteins will supply much-needed amino acids for activating muscle tissue and firing up your mitochondria. Make sure your meats are organically raised on pasture. Conventionally raised meats may be loaded with chemicals, growth-stimulating hormones, antibiotics, GMOs, and harmful plant lectins from the corn and soy in their feed.

Myth: All soy products are bad for you.

Aim for 20 grams of protein with each meal, which is roughly 4 to 6 to ounces of meat or poultry. Add one or two servings of whey protein per day. If you’re vegan, substitute tempeh for the animal proteins, and rice and pea protein powder for the whey. Why tempeh? Tempeh is the healthy soy!

Move over tofu—you’ve been replaced! Unlike tofu, tempeh is a fermented soybean product, so it has none of the problematic issues of tofu. Besides that, it has some impressive health benefits. First of all, because it’s fermented, tempeh is a probiotic food. It has also been shown to reduce cholesterol and LDL levels. Tempeh’s isoflavones have benefits for menopausal symptoms, including easing hot flashes. It lowers circulating estrogen levels and acts as an adaptogen, not to mention having anticancer and anti-inflammatory benefits.

During the Reboot, you’ll be eliminating the top allergens associated with gallbladder problems, which include pork and eggs—with eggs being number one. Although you can add eggs back to your diet on Maintenance, I recommend avoiding pork permanently because it tends to cause extreme red blood cell clumping (hypercoagulation).5 Bitters and HCl replacements, such as apple cider vinegar, will help you extract those valuable aminos from your proteins. You can also supplement your protein intake with the MAP supplement.

Servings per day on Reboot: 4 to 6 ounces of protein in every meal (no pork or eggs), plus 1 to 2 servings of nondenatured whey or vegan protein each day. Limit fish and seafood to twice per week, preferably not on same day.

Servings per day on Maintenance: 4 to 6 ounces of protein in every meal (no pork; eggs only if tolerated), plus 1 to 2 servings of nondenatured whey or vegan protein each day. Limit fish and seafood to twice per week, preferably not on the same day.


Grass-pastured beef

Grass-pastured bison

Grass-pastured lamb

Grass-pastured poultry

Organic bone broths

Turkey bacon

Low-mercury tuna

Low-mercury skipjack tuna

Wild-caught salmon


Seafood, e.g., shrimp, scallops, lobster, oysters, mussels, crab




Hempfu (hemp tofu)


Whey protein, undenatured and unheated from grass-fed A2 cows

Vegan pea and rice protein powder

Hempseed powder



Vegetables are the staff of life—not grains! Veggies should be part of every meal and snack, as well as representing the majority of what goes into your fresh raw juices. There are only a few cautions when it comes to veggies.

Onions are avoided while on the Reboot because of their association with gallbladder problems. You can gradually add them back in on Maintenance—as always, carefully monitor how you feel. Despite their nutritional benefits, mushrooms are best avoided altogether due to common mycotoxin sensitivities.

Nightshades (tomatoes, white potatoes, eggplant, peppers and chili peppers, tomatillos, etc.) are avoided by many due to their association with joint pain, inflammation, and autoimmune issues, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), possibly related to their alkaloid and lectin content. People with a compromised gut often have problems with nightshades, so to optimize your gut healing it’s wise to avoid them, at least for a while. The exceptions are spices derived from nightshades (cayenne pepper, paprika, red pepper flakes), which I’ve rarely seen cause a problem. If you are nightshade sensitive, just be mindful.

Some folks are sensitive to naturally occurring compounds called oxalates, which are found in a wide variety of vegetables and other foods. They are sometimes not metabolized properly, especially when you consume more than your system can handle. Oxalate buildup can interfere with gallbladder function, digestion, detoxification, and important metabolic processes.6 Oxalate levels vary with type and source but are highest in rhubarb, spinach, beet greens, Swiss chard, and other leafy greens; cacao; berries; cashews; peanuts and other legumes; and grains. Oxalates are also commonly found in processed foods. Admittedly, oxalates can be found in many Radical Metabolism foods and it’s impossible to eliminate all of them, but if you know you are sensitive, then it’s wise to take precautions. Leafy high-oxalate greens, such as spinach, have some of the highest oxalate, so individuals regularly consuming green juices or smoothies may be getting too many oxalates if they’re juicing a lot of greens. Oh my—it looks like we just busted another myth.

Myth: You can’t eat too many leafy green vegetables.

Now you know why you actually can eat too many leafy greens! Don’t get me wrong, greens are good, but if, in your efforts to improve your health you’ve morphed into a greens addict, back off a bit from the spinach and chard. Kale is an exception, being relatively low in oxalates. Replace them with some of the other fabulous veggies that are lower in oxalates—celery, cucumbers, green beans, zucchini, and jicama. Variety is the spice of life!

Servings: At least 5 to 8 servings per day (not including juice).

Reminder: Go for those bitters! Bitters are flagged with an asterisk (*). There are many to choose from in the land of vegetables.


*Alfalfa sprouts


*Arugula (rocket)


*Beet greens

Bamboo shoots


*Brussels sprouts









*Daikon radish

*Dandelion greens




Green beans

Hearts of palm

*Jerusalem artichoke



Leafy greens


Lemon grass

*Mustard greens






*Romaine lettuce

*Red leaf lettuce





Squash (spaghetti, summer, zucchini)

*Swiss chard


*Turnip greens

Water chestnuts


*Wild lettuce


Fruits are loaded with wonderful vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and other essential nutrients, but they can also be high in natural sugar (fructose), so it’s possible to overdo them. Fruits lowest in fructose are berries, kiwis, lemons, limes, and avocados (Maintenance), which of course are bursting with beneficial fats. These low-sugar fruits contain excellent nutrients—did you know a single kiwi fruit has twice the vitamin C of an orange? Fruits should be eaten alone unless blended into a smoothie. Dried fruits are problematic because of mold contamination, as well as how easy they are to overconsume.

Servings on Reboot: 1 serving per day (not including juices).

Servings on Maintenance: 1 to 3 servings per day (not including juices).

*Reminder: Don’t forget to include those bitters!


Apple (1 small)

Apricots (2 medium)

Avocado (½ small)

Banana (½ small)

Berries (seasonal) (½ cup)

*Bitter melon

Cherries (10)

Grapes (12)

*Grapefruit (½)

Kiwi (1 medium)

*Lemon (including peel/rind)

* Lime (including peel/rind)

Mango (½ cup)

Melon (honeydew, cantaloupe, watermelon, others) (⅛; 1 cup watermelon)

Nectarine (1 small)

Orange (1 small)

*Orange peel/rind

Papaya (½)

Peach (1 medium)

Pear (1 small)

Pineapple (½ cup)

Plum (2 medium)

Pomegranate (1)

Tangerine (1 large)

*Tangerine peel/rind


Starches are our “comfort foods” and are allowed in moderation. They also provide fiber and fullness. Starchy vegetables and legumes are the safest sources. Grains can be problematic for several reasons, including gluten issues, lectins, pesticide residues, and mold contamination. There are no nutrients in grains that are not obtainable from other foods. The United States has the world’s worst mold contamination problem, and grains are especially notorious. They are also notorious for causing insulin resistance and stalling weight loss. I suggest avoiding all glutenous grains and, depending on your sensitivity, you might decide to go grain-free for life—which I commend!

During both Reboot and Maintenance, we eliminate all grains except for three that are very low in lectins: millet, sorghum, and white basmati rice. While you might still choose to avoid all grains, some individuals are able to tolerate low-lectin grains, which is why these three are the best options. Why not quinoa? Although quinoa is gluten-free and relatively high in protein, you also get a hefty dose of weight-loss–stalling lectins.

Just keep this in mind: If you are not getting the results you want from the plan or you continue to experience digestive issues, grains would be the first thing to eliminate.

Gluten: Besides being highly problematic for people with celiac disease, gluten may cause inflammation, insulin resistance, and intestinal damage, even if you aren’t celiac, at least for those who are sensitive—and this appears to be a majority of us. Many people are gluten sensitive without realizing it.

Lectins: Abundant in many grains and legumes (plus other foods), lectins throw a wrench into your metabolic operations so are best minimized. Lectins can stall fat burning by making a mess of cellular communication and stimulating appetite and fat storage. Lectins can also irritate the lining of your digestive tract, leading to gas and bloating.

Phytic acid: Grains produce phytic acid as a defense against foragers. When consumed, phytic acid binds to minerals and prevents their absorption. If consumed often enough, mineral deficiencies can develop.

Peanuts: Peanuts are omitted from the plan for one reason only: they are highly susceptible to mold—even organic varieties. I’m the first person to protest this omission—I feel your pain. I’m totally nuts about peanuts! However, mold sensitivities are such a huge issue that I cannot in good conscience allow them in the plan, or in my kitchen.

Servings on Reboot: 1 complex carb serving per day; vegans or vegetarians are allowed up to 2 servings of legumes per day because they serve as a protein.

Servings on Maintenance: 2 complex carb servings per day (weight permitting); vegans or vegetarians are allowed up to 3 servings of legumes per day because they serve as a protein.


Beets (½ cup)

Carrots (cooked) (½ cup)

Parsnips (½ cup)

Peas (½ cup)

*Rutabaga (½ cup)

Squash (winter) (½ cup)

Sweet potato 1 small

*Turnip (½ cup)

Yam 1 small

Tigernuts, tigernut flour, horchata (handful tigernuts or 1 cup horchata)

Millet (½ cup cooked)

White basmati rice (½ cup cooked)

Sorghum (½ cup cooked)

Adzuki beans (½ cup cooked)

Black beans (½ cup cooked)

Cannellini beans (½ cup cooked)

Chickpeas (garbanzo beans) (½ cup cooked)

Kidney beans (½ cup cooked)

Lentils (½ cup cooked)

Lima beans (½ cup cooked)


Dive into dairy with caution. Many folks are casein and lactose intolerant, so cheese and milk are off limits. Casein is a protein in milk, and casein sensitivities often accompany gluten sensitivities. Many almond-, rice-, and soy-based cheeses also contain casein, so check labels. Even those with dairy sensitivities may be able to eat dairy-based yogurt because the lactose is predigested in the fermentation process—but the casein remains. Butter, cream, and ghee, on the other hand, are digested as fats. The best dairy products are pasture-raised, organic, raw, and fermented for the probiotic benefits (see next section, “Prebiotics & Probiotics”). Look for raw, properly aged artisan cheeses, aged six months or more.

When it comes to fermented (cultured) dairy, you can’t assume yogurt, sour cream, cream cheese, and so on contain live cultures. Most of those in the nutrition stores, such as Nancy’s, do have live cultures and that’s what you want. Many commercial varieties are pasteurized and everything is killed off, which is not helpful in any way. Always select those with active, live cultures—or make your own!

Servings: If tolerated, 1 to 2 servings per day.


Butter (1 tablespoon)

Buttermilk (1 cup)

Cottage cheese (4 ounces)

Cheddar (1 ounce)

Cream (1 tablespoon)

Cream cheese (2 tablespoons)

Edam cheese (1 ounce)

Feta (1 ounce)

Kefir (1 cup)

Ghee (1 tablespoon)

Goat cheese (chèvre)

Gouda (1 ounce)

Lassi (1 cup)

Milk (raw) (1 cup)

Mozzarella (1 ounce)

Parmesan (1 ounce)

Ricotta (4 ounces)

Sour cream (2 tablespoons)

Swiss cheese (1 ounce)

Yogurt (8 ounces)

Coconut cheese

Cashew yogurt or coconut yogurt (if dairy intolerant) (8 ounces)


Probiotic foods are those selectively fermented with bacteria that are beneficial for your gut. If you take probiotics but don’t nurture those organisms, you’re wasting time—like adopting a pet and then not feeding it. Your microbiome will not flourish without prebiotics. Prebiotics are special food-derived fibers that feed these beneficial bacteria. Probiotics and prebiotics work together to optimize the balance and diversity of your microbiome, which is why many probiotic supplements contain prebiotics as well. Good prebiotic and probiotic intake is necessary for a healthy body weight, good digestion, low cardiovascular risk, and minimal inflammation.

You can take a probiotic supplement, but an even better option is eating traditionally fermented foods with live cultures, such as sauerkraut. Fermented foods help your body produce acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter. Within the context of digestion, acetylcholine prevents constipation by stimulating movement of the bowel and increasing the release of digestive enzymes from your stomach, pancreas, and gallbladder. When used regularly, sauerkraut and its juice (brine) improve bile production.

If you tolerate dairy, fermented dairy is another great probiotic superfood. Make sure you either make your own or you select commercial products made from cultured raw, organic grass-fed milk—and not loaded up with sugar. High-quality fermented dairy also provides valuable protein, calcium, B vitamins, and even cancer-fighting conjugated linoleic acid (CLA).

Probiotic servings: 1 to 5 servings per day, starting slowly and increasing as tolerated (a probiotic supplement counts as 1 serving).

Prebiotic Food Servings: Incorporate prebiotic foods into daily meals as often as possible.


Cultured dairy (sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, lassi, etc. with live cultures)

Fermented vegetables (sauerkraut, naturally

fermented pickles, kimchi, kvass)

Fermented vegetable brine (1 teaspoon to 2 ounces)

Cashew yogurt



Many prebiotic foods double as bitters… notice all the asterisks in the list below!

*Asparagus, raw

Bananas, underripe

*Chicory root, raw

*Cocoa or cacao

*Dandelion greens



*Jerusalem artichoke, raw


Glucomannan fiber (konjac root, used in shirataki noodles [branded as Miracle Noodles])

*Leeks, raw



Tigernuts and horchata (a beverage made from tigernuts)

Umeboshi plum and its vinegar



Herbs and spices transform even the simplest meal by adding real soul to your food. However, the Radical Metabolism–recommended seasonings are not just flavor fixers—they are heavy-duty metabolism enhancers. The antioxidants abundant in these seasonings are synonymous with good health and a trim waistline. They neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, aid the digestive process, support your liver, and protect you from disease.

Spices can offer surprising health benefits. For example, certain spices may help prevent or repair damage from peroxynitrites. Peroxynitrites are unstable ions produced by exposure to cell phone and Wi-Fi radiation, and they create free radicals that impair your mitochondrial function. Spices, such as cloves, rosemary, turmeric, cinnamon, and ginger, have been scientifically shown to afford protection against peroxynitrite-induced damage.10

Let’s take a look at a few of the most powerful Radical Metabolism herbs and spices.


Hats off to horseradish—it’s a bitter! That means it’s good for your bile and gallbladder. Not only does the aroma of this superfood knock your socks off, but it has ten times the cancer-fighting power of broccoli, thanks to chemoprotective compounds called glucosinolates that flip on cancer-fighting genes in your body.11 Horseradish also has benefits for your respiratory system (chest congestion, sinus infections, tonsillitis, colds, and flu), urinary tract infections, joint and muscle pain, and headaches, and assists with detoxification. It’s very easy to grow in your garden—but don’t plant more than one or it will totally take over! Prepared horseradish is an option, keeping in mind that organic is always preferable.


Cayenne pepper’s heat comes from capsicum, which increases the body’s metabolic rate and cleans fat out of the arteries. An Oxford study found cayenne pepper produced a 20 percent jump in metabolism! Cayenne does so much more than create a tongue-tingling meal—it’s loaded with B vitamins and vitamins A, D, and E, as well as calcium, phosphorous, and iron. It is high in immune-boosting beta-carotene and is used as a painkiller, antiseptic, and digestive aid. It adds a real kick to all your veggies, sauces, dips, and soups. I even like a pinch of this hot stuff in my smoothie. Cayenne is a nightshade, so if you’re sensitive to nightshades, you might want to skip this one. I just wanted to include it for its admirable nutritional qualities.


Cinnamon is your blood sugar’s best friend and can reduce the glycemic impact of a meal by almost 30 percent. I recommend only Ceylon cinnamon because most commercial cinnamons contain the liver-damaging ingredient coumarin that can be harmful to health when taken in excess. Try Ceylon cinnamon in desserts, lamb, coffee, tea, and smoothies.


This peppery biblical spice is a wonderful taste enhancer and catalyst for weight loss. The latest research out of the Middle East, where cumin is popularly consumed, shows that 1 teaspoon can boost weight loss by 50 percent, most due to its thermogenic effects. This is a superspice for hummus, beans, chili, and any Mexican dish.


Ginger increases the thermic effect of food, giving your metabolic engines a boost so you’ll burn more calories. According to an Australian study, ginger can increase metabolism as much as 20 percent. A compound in ginger called gingerol has natural appetite suppressant properties by raising your leptin level. Ginger also suppresses cortisol production, and cortisol is known to promote fat storage. Ginger revs circulation and promotes healthy sweating, encouraging detoxification. It supports liver function, clears up clogged arteries, and lowers serum cholesterol levels. It is effective for motion sickness and nausea. Ginger is quite tasty on salmon and lends itself well to cookies (I just love ginger snaps), puddings, and custards. Try a cup of ginger tea—just ½ to ¾ teaspoon of ground ginger in hot water, with or without a squeeze of lemon.


Mustard is a must in my kitchen. In the dried, powdered state or as a prepared mustard spread, it provides a burst of tangy spiciness while kicking your metabolism into high gear. Study data from Oxford Polytechnic Institute shows that mustard spikes metabolic rates by 25 percent—by adding mustard to a meal, participants burned at least 45 extra calories over the next three hours. Try a pinch of dried mustard in your homemade salad dressings, mayo, pickles, and even soup.


Don’t be afraid to salt your food! Numerous studies have refuted the myth that high-salt diets increase your risk of heart disease and cause high blood pressure. Not only that, but sea salt may kick your metabolism up a notch! A recent animal study showed a high-salt diet actually increased metabolism, causing the animals to eat 25 percent more calories just to maintain their weight.12 Just make sure it’s genuine sea salt you’re using, not the laboratory-concocted chemical sodium chloride variety.

Myth: Salt drives up blood pressure and increases heart attack risk.


You almost can’t go anywhere these days without seeing something about turmeric, the superstar of many popular curries. This exotic yellow spice owes its high antioxidant content to curcumin, its most active compound. What you may not have heard about this special spice is that it can help thin and decongest the bile so your body can metabolize fat more efficiently. Turmeric can be added to curries, beans, meat stews, fish dinners, and soups. It’s the best spice for a barbecue because adding turmeric to meats before they are grilled reduces toxic compounds up to 40 percent.




Bay leaves

Black pepper

*Caraway seeds


Cayenne (nightshade)

Chipotle powder (nightshade)


*Cinnamon (Ceylonese)







*Fenugreek seeds





Mustard, dry



Paprika, regular and smoked (nightshade)




Sea salt

*Sesame seeds






Aluminum-free baking powder

Apple cider vinegar

Umeboshi plum vinegar

Balsamic vinegar (only from Modena, Italy)

*Bitter chocolate and cacao (look for 65% to 85% cacao)


Dijon mustard

Extracts (vanilla, almond, lemon, peppermint)


*Seaweed flakes (dulse, arame, nori, kombu, wakame, etc.)

Sriracha sauce (nightshade)

Tamari (gluten-free)

Coconut aminos

Fish sauce (recommend Red Boat brand)

Soup Socks


Research is mounting that sugar is a major culprit in diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and dementia, according to Dr. Robert Lustig, author of Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease. The latest in a long string of studies about the link between sugar and metabolic syndrome shows causation—not just association.13 If sugar is a nutritional bomb, then high-fructose corn syrup is the nuclear version! Concentrated fructose raises blood pressure, damages the kidneys, drives up inflammation, and is quite literally cancer’s favorite food.

As bad as refined sugars are, artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame and sucralose, are even worse! We need sweeteners that do not raise our levels of fat-packing insulin—and there aren’t many that don’t have detrimental health effects of one kind or another. The following are my top four go-to sweeteners. Just keep in mind that part of this plan is to retrain your palate to love bitter flavors as much as sweet, so the more you can decrease sweeteners over time, the better.


Stevia is a versatile herb that can be used in place of sugar for baking, smoothies, and beverages without raising your blood sugar. This low-glycemic sweetener imparts sweetness with zero calories and zero carbs. Stevia is thirty times sweeter than sugar so a little goes a long way. When a recipe calls for one teaspoon of sugar, use ⅓ teaspoon of stevia instead. Nutramedix is my favorite stevia product.


Yacón syrup comes from yacón root, a tuber that’s naturally high in prebiotics, including inulin and fructooligosaccharides (FOS). Unlike most roots, which are quite starchy, yacón stores its sugars as FOS rather than starch, which accounts for its sweeter taste. In fact, yacón is thought to be the richest source of FOS in the natural world. And happily, it scores a measly 1 on the glycemic index, which is the same as erythritol and inulin. (Stevia and monk fruit are zeros.)14

Fructooligosaccharides resist breakdown by your digestive enzymes so they reach your colon intact and act as a prebiotic for your gut flora. Yacón also bulks up the stool, improves gastric emptying, decreases food cravings, and reduces fat accumulation in the liver. Studies show yacón can improve body mass index (BMI), insulin, and LDL levels.15 Yacón syrup (sometimes called yacón nectar) can be found in many nutrition stores or ordered online. Make sure you purchase pure, raw, organic yacón that is free of additives. When the syrup is thermally processed, much of its FOS converts to sugar, so you lose a large part of its nutritional value. To qualify as “raw,” the processing temperatures must not exceed about 40°C (104°F).

Yacón syrup is delightful in beverages and salad dressings. Its flavor profile mingles particularly nicely with apple cider vinegar.


Chicory root is used to make a natural clean-tasting sweetener whose carbohydrates are indigestible, so they pass right through your digestive tract with a zero-calorie impact. Even better is that chicory root is a prebiotic—it feeds your friendly gut bugs! The products from Just Like Sugar are widely available waistline-friendly sugar substitutes.



Another healthy sweetener option is monk fruit (luo han guo, which comes from China and is actually part of the gourd family). Since your body metabolizes monk fruit differently, it will not raise your insulin and is perfectly safe for diabetics, perfect for adding to teas and smoothies. The only downside is its cost, due to export restrictions and the cost of its complicated extraction process.

Monk fruit is intensely sweet, ten times sweeter than stevia—three hundred times sweeter than sugar—but its sweetness isn’t due to natural sugars. Instead, it contains powerful antioxidants called mogrosides, which taste sweet but are metabolized differently than sugar. Monk fruit has a long history of benefits for diabetics from its positive effects on pancreatic cells to improve insulin sensitivity. Monk fruit is known as the longevity fruit for its wide-ranging health benefits in fighting free radicals, lowering inflammation, combating infections, relieving fatigue, and possibly preventing cancer. It’s also a natural antihistamine. Make sure your monk fruit sweetener is not combined with other agents, such as sugar alcohols. Always read those labels.


Sugar alcohols, such as xylitol, sorbitol, and erythritol, are carbohydrates with characteristics of both a sugar and an alcohol. They have become popular due to their low glycemic index, but are they safe? The latest science is discouraging.

Evidence is mounting that all sugar alcohols are disruptive to your microbiome, from your mouth all the way down to your gut. Therefore, I can no longer recommend them—even erythritol. Erythritol is commercially manufactured by fermenting cornstarch with yeast, typically genetically engineered yeast.16

Myth: Sugar alcohols, such as xylitol and erythritol, are completely safe.



Raw yacón syrup (a.k.a. yacón nectar)

Chicory root (Just Like Sugar)

Monk fruit (luo han guo)



It all starts with water. As the purest detox and diluting agent, water can take the edge off your appetite, ensure normal bowel and kidney function, rid your body of wastes, and alleviate fluid retention. Consuming half your body weight in ounces of water each day will help your liver metabolize stored fat into energy. Drinking cold water will enhance metabolism, while dehydration kicks up cortisol, resulting in more tummy fat. It’s best to drink before or between meals to avoid diluting gastric juices.

Servings: Drink half your body weight in ounces per day (water and herbal teas), in between meals to avoid diluting gastric juices.


Gone are the days when coffee had to shoulder the blame for heart disease, ulcers, and nervous disorders. Not only does coffee not cause those problems, but recent studies show that coffee beans improve insulin sensitivity and metabolic rate, and their antioxidant compounds reduce LDLs and inflammatory markers. Coffee lowers your risk for heart disease and colorectal cancer, protects against neurodegenerative conditions, including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, and reduces pain—along with many other health benefits. Even coffee implants (rectal, vaginal, penal, and oral) are being used to treat fibroid tumors, ovarian cysts, infections, adhesions, and more. Even better, it’s a bitter—happy dance! To quote Dr. Mark Circus, “It will take nothing short of another mass extinction event to curb our love of coffee.”17 The only caveats are to make sure your cuppa joe is organically produced and not grown in a torrent of pesticides, and be careful about coffee if you have adrenal issues.

Coffee has several polyphenols and other compounds that are exceedingly beneficial to metabolism. A 2017 rat study demonstrated coffee’s positive benefits for metabolic syndrome. Rats fed a mixture of coffee compounds (caffeic acid, trigonelline, and cafestol) experienced improved insulin sensitivity and reduced levels of fat in their liver.18 Coffee beans have another secret weapon—chlorogenic acid, which is the most abundant polyphenol in coffee. Chlorogenic acid, or CGA, is thermogenic, so it instructs your body’s fat cells to burn their fatty acids for fuel. Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found CGA to reduce blood sugar fluctuations by 50 percent after just five days.19

CGA can stimulate weight loss, boost energy, and slash your risk for diabetes and heart disease. This powerful polyphenol even helps individuals fall asleep faster, which is surprising for something in coffee (which is not to suggest that the caffeine won’t erase this effect). CGA also ramps up fat burning while you’re bagging your zzz’s. A Norwegian study reported that women who drank high-CGA coffee dropped three times more weight than women who consumed lower CGA brews. The average cuppa Joe contains about 130 milligrams of CGA, but you need eight times that to reap its benefits. How can you boost CGA?

Chlorogenic acid levels depend on where coffee beans originate and how they’re roasted. Coffee plants grown at high altitudes with extreme climatic conditions (temperature fluctuations, wind, etc.) will produce more polyphenols to protect themselves. Look for beans from Ethiopia, Kenya, Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil, especially higher elevations.

If you’re a dark roast fan, you may want to dial it down a notch to medium or even light. Once beans are roasted beyond medium, they’ve lost 75 percent of their fat-blasting, pant-size-lowering polyphenols. Learn to enjoy your brew sans dairy because it makes polyphenols 28 percent less bioavailable. What about decaf? Even the best ones have 25 percent fewer polyphenols. I recommend Purity Coffee because it contains the highest level of antioxidants of any coffee beans available today. Purity Coffee is organic and has zero contaminants, including mold.

Servings: One cup of coffee per day.


Oolong’s weight-loss benefits are well established by science. If you have thyroid concerns, I would avoid oolong due to potential fluoride contamination.

Servings: Two cups per day.


An herbal tea with earthy notes, roasted dandelion root is a slimming and caffeine-free alternative to coffee. Especially effective as a liver tonic, dandy tea can help lower elevated liver enzymes for those who have overdone alcohol, sugar, trans fats, and medications. Try adding a tablespoon of coconut oil as a great way to begin your day with metabolism-boosting healthy fats.


Hot or iced, hibiscus tea will hydrate you and flush toxins and excess fluids out of your body, due to its diuretic properties. Hibiscus has also been shown to reduce high blood pressure, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, and to reduce high cholesterol, thanks to its antioxidant content. Sip it to stay healthy during cold and flu season, as its rich ascorbic acid content helps strengthen your immune system. Hibiscus tea is also thought to help relieve menstrual pain and lift your mood.


Rooibos is a South African herb rich in health-promoting polyphenolic antioxidants, and because the tea is made from tender young leaves, it’s low in fluoride. Rooibos is the only known source of a beneficial and rare antioxidant called aspalathin. Rooibos is also known to significantly boost superoxide dismutase (SOD), one of the body’s most powerful antioxidant enzymes inside and outside cell membranes.20 SOD combats free radicals and reduces inflammation. Unfermented (green) rooibos has higher levels of antioxidants than does traditional fermented rooibos. This herbal tea is also free of caffeine, oxalates, and tannins, so it’s the perfect Radical Metabolism tea!


Bone broths make a lovely warming beverage, especially in the winter… more than a beverage but less than a meal. Additions such as your favorite omega-rich oils (hempseed, sesame, pine nut, etc.) and thermogenic spices can be added for health-boosting effects and character. Try a mug with a splash of lemon! In Maintenance, a splash of coconut milk is divine.


These are best avoided. Not only does alcohol place an extra burden on your liver, but my clinical experience has convinced me that even moderate alcohol consumption has a profound influence on women’s inability to lose weight. This is largely due to its effect of elevating estrogen levels, which is well documented by science. This is significant because so many women trying to lose weight are already estrogen dominant—and this just adds to the problem. Alcohol may also be linked to decreased progesterone levels in premenopausal women.21 The one exception to the alcohol rule is the use of dark non-GMO beer as a meat marinade, and of course the alcohol is completely cooked away during grilling.


Limit coffee to one cup per day and oolong tea to two cups.


Hibiscus tea

*Roasted dandelion root tea

Chicory root tea

*Ginger tea

Meadowsweet herb tea

Pau d-arco tea

*Peppermint tea

Rosemary tea

Organic non-GMO dark beer

*Angostura bitters


Bone broths

Unsweetened cranberry juice


1. Start with a RADICAL pantry raid. When you sort through that toxic cookware, toss out the toxic foods as well. Restock your fridge, freezer, and pantry with wholesome radical foods. Say good-bye to overprocessed, overheated, prepackaged foods.

2. Start slowly. When starting a new food or supplement, always start slowly to see how you react. Start only one new food at a time so if you do have a reaction, you’ll know what did it.

3. Plan ahead. There is great truth to the adage that “failing to plan is planning to fail.” Plan your meals one to two weeks in advance. If you work, spend a day or two preparing meals for the week. For example, assemble some slow cooker meals so all you have to do in the morning is dump it in and turn it on. Be sure to prep some healthy “convenience foods” as well, for grab-and-go. Make more than you need and make friends with leftovers—twice the food for the same amount of work.

4. Get the whole family on board. Even if they aren’t strictly doing the program (although I hope they are), this is a great opportunity to help them clean up their diet up a bit.

5. Be the mad scientist. Remember—you are the alchemist. Have fun experimenting in the kitchen!

6. Go to farmer’s markets. Get in the habit of frequenting farmer’s markets in your area. Stock up on organic fruits and vegetables, focusing on what’s in season in your area. Local farms and food markets are producing wonderful products from artisan cheeses to sauerkraut and kimchi, homemade jerky, probiotic beverages, and everything in between.

7. Get sixy. Don’t be afraid of those omega-6s! Omega-6 parent oils (unadulterated sources of linoleic acid) in the form of sprouted seeds, nuts, hempseed oil, and others are necessary to restore cell membranes and reignite your metabolic fires.

8. Hemp is heavenly. Experiment with omega-rich balanced hempseed oil on salads, a tablespoon or two of nutty hemp hearts. Hemp contains an almost ideal omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. Just treat hemp hearts with TLC—always store then in the fridge and use them up quickly.

9. Change up your cooking oils. Ghee is a great fat for cooking because it has a higher smoke point than butter, and some heat-tolerant omega-6s, to boot. Bone broth is also excellent for higher-heat cooking. On the 21-Day Reboot, stick to those two. Then, when you start the Maintenance phase, you can add neutral oils, such as macadamia nut, avocado, coconut, etc., with appropriate smoke points for the task. By neutral, I mean they don’t throw off your omega ratio or compete for space in cell membranes.

10. Butter is back. Butter up those veggies with organic pastured butter. Butter from pasture-raised cows is rich in both omega-6s and omega-3s.

11. Go nuts. Nuts are a rich source of omega-6s, and to a lesser degree omega-3s. Pecans, walnuts, and cashews can be used in place of bread crumbs and binders in recipes. Snack on nut butters (pumpkin, almond, sesame, cashew, walnut) with celery, carrot, and jicama sticks, or slather onto a Granny Smith apple between meals. Pine nuts are delicious tossed into all types of tomato sauce, and toasted crushed pistachios make a nice breading for chicken and fish. Note once again that I cannot in good conscience recommend any almond products produced in the USA, whether organic or not, because all almonds are either gassed or overly heated, which negates their nutritional benefits. The “King of Nuts” has sadly fallen off the throne. Seek out Spanish almonds, if possible.

12. Breakfast suggestions: How about a smoothie with kefir or yogurt, or chia seed pudding with hempseed milk and berries?

13. Bitters and Metabolixirs: Don’t forget those daily bitters! Boost your digestion and ramp up your metabolism with bitters and Metabolixirs. The Metabolixirs can be added after the 21-Day Radical Reboot.

14. An eggs-cellent egg substitute: It is best to avoid eggs due to gallbladder sensitivities, so you’ll need an egg substitute for your recipes. Here’s a simple one that really works! Blend 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed with 3 tablespoons water and let stand for three minutes before adding to a recipe.

15. Fun with coconut. Once you finish the Reboot and move on to the Maintenance phase, you and your old friend coconut can have your reunion! Coconut oil is a “neutral” metabolism-friendly fat that won’t compete with the omegas, so you can safely add it back to your diet. Add a little to your coffee or juice in the morning to get a bit more spring in your step. Half a cup of coconut milk or coconut cream in soups or curries creates a wonderfully smooth texture and flavor. Coconut “manna” is now widely available, which is a combination of coconut oil and coconut cream—and it’s scrumptious right off the spoon, or paired with nut butter.

16. Radical sleep tips: Sleeping in a cooler room has significant fat-burning benefits because it increases your body’s brown fat, which ramps up metabolism. Setting your thermostat between 60° and 68°F is optimal.22 Getting the right amount of sleep is important, too. Those who sleep 8.5 hours per night are found to burn 400 more calories every day than those who get only 5.5 hours of nightly zzz’s.

17. Give fasting a try. Intermittent fasting has been shown to produce metabolic benefits by boosting your body’s production of human growth hormone and retraining your body to burn fat for fuel. If you’re concerned about being hungry, studies suggest this is not typically experienced. Hunger passes quickly because the hunger hormone ghrelin peaks within two days and declines thereafter. There are many types of intermittent fasting, so feel free to experiment! For example, confine your eating between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., or between noon and 8 p.m.—whatever works best for your schedule and lifestyle.

18. Detox isn’t fun but it passes. Realize that you might feel worse before you feel better—your body may be doing some long-overdue detox. This is a good sign and it will pass! (For detox support supplements, see Appendix 2.)

19. Remember your why. If you fall off the wagon, dust yourself off and hop back on! Don’t quit—just make adjustments.

20. This is not a diet! Think of it as a road map to becoming the ridiculously lean, healthy, and ageless person you deserve to be!


FOODS TO LOSE: 1 tablespoon sugar

FOODS TO USE 1: 1 tablespoon Just Like Sugar or a few drops stevia

FOODS TO LOSE: 1 ounce or square unsweetened baking chocolate

FOODS TO USE 1: 3 tablespoons raw cacao or carob powder plus 1 tablespoon water plus 1 tablespoon sesame oil


FOODS TO USE 1: Ground flax seeds, Guiltless 7 Seed Flour, Ground nuts

FOODS TO LOSE: Sauce and soup thickeners

FOODS TO USE 1: Arrowroot, Guiltless 7 Seed Flour

FOODS TO LOSE: 1 tablespoon margarine or cooking oil

FOODS TO USE 1: *1 tablespoon pastured butter or 3 tablespoons ground flaxseeds


IF YOU DON’T HAVE THIS: Garlic, 1 clove, fresh

USE THIS: ⅛ teaspoon garlic powder

IF YOU DON’T HAVE THIS: Ginger, 1 teaspoon, grated fresh

USE THIS: ¼ teaspoon ground ginger

IF YOU DON’T HAVE THIS: Herb, 1 tablespoon fresh

USE THIS: ½ to 1 teaspoon crushed dried herb

IF YOU DON’T HAVE THIS: Herb, 1 teaspoon fresh

USE THIS: ½ teaspoon ground dried herb

IF YOU DON’T HAVE THIS: Onion, 1 small (⅓ cup)

USE THIS: 1 teaspoon onion powder or 1 tablespoon dried minced onion



1 tablespoon homemade mayo

2 tablespoons nut or seed butter (almond, cashew, pumpkin, sesame)

Nuts: 7 almonds, 2 medium Brazil nuts, 4 walnut halves, 6 cashews, 4 pecan halves, 3 macadamia nuts, 15 pistachios, 2 tablespoons pine nuts

1 tablespoon butter or ghee (clarified butter)

1 tablespoon seeds (pumpkin, chia, sesame, sunflower, hemp)

3 tablespoons ground toasted flaxseeds

2 teaspoons sour cream or 1 tablespoon heavy cream

Coconut: 2 tablespoons shredded coconut OR 3 ounces coconut milk OR 1 tablespoon coconut cream or coconut manna

¼ small avocado

8 large olives

1 ounce Vega SaviSeed snack pack (sacha inchi seeds)

3 anchovy fillets

All products should be organic, full fat, and come from grass-pastured animals.


Here are some common questions people have as they prepare to launch into the 21-Day Radical Reboot.

Q: Do I have to discontinue my current supplements when I start the 21-Day Radical Reboot?

A: Your core supplements will likely be fairly similar to those on the Radical Metabolism program (refer to Appendix 2). Keep taking your multivitamins, minerals, vitamin D, probiotics, and so on. If you’re on CLA or GLA, please continue because those are über-omega-6s. And if you are taking Bile Builder, just keep on taking it!

Q: What if I can’t eat dairy?

A: If you don’t tolerate dairy, make sure you include some fermented vegetables, such as sauerkraut, kimchi, naturally cultured pickles, and so on, for those valuable probiotics. Consider adding a probiotic supplement as well. A newer dairy alternative is cashew yogurt, as well as coconut yogurt, which you can have once you’re on maintenance. If you do tolerate dairy, replace ordinary dairy products with raw cultured dairy from animals raised on pasture, such as yogurt, kefir, raw cheese, cultured butter, and sour cream—this way, you get your naturally occurring omegas and probiotics all in one. Whatever you choose, top it off with some crunchy seeds, crushed nuts, or shredded coconut (maintenance only) for a nice little crunch.

Q: What if I’ve been on Fat Flush?

A: The two programs are completely compatible. You can use the 4-Day Radical Intensive as a cleanse between Fat Flush Phases 1 and 2, and 2 and 3. You can implement the 21-Day Radical Reboot in Phase 2 or 3. Simply use the 21-Day Radical Reboot to add variety to your Phase 3 regimen with new oils, radical carbs, and yummy prebiotics. I would do Phase 3 Fat Flush for a week, then switch to Radical Metabolism for a week, and repeat the cycle. No more boredom or reliance on the same foods.

Q: Are there any special accommodations for men?

A: The only adjustment I might make for a man is bumping up the protein servings and adding one more starch (a starchy vegetable, grain, or legume), depending on body weight, activity level, and metabolic variables. If a man has a significant amount of weight to lose, he might want to keep the starches low and just bump up the protein.


* Baked goods with flaxseed will brown more quickly, therefore either shorten the baking time or lower oven temperature by 25°F.