1E 169

3M 7, 310

4 Ps 98

7 Ps 98

123 Domain Names 156

123 Ranking 158

123 341

ACAS 189

ACCA 337

accrual concept 231

Adept Power Solutions 208

adoption cycle, customer 56


checklist 122

effectiveness, measuring 12627

media 125

objectives 123

PR 13233

print methods 12829

radio and television 131

regulations on 198

tradeshows and exhibitions 131

Advertising Association 131

Advertising Authority 193

agents, using 17071

Ahold 60

Alamo 219

Allied Breweries 29

Altaire 22

Amazon 22, 24, 33,42,97,120,144,180

Amway 8

Annual Abstracts 77

Ansoff’s Growth Matrix 309331

Apple 12, 15, 22,78, 103, 116, 207, 304

Applegate 78, 178


Asian Business Association 337

Asos 120

Association of British Credit Unions 262

Association of British Insurers 143

Association of Investment and Financial Advisers 257

Atrium 146

AVG 210

Avira 210

Avon Cosmetics 8, 145

Babson College 36

Bad Website Ideas 202

Bagel Express 112

Baidu 192

balance sheet, ground rules 23132

Baldwin, Jerry 220

Balon, Adam 31

Bankruptcy Acts 37

Barclaycard 173

Barclays 54, 257

Barking a Lot 130

Barter Buddies 179

Bartercard 179

Batchbook 306

Bendicks 88

Bennett, Dawn 9

Bentley 116

Betterware 8

Bezos, Jeff 33, 271

Bilimoria, Karan 35, 109

Birmingham University 267

biz/ed 301

Black Business Association 337

Blogger 193

Blooming Marvellous 47, 126

BMW 15

Body Shop, The 5, 33, 49, 333 21

bookkeeping 29298

business records 296

cash book 293

double-entry system 295 22

Boots 267

break-even analysis

break-even point 24447

help with 249

profit and price 24748

Bridgewater, Emma 3536

British Association of Women Entrepreneurs 337

British Business Bank 261

British Franchise Association 9

British Library 108

Business Information Service 337

British Psychological Society 186

British Standards Institution 178

British Venture Capital Association 27172

BSI 178

Buffett, Warren 16

Burrito Bond 274

Business Angels 269

Business Monitor 77

business name, your 3335

changing 35

controlled names 34

Business Ownership 41

business plan, writing your

appendices 324

cover sheet 322

dividing up the task 32021

editing and proofing 328

executive summary 323

layout 329

non-disclosure agreements 323

packaging 345

table of contents 324

business planning software 333

business ratios 298301

business strategy, elements of 19

business to business (B2B) buyers 5253

Businesses For Sale 10

buying a business 911

Cadbury 54

Callagenix 204

Card Factory, The 27172

Carluccio’s 281

Carphone Warehouse 31

cash flow

assumptions 22526

forecasting 22627

overtrading, avoiding 227

vs profit 224

Chambers of Commerce 338

Chartered Institute of Patent Agents 104

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development 187

Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies 39

Chilango 74

Christie & Co 10

Chrysler 312

Chux 22

CIA World Factbook 338

Citroen 15

Coady, Chantal 84, 132, 136

Cobra Beer 36, 109

Cobweb 338

Coca-Cola 32

Cohen, Jack 60

Community Development Finance Association 263

Companies Act 40

Companies House 63, 78, 197, 338

WebCHeck 338

Companies Registration Office 34

competitive advantage 102, 147

competitor research

analysis of competitors 6872

sources of information 6364

Conran, Jasper 132

Conran, Terence 82

cooperative enterprises 39

copyright 107

Cornish, Sophie 41

Cranfield 4, 5, 18, 20, 21, 91, 101, 112, 116, 146, 171, 177, 183, 218, 267, 321, 322, 330

Credit Service Agency 174 172

creditworthiness, checking 171

Crowdcube 275

crowdfunding 27376

customer needs 4750

market segmentation 5052

customer relationship management (CRM) 30406

Dabs 208

Daltons 11

Darlington Football Club 275

Data Protection Act 195 120

Debenhams 263

debt collection 17374

Delicious 161

Dell 12

design registration 10506

Deutsche Bank 272

differentiation 14

Digital Curation Centre (DCC) 107

Direct Selling Association 8

Directory of British Associations 338

Directory of Design Consultants 202

Disney 263

distance selling 19495

distribution 117

domain name, registering your 15657

Domino’s Pizza 281

Dragons’ Den 155, 263, 267

Drucker, Peter 27, 149

Dun & Bradstreet 172

Dunn, Edwina 35, 5961

dunnhumby 35, 5961

Dunstone, Charles 31

Duracell 16

Dyson, James 102, 115

easyJet 15, 119, 182

Eat 17 100

eBay 120

e–Business Clubs 339

eHarmony 161

Elemis 332

email 210


finding 18386

hiring 186

legal issues 189

managing 18788

selecting 18687

Enterprise Finance Guarantee (EFG) 261

entrepreneurs, characteristics of 2732

commitment 31

innovation 29

resilience 28

risk appetite 30

results orientated 3031

self-confidence 28

European Business Angels Network 269

European Patent Office 108

Every Woman 339

Experian 172, 265

exit route 217, 220

Facebook 103, 155, 161, 162, 193

Factories Act 1961 140

features vs benefits 5455

Federation of Small Businesses 339

Finance and Leasing Association 264

finance, sources of

bank loans and overdrafts 25961

Community Development Finance 26263

credit 265

credit unions 262

crowd funding 27376

family and friends 266

grants and prizes 27880

investment 26772

invoice discounting and factoring 26364

leasing and hiring 24849

own money 25758

Financial Conduct Authority 194, 195, 276

Fire Precautions Act 1971 140

‘first mover advantage’ 2122

five forces theory 1213, 13

Floris 332

Flowcrete 54

Ford Motor Company 28

Ford, Henry 28, 119

Forrester Research 51

Forum of Private Business 339

franchising 89

Free Online Surveys 76

Friday-Ad 176

Funded, The 271

gap in the market, finding a 5

Gates, Bill 49

gearing 30001

General Trading Company 36

Get a Freelancer 202

Gibbons, Dawn 54

Gillette 16

Godiva 88

Goldsmith, James 30

Good Keyword 158

Google 32, 33, 79, 80, 127, 162, 192, 207, 210, 273

Google Analytics 159

Google China 192

Google News 79

Google Scholar 79

Google Trends 79

Google+ 162

grants 27980

Great Workplace Award 150

Groupe Carrefour 60

Hamleys 263

Harrods 89, 101, 132, 143

Harvard Business School 12, 13, 45, 64, 249

Healey, Denis 216

Health & Safety Commission 141

Health & Safety Executive 139

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 140

Herbalife 8

Hewlett Packard 312

Hippychick 266

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) 183, 196, 197, 198

Hoberman, Brent 41

Hold The Front Page 129 339

Hoover 102

Hotel Chocolat 49, 162

Hourly Nerds 6465

HSBC 173, 311

Humby, Clive 35, 59

Hunter, Tom 49

IBM 22, 23, 25, 53, 177

IKEA 16, 180, 18182, 312

Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965 39

information technology (IT)

hardware 20607

security 20708

software 20910

Innocent Drinks 3132

innovation 7, 108


Insightly 305

Inspire Britain vii

Instant Planner 140

Institute of Certified Bookkeepers 297

Institute of Directors 340

Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys 108

Intellectual Property Office 298

intellectual property, protecting 10207

internet assets 107

International Association of Bookkeepers 297

Jenkins, Nick 45, 157

Jobboard Finder 185

John Lewis 101, 304

Kamprad, Ingvar 16, 18182

Kelly’s 63, 77, 178

Keynote 68

KIA 108

Kleeneze 8

Key Performance Indicators (KPI): The 75 measures every manager needs to know 308

Kompass 178

Koodos 120

Krispy Kreme 281

Kwik-Fit 33 41

Lehman Brothers 32

Leonidas 88

Letslink UK 258

Lever, Judy 126

Lexis-Nexis 340

Liberty Control Networks 144 340

licences and permits 19394

limited companies 3940

Lindt 88

LinkedIn 161, 162 129

Little Handbook of Statistical Practice, The 83

Lloyds Bank 333

local exchange trading schemes (LETS) 258

location 13537

London Re-use Network 180

London Stock Exchange 272

LoveFilm 120

Majestic Wine 25

management team, your 3233

Manufacturers’ Agents Association 170

Maplin 208

margins 11819

market research

data, analysing the 77

desk research 7780

field research 90

market testing 8384

online questionnaires 9091

Market Research Society 340

marketing mix, the 9798

Marks & Spencer 54, 119, 143

Marlboro 310

Mars 16

Mary Kay Cosmetics 8

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs 4850 161

McAfee 210

McDonald’s 149, 151, 272

McKinsey 64, 277, 278

Meantime Brewing 311

Metro 60

Micro Instrumentation Telemetry Systems (MITS) 22

Microsoft 22, 103, 159, 169, 192, 207

Microsoft Office 209, 210

Microsoft Security Essentials 210

Mintel reports 77

mission statements 2324

Money Supermarket 203, 258

Monopoly 6, 103, 104, 263 186

Moonpig 3, 45, 157, 267, 268, 269

Morgan, Lara 332

Mothercare 267

National Federation of Enterprise Agencies 340

National Readership Survey 129

National Statistics 340

Natural Products 332

Nestlé 16, 23

network marketing 78

NewsDirectory 341

Newsvine 161

Next Essentials 101

Nielsen 127

Nimble 306

Nokia Venture Partners 272

Nominet UK 156

Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA) 323

Northern Dough Company, The 56

Northern Rock 16

Norton 210

Notonthehighstreet 41

Ocado 6, 23

Ofcom 194

Office Answers 206

Office of Fair Trading 172

Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963 140

old ideas, revamping 6

one-product businesses 109

Online Newspapers 78

OpenOffice 210

outsourcing 13839

Own This Domain 156

P&G 21

Pacific Direct 332 179

Pareto 170

partnerships 3738

Pasta Masters 112

patents 10304

PayPal 33, 42, 272, 276

PayScale 188

Penhaligons 332

People Per Hour 170

PESTEL analysis 285

Peugeot 15

Photobox 4

Pinterest 161, 162

Pipeline 30+6

Pizza Express 25

plan3D 140

Planet Numbers 204

Porter, Michael 12, 26

Post-it 7

Premier Voicemail Ltd 205

Press Gazette 129

Pret A Manger 272

PricewaterhouseCoopers 23

PRIME Initiative 341

Prince’s Trust 341

products and/or services

competitors 10809

describing 99100

protecting 10308

professional advice, taking 33233


gross 57, 118, 225, 233, 248, 298

operating 233, 299, 300

after tax 233

before tax 233

Psion 30

Radio Advertising Bureau 131

Rajar 126, 131

Rank4u 158

realization concept 231

Recruitment and Employment Confederation 184

Reddit 161

rejection, coping with 33334 257

Responsible Vacation 49

return on investment 30001

returns and refunds 194

Richer Sounds 112, 304

Richer, Julien 112, 304

Road Runner Despatch 141

Rococo 8489, 132, 136, 137

Roddick, Anita 5, 49, 333

Rohan 14344

Royal Mail 205

Ryanair 15, 120

Saatchi & Saatchi 122

Sage 269, 297, 333

Sainsbury’s 54, 153

sales force management 304

sales forecast 21622

Santander 253

Schultz, Howard 220

Search Engine Guide 158

Secret Escapes 144

selling 57, 83, 145, 158, 16871

simplicity 110

skim pricing 116

Skype 9, 203, 274, 280, 281

Skytrax 162

SMART objectives 25

Smith, Paul 28

Snoop4 Companies 265

Social Media Examiner 162

social networking 103, 160, 161

sole trader 34, 36, 37, 196

Sony 12, 15

South Coast Money Line 263

Southwest Airlines 24

Spar 100

Spark Ventures 41

Spot Runner 130

Standard Chartered 31

Stanford University 33, 57, 273

Starbucks 23, 220

Start Up Loans 262

Streamline 173

Strida 101

Submit Express 158

SWOT analysis 20

tax 19598

national insurance (NI) 198

PAYE 197

VAT 196

Tax Café 198

Tech Radar 277

telephone systems 20305

Telework Association 341

Tesco 15, 35, 6061, 143, 144, 155

Thirlwell, Angus 162

ThomasNet 79

TomTom 2930

Top Ten Reviews 207

Toyota 15

Toys R Us 2324, 33

Trade Association Forum 80

Trade Marks Act 1938 105

trademarks 105

Trading Standards Central 172

Trading Standards Institute 194

TripAdvisor 97, 162

Trustpilot 97

Tucker, Holly 41

Tuck School of Business 58

Twitter 155, 161, 162, 193

TWS 146

Unilever 54

United Kingdom Science Park Association 142

Universal Fuels 275

Universal Jobmatch 184

values, organizational 24

Venture Investment Partners 333

Victoria’s Secret 5758

Visibone 202

vision, organizational 22

Vonage 203

vtiger 306

Wagamama 106

Walmart 60, 61 180

Warnes, Brian 118

Waterstone, Timothy 2829, 309

Waterstone’s 2829

Web Design Directory 202 185

website, your

building 200

designing 20102

search engines 15759

WH Smith 28, 29, 271

White Company, The 332

Wordtracker 158

working capital 23538

World Challenge 50

World Intellectual Property Organization 79, 344

WorldPay 173

Wright, Robert 18

Wrigley 16

Xerox 22

Yellow Pages 127

Yelp 162

YouTube 161, 162, 193

Zoho 305

Zoomerang 76, 91

Zuckerberg, Mark 103