Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, x
allergies to soy, 274
allergy-free ingredients, 5
baking and cooking items, 15–19
batch food preparation
bananas, frozen, 18
beans, 17
bread crumbs, 18
flour meal, 18–19
fresh produce, washing, 15–16
grains (quinoa, brown rice), 16–17
nut meal, 18–19
nuts, soaked, 17–18
pasta, 17
potatoes and sweet potatoes, 17
batch ingredient icon, 19
batch recipe cooking, 19
batch recipe icon, 19
Becoming Vegan (Davis and Melina), 265
birthday parties. See also children
host, talking to the host, 246–47
loot bag swaps, 247
slip-ups, preparing for, 247
carbohydrates nutrient levels in foods, 277–80
birthday parties, 246–47
developmental considerations, 224–25
food strategies and tips, 225–31
involving your, 19
parenting perspectives, 223–24
parties, plant-powered, 243–46
peer pressure, 247–48
school and lunchbox, 234–40
sleepovers and smaller parties, 246
The China Study, 9
coconut (shredded) and coconut butter, 13, 253
coconut milk, canned, 13
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition (Hever), 265
condiments and seasonings, 14–15
cooking times
beans, 254
grains, 255
legumes, 254
dairy, 7–8
dairy substitutes, 13–14
developmental considerations. See also children
accept some dislikes, 225
age is important, 224
is this a food phase?, 224
try to be flexible, 225
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), 272–73
Diet for a New America, 5
factory farming, 8
daily fat intake, 269–70
essential fats, 269
nutrient levels in foods, 277–80
Omega-3 adequate intake, 270
Omega-6 adequate intake, 270
sources of, 268–69
what are they?, 268
Fit for Life, 5
flours, whole-grain, 12
folate (B vitamin) nutrient levels in foods, 281–84
food strategies and tips. See also children
avocado, 231
choices, giving them, 225
foods kids already love, building on, 229
fruit juice spoiler, 226
grains and pasta, cooked, 230–31
guess the ingredients, 227–28
if at first they don’t like it, 227
leafy green blues, 227
name games, 227
nut butters, 229–30
nutritional density, focus on, 229
participation in shopping, recipe selection, and cooking, 225
plant superpowers!, 227
reward with dessert?, 226
sauce-it-up!, 226
savvy cooking techniques, 226
seasonings, 226
smoothies, 231
snack portions, 226
to sneak, or not to sneak, 225
tofu, 231
two-bite try, 226
foods, nutrient-dense, 9, 229, 231
fruits, dried/frozen, 13
cooking times, 255
grain products and, 12
pasta and, 230–31
ingredients, allergy-free, 5
iodine, 275
lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet, x
macadamia nut butter, making, 253–54
magnesium nutrient levels in foods, 284–87
meal plans, plant-powered, 257. See also nutritional breakdown of sample meal plan
week 1, 258–59
week 2, 260–61
measurement guide, 276
meat consumption, x
metric conversion chart, 276
milks, homemade nut and seed, 44, 46
nondairy milks, 13–14, 236, 240, 258–59, 261, 271
nondairy yogurt, 14, 236, 240, 258–61, 273
nutrient charts
calcium, magnesium and vitamin K in foods, 284–87
carbohydrates, protein, and fat in foods, 277–80
iron, folate and vitamin C content in foods, 281–84
nutrient-dense foods, 9, 229, 231
nutritional breakdown of sample meal plan. See also meal plans, plant-powered
first Sunday meal plan, 262
sample breakfast: easy being green smoothie + whole-grain toast with nut butter, 262
sample dinner: sneaky chickpea burgers + baked sweet/red potatoes + cheesy Caesar dressing, 262
sample lunch: quinoa + chickpea nibbles + kids’ slurry sauce + peas/corn, 262
sample lunch: simplest marinated baked tofu + whole-grain bread + avocado + carrot sticks, 262
second Monday meal plan, 262
nutritional breakdown of sample recipes
Apple-Spice Hemp Muffins, 263
Chickpea Nibbles, 263
Cream of Cauliflower Soup, 263
Easy Being Green Smoothie, 263
Pumpkin Seed and Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Breakfast Bars, 263
Sneaky Chickpea Burgers, 263
nuts, soaking, 18
nuts and nut butters, 13
organic buying, 275
oven temperature guide, 276
parenting perspectives, 223–24. See also children
practice makes praxis, 223
practice your plant-power preach!, 224
successes, focusing on the, 223
talk to your children, 224
three Cs: consistent, certain, and calm, 223–24
you’re in good company, 223
parties, plant-powered. See also children; sleepovers and smaller parties
birthday party invitation, 243–44
dessert recipes, 244–45
food allergy generation, 244
insecurities and doubts, 243
keep food simple, 244
pizza and hot dogs, 244
snacks, other, 245–46
whole foods mama note, 244
peer pressure, 247–48
picky eaters. See also children
developmental considerations, 224–25
food strategies and tips, 225–31
parenting perspectives, 223–24
plant-based diet, 3, 8, 233, 270–71, 307. See also vegan diet
probiotics, 273
school and lunchbox. See also children
breakfast for lunch, 240
containers and storage, 236–37
food allergy policies, school, 234
fruits and veggies, 241
grain bowls, 239
homemade snacks, quick, 241
hot lunches, 234
hummus is a food group, 238–39
intermediate years and beyond, 234
key recipes, 237–38
kids pack their own lunchbox, 237
lunchovers, 237
pasta bowls, 239
peanut, and nut restrictions, 233
pick a packing time!, 236
preschool and primary years, 233
quick fixes, 240
sandwiches, savory and sweet, 239–40
sauces, 239
soups that make a meal, 239
thinking ahead, 237
wraps, 240
seeds and seed butters, 12–13
sleepovers and smaller parties, 246. See also children
smoothies, 231
spices and herbs, dried, 14
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), 272–73
probiotics, 273
vitamin B12, 271
vitamin D, 272
what do we need?, 270–71
sweeteners, 15
tofu, 231
vegan diet, x–xi, 3, 11, 247, 270, 273. See also plant-based diet
Vegan for Life (Norris and Messina), 265
vegan trifecta of protein/calcium/iron, 5. See also calcium; iron; protein
vegetables, dried/frozen, 13
vinegars, 14
vitamin B12, 271
vitamin C nutrient levels in foods, 281–84
vitamin D, 272
vitamin K nutrient levels in foods, 284–87
washing of fresh produce, 15–16
whole-grain flours and products, 12